Chapter 2

-Louis' Point of View-

I burst into the blue room, only to see a pale fragile boy laying underneath white sheets.

"Oh God Hazza." I ran to his side and took him in a hug without further conversation. I pulled away and looked at the sorry boy. He had an I.V in his hand. A clamp on his finger hooked up to a monitor. His curls messily swooshed across his forehead, eyes distant and not the normal green. Or light Blue. But a dull gray. "Are you alright?" He shook his head.

"It just got worse and I couldn't move and I should've called you but-" I shushed him and grabbed his head.

"Don't you dare blame yourself. Have they told you anything?" He shook his head.

"Can you call my mum?" I nodded and kissed his curls.

"Of course whatever you need babe." I whispered. I took out my phone and went to the other side of the room.


"Louis! How are you?" Anne happily greeted.

"Anne, I'm gonna tell you something and I want you to stay calm okay."

"Louis.... What's wrong?"

"It's Harry... He's in the hospital. He's in a lot of pain. He wants you to come down. Anne please. He isn't well."

"Oh God. Harry is... I'm on my way." I could hear her voice breaking through the phone.

"Thank you. I'll text you the room and stuff." With that the call ended with a click.

"Loubear?" Harry's voice cracked. I turned to him. He was crying. "It hurts. It really-" He stopped and let out a cry in pain. I panicked. I ran out into the hall.

"Can I get some help?!" I shouted. A nurse came jogging. She went into the room and pulled on purple gloves.

"Louis." I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it. Hard.

"Alright Harry, were gonna give you some pain medication alright?" Harry winced. His forehead creased as sweat started to bead off it. "Harry breathe. Breathe deep." The nurse told him. He did. He breathed like a woman in labor, which made me smile a bit. Slowly his breathing went back to normal. "Did it drop?" She asked.

"Yeah." Harry croaked. His voice sounded so scared and broken.

"Alright. Well, we're gonna get you into an MRI." Harry shot me a terrified look.

"MRI? I just did a test though." Harry told her.

"We know. We just had a few complications in that test and we want to do another."


"Hazza, just relax. You'll be alright." I level His sweaty forehead. His head went back against the pillow.

The next morning was terrible. Harry woke up again, practically screaming. It was just the most painful thing to watch. Now I know how Harry felt when I had attacks. But now I don't. I actually stopped taking medication. So now I'm relatively 'Normal.' But back to Harry, his mum came not to long ago. She and I were just anxious. Waiting for news on Harry's condition. Why he was in so much pain. But they said nothing. They took more of Harry's blood. Gave him X-rays. Nothing. It was like they were hiding anything they found out from us.

"Harry, your MRI testing is about to begin." The nurse told Harry. The did something with his bed as a male nurse came in and started to bring his bed out into the Hall. Anne was kind enough to let me go with him. She kissed his head, cooing on how everything would be alright. I followed him out. Holding his hand through the railing. We went into a room and Harry was moved to the machine, I was moved to a room with the doctors.

"Hello Louis, I'm doctor Smith." I nodded and shook his hand. "Alright Harry, were gonna start the procedure. Stay still okay. You can move your hands above your head or leave them by your side's okay." Harry flashed a thumbs up and put his arms up by his head as the machine moved over his frail body. It all showed up on a little screen. It was all different colors.

"By God. Would you look at that." A nurse mumbled. I tried to look at the screen but the only thing that was on there was something that looked like a weird sliver. I gulped dryly. I suddenly feared Harry had some sort of tumor. Or some weird thing inside him. Just something that would... Bring death. I tried to keep my thoughts low to avoid an attack in front of all these doctors.

"Alright Harry, You did great!" The doctor said. I could hear Harry's relived sigh. Harry was out of the machine moments later. I returned to his side kissing his hand, forehead, cheek, just everywhere. I was afraid. So very afraid I'd lose my Hazzabear.

They brought Harry back to his room. His mum stroked his hair as he slept peacefully for once in this damned hospital.

"He's scared. This is the worst I've ever seen him." She whispered. I looked over his fragile body and delicate face. He didn't stop gripping my hand, even in his sleep. He seemed to give it a reassuring squeeze when I least expected.

"He's strong though. I know he is." She nodded.

"I'm glad he has you Louis. You treat him well." I smiled.

"I don't even see my life without him anymore." I told myself.

"Marry him." She chuckled softly.

"I've actually though about it." I mumbled. Her face brightened.

"Have you really?" I nodded.

"I don't know. We talk about having a family a lot. Why not?"

"Well you have me behind you If you'd ever like to."

"Thanks Mummy Styles." I joked. She chuckled. He moved his leg a bit. His eyes opened. "Hi baby." I whispered kissing his palm. He smiled weakly.

"Hi." His sleepy voice was so cute. I couldn't stop myself from grinning at the adorable boy. Anne kissed Harry's forehead, announcing she'd be back in a few days. She had to get some things back at home. As Anne left, Doctor Smith entered.

"Hello Harry, Hello Louis." Harry squeezed my hand. We mumbled back our 'Hello's. The Doctor sighed.

"Alright, well I have good news." Harry smiled, revealing those adorable dimples of his. "We've made a... a discovery and the tests are over." Harry and I exchanged a glance at the word 'discovery'.

"What discovery would that be?" Harry asked. The Doctor gulped and pulled out 3 sheets from his clipboard. One, a scan. Another, the MRI. The last, A fluids sheet.

"What are these?" I asked him.

"We want you to take a look at the fluids sheet."

So we did. first column was Harry's Urine. Negative drugs. lovely. Negative for urinary tract infections. Good. Next Harry's blood column. Negative for diabetes. Great. Negative for chlamydia. Great. Negative for HIV, Hepatitis, and other blood diseases. Great that's always good. But at the bottom there was a little circle. it had a chart on it.

Red for Pregnant. Blue for infertility.

Sure enough it said.

Harold Edward Styles:

And had a big red dot next to it.

"Is This a joke?" Harry asked. The Doctor told us to look at the MRI. A little sliver was then compared to a pregnancy chart once again. The little sliver I saw matched up with the little sliver of a fetus... A fetus. Like a baby. At 8 weeks. Harry's little scan has a picture that matches up with an 8 week fetus.

"And this, is the ultrasound." He handed me a clear sheet. Sure enough, same fetus.

"What the hell is this?" Harry asked starting to get angry and frustrated. I held him in a bit of a hug, but mostly tried to get him from flipping out.

"Harry.... We have a picture of your body, not just your stomach. And we took the zoom and... Well... we found this." The Doctor handed us another paper.

"Well what is it?" I asked softly.

"It's a cervix.... Harry... I know this is hard to understand... But you are pregnant."


Woo cliffhanger type ending.... Wow actually not at all just it kind of ends... Yeah.. Okay I'll work on updating again tomorrow BYE! :)

Btw the rush of how many came to the sequel after I put up the announcement made me giggle.... I rarely giggle.... Congratulations

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