Chapter 19
-Harry Point of View-
I woke up in the house, it was virtually silent. I rubbed my eyes, Sat up, and went into the twins room. Cada was standing up in her crib. Acting like she was in prison. But she did look insanely adorable with a pacifier in her mouth and wearing nothing but a diaper.
"Morning Cadabear." I said lowering the bars. I picked her up and her arms wrapped around me neck. I pressed a kiss to her head then went to the next crib. Will was still sleeping. He looked very peaceful so I didn't wanna wake her. "Let's go downstairs yeah?" I asked the 9 month old. She made a small sound, almost like a moan, but I took her from the nursery and brought her downstairs. I sat her in her high chair and went into the cabinet, pulling out some food. Applesauce? Well okay then. I got a small spoon, pulled up a chair, and sat in front of Cada. I opened the container and started to feed her.
When I was done, I went back upstairs and got the now awake William. I fed him as well, Cada fortunately playing with toys on the floor as I did so. I put William in the playpen to play with her as I went to retrieve the note from the fridge.
'Morning Cupcake Give Cada and Libug a big kiss for me. And I'll see you at the alter. Love you! -Louis
I smiled at the message before grabbing the twins and bringing them back upstairs to my room. I sat on the bed with them.
"Fun day. You get to see Uncle Liam though. He's gonna help us." Cade Sat up in reply and crawled into my lap, leaning her head on my chest. William pointed to a picture of Louis I had on the table and made a sound. "Yeah Daddy isn't here. You miss him Will?" I asked. He stared at the picture before letting out a small cry. "Oh come on baby boy don't you cry on me." I picked him up and held him close. "We can call him. Hmm? Wanna call daddy?" I asked Williams blue eyes were tearful. Cada's were empty and sad. I cuddled the two.
"Thank God I'm not a single parent." I mumbled kissing Will' s head. His hair was slowly turning brown. But I didn't mind it. I picked up the phone and dialed Louis number, putting it on speaker.
"They miss you." Will smiled and went over to the phone. Cada's eyes brightened.
"Well Hi babies." He chuckled into the phone. Will let out a high pitched noise. Cade giggled. "I know that giggle anywhere Cadabear." She giggled again and Will decided to speak.
"DaDa!" He shouted. I laughed.
"Yes that is your daddy Will." I said.
"Hi Will." Cada poked at the phone so I brought it to my ear.
"I miss you." I said into the receiver.
"I miss you too Haz. I'll see you soon though. Then ya know we might get married and go on like a honeymoon or something. No big deal. Maybe I'll call you or something." I chuckled.
"Wanna say Bye to them?"
"Yeah sure." I put the phone back on speaker. " Bye Bye!" Louis' voice said.
"Buh Buh." Cada spoke up waving at the phone.
"Cade he can't see you."
"Buh! DaDa!" Will shouted. Louis laughed on the other line.
"Bye Hazza. Take care of them!" He told me.
"Bye Louis. I will. Love you."
"Love you too. BYE KIDDOS!" He screamed. Cada giggled out as the call ended. Then the doorbell rang. I picked up both of the kids and went downstairs. The bell rang again as I put the kids on the floor and opened the door.
"I'm up too early for you." Liam said holding 3 large bags. "Here is your tux by the way. This is mine, and this, it just stuff for them." He set the bags on the couch. He opened one and handed it to the twins. It was a teddy bear and a fire truck. Cada saw the bear and her eyes lit up Liam got her off the floor and handed her the bear, which she instantly snuggled with, and I gave the fire truck to Will.
"Did you already take a shower or do you need to take one?" He shook his head.
"I got up at like 6 and took a jog, also got these and took a shower. Now it's 8 and I'm here." I took a look at Liam.
"Nice scruff." I said referring to his chin. He grinned.
"Niall likes it. I like it. It works." He shrugged. I nodded.
"So, The Twins need a bath. Some task that will be without Louis." I said looking distant. Will sat in my lap playing with the toy truck.
"You'll be okay. I'll help you with the babies." He said adjusting Cade on his knee.
"Then we better hop to it if we wanna leave by 12." He nodded and we carried the babies upstairs for a bath.
Eventually, we got them all bathed and clean. I dried them off carefully and let then wander around in diapers for a bit while I took a shower. When I was done. Liam was holding a sleeping Will and a sleepy Cada. I put them in their cribs.
"We'll wait to dress them, let's just dress ourselves." He nodded as we got dressed in our suits. Liam adjusted my bowtie as we heard a small cry from the nursery. Cada was up, as usual. And begging for attention. I grabbed her and sat her on the floor. "Li here dress is in the closet can you grab it?" He nodded and fished out a little blue dress. I tried my best to dress her as quickly as possible, but she ended up being impatient with me and started crying a bit.
"Shh I know. I'm sorry baby girl. I'm sorry." I cooed. She eventually let me finish, so I let her play with Liam and I moved onto the task of William. He was a crying mess without his daddy. I tried everything. He stopped screaming with his pacifier, and I could get him dressed. But his tears didn't stop. I cuddled the little boy.
"You miss your daddy huh Will." I mumbled. His head his itself in my suit jacket. I rubbed his back a bit, but he just cried silently. I felt really bad. But I couldn't do anything.
We finally got to the venue, in one piece. Packing pacifiers, bears, toys, diapers, just everything to keep them calm. I told Liam to find Niall, which he did. Then I had them take the twins to Louis. I went to find my mum. She was with Gem.
"Tough morning?" She asked.
"How'd you know?" My sister grinned and pulled out something from her purse.
"You've got bags under your eyes. Look up." I did and I felt her finger under my eyes.
"What'd u just do?" I asked.
"Little concealer never hurt anyone."
"You put makeup on me?" I asked. She nodded.
"You did look tired honey." I groaned.
"The ceremony is going to begin any minute." My mum pointed out. Liam and Niall came jogging with the kids.
"They saw there Daddy, now they want Dad." I smiled. Cada leaned over and pecked my cheek. I kissed her hair, ruffling it slightly. Then I went to William, he clung to my side. I kissed his forehead then set the two down.
"I'll see you two in a minute okay?" William frowned. "No tears Will. Okay?" He whined. I opened my arms, which they fell into. I kissed both of them, then handed them back to the boys. "Does he look good?" I asked them.
"Dashing soon to be husband." I gave them a thumbs up sticking out my tongue. Then off they went with Gemma, south the doors to sit.
"Nervous love?" I nodded at my mother's words. She took my hand. "He loves you. I told him the same thing when he was gonna propose. He loves you. Enough to have kids with you. He wouldn't back down for anything in the world." I smiled and hugged my mum, pecking her cheek. She linked arms with me as the doors opened.
"You'll always be my baby boy." She whispered.
I walked down the isle with my mum. I looked up and saw those perfect cerulean eyes smiling back at me. The wasn't a worry in my mind. Louis had my heart that was all that mattered. I felt my mum began to separate herself from me. Her hands linger touch. She smiled tearfully, before nodding towards Louis. She took her seat, as Louis held out his hand to me. I grasped it. Just like when the twins were born. I felt a fluttery feeling in my chest. Remembering the birth of my children. Practically hearing William's first cry as the priest began to speak.
"Dearly Beloved. We are gathered here to join Louis William Tomlinson and Harry Edward Styles in holy matrimony." I smiled at the boy, he bit his lip and smiled back.
"The ring Louis?" Louis pulled out the ring. Engraved with a 'W' and a 'C'. "Repeat after me. I Louis William Tomlinson."
"I Louis William Tomlinson"
"Take you Harry Edward Styles."
Take you Harry Edward Styles."
"To be my lawful wedded husband."
"To be my lawful wedded husband."
"To have and to hold. for richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. For as long as we both shall live."
"To have and to hold. for richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. For as long as we both shall live."
"Louis, do you promise to take Harry Styles for eternity?"
"I do."
"Harry, your ring please." I pulled out the ring. Engraved with the twins birthday. "Repeat after me. I Harry Edward Styles."
"I Harry Edward Styles."
"Take you Louis William Tomlinson."
"Take you Louis William Tomlinson."
"To be my lawful wedded husband."
"To be my lawful wedded husband."
"To have and to hold. for richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. For as long as we both shall live."
"To have and to hold. for richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. For as long as we both shall live."
"Harry, do you promise to take Louis Tomlinson for eternity?"
"I do."
"Then with the power invested in me, I now present to you, Mr. Harry and Louis Tomlinson. You may kiss the groom." Louis smiled. He cupped my cheek and leaned in pressing his lips to mine. Happy cheers and claps, including a gurgle from the twins. I pulled away.
"Got you forever now."
"Your ring says Forever Hazza, We'd always be together forever. Even if we didn't get married." I smiled and kissed him once more
I picked up a squealing Cada and made a face at the squirmy baby. I sat her down. Then Louis came over with her brother.
"So, you enjoying this little party wedding we got here?" He said letting Will's feet dangle. He set Will down, the Cada stood up. But she didn't crawl.
She walked to her Daddy.
"LOUIS!" I shouted. She giggled as she caught into Louis leg. "I told you she was a daddy's girl!" I said picking up William. Be picked up Cada.
"Giggles you took your first steps!" He said loudly. She snuggled into his jacket.
"She didn't pull herself up on anything. Lotta work for a little Cade to do in one day." He smiled and rocked Cada to Ed Sheeran's Gold Rush.
"Maybe you should learn love her." He sang. I chuckled and Watched holding William. "I was told to put my job in front of you. But it won't hold me like you do." Louis sang again poking Cade's stomach. She smiled, but didn't giggle.
"Someone's sleepy." He nodded. He sat down and sat her in his lap. She curled up into a small ball on his lap. He felt around in his pocket before pulling out her pacifier. "What are you magic?" I joked. He shrugged.
"Maybe a bit. Or She left it with me when she left with Niall and Liam." I shrugged. "So. Harry Tomlinson. Cade Tomlinson. William Tomlinson." I chuckled.
"Name change." I smiled.
"Mmmhm For eternity."
"Tomlinson Family."
"Forever." He said pulling his necklace from under his layers.
"You wore it?"
"I have yet to take it off since you gave it to me Haz."
"It was just a gift for your birthday to win you over a bit more." He smiled wide.
"Forever is forever and Forever is with you."
Wow. To weddings. That wasn't easy for me to write. I feel like this is a long chapter for the last chapter so I'm satisfied.
I AM NOT WRITING ANOTHER BOOK FROM THIS I'M SORRY! I have been neglecting my other books. Carbon Tears (Niam) will have a bit of Larry. And Joining the Monster (All out Larry) will hopefully be intense and lustful and creepy :D
Epilogue up soon. I don't wanna say goodbye to the book. But all good things must end. Hey Ladies...
AS LONG AS YOU LOOOOOOVE ME. (Listening to this sorry)
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