Chapter 18


-Harry's Point of View-

"We're going home we're going home." Louis smiled playing with my fingers.

"We're only going home if Cada is five pounds Loubear." I chuckled.

"William's nearly six pounds!" He explained throwing his hands in the air. I chuckled and picked up Cade.

"She just doesn't like food. Remember when she spit up on you yesterday?" I grinned. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah ha ha so funny. They love you too much to puke on you." He murmured playing with Cada's tiny hands. "Where is the nurse." He whined.

"You should be thankful for the poor girl! She helps me change them!" I told him.

"Yeah I know I know. I learned about your horrible changing two at once technique. " I glared at him. "Hey, four girls. One boy. Working mum. I learned. I learned damn well Harold." I felt a smile creep onto my lips. The nurse returned, William locked in her arms.

"This little guys all set. We just gotta check up on his little sister." I gave her Cade.

"How much is he?" Louis asked.

"5 and 9." He grinned. She disappeared from the room with my daughter, leaving us to play with our son. He was wearing a blue onesie, and half asleep. But then again he is a baby.

"I really hope we can go home. You haven't left the hospital in nearly 2 weeks." I stifled a laugh.

"I was a pregnant boy with twins who just got a C section! People had unanswered questions." He shrugged.

"I worried at work. Train wreck half the nights at home. I put away all their things though. So the nursery is 100% done. The gates are up. And there are little socket covers on every single outlet." He proudly explained.

"Good." The nurse returned.

"Looks like the twins get to head home now." She smiled. Louis muttered a small 'yes!'.

"How much was she?" I asked.

"You got a lucky 5 pounds of joy in this blanket."


We carried the twins into the house. Louis set down the bags at the foot of the door, and then plucked the babies from their carriers. I picked up William, and he took Cade.

"Come on, I wanna show you the room!" He said nearly running up the stairs. I stopped him.

"Ah Ah! No running with the babies. Precious cargo." I warned. He nodded and went normal speed. We stopped in front of the white door with Foam letters saying 'W+C' on it.

"Ready?" He sang. I nodded. "Ta-da" He pushed open the doors. It was beautiful.

There were two white cribs with two mobiles hanging above them. The room was painted a beautiful blue and the Lion Louis started was colored in a yellow with random colored shapes on its back. The changing table was by the window, consisting of also drawers filled with onesies and other clothes. And the bears I bought the two of them sat proudly with a fresh new yellow blanket with either a C or a W.

"Louis I-" He placed the babies in the crib, they gurgled.

"You like it?" He asked.

"It... It's perfect." He smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm glad." I looked into the cribs. Cade was asleep. Her blanket bunched up in her mouth, and William was too. His little arms spread out around him. "Wanna go get the things from downstairs? Your stitches are out you can have a shower if you want." I shrugged.

"What happens if they wake up?" I asked.

"Then we come and get them. Simple."

"Yeah I know that but... Still."

"Having departure issues Harry? Don't wanna separate yourself from them do you?" I shook my head and placed my hand in the crib. Cade's crib. She seemed to sense me, because her eyes opened up.

"Hi Cadabear." I whispered. She squirmed around.

"Showing off for her dad maybe?" Louis asked brushing his thumb over her head.

"Maybe. Could be a daddy's girl." I smiled at him. He smiled back and leaned his head in to peck my lips. He moved to my ear.

"Deluded." With that he ran out of the room. My jaw dropped and I ran out to follow him.


"That my name don't were it out!" He called back from the dining room. I raced towards him.

"I still get a trouser punch for that breastfeeding comment earlier!" I said as he ran into the kitchen.

"It was like 2 weeks ago!" I came closer to him.

"Don't call me deluded." I mumbled. He smiled and grabber My hands.

"Sensitivity." He pressed his lips to mine, then pulled away, moving them to my jaw line.

"I'm not having another kid Louis." He shrugged and continued. I wrapped my arms around his neck His lips moved from my jaw line, to my neck. He began making Love bites. "Louis." I whined. He didn't stop though not until we heard a high pitched wail.

"And another one bites the dust." He said pulling away. He jogged up the stairs and I followed, lingering my distance. I went into the bathroom to check if he made a mark. Sure enough. Bright red and purple mark was on my neck that practically screamed Louis name. I went into the nursery, only to see Louis holding the baby. William to be exact. He was bouncing him slightly. William had a pacifier in his mouth that I assumed Louis gave to him. Obviously, he didn't have one before, so Louis did.

"Shh. There you go. Want your dad or Daddy?" He asked the boy. The child made a small sound. "I don't speak baby, can your sister translate Will?" He joked. He pecked his blond hair as the baby grew silent. "Probably just had a bad dream." He said placing the newborn back in his crib. I entered the room.

"Maybe they speak sign language." I suggested.

"Maybe." He ran his thumb over William's little blond whips. "He reminds me of Niall."

"How so?"

"He's blond. He was hungry in the hospital all the time. And, he likes the name Liam."

"How do you know he likes the name Liam?" I asked.

"Because I called him Will, and he didn't respond. So I called him Liam, and he calmed down. Libug." I grinned.


"His new nickname."

"Libug... I like it."

-SEVERAL MONTHS LATER!- (Spongebob Narrator voice)

"Cada! Cada!" I said in a baby voice. She giggled as she laid on the floor, wrapped in a pink blanket. Cade's eyes, were now a beautiful shade of blue. Her hair was a lot more noticeable, a dark brown, and she was no longer quiet. She was still, a thumb sucker, but she love pacifiers more. Louis nickname for her, was giggles. Probably because whenever you say 'Cada' in a baby voice she giggles and claps. At the moment, she's only 7 months.

"Harry! Have you seen Liam's blanket?" Louis asked coming up the stairs. His hair was all messy and damp. He was only in sweatpants, but I couldn't help but smile at how he still wore that dog tag round his neck with pride.

"Yeah, it's in his crib smarty." He rolled his eyes and went to the crib to retrieve it.

"Thanks Hazzy." He said pecking my curls. He leaned down to Cade's stomach and blew a raspberry into it. She giggled loudly. "And that is why, she is giggles." He smirked walking out. I played with her tiny feet as Louis returned moments later with Blond haired blue eyed William. He set him on the changing table, quickly grabbing a diaper and swiftly changing him with ease. He nodded at me as if trying to rub it in. And he picked up William and set him on the ground. A blue pacifier in his mouth. He pointed to the crib.

"What buddy?" Louis asked brushing back his blond hair. He whined. He crawled out of Louis lap and grabbed hold of the crib. He tried to pull himself up.

And he did.

William was standing.

"Oh my God!" Louis said. Cade crawled over to him. "Is she gonna do it to?" He asked. Sure enough, she did.

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted. Cade plopped down. As Did her brother.

"Harry you do realize they are only one step closer to walking now." Louis pointed out. I picked up each of then and put them in my lap.

"That's fine with me. That is perfectly fine with me." I kissed both of their heads messily and of course, Cade giggled. But William did as well.

"I think she's a dad's girl." I looked down at the little girl.

"Then why do you call her giggles?" I asked crossing my arms. William leaned forward and fell out my lap, then started giggling. I picked him back up, but Cade crawled out and sat in Louis sat. Sleepily sucking on her pacifier. "I rest my case." I declared.

"Someone needs a nap." He said hoisting up Cade onto his hip then getting up and putting her into her crib. She closed her eyes and I took the liberty to undress William and do the same thing.

We left the nursery, shutting of the lights and closing the curtains, then went back to our room. I laid on the bed, exhausted, when I felt a body next to mine.

"Hi." I whispered. He smiled. I pressed my lips to his, and it quickly got heated.

"You know." He pecked my lips again. "We haven't done anything in a while." He pecked my lips again. "And the twins are asleep." He mumbled. I pulled away, glancing at the door then back at him.

"I guess we'll have to be quiet then." 


Last SMUT links of this book. How sad... But I actually have a Larry one shot thing so.. Yeah. The next chapter is basically the epilogue of Tattoos and Dimples but in more detail. Then the epilogue for this.. Sad right? This is practically over. But the Epilogue is gonna be funny. Plot twist lol.


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