Chapter 16

-Louis Point of View-

The babies. The babies are happening now. Like right now. What? What!? The twins are being born right now?! But how?! I just, I don't, what.

"Louis." I was snapped back into reality when I heard Harry's cry for my name.

"Alright. Um, I..." I went over to him and put him on the counter. "Don't move!"

"It hurts." He whispered. I nodded.

"I'll just do the car seats and get the bag and we'll go, okay?" He winced. "Harry I-"

"Just go. The bags are-" He let out a groan and gripped onto my arm. "The bags are in the bedroom." I nodded and scrambled into the bedroom. 2 bright blue bags was in the corner of the room next to a little table with all the scans on it. I raced over to get them.

Car seats. You can't bring the babies home without car seats! I heard another groan escape Harry's lips from the kitchen. I looked at the door. "F*ck." I mumbled to myself. I ran to the door and back to Harry. "You alright." He shook his head.

"Louis, I love you but-" He grabbed my collar. "DO THE F*CKING CAR SEATS!" He screamed. Okay, that's enough motivation for me. I nodded.

"I'll be right back just-"

"LOUIS!" He screamed again.

"Right." With that I ran off to the nursery. The car seats, thankfully, were unpacked from its box. I took both in my hands and rushed back downstairs. I could hear Harry's breathing from the front of the house. I carried the car seats outside and hooked them up as fast as I possibly could. Thankfully, growing up with the twins in the house helps in some ways. I shoved the bags in the back seats, then ran back in the house to get Harry.

"We're gonna go now okay?" He nodded and I hoisted him up of the counter and locked my arms with him as we walked out the house, him heavily breathing all the way out the house.

I drove like a maniac to that hospital. Harry was literally clutching onto the door. When we finally did arrive at the large white hospital building, I barely parked. I just rushed out the car, ran to Harry's side and helped him get out of the vehicle.

-Harry's Point of View-

I watched Louis pace around the hospital room impatiently. He was biting the side of his thumb, gripping at his black hair.

"Louis?" He snapped around, his thumb still in his mouth. "Come here." He retreated to my side. I reached out for his hand. "We will be fine." He sighed and ran his hands over his face. "Are you scared?" I asked. He turned scarlet and nodded.

"I don't know what to do." He whispered.

"Tell you what, call our mum's. And Liam and Niall. That'll help. Tell them that if they don't hurry up and get their butts over hear they'll miss the birth of their grandchildren." Louis smiled. He pecked my forehead and picked up his phone.

That's when I felt it.

The first contraction.

And it hurt worse than any stomach ache, sickness, any kick I ever had.

Louis nearly dropped his phone at my yelp. A nurse came in at my screaming, wearing purple scrubs.

"Alright Harry, it's just a contraction. It's alright. Do you want Louis to hold your hand?" She asked.

"No. I'll cut of his circulation." I said with a groan. so grabbed the bed sheets, and tugged at them hard. Really Hard. Hard enough they'd probably rip. Louis stared at me, his face in a panic, as he talked away on his phone.

"Harry, labor can last a long time or a short time. So when you have had enough, just let us know." I looked up at the nurse, I could feel the sweat beating down my temple.

"How am I supposed to let you know when I've had enough?!" I asked confused.

"Harry, your going to have a C section. Because you don't have the full female body system." She told me. I groaned out of frustration, and threw my head back into the pillows.

"Louis." I mumbled, he was at my side within seconds. "How long do I have to wait?" I asked. He pecked my forehead.

"Because your mum and my mum are amazing, they already came down with the girls. They were staying a hotel because they 'just knew' you were going to pop. Niall and Liam are on their way." I gave him puppy dog eyes. "1 hour Haz. 1 hour at the most." He pushed the curls from my damp forehead.

The nurse reappeared a few minutes later with a damp towel and ice. She set it next to Louis. He pressed the towel to my forehead, which instantly calmed me down. That was until a small Irish brunette boy ran in the room with a Wolverhampton boy following him.

"What happened?" Niall asked, slightly panting.

"His water broke?!" Louis replied confused.

"Can't wipe this off your pants can you Harry." Liam smirked. Louis and I shot him a glare.

"Liam. Shut up. Please? I love you like a brother. But stop." He grinned at Niall.

"Louis sass rubs off on people." Niall joked. Louis smiled, but tried to act offended.

"Thanks so much Niall." Niall shrugged and approached the bed with Liam.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked seriously. I shrugged.

"Painful? Just the fact they're kicking me to a point where I wish they would rip me open and crawl out and just have me bleed to death, it's lovely." I listed sarcastically with a smile. It was silent for a long time.

"Well... That was... Disgusting to imagine. Thanks?" Niall spoke up. I smiled at the blue eyed boy.

"You and Liam better use protection." I said through my teeth.

"You sound like you're going to stab your fiancé Harry. Jesus." Liam spoke up.

"I wouldn't stab him! But I wish he did that study so I could make him suffer." I gritted. Louis looked at me terrified of everything I was saying. "I'm kidding babe."

"Louis isn't one to kid when it come to kids Harry." Niall spoke up. I bit my lip and smiled

"Sorry Loubear." I told him. He nodded. I reached out for his hand, and he just barely took it. "Louis, I'm kidding baby."

"A-Alright." I frowned. He leaned over and pecked my cheek. Which put a smile on my face. The doors busted open again.

"HARRY OH MY GOD!" My sister shouted running over to the bed to hug me.

"Gemma.... Air." I whispered. She blushed and pulled away. My mum did the same thing, then their was Louis mum. And then Louis went out into the hall to see the girl, because they weren't allowed in the room.

"Alright Harry, are you ready to do the surgery?" I glanced at Louis, he was holding his mum's hand, as well as mine.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Alright Louis, come get suited up." Louis followed the nurse out the door. My mum looked at me.

"Ready to meet them?" She asked. I nodded. She pecked my forehead.

"Mum... Is it okay to be scared?" I asked. She looked to Jay.

"It's perfectly okay." Jay spoke up clutching my hand. "No matter what happens, you'll be fine." She added. I mouthed a 'thank you' to her, as Louis appeared seconds later with 2 nurses. My mum and sister pecked my head again. Jay kissed Louis, as well as my hand. And the nurses wheeled us out after a 'Good luck boys.' The girls outside quickly hugged their older brother, before he returned to me.

I laid in the bed, Louis by my side. My hand was shaking a bit.

"Harry you're gonna feel a pinch okay?" The nurse said. I didn't reply but I felt it. I looked up at Louis, his mask covering his face.

"You okay cupcake?" He asked through his mask. I nodded, feeling sleepy.

Then we heard it.

A loud cry.

"It's a boy!" The nurse called out. I grinned and I heard Louis chuckle. The crying continued until the nurse spoke out again. "And a little girl!" But the only cries we heard, were William's. The nurse approached me with two little bundles. One blue. one White.

"This is your little girl." She said handing me the white bundle. "And your little boy." I smiled as I felt my lip trembling at the two.

"Little boy born at 4:25 Little girl born at 4:26." I looked at them both.

"She's got an older brother." He whispered.

"He's got a little sister." I chuckled. "Hold her." He raised his eyebrows, before picking up the little white bundle.

"She's so tiny." He mumbled, I saw a tear run down his cheek and he sniffled. "I bet she'll look like her dad." He whispered. She was so quite. But she was alive, no doubt about that. She had little tuffs of dark brown hair. William settled down in my arms, but he was a squirmy little guy. I turned to a nurse.

"How much do they weigh?" I asked.

"He's 3 pound 4 ounces. She's 3 pounds on the dot." I thanked her.

"You gotta fat brother." Louis whispered to the little bundle.

"He's fluffy Louis!" He smiled. He pecked his little girls head. As well as his little boys. And mine.

"I'm proud of you. So proud." He whispered. I moaned in reply. "Sleepy baby?" He asked. I nodded.

"I wanna sleep." He pecked my forehead.

"You can sleep cupcake. You deserve it." The nurse poked up the twins and put them in little clear box like things and wrapped them in blankets. I watched them as sleep overcame me.

"Daddy Louis, Dad Harry." Louis whispering was the last thing I heard before I shut my eyes.


THEN HARRY NEVER WOKE UP! I'M KIDDING JESUS SAVE THE YOUNG CHILD! So I listened to up all night while writing this... Haha dead. Fetus feels.... Haha. Fetus... ENJOY:)))

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