Chapter 12

-Louis Point of View-

I looked at the ring, probably for the 200th time this morning. I tried to convince myself to stay calm. You're just proposing.

Just proposing?!

I started to panic. I could feel my breathing getting shorter, but I tried to contain it. No this isn't going to happen. Louis you will not have an attack today. You will not! I heard my phone vibrating on the bed and I went to retrieve it.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"They just left." I gulped. "Louis you'll be fine!"

"Niall, this is my life. nearly 2 years of loving him. He's carrying my kids maybe I should wa-"

"Lou, it's just nerves. The hospital is 10 minutes away Louis. Calm down and get ready. He'll say yes. You know he'll say yes!" I nodded at the phone, even though it was impossible or Niall to see me.

"Thank you. I'll call you later."

"Good luck Lou!" I sighed and put the ring in my pocket.

I started thinking. Thinking about a lot of things. The first time I met Harry, how he said he saw me at Anna's, but I never saw him. The first time I ever talked to him. All of that happened in the parlor. When I made him get a tattoo that would mean the world to him. And it did. The time he came back to the parlor and I demanded him to come to me when he was hurt, despite the fact we were strangers. How he did come to me, after he was beaten to a pulp. The emergency room visits. Those people who said we were boyfriends, when at the time I didn't even dream of it. How I took him home and revealed the past, but he didn't care. How he took me for a walk the next day, and we ended up kissing. The boyfriend. The first date. The first cuddle. The first time we made love. All those times, came rushing back.

"Louis?" I heard a voice call out. I made sure that the ring was hidden, as his footsteps came closer and closer. He knocked twice. "Louis? You asleep?" He said quietly opening the door.

"No, I'm awake Haz." I said from the bed. He wandered into the room and sat on the bed beside me. "How ya feeling?" I asked. He put his head on my shoulder and slipped his hand on top of mine.

"Better... With you at least." I smiled and ran my thumb over his palm. "Oh! I have something to show you!" He cheerfully announced. He dug around into his pocket, and pulled out a piece of paper. I watched him carefully as he unfolded it.

It was a scan. A scan of our children.

"Wow." I smiled.

"You see? This is Cade, because she's a bit smaller, and this is William." He grinned pointing to the defined black and white image. "See her little arms and legs? Look at William."

"Looks like he's waving at you." I smiled. He looked up at me with a big smile.

"He does." He whispered.

"We should frame this." I told him. He nodded eagerly. I got up and went to the drawer, pulling out a small wrapped object. "I got this while you were gone." He gave me a confused look. "Well go on open it." I pushed. He set down the scan and pealed off the wrappings.

"Louis... It's perfect." He smiled, his voice cracking a bit. It was a frame. A baby frame. With 'twins' titled on it. It was white and covered with Blue and pink colored baby footprints.

"So you like it?"

"I love it. Thank you."

"Well. Harry, I have a kinda sorta surprise for you. So maybe we should kinda sorta like go to it yes?" His eyes widened.

"A-Alright." He stuttered getting up. I smiled and took his hands.

"Well come on babies. Those kids aren't getting any younger!" He chuckled and followed me out the door.


I took him by the hand and led him through the area, as I covered his eyes.

"Louis... Where are we going?"

"Umm.... Somewhere?" I smiled giving him an unknown answer.

"But Loubear!" Harry whined.

"Alright Stop here!" We came to a halt as I took my hands off his eyes. "Tada!" I smiled.

"Why was in a surprise to go to the pond?" He asked.

"Well... Because the pond helps us in a lot of ways."

"Like how?" He asked sitting at the base of the water.

"Well... The pond is where we had our first date. And where we we always go on our special walks. And where we go in the winter. Remember how we came here on our anniversary?" Harry grinned slyly.

"Twins were made that day I presume." He joked. I chuckled. "So... What's up? You wanna sit down with me or?" I shook my head.

"Harry... You know I love you. With all my heart right?" He gave me a scared look.

"Y-Yeah. I love you too. What's wrong?" He asked ringing out his hands.

"Well... I love you a lot Harry. And these past few days were the scariest of my life. The thought of losing you the other day. I can't lose you." I gulped dryly.

"Louis what are you-"

I got down on one knee.

"Louis...." I pulled the box out of my pocket and his head fell into his lap, slightly chuckling, but crying as well.

"I love you. And I love my children. And I love everything about you. From your curly dark hair and bright green eyes to your white converse only feet." He chuckled tearfully. "Harry? Can you look at me?" I asked shyly. I took my fingers under his chin. His eyes were red and he was biting his trembling lip. I smiled.

"Will you marry me?" I asked opening the box. He ducked his head into his hands.

"Dear F*cking God Louis." I let out a soft nearly inaudible laugh, but he let his head out of his hands to look at me.

"Yes. Yes I will Marry you Louis Tomlinson." I smiled wide as I felt tears come to my eyes. I let out a sigh of relief before speaking again.

"Can I have your hand Harry?" He nodded sniffling and gave me his hand.

I slipped the ring onto his trembling finger. I pressed a kiss to the palm, then recurled his fingers.

"Look what it says Baby." I whispered. His eyes flickered to the ring quickly, before looking up at me. A tear slipped out of his eye.

"It says Forever." He mumbled. I nodded and pulled out my dog tag.

"Forever." I replied.

"You know, forever is a long time." He whispered softly, pressing his forehead to mine.

"But I want you forever." He smiled and pressed his lips against mine.

"Louis?" He asked pulling away slightly. I pecked his jawline.

"Yes baby?" I asked.

"The babies don't mind us." He mumbled against my lips. I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"You wanna head home?" I winked. He nodded his head, blushing. I scooped him off the ground in my arms. "Then I guess we better go then yeah?"

(Insert SMUT Here. :3)

Harry laid across my bare body, slightly panting still. Even after 5 minutes.

"You alright?" I asked. He nodded against my tattooed chest. "You sure?" He nodded again wrapping his arms around my torso. I wrapped my arm around his back.

"My mum knew about this proposal thing huh?" He asked softly drawing over my tattoos with his long fingers.

"Yeah. I asked her for permission obviously." I told him stroking his sweaty, but soft curls.

"You did?" He asked surprised. "That's very gentlemen like." I smiled.

"Are you saying I'm not a gentleman?" I asked jokingly offended.

"Are you a gentle man? Like two words? Depends in which room. But gentleman, like one word. Very much so." I ruffled his curls up.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked nervously.

"No. You're fine." I sighed in relief. He suddenly pulled himself up, and sat on my chest.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked. He connected our lips together. I cupped his face in my hand slightly, while keeping the other on his hip. He pulled away after a few minutes of snogging.

"I love you Louis." I kissed his hand.

"I love you too. More than you think." 


I didn't cry.... So I don't think this is good. I got a bit of writers block but... We're alright. You already know the whole smut thang. It's on the other account. Blah blah Blah. Put the link in the comments when I'm done writing it blah blah blah.

I gave myself a lot of feels. So I'm gonna go read about Harold Kitten Fluff. (Aka Uniquely Perfect) Update when I can!!!

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