Chapter 1
-Harry's Point of View-
I bit my pillow as the pain started again. It had been happening on and off for nearly a month. Now, it's just constant.
"Louis!" I shouted nearly in tears. I heard the patter of his bare feet running across the floor before I saw him enter our bedroom.
"What's wrong babe?" He asked walking over to my side, kneeling in front of my face.
"It hurts. Really bad. Louis-" He placed a kiss to my forehead and ran his fingers over my stomach.
"You probably ate something bad again and have a stomach ache." I shook my head.
"No it really hurts Louis." He frowned. He removed the duvet off my shirtless self, and down to my hips, and planted a kiss over my abdomen. I relaxed instantly, and the pain seemed to weaken, although not fully. He pressed kiss lips again to my stomach, this one on my navel. Then he rubbed my side with his warm fingertips.
"Feel better?" He asked. I nodded slightly and blinked my eyes sleepily. He pulled the duvet up to my shoulders. "Go to sleep. I'll get you a hot towel or something to put on it okay. Do you think you're gonna be sick?" I shrugged as the dull pain turned sharp. I tossed my head and dug my teeth into the pillows. My hands ripping at my skin.
"Louis." I whined. He kissed my forehead again.
"I'll be back in a minute babe, don't worry about it. Just try to get some rest." I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain in my stomach, however it wasn't exactly an easy thing to do.
Louis returned with a hot towel and a small trash bin. Also with a cup of water and an icepack. He placed the towel on my stomach, earning a content sigh from me. He put the water on the side table, bin on the floor, and icepack on my sweltering forehead.
"I have to go to work. Call me if it gets worse alright?" I mumbled a 'fine' to his words. "Alright. I love you."
"I love you too." I muttered. He pecked my lips quickly, before shutting the door, leaving it open just a crack, then leaving through the front door.
You see, Louis and I now live together in his little apartment. We had been dating for just over a year this past December, it's February now. We moved in together in October, and right around that time is when we both got tested. We had a pretty active sex life, and we basically just didn't want to use condoms all the time. So when we came back healthier than ever, we did. And about a month after Louis birthday, I started having pains in my stomach. First little hourly cramps. Then stomach aches. Now, it's progressed to me being stuck in bed for the past 2 days. I have somehow convinced Louis I'm fine. He keeps blaming himself, saying he's to rough when we're both in the sheets, but it's not. I know I'm not fine, but I tell myself I am. To avoid panic for both Louis and I.
I awake after about two hours of sleeping. The feeling in my stomach worse than this morning. I bit my pillow again and placed a hand over my stomach. It hurt. Really. Really. Really bad.
"Louis." I cried out. I knew he wasn't home, but I needed him to be home. Something was wrong. Horribly wrong with me. I had to get up. No matter what. I pushed the duvet off to Louis' of the bed. Thankfully, I was in sweats so I didn't worry about the pain of putting trousers on. But I had to get dressed. I had to get out of here. I went to sit up when I let out a yelp. I felt like I had been stabbed, like my stomach was flipping. I let a tear slip freely from my eye and I whined. "Louis."
"Get up Harry, Louis would want you to get up." I thought. I carefully slid of my bed, still in plenty of pain. The room felt like a spinning cyclone underneath my feet. I grabbed the bin and choked up the crackers I had forced down my throat this morning. Now I know something isn't right. I coughed a bit and spit into the bin before grabbing my shirt of the side of the bed. I slipped it on carefully, also thanking the world silently that my Chuck Taylors were next to me before I put those on to.
"Harry, time to get up. You have to go to the hospital. Now Harry. Get your phone and keys and go now." I told myself. So I did. I got up and instantly started whining at the pain. Wincing with every step I took. I made it out the door, with my phone and keys before blinking back the salty tears in my eyes and clawed at my own skin. I was breathing heavily as I finally got down the stairs, to the car. I sat in the car for about 10 minutes. Just crying and rubbing my stomach, before I started the car and drove to the hospital.
I parked my car at the emergency room and hobbled my way inside. A nurse took one look at my sobbing eyes and me clutching my stomach, and nearly pushed me to a seat.
"Get him a wheelchair!" She called out. "What's your name sweetheart?"
"H-Harry Styles." I groaned in pain after telling her my name.
"What hurts Harry? Tell me what hurts."
"My stomach I just-" She shushed me. As another guy came along with a wheelchair and helped me into it. The nurse pressed a hand to my cheek.
"The patient is burning up! Get him out of here!" I threw my head back and winced panting heavily as they pushed me down the hall. I was scared. Actually more than scared. Horrified. Something was really fucking wrong with me.
I was in the blue room. In one of those stupid thin hospital gowns. Thankfully, mine had a back. I laid in a hospital bed, plastic hospital bracelets attached to my wrist. My name, birthday, room number, all that good stuff on it. A knock at my door startled me, and a middle-aged man came in holding a clipboard.
"Hi Harry." He smiled. I waved to him, I didn't want to speak.
"So, we just want to run a few tests. You have a bit of a high temperature right now. And we're concerned about your stomach right now." I listened in. "Harry, be honest this is for medical purposes only, have you ingested any prescriptions that weren't yours? Any illegal drugs?"
"No. God no." I spoke up. The doctor scribbled something down.
"Are you sexually active?" I nodded. "When was the last time you had intercourse?"
"About a month ago with my boyfriend." He scribbled something down again.
"Is he your only partner?"
"Yeah. He's the only one I've had it with ever too." He nodded.
"Did you use protection?" I shook my head.
"We both got checked twice though and came back clean." He smiled.
"Well that's good. So Harry, where does it hurt most right now. Can you show me?" I moved my hands to my lower abdomen. He moved his fingers over it and pressed lightly. I winced. "Has it hurt for a while? Few days?"
"Yeah over a few days it got worse."
"It could possibly just be appendicitis. I know however we're going to run a few tests okay? We're gonna test a bit of blood, and a bit of urine so can you head to the bathroom for me please?" I nodded and hobbled up into the bathroom, returning with a cup of my urine... Fun! Yeah I'm lying. The doctor gloved his hands and pulled out a needle from the side table in the corner. "Alright your going to feel a slight pinch okay?" I nodded. He wiped my arm down and injected me with a needle and took a syringe of blood. He pressed a cotton piece over it before covering it with a little band aid. "Alright, well we're just gonna go bring these to the lab and check for a few things alright?" I answered with a small 'okay.' as he left with my piss and blood. How much does that guy get paid? Not enough for carrying around people's piss and blood.
A nurse returned to my room a little later.
"Hiya Harry." She smiled.
"Hi." I replied.
"So, we need to get an I.V going on you." I gulped. "It's alright. A lot of people get them. It's normal procedure for those in your care." She told me. I nodded. The put on gloves and made me hold out my arm. She clamped something to my finger.
"How long am I gonna be here?" I asked her softly.
"I know your here for the night sweetie." She sighed. She put the I.V in my hand earning a little 'ow' from me. She chuckled. "You'll be okay."
"Can I call someone?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yeah I'll get you you're phone." She went over to my clothes in the corner. My phone was in a plastic bag, along with my keys. Sitting on top of my neatly folded clothes.
"Thank you." I sighed as she handed me the phone. I called up the only person I wanted.
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