The Anti-Void
Gradient...he had been running for...he has no idea how long. Everything, it was happening so fast for Gradient, it was happening too fast. His mind is simply focused on trying to run away as much as he can and the to lure Ink Sans, distract him from attempting to try and access the Omega Timeline, so that it can finally go into lockdown, and prevent Ink Sans from entering. There might be some pocket dimensions where CORE Frisk will allow some access to and from, from Out-Codes that Ink has no way to access on his own, but in the Alternate Universes, they can't allow that to happen, since Ink has accessed the Omega Timeline when he was still his normal self, and him going inside of the Omega Timeline would he one heck of a nightmare for them.
And for Gradient, he is now doing nothing more than fleeing for his life, as Ink Sans, is relentless in trying to catch him. But Gradient is also relentless in trying to avoid getting captured by Ink Sans for as much as he can. Gradient than landed in an empty Genocide Underfell, as he ran away through the snow, and as he turned around, Ink made a portal, and nearly tried to tackle him. But Gradient ducked, and at the same time, made a portal for himself to dive into.
Gradient this time, landed in Paperjam's pocket dimension, as the portal above closed quickly, and he looked see the art that he had made for Paperjam to have. Gradient looked sad, as he touched it, and feels like he should take it. So without any further hesitation, he took his art piece back, put it, somewhere, and began to run around the maze that made his brother's pocket dimension. But as he ran around to try and find a different alternate universe to go to, he looks, and sees Ink Sans is flying up there, and has found him. He blends very well with the white space, but some black parts of his clothing made him noticeable, even when he is trying to camouflage into the background.
This made Gradient scared, as Ink tried to charge at him, but Gradient teleported to another part of the maze, as Ink crashed into the ground, and than looked around to see that Gradient is not here. He than began to use his Ungodly Strength to break and destroy the maze, in an effort to find him. But Gradient, finding a type of universe to go to, made another portal, and went through it with little time to lose.
He went through the portal, and went into Killertale, in Snowdin...which is empty. Gradient sighed, as he held his face by his hands, and he than spoke out to himself.
"Oh did it come to-o this-is?"
Gradient rubbed his face in his hands, as he then looked around, and tries to see if there is any food that he should get, because while he is not hungry, which he never does, he still likes to enjoy the taste of food. Luckily, there is a Nice Cream cart, and so he got a Nice Cream, and began to eat it to feel better.
Gradient has stopped for a little break in Killertale, since Killer Sans is with Nightmare and won't be a problem for him in a while. This allowed him to rest and gather his strength, and would immediate train and hone in on the skills of creativity, and tries to make himself much more faster than ever before, in hopes that he can keep up with his father, Ink. He had hit in Killertale for an entire week. But eventually, the hiding spot in this AU will not last, when Ink Sans attempted to consume it with Gradient inside of it, and because of that, he had to go to another Universe for him to jump to, so that he can survive. The consumption looked like a black hole appearing in the middle of a random location, and than, reality would get sucked into it, as black tendrils with hands at the end pull the alternate universe inside of Ink's mouth. And because of this, Gradient had to flee as much as he can in order to avoid getting consumed by him.
Gradient hopped and jumped from Universe to Universe, as he tries all that he can ti stay alive and not get consumed by what was once his father. But sometimes his escape can land him into even more trouble. Such as when he accidentally landed into Insanity Sans's Universe.
Needless to say, getting into Insanity Sans' Universe was not a pleasant experience, especially since he is read to kill anyone in the most disgusting way possible. Luckily, Gradient was able to escape, although only after Insanity Sans' Universe began ti be destroyed and consumed by Ink Sans. And unfortunately for Gradient, Insanity also escaped, because Nightmare got him out of there for a job that he wants for him to do. Because of this, Gradient cannot stay in a place for too long, and only stays there until he can gather enough strength to feel fresh again. And he kept on doing this for over 4 weeks. But all changed, when Gradient landed, not in a universe, but in the home-world of an Out-Code, and it is an Out-Code that Gradient himself is connected to.
With Gradient...
Gradient was running through the barren wasteland of Mafiarale, which had been evacuated, because Ink Sans had nearly destroyed everyone there, and the main people in Mafiatale escaped into the Omega Timeline. Gradient ran up the buildings as fast as possible, as Ink Sans crashed through the buildings without effort, and nearly brought the one that Gradient is inside of down, only for Gradient to escape onto another building through a portal that the had made. Gradient was getting exhausted, as he spoke out.
"How lo-ong will it ta-a-ake for yo-ou to be done and leave me be, father?!"
Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.
"That is the thing, Gradient, I never stop. Just as you will never stop, until you are a part of me, which is better than to be destroyed by anyone else, including your own other father, Error!"
He than tried to tackle Gradient, but Gradient jumped off the edge of the building, and began to fall. Ink than teleported under Gradient, and rushed up to the and consume him. But Gradient made a portal, and escaped through it, and closed it behind him, as Ink Sans missed yet again.
Ink Sans snarled, as he than spoke out.
"Gradient is persistent, I'll give him that...but he will not escape me. Besides...I have an idea at where he might be now..."
Gradient was on the ground, and he closed his eyes, as he waited for the attack to come. But it didn't. And he is lucky that he is alive still. He looked down...and saw that the ground is white. Something is wrong. He chose a random location. So where did he end up on. He than began to stand up, and look around, and saw that there is still nothing there. He than looked up...and that is when he saw something above him.
Gradient is in a white space...and there are human souls hanging by blue strings. He has only one idea as to who it is that is able to make these strings. And it is someone that he is related to, someone that despised his very existence so much to even desires to try and destroy him.
As Gradient stood up, he than heard a voice behind him, and it was not a pleasant voice to hear.
"I nev-ever thought that-hat I'd see you ag-gain, you aw-awful bu-bug."
Gradient scrambled on his feet and turned around to see who it is that spoke to him. And right on schedule, it is exactly who he thinks it is, and someone he does not have time to deal with right now.
It was none other than Gradient's other father, Error, the Destroyer of the Alternate Universes. Originally a version of Classic Sans and a future version of Geno, Error Sans became when he lived inside of the Anti-Void, and vows to destroy the Alternate Universes that exist out there. He hates anything related to creation, and this can also extend to his children, with the exception of BlueScreen, who he has some twisted affection for. But for Gradient, he hates him the most, as he is the very first child that he has ever made with Ink during an fight in the Omega Timeline.
"Y-Y-You have ma-ade a big mistake coming-ming to me, you filth-ilthy glitch!!"
He than pulls out the blue strings from his eye sockets,
as he than spoke out again to Gradient, his eldest son.
"N-N-Now I am going t-t-to-"
But Gradient did something that is very unexpected, as Gradient than suddenly went in front of Error, and punched him in the face, knocking him off of his feet. This caught Error completely by surprise, as he looks up at Gradient, and he saw a look of desperation and annoyance on Gradient's face, and for once, it is directed to him, as he spoke out, with Error Gradient in control of Gradient's body.
"I do-o-o not have t-t-time for a fight with you, Fa-ather Error!! Beside-ides, I have far m-m-more worse problems than having to d-d-deal with you, an insignificant pet-petty annoyance-ance."
This caught Error's attention, as he than stood up, and Gradient began to run, as he was about to open a portal with his stylus. But before he could, Error launched his strings at Gradient's arm and stopped him from opening a portal to wherever he wanted to go to.
Error Gradient than looked at Error, as he yanked his arm, pulling Error forward, and tried to land a punch on him, but Error grabbed his eldest son by the arm, and stopped him from attacking his face. But he did not attack the arm further. And in-fact, a look of curiosity and confusion is on his face. But Gradient kicked him back, and this made Error realize that there is something wrong work Gradient. He wound always consider Error family, and would never hurt him. But now, he is hurting him, and for once, it is really making Error concerned, even though he does not care about Gradient.
"Yeesh, ki-id. Yo-ou were usually far mo-more friendlier than this. Wha-at got you so aggressive with me?"
Gradient than turned around, and he spoke out to Error.
"I to-old you, I am already-ready in a bad situation. I do-on't need you to waste my time...and le-et it get to me."
Error than gawked his head in a confused way, as he than spoke out.
"And wh-wh-what is this, bad-ad situation...that yo-ou are talking about?"
Gradient than spoke out to him.
"Wh-Why do to ca-a-are?"
Error Sans than spoke back to Gradient.
"I don't ca-are about you, sure. But if that problem is with you...than i-i-it will come to me. So what is it...Gradient?"
Gradient was about to retort back, likely to say that it does not matter to him, only for a voice to speak out.
"I found you, Gradient!!"
Gradient looked up, and so did Error...and that is when he eyes widened, and saw Ink, in the way that he is before his very eyes. And needless to say, Error was shocked at what has happened to his rival.
"Wh-What the...I-I-Ink!! Wh-What have you d-d-done to yourself!!"
Ink looks at Error, and snarled in disgust.
"It does not concern you, you pathetic mistake!!"
This caught Error's attention, and it sounds like he is genuinely hating him, which is a shocking thing to see. Gradient than spoke out, as he answered Error's question.
"Fa-a-at her Ink...he ga-ga-gain a new s-s-soul, which made him feel-eel-eel genuine emotions, but now it has corrupted him-im. And now...he is trying to co-co-co-consume-sume me, when I helped my brothers, even Paperjam escape so he does not get his hands on them. And because of this...I have been-been running away-way-way from Ink for over a month, as he consumed Alternate Universes to make himself stronger, while still wanting to consume m-m-me, as to is bet-bet-better than to be destroyed by anybody else...especially to you."
This made Error react in disgust and shock, as he looked up, and fired a bunch of blue strings around Ink's new soul...
and what he saw shocked him to the bitter core. Ink's soul looked immensely monstrous now, as there are more mouths all over the place, and more eyes with stars for irises on them. Needless to say, Error has nothing else to say, other than this.
"I-Ink, what...what ha-ave you done to yourself? What we're yo-o-ou thinking of gaining a soul as disgusting as this??!!!"
But Ink Sans laughed, as he ripped the strings off of his his soul without effort, as he than spoke out to his now hated rival.
"Disgusting? It is beautiful and perfect!! And now thanks to that, I can finally feel all of the emotions that I always wanted to feel. And that includes hatred, so that I can use it on you!!!"
This made Error looks horrified, because if there is one thing that he knows, it is that Ink would never do something as horrendous as this. The X-Event came close to that level, sure. But what Ink Sans has done to himself, is way, way worse than the X-Event. It is similar to Nightmare Sans himself, but it was more accidental in Nightmare's case. He for the case of Ink Sans, in the way that he sees it, and based on the way that he is speaking, it seems like he had corrupted himself completely on purpose.
"God...I thought that th-he X-Event nonsense that you-ou had done was bad enough. B-B-But thi-is, out of all the things that you would do...thi-is is even m-m-more insane than you ha-as ever done. That is cross-sing another line you did there, Ink."
Error than pulled out of more of his strings from his eye sockets, as he gets ready to face off against his now corrupted rival. Ink Sans smiled sinisterly, as his eyes gleamed immense malice, as he than spoke out.
"I am going to enjoy ripping you apart, bit by bit, Error, just as you'd tried doing to me before!!"
Even Error felt very unnerved at that threat that Ink has made to him now, and was a little bit hesitant to try and even fight against him, but he shakes that feeling off and goes in to try and charge after him. Or was about to, because Gradient came out of complete nowhere and attacked Ink Sans with his stylus, as he launched a bunch of digital spears at Ink, which made Ink Sans jump up in the air and fly, which made Error annoyed.
"H-H-How is that fa-air at all?!"
Than, Gradient spoke back to his father.
"Yo-You should real-real-realize one th-th-th-th-thing, Fath-ather Error. It is never fair for anyone, and no-ot even you are safe-afe from this thing either."
This made Error snarl, as Gradient just said it in his face, but he cannot argue with him now, as he looks up at Ink, and launched a bunch of bones at Ink, only for Ink to easily parry them, and he charged at Error. The Destroyer of the Alternate Universes is surprised at this display of speed, and dodged Ink barely just in time, and Ink punched the ground, which created a powerful shockwave that sends Error Sans back a little bit, along with Gradient, who raised his arms and tries to stay grounded for the power of the shockwave.
Gradient then was able to lower his arms after a minute, and he than looked to see what it is that Ink is doing, only to see many tentacles with hands on its end, as it than began to reach out and grab the human souls that are on the blue strings, almost as if they are apples form trees. Error looks horrified, as he than spoke out.
"I-I-Ink, wh-wh-what are you doing-ing-ing?"
Gradient, in a horrified tone, spoke out.
"He-e-e is gonna-na consume the hu-human so-ouls in or-or-order to make himself stronger!!"
Error, hearing what he said, was horrified, and tried to grab his soul with his blue strings, and he was able to stop Ink...only after he consume a dozen souls, which made him slightly stronger, and Error looked horrified at this thing that was once his he than spoke out.
"I-I-Ink...the real-eal Ink would-uld never do something like that! Wh-Wh-What the actual hell are you?!"
But Ink Sans did not listen, as he than extended his arm to try grab Error by the neck, and Gradient, having his own Error persona take over, used his own blue strings to reel Error towards him, as Error barely was able to avoid getting grabbed by Ink Sans. Error Sans looks at Error Gradient, who than spoke out to his father.
"F-F-Father. I kn-know you don't want me to sti-till be here...but le-let's say we temporarily work together...and deal with father Ink?"
Error Sans looks at Error Gradient for about a few seconds, before sighing, and spoke out.
"Fin-Fine, but on-on-only this once."
Error Gradient nodded his head, as he than turned to Ink Sans along with Error Sans, as they than held out their strings, before firing them at Ink, who then jumped into the air, and flies up, only for a portal to be made above them, and Red and Yellow Bones appeared out of the portal, as Ink Sans is struck by the Error Bones of both Error Sans and Error Gradient. Ink Sans was than pierced in the chest, but he broke out of the sharp bones that have stabbed him, and swung at Gradient, with Gradient, as his creative self again, swinging his Stylus fast, in order to avoid getting hit by the paint that Ink Sans is using, and than, both Gradient and Ink Sans combatted each other with their creativity, and needless to say( their movements were very complex for even Error Sans to see, as Error Sans can only the basic moves of both Ink and his eldest son, but the more complex movements are much more difficult to track. In fact, they seem to be like a blue, before Ink Sans than slammed Gradient to the ground, and Gradient made a portal underneath him, and avoided getting stomped on by Ink Sans, with Gradient landing next to Error, who than charged forward, and firing his strings at Ink Sans, and grasping his soul tightly, and lifted him up into the air, and he smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Go-Go-Got you now-ow, Ink. Now it is tim-time to...t-t-to..."
Error Sans noticed something is wrong. He is trying to crush his soul, but it is not working. It is as though the Souk had become indestructible to Error Sans and his powers. How in the whole Multiverse is this even possible?! Ink Sans chucked, as he simply ripped the strings off of him, and he lands on the ground, before he than readied his Ink Blaster, and Error Sans, as well as Error Gradient, who had regained control over Gradient's body, than jumped into the air, and they both decide to counter the Ink Blaster with a Blaster of their own
Error Sans than made an Error Blaster and fired it at Ink, as Error Gradient did the same and fired his Gradient Blaster at Ink Sans as fast as he could, and tries to make the attack as strong as possible. The 2 Blasters hit Ink directly, and both Error and Error Gradient looked at each other. They clearly do not like to work together, nor did they ever work together before, as this is entirely new to them. But since they are going up against a very common enemy, Error Sans and Error Gradient will have to get used to this and actually start to work together, if they are going to try and beat Ink Sans.
But Ink Sans already was able to fire his Ink Blaster, and was able to counter the 2 Blasters with just a single Ink Blaster, and they both kept on firing in a fixed position, until Ink Sans spit some more souls in the ceiling, as he grinned, and he than extended a tentacle in order to consume them.
"O-O-Oh no you don't!!!"
Error shouted, as he than tried to grab onto the tentacles with his blue strings, but it was too late, as Ink Sans was able to get the souls, and consumed them. And not only did it make Ink's physical strength much more greater than ever before, it also increased his magic this time, as the Ink Blaster was than able to overpower the 2 blasters, and made them both explode.
Error Gradient and Error Sans cried out in pain, as they are injured and sent back by the power of rhe explosion, as they both were knocked back, and landed on the ground, and Gradient, back to his normal persona, tried to stand up, but is now seriously weakened, and that goes double for Error, who is now on his single knee, but is so stubborn to keep on fighting, as he than tried to pull out some more strings to use against Ink. But even he knows that he is Abington to lose against Ink, as he has grown way to powerful for the both of them to take on all alone. Ink Sans began to walk menacingly to them, almost zombielike movement, yet at the same time, that of a normal way of walking. Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.
"Say goodbye!!"
He than flies and charged forward, ready to grab at Error and Gradient, when all of a sudden, another hand stopped Ink Sans's with this one having blue and black at the tips of his fingers, as Ink was caught by surprise, as Error spoke out.
"You're ba-a-ack!!!"
Ink looked, and was met with a punch for the face, before the savor in question turned to Error and Gradient, who is now knocked out, before transporting the both away. Ink recovered his bearings, but saw that Error and Gradient are now nowhere in sight. This made Ink Sans, and he got so angry, that he roared in immense rage.
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