
Gradient, he has no idea what in the world had happened. He felt every single part of his body feeling sore from the fight he had with Ink Sans, his own father, and he is unconscious. He is now asleep for some reason. And in normal circumstances...he wound usually hear the voice of his Error self, shouting at him to wake up, but this time is much more different than last time. Unlike last time...he is truly sleeping peacefully. He does not hear the voice of his Error personality inside of his mind. In fact, he hears nothing inside of his mind . He feels like he can be in a peaceful sleep, and wished that he can sleep for much more longer. But unfortunately...he is unable to gain that amount of sleep that he had wanted, because some voices from nowhere had made him start to feel awake. It was faint, at first, it didn't effect Gradient in anyway. But than, as he hears the voices more and more clearly, Gradient could feel the softness of something that he is on, as he than began to wake up, and the voices grew louder, with one of them being loud and angry, while the other is calm and composed.

Gradient's hands he felt himself beginning to wake up from his nap. He felt bundled not on the ground anymore...and he does not feel his glasses on his face. Whatever bed that he is is obvious that he is not in the place that he is familiar with in his life. And as he began to awaken, he then hears a voice spoke out to someone else. And it was none other than Error's voice, his own father's.

"N-N-No!! I will no-ot have this abomination in-inside of this place with you!! You kn-know-now-now-now how much I hate anything that is re-related to anything that is created!!"

Gradient than began to open his eyes, and he looked or the side, as he saw that Error and this other entity speaking to each other, and needless to say, they seem to be in an argument of sorts, as the tall Sans than spoke out to Error.

"You cannot kick him out of what I have in store for him, Error. I already have a need for your eldest son. And it is a need that is uttermost importance in the plan that the have for him.

He sounds calm, yet very stern, as though he is acting like a leader to Error, or a parental figure to him. Error than spoke back in his usual tantrum, refusing to allow Gradient to be a member of whoever this strange Sans is, whatever group that he needed him for.

"Wh-Wh-Why in the wor-world do you need-eed that filth-filthy glitch any-any-anyway-ay? You already-ready have m-me, you-ou-ou do-do-don't need to hav-have a mistake-take-take such as hi-hi-hi-hi-him."

But the taller Sans smiled, as though he had been expecting to see what Error was going to say to him, he than spoke out to him in his usual calm voice, and yet, the voice that he is making sounds a little bit too eager to have Gradient by his side.

"I do, actually. I do have a use from him. Why deny such use, when you can use such use."

The taller Sans than turned to the side, and while Gradient may look like he is sleeping, he can easily tell that he is watching the conversation going on, as he then turns to Error, before speaking out.

"You eldest son's ability to create and destroy at the same time, his ability to manipulate pixels, just like what I can do, it is exactly what I need in this plan that I have. I have seen what he is capable of, and of what he can do, ever since the beginning of his life, and needless to say, I am very impressed at what he can do. It is the power that I need in order to bring back something that was stolen from me. And I plan to use that creativity to regain that something from my life. I have already made up my mind, Error. You cannot stop me, even if you try. Besides...the more people that I have, the better."

This is making Error so frustrated, that he destroyed a portion of the wall that was a part of the room that Error404 and Gradient were in, as Error than exited the room, feeling very frustrated that he will have to see the annoying glitch that is his son, and he then left. The entity shook his head, clearly not happy with Error's rejecting and discriminating attitude to his own son of all people, as he than walked over to Gradient, and sat down in the seat, as he than spoke out to him.

"You can stop the sleeping act now. I know you are pretend to look like you are still unconscious."

Gradient flinched a little bit, but then, he than began to open his eyes, and looked at the tall Sans that is before his very eyes. And needless to say, he feels a little bit uneasy when he is looking at this strange version of Sans.

" know-now-now that I a-a-a-am pretend-tending to sleep-leep-leep?"

Gradient spoke out, as he felt nervous at the sight of this Sans. This version of Sans is unlike any Sans he has ever seen before. He is taller, by the height of 6'1, and has a look that tells a person to bow down and obey his every command. The tall Sans smiled, as he nodded his head.

"Of course...I knew that you were awake at some point in the conversation. I could have told Error, but that would have made a situation that would be very unnecessary."

Gradient than held his head, and than tried to communicate with his Error Personality...only to discover that the Error Persona is not present. In fact, he feels strange right. He feels like his usual self, and yet, at the exact same time, he feels like his Error Self. What in the world is going on? The strange Sans could tell what he is thinking right now, as he than spoke out to Gradient.

"It is about your destroyer split personality, is it not?"

This caught Gradient's attention, as he than radishes his head up, and he than had a look of shock present on his face, as he than spoke out.

"H-H-How do you-ou know-now-now?"

The strange Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"I have been observing you since the moment of your birth, Gradient. I had seen everything about you, your power over creation, your power of being a destroyer, and yet, both of your powers have been split along with your personality. So, I used my ability to mentally manipulate your mind, so that I found fuse your 2 personalities together. Of course, I had to convince and reason with your Error self first, and he allowed himself to be fused with you, so that I can fuse the 2 personalities together, making you now like this."

This made Gradient feel horrified, but also in awe at what this Sans is capable of, fusing both of their personalities together to make a single persona, it is completely something that he is not expecting. Gradient looked down at his hands, and he than raised his hand and looked at a random object, and used his Pixel Manipulation to destroy that object before him. He looks down...before turning to the strange Sans next to him, and he than spoke out.

"Who-o...wh-wh-who are you-you-you?"

Gradient said, as he than spoke out to this mysterious Sans that is before him. The tall Sans with the white coat and blue fluff smiled, as he than stood up from the seat that he was on, and he than spoke out to Gradient.

"I have gone by many names, Gradient. I have been known as the White Demon, the Overlord, the God of the Multiverse, but you can call me simply as Error404."

This caught Gradient's he than spoke out...

"'re an Error father?"

Error404 smiled, as he than spoke out.

"I am more than just that...Gradient. I am the very first Error to have ever existed in the Multiverse, and the strongest Sans of them all."

This caught Gradient's attention, as he than looked at his soul...only to see that it is unlike any soul that he has ever seen in his life. And his is absolutely phenomenal. He thought that Error, his own father, was extremely strong himself. But beyond the definition of strength himself. He is way, way beyond that concept. So much that the all a pat of the entirety of Error404 himself. His is purely infinite, with no real limit to his power whatsoever.

"Thi-Thi-This...this is-is so-so-so-so insane-sane-sane-sane. How...why?"

Error404 Sans smiled, as he than spoke out to Gradient.

"I had told you before...Gradient. I am the God of the Multiverse, and the first of the Errors, not to mention the strongest Sans of them all. I do not have any actual limit to my power, and even if I do have a limit, it wound be extremely hard to bring down. And for have something that I need...something that I have seen in Error, and it is great potential."

Gradient looked down, as he spoke out.


Error404 Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"I have seen what you can do, Gradient. I have seen what you are capable of, and I will admit...I too am capable of the same thing that you can do, but to a far greater extent compared to you."

Error404 than raised his hand, and than...pixels began to form, as he than began to do all sorts of things with the pixels, before he than used the pixels on himself,  and teleported to one part of the room to another part of it, all within an instant. This made Gradient shocked, as he had never seen that sort of thing happen before in his life. Gradient than sat up more straight on his bed, as he looked at what had just happened, and it is insane. He can tell that what he did was only a small fraction of his power, and he was not at his full strength. He than spoke out.

"So-o-o...wh-wh-why? Why di-di-di-did yo-ou bring-ring-ring-ring me this-is place? You-ou said that I have-ave potential, what typ-type of potential-tial-tial are you talk-talking about Error404?"

Error404 Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"Uniquely amongst other Errors, you can do what both of your parents are able to do. You can both create and destroy, and yet, you can do so perfectly, just as perfectly as the 2 of them. The only reason you could never truly match them, is because you had only been taught one side of your powers, which is the side of your creativity. You were never taught to do the other side, which is the side of what makes you the destroyer. The part that you inherited from Error. And your father, in his ignorance, did not realize this potential that is inside of you."

Gradient than turns to the side, as he spoke out to him.

"M-M-M-More like it is because-cause-cause he doesn't want to have-ave-ave a mistake-take such as me in his life. And besides-sides-aides...I highly doubt-oubt that he wan-wan-wants to have me in his life now, especially since he hates my very life."

Error404 shrugged, as he than spoke out to Gradient in his mocking attitude to Error.

"Well, that is his problem, since he needs to get over this sort of pathetic ideal of his in a way, so that he can tolerate being around your presence. He has always been a stubborn one, I shall give him back. He never learned to back down, even when the bout of then argue, and even if I win, he still continues to act defiant and angry, but knows he can't fight against me or force me to try and stop whatever it is that I am doing. All that he can do is try and convince me to stop and leave the plan of whatever it is that I am doing. And honestly, it is straight up pathetic, the way he tries to demand and leave you out of this, because he does not want to be with you."

Gradient...he than sat up even more straighter, as he than spoke out.

"Ab-about that. Wh-Wh-Why do you eve-eve-even want-ant-and me in what you have anyway?"

Error404 than clasped his hands together, as he than feels relieved that he is finally getting straight to the point, as he than began to speak out to the eldest son of Error Sans.

"I am glad that you have asked that question, Gradient, and it is very important to me. For you see...there is something that has been destroyed in my life, and I...I really want some help from you, because of the fact that you can create stuff, and I figured that with you and your magic, which you inherited from Ink and Error, I would need them to rebuild that I had lost, retaken that has been stolen from me, from my life."

Gradient found tell that Error404 Sans is intentionally trying to hide some information from him, as it is obvious that he is not telling him something. But he shook his head, as he than spoke out to Error404 Sans.

"And wh-wh-what do I ge-e-et in return for me-e-e helping you?"

Error404 Sans looks at Gradient in the eyes for a little bit, brides he spoke his answer.

"I can help you improve on what you can do with the side that is the destroyer. For you see, what you are capable of on some ways are similar to the power that I myself have. I can help you improve upon them. I can train you and make yourself much more stronger than ever before. I can give you the training that you need to not only help you with your destroyer powers, but also to help balance it out with your side as the creator, and give you the power that you need in order to help you stand your ground against Ink Sans, who had become corrupted bh that entity he had made a deal within. So what do you say, will you join me or not?"

Error404 said to Gradient, as he than extended his hand out to Gradient. Of course, Error404 knows that he is reluctant to join in, but he needs to give the Eldest Son of Error a chance at something that will make him much more stronger than ever before to hopefully bring him to his side. Gradient cautiously looks down at Error404's hand, as he than felt a little bit nervous and unsure of himself, as he than spoke out to Error404 in a very uncertain tone of voice.

"I...I...I-I don't-on't know, Error404. I mean...o just never...never-ever..."

But Error404 sighed silently, as he than lowered his hand, and puts his hands in his pocket. He knows why Gradient is acting the way he is. It is because if the fact that, even after that Ink Sans has done, what he had turned into, he still cares deeply for him and still loves him to the bitter end. And even through all of that, he still wants to be back with him, at least as his old self. But as this is the first one that Error404 and Gradient have met, Gradient is very reluctant to trust Error404, since he had never heard of him, and does not know what he would do to him, should he ever gain a chance to be with him. Error404 than looked at Gradient Sans, a look of expectation appeared, as he thand spoke out.

"I get you don't trust me, so it will take a while to make you trust me. I am patient, and I will wait for your answers. But while you are at it, trying it debate in what to do if you can trust me or not...I have something that you might have lost."

Error404 Sans held his out, and Gradient's eyes widened, as he than saw the picture that is in Error404's hand. Gradient reached his hand out, and Error404 let's him take it, as he put the picture out of his hand. The picture was of when Sans of when he was still his normal soulless self, yet using the emotion vials, and Gradient was in the picture, along with Paperjam, Palette Roller, BlueScreen, and Blueprint. And with Paperjam, it was Omni and Monochrome. This picture, Gradient recognized it. It was taken a year ago, and it made Gradient shocked and disbelief that Error404 Sans had it with him this whole time. Error404 than stood up, as he than spoke out to Gradient Sans, calmly.

"I will be waiting for you, outside. Let me know when you have made your your mind."

Gradient turned to Error404 and nodded his head, as Error404 repaired the wall and went out of the door, as he left Gradient to be left alone and ponder with his thoughts about his only picture.

Gradient had been looking down, as he clenched his hands tightly around the picture, and he struggled to hold back his tears, and he tried to do whatever it takes to contain them. But he just cannot contain them, as he than began the break down and sob his heart out.

The life he had lived in, the life that he had always wanted to make, the life that he had been trying to had all been ripped away from him, in the blink of an eye. And all it had taken, was a single corrupting soul to take away everything that Gradient had tried to make. And now, all that Gradient could do, is sob and cry his own heart out, as he cannot take the pain anymore, as it had become to much for his mind.

The Next Day...

Gradient was waking to the outside area, to where Error404 Sans is at. He had thought of it for a while, and he decided that, if he is going to stand a chance against Ink Sans the next time he sees his father, than he will need to train as much as he can. So after a little bit...he was able to find him, and Erorr404 took one look on the expression that is on Gradient's face, before he than began smile, before he stood up, as he can tell that Gradient has decided, before he than spoke out.

"Alright, than..."

Error494 fired out his strings, before he than spine out to the Son of Error.

"Let's get started."

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