Preserving Many AUs

Gradient swung his Stylus and made a portal, as both his father, Error, and Gradient entered the portal, which leads to the dimension that Error404 Sans resides in. As soon as they stepped towards the other side, they found themselves in a very large cliffside, which leads straight down to the very core of the Multiverse. Gradient and Error looked down, as they looked immensely worried at what they are seeing before their very eyes. They have no ide awhat happens if they were to fall down, and it is best that they do not know what happens, or else they will end up paying the price with their lives.

Gradient than looks around, as he than spoke out.

"Wh-Wh-Where's Error404?"

Error Sans, his father, than spoke back to Gradient.

"He is-is-is-is busy-sy with some-omething. He'll come ba-a-ack soon. Just be-be pati-ient."

Gradient nodded his head, as he than sat down to the edge of the cliffside, as he than waits along with Error Sans at Error404 coming to see them. After a little bit, they than heard a voice from behind them.

"'re both here. It is good for you both to be patient."

Gradient and Error than turned around, and saw that Error404 has arrived, with his hand sun his pocket, and looking down at both his apprentices. He stood very tall, but not as tall as King Multiverse, who he created. Gradient finds it extremely baffling that Error404 would make something that would rule the whole Multiverse, and use him as a sort of puppet king, and yet, made it taller than him. Needless to say, he will not understand Error404's taste in his creative ways.

Gradient and Error than walked up to Error404, as Error404 stood in his position, with the 2 glitchy skeletons than stopping in front of him. Both Father and Son looked up at the God of the Multiverse, as Gradient than spoke out loud.

"Error404, yo-ou came back! We we're-re-re waiting for you. Wha-hat do you want-ant-ant us to do for-or-or-or-or you this ti-ti-time?"

Error404 than looks at Gradient in the eyes, and Gradient could tell by the look in his eyes that it is going ti be something that he will not like, and he even spoke that part out.

"It is going to be something that you will not like to do, but it is a necessity for me to have."

Gradient had Error looked at each other in the eyes, and could tell by the tone of his voice that he really means it, as they than look up at Error404, before Error than spoke out.

"Let me-e-e guess. It ha-as something-thing to do with Ink-Ink."

Error404 Sans nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"You have caught on very easily, Error. As expected from my first apprentice. And the reason I am assigning you both to this task that I am giving you both, it is because it is something that is very important for me to have, for what Ink is doing, it is beginning to mess up with my plan of resurrection."

Gradient could guess where this is coming from, as Error404 than continued to speak out to the 2 glitched skeletons that are before his direction.

"For you see, Ink has began the use his power to go around and try to consume as much of the Alternate Universes as he can, many of which are of great importance to this big plan of mine, which I cannot allow for anymore interference. So what I need is for one of you to attract Ink and get him out of the Doodle Sphere, and bring him to a Universe where one of you can battle Ink, while the other one needs to try and get the AUs out of the Doodle Sphere, and bring it the Digital Sphere, so that Ink cannot access those other Alternate Universes."

Gradient flinched a little bit, and he than looked down to the ground, as he felt very uncomfortable at what Error404 wants them to do. He knows that this is necessary for Gradient to do this, but the last thing that he needs is to fight his own other parent, especially since this is the one that has resided him ever since he had been made into existence, along with his other half-sibling spawns. The truth is that he is unsure if he is willing to fight against his own parent again, and it is making Gradient's left hand tremble a little bit at the thought that has entered his own mind. Error seems to notice it, as he than spoke out.

"I'll do it-it-it. I ha-ace faced Ink man-man-many times, and I managed-aged to hold him for as long as I could."

Error404 Sans than nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"Very well. Than Gradient can go to the Doodle Sphere, and collect as many pages as he can, in an effort to try and save as many of them as he possibly can, and bring them to the Digital Sphere in order to preserve them. Besides, I still have a use for these Alternate Universes in this plan of mine, a plan to revive what is rightfully mine. Both of you, start now and get moving."

Gradient and Error nodded, as they both then entered a wide pixelated portal. As they walked through, Gradient than spoke out to Error.

"Father Error...wh-wh-why do you wan-wan-want to fight against Father Ink? I have a much-uch greater chance at taking on him."

Error nodded, as he than spoke out to him.

"I know-ow-ow you do. But I can te-ell by the expression-ession on your fa-ace that fighting against other is-is-is the last thing that you need. And be-besides...I am far more will-willing to fight against Ink."

Gradient was a little bit surprised, but he than nodded his head, and turns his head back forward, as the both of them stopped in the middle of the Anti-Void, as Error than made a screen, which shows of Ink, floating around in the Doodle Sphere, gripping onto a piece of paper that appears to be a version of the Killertale Universe, before he than consumed it, and it made him more stronger again. Gradient and Error flinched at the sight, but than, Error than spoke out.

"I hav-hav-have an idea on how-ow-ow we can get Ink away-way from the Doodle Sphere. I can use-use my power to shoot an Error Blaster at Ink, while-while I am inside of an empty version of Out-Out-Outertale, which is open enough for me to maneuver my way and dodge as much of Ink's attacks as I can. Meanwhile, yo-yo-you go around the Doodle Sphere and collect as many-any pages as you can, and bring them back into the Digital Sphere so you can preserve them. And re-re-remember, if we make eve-eve-even a small-mall-mall mistake in this plan, it will-ill all come crashing down."

Gradient nodded, as he than spoke out.

"I go-ot it. I understand."

Error nodded, as he than spoke out.

"Good. No-No-Now...get read-read-ready."

Gradient held his hand out, as he maintained the screen, while Error than held out his own hand to make a glitchy portal to an empty version of Outertale, which is called Outerdust, where Outerdust Sans will not notice Error and Ink fighting, due to being far away, and he'll be busy fighting off against Outerdust Chara.

Error than began to wander around Snowdin, as his feet crunched into the snowy ground, as the snow continues to go down. He than looked down, and saw that there is dust everywhere, as Outerdust Sans killed so many monsters while he committed his own genocide in an effort to try and stop the human in his world.

He than looks up, and saw a very large piece of land floating above. So he than extended his strings, and reeled himself upwards, and landed onto the ground, before he than looks up, and he takes a deep breath, before he than prepares his Error Blaster. He than looks up, as he than extended his hand, and aimed at the sky...and than a pixel portal is being made.

Gradient watches in the Anti-Void, as the portal formed behind Ink Sans, before than, a Red Blast of magical energy from the Error Blaster shot Ink right at the back, and sends him flying forward. Ink than notices the portal, and than flies into it, whine Gradient, noticing the portal close as soon as Ink Sans crossed to the other side, used his Stylus to open a portal of his own, and entered it, so that he can go to the Doodle Sphere, and collect the pieces of paper that Error404 needs from Ink.

In Outerdust...

Error Sans looks up, as he sees that Ink Sans is rocketing down towards Error, and before he can reach and attack Error, the Destroyer of the Alternate Universes jumped backwards, as Ink Sans crashed into the large piece of land that Error Sans is on, and Error watches, as Ink rises violently. Error glared dangerously, as Ink Sans than looked at Error in the eyes, as he then spoke out to him.

"So, you finally appeared again, after 2 years of being gone from my life, Error."

Error than shrugged his shoulders, as he than spoke out.

"W-Well, as you can-an-an see, I am ba-ack, and I am better than ev-ever, Ink."

Ink than smirked dangerously, as he than spoke out to him.

"Well, that is too bad for you, Error, because now...I am going to make sure, that you for all that you have done, and make you wish that you have never returned here."

Error than looked down at the ground for a little bit, before he than looks up back at Ink Sans, as he than spoke out to him.

"But that-hat-hat-hat is the thin-thin-thing, Ink..."

He than raised his hand and directed it at Ink, and than, an Error Blaster manifested next to him, as it aimed at Ink Sans, before Eddie spoke out.

"I already am regret-regretting it. The only thin-thing that I will not regret, is causing as much pain to you as I possibly can-an."

After he spoke that out, he than fired his Error Blaster. But Ink Sans than used his power to make an Ink Blaster, and countered against the Error Blaster, as the 2 Blasters pushed against each other, as one of them tries to overpower the other. Than, an explosion of energy and paint occurs on the middle, as Error and Ink turned their heads away in order to protect their heads. But Error turns around, and saw that Ink is flying towards him. So Error than dodged the attack, before he than got up close to Ink, and punched Ink in the face, hard. Thanks to Error404, he is able to gain physical training, which allows him to become much more powerful than he was before. And of course, he is still constantly training, but thanks to Error404, he is now able to grow more and more stronger. While he is not stronger than Error404, he is still slightly stronger than Gradient, and is as strong as Ink, and can use his physical strength to give Ink a very hard time trying to bring him down. Not to mention having worked on his speed, which allows him to move much faster than ever before in his life. So much that he is actually faster than even Gradient Sans as he is now. Only downside is that he cannot fly in the air line Gradient can do.

Ink than jumped back, as he than fired his Ink Blaster at Error, but Error Sans retaliated, but firing his Error Blasters at him.

The Error Blasters shot at Ink Sans, and were able to cause a lot of devastating damage to Ink, due to the fact that he is still within their range of fire, and needless to say, it is very painful to Ink. The Corrupted Protector is than launched backwards and hits a bunch of rocks, before Error than fired Red Strings at Ink, grabbing him by the neck, before he than quickly reeled him on, and grabbed him by one of the arms, glaring down at the corrupted Artist before him, feeling immensely disgusted at what he is seeing before his very eyes, especially after what Ink had done to himself. He has always seen the multiverse as something of an abomination, as something disgusting, something that needs to be destroyed. But Ink, when he made a deal with an Unnameable, it is even more disgusting than the whole Multiverse that is still existing even today.

"That is your big mistake, Error. Because now, you will be consumed by me."

Ink said to Error, as he touched his right arm, and made Error flinched, as he than kicks Ink back, before he than grabs his face, and yanks out some more strings from his eye sockets, as he than prepares to fight off against his corrupted rival. He jumps back, and he than swung his Blue Strings at Ink, who than used his Paintbrush in order to slice through the strings, and tried to attack Error with a black paint slash. But Error made a portal in front of him, and above him, as the Paint Slash than fired back at Ink, and Ink Sans raised his Paintbrush in the air, and defends against the attack, which pushed him back a little back. Error than took the chance, and wrapped Ink in Black Strings, and this time, it worked a little bit, as Ink stood in place, and didn't move...until he somehow figured out that this is not real, and sliced the strings off of him, before he then extends his fingers and tries to wrap it around Error, only for Error to speed out of the way, and kicked Ink in the head, turning his neck to the right, 180 degrees. But this did not effect Ink badly, as he than turned the rest of his body to the left, 180 degrees, as he puts them both back in place. Needless to say, Error looks utterly revolted at the sight of that Ink has done, but he does all that he can to now show it on his face, as both Error and Ink glared  at each other right in the eyes.

Ink and Error smiled at each other, but in the case of Error, he is only smiling so that he can appear confident, and not make himself look like he is scared of Ink Sans, his sworn rival. Ink, in particular, due to the influence of the Unnameable, is very chaotic, due to the fact that he has emotions, but in an out of control way. However, Error has made a vow that, as much as he hates Ink, his sworn rival, for protecting these disgusting Alternate Universes, seeing Ink like this is even worse, and because of this...he made a vow that he will free Ink from the Unnameable's influence, not matter what it takes to free his rival.

Ink than gripped his Paintbrush, and than extended it, as he than prepares to attack at a distance, as he than began to try and attack Error. But Error teleported, and than went behind Ink, before summoning a sharp bone in his hand, before he then charges at Ink, and paroles to stab his rival.

In the Doodle Sphere...

It has been a very long time for Gradient, since he has ventured back into the Doodle Sphere.

And needless to say, it seems that he still got the hand of it, and can still transverse through the Doodle Sphere with no problem at all.

But Gradient is not here to relive old memories of the fact that he is back inside of his former parent's home, as he has a job to do. He needs to get as may of the AUs as he possibly can and bring them into the Digital Sphere. So, without any fur her hesitation, Gradient positioned himself, and looks around and saw that he is in a perfect position, as the most well known AUs are in front of him, which will make his job easier. And so, Gradient swung his stylus, which opens a portal, and he then began to grab them by using his Trained Blue Magic. The 3 pages, that being the original Undertale, Glitchtale, Aftertale, Underfell, and Underswap, are all grabbed by Gradient's Trained Blue Magic, and are thrown into the portal. And when that happened, Gradient than turned back to the other pieces of paper, as he than launched blue strings with as more as 10 pages, and reeled them in, and began to pour as many of them inside of the portal as he can. The ones that he is pouring in more are Flowerfell, Negatale, Axetale, Othertale, Epictale, Horrortale, Dusttale, Outertale, the Disbelief Timeline, Storyshift, and this is just to make some of the AUs that Gradient is getting inside of the portal with his powers. Of course, Error404 could get into the Doodle Sphere himself and grab the pages and bring it to his dimension, but he already has a lot of stuff, whine Gradient's Digital Sphere is much more spacious, and in fact, is just as much so as the Doodle Sphere.

Back in Outerdust...

But as Gradient did that, Ink felt the pages of the Doodle Sphere being taken from his pocket dimension, as he than looks up, and spoke out.

"My AUs, there is someone that is taking the AUs inside of the Doodle Sphere!!"

Ink than made a Paint Portal with his Paintbrush, as he than tries to fly into it, before Error than used his Red Strings and wrapped it around Ink, in an effort to try and stop him. He than activated the Red Strings, as he than tries to cause as much pain as he possibly can to Ink Sans, in order to subdue his sworn rival. He than swung as fast as he could, and he was able to send Ink Sans into a large wall of rock, which broke into many pieces, as Error Sans than leapt into the air, and fired his Error Blaster at full power, which caused immense agony to Ink Sans, as Error Sans had grown incredibly powerful, due to his training with Error404 Sans, and the fact that he has a piece of the Unnameable inside of him, but not much an Unnameable's Piece as much when compared to Gradient, due to the fact that he has a piece of the Unnameable's Soul inside of his own, which made Gradient much more stronger than how he was before, though he is still weaker compared to Error Sans. Error Sans is doing all that he can to try and stop Ink, but Ink ripped free from the strings, and flies up towards the portal, only for the portal to dissipate, due ti the fact that he took a very long time to reach it. But Ink is not gonna give up this easily, as he than makes another portal, and tries to fly up to it, only for Error Sans to fire Black Strings, growling him in place, and uses its power, which made the Black Strings a Rainbow Color, making it look like, in Ink's vision, that the portal is much more farther away. But Ink knows that this is trick that Error is trying to pull off. So he sliced the strings, and flies into the portal, only for Error to make Blue Strings, and wrapped it around Ink's leg, pulling him up into the air, and enters the portal, before it than closed behind him.

In the Doodle Sphere...

Gradient had put inside of the portal, and he grabbed onto the Dustfell Paper, before he puts it inside of the portal, before he than grabbed onto the Dusttrust Paper, which he than puts inside of the portal, than Dustbelief, than the Sixbones timeline, Swapfell, Outerfell, Altertale, Alterfell, Alterswap, before he then grabbed onto the last one, which is the Outerdust Paper, and as he grabbed it, he saw a portal open up from underneath Gradient, and out came Ink and Error, in which the portal closes. Gradient, not wasting time, puts the paper inside of the portal, which than closes, a she does not want to risk Ink seeing it, before he than flies down, and punches Ink hard in the head, sending him down, as Error let's go of the strings, which vanished from existence. Gradient than made a portal, and looks at Error, before he than spoke out.

"Let's g-g-go in, before Father-ther Ink comes ba-a-a-ack."

Error nodded, as he than entered the portal, and into the Digital Sphere. Gradient entered, and as he did it halfway, he looks forward and saw that Ink is coming back, and he is looking angry, especially since it is Gradient that is present.


But Gradient spoke back to Ink.

"Not thi-i-is time-ime-ime."

Gradient than entered the portal, and the portal closes before Ink could grab Gradient, and see what he had entered into

Digital Sphere...

Gradient was able to enter the Digital Sphere before Ink could grab him, and needless to say, it is a very close call for him. He was able to quickly close the portal the instant he fully entered to the other side, and he than looks to see that Error and Error404 are talking to each other,

before Error404 than looks at Gradient, and moves to him, as he than looks at Gradient in the eyes, before he than spoke out to him.

"You did a good job, Gradient. You manage to get out much more of the AUs than I expected, yet still need for this plan of mine. Now this will be enough for me to remake what I had lost, at least for step one. There are still much more for me to do, before I can remake what was destroyed. me a favor, and integrate them into the Digital Sphere."

Gradient nodded his head, as he than spoke out.

"I'll do i-i-it, Error404."

Error404 nodded, and spoke out to Error.

"Come on, Error. Let us leave your son be, for he has work to do."

Error nodded his head, before he is than grabbed on at the shoulder by Error404's hand, and teleported out of the Digital Sphere. Gradient sighed, before he than turns around, and touched the pieces of paper that he took out of the Doodle Sphere, as he than turns them into Digital Art versions of the pieces of paper, each of them representing the AUs, and looking realistic and beautiful, as they acted like glitched, floating screens. He continues to do this, before he does the last one, which is the classic Undertale, the Universe that started it all. Gradient sighed, as he finally finished, before he than made a green screen in front of him.

He looks, and sees Ink, as he is acting very angry, at the fact that he failed to grab Gradient, before he than began to go to a random Alternate Universe, in an effort to try and calm down. Gradient looked very sad at what he is seeing before his very eyes, before he than spoke out to the screen.

"Do no-no-not worry...Father Ink-Ink. I'll bring-ring-ring you back to mat-matter wha-what."

He than looks down at his hand, and manifested a photo of him and his siblings, as well as the siblings that he is close to, Paperjam.

He than spoke out to the photo.

"And I-I-I'll do whatever-ever to tasks to reunite-unite with-ith you mat-mat-mat-matter what it ta-ta-takes."

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