Ink's New Soul
Gradient sighed, as he looked around the Doodle Sphere. He is always happy to see a place such as this. It makes him very happy to see the home of one of his parents. Especially to the only one that cares about him so much, along with his brothers. Only Error Sans, his other father, is the only parent that hates him, and no matter what Gradient Sans does, he could never get close enough to hug him-wait...he is afraid to be touched, Gradient remembered. But the least he could have that made him feel much more complete, was the fact that he wants his other father's love. It would make him feel much more happier than ever. And the fact that he could never get something like this is just so disheartening to him. But he does still care for his father, since he is family to Gradient, and wouldn't hate him. The others might hate him, including Paperjam, but Gradient would never hate his own other father, especially since he is mostly a glitchy skeleton like Error, even though he had inherited Ink's creative powers as well as Error's destructive powers.
Gradient looked around the Doodle Sphere for a little bit, and he saw that Blueprint and BlueScreen are having some form of fun of their own. And needless to say, it made Gradient Sans happy, as he wished that he could have fun wit meh his father, Error. Unfortunately for him, Gradient knows deep inside of his very own soul that something such as this will not happen. He knows that his father hates him so much down to his very soul, that even the simple sight of Gradient will set him off very, very badly. So all he can do is simply watch him from afar, and sees what it is that he is doing in the different alternate universes.
He jumps up into the air...and he than began to float around for a little bit, as he then made a screen in front of him, and he than took out his stylus, before he than began to draw on the screen that he has made, and tried to make some different artwork on there.
He took a little bit of time and effort on it, and eventually, after what must have been about 10 minutes, he saw that it had been finished. It looked very beautiful, but Gradient felt like it's ugly. So he raised his hand into a fist and prepared to destroy it, as he had done so many times, even when inside of the Doodle Sphere. But before he could do that, a voice spoke out to him, and it was a voice filled with curiosity inside his tone.
"What is that thing you have made, Gradient?"
Gradient turned to see who it is that had spoken out to him, and saw that it was none other than Paperjam, who had came to see what it is that he had made.
Gradient looked a little but hesitant, but he than showed his artwork, and Paperjam looked at it, and he began to observe every single bit of the artwork to see if there is anything that is bad. And after a little bit, Paperjam actually looked up at Gradient, and he than spoke out to his oldest brother.
"The artwork that you had made is actually very beautiful, brother."
This made Gradient Sand surprised, as he than spoke out to him.
"Real-Real-Really? You think-ink-ink it is beautiful, Paper-Paper-Paperjam?"
Paperjam nodded his head rapidly to Gradient Sans, as he than spoke out to him.
"It really is! I like it! Why in the Multiverse are you planning on destroying something as great as this?"
This made Gradient freeze a little bit, but than he chuckled a little bit, and he than spoke out.
"You wan-wan-want to k-k-k-keep it or some-some-something?"
Paperjam nodded, as Gradient gripped it tightly, and tries his best not to break it, and Gradient takes it from his hand. Paperjam than made a portal and took it to his own section of the Anti-Void. Paperjam went through the other side, and his Anti-Void, it looks very strange. The Anti-Void that Paperjam lives inside of is split into 2 sides, and these are the Destroyer's side and the Protector's side. The Destroyer's is blank with wide white spaces, the Protectors' has paper scattered and floating everywhere for the AUs and Paperjam had developed this place into a maze of paintings on white walls, having it almost impossible to navigate on one's own. Paperjam and Gradient are the only ones that can navigate this place. Paperjam through the fact that he was the one that had made it the way that it is, and Gradient through the years of memorizing the places and directions that he should go to and should not go to, as well as memorizing the dead ends and the turns that will take him to wherever he needs to go to.
Paperjam than looks around a little bit, and found an empty space in between 2 drawings that had been made a couple of years again. Paperjam breaths in a little bit, before he than places the digital art that Gradient has made into the wall, and it was able to stay in place. And luckily for Paperjam, the picture fits in just right.
"There we go. Now it fits."
Paperjam said, before he than made a portal with his paintbrushes, and he went through to the other side. He is floating in the air, as his scarves waved, even though there is not any sort of wind present inside of the Doodle Sphere. Gradient than went behind Paperjam, as he than spoke out to him.
"S-S-So...did it-it-it fi-i-it for you in your pla-a-ace, Paperjam?"
Paperjam nodded his head, his star left eye being a little wider than ever, as he than spoke out.
"Yep! And it fits perfectly well with my maze."
Gradient smiled happily, as he than spoke out to his younger brother in a very approved tone.
"I guess-uess-uess that is go-o-od for you, Paperjam."
Paperjam smiled, as he than spoke out to him.
"With somebody to have a skilled artist such as you, it sure means something to me in a way."
This made Gradient a bit more happier than before, as he than felt his body getting a little bit more glitchy in a way, due to how Paperjam really appreciates his art, and prevented him from having to destroy it, since he always has an urge to destroy what he has made, even though he has no idea why he even needs to destroy them in the first place anyway.
Gradient and Paperjam than looked at each other, before Gradient than spoke out.
"He-e-e-e-ey, Paperjam?"
Paperjam looks at Gradient, with a curious look on his face, as Gradient then spoke out to his younger brother.
"D-D-Do you think-ink-ink-ink that the both-other of us mi-mi-might have enough t-t-t-time to m-m-make an artwork together, if it is f-f-f-fine with y-y-y-you, little bro-bro-bro-bro?"
Paperjam looks around the place that they are in, which is the entirely of the Doodle Sphere, and after thinking a little bit, Paperjam turns his head to Gradient and spoke out to his older brother.
"Normally, I would not do something like this, due to the mess that the both of us will make. But, considering that we are in a place that will allow us to make something new, even if it does get a little bit messy, I suppose we can do that."
This made Gradient happy, as he than shouted out.
"Yes!! Th-Th-Th-Thanks a lo-lo-lo-lot, Paperjam. Now let's go-go-go-go and do it!"
Paperjam nodded his head with a smile on his face, as he than spoke out.
"Yeah, let's go and do it, brother"
Paperjam and Gradient looked very happy with each other, as they than began to play with their creativity powers. Of course, Paperjam is the most mature and responsible, and tries to be careful with it, and when it involves Gradient, he tries to get him to be just as careful as Paperjam is, due to not wanting to have him accidentally bust the Doodle Sphere. Of course, not that Ink would care, since Ink Sans seems to support anyone that can make something new. So they want to make some art for the both of them to think of as special, and hopefully, Gradient does not fall into his instincts of having.
With Blueprint and BlueScreen, the 2 brothers are having some fun with each other. For Blueprint Sans, he is showing BlueScreen the stuff that he is planning, and has even made a hunch of stuff from the scarf that he has made, such as a statue of sink Sans, a statue of BlueScreen himself, and has even been able to make a wall of blue bricks. Needless to say, BlueScreen seems to be very happy and excited that he than spoke out on Morse Code our how cool it look from what he is doing. Even though Blurprint does not know what it is that BlueScreen is saying, he does know that BlueScreen likes what it is that he has made, based on his facial expression. Blueprint than spoke out to BlueScreen.
"I am very glad that you like this, BlueScreen. It is really nice to make you very excited and happy at what I am doing."
Than Blueprint than looks down sad at the large price of ground that he and BlueScreen is sitting on top of, as he than spoke out something very unhappily.
"Gene thought I wish I could understand what it is the you are saying to me, brother."
Blueprint felt very bad that he does not understand what it is that BlueScreen is saying, due to the fact that he is speaking in a language version of Morse Code, and it really makes Blueprint feel guilty, as he feels like he would never understand what it is that BlueScreen is saying if he does not understand what it is that he is saying to him. And someday, he really hopes that can make something that will allow him to understand what it is that that BlueScreen is saying.
Blueprint hopes that he can make a translator so that he can understand what it is that his brother is saying, so that he can hopefully respond back to him in the right way. But because of the fact that BlueScreen can't learn English, even though he knows and understands what it is that he is saying, it is impossible to teach it to him. So for now, BlueScreen will have to stay as unknown to Blueprint, and only be known by Ink, Error, Gradient, and Paperjam, as they are only members of his family that have any sort of way to understand what it is that he is suing to them.
BlueScreen looks into the eyes of Blueprint, and he could tell on the look on his face that Blueprint feels very bad for the fact that he does not understand the way that it is speaking, and really wishes that he can understand him. But knows that he is unable to do that. But BlueScreen decides to pick up a crown that Blueprint has made with his left hand, and places it on top of Blueprint's head, which caught Blueprint by surprise. Blueprint than looks at BlueScreen, as he than spoke out something in Morse Code, before he hugs BlueScreen tightly, showing that he still cares for his brother deeply, even if he does not understand him. This made Blueprint a bit surprised at what he is doing, but it also made him very happy, as he than hugged BlueScreen back, the 2 half brothers of Underswap Sans cared and comforted each other with their presence very close to one another, as they cannot help but still care, despite Bluepirnt not being able to understand what it is that BlueScreen is saying. No matter what happens, they are brothers to the bitter end, even if they are only half-related.
Palette Roller smiled widely, as he held his Paint Roller inside of his hand. Excitement appeared on his face for some reason. Though whatever it is that it is that is making him excited, it must be such a good thing for Palette Roller himself. But Palette Roller was smiling widely at Blueprint and BlueScreen, as he sees that they are hugging each other, due to the fact that they mean so much to each other a lot, and hopes that Blueprint will be able to make a translation machine of sorts, which Blueprint had once told him of, and he bids Blueprint good luck in trying to make a translation machine for what he needs to do in order to make sure that he can understand what it is that BlueScreen is saying. He knows that the language that BlueScreen is speaking in is something that he can never understand, but he will not stop at being kind and friendly to him, and will care for him no matter what.
Palette Roller sighed, as he than looked and saw a bunch of islands far off into the distance. He than puts his finger on his chin, as he than decides what to do with the bunch of many islands that are floating all over the area that they are in. He than snapped his fingers, as he than takes out his Paintball Gun from, somewhere, and aims it at the floating island. Besides, it is a good time to practice his aiming.
He smiled very confidently, as he than shot his paintballs all over the islands that are floating so many feet in front of the very young spawn. He fired rapidly and is far more precise in his shots than ever before. The paint splattered all over the island that is floating around, as he than shot more and more of the paintballs at the islands as fast and precisely as he can. His eyes looked around, very focused at his surroundings, as the barrel of his gun aimed and fired at the islands that he wants to fire it in, and the ones that he fired it in, they always ended up getting a perfect score. Needless to say, it is an achievement for Palette Roller to continuing to improve his aim.
Ink Sans watched at the sidelines, as he sees that his children are having fun, and he is smiling at the fact that they are very happy with what it is that they are doing. They are making one heck of a mess inside of the Doodle Sphere, sure, but it is the good kind of mess that they are doing. They are even using their powers to make some stuff, such as with Gradient and Paperjam, who are using their powers to making an art piece of their own with each other's powers. Real paint and digital paint together, it must be a very interesting experience for the boot of them to even try. Even Ink Sans feels very interested at the unique form of art that the 2 of them are able to do, with the 2 powers that they have. Of course, while Paperjam's art skills are not perfect compared to the other, when someone such as Gradient is helping him, the creation power is stable, as it does not deteriorate.
The thing that is going on with Blueprint and BlueScreen also made Ink Sans happy, as he sees that the 2 of them are being close, despite the fact that Blueprint is unable to understand what it is that BlueScreen is saying. He always liked to see the 2 half-brothers get along with each other very well, despite how strange it must be to have BlueScreen be inside of the conversation, as he is not able to speak English. Despite this, it does not get in the way of BlueScreen's life, as he is caring immensely for Blueprint, along with his younger and older half-brothers. In fact, he still continues to try and be friendly with them, as his brothers means a lot to BlueScreen.
Palette Roller is also making Ink Sans interested, as he than sees him shooting at the islands with the Paintball Gun, which is splattering on the islands that he is aiming at. He does not mind it. In fact, he would actually like to see Palette Roller make the Doodle Sphere a bit more colorful than ever before. It made him smile at first at what he is seeing...but than...he stopped being happy...and he felt something else.
Ink Sans looks down...sad. The reason that he is sad right because that...he feels like he is not genuine in how he expresses his emotions to his spawns. He may seem like he is, but inside of Ink Sans' mind, he feels like he is faking his emotions, due to his emotions being artificial, and not actual ones. This is making Ink Sans a little sad at this small little fact. Ink Sans looks down...and he looked down at his scarf, and he began to think of a way to make himself have genuine emotions, so that he can show that he truly does love his children. And unfortunate for him...he has one idea that might work for him. And it is something that he is so eager to have, but desperately stops himself from doing, as to not lose his own children suspicious at what he is about to do. Ink Sans stood up, as he than spoke out to his spawns.
"Hey, everyone?"
Everyone stopped, as they looked at Ink Sans, who than spoke out to them all.
"I need to go somewhere very important, because I need to do something that could be beneficial for all of us. I just hopes that it can be of any good thing for you 5. So, I'll be back soon, okay?"
Everyone nodded, as Ink Sans smiled out.
"Good. I'll see all of you later."
Ink Sans than turned into a liquid...and went into a place that resembles a cave of sorts, which looks a little bit darker than other normal caves. Ink Sans sighed, as he walked over to the cave, but than a voice spoke out.
"You are not serious in trying to do this, are you?"
Ink Sans turns around to see that there is a version of Sans looking at him with a disapproving look on his face, a year going down his right eye socket, as he than spoke out.
"You are going to give yourself emotions from an extremely dangerous entity? Have you lost it? You should use no emotions in your duties as the Guardian of the Multiverse!"
But Ink Sans responds with swiping his Paintbrusb at the figure, and the ghostly sans disappears, as he than walked over to the cave...and entered it, and as he did...a voice spoke out.
"So you have finally returned to me, Guardian of the Multiverse."
The voice sounded so demonic, and whine Ink cannot see the entity...he can tell that he is watching him. Ink looks up, and sees an outline of an entity that has a humanoid torso, head, and arms and hands, but the legs are replaced with a shapeless mass, as a bunch of eyes and sharp mouths are shown all over the place, as Ink spoke out.
"Yeah, I have. I have returned to you, Unnameable."
The Unnameable looks interested at Ink Sans, as he than spoke out.
"Have you thought on the deal that we both have, the deal that I had given to you?"
Ink Sans nodded a little bit, as he looked down at the ground that is beneath his feet, before looking back at the Unnameable, as he than spoke out to him.
"Yeah, I have. It took me a little bit...and..."
The Unnameable looks at Ink Sans, gawking its head to the side, as he waits for an answer from him. Ink Sans than looked up, and spoke out.
"I decided that I will fulfill it."
Ink Sans than looked down, as he than spoke out to himself.
"All for the sake of my kids."
The Unnameable didn't hear the last part though, as he than spoke out.
"Excellent. The emotions that you desire will soon be yours, Ink, Guardian of the Multiverse.
The Unnameable than spread all 4 of its arms, and each made one fourth of a soul in each of its hand. It than puts its 4 hands together, and used a piece of its soul to make. It has a resemblance to a normal monster soul, except that the soul has an eyes that has Ink's star eye, and in the place of eyelashes, are teeth. The Unnameable than looks down, giddy at what Ink Sans is looking at, as he than spoke out.
"Take it, Ink. Take it, and you shall gain the power to protect the Alternate Universes that you care so deeply about. Take it, and the power, the emotions that you wished for...can be yours."
Ink Sans, he felt a little hesitant to do it. He felt a little unsure. But after a little bit of hesitation, he quickly grabbed it, and held the soul tightly, as it than began to enter inside of his body, and Ink Sans eyes changed to normal shapes, with a purple color, as the soul of the Unnameable, now became his own soul to have.
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