Genuine Emotions
Gradient, Paperjam, along with his other brothers are waiting for Ink Sans to come back. He had been gone for an hour. And for a very strange reason...they are all worried. Normally, they wouldn't be worried, since Ink Sans usually comes back to them after more than hour, and yet, for a very strange reason, they are all worried for some unknown reason. Perhaps it is something to do with the fact that Ink Sans has to go and do something that is very important, which he called it, and the important that will hopefully benefit the children in a way, or rather, all the way. Even Gradient felt very...unease at this thing. On the contrary, in comparison to the others, who are simply just worried about what will happen with Ink Sans, Gradient felt more than just a simple form of worry. In fact, he felt very, very scared for his father. Not because of what might happen simply. But because of what he might do to himself. And needless to say, it is making Gradient Sans a little bit scared out of is wits on end, and he has no idea what he is acting like that, even though nothing is happening to the spawns now.
"I-I-I-I real-eal-eally can't lo-lo-look at this-is-is."
He tugged his hood tightly on his head, and he is afraid for show his eyes, almost as if he cannot see what is gonna happen to his father. The others found tell that he is afraid of what will happen, and as much as they would like to mock Gradient for this sort of behavior, even they cannot help but feel very uneasy for some strange reason. And they have no real clue as to why they are acting like that.
Blueprint, Bluescreen, and Palette Roller, even they are a little bit afraid of what might happen to them. Ink Sans, he may have said that it would be a benefit of what he is going to do when he goes to this place, but will it be an actual benefit, or would it be nothing more than a temporary benefit, before it blows up in their face, and if it blows up in their face, if it goes so wrong...than how bad would it get, and more importantly for the severe will the consequences of Ink's actions be?
"I really don't trust father in this sort of thing. He inc Essex that when it involved XGaster, as well as the X-Event. It was beneficial alright. Beneficial to the point in that it got a whole entirety of the multiverse destroyed and Ink sans getting a bunch of lives killed all just fir the sake of creation. Well, at least he learned his lesson, but right now...even I am afraid of what it is that father is thinking of this time."
Paperjam Sams narrows his eyes, as he stares at the position that Ink Sans was once inside of. The suspicion on his face made it clear to everyone that he thinks that Ink Sans is up to something that is likely not going to be good at all. But in spite of all of this, he wants to believe that Ink Sans is actually doing something that can be beneficial to other people. He just hopes that Ink Sans is being legitimate about this. After all, he may have been his father, but even he knows some of the terrible stuff that his father has done, such as the X-Event, and because of this, even begins to question if this is even beneficial or not, which Paperjam highly doubts that it is.
Blueprint twirled his jacket around, as he felt some swear go down his face. He can't help but feel very scared at what is about to happen. Even though some part of his mind wants to trust his father Ink on this sort of thing, Blueprint cannot help but feel very scared of what it is that Ink Sans, his own father, is planning right now. He cannot help but feel an uneasy feeling at what is going to happen in the future, and he does not know why. His eyes changed color a bit, as it flashed to different colors and shapes, as he has no idea how he can deal with this. He just hopes that his father, Ink, know what in the world he is doing right now. After all, he may have known his father on a bunch of stuff, but even he has no idea if Ink Sans is being truthful in that this will be such a beneficial thing too the spawns.
Than, a black drop appeared from above the sky, and everyone looked up, as they saw that another black drop of paint appeared from the sky. And than another, and another, and another. And than, a large vat of black paint appeared out from above and splashed onto a piece of land, and began to twirl and spin like a twister, a tornado of paint. Everyone watches, as the black tornado begsn it compress itself and turn itself into a humanoid form in its appearance, and the tornado became much more physical in its composition. The spawns kept in watching and watching to see what would happen, to see if Ink Sans is going to be truthful about his, about the fact that it will truthfully be beneficial to the spawns in a way. And the only way to find out is to see if Ink Sans is being legitimate about this.
The tornado than made a physicial form, and falling down onto the piece of land that he formed upon is Ink Sans himself, and he is on his knees, as his left hand is on his chest, as if he is finally feeling a soul. This made Gradient, Paperjam, and the other spawns a little bit unnerved, as he has never used this sort of body gesture before in the past. So to see him do this is quite a very new thing for all of them to see before their very eyes. Everyone was a little bit afraid of this, but Paperjam himself, who is the most mature and bravest of Ink's spawns, took a deep breath, and walked over to his father. Although Paperjam is a middle child, he is way taller than his own father at the height of 5 feet. Basically, he is taller than Ink Sans himself, as well as the rest of his siblings. Hell, he is even taller than Gradient, his older brother, who is at the height of 4'6. Paperjam's left eye became a circle, because of how scared he is, but he needs to make sure that his father is okay, and that he is still humself in a way.
Paperjam than spoke out, after he took a deep breath.
"Father, are you okay?"
This made Ink Sans finally stop looking at the ground, and this looked at Paperjam, though Paperjam cannot see his face, as Ink Sans than spoke out to his second oldest son.
"Okay, I am more than that. I feel better!"
Ink Sans than leapt into the air, and landed back onto the small island again, as everyone looked at him in the eye, and what they saw was very shocking to them. Ink Sans' eyes, they are now different. Gone were the eyes that are changing appearance, shape, size, and color. Now there are 2 normal-shaped eyes that resembles a Classic Sans'eyes, except that they are now a purple color. Ink Sans than spoke out in a very excited tone.
"I have finally gotten a soul of my own!!! I can now feel genuine emotions!! I can feel all that emotions I've ever wanted to feel!"
This made everyone of the spawns feel immensely surprised, but in a good way. Palette Roller and Blueprint felt extremely happy for Ink, as Palette Roller than spoke out.
"Really?! I'm so proud of you, father!!"
Palette Roller ran up and hugged his father, as Blueprint did the same, with Ink Sans hugging back. Both Palette Roller and Blueprint felt very proud for their own father for finally getting a soul of his own. And now, thanks to being able to get a new soul, Ink can finally genuinely love his own children. Paperjam looked shocked, as he check his soul, and it looks like a normal monster soul, but Paperjam knows that it is far more powerful than it even look. But it didn't matter, because he felt very excited and proud of his own father, as he than spoke out to him in a very proud tone of voice.
"Father I...I don't know what to say!! I am so happy and proud of you!"
His left eye became a star again, as he picked his father up andnhugged him immensely tightly, as Ink Sans returned the embrace back to his second youngest child, finally feeling happy, very, genuinely happy, that he can finally care for his kids for real, instead of having to use the emotion vials that are on his sash. He cannot no longer pretend to care with the emotion vials. he can finally card for his kids for real.
Paperjam sighed very happily, as he than turned to Gradient, before he than spoke out to his eldest brother, who still looks very nervous about this. Paperjam than decide to speak out to him.
"Hey, Gradient. It's okay. Our father, he is back, he is nitnfeelinand acting strange right now. In fact, it really is a good thing for him. He has an actual soul now, he can care for us for real. So stop with that and look at him. He is nit going to hurt you in anyway, brother."
Gradient Sans looked nervous for a little bit at what he is seeing before his very eyes, before he than smiled at his father. His own father...he finally gained the ability to genuinely feel. He finally has a soul of his own. He felt so happy for his father. After so long without a soul, he can finally feel genuine emotions. Even though he felt an instinct of that he should run away while he has the chance, he felt so happy of his father than he felt his body move on its own. He rushed to his father, ran up, and hugged him as tightly as he can. Even though he is taller than his father, he is still short in a way. But he is still tall enough to pick up his own father and hug him very tightly, as Ink smile widely and hugged his eldest son back. Gradient has never felt this much joy than he never thought that he would feel. And clearly, clearly, this is the best day of the eldest child of Ink and Error. And honestly, he wished that he could have asked for this in the first place.
About 3 days later...
Gradient held the camera up in front of both his and his younger brother, Paperjam's face, as Gradient Sans than spoke out to him.
"Al-Al-Alright-right, Paper-Paperjam. Let's go-go-go and make tha-a-a-at face of ours."
Paperjam sighed unhappily, as he cannot believe that he is doing tie sort of thing, but maybe it is a little bit good to be a little ridiculous once in a while. And so...both Gradient and Paperjam made a funny face, even if it is a little bit of a weird one that they are both making for some strange reason
Both Gradient and Paperjam stuck their tongues out of their mouths, as they both did a picture together. Gradient has a camera in hand, and took a picture of himself and Paperjam. After they made a picture, Gradient looks at it, and he smiled in a very goofy manner. Paperjam did the same, though it was more of a forced smile of a goofy type, and not a genuine type of way. Clearly, he does not like this sort of thing, but he wants to make his brother happy, and and he will only scold him and the other brothers if they do something that is straight up not right, or if they do something that is plain ridiculous, such as getting to do a type of event that will get other people hurt.
But despite all of that, Paperjam cannot help but feel very happy for his own father, Ink Sans, for finally getting a soul of his own. In fact, it made him more than just happy for his own father for that, it has made him extmrelu proud of what he had done. But the soul did more on his bird than the spawns thought of.
The soul that Ink Sans had gotten has also gifted him with new abilities that he has never been able to obtain before in his whole life. Ink Sans has gained the ability to fly without any sort of aid whatsoever. He has also becasm much more stronger than he has ever been, to the point of being insanely strong, and when it involves his creativity, he can is fights very creatively. In fact, he is now so creative, that he can even act as creative as possible in a fight, and even use his kind as a weapon, which will allow him to turn his paint or even something of the environment into whatever he needs or wants.
Actually, that last part is what he is now training his own children in doing right now. He is trying to teach them the power of this creativity, as that they can be better combatants Ina fught,using creativity as their greatest skill. After all, all of them, except for BlueScreen, are artists, though it might be the most difficult for Blueprint,due to the way his power works, so they can make the possibility in the use of the creativity ability, in case they ever go into a fight that is extremely tough for them to get out of, and they really will need something very powerful for them into order to get out of the mess that they are in.
"Hey, Gradient, Paperjam! Can you come to me?!"
Ink Sans spoke out. Gradient and Paperjam looked to see that their younger half-brothers, Blueprint and Palette Roller, are also there as well, and the both of them are standing in front of Ink Sans. So the 2 older brothers nodded their heads at Ink Sans, and they than went down to his position, and they went in front of them, as they went next to their 2 younger half-brothers, who are also a little bit confused as to why they have been called for some very unknown reason.
Right now, Ink Sans is now speaking up to his spawns, as they are looking at Ink Sans, as they are confused on why in the world he is suddnly calling them right now. Ink Sans than looks at all 4 of his artistic children, before he than spoke out to them.
"Okay, so...I'm pretty sure all of you remember the the fact that new soul that I have been given has gifted me with a bunch of new powers, right?"
The 4 spawns nodded, as Blueprint spoke out.
"Yeah, we remember that. But why are you calling us on this, if you don't mind me asking?"
Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out to his 4 spawns.
"Well, I have been thinking about it for a little bit, and...I figured that I might have the chance to try and teach all of you one of my new abilities. And that is with the enhanced creavituycreativity ability."
Paperjam than spoke out to his father.
"You mean the same creativity that you used on Nightmare when you fought against him?"
Ink Sans nodded, smiling a little bit wider. During a fight against trying to save a universe from Nightmare, who is Palette Roller's uncle, Ink Sans has appeare to protect the Alternate Universe from Nightmare, and needless to say, when the both of them fought, the fight was something that Nightmare was it expecting, as Ink Sans acted as creative as possible, using his paint and everything around him into something that he wanted to make in order to attack and hurt Nigtmare, and the fact that Ink Sans actually seemed very happy in his sufferings, which has made even Nightmare himself a little bit uneasy, as he has never seen Ink act like that before, and more importantly, loses those abilities such as these before. Though Ink Sans only held on to the fight long enough for Dream Sans, Nightmare's brother and Palete Roller's father, to get here and take over the fight for Ink, as Ink Sans left the fight and let's Dream Sans handle it, as Dream Sans' powers and likely Palette Roller's powers are the only ones that can hurt him, due to the both of them possessing the Golden Apple in the place of their souls, which can counter against Nightmare's Black Apple.
Ink Sans nodded, as he than spoke out to his children.
"I figured since...all of you have been growing up, and have been growing stronger in a way with the use of your artistic skills and creativity, even if it is not perfect for all of you, I figured that I myself could teach you this sort of power, just in case one of you ever get yourself into a tight spot that all of you can't get out of on your own. I will admit, it is going to be very difficult to try and master this sort of technique, but it is not impossible. We just need to keep on practicing until one of you at a time can get it. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"
The spawns than looked a time each other in the eyes, clearly a little bit unsure of whether it is such a good idea to have this sort of technique with them or not. But...considering that they have been in some bad stuff before in the past, and the fact that they had been nearly killed by some is pretty understandable that Ink would suggest this sort of thing to them.
Gradient than took a deep breath, as he than looked at his stylus, which he is gripping in his hand, and he clenched his fist, before he than spoke out.
"I-I'll tak-tak-take a tur-tur-tur-turn."
Gradient jumped next to Ink Sans, as the others are surprised at what it is that he is thinking. Ink Sans smiled, as he than spoke out to him.
"I'm glad you decided to come along and do it with me. Alright than..."
Ink Sans gripped his Paintbrush, as he rhabbspoke out
"Let's get started."
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