The sounds of footsteps were heard amongst the crowd, as Gradient and the rest of his siblings are now running as fast as they can to try and reach the Omega Timeline in the strange pocket dimension that they are in. Thanks to CORE Frisk, who had been the one responsible for discovering this place, many of the survivors and the denizens of the Alternate Universes that they live in niw have a chance to get out of thus dangerous situation alive, and take residence in the Omega Timeline, where she will lock it up from the rest of the Multiverse to prevent Ink and Infected from getting inside of the Omega Timeline and try to consume the residence there. But it will not hide them forever, as it will not be too long before Ink eventually discovers this place on his own.
Gradient, as he runs, feels very sad. Sad about the fact that the life he had once known of had too end in a way as terrible as this. His own father, Ink, having become corrupted to the point of being beyond recognizable. And now, they would need to live in the Omega Timeline, which is the place that Gradient was born in from the fight between Ink and Error, his two parents. His feet doesn't feel tired, his legs barely feel heavy, as he continues to run fast. Blueprint and BlueScreen ran side by side, as they kept on moving as fast as they could. The change of their own father felt extremely crushing towards the 2 spawns of Ink, as the personnthst they had once known of is simply just gone in the blink of an eye. And it is all because he had to take the soul of an unknown entity, which had made him the way he is now.
Paperjam is with his wife, Omni, who is a Pluris, and with his wife is Monochrome, a child of born Omni and Paperjam, as they ran as fast as they could to the portal to the Omega Timeline.
"Come on!! Don't stop!! We've got to keep on moving!!!"
Paperjam said, as he fears for the lives of his wife and child, and because of thus, he is very afraid of the fact that Ink Sans, his own father, will try to catch and consume them, his own daughter-in-law and his own grandchild. Because of this, he has made it top priority to try and make sure that his own wife and kid does not get caught by Ink Sans, as to make sure that they all survive this storm to the bitter end, and that is by going to the Omega Timeline, where they will be safe and secured. He nearly got killed and consumed by Ink all just to empower Ink Sans more. And because of thus, he will not let his own wife and kid go and suffer the same fate as he himself had nearly done so, along with his brothers.
Dream Sans is running along with his spawns and Cross, as Palette Roller ran beside him. Clearly, Palette Roller is afraid for his own life. And Dream Sans, Dream never thought that he would see the day of when his own friend had become corrupted the way he is. He thought that the X-Event was bad enough. But this one, this one is even worse than the X-Event, because the universes that Ink Sans consumes, if he were to get all of them, including all of the denizens, they would not come back and be preserved. Instead, they are just gone forever. Luckily, CORE Frisk, once she understood the situation and of what Ink was doing, was able to get some of the denizens out of there, and they are fleeing for the lives, and a bunch of them went into the portal.
Many of the survivors went into the portal that he has made, the survivors of different AUs from different genicide runs, and the AUs that Ink had consumed, both bad and good, as all of them went into the Omega Timeline portal, and to the other side, where they will be safe. They jumped and moved out of the way, so that the people behind them can get through, as CORE Frisk keeps the portal as opened as they could for as long as possible.
Gradient runs, along with the others, as he has his stylus out, and spoke out.
"Ok-Ok-Okay, we're-re almost th-th-th-there! Keep mov-moving!!"
Everyone nodded, as they ran much more than ever before, and they did not stop, and they went into the portal much more faster than ever before. But as they did...
A wall from behind the group broke, and everyone turned to see what it is that has happened, only to widen their eyes in horror, when they saw that it was Ink Sans himself. He has found them, and now is ready to consume them. Gradient, horrified at this, takes out his stylus, as he readies himself for combat, only to see that there are 2 other skeletons that are ready to fight back themselves.
This is a version of Dust Sans from a rebellion pacifist route, where he was able to successfully kill Undyne, and he is ready to fight against the now out of control Ink Sans, and he is not alone.
This is Sans from the Skeletal Vengeance timeline. He is not very well known, due to the fact that his timeline was abandoned by the creators, and the fact that Ink Sans has consumed his universe, which made Skeletal Vengeance completely pissed off to an immense degree right now. He was hoping to gain the chance to try and regain the home that was taken from him, the home that he had lost. As well as the friends that had been killed by the Frisk of his timeline. But now, thanks to Ink Sans, that chance is lost. And luckily, he still has a chance to try and get out of the danger alive. But now, he has to risk his life along with Dust Sans, so that the others can get into the portal.
Skeletal Vengeance Sans stepped forward, as he than spoke out to Ink Sans.
" are gonna pay for taking away my home. the lives of my friends and family...they are now permanently gone because of you."
Dust Sans smiled wickedly, as he than steppe for forward, and he than spoke out to Ink Sans.
"come let's have a mad time!!!"
Dust Sans and Skeletal Vengeance Sans fired their Gaster Blasters at Ink Sans, who than fired a large Ink Blaster, which pushed against the 2 Gaster Blasters, before Dust and Skeletal Vengeance charged forward and tried to attack Ink Sans.
Dust than formed a purple trident that he got from when he killed Asgore, as he sliced and stabbed at Ink Sans, before attacking with fireballs and friendliness pellets, causing a lot of damage to Ink Sans. But Ink Sans did nit seem to feel the da,age, as his soul did not get scratched. Not even a dent. Dust Sans than fired sharp purple bones, as he than stabbed Ink Sans with them, only for Ink Sans to simply pull the bones out like it is nothing more than a simple splinter. He than charged forward, and struck Dust Sans with his Paintbrush, and needless to say, it was to immensely strong, even when he made a spear to try and defend and strike back against it, the attack, that it nearly took away all of Dust's HP with just one strike, shattered the spear, and now, Dust Sans' life hangs by one single bar of HP. Dust Sans than watched, with blurry vision as he sees that Ink Sans is about to grab him, when he is suddenly thrown off of Dust Sans. Ink Sans turned out to see Skeletal Vengeance Sans, as he is ready to fight off against Ink Sans.
"You are not going to be consuming Dust that easily, pal. You're fighting me."
Ink Sans than swung his Paintbrush, hoping to get the same results as before just like he had with Dust Sans, but than, something very unexpected happened.
Skeletal Vengeance Sans blocked with his shield, as he was able to defend against the Paintbrush, before using the trident to summons fireballs at him, and clashed and fought against each other up close, as the Trident and Paintbrush clashed and grind against each other with so much immense force from the 2 of them. But Ink Sans was stronger, which he knows of, and he could easily tell that he can break the trident if he were to do it with enoug force. The only reason he will not do it, is because he needs to consume him along with the weapons he has in order to hopefully increase his power.
He than held the spear from Undyne, and he than forced Ink Sans into a defensive position, which than made bones attack, in which he is forced to block against the bones that are coming his way, not that he needs, since he will still be fine.
After the effect ended, Ink Sans swung the paintbrush again, but this time, to fire sharp ink bones at Skeletal Vengeance Sans, and try to pierce him with it. But Skeletal Vengeance Sans countered with another weapon that Ink Sans did not expect.
Skeletal Vengeance Sans than took out a gun from the coat that had once belonged to his dear friend, Alphys. He than shot the gun at the ink bones destroying them, before he than aimed it at Ink Sans, and shot him as much as he could so that he can hurt him as much as possible. But the bullets barely did anything, as he than rushed forward very fast, and before Skeletal Vengeance could realize what was about to happen, Ink was already in front of him, and swung his Paintbrush as hard as he could, and puts him in a similar condition to Dust Sans. Ink Sans smiled wickedly, as he opens his mouth and prepares to summon a bunch of black tentacles out in order to consume them, only for his tentacles to miss, as Skeletal Vengeance Sans and Dust Sans were moved out of the way, and Ink Sans was pushed back by blue magic manipulating his soul as far away as possible. Ink Sans than flies in the air, as he charged as fast as he could, and saw who it is that is aiding Skeletal Vengeance Sans and Dust Sans.
Dustbelief and Disbelief Papyrus, along with Geno Sans, rushed to Skeletal Vengeance Sans and Dust Sans, and got them out of there as fast as they could. Color Sans provided some form of cover by shooting at Ink Sans with his cannon arm version of the Gaster Blaster, as it struck Ink Sans with immense force, which is enough to push him back hard. And needless to say, the corrupted protector is not expecting for that to happen out of complete nowhere. The blast forced him back very much, and luckily, during the fight of Dust and Skeletal Vengeance, Gradient and the others resumed running, as they are now getting more and make closer to the portal than ever before. the 2 Papyruses were teleported near the portal, thanks to the other 2 Sanses, as Color and Geno, carrying Dust and Skeletal Vengeance, teleported away. Ink Sans rose up from the ground, but he than got shot by Mafia Sans, who used his Tommy Gun to stun him for a little bit, and he didn't stop running.
And needless to say, what Color Sans did hurt him very badly. Not that it would hurt his new soul in anyway, since even with Color Sans' power, it would not make a difference in trying to kill him. He than stood up, and flies fast to try and get to the survivors that are about to escape through the portal, only to be meet with a poweful arrow to the face, which exploded and sent Ink back a little bit, and discovered that it was one other than an old friend of his.
Dream Sans gripped his blades tightly, after he had split them from the bow he has made, as he than walked up to the person that had once use fro he is friend from the past. His eyes glowed his golden color, as he stared into the face of his former ally, now having become corrupted by the soul that he had gained from a creature of incomprehensible and unspeakable horrifying powers. Dream gripped his blades, as he than stared at what once had been his friend, now having become a monster.
"Hello, Dream. I didn't think that you would be joining in with the runs that are running away from me."
Dream didn't respond, as he than gripped his blades tightly, as he continued to stare at Ink Sans in the eye, as he thought to himself.
'Remember, Dream. This is not the Ink that you know of. He is someone else.'
He than held out his hand in the air, as he than began to absorb the positive emotions coming from the Omega Timeline, which is entering through the portal, and into Dream Sans' hand, before he than absorbed them, empowering himself in the process, as he than charged at Ink Sans, and he than struck with his swords, which was actually able to push Ink Sans back a little but, as Ink Sans was a little bit surprised at that. Than Ink Sans swung his paintbrush and tried to hit Dream, only for Dream Sans to avoid the attack, and leapt out of the way. Dream Sans than swung his blade, which stabbed Ink in the arm, before reeling Ink towards himself, and unleashes a poweful punch to the face. But Ink was not going to give up that easily, as he than leapt up into the air, and launched about hundreds of sharp ink bones at Dream Sans, who than ran to the direction of the survivors, as he swung and sliced at the Ink Bones, before he is then grabbed by a bunch of paint tentacles, and was than kicked very hard by Ink Sans, as he grinned at the ground. Ink Sans smiled, as he than kicked into the air, and was than punched to the survivors, who are still running for their lives. Dream Sans stood up, and made a force filed of positive energy to try and hold off against Ink's assault, only for Ink to break through, and punched Dream in the gut, launching him off his feet towards the survivors, and knocking him unconscious. Ink Sans smiled, as he was able to overpower Dream Sans, even with the use of the Positive Emotions empowering him, and he than tried to consume his old friend. But than, Ink Sans was suddnly shot by something, and was sent back, as Gradient wrapped his strings around Dream Sans, and sent him through to the other side of the portal, where Delta Sans and Gz Sans, who are at the other side of the portal, caught him.
Ink Sans rose up from the ground, and saw that it is another person that not even Ink Sans was expecting to reunite with again.
"I'll handle this one."
Seraphim Sans said, as he than began to walk towards Ink Sans, who is now smiling at Seraphim in a very insane way right now. Seraphim Sans' soul eyes glowed from the wings, as he than prepares to fight against what was once his friend from before.
"Hello, Seraphim. It has been a very long time since I had seen you."
Seraphim Sans does not look very amused at this, as he than spoke out.
"'re gonna wish that you have not met me than, Ink."
Seraphim sans than flied up high in the air, as Ink Sans than did the same, and the both of them clashed, as Seraphim Sans and Ink Sans are pushed by the powerful shockwave that has been made. Ink Sans fired an Ink Blaster, only for Seraphim Sans to counter it with a green magical construct of a pan. He than made a gun from the justice soul's magic, and fired bullets at Ink Sans, which Ink Sans endured with the shots. I'm Sans charged forward to try and punch Seraphim Sans, only for Seraphim Sans to do the same, as his fist is covered in a fiery orange aura, and was than punched a bunch of times, and all of the punches struck Ink Sans. Unfortunately, all that did was made his fists a little but injured, due to Ink Sans' new soul having increased his durability to an insane degree. Seraphim Sans turned around and tried to grab Ink, but Ink avoided the attack and tried to attack with his brush, only for Chara to take control attack it has ear knife, which has a very long handle that resembles a scythe. Chara than spoke out to Ink Sans.
"My turn."
They than swung their knife at Ink Sans, who than swung his Paintbrush at Chara. The 2 weapons clashed, as both Ink Sans and Seraphim combatted much more easily. As the knife is the strongest me else weapon in Seraphim Sans' arsenal, this gave Seraphim a chance against Ink Sans. But the thing is, even with a weapon as powerful as that, it would not matter to Ink, as he than simply blocked and countered against the knife's strikes, and combined with his Ungodly Strength, got an edge against Seraphim Sans, and before Seraphim Sans could react to what Ink was about to do next, he was than struck by the full extent of Ink Sans' strikes, as Chara, who was still controlling Sans' body, tried to defend with their knife, only for them to be knocked off of their feet, and sent flying through the portal, and having crashed onto the ground.
Paperjam got his wife and kid through the portal, and as the others were about to enter, the 5 children of Ink Sans, suddenly Ink filed fast towards them and landed close to them, as Gradient and the other kids turned around and saw Ink Sans close to them by about 30 feet away. This made the children scared, as Ink Sans spoke out.
"I caught up to you...all of you. Did you think that you were going to escape me this easily. I think not. And it is a real shame, because are going to be me.'
CORE Frisk than spoke out.
"He is dangerously close to the portal, it is time to close it."
As the portal begsn to close...time...slows down around he than looked around. First, he looked back at Ink Sans...and than...he turned to his brothers, as he sees that they are frozen in fear, to afraid to do anything, especially with Ink Sans being this close to them and the entrance. Gradient Sans...he fears for his life, sure. But he is even more afraid of his own brothers being consumed along with Ink. He clenched his fist, as he than spoke out.
"Paperjam, Blueprint-print-print-print, Blue-Blue-BlueScreen-een, Palette Roller...I am-am-am-am sorry for-or-or-or...not being a g-g-g-good brother to you. I should-ould have done more. And is about t-t-time that I do some-some-something for you...and the others. I love you all...and good-goodbye."
Gradient than used his blue magic to send them all through the portal, catching them off guard, as they were not expecting that.
Monochrome said, as he ran to see his dad okay, and saw Paperjam look up, and spoke out.
"Wait, Gradient!!! Don't!!"
Paperjam said, as Gradient than spoke out.
"Sorry for not being-eing a go-o-o-od brother to you, Paperjam, to yo-ou and the others. Goodbye-bye, Paperjam. I love you and the ot-others."
Gradient than took out his trusted stylus, as began to seal off the portal, as Gradient stood and ran forward, as he than shouted out.
But Gradient already finished, as he closed off the portal to the Omega Timeline, and at the time he did that, Ink tried to fly to Gradient in order to push himself and Gradient through, but Gradient was still fast and closed the portal off, and he than got out of the way!!
Imk shouted, as Gradien than jumped off the edge of the path way, and he falls down, as he than made a portal, and went to an empty universe. But Ink Sans was persistent, as he than made a portal to the same universe that he went into to try and follow him.
In the Omega Timeline, Paperjam and the other brothers were in tears, Palette Roller was being comforted by Dream Sans and BlueScreen was being comforted by Lux, who was also crying her heart out at losing Gradient. Their own brother, Gradient, he had to sacrifice his own freedom so that the others could get theirs in the Omega Timeline, and now...own it is likely that they will nit be able to reunite with him again, especially since he has Ink Sans on his tail.
Paperjam cried immensely, with his family comforting him, as he saw a photo of his family, with Gradient Sans included in the picture. This picture will be the only living proof that Gradient Sans was in their lives, and the proof that Paperjam will forever have to live with. He may have been younger than Gradient, and he may have been more mature and not like Gradient's attitude of childishness, but he was still a brother that Paperjam loves, and his loss of Gradient, now deeply hurt Paperjam to his very soul, as his wife and child try to comfort him as much as they could.
Blueprint is crying as well, and he sat next to Paperjam, before his own other father, Underswap Sans, who was a part of the evacuation, than hugged Blueprint as much as he could, because of how extremely sad that he is now, as the brothers lost Gradient, their oldest brother. And they will never know if he is alive or not. All that they can hope that he is still out there, somewhere, where he is still alive, and holding onto his dear life, as he tries to do whatever it takes to make sure that Ink does not get his hands on him.
CORE Frisk is also they also had seen that Gradient had not made it to the other side. It would not be a problem for CORE Frisk, if there was not a problem...for due to the efforts of some friends of theirs, CORE Frisk's Omnipresence is now simply forced into the Omega Timeline as a whole, due to not wanting to risk CORE Frisk to be consumed by Infected and Ink, and because of this, CORE Frisk cannot know if Gradient is okay or not. All that they can pray that Gradient is still alive and is trying to escape from Ink with his life.
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