An Unfeeling Skeleton
Gradient and the others are very horrified at the sight that is before their very eyes. It is a very tall Sans, and one that wants to eat them, just like Ink wanted to do back when they were in the Doodle Sphere. Needless to say, compared to the Ink looked...this one is far worse. And they can sense his power. It was even more greater than Ink Sans' new powers, and needless to say, they are afraid of what was going to happen next. One thing is for certain is is going to get messy for all of the spawns that are now present with this entity.
The entity stepped forward, as Paperjam spoke out in a horrified tone.
"What the...what the hell are you?!"
The entity stopped in front of the spawns, and smiled sickeningly, as he than spoke out.
"I am called Infected. I will be the last thing that you will ever see before you all die by my hands!!"
Infected than launched a bunch of purple flames at the group, as Blueprint and Palette Roller carried Lux, and all of them leapt out of the way, as the purple flames exploded on the ground, and Gradient was knocked back a little bit by the power of the purple flames that Infected had dished out to them.
Gradient was shocked at what just happened. He had seen a bunch of universes. He had seen a bunch of Out-Codes. But this...he has not seen this one before in his life. It is so unnatural and horrifying. It may look like Horror Sans, but it is certainly not a very good Sans that is simply like Horror. In fact, his behavior is similar to Error, destroying stuff as much as he can. And needless to say, that is not a very good thing to have. And it is making Gradient and the others a little bit scared at what he can do. Gradient than didn't waste any time, as he the leapt into the air, and summoned a bunch of pixel paint spears, as he fired them at Infected right in the back. But Infected did not seem to acknowledge the pain. In fact, the pain did not seem to be noticed by Infected himself. It is as though he does not feel any sort of pain. He simply grabbed onto the spears, and yanked them off him.
This made Gradient felt sick to his stomach, as he saw this sort of thing in front of his eyes. Clearly, this Sans is something else. It made his mouth curl in pure and utter disgust, as he feels very sick to his stomach at what he is that he is seeing. Infected smiled, as he than spoke out.
"My turn."
He than launched a bunch of sharp bones at Gradient, and they sight of them made him move out of the way instead of trying to counter them. The bones looked corroded and rotted, and Gradient felt like they carry some sort of disease on their surface. Gradient looked horrified, as he then turned around, only to see that Infected is now in front of him, and is ready to decapitate his head with an axe. With no time, he blocks with a Digital Shield after he swiped his stylus. He than blocked and jumped in the air, as he than fired a bunch of spears at Infected, who simply used his powers for something that he did not expect. Infected than began to create something, and made a spear of some sort, similar to a spear of the classic Undyne, but it looks cracked, and it has 4 other spear ends of sorts on it. He then through it, and it raced all the way up to Gradient. The eldest son of Error and Ink teleported fast, as he than made a bear trap with his Stylus, as the jaws clamped onto Infected's legs. But Infected simply broke out of the bear reaps by walking, and Gradient looked utterly horrified, as he spoke out.
"Wh-What does it take-ake-ake to stop this guy?"
Paperjam spoke out.
"I don't know. Clearly it is glowing to be even more difficult to try and beat him, if he cannot stay back a little."
Infected than charged forward, and swung his axe, as Gradient and Paperjam avoided the attack. Paperjam than tried to trap him in Inky Strings, but the strings were simply nothing to him. Gradient than made some cables with his creativity ability to hold his limbs in place. But Infected simply ripped the cables off of him without any sort of effort, as Palette Roller than jumped into the air, and fired his Paintball Gun at Infected, as the Paintballs are infused with Positivity that will empower the shots and make them damaging to Infected. But what came next is completely unexpected. Infected launched his rotted bones at the paint, and canceled the attack out, as Palette Roller got out of the way, and the bone barely grazed the clothing of his shoulder. Luckily, his bones are still fine, and have not been scratched.
Palette Roller than watched in shock, as Infected leapt up at him, and tried to grab him by the neck. Palette Roller than made a wall of paint that is hot to the touch with the red paint, but Infected did not stop, as he than punched his way through with a single fist, as his knuckles burned a little bit, but does not seem to acknowledge it, not even in the slightest way. Palette Roller panicked, as he thought that he as gonna die by this thing, this monstrosity. But before Infected could grab him, a net came out of nowhere, and stopped Infected in his tracks, as he fell down to the ground. And when that happened, more and more bets fell right on top of Infected in an effort to keep him from standing up and to keep him from moving this much.
Blueprint was the one responsible for making the nets, because he had been using his scarves to try and make a set of instructions on the types of nets that he is using. BlueScreen than shot at Infected with his BlueScreen Blaster, which wound hopefully be powerful enough to affect Infected with the BlueScreen Virus. Gradient landed next to Blurprint, along with Paperjam, as Gradient spoke out to Blueprint, although he was a little bit far away from his brothers, by about 15 feet, and is far from Infected by 44 feet.
"Is th-th-that gonna stop him?"
Blueprint was about to speak our, but than...
Infected than unleashed a powerful scream. It was so monstrous and horrifying that everyone that is too close at hearing it is will immediately freeze in their position. Thankfully for Gradient, he is far away enough to not be fully affected by it, but he is shaking in his shoes, as he saw that thing suddenly happening.
Than, Infected began to grow in height, as he ripped the many net layers off of him without it any sort of effort, and he looks angry at the ones that had trapped him, and Gradient stepped forward, and he charged at him, as he than let's Error Gradient take control of his body, as he than spoke out.
"Try-ry this on fo-or size!!!"
Error Gradient began to use blue magic on Infected, and slammed him bring the ground and the trees, before sending him up in the air, where he wrapped him in strings, he was than stabbed by yellow bones that are the same color as his eye sockets, and then blasted him with a Gradient Blaster, which struck him in point blank range.
Error Gradient looked up, and tries to use his pixels to destroy him...but he can't. Infected is way to powerful.
Gradient shouted, as Infected landed in front of him, and than launch a powerful punch to Error Gradient, who than let's the original Gradient regain control, and made a wall to protect himself. But the wall failed, and instead, he broke through, though it did lessen the damage, it was still powerful enough to send him off of his feet, and made his cough up some red liquid, as he is now sitting down on the snow, looking shocked, as Error Gradient is also shocked.
Infected than raised his axe in the air, as he than prepares to try and strike at Gradient so that he can kill and consume him, but than...he's struck from behind, as a voice spoke out.
"Leave them all alone!!"
And it was a voice that Palette Roller has always known, as Infected turn around to see who it is that has arrived to stop him, someone Lux's relieved to see.
"Father Dream!!"
Palette Roller and Lux shouted, as Dream turns around and sighed in relief at what he is seeing before his very eyes.
"Lux, Palette Roller. Thank goodness the you are both still alive right now."
Lux and Palette Roller were happy to see their parent, and than, another voice spoke out.
"Thank goodness you both are okay! I thought that skeleton severely injured one of you!"
The 2 of them turned to see that it was none other than the middle child of Dream.
This is Starcross, Lux'a younger brother, at the age of 19. Needless to say, it is very unexpected to see him with Dream, as he is supposed to have done training with Cross.
Infected looked, and spoke out to the people that have decided to interrupt him.
"You are in my way!!!"
He rushed at Dream Sans and Starcross Sans, but the both of them both out of the way, as Starcross tried to strike at the back, but Infected was able to block his attack, and pushed him away, and as that happened, Dream Sans than was able to make his first move, as he is now near his kid and the other kids that have grouped together to make sure that he can buy them time to get out of here. And he has a perfect way to get the kids out of here, as he summoned his a weapon of his, one that he had been his main signature weapon.
Dream Sans manifested his bow as he then fired an arrow made of positive energy, which than hit that deranged skeleton right in the back. It made a blinding explosion, as Dream Sans than made a portal, and spoke out to everyone that is present.
"This way."
Gradient scrambled to his feet, as he than rushed forward, along with his brothers, as they ran as fast as they could, and went into the portal, and jumped to the other side. The blinding flash ended, and Infected looked to see Dream, before he spoke out.
"You are going to pay for that!!"
He than roared and charged at him, but Palette Roller pulled his father into the portal, before using the Paint Roller that he has in his hand to close off the portal, preventing Infected from getting to them.
Gradient sighed, as he looked around the place that they are in. It looks like they are on a bridge...that is floating. The bridge is made up of many small stars, compressed and physical on contact too the point you can stand right on top of them. They are in what appears to be a tunnel of magic, as a bunch of different universes in the form of screens and images can be seen, as he spoke out.
"Where are we?"
Paperjam said, as then...Dream spoke out.
"I almost forgot. I brought some people with you."
He waved his hand, and before Paperjam could speak out, he than felt some arms snake around his torso, and it didn't take long for Paperjam to realize who it is that is hugging him right now.
"Paperjam. You're okay. I'm so glad that you are still alive after all of this time."
Paperjam turns around to see who is hugging him now, and needless to say, the only skeleton has a smile present on his own face.
Paperjam said, as Omni, his wife, smiled at him, and Paperjam was relieved that she is alright. And as she did that, a voice spoke out to him.
Paperjam looked to the other direction, and saw that there is another one there.
It was none other than Monochrome, his son, who is still alive before his eyes. Monochrome rushed forward and jumped and hugged Paperjam at the torso, as he is glad that his own son is alive and has not been killed in anyway. It is a miracle that Ink did not find them, as it seems that Dream Sans was able to make sure that they are safe and sound. As Paperjam smiled, a voice spoke out.
"It seems that you are all alive."
The group turned to the sound of the voice that had been heard, and saw that it is someone that has decided to come to them.
It is CORE Frisk. Originally a classic version of Frisk, CORE Frisk had went into the CORE, and has become shattered across space and time, and now uses their powers to try and bring people to the Omega Timeline, and it seems that CORE Frisk brought them here for something.
"CORE Frisk, what is this place? What is going on?"
Blueprint said, as he looked around, as he feels very frightened at what in the world is happening right now. Omni and Monochrome looked scared themselves, as CORE Frisk than spoke out to the people that are before his eyes.
"The entire is now under lockdown and quarantine. There are a bunch of Out-Codes that have appeared out of nowhere, and now...they are getting universes destroyed left and right. And it doesn't help that one of that they are abnormally strong. Way to strong in the traditional sense. Not to mention...on of our own original Protectors has become corrupted by something that he had done."
This caught Dream's attention, as he than spoke out.
"What, which protector?"
"Father Ink."
A voice spoke out, and everyone turned to Paperjam, who than looked sad, as he than spoke out.
"Our father, Ink. He has been the one that has become corrupted."
Monochrome was shocked, as he than spoke out.
"Grandpa...has become corrupted?! How?!"
Before Paperjam could speak out, Gradient, Monochrome's uncle, had already taken over the conversation.
"We-e-e don't know-now what happened. Ink...he ha-a-as gotten a new so-oul of his own. It fel-elt good at first. We we're-re even proud of him in tha-tha-that he can feel true genuine emotions. He even began to train us with his imp-imp-improved creativity. But than...he started to become more dark-dark-darker and more twisted than ever before, showing hate to your grandfather, Error...consuming-ing universes...and eventually...he tri-tried to consume me and my brothers, and that includes your fa-fa-father."
The fact that he said that, made Monochrome sacred for his own father, as he than hugged him in early tightly, afraid to let go of him, and not wanting anything bad to happen to him. Omni was the same, as she than hugged Paperjam tightly, as if they are afraid that Ink Sans himself is already here and is trying to protect them with their bodies, so that he does not get consumed himself.
CORE Frisk than looked down sadly, as they than spoke out.
"Because of Ink, who has now become corrupted, and Infected, they have began to consume and destroy universes to make sure that they do not come through thing in the case of Ink, it is to make himself grows stronger for reasons rather unknown. Because of this, I had to use my powers to get as many people out of there as I can, and now...we are setting up an evacuation to the Omega Timeline in this area that we are in. Ink does not know of this yet. But he will soon. I have put them in a different pocket dimension for now, but once we star them evacuation, we will need to be fast. So Gradient...and everyone of you, don't hesitate to try and stall Ink or Infected so that the others can escape, and after everyone has evacuated...the Omega Timeline will be sealed off from the rest of the Multiverse, so that it does not get accessed by Ink and Infected so that the last survivors of the destroyed universes can be preserved, okay?"
Everyone looked at each other, and they felt very unsure of themselves. They want to give up and just flee for their lives, but there are people that need a safe place to go to. So...Paperjam spoke out.
"Okay. But I'm gonna be behind along with my brothers, just in case that Ink decides to come in. We can't beat him. Just long enough for the others to get away and so we'll enter, so that you can close the door on him, and prevent him from getting inside of the Omega Timeline. But since I can't fight, I will have to be for my wife and kid, so that they do not get consumed by Ink."
CORE Frisk nodded their head, accepting what Paperjam is saying, before speaking out.
"Get ready."
Gradient and the others nodded, as they prepare to run fast. As they looked at the direction of the place where they are needed to run to, Gradient looks down...and he felt very sad. Everything that he had known of in his life...everything that he had cherished, it was all going to change. It was all going to forever be changed by all that has been happening. Ink having become corrupted. The new Out-Codes coming out of nowhere, and now he is going to be brought and evacuated to the Omega Timeline. Gradient felt very unhappy, as Error Gradient, his second personality, spoke out.
"No time-ime to lament on-on this sort-sort of thing-ing-ing, Gradient. We need to get the fuck out of here, now!!"
Gradient nodded his head, as he spoke out to himself.
"I know-know."
Gradient looked up, and spoke out.
"Do it."
CORE Frisk nodded, as they than made a portal in front of the spawns of Ink, as well as Omni, Monochrome, Dream and his spawns, and than spoke out to the people at the other side of it, the survivors that they were able to get from the universes that Infected and Ink had destroyed or consumed.
"Everyone. Run out as fast as you can, and one all of you are out, I will make a portal for you to go to the Omega Timeline, and don't stop!! NOW RUN!!!!"
The moment that they said that, the survivors began to run as fast as they can out of the dimension that they are in, and there were a lot of survivors that had been rescued out of what was originally their homes. Likely more than 500,000 people, and it was a very long like of people, as it took about 5-6 minutes to get everyone out of the dimension that they were in, as they began to get out of the dimension as fast as they can. The dimension that they were in may seem safe, but not even it is same from Ink, who could have found it. Now, now they are rushing out as fast as they could, and after every single one of the survivors got out, the portal closed, and the spawns, along with Paperjam and Dream's family, ran as fast as possible. Gradient ran with all of his might, as he tries to push himself forward and make sure that he does not get left behind and slow down. After all...the survivors of the universes that had been lost to them are now depending on them, and it is up to them to make sure that they all can survive to live and see another day.
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