

MalesGrow's lost son
The True Firstborn
The One that Consume anything
Leid Ender Gott (Alternative Name)
Wrathful Polothorn

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Black (Passive/Neutral) Red (Hostile)

There is nothing left for you to stay in, for you will become one with me and make me stronger.-Zero

Zero is a Polothorn that seems to resemble a cross between a male human and a squid, and is a very large entity in size. He's the lost, true firstborn son of MalesGrow, and is the single strongest child that he had ever had in existence, surpassing his other siblings, One, Two, and Three, as they also surpass MalesGrow.


Born from the TransVoid Squid by the name of MalesGrow, Zero is the true first child of the TransVoid Being, and is the single strongest child that MalesGrow had ever bore with his human mate. From the moment of his birth, MalesGrow sensed the child's power, and he is afraid of being outclassed when he grows up. Instead of finding a way to make sure he is under his control, he instead decided to consume him, in making sure that his power is secured and make becoming an Unnameable easier. But he had to leave, due to the fact that he has other matters to attend to, as someone has decided to try and attack his realm. But the mother, seeing the child, fears for his life, and thus, she prays for anyone that is willing to take the child and raise him, so that he can be safe. And there, her prayer was answered, but the appearance is Yesmerian, an omnipresent TransVoid Being.

When Yesmerian saw the child, she knows that this one must be protected from MalesGrow's tentacles. And upon the sight of the woman, Yesmerian requests that she will take care of her child, along with a couple of her allies that has been growing alongside her. The woman agreed, and Yesmerian takes the child, and flees, just in time, as MalesGrow had came back a minute later, only to see that Zero is gone. MalesGrow demands for his mate to know where Zero is, but the Woman lied, even admitting that she does not know herself. This made MalesGrow enraged, as he went out of reality, and destroyed a Multiverse with a single eye beam.

As for Zero, he was taken to Yesmerian's planet, where he was raised by his adoptive mother. But knowing that she will need help, she brought in Himmsworth and Alachardvat to try and help with aiding the firstborn spawn of MalesGrow be raised and grow properly.

As Zero grew up, he acted just like any normal child, for he would play and have fun with the ones that are taking good care of him, and is shown to have an immense love for his parents. He drew pictures for his parents, and his adoptive parents, while happy to see he is as innocent as any child, knew that he would one day need to see the harsh existence that he is in. And so, as he grew older, his parents took him to witness some new things, such as seeing the birth of an AU, but to also see it destroyed, but they always raised him good. And then, one day...Zero's power began to activate, as he began to consume Yesmerian's planet, as Yesmerian touched Zero, and sent him outside of the TransVoid, in a realm to the one that Sol went to when he decided to escape the TransVoid. At this age, he is 15 Years Old, and he began to realize that something is wrong, and began to panic, but with Yesmerian's help, he calmed down, and after he does calm down, Yesmerian decided to tell Zero the truth of his lineage, and needless to say, Zero was shocked, in the fact that his real father never truly cared for him, and his mother is now gone. But despite this, even though he is unhappy, he still cares for his adoptive parents. And Yesmerian was happy, due to this answer. After that, Yesmerian began to teach him the harshness of reality, and also teach him the soft and good side of reality, and with the little time she has left, Himmsworth taught him how to control his powers and use them. After a little while, he was ready to go out, and he is already growing very large, much faster than MalesGrow's own speed. And so, he left, while also telling Yesmerian of his love towards his adoptive mother.

As Yesmerian began to travel to the 10 Realities, he encountered some others that are like himself, such as Sandhya, Lilyin, and Ishtarati. But during one of his travels, he goes to see a Universe, called Undertale, and it is there, he is able to see where the AUs of the Multiverse had came from, but leaves it be, so he does not consume it. But as he continues to live, and as he continues to grows even more in size for thousands upon thousands of years, he meets MalesGrow for the first time, and the reunion was as he had expected it to be, very bad. And one MalesGrow saw him, he and Zero had an argument of sorts, and ended in an extremely horrible way, with both vowing to consume each other, and thus, at this vow, Zero began to consume the most poetic realities and Multiverses below him, and does as much as he can, so that he can make MalesGrow pay for what he has done. Luckily, he only consumes the corrupted Realities and Multiverses below him, and even some Realities and Multiverses with no life, but even that is enough to increase his power. And then, Zero made this promise to MalesGrow, in that he will become an Unnameable, so that he can consume his father, and will stop afterwards.


Zero has a rather familiar resemblance to his sister, Ten No Kami, except he is of an unimaginable size, though he can alter his height in anyway that he wishes it to be, although his smallest limit would be at the height of being 30 Feet. He resembles a corpse-pale human with white hair, although his hair, unlike Ten's short hair, is able to reach his waist. He wears a white shirt and black jacket that reaches down to his hips, with the slightly lower part of the pale waist exposed, and has human-looking arms. But where his legs should be, are tentacles that resemble that of a squid, large enough to eclipse even a large number of Multiverses with just one of them, and the tentacles themselves are even larger than MalesGrow's tentacles. Like Ten No Kami, his eyes are black, but when he decides to attack, his right eye will turn red with a black pupil, similar to MalesGrow's single eye.


Desite his rather scary appearance, Zero is actually a very kind being, unlike most TransVoid Beings, that are known to be hostile, cruel, or animalistic. Having been raised by loving people, this made Zero gain a humanity of his own, as well as a degree of moral conscience, though this does not mean that he is an entirely good person, as there have been cases where he can be somewhat cruel and ruthless at times. But most the time, he is shown to be unfailingly polite, and is even able to form genuine bonds with other people. He is shown to be calm, relaxed, and is in possession of a lot of knowledge, developing a form of wisdom that is matched by Sandhya.

As Himmsworth and Yesmerian taught him how to behave, as well as teaching them the Realities that exist, Zero is a rather curious individual, and has a desire to know more about the life that he lives in. And because of this, he will try and look to see what it is that interests him, and try and discover the origin of how said things have began suddenly.

He is shown to be an extreme loyal friend, and will do whatever it takes to help those he cares for. But if this loyalty is broken and Zero is betrayed, Zero will immediately consume the offender, which also makes him stronger, even if only slightly. And when it comes to his father, he will show absolute hatred to him, due to how his father simply sees him as a source of power for him to consume, and thus, desires to make sure that he pays for what he has done. And while Zero does desire to become all-powerful, he only wants to do so in order to consume his father, ending him, and than he will stop consuming realities and multiverses below him. But in spite of all of this, he is proven to be one of the most kindest TransVoid entities, even for a Polothorn.


Consumption: Like his Father, MalesGrow, Zero can absorb literally anything/everything, including matter/energy, power, concepts, etc.. He removes it from the source into his body and use it in various ways to gain some form of advantage: by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power or concept, using it as a power source etc., and to give him permanent increase of his power, and unlike MalesGrow, the power boost is not temporary, making him permanently more stronger than before.

Eternal Transcendence: Inherited from his father, Zero has the power to be in an endless state of transcendence, as he never stops growing in power, and cannot be decreased in power, no matter what anybody above him or below him tries to do, and will grow being absolutely everything. He has the potential to become an All-Powerful entity that can surpass his father even of he were to become an Unnameable. The only one that is able to stop his Transcendence, would be Error404, the Conduit of Balance, as his powers allow him to weaken Zero, just like how he weakened Sol.

Eye Beam: This beam that shoots from Zero's eye can devastate and destroy whole Multiverses reducing them to absolute ash and oblivion with him even being able to do the same to Omniverses as well.

Conjoined Body: Zero's entire body is that of a eternal consumption, allowing for him to absorb anyone and anything that makes contact with his body. Unlike MalesGrow, however, he can control it so that touching him is safe, though he is still able to consume Multiverses and Realities below him.

Matter Manipulation - Science Manipulation: Zero has the power to manipulate Matter and Science together or separately. Zero, through this, is able to transform and revamp the composition of an object from solid, to liquid, to gas, change its size from microscopic to building-sized, or disfigure and reassemble an object's matter into another form, and is able to use this power to fill up the volume of the Multiverse, and is even able to manipulate planets with this power, as well as being able to destroy Matter. Through the use of Science Manipulation, Zero is able to use science in order to accomplish extraordinary feats, such as warp the very nature and laws of the Multiverses, allowing them to affect anything in the Multiverse at any scale, from the biology of living things to the force of electromagnetism, to even the energies of the Multiverse itself.

Return To Zero: Zero has the power to manipulate anything to a state of 'Zero'. In essence, this power works by turning everthing it effects back into its earliest Stage on any Level or even complete oblivion.

God's Obedience: With this power, Zero has the power to control and subjugate an AU's existence, and would use this power to command the AU's code into whatever he desires.

AU Ashes: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Zero is able destroy AUs, similar to Ten No Kami's AU Cinder, except that unlike Ten No Kami, the AUs that Zero targets don't need to be grounded to Alphatale.

0-Banme no ishiki: "I am well aware of your existence, and I know that you are reading about me, and about my powers now. Ten No Kami is not the only one that can use such a power like that."

The Brand: Similar to the Gift made by Ten No Kami, The Brand is a power that is given to beings that have experienced their true awakening in their lives. When the brand is given it's usually given without true aware some even being able to live their entire lives never knowing about it. The Brand takes on the number Zero, except the Zero itself seems to look like it is made of squid tentacles, and it usually appears on the neck. When that happens, The Brand supplies them with intense physicality, Ever-lasting life, and void-like code that enables them to never truly die unless a being of more strength than Zero kills them. Zero is even able to completely possess and control those that have gained his Brand, and is able to use his own powers through the vessel, though only much weaker. He can also use the Brand to telepathically communicate with those that wield it.

Size Manipulation: Unlike the rest of his kin, Zero is able to change his size at will, being able to shrink or grow, although this does not seem to affect his powers in anyway. But even at his smallest, Zero cannot shrink as small as a normal person, only being able to shrink at the height of 30 feet. But at his largest, he is even larger than MalesGrow himself.

Tentacles: Zero's Tentacles are large enough to dwarf an entire Hyperverse when they're all spread out. Zero's tentacles can wipe out all code that they have made and any code related to it. The tentacles also make for great tools of destruction for any caught in their grip are immediately destroyed by the atom, and if not then are transformed into an Amalgamation of void. The tentacles are even stronger than MalesGrow's. They also serve another purpose in which they constrict and reel in something for Zero to consume. And this happens to him almost indefinitely, as his body continues to grow with every minute, as opposed to MalesGrow's every hour growth.

Fantasy Mind: Zero has the power to create what we he imagines inside of his mind. Using this power, he has the power to create a mental dimension that he can allow others to access, and bring some parts of his mental world into existence. He once even created an Multiverse with this power, though it took a month to do it when he first tried it. Nowadays, it takes less time.

Avatar Creation: Taught by Mes, Zero has the power to make a smaller body for him to inhabit, as this will allow him to safely interact with the 10 realities without issue.

Multiverse Collision: Zero has the power to manipulate a couple or a few multiverses, and uses the Multiverses to collide them against each other, creating an explosion of immeasurable magnitude.

Multiverse Merge: Zero is able to grab onto Multiverses and reel them in together, before using his power to merge them together to make a new Multiverse.

Mental Stare: Zero can use his right eye to cause mental affect of those that stare into his eyes, and this can come in a variety of symptoms, such as memory loss, confusion, nausea, hallucinations, seeing movement in the corner of their eyes, whispers, and the feeling of being watched, as well as feeling heightened paranoia and dread. In more extreme cases, when he raises this power up a little bit, the affects are amplified, with the addition of severe head-aches and migraines, and even can make a person bleed by the sheer agony alone.

Unnameable Regeneration: Zero has the power to regenerate, not at the same speed as Mes, as his is slower, but he can still regenerate almost instantly, even his Squid Tentacles.

Memory Leak: Zero is able to see the memories of others by looking at the person, and even if there is multiple people he is looking at, he can see who it is before him of which memories belong to who. He can even store the memories of others inside himself.

Time Connection: A more milder version of Mes' Time Squeeze, Zero is able to use his power to connect the past, present, and future of an AU, as well as connect them to their Alternate Timeline Versions, which take on the form of portals that are made of red energy. For example, he can connect the Undertale with its past and present, as well as connect the original Undertale with Axetale, Horrortale, Killertale, Dusttale, Glitchtale, Last Breath, and Aftertale.


MalesGrow: The father of Zero, MalesGrow cares not about his child and even fears him, due to how stronger he is compared to him, and thus wants nothing more than to consume him in order to gain more power for himself and to become an Unnameable, only to lose this chance when Yesmerian took him in and raised him, along with Himmsworth and Alachardvat. When both Zero and MalesGrow reunited after a long time, Zero is not happy to see MalesGrow, especially with what Himmsworth and Alachardvat has shown about him, and makes it his priority to make him pay, but only when everything else is said and done, and they are not interfered by anything else. MalesGrow dares him to try, but even he fears his own son's retribution, and thus, he is consuming as much as he can so that he can overpower and consume his spawn. But Zero does not back down from this, as he also consumes, but only the ones that can give him the most strength that is able to empower him immensely, and will try and grow powerful enough to consume MalesGrow without trouble.

Yesmerian, Himmsworth, and Alachardvat: The 3 TransVoid Beings of Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience, these 3 are the ones that had raised him when Zero's mother prayed for someone to take him. They had taught him how to be kind and caring, but they also taught him the bad side, so that he knows how existence can be such a difficult thing to live through, but they care for him immensely. In return, Zero cares for his adoptive parents just as much, and makes sure to visit them, so that he can show how much he cares deeply for them.

Ten No Kami: One of Zero's siblings, and one of the most well-known, Zero does not like how Ten No Kami is acting high and mighty, and does not like how she uses others to make a perfect world, when she can make one herself without help. But he does not bother with her, as MalesGrow is his top concern. Ten No Kami, while she does mock Zero for his kind behavior, she also fears him, due to the fact that he is powerful enough to consume her without effort, and thus, she has to always be cautious when around him.

Gabriel: A TransVoid Demon, and one of the strongest entities out there, he is one of the few TransVoid Beings that can outclass MalesGrow, with Zero himself also being one of them. As Zero is one of the more kinder TransVoid Beings, due to being raised by his adoptive parents, he and Gabriel get along very well, and even helped each other on occasion.

Sandhya: Gabriel's daughter by Zarla, the TransVoid Demon/Angel hybrid surpasses her father, and when she and Zero met, they are able to get along very well, due to the both of them being raised by adoptive parents. Although there is no romantic relation, at least, not one that anybody knows of, they both have an extremely close bond.

Lilyin and Ishtarati: The 2 half-sisters of Helatory, they both flirt with Zero whenever they get the chance, much to his dismay, but in spite of all of that, he is shown to have a stable and kind relationship with the 2 Succubi.

Omnipotent!Sans/Ares: The adoptive son of the Astral Mother, both Zero and Omnipotent encountered each other thousands of years back. Although Omnipotent expected Zero to be like his father, he was surprised to see that Zero is actually a pleasant person to talk to, and although he disapproves that he is consuming realities, he is simply doing it so that he can grow powerful enough to consume his father, and than he will stop. Zero is one of the most powerful allies that Omnipotent has made.

Sol: The first Unnameable and the strongest TransVoid Being, Sol is a god that Zero does all he can to avoid, as while he is aware that Sol is not interested in him, he does not want to take the chance in meeting him, and thus, stays away from him as much as he can, due to not wanting to be consumed by him.

Mes and Conduit!Cell: 2 Different versions of Abyss Sans that became more powerful than Sol in different ways, with Mes being infused with his DNA and a piece of his soul, and Cell becoming a Conduit. Zero is able to make a friendship with the both of them, with Zero going as far as to say that they are one of the few people that are closer to him the anybody else was, with Sandhya, Gabriel, and his adoptive parents being such people.

Anomaly!Core: A Version of Core Frisk that became the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, and the owner of the Alpha Timeline, Core and Zero have met at some point, just a year after she made the Alpha Timeline. Zero and Core are shown to have immense trust towards each other, and Core, much like Cell and Mes, and a few of the other, being shown to have an immense trust towards him. Core even allows him to enter the Alpha Timeline, much to Zero's delight, as he desires to see how it is like.

Scion!Paper Crane and Exul: Zero is interested in the 2 beings molded by the Void, but is most interested in Paper Crane, due to being an amalgamation of Sanses that have died, only to come back through sheer will alone, in order to make Paper Crane. Exul and Zero have even spoken to each other, and parted on good terms.

Falklore: A Hero of the Edenfolk, as well as the Realities, Zero has fought against him before, and barley one the fight. Ever since then, he tries to stay away from him and flee, until he becomes stronger than ever before, unaware of the fact that Falklore realizes that Zero is good and tries to apologize to him for it, but Zero always flees so he does not get killed by him.

Basil: A son of Falklore and Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, he has spoken to Zero when they visited in a section of the TransVoid. Unaware of the fact that he is Falklore's son, both Basil and Zero has struck a friendship with each other, due to their similar upbringing, although Basil's case was of a biological parent rather than adoptive parent. Although Zero had to leave, due to sensing Falklore coming, but even so, they still have a good friendship.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Zero has met him before in the past, and when he sensed him, he felt scared for some reason, despite the fact that he resembles a small humanoid skeleton with rainbow colors and multiple limbs. Zero, as of now, is trying to find Prism, so that he can know more about him, and what it is that he is hiding.


Zero is stronger than Gabriel, but is somewhat weaker than Sandhya. But he will one day soon surpass her after a couple of centuries consuming the Realities and Multiverses below him.

Zero can become an Unnameable years shorter than MalesGrow, but it will still take a long time.

He is the single strongest child of MalesGrow, surpassing One, Two, and Three combined.

Zero can enter the Alpha Timeline without consuming it, though he still prefers to stay out, so that he can continue to grow even more in power than ever before, and so that he can consume his father.

Although it is unknown if Polothorns can become an Unnameable, due to them being half TransVoid Being creatures, Zero is confident that he can achieve a state like that, and even if he does not, he believes that he can achieve a state similar to a Polothorn.

He is larger than MalesGrow, but for now, he is smaller compared to Jusiahfarmarles, the Many-Armed Nightmare. But after 404 Years, he will grow large enough to dwarf even Jusiahfarmarles's size.

If Zero continues to consume realties and Multiverses at the rate that he is in, than he will kick himself out of the TransVoid, so he does not accidentally consume it, and he will lose his ability for change size, being permanently stuck in his giant form at the fullest height, and he will still continue to grow in size. And in order for him to interact with the Realities that are below him, he would do this by either possessing someone that bares his Brand, or by making a body for his to inhabit safely, which Mes will be able to teach him.

As an Unnameable, Zero will be stronger than the other Unnameables, but will still be weaker than Sol, making Zero the second strongest Unnameable.

Like Ten, he is well aware of the world that he is in and is not in.

Also like Ten, Zero resonates within a heighten line of sight that can only be achieved by attaining the "Ultimate power."

If Zero were to consume MalesGrow, his ability of Eternal Transcendence will increase to the point of rivaling Sol's speed, though he will not be able to surpass the speed, and it is there he will truly become an Unnameable.

Zero has met Tint, and took pity on him, due to what Ten No Kami had done to him, but is unable to help for now, but will try to help him soon.

Like Ten No Kami, Zero possesses Red Strings, and although he knows how to use them more than even Ten No Kami, he has never used it for his purposes. But when he does grow into a Unnameable, than he will use them.

Even if Zero became aware of Basil's relation to Falklore, his friendship for him will never change.

Zero will sometimes hang out together with Sandhya and Basil, due to their similar upbringing, and the fact that they are pleasant people, and both are very good, heroic people.

Zero, when he makes AUs, even if they are not perfect, will leave them be, so that they can grow on its own and become nearly perfect AUs, and unlike Ten No Kami, never destroys them.

Zero is well aware of Apollo, the spawn of Ten No Kami and the Astral Mother, as well as his own nephew. Although he has not met him, he has sensed him and discovered who he is through the Astral Mother's Journal. As of now, Zero is trying to find him.

Zero is well aware of his mother's existence, and is sad she is gone. He still loves her, regardless.

"I have also fought Falklore, and he was no joke. He had almost killed me. I only one, because of the fact that I was creative with my powers. For now, I try to avoid him, until I am stronger next time."

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