

Blue Raspberry
Geno (previous name)
King of Obsession

Date of Birth: August 6th

Place of Birth: Aftertale SaveScreen

Species: Fatally Glitched Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4

I will bring back my papyrus, no matter what it takes!-Vigorous!Fatal_Error

Vigorous!Fatal_Error is a version of Fatal_Error from another Alphaverse, and is one of the strongest versions of Fatal_Error in existence, having gained DT LV that increased his power so much that, like Righteous, he surpassed Error404, although through sheer determination alone.


Fatal_Ruler's backstory is the same as the original. Back then, he was once Geno from the SaveScreen in Aftertale, due to a failed attempt to try and change the timeline, as well as take control over it, and now is forced to live in the SaveScreen and watch what is happening to his Alternate Universe continue on. And at some point in Geno's love, he had been attacked by an entity known as Error, who is a version of Geno that had been sent into the Anti-Void, where he had been transformed into what he is now. Geno and Error fought against each other, but Error was too much, and Geno was soon defeated by him. Error than used his powers to try and erase Geno from existence, but unfortunately for Error, in the SaveScreen, doing that is impossible, as the SaveScreen exists outside of time, which prevented Geno from dying, and combined with the DETERMINATION within Geno, it prevented Geno's death. However, it came at a price, as Geno's code would then be corrupted and broken beyond repair, and is forever forced to see the code of the Alternate Universes, as well as having lost his mind completely. And ever since that day, Geno, now going by the new title of Fatal_Error, is now wandering the Alternare Universes with only one goal in mind: to bring back his younger brother, Papyrus, by himself.

And so, Fatal began journeying throughout the Multiverse to do whatever it takes to resurrect his brother, having to copy and collect their data, before he pastes it into the Anti-Void that he lives in, one that is filled with Echo-Flowers, and during all of this, he met with Error, who was talking with Ink, and Error at first, did not recognize Fatal_Error, but he does sense a form of familiarity from him. However, as they both figure against each other, and after Error was defeated and nearly killed by Fatal_Error, once he got out of the fight, he began to connect the dots, and he then began to realize why Fatal_Error felt so familiar, simply by comparing his appearance to Geno. He finally understand the situation. Fatal_Error is Geno after Error tried to kill him, and now is back for revenge against what Error had tried doing to him.

And as such, Fatal_Error began to try and resurrect Papyrus, but only made Patch, and while he is trying to make another one, that he actually thinks will be really him, he also managed to get into another encounter with Error, and tried to finish the job. But when that happened, Error404 had to come tries forcing away Fatal_Error. However, as Fatal is someone that will not give up easily, he fought against Error404 to kill Error. But Error404 was a lot more stronger than anticipated, as Error404 pummels Error, even with punches that should have killed him. However, Fatal_Error is now unable to die, due to his code being way to broken, and the fact that his fate in the Save Screen allows him to stay alive, which gave Error404 much time wasted when he tries to force Fatal_Error away, especially since Fatal_Error is refusing to stop. Eventually, Error404 simply punches him as far as he can, sending him backwards, and brought himself and Error back to his realm, with Fatal_Error denied of his revenge against the one that had made him like this. And needless to say, this made him angry, and thus, he had to move away to somewhere else, and give back the time that he has in order to bring back his brother.

However, during one such trips to find his brother, he ended up running into Error404, who was sent by Error to try and deal with him. Although he only met Error404 and began to fight against him, he is able too see his name, and thus knows of his identity as William. During the battle, Fatal_Error used his ability to copy code in combat, as he summoned copies of Cross and Fell to fight Error404, who destroys them effortlessly, but he still attacks and is able to give Error404 a little bit of trouble, despite the fact that Error404 is only using a tiny percentage of his power. Although Fatal lost the battle, he could not die, due to his Determination keeping him from dying, as well as the fact that his code has been scrambled. Because of this, as well as his ability to copy and paste code, he decides to enlist Fatal into his services. Error, of course, was against this idea, believing that it will be a disaster, due to how much Fatal hates him, and will never work for him. But Error404 has a way to sway him to his side and not kill Error.

As predicated, Fatal initially refused to go along with Error404, due to his relation to Error, but when Error404 questioned him as to what he wants, he responds that he wants his brother back, and will destroyed even world if it means to resurrect him. Hearing this, and realizing that his goals are the same as the goals that Error404 has, he struck a deal with Fatal. If he works for him and helps him bring back his AU, he will bring back his Papyrus, but he will have to tolerate Error and not kill him, or he will be denied of his chance. Fatal, although not happy, begrudgingly agrees to this, and thus, became another one of Error404's apprentices, working alongside Error himself.

Although Fatal is unwilling to be cordial alongside Error, due to his intense hatred to him, as the times are forced to change, he has forced himself to try and cooperate with Error on some occasions. And as Fatal counties to work with Error404, he got stronger and stronger in time, his powers becoming more deadlier then before, and his drive to bring back his Papyrus becomes much more stronger. Patch even acts as the one that does Error404's work as well, in his job of making log entries, which Error404 allowed, as he needs to take some notes that are important for Error404 to remember, so that it will be important for another mission that they are on. And like Error, over the years, he has learned some new tricks with his strings, as well as being forced to fight against beings that are far beyond his own power, but his Determination to see his brother again allowed him to go through and endure it all, no matter how hard it may seem for him. But oddly, as he got older and he continues to grow stronger, Fatal began to have DT Runes coming out all over his body, which was not subtle at first, but then became more noticeable and present all over, with one of them appearing on his forehead for some unknown reason, as Fatal has no idea what is going on with him, but does not care that much, thinking of it as unimportant.

However, what would change Fatal's life, is when the 3 TransVoid Beings within the Book of Eyes appear, and when Error sacrificed himself to stop it, when he fused with Error404, Fatal, now becoming even more determined to bring back his brother and protect him from all of this, felt a spike in power that he had never demonstrated before in the past. The power that he has now increased to the point where he has surpassed Error404, as unbeknown to him, his own Determination has been increasing in Levels over the years, making Fatal stronger, hence why the DT runes all over his body, to signify his growth in strength.

And when Righteous came out, due to the DNA of the Unnameable resurrecting him, he too became immensely strong, far stronger then ever before, and now at the same level of power as Vigorous. Unfortunately, Hollow became strong, due to gaining its soul, which forced Fatal and Error to fight against the former protector of the AUs himself. And after the battle, Fatal realized that this time, all that he has known of, all that he has remember, it will now no longer be the same as ever before.


His appearance is the same as it once was when he was still Geno. Meaning he still has the white clothes, red scarf, and giant gash of Geno, but he no longer has the glitch covering his right eye, his T-shirt is black with green lines of coding into it. His scarf has white coding lines, his left eye is completely blue, and his right eye is entirely red, again, both with white coding numbers in them. He also has cyan and red glitches surrounding him that he cannot control, much like Error, and has DETERMINATION coming out of his mouth. His fingertips and the top part of his legs are darker and have a static-y, file-grainy, dusty appearance. However, what is now different is that his eyes both turn red much more frequently then before, and he now wears his hood over his head almost all of the time, which is white but with black fluff that shows more of the green line of coding that is usually present on the black shirt. He also has some DT symbols that has formed onto his body and the forehead, similar to 100, although unlike 100, this is due to his increase in Determination Levels.


Initially, Fatal has an obsessive, extreme love for his brother, where he now goes to any measure to get Papyrus back, even if it means breaking apart universes. He is not unwilling to physically harm anyone who gets in his way and is not one for listening to explanations, and is often emotionally damaged, along with some moments for forgetfulness whenever he takes long naps. But ever since training with Error404, he has learned to mellow out and become far more harder to enrage, despite his mental instability, and while he is no longer insane as before, he is still very determined and obsessive to bring back his brother. But this time he is now able to show kindness towards others, and even when he hates Error immensely, he is now able to cooperate and work alongside him. He is very gentle and friendly to any young papyrus or any version that has the personality of Undertale Papyrus, and has since began to accept Patch as a brother, no longer acting cold towards his Papyrus creation, but still desires to have his true brother back. He has also began to take long naps more frequently, which allows him to remember far more then before.

Powers and Abilities:

Determination: Fatal_Error has the power of Determination. His determination allows him to surpass his limits of strength and power and allow him to do just about anything he believes he should be able to do, and due to his obsession over bringing back his brother without empathy or care, it allows him to raise his Determination Level to 2 possibly 3, now no longer needing code to survive and exist, but can still manipulate it.

DT Immorality: Unique to Fatal himself, he is unable to be killed by any known means, and this has since increased even more then ever before. Not even the MainFrame is able to erase him, due to the fact that he now has DT as the one power source within himself.

Red Strings: He mostly uses the red strings to sew code pieces together, and very rarely in battle. If used in battle the cables or strings will automatically target the opponent's coding which can either delete it or cause immense pain like red hot metal bars on your frame. they are also extremely sharp, cutting through Code with ease. Although if someone's code is only cut partially through or maybe a little damaged by the strings...given enough time and the right environment it'll just...heal. The changes made won't stick, it'll just revert and fix itself. Training has allowed him to genuinely burn people and ignite objects, as well as wrap the strings around AUs without trouble.

Determination Strings: Like most of his strings, they are all colored red. Fatal's determination strings allow him to inject and absorb determination in and out of the strings. If Fatal gives to much determination to a human, they will instantly force a reset. If given to a monster, they will melt until death, or become an amalgamation.

Glitched strings: Fatal's Glitched Strings are able to absorb code from himself, and give it to someone else, due to the unknown properties of Fatals code if injected into a very weak character their body will slowly, and painfully become an Error, gaining new abilities, but only if they survive. Most of the time these monsters melt and die to the pain.

Determination_Blaster: Orignally called the Fatal_Blasters, they are now given a new name, due to the fact that their eyes are now red and they gave DT Runes all over the skull. The blasters are extremely powerful, being able to match the power of the Unnameable Blaster and the Ink Blaster separately.

Fatal_Ray: A red ray that Fatal has learned to use, essentially his own version of the Novice God Ray. With it, he can fire the ray to either burn their bodies and torture them, or melt them and kill then with the sheer Determination that has infected their bodies.

Seeing Codes: He can see the codes that compose each universe, character, or thing.

Portals: He can create portals to jump from one universe to another, as well as summon them to redirect attacks.

Copy: Fatal can copy and paste the codes of other people, even replicating them. When he makes a copy of someone, the copy picks up right where it left off. If Fatal's smart and careful, the copy would theoretically never know that it is a copy. if one does find out it might try and escape. He trained with 404 and weapon used this power to make them aid him in fights without the copies even knowing. He is now able to copy AUs all by himself, without Ink even needing to make them.

Bone Knife: Fatal can break a bone in half and use it to act a Real Knife-like weapon, allowing him to deal immense damage to his opponents.

DT Shock: Fatal is able to punch at someone, and a shock it DT will appear out of his body, mainly in the right arm. When he feels high emotions, the DT Shock then come in the form of an explosion and shock all surround targets/objects.

DT Flash: Fatal can sometimes summon a flash of light from his eyes, which he can use to disorientate opponents for a temporary amount of time. In times of high emotions, it will make him become similar to a bong, and instead of a flash of light, he will instead turn into a flash of heat, burning those that get too close.

Flight: Due to the excessive DT that is within his systems, Fatal is now able to fly all by himself, no longer needing to use the blasters to get around.

Unfaltering Strength: Due to the power or Determination inside of him, Fatal_Error has now increased in strength, allowing for him to take on either Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink and evenly match their power.

DT Siphon: Fatal is able to siphon DT from an opponent, which allows him to increase his own power permanent. This is his answer to the consumption power that Hollow!Ink can use.


Systematic: Systematic is a fusion of Error404, Error, and Fatal_Error. Systematic is incredibly powerful, much stronger then Error666, and possesses speed that is the same as the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, although admittedly, would still be outclassed by the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y as it grows in power. The form possesses the Master Cables still, which makes up the neck of Systematic, although the power of the Master Cables is stronger, but has 2 disembodied hands that he can now manipulate with limitless distances. He is also very larger in size, almost comparable to 100's height and weight, and because of this, this made Systematic physically stronger then even Error666. Also, this forms take advantage of Fatal_Error's copy n paste power being combined with Error404's pixel manipulation, now not only copying code, but also making the code become newer and stronger code.

JustSystematic: The Malware possessed form of Systematic, the powers of JustSystematic amplify the previous powers of the original Systematic far greater then ever before, as well as make some additional powers.

Grandmaster Wires: The amplified version of the Master Cables, they work similarly to the original Master Cables, but with far more devastating and a bit more dangerous results. The wires would first chase down the opponents there JustSystematic fights against, and once latched onto something or someone Blue Mastery is then initiated, forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. But it is more then just binding then in their position, as they are now bind in Time, Space, and Reality. Then, Fatal's red strings activate first, as it burns the victim very badly, as Error's blue strings activate, now causing the opponent's magic to start draining, as the wires siphon the magic out of them, and after a certain amount, Blue Mastery is once again used, as heavy gravity then crushes the soul of the opponent, killing them.

God Breath: Upgraded version of the God Eyes, God Breath uses all 3 of JustSystematic's mouths to fire a beam that is so incredibly powerful that it can burn a hole in reality that leads into the MainFrame, and can even also delete and desires targets. It is strong enough to handle against the power of 100's Pure Uncontrollable Blast.

Data Soldiers: JustSystematic, using the power of Fatal's Code Copy and Error404's pixel manipulation, is able to summon copies of the original codes that Fatal has copied, now amplified by Malware's power, and thus, makes them much more dangerous then before, although can still be destroyed.

Additional hands: Just Systematic gains 2 more hands, giving him a total of 4 hands, allowing him to attack with a bit more force then before.

Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: This transformation of Systematic is one of the strongest forms yet, surpassing even B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 in terms of sheer power, but unable to surpass Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, although he is very close to the level of power that it has. His contort over the MainFrame is far greater, and now has additional attacks, as well as possessing an upgraded form of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666's finishing move. The downside is the same as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666.

Ultinova: He can fire beams from his 4 pairs of wings, which is almost as strong as Ultranova that Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y can use.

Dark Nova: A sort of black hole type attack that allows Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y to make a sphere that pulls opponents into it, which then detonate around them, causing massive damage to the opener, possibly being able to kill them.

Additional hands: Now Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y has 2 more pairs of hands then JustSystematic, giving him a total of 8 hands. This gives him enough strength to match the power of 100's strength, even when he increased his power due to his sheer rage.

Multiverse Heavy Machine Gun: Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's finishing move. He summons an immeasurable amount of Gaster Blasters at the opponent, and fires with such incredible force that it can cause incredibly serious damage to the MainFrame and the TransVoid, but cannot truly destroy any of them.

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: The most powerful fusion form in all of existence, slightly surpassed by Perfect404 and beyond, JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is the result of Malware taking over the body of Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. This is the transformation that Malware has truly waited for. As JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y now grasps at the limitless power of the MainFrame, and a far greater amount of Malware's power, much more then Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y and Just 666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y has become the true embodiment of unstoppable and incomprehensible chaos, being able to pull off fascinating feats and doing fantastical things that are beyond the capabilities in what 404 is capable of, in addition to the powers that he regains as JustSystematic.

Space, Time, n' Reality control: JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is now able to control the MainFrame to a much more greater extent then ever before, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself, or reconstruct the reality of the MainFrame into however he wishes.

Life Detection: JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is able to sense the souls of other beings, even when they are trying their best to conceal it. And as such, can even know when they are about to attack from behind.

Instantaneous Speed: In spite of JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's large size, he is shown to be much more faster then Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, being able to appear at 4 places at once.

Incomprehensible Strength: JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y now possesses titanic strength, far greater then before, allowing him to overpower 100, even at his worst peak.

Decay Nova: An upgrade form of the Dark Nova attack, instead of exploding entities to cause massive damage, it is now able to decay entities and feed them to Malware, increasing his power even more, as well as decay countless Multiverses and Hyperverses that get sucked into the attack, which aids in the power that Malware himself can gain.

TransVoid Gateway: JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of contorting his body into a large mass of shapes as he continues to grow endlessly. If he were to ever sink someone into the mass of which is his body, they'll be transported to the Transvoid where the monstrous beings and entities would most likely give you a fate worse than death itself. He can do this faster then Malware404.

Multiverse Panzerschreck: An upgraded version of the Multiverse Bazooka that Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y uses. When JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y uses this, he the potential to destroy 2 realities at once, much faster then Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y uses the Omninova, for it can do the same, although the Multiverse Panzerschreck is much quicker in firing.

Metanova: The strongest attack of JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. It is a large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move blasts out of the wings's eyes, and has the power to decay and destroy 4 Realities at the same time, which allows Malware himself in his true body to gain an incredible increase in power then before.



Righteous!Error: Fatal still hates Error for making Fatal like this, but will work with him to achieve his goals, especially since they are in a time where the Multiverse is starting to change.

Righteous!Error (FGoD): Initially, Fatal thought of him as the same as the Error of his Multiverse, and tried to kill him, only to realize that he cannot die, Jo matter what Fatal does, which infuriates him. But as they got to know each other, Fatal learns they this Error hates himself for what he has turned into and never wanted to become this, and realizes that he is not so different from himself. Because of this, FGoD Righteous and Fatal_Error are surprisingly close, and ironically, is one of the closest Fatal has.

Error404: Although Fatal dislikes Error404 for protecting Error, he works for him to gain power in creating the Papyrus he wants, and even relates to Error404, as he empathizes with Error404 to an extent. Error404 treats Fatal_Error almost as if he is a second son to him.

Infected: Fatal_Error had a run-in with Infected before, who tried to bite him, but Fatal_Error was able to get away before he can even try and continue with whatever he is planning to do to him.

Astral Mother: The Astral Mother considers Fatal to be just as dangerous as Error, and thus, focusing on his as much as she focuses on Errir.

Patch: He is much kinder to him, but still dislike him, and still does not consider him to be his Papyrus.

Hollow!Ink: Vigorous!Fatal_Error is very weary of Hollow!Ink, due to how dangerous he has become, and thus, he is one of the few opponents that Fatal would have no trouble in teaming beside with Error.


Vigorous!Fatal_Error's Determination and Glitched strings belong to the Staffverse.

Vigorous!Fatal_Error is as strong as FGoD Righteous in base form.

Fatal_Error is strong enough to go against 100 by himself, although 100 is the only entity to not be affected by Fatal's DT draining.

Fatal's DT Level grew due to his obsession over bringing back Papyrus, and this causes him to grow in DT Levels, surpassing Dust+ and Error404, now being at possibly DT Level 3.

Due to his obsession, he will not suffer the negative outcomes of having Determination, as well as DT Madness itself.

JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is one of the strongest transformations to ever exist, surpassing Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y itself. But despite this, he cannot surpass the power of Perfect404 and beyond, although he can somewhat rival Pefect404's power.

Systematic would gain additional hands at JustSystematic (2) and Systematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (6), but would stay at 8 hands when it is JustSystematic B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y that's used.

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