(This is before I had better understanding of Alphatale.)
He Who Watches
Second Destroyer
Bug of the Multiverse
Anger Management Mascot
Date of Birth: April 4th
Place of Birth: Anti-Void
Species: Glitched Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
"You can no longer outclass the power that I have gained, Ink, now that I have what it takes to finally stop you."-Vessel!Error
Error is the apprentice of Error!404. He is an Alternate Universe destroyer and the overseer of the events within the Multiverse, now having gained a much greater power than ever before, becoming the second most powerful destroyer.
Like the original Righteous!Error, he was originally the Classic version of Sans, having turned into Geno, and than messed with his Determination, leading him into the Anti-Void, turning him into Error. When turning into Error, he lost all memories of who he once was, and attempted to make a name for himself in the wake of what he has become. Through his interactions with the AUs, has lead him to believe that they are disgusting and an abomination, and thus, with his destructive power and the ability to manipulate code, he became the Destroyer of AUs. But one fateful day, he met Error404, and saw that like him, Error404 attempted to make a name for himself, despite the fact that he has power far more immense than even Error himself. Error, with one act of compassion, decides to bring himself in as Error404's apprentice, and worked together to accomplish their goals, and to bring back Alphatale.
Throughout the 2 years of being with Error404, Error has gone through a lot, he has faced off against Ink, the protector of the AUs and his rival, got himself killed to help Error404 destroy an Unnameable, and came back with the DNA of the Unnameable inside of him, and discovered that Ink had taken the Soul of the Unnameable, becoming its host, gaining emotions, but the mind no longer simply Ink's anymore. fateful day changed Error's life forever. During a mission, Error was transported to an unknown realm, that is filled with different versions of Error404, Infected, Omnipotent, And Alpha, being in what appears to be a city of sorts. While searching around the city that he was in, so that the can try and find a way out of here, he discovered a Conduit Soul inside of a capsule of sorts. Seeing that nobody is here, he takes the capsule with him, thinking to that it might be useful in the cause of Error404. Trying to be able to come back to his universe, he encountered Ink, who somehow managed to find and entered into the realm of where Error was is at right now, and tries to kill him. But during the middle of the fight, the capsule containing the Conduit Soul broke...and the Error, not wanting to let Ink consume it, used his strings to reel it into himself, and absorbed it. Unbeknownst to Error, the soul he absorbed, belonged to the Conduit of Destruction, and with the Conduit Soul having absorbed and replaced the 1/9th soul that he still has while as Geno, Error's powers grew to the point of being able to fight Ink on equal footing, and after being able to defeat him, he was able to go back, due to the power of an unknown entity, which unfortunately brought Ink back to his multiverse as well. With the power of the Conduit Soul of Destruction within himself, combined with the power of the Unnameable's DNA within his right arm, Error will now do whatever it takes to stop Ink from carrying out whatever plan that the Unnameable has for him, and will help Error404 in bringing back Alphatale.
Error retains all of his prominent features. His red eyesockets, his blue, yellow and white eyelights, as well as the blue tear marking going under the eye sockets. However, his clothing had taken a bit of a change. Error wears a simple red shirt over a large, white overcoat that travels all the way down to his ankles, with the overcoat's right arm now having gained a black sleeve, with a set of eyes latched onto the black sleeve of the coat. He wears a purple scarf over his neck, but now the overcoat has a blue hood that is stitched onto it, and is large enough that it can hide Error's eyes, and now, Error wears it over his head almost all the time. His pants is now long, covering his ankles, but still keeps the blue lines, with Error still having the sandals.
Vessel!Error is more mature than even Righteous!Error. While his opinions are not different, beings still the same in that all AUs are disgusting, in time, he has matured gradually. Instead of whining, he much prefers to deliberately explain his opinion, using the action of words to get his way. In his time with Error!404, he had come to take some notes of the way he spoke and such. Because of this, Error is an excellent persuader, and now, thanks to more practice by him, he is shown to be manipulative, though not at Error404's level. At some point, in spite of how much he hates the AUs, he realizes that the people within the AUs, while anomalies they are in his eyes, he then realize the feelings that they have, some being not so different from his own. And while he still destroys AUs, having understood the true purpose in being the destroyer of the AUs, he now destroys the ones that are either at the end of their lives, are too corrupted for the Multiverse to live with, or to simply destroy them to limit the power that Ink might gained from consuming them.
Error likes to remain serious in all occasions that are not battle. Stern, strict and always having a desire to stick into control, he always keeps silent unless he needs to speak. On rare occasions, with some people that he likes, especially to those that are close to him and act kind to him, Error is firm, but will also act gentle and comforting.
In battle, while Error hasn't changed much, he no longer acts as cocky as he once was. He is still flourishing, calling out names, insults, whatever he can think of, and yet, he keeps his focus to try and make the opponent mess up in making then irritated and angry, in order to try finding a way to try defeating the opponent. Now no longer being arrogant and childish, he no longer messes up as much in fights, and is able to win more than he loses in battle.
His power is still the same as Righteous!Error. But thanks to the Conduit Soul of Destruction, his powers have now amplified to an almost unimaginable degree, as well as his training of Error404 now giving him some new abilities.
Strings: Error has many strings at his grasp, each used for different purposes when used in a fight, and thanks to the Conduit Soul, their durability increase so much that even Error404 struggles breaking them, and the strings are even sharp enough to cut Error404.
Blue Strings: Error's main strings. He can wrap this around the Soul and use his own Soul in order to control the person that his strings are wrapped around, and is now able to siphon data from entities with SOUL's, as well, allowing him to restrict mana, defence, health and energy. With the Conduit Soul, these powers have been amplified, now being able to drain data from a person entirely.
Red Strings: Using the Determination from his time as Geno, these red strings will cause searing pain through humans and monsters alike, being a viable torture method. Thanks to the Conduit Soul, it is now no longer simply mental damage, and can now cause physical damage, and can cause scars to appear all over the body in the form of red lines, though these will fade away overtime, and do not stay on the physical body of the target forever. If it's wrapped around a Soul, it will leave permanent scars and lingering amounts of agony to the souls that are caught by the red strings.
Green Strings: Used in combination with the Blue Strings, Error can siphon the data of others in order to heal either himself or his allies, while also rapidly draining the victim's life away, slowly killing them.
White Strings: These strings have not changed, except for that they're now much more harder to get out of than before.
Terror Strings: Having found some documents of the Astral Mother's experiments involving Terror, Error404 managed to make get some of the traits involving the Terror Soul, and injected the essence of Terror into the Illusionary Strings, with the Terror Strings being much more stronger then the Illusionary Strings themselves. With these new sets of cyan strings, Error can manipulate all of his target's senses in order to make them witness something that terrifies them the most, while also having the consciousness of the targets be trapped inside of their own mind, their bodies remaining still, as Error can manipulate the mental world that they are now trapped within, in an effort to create something extremely terrifying. The sight will be seen in such a horrific way, that the victims will be trapped inside of their own head, trying to flee from it, unaware that it is never really there. Error can also manipulate their sight, touch, and hearing, so that they will see their loved ones in order to manipulate them for his plans.
Error Blasters: Thanks to Error's new soul, he can now summon large, black blasters which fire black lasers with red outlines, with a range that is almost as great as Error404's Dark Blaster. It can now destroy anything that it is fired at, though the damage is not to the same extent as Error404's Dark Blasters.
Glitch Ray: Due to training with Error404, Error has made a Novice God Ray known as the Glitch Ray. Unlike the God Ray, it is a consistent beam instead of a simple fire. Originally far thinner, this ray, at first, did not have any effect on inorganic material. For organic material, this ray instantly corrupts their code, either possessing them to obey Error's every command, or simply decomposing their body until they essentially become a husk. Now with the Conduit Soul, the Glitch Ray's powers have become amplified, the Glitch Ray being much more wider, possessing far more destructive firepower, now being able to corrupt the code of other sentient entities to an almost irreparable degree either by controlling them more easily than ever before, or can now simply just erase someone from existence instead of just decomposing them, and is now able to destroy inorganic material. It can now also be used to destroy an AU in 4 minutes. Despite this, it is still not as strong as the God Ray in anyway, and is still slightly weaker. The Glitch Ray, unfortunately, can only effect those with code, and those that do not possess code of any sorts, such as Ink and Dream, can not be effected much by the Glitch Ray, at least, in the ability to control others. However, it can still be used to erase other people, regardless if it has code or not.
Defect Whip: Error's training with Error404 has allowed him to try and replicate the Glitch Whip that Error404 can use when he is using the MainFrame's power. It is not as strong as the Glitch Whip, and can only reach 40.4 percent the length of the Empire State Building.
Error Bones: The Conduit Soul has now gifted Error the ability to fire bones which, when they hit a target, can corrupt and decompose them. If they are hit as simple as a small cut, the process takes 4-6 minutes to complete. If stabbed in the soul, the effect is instantaneous. Error can use this either by launching then at the opponent, or by using them as melee weapons, and can get close enough to stab them into the opponent.
Destruction Orb: Error404 managed to find a prototype of the orb the Astral Mother uses. Works the same as the newer, completed version, and is more stronger, with the color purple instead of being color green, but the orb possesses a fluctuating radius.
Code Absorption: Error, now to his new soul, can absorb the code of beings that he corrupts, and can even absorbed the code of the AU that he corrupted and destroyed. This allows Error to become more stronger, at least, when he is going to use it for his new transformation.
Eyes of the Overseer: Eyes that are on the right arm that he gained after he killed an Unnameable, before it grafting it's DNA into his right arm, while being reborn inside of a tree. It is rather unknown what powers that the right arm possesses, although the results in which they right arm's power have been revealed are...unpredictable.
Pixel Manipulation: While Error does possess this power in the form of making pixel portals and teleporting, training with Error404 has allowed Error to be able to form things out of any sort of physical material.
Great Knowledge: Due to Error's constant universe tracking and destruction, he knows almost all of the AUs that exist out there, with the exception of the AUs that belong to the Alphaverse, and the fact that his knowledge is nowhere near Error404's level.
Anti-Void Infliction: Works just like the Void Infliction that Error404 does, except it is not automatic, and Error can choose when to activate this.
Conduit Soul: Error's new soul is the hardest of the 10 realities. Only the ones stronger than him are capable of damaging it in anyway. To those that are weaker, it also has an aura that constantly is filled with destructive power, and those that try to grab onto it, will be effected, causing their limbs to slowly get erased. Only Out-Codes and entities that are stronger than Error, or at least, as strong as him, are able to resist the power of the Conduit Soul.
Unsparing Strength: Error's New Soul has gifted Error with unimaginably destructive strength, now being able to damage Ink with just the full strength of his punches, and can now even give Error404 a hard time beating him, though he will still lose against him, as well as being able to hold his ground against Infected, one of the few they can make Error404 use all of his strength. He can even punch a normal monster so hard, they explode and instantly kills them with a tiny percent of his power.
Immense Speed: The Conduit's Soul, combined with Error404's training, has allows Error to become more faster than ever before, almost to the point of resembling a blur, and soon became powerful to combined both strength and speed to make punches with his shockwaves, although the shockwaves are not as strong as Error404's, but can still cause slight damage to even the strongest of the many Alphatale entities. It is thanks to his speed that it will make catching Error a little bit difficult, although Error404 will always catch him..
Titanic Durability: Error's body has now became more immensely durable than before, due to training with Error404 and with his new soul. This allows him to endure attacks from Ink, and allows him to endure attacks from others such as Infected and Omnipotent, although his durability is no match for Infected's Unrivaled Defense.
Error404: Error's mentor and father figure. It is rather rocky at first, due to Error404's attitude, but overtime, they grew to have a relationship similar to that of a father and a son. Thanks to Error's presence, especially with his new kind side of himself, Error404's mentality can stabilize a little bit. He even changed the deal a little bit in destroying specific AUs, in order to limit how much destruction that he is making, just to give Error404 the universes that he needs to bring back the AU that he lost.
Ink: He admits that, while he does hate Ink, he certainly does not want to have him be the way that he is right now. He watches over Ink, or at least, what was once Ink, and hopes to find a way to bring back his original self.
King Multiverse: he hates him with every part of his very being. Now with his new soul, Error is now finally free, much to the King's anger, and Error, waited a long time for what he wanted, got his revenge and beats King Multiverse to a pulp, before leaving him behind, humiliated, battered, beaten, and thoroughly broken.
POLOERROR: Error's new and only true transformation. PoloError is when Error is nearly about to die. When he is about to die, or when in a state of pure, nearly unrestrained rage, the DNA within his right arm activated, and he turns into a Polothorn, a being that is similar to Sol, as they are entities of limitless power. With this Transformation, PoloError is strong enough to match the Inkmation in terms of sheer magic, and possibly the All-Mother. The downside, is that he cannot control it, and his body will attack anything automatically within his line of sight, as this is due to Error's consciousness being pushed back into his mind, while another new type of consciousness takes over Error's control, only recognizing that it must destroy everything. The transformation only ends when there are no beings in sight, or when Error finally calms down, and is able to regain control again, and will deactivate the transformation before it can cause more destruction.
Flash bang: The Eyes on the tentacles can make a shine powerful enough to temporarily blind other people that see it.
Black Electricity: Error's body is now covered and sparked with black electricity, and anyone that gets close are shocked to the point that, if it is a normal monster, they will be instantly electrocuted to death.
Titan Beam: an upgraded version of the Glitch Ray: Error can use his tentacles to gather energy into making a Laser powerful enough to destroy multiple universes in 1 blast simulator. Even the Inkmation, while stronger than even Error404's B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, is unable to truly stop it, as the Titan Beam can intercept even the Orb of Utter Destruction.
Despite this new transformation, Error can still fuse with Error404 to make Error666, although the transformation is now more stronger than it was ever before.
Error is now less afraid of being touched. Whenever he gets touched, he feels only some discomfort, and that's it. The only person he feels completely comfortable with touching him, are those that he care about, and Error404
Error loves cookies, due to being with Error404, and even has Chocolate Chip as his favorite.
Error, thanks to his Conduit Soul, had became strong enough to mo longer he bound by King Multiverse's Lessons of Loyalty.
If this Error were to have his past as the Forced God of Destruction, his personality would be much more friendlier, and saddened that he is put into this mess, though he still be manipulative, due to lessons with Error404. Fate would be heard inside of his mind, crying with grief and despair at what happened to Ink, which would lead to him awakening and escaping the tree, and Destiny would try and aid Error more actively than ever before. And another difference, is that Destiny would give Error the Conduit Soul of Destruction instead of Error having found it.
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