
The TV Demon
Obnoxious Pompous Piece of Shit Television
Techno Overlord

Date of Birth: Possibly between 1910-1920

Place of Birth: Alpha Hotel AU

Species: Sinner Demon
Gender: Male
Height: 7'0
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Electric Blue, Red

There you are, Alastor~.UHV!Vox

UHV!Vox is a version of Vox from the Alpha Hotel AU. He is a Sinner Demon Overlord and is one of the strongest Overlords in existence, being a direct rival to Alastor in terms of sheer power, as well as one of the most dangerous demons, due to his capabilities.


It is unknown what Vox was like completely before he died. However, what is known is that he was once a human in between the ages of the 30s-40s and is possibly a TV Host of some sort. It is mostly possible that he is an occultist, and may have made others think of him as a god to be praised with technology.

After his death in the 1950s, Vox had became an immensely powerful Overlord in his own right, being able to manipulate electricity in various ways and technology in his own making, as well as making objects that are named after him. Due to this, he became one of the strongest and most feared Overlords in all of Hell itself. But then it got worse for Hell, as Vox was able to meet up with Valentino and Velvette, and the both of them are fellow Overlords in their own right. Because of this, all 3 of them made a group called the 3 Vs, which are their most infamous reputation in all of existence. And all of them made a lot of Hell's denizens fear them. And Vox even would go into a relationship with Valentino, but the relationship is very toxic and unstable, due to the fact that Valentino is a rather abusive lover to be with, and the fact that he would always hurt and damage Vox's TV Screen for the littlest and pettiest of things, and although Vox and Valentino would often break up, they would oddly get back together.

At some point in the past, Vox would be able to meet and fight against Alastor, who is an Overlord that is admittedly a bit older then Vox himself. It is unknown what caused the fight in the first place, or why the both of them are even fighting at all, but it is assumed that it is because of their differing views with technology, as well as Vox's unpleasant behavior that lead to the fight happening in the first place. And after that, Vox and Alastor would be rivals, and while both are bitter to one another, Vox, for some odd reason, as a deep fixation on Alastor and wants him to notice him, and thus, whenever Vox sees Alastor go to a TV screen that he is broadcasting, he would use his power to look at Alastor so that he would notice him, and while Alastor would walk away, he would whisper profanities under his breath, being the only one to anger Alastor this badly, as Vox is the only one that can win against Alastor constantly, just as much as Alastor can win against Vox constantly.

Vox is known as being an extremely intelligent Overlord, and when he hears that Alastor is at the Alpha Hotel, he wants to make sure that Alastor knows that he is coming to him. And being a dangerous schemer that lock both of them are, Vox and Alastor would often lock heads at one another, and often fight with one another, with the 3Vs at his side, and Alastor along with Rosie going against the 3 Vs, all so that they Hotel can be protected, along with Charlie, who is also protecting her Hotel and not allowing the 3 Vs to attack and destroy what she has tried so hard to make, in order to give the sinners a chance in order to redeem themselves and bring them to heaven, so that they could be free.

But then, when the destruction of the AU came, Vox and Velvette escaped, with him even taking Vark to protect him. But Valentino got lost in the AU's destruction and died, with Vox and Velvette escaping. And when he looked around, he felt anger and rage at the AU's destruction, as well as some sadness at the fact that he lost his friends in the crossfire, and because of this, he is now by himself. As the years went by, Vox, powered by his own anger and sadness, began to grow in power, becoming stronger and stronger and stronger, his strength increasing by the passing years, and would even go to other AUs to hide from other people, No thanks to his unusual appearance. But eventually, 12,000 years later, Vox has grown as powerful as Alastor, as well as being faster then Alastor, now being able to travel to other Multiverses all by himself, due to his ability to manipulate electricity and technology, and is even able to go to other Multiverses through said technology. And throughout the years, he does all that he can to keep his pet shark, Vark safe from all that is happening. But eventually, one day, Vox would go face to face against 100, who had visited the AU that Vox is inside of, and when 100 sensed him, he began to attack him. But Vark was with Vox at the time, and because of this, Vox had to flee from 100 as to protect Vark from being attacked and killed by the Beast of Rage, with 100 trying to punch and bite at Vox, who always is too fast and gets out of the way, while holding onto Vark.

But when Vox used his powers to flee to another Multiverse, he instead crashed into the area where the Alpha Hotel is at, meeting with Charlie and the others, well as Velvette, who is still alive. This made Vox happy and relieved, and it is here that he meets the God of the Multiverse for the first time. After a bit of debating, Vox decides to live in the hotel, in order to keep his pet safe, and hang out with Velvette. But he still has a rivalry that he wants to settle.


UHV!Vox is similar to the original Vox, but there are some key differences. He wears a striped tuxedo, a black and red striped shirt, a red bow tie, a whiteish blue undershirt, and a black top hat with a red a broadcast symbol, a blue radio wave, and his antennas out of it. He has a flat screen TV for a head, with one of his eyes, a jagged pupil, he has light blue teeth and has what appears to be blood flowing from the left side of his mouth.

But the similarities end there. Unlike the original Vox, the suit reaches down to his ankles, with the shit being an electric blue color with red lines going down, the eyes are an electrical blue instead of red, with the left eye possessing a red jagged pupil, with 2 black ring layers on the left eye itself, the screen is a bit more futuristic and advanced then normal screens, and the antenna's on the hat are a bit longer then before by about a couple of inches.


Like the original Vox, his personality is that of a charismatic showman who crave and love attention, and is obsessed with technology, television and innovation, with a not-so-much educated and formal attitude. In fact, his desire for live and attention is so great that he will even sell products that are only named after him and have his images on it for people to know who it is that made this sort of stuff. His crave for attention is so great that he will even make Alastor notice him, who he has an extreme interest in and wants to see him on every sort of television that he would look at.

He is revolutionary and megalomaniacal, constantly evolving in order to increase his power. He possesses showman-like traits and makes himself out to be the center of attention in any scenario, with a comical, smug, rude, and sarcastic attitude, hiding an incredibly dangerous, cruel, and deadly side to him. Unlike Valentino and Vox, he seems to be much more intelligent and calculating compared to them, as while he is arrogant and possesses an ego, he is a person that plans everything out, being the brains behind the 3 Vs. He is also something of a control freak, but not to the same extent as Error404, who is an even worse control freak then him, as he is just somewhere at Error's level.

Despite his ego, however, he does have some good qualities in him that not a lot of people know about. He owns a pet shark named Vark and has a deep care for him, as well as viewing Valentino and Velvette as a twisted family that he has. He dotes on Vark constantly and gives the shark anything he could want, such as a massive aquarium that makes up the walls of his mansion. He also hangs out with Velvette to play with her even though there is no reason to do it.

And also, despite his bad traits, he does show empathy to Angel Dust, due to the fact that he too is abused by Valentino, meaning he does act concern in very rare occasions, but will eventually fall back into his arrogant ego.

Powers and Abilities:

Electrokinesis: Vox could be able to transform himself into electricity for fly and cause black outs and enter in electrical dispositive. He can also cause a multiverse-wide black out if he gets particularly furious or if he simply wants it.

Scrying: Vox is seemingly able to see through other screens, appearing to stare directly at Alastor while projecting into the TV display of a window-fronted store. He's even able to look into other Multiverse's screens even if he is from a far away Multiverse of his own.

Multiverse Screening: Vox can spy and hear others through screens. He can even interact with screens to an extent that he can go to the other side, even going through a screen that is in another Multiverse.

Interferences: Vox can cause glitches, distortions and interferences in dispositive. And due to the Multiverse being made of code and thus are technically electronic, this means that Vox can cause reality to somewhat glitch.

Shock Dash: Vox is able to turn into electricity for a brief period of time and move out of the way.

Multiversal Current: Vox can turn into electricity and fire at a Multiverse that he wants to go to. Only downside to this is that he needs to hit something in order to stop, otherwise he'll miss and go to another Multiverse instead of the intended one. So he most tries to use his Screening power.

EMP Field: Vox can generate a forcefield that is able to block attacks, and cause electrical shortages. It can only breached by beings of immense power, such as Error404.

Gigawatt Thrusters: Vox can generate electricity around his feet in order to fly into the air and keep up with Alastor and Error404's flight.

Electrical Blast: Vox can gather electricity into his hands and condense it into a blast of energy that can be launched as a projectile. When he fires it, it is strong enough to overpower the Dark Blaster to an extent, and cause an electrical explosion that can take out a bunch of AUs at once.

Electrical Mastery: Vox's answer to the Blue Mastery, in which he can manipulate the electricity of any object or being that had it, and send them as far away as he can. But beings that lack electricity such as nerves are unable to be launched.

Voltage Nuke: Vox can explode into a bundle of electricity, which has a range that is comparable to Alastor's Shadow Mastery, allowing him to take down as many AUs as the Shadow Mastery can do it.

Unforeseeable Speed: Vox, due to his affinity to lighting, is one of the fastest Overlords in existence. He is shown to be so fast that even Error404 has trouble keeping up with him, with only Alastor being able to keep up, but even then, even Alastor is not as fast as Vox.

Unshaken Strength: Vox possesses immense strength of his own, being able to rival Alastor's level of strength in one of their many fights, and also surpasses Error404 in terms of sheer might.

Voltage Bombs: Vox can condense his electrical powers into spheres that can explode in a few Knute, with the explosions themselves being able to take out a few Anti-Void Bones in just one single explosion.

AU Magnetism: Vox is able to use his power to at attract AUs to his position, and even is able ti make 2 AUs collide with one another.

Sinner Immortality: Vox posssesses immortality that is comparable to Alastor's, and being an Overlord made him even stronger then before.

Electrical Drain: Vox is able to drain electricity form anything that contains it. From the electrical circuits in the machinery to the nerves of the human body, and even the electrical system of the AUs, Vox can drain it in order to either heal himself or make himself temporarily stronger.

Arc Lightning: Vox is able to fire a continuous stream of lightning from his hands, allowing it to chain off of conductive surfaces and enemies, as well as chain off of AUs and severely damage them.


FULL DEMON: Vox is able to activate a full demon form of his own, just like many other powerful demons. In full demon form, like Alastor, he grows claws in his hand and he grows taller by one foot. But he would also gain wires with plugs at the tips of said wires coming out of his back, and a giant mouth offing sharp teeth would fill the entirety of the screen, which actually comes out of the screen along with a Tongue. In this form, Vox is shown to be far stronger then before, being able to match even Alastor's form.

Shock Claws: Vox's claws are now as dangerous as Alastor's, as they are both able to cut any being that they strike at, as well as being able to shock them at the same time, causing even more damage then before.

Volt Jaws: Vox's large mouth is wider then Alastor's mouth, and thus is able to bite in way more then what Alastor can do, but is just as strong as Alastor's bite force.

Plug Tentacles: Vox, possessing tentacles that are of wires and plugs, would pierce an opponent and would shock them while they are pierced. When this happens, it is a continuous shock that cannot be stopped unless the tentacles are cut off, but even then, the Plug Tentacles would regenerate.

Ionic Breath: Vox can fire an electrical beam of energy from his mouth, with the blast being so powerful it can surpass one of the Dark Blasters when Error404 is in his Just404 form.

Nerve Magnetic Pulse: Vox now has an aura that surrounds him, and those that get caught in his aura will feel their electrical nerves being drained until they are nothing more then paralyzed victims, but only to those that are not gods.

HYPER-HIGH VOLTAGE!VOX: This form is activated when a TransVoid Being of electricity came to Vox, and empowered him with their Cosmic Essence while in his full demon form. While inside of this form, Vox possesses 2 tower-shaped, conductor coil-like generators located on his upper back, and his body is constantly covered in electricity. In this form, he is as powerful as King Alastor, and possesses immense strength to give him so much immense trouble. In this form, although all of his physicality and powers are enhanced, he is Joe so fast that even Alastor has trouble keeping him in this form.

Reality Interference: Vox's mere presence is now so immense that reality would then glitch and distort in ways that are comparable to Alastor's aura, yet it is far different, for reality seems to lag and glitch then being really distorted.

Ionic Drain: Vox is now able to drain electricity from the Multiverse itself without needing g to activate it, but at the same time, he feeds electricity to the AUs in order to prevent his supply from being wasted, and the fact that it gives him a huge supply of power, and thus will allow him to keep on fighting for a longer limit.

Electrical Catastrophe: Vox's strongest attack and his finishing move, in which Vox can gather electricity around his very own area, as well drain electricity from the area around him, in order to empower his attack as much as he can, and when he is finished, he is able to summon an explosion of electricity that is so immensely strong and large that it is actually just as dangerous as King Alastor's Radio Apocalyose, in which he is able to take out 4 Realities at the same time with the mere power of the explosion.


Alastor!Crowley: The relationship between both Alastor and Vox is that of the most fiercest of extremely terrible rivals. Although Alastor always seems to hide it behind his smile, he deeply hates Vox with a burning vengeance, due to the fact that Vox is a demon of advanced technology, which Alastor hates so immensely, as he prefers radio sort of tech or any analogue technology that he had in the old times. Vox, on the other hand, is obsessive to have Alastor notice him and even when the both of them are working together in something that they have in common, it does not stop their feelings with one another, as Alastor will still hate him for who he is, and the fact that no matter what, they will never be friends.

Voodoo!Velvette: Vox and Velvette are extremely close friends to one another, due to the fact that the both of them share the same view on advanced technology, although this does not stop Vox and Velvette from being mean to each other. But even so, their friendship is very genuine, as Vox and Velvette are very happy to see one another again after they found out of each other's survival. And even so, Vox would be flabbergasted at the fact that he wound call Vox her dead, despite the fact that he and Velvette are the same age.

Valentino: Vox's former boyfriend, the relationship between then both of them is very unstable and toxic all the time, due to the fact that Valentino is a very abusive boyfriend of the sort, as he wound hurt and break the TV screen on Vox's face for even the smallest pettiest reason. Vox would often break up with Valentino when this happens, but for some very strange and twisted reason, the both of them would get bad together, even though Vox isn't supposed to do that. But even so, Vox did not shed a tear when Valentino was killed, and is seemingly happy at the fact that Valentino had died, now having weight off of his chest.

Charlie Magne: The Princess of Hell herself and the one that made the Alpha Hotel, Vox and Charlie do not get along, at least on Vox's end, due to the fact that Vox is not a nice person at all and is always rude, not to mention being a person that craves for attention. But despite this, he does help Charlie from time to time and even makes sure that the Alpha Hotel is safe when she is gone, but that is only because he wants to have a chance to go at Alastor, who is also at the Alpha Hotel as well, much to the annoyance of Alastor.

Error404: Vox and Error404 met when he visited the Alpha Hotel. And admittedly, Error404 and Vox did not get along very well, due to Vox's personality. But despite this, he does have 404 from time to time, but only when he has Alastor to help him with something, in which he will come with Alastor.

Righteous!Error: Error404'a disciple, Righteous is annoyed with Vox and would threaten to use his Cosmic Shock if it ever can make him shut up, and considering that he is now stronger then 404, Box will shut up, which is something that Alastor is grateful of Righteous!Error for in making Vox stay silent.

Infected: The first destroyer, Vox is admittedly very unnerved at Infected, mainly because of how sadistic and cruel he is, making Valentino's cruelty look tame in comparison. But this does not stop Vox from fighting against him if he needs to fight the first destroyer.

Omnipotent!Sans: Vox does not see Omnipotent as a fun sort of guy, due to his cold and distant attitude, and as far as he is concerned, he thinks that Omnipotent is a nobody.

Alpha!Sans: The first protector, Alpha and Vox do not get along at all, and even don't like each other that much. But despite this, Vox is willing to aid Alpha, but only if the threat that they are up against is bad enough that it is something they all share. Of course, this does not mean that he cares for him much, as he is only doing this because Error404 will likely go out and kill him, and most likely will if he allowed him to die.

Hollow!Ink: The corrupter protector, Vox is admittedly disturbed by the appearance of Hollow!Ink, due to the fact that he possesses an Unnameable Soul, which has made him go a little bit off of the handle, and the fact that he consumes beings to get stronger.

King Multiverse: Vox and King Multiverse, oddly, so seem to get Ali to an extent, but it is unknown why that is the case. But it is believed that the reason that they are able to get along is because of the fact that the both of them are selfish people that want nothing more then attention and praise, which wound make sense to an extent, as they don't like not being in the spotlight. But despite all of this, Vox is not an entirely good friend along with King Multiverse back at him, as the both of them had mocked one another on at least more then one occasion.

100: Like everyone else, Vox sees 100 as one of the most dangerous beings in all of existence, due to the fact that he is filled with rage constantly, always attacking everyone in sight, and the fact that he is much more sadistic compared to Infected himself. Because of this, Vox usually runs away from 100 when he is certain that he will be killed and beaten down by him. The only exception to this, will be if everyone is standing together, even Alastor, and in this case, Vox will go and fog it against 100, despite the fact that he is afraid of him.

Warlock: Like everyone else that has first met him, Vox sees Warlock as an extremely weird entity of some sort, due to the fact that he possesses a set of powers that made him extremely weird and insane, and the fact that he possesses a behavior that is so otherworldly and bizarre that they even defy description itself. And even though Warlock has helped people on a number of occasions, while usually it will get people to change their minds, Vox is someone that does not change his opinion that much, and even if Warlock does save his life, Vox will still consider him, and always will consider him to be an extremely strange being

Vark: Vox's pet shark that has legs and arms, he is one of the very few beings that Vox cherishes with his life, doting and caring for him more then anything else in all of existence. Vark is one that always sees the best side to Vox that no one else would be allowed to see


Vox is likely the Conduit of Technology, due to his connection with advanced technology, and as he has technological components, mainly his screen and full demon form, that means he can make himself stronger. This can go from mere Technology Manipulation at Novice Level to Continuous Upgrading at Full-Fledged Conduit level. Although similar to Alastor, it is unknown if this makes him a sort of Forbidden Conduit.

Vox is able to control Technology in the Alpha Hotel in anyway he desires.

Vox is the only one that can truly rival Alastor and even defeat him in their fights.

The UHV in this version of Vox stands for Ultra-High Voltage.

Vox is as strong as Alastor in all of his forms, from the base form matching Alastor, to both of their Full-Demon forms, to their King Alastor and Hyper-High Voltage forms.

It is unknown what sort of TransVoid being Vox had met that gave him their Cosmic Essence. But it is known that this TransVoid being is an entity that can manipulate electricity and is very dangerous, and seems to consider Vox to be a worthy host.

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