True!Reaper (Forced God of Destruction)


God of Impure Death
Grim Reaper
Angel of Death
Goth of Death
Ally of Error
God of Death

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: ReaperTale, Black Hole

Species: Skeleton God

Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Empty (Calm), Blue (Battle)

This character takes place in the Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind story.

It appears that, Death, is much more of a mercy then what is beyond the Multiverse can do.-True!Reaper

True!Reaper Sans is a version of the original Reaper from the Forced God of Destruction Alphaverse. He is a more older and more stronger version of the original Reaper!Sans.


His backstory is the same as the original Reaper. He was created, along with his brother, Papyrus, by Gaster, the God of Magic, who used a dead star to lead to their birth, which is in context to the other gods, who were born from a star that is still alive. As there is too much living beings left in the Earth that they lived on top of, Reaper and Papyrus were created for the sole purpose of balancing Life with Death. While Reaper does do his job, alongside his brother, he hates it with every passion of his being, but understanding the importance, despite his opinion of it, he hides his thoughts very well, and holds back his opinions, as he knows that it will change nothing. He meets with Toriel, the Goddess of Life, and at first, she does not like his presence, due to being the antithesis of what she is, when she got to know him a little bit more, she realized that she is not that much of a bad person as she though, being surprisingly pleasant to talk to, though he can be a little bit negative at times and talk about some bad stuff that Toriel would prefer not to here. But other than that, they get along very well, with Toriel even beginning to develop feelings for Reaper, and in return, the feelings seemed to be a bit mutual. But Reaper also was caught in the attention of Geno at some point, and even began to fall for him as well, making what appears to be a love triangle of some kind.

But Reaper is not without some sort enemies of his own, one of them being Chara, who he messed up at and corrupted. And during the time of the Multiverse, FGoD Error met Reaper for the first time, during a battle with Ink, and it became a tie. When Error and Reaper met, and Toriel healed Error after a little bit, due to the injuries that he had, both Error and Reaper felt a sort of kinship with one another, due to the fact that they are brought to existence in order to maintain the balance of the respective places that they live in, although Reaper is more of a necessary case, and due to this, Error and Reaper are some of the closest allies, even more closer when compared to Nightmare Sans and his allies, along with the Dark Sanses. Luckily, Ink does not know of this friendship sort of bond, and thus, does not suspect Reaper's true alliance, even though he is seemingly a hero of sorts, one of the so-called good Sanses, but Reaper doesn't make himself known, and keeps his alliances hidden. Error has even taught Reaper how to travel to different AUs, using the darkness and shadows to travel to different AUs, something that will be useful to Reaper to reap corrupted souls and send them to his afterlife, which he rules over.

And wasn't long before the Alphaverse starts to influence Reapertale, the universe that Reaper lives in.

During a battle with Error and Ink, Error tries all that he can to fight against Ink and his allies, but during the battle, he sensed a powerful magical signature, and thus, Error fled the battle, where he then met Error404 inside of the MainFrame, and both Error404 and Error had a bit of a scuffle, which made Error404 stop Error in his tracks, but he allows Error to live, for he has a purpose for him, and that is to bring back Alphatale, and in return, he will free Error from the strings of Fate. Error agrees, and is able to enlist the help of Nightmare and the Dark Sanses, along with Reaper, who also joined in, as his power over the concept of death will make him a valuable aspect to Error404's henchmen.

Error and Reaper worked alongside one another, with Error being the main henchman, being Error404's second-in-command, with Reaper being the Right-Side of the Henchmen, but ranks even above Nightmare, who, despite being younger then Reaper, had much more experience then the Multiverse, is not as strong as Reaper, despite being comparable to Error in a way. But Reaper is able to earn his position higher then Nightmare, due to the fact that he is extremely intelligent, and is able to use an incredible amount of battle tactics to even meet the standards of Error!Sans, and thus, due to being an intelligent strategist in his own way, he is able to aid Error404 in battle planning, although Error404 is a more capable and more intelligent strategist then Reaper Sans himself, but does teach Reaper to be a more capable and more ruthless strategist then before. And as Reaper!Sans has no blaster of his own, he is able to go to the Gaster of Reapertale, and help him make his own Blaster for Reaper Sans to use, with Reaper himself being able to participate in the creation of it himself, so that he can remember how it able to be made. After what must have been a very long time, they are able to make the Reaper Blaster for Reaper!Sans to use and weaponize, which is strong enough to give Error!Sans a challenge, and becoming more of a match for Error then before.

And then, on one fateful day, an entity of the Alphaverse, known as Infected, who appeared and awakened in Reapertale, came out of complete nowhere, and began to slaughter a lot of people, chopping their heads off and taking their souls, turning them into Wisps. Reaper, while a little scared of seeing Infected, due to how he looks, decides to step into the fight, and goes up against him, along with Undyne, Asgore, Toriel, and Papyrus.

The fight was extremely difficult, due to the fact that Infected was unlike any being that Reaper has fought against before, almost at the exact same level as Error404, with Error having to try and help Reaper fight off against Infected himself. Thankfully, Error404 saved them and took care of Infected, although Infected proved to be incredibly tough, just enough so that Error404 is able to use his full power against him.

After that, Error404, along with Error manage to find a Sans called Photonegative Sans, where they both brought him to one of the MainFrame Pools, to make King Multiverse. When King Multiverse came into existence, through his immense power and intimidating posture, his demanding words, he certainly left a massive mark on others within the Multiverse, too the point that everyone began to fear him. But at the same time, the people are very interested in becoming the King of the Multiverse, and desire to rule it. This sparked millions not only to challenge this so-called King, but now people wanted to try their hand at ruling the multiverse. It all, however, ended in failure for alot of the best and toughest Aus around even Thought!Sans himself couldn't touch or grasp at the power of this god-like king. Even Ink could not touch him, despite the fact that he is one of the strongest Sanses to ever be born, especially from a goddess named Fate. But King Multiverse proved stronger and defeated Ink without effort, and with Error404's aid, forced Ink to read his oath, and became bonded to King Multiverse, forever under his command.

Luckily, at Error's suggestion, Reaper did not get involved in this, and instead, he stayed in his AU, so he does not bond to King Multiverse, which Error has help Error404 in making. And because of this, he decides to try and mind his own business for the time being.

When the Alphaverse arrived and became more noticeable, however, they began to invade his home AU, as well as countless AUs within his Multiverse. This affected the lives of innocence within the AUs very badly, but luckily, there are some good people that are trying to protect the Multiverse that is equally as powerful. It got so bad that Reaper Sans and the rest of his allies and brother had to bring all of their denizens into the Omega Timeline, which Core suggested them to do. Because of this, the members of Reapertale, even Reaper!Chara, as Core is friends with them, are forced to stay inside of the Omega Timeline, so that they do not get involved inside of the nonsense of Alphatale, even though he and Error are needed to help Error404. Luckily, Error404 is able to visit the Omega Timeline, and can bring Reaper out of it when he needs to have him again. He worked with Error404 for 3000 years, along with Error himself, and Reaper, as time went on, he grew stronger and stronger with age, as did the other gods and goddesses of Reapertale, like Toriel and Papyrus and Asgore, even though they have not fought, with Reaper becoming physically and magically more powerful them before, his black home powers now becoming so destructive that he can suck a whole AU long enough to send it away, almost as fast as Error being able to destroy an AU.

And then...the worst of the problems came, when a very huge problem came inside of the Omega Timeline, along with 2 other problems. An entity, named Faker, had invaded the Omega Timeline, and launched a very devastating attack on the Omega Timeline, with Omnipotent under his control, and Faker, he had almost seemed unstoppable, due to the fact that even Error404 himself, despite self-proclaiming himself as the strongest Sans, is unable to beat him. Eventually, they were able to in defeat Faker, but then, another problem came, when a child of MalesGrow, had came into the Omega Timeline, and began to wreak havoc. And too make matters worse, Error404's Mother, the Astral Mother, and 100, her eldest son, also came into the battle and began to wreak havoc alongside 100. Error404 and Error and Omnipotent tried to stop him, with both Errors fusing to make Error666, and with the aid of the TransVoid Beings, mainly Gabriel, who made Perfect666, they are able to defeat 100, and then, King Multiverse, he decided to go up against he decided to go up against the child of MalesGrow, who is stronger then even Error404, but he is the best chance he has against them, due to the fact that the child is able to manipulate and control those with Alphatale code, and King Multiverse, he lacks Alphatale Code, and is able to damage her badly. And during all of this, King Multiverse is able to finish off the child with the MainFrame Cannon, which was finally able to bring down the child of MalesGrow. But the job was not done yet. Infected decided to consume Ten No Kami's tentacles when she is not looking, which gave him a status similar to that of a Polothorn, and caused him to wreak havoc. Luckily, Marcy, an assistant of the Astral Mother, was able to return Error404, and loading killed him, in order to force him into his Butterfly form. They took the fight out of the Omega Timeline, as Reaper Sans could only watch in fear of what is happening.

Then, the situation reached the absolute worst for him, when the God of the Unnameables, Sol, suddenly appeared, and when he spoke his name to both Error and Infected, who are born fighting, their heads exploded, and took their Conduit Souls in which he can use them for his own ends. But when Sol came and took the Conduit Souls of Balance and Destruction from Error404 and Infected, and made an attempt to use them, the entire Cycle that affected the Multiverse began to break, and the Omega Timeline got affected as well. The Cycle begins to fold in on itself, and Reaper and the others have no what what to do. Ten No Kami, luckily, is able to send all of the denizens to the MainFrame, where they are safe from the Cycle beginning to fold in on itself, before they returned back to the Omega Timeline, seeing all of the buildings and areas in shambles, due to what it is that has happened to the Cycle that everyone had been living in. And even more luckily, Error was able to come back, with Error404 resurrected as well. While Infected also came back, he lost his power up from Ten No Kami, and thus, is back to who he once was as before.

And thus, Reaper and Error continue to side with one another and hang out with each other, not to mention helping in restoring the first AU, now much stronger then before, due to the passage of age and time, which made Error and Reaper stronger, as well as made Error404 stronger, supposedly, and they are much more closer to each other then they were ever before.

And then, the most horrific day came, thanks to the actions of a certain Unnameable God. During the time when Alpha came back to life, as the Conduit of Change, An entity from a group of species called the Unnameables, entered into the Multiverse to try and consume it, and it is not the only one. Faringold and Avalon also escaped from the TransVoid through the Book of Eyes, and they began to wreak havoc on the Multiverse at large. But Error and Error404 are able to defeat the 3 TransVoid Beings with a new transformation of their own. The 2 of them had them merged, and destroyed the entities that attacked the Multiverse. However, the transformation was too powerful for Error to handle, and thus...while Error404 lived...Error himself...was lost. His Immorality not able to save him from this transformation, for the power of the transformation surpassed the immorality at its limit.

Reaper grieved at what happened to his friend, at the same time when Error404 revealed who Error truly is, and this made the denizens despise Ink for what he had done, while feeling regret and shame for what they had done to Error. After that, Reaper felt saddened at what happened, and then, both him and Error404 met the Conduits, especially Death, one of the most important conduits of all time.

When the Conduit of Death sees Reaper, seeing a kindred spirit in him, due to the fact that he cherishes Toriel, he decides to help Reaper and trained his powers, making him far more better at killing them before, as well as being able to sense souls across the Multiverse, now being able to tell the difference between who is guilty and who is innocent, so Reaper can destroy them, for this is due to Reaper's feelings to Toriel reminding the Conduit of Death of his feelings towards the Conduit of Life, who he loved with all of his heart.

But while the Unnameable was vanquished, it began to make a biome with its own body, resulting in a tree that is beside Error404's hideout, and Ink, along with the Astral Mother, Faith, and Another went to study the tree, noticing how it's veins are going deep into the Anti-Void and possibly into ten void itself. But the Unnameable, it senses that there is a use in Ink, and telepathically tells him to come to the tree. When that happened, Ink's she's closed purple, but changed back when the Unnameable stopped talking to him. After a litter bur, he decided to have a conversation with the Unnameable in the form of the tree, being left behind by the Astral Mother and the other 2 when he said he will keep watch over it, when in reality, he wants to speak to the tree. They talked back and forth, with the Unnameable talking about the first Polothorn, telling him of the TransVoid Beings and the Unnameables, which lead to Ink lamenting on the fate that he had no emotions, using only his vials, and yet, even that is temporary, wishing to be able to finally feel with a soul. And this is when the Unnameable decide to take a chance, having Ink under his manipulations that he can give him a soul, which is inside of the tree. Ink was hesitant at first, but under the persuasion of the Unnameable, Ink gave into its silver tongue, and went inside of the tree, and have the soul be infused into his body. And finally, after an hour or 2 hours, Ink re-emerged, and his eyes glowed pink, showing that he has now become one with the Unnameable, having grown to now have emotions, and to now feel, while also throwing away the Emotion Vials. But unbeknownst to Ink...there was someone inside of the tree. Within it...laid someone who was lost. It is none other than Error, who was revived and reborn within tree, his soul still intact, with the essence of the Unnameable within his body, and the state was clearly shown, with eyes all over the destroyer's right arm, and Error had gained power that not even he himself could imagine. And Error heard Fate's cries of grief and agony within his slumber, and broke free from the tree, and unbeknownst to Error, when he was reborn into what he is now, Fate's strings have been snipped from him, meaning that he is now able to achieve his newfound freedom. And during this time, Error and Ink fought, both having grown powerful due to the Unnameable.

But Reaper, he sensed the return of his old friend, and rushed to see him battle against Ink. Not believing it, yet he does, he then attacked Ink Ali with Error, but Hollow!Ink flees at the Unnameable suggestions, as well as not reacting well to Reaper's alliance with Error. Error and Error404 reunited, and they are both happy to see each other again, along with Reaper, who is just as happy.

But Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error would later meet again inside of Mafiatale, as Error's group brought back King Multiverse, who had somehow reverted back to Photonegative Sans. Error decide from stay behind, as he wants to fight against Ink, not simply to protect the Multiverse from him, but also to make him pay for putting him in the position that he is in, getting cursed by Fate and forever to become a God of Destruction in the first place. In other words, he wants revenge for what he had done to him. Everyone agreed, as Error and Ink are left to fight against each other. Error goes at Ink, first by blinding him when Ink attempted to attack him, before he punched him with his right hand, burning him badly, as Righteous!Error then goes into combat against one another inside of Mafiatale, with Error fighting back against Hollow!Ink with everything that he has.

Error and Ink battled in the Omega Timeline, with Error even protecting some of the denizens of the Omega Timeline without hesitation. And during this, Another!Sans appeared and both fought against Ink, with Error even mocking him for being Fate's favorite child, and for his disregard for the Multiverse, before calling him the most hypocritical and most pathetic protector of all time. This made Ink so enraged that he became the Inkmation, and fired his Orb of Utter Destruction to try and kill Error. But Error, not wanting to see the AUs destroyed made a very large, portal and sends it into the Void. And than, Omnipotent came, and forced Ink out, with Error later lionized as a true hero.

But then, the MainFrame, it began to change and reset, which caused the AUs that Reaper and his allies resides in to change into the new BuddhaTale, as well as a couple other AUs bases on other Mythologies. And unfortunately, Dream and Nightmare were also caught in that as well, meaning that Reaper lost his ally, who he was close to along with Error himself. Even Error is deeply saddened, as well as the other Dark Sanses still residing in the Omega Timeline, but he does not let it get in the way of his goals. And thus, Reaper and Error would continue to fight alongside one another, in order to try and protect what remains of their original selves


True!Reaper mostly resembles his original self, where he has a black-hooded robe, has skeletal wings with black feathers on his back, and carries a scythe with him. However, the robe is now much more different then before, now possessing Raven wings on the cloak part of his robe, a bluish-green jewel, and a metal that is shaped like a crow around the jewel, in order a symbolize the negative aspect of the concept of what he is meant to represent: judgement, damnation, and the apathetic nature of death.


Reaper is often seen nonchalant towards those who address him. He hasn't had real value for anyone except for his brother, Papyrus, and Toriel. For quite a long time, Reaper was shown to have cherished the existence of Toriel, the goddess of life. He is merciless when he reaps souls, this is due to him hesitating to do so once before, creating a monster of which the world has not seen before. He is also quite flirty. When angered enough, though, he will create a vortex that sucks in everything, even light. Not unlike a black hole. The only one seen to have the ability to bring him out of this is Papyrus.

Unfortunately, after he had accidentally killed the person he loved, he went crazy and suicidal, but Toriel helped him, getting back his sanity. However, he is still partially insane, and has not fully recovered from what has became of him, after accidentally killing the one that he moved. He is back to normal, for the most part. He still can become uncontrollable and temporarily crazy sometimes, though.

Sans doesn't like his job, but tries his best to hide it, and it is this dislike of this job that allows Reaper to earn the friendship of Error. He is calm most of the time and hides his feelings. He can be nice and funny once you get to know him. He has a fear of dolls and clowns. Reaper is very scared of Gaster.

When he trained with Error404, Reaper is able to mature a bit more then he did. He now has far better control over his emotions, and although he is able to be crazy still, he now remains in control and is composed, almost as composed as Righteous!Error himself. He also acts as manipulative as Righteous!Error, due to the lessons that he had taken with Error404.


Likely Omnipresent: Exists as the conceptual manifestation of death itself, meaning he is everywhere that death exists, he and Papyrus were also directly stated by Gaster to be everywhere, although it may have been metaphorical more than literal.

Death Manipulation: Existing as death itself, Reaper Sans is capable of negating natural forms of durability, and instantly killing nearly any creature with a soul. He can also kill most creatures with a touch. His Scythe, similarly to his own attacks, can negate natural forms of durability, and instantly kill nearly any creature with a soul. Training with the Conduit of Death helps Reaper learn how to control this, so he does not accidentally kill people.

Immortality: Does not age and can reincarnate or resurrect even if killed.

Non-Corporeal: Reaper can take on a form that is similar to that of smoke or shadows, which makes those that are in his presence be filled with intense fear and panic.

Darkness Manipulation: He can create a black hole or darkness clones to assist him in battle, and can cover timelines in darkness. He can even use the darkness to travel to different AUs, with Error is able to teach him in when he demonstrates the use of his glitched portals. He can also release a black fog-like gas from the body, making the surroundings dark and dazzling the opponent's vision.

Flight/Levitation: He has black wings, which he is able to use to fly around, and can even levitate off of the ground.

Teleportation: Shown teleportation multiple times, and even learned to teleport to different AUs with practice from Error.

Weapon Mastery: Shown being able to control his scythe perfectly, along with summon it out of nowhere. Even being able to extend it with an attached chain.

Gravity Manipulation: One of his abilities, due to his unique birth, is that Reaper can use the darkness to draw objects in, weather that's him physically sinking in it, Undyne saying it's drawing her in, or being able to create an miniaturize black hole with it. But it is more stronger the more greater his negative emotions are, such as sadness, fear, and anger.

Death Puddle: Reaper can summon a black puddle underneath someone that is constantly draining their health and decreasing their speed.

Reaper Blaster: Created thanks to the combined help of Error404 and Reaper!Gaster, along with Reaper himself, they are able to make a Reaper Blaster of his own. The Reaper Blaster fired a blast of darkness at the opponent that he is facing, strong enough to overpower 3 of Geno Sans' Gaster Blasters at the same time, and strong enough to match the power of a wall of Error Blasters. The Reaper Blaster is as large as Killer Sans' Goop Blaster.

Grim Ray: Like Error, Reaper has later gained his own variation of the God Ray from training with Error404. This takes on the form of a ray of darkness that he fires from his fingers, which, when hit, can induce a death-like state onto an individual, even though they won't actually be dead, or decay them until they become nothing more then a rotten husk of their former selves. It rivals the Glitch Ray in terms of sheer firepower.

Reaper's Scythe: Now having grown much more stronger then before, Reaper's Scythe can easily kill regular humans, and can even be use to kill Gods. It can also be summoned and dematerialized at will, but Reaper's command.

Twin Scythes: Reaper can use two small sickles connected by light blue chains. The blades is light blue. Sometimes it comes out of the back like a feather.

Avatar Creation: Reaper is able to take on the form of a fat and slightly sickly looking Crow, in order to interact with mortals without them suspecting that it is him. Of course, he can't use his powers while he is in this state.


Reaper!Toriel: Reaper's main crush and love interest, he made sure that Toriel is protected no matter what, due to an incident where he made Chara, who took his Scythe and killed her for a temporary amount of time.

Reaper!Papyrus: Their bond hasn't changed, for Reaper still truly cares for his brother and wants to make sure that he is okay.

Hollow!Ink (FGoD): Reaper is a true enemy of Ink, due to having invaded his Universe and tried it consume it. He now is going to do whatever it takes to protect it from him.

Righteous!Error (FGoD): One of the most important friendships that Reaper has is with Error. The Forced Destroyer relates to Reaper's pain in that he is forced into a terrible side of existence, and because of this, both Error and Reaper have a very close friendship, to the point that they act as brothers.

Error404: Error404 is impressed with Reaper's immense power, and due to his friendship with Error, decided to train with him as well, creating him a Reaper Blaster, as well as helping him mentally mature.


Reaper Sans has a coffee addiction.

He likes puns.

He kills everything he touches. This causes him to accidentally kill Chara, which later corrupted them. Training with Error404 allows him to learn how to control it at will.

Reaper's new clothes are originally from the scrapped design that never made it to the official design, as this is so show Reaper's growth as a person, as well as his growth in power.

In the FGoD Multiverse, the Gods of Reapertale are capable of becoming stronger over the years, for as they age, they become more powerful, their magical and physical strength becomes more greater then ever before, hence, why Reaper is now at the level of Alphatale, after 3,000 years working with Error404.

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