Islothorn's Partner
5 Eyes
Date of Birth: March 23
Place of Birth: Underground (Timeline 2)
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 40 Ib
Eye Color: Red, Blue, White
Noble Villains, Chaotic Heroes, they both have goals of what the benevolent desire.-True!Omnipotent
Trans!Omnipotent is a version of Omnipotent!Sans from an alternate multiverse. He is a more stronger version of his original counterpart, where he is able to master the powers of his Conduit, becoming a being of limitless willpower and immense might, and his partner, Islothorn, who he made a contract with, became Unnameable.
Omnipotent!sans used to resign in Alphatale and was known as Ares among them and lived in the laboratory of the Astral Mother along with his brothers William, Adam, Jacob, and Deilos. Deilos however was the only one of the four Omni had that hung around. Deilos and Omni's relationship with Omni got closer as the years grew on and Deilo's hatred for his other 3 brothers grew even larger over time. Deilos and Omni one day summoned to the underground laboratory of the Astral Mother. She asked for Ares to carry a book around with him, a special book, however. When asked of its content she simply replied "The Future" and she continued with her scheming after that. Deilos and Ares were the only 2 who lived in the laboratory with the Astral Mother and the 2 humans the other 2 had left a long time ago. Deilos shortly after Ares was given the "Future" he was assigned to always be by Ares side and guard him with his life. Deilos however obedient he has had a wave of anger inside him that Ares was aware of but never took the action of.
One day the Astral Mother asked for all the boys to get together to train together, William argued with the Astral Mother the whole time and Adam just spared with frisk while making idle banter and Deilos was focusing on Jacob but made no contact with him. After what felt like hours Jacob finally rose from where he was sat and then immediately charged at Ares with no warning and stabbed him right between the eyes with a sharp rock, the other brothers pinned down Jacob as Jacob screamed violently cursing and swearing at Ares and the Astral Mother. The Astral Mother took Ares to the sub lab to be healed and then threw Jacob away. She was just going to heal him, but instead, her bad intentions got the better of her, and instead she decided to mess with the boys' powers and body while he was under surgery. Ares woke up a year later with no real recognition of what had happened.
He awoke to find Deilos missing from his side and the alarm sounded and blaring all over the underground. Shortly after though the book on the desk next to him began to blare and shine a bright light and then sucked up Ares into it...
Time went by, moment by moment, second by second. Back and forth, he constantly was made to do things, without his own free will, strapped away from all forms and meanings of emotion. Eventually, he had been taken away from life itself. It was only a matter of time until he had returned to show the meaning of his name.
And Years later, Omnipotent reappeared, now much more stronger, and has became a very powerful Conduit known as the Conduit of Will, where his own body is tied to the amount of willpower that he has. And it is here that he manage to make a contract with a TransVoid Being known as Islothorn, who grew up quicker than the rest of his kin, and is one of the strongest TransVoid Beings to exist. And as Omnipotent became as strong as he is, Islothorn also became a bit more larger than ever before. And is able to somehow outclass the size of MalesGrow himself, and he is the second largest entity to ever exist in the TransVoid. He has gained an extremely good grasp on his powers, and is getting close to mastering his power as a Conduit, while at the same time, Islothorn is about to become an Unnameable as he continues to grow in size. But how this will affect Omnipotent's contract with Islothorn, it is unknown, although it is assume that it will make Omnipotent more powerful than ever before, and his powers as the Conduit of Will is going to handle the power of Islothorn very well, even when he becomes an Unnameable.
But Omnipotent's Goals have not changed a single bit, as he desires nothing more than to make sure that the Book of Eyes does not release the TransVoid Beings outside, and that includes MalesGrow, who would one day try to consume the book and exit into the outside world. And Omnipotent knows that the danger that MalesGrow possesses will become immense, and thus, he will need to be dealt with. But that is not the only problem that exists out there. Malware is also present within the Book of Eyes,
And he is an entity of pure decay and rotting. If he gets out of the TransVoid, than there is no telling how dangerous it will be if he gets out and starts causing havoc in the Undertale Multiverses.
But than, one day changed it all. It is at the end of Omnipotent's understanding of being the Conduit of Will, and he is about to achieve his full power, and than, Ten No Kami came, and she is holding Infected, Error404, and Alpha in her grasp. She has gotten tired of Omnipotent resisting her power and getting in the way, and thus, desires to take him down and out, and make sure that there is now out for him. And even worse, is that Error494, Infected, and Ares, they all are very skilled in their Conduit Powers as well, with Error404 now being at Competent Level, and both Alpha and Infected being at Proficient Level. And thus, Ten No Kami ordered the 3 Brothers to attack Omnipotent, who than fights back against the 3 of them. Although he is now at a master level, he has yet to become a full-fledged Conduit, and Omnipotent, despite his power, he is beginning to get outclassed by the 3 Brothers, and is about to lose on a battle against the 3 of them. But Omnipotent, he is an entity that will not give up. He is the Guardian of the Book of Eyes, the Contractor of Islothorn, and he is the Conduit of Will, and he will not let the 3 of them take him down. He refuses to let them take him down, for he will do whatever it takes to protect his Multiverse, no matter what it will take.
In this vow of determination, Omnipotent opened his eyes, as 2 other eyes appeared on his forehead, both irises yellow, and at the same time, Islothorn began to transform, as his new state began to affect Omnipotent's being, due to the contract that he has made with Islothorn. And it is there, that Omnipotent and Islothorn changed. Omnipotent has now achieved his full conduit powers, and Islothorn, he has now become the forbidden, almighty Unnameable. He clenched his fist, as he than charged at the group, electricity sparking all over his body, as he charged at shocking speed, a type that Omnipotent never demonstrated before. And in that instant, he began to take down his brothers in just less than a second. He attacked them with immense might, and with him being supercharged by the power of Islothorn, who has now became a Polothorn, he is able to bring them down without issue, before he than turns to Ten No Kami, as he than strike her in the air, and attacks her with all of his might, before he than sends her away somewhere else.
This made Omnipotent very satisfied with what he has done, as he finally is able to take care of Ten No Kami, and send her away from him and his brothers, but than, Islothorn reveals that the day is not done yet, and the situation is far from over, for there is another bad situation that they are going to be in. MakesGrow has also been turned into an Unnameable, after what must have been such a very long time. And now, MalesGrow plans to use his powers as an Unnameable, to try and consume as much as he can, so that he can reach Sol's level, to possibly consume him, which is not gonna happen. But even so, him consuming continuously is a very bad thing to happen, and thus, after a little bit of discussing with his partner, who has turned into an Unnameable, Omnipotent decides to join in to they and stop him, with Islothorn also getting involved in this, and now, since Omnipotent is now able to grasp the full power of his powers as a Conduit, he is able to use the full extent of his powers without issue. And in time, he will make sure that his home is safe, and MalesGrow, he'll make sure he'll never be able to consume and grow this powerful. And also, to make sure that he does not try and escape the book. He will protect his Multiverse, no matter what happens to him, no matter the cost of what it takes, he will stop at nothing to protect the Multiverse and the denizens that lives inside of the Multiverse.
Trans!Omnipotent's appearance is similar compared to his original counterpart, however, his outfit is a combination of his original outfit and the outfit he wore under the control of Brimm, the Reality Eater. He wears a red t-shirt with gold linings at the end of the sleeves, as well as black fingerless gloves that go halfway up the second half of the arm. However, he also wears a jacket with a black hood and golden fluff on it, which he now wears over his head, and has a red cape, although this time, the red cane is longer, and is on both of the shoulders instead of the right shoulder. The white jacket is also longer, as the bottom part reaches down to the ankles, with the sleeves having the golden fluff on the cuffs of the sleeves. Despite this, he wears the same pants he had worn, with the left one covering the entire foot, and his right foot is shown to have a white shoe with gold on Tom of it and red behind the shoe. His face looks mostly the same, as he has a left blue eye, a middle red eye, and the right eye being covered by white patches/pixels. However, he now has 2 additional, each next to w different sides of the middle eye, and in between the white patched eye and blue eye, with both of the new eyes a electric yellow color. And on his fingers, he now has claws coming out from the tips of his fingers.
Omnipotent, as he is now a full-fledged conduit, is now the embodiment of Will itself. He is someone that is endlessly determined in his goals and will not give up on it no matter what. He is someone that will continue to fight to the end, no matter how much the cost is, and no matter how the odds are turned against him. He is someone that cares not for his own life, and in fact, cares for the lives of others that are behind him, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are safe. He is now endlessly dedicated to his duties to make sure that the Book of Eyes does not let a TransVoid Being exit from it, for he fears of what will happen if the TransVoid Beings, especially MalesGrow, do get out.
Although he is now having an entirely different personality, some part of Ares does still exist in there, the person who he once was. Omnipotent can be a very silent and quiet man, however he was favorited by most for his immense intelligence and wonderfully placed jokes.
Homing Blasters: Omni's homing Blaster travel faster than lightspeed and home in on his opponents this also doesn't just count for his beams, but his blasters as well which ram into his opponents at beyond lightspeed as well.
Presence: Omni's presence can destroy the code of most coded beings around him and even cause severe ruptures in the energy and cosmic essence of others nearby.
Tri-Beam: Omnipotent can now fire the beams from both his middle eye and his 2 new yellow eyes, with the eyes killing anything weaker then himself, as well as severely damage those that are just as strong as him or are stronger than him.
Blood Lightning:,Omni can fire multitudes of red lightning throughout his fingertips, being as tough as an electric shock or as tough as a Death Ray. The length of these volts have no bounds. He can also use this for lightning bombs, and other lightning-based attacks. This also allows for him to alter electrical waves. He can also use this power to drain a person's HP, and add it to his own, in order to heal wounds.
Unsurpassed Strength: Omnipotent is now far stronger than ever before, enough to be able to attack Ten No Kami without any problem whatsoever.
Consummate Speed: Omnipotent is now much more faster, being able to run to the middle of the Universe and back in very quick time.
Tartatus' Presence: Omni can transform into a ghost-like form, essentially being dead in this way. He cannot fight at all or be attacked with this form and can only move around in the body. This allows him to go even more at Faster Than Light speeds. He cannot regain health or regain stamina in this form either. It's like pausing a game for him, in a way.
Red Mastery: Omni can have complete control over a SOUL, being able to infuse their SOUL with determination, slowly shifting them to become an amalgamation.
Flames of Hyperion: Omni can control fire, altering it's temperature to make it hotter than any possible limit, being able to incinerate an entire star with a single torch.
Eye of Kronos: Omni's right eye isn't present unless he wishes for it to be. The eye is like his left eye, yet it is white and has 12 small lines resembling a clocks numbers. With this, he can look 20 years into the future, and also 60 years into the past, in the very place he is at currently.
Soul Drain: Omni can drain a trait, giving the monster/human a negative variant of their trait in response. (E.G, Absorbing Bravery makes them temporarily feel Fear.)
Eye of Zeus: Omni's left eye can turn a citrine yellow, firing a single bolt of lightning which would destroy a whole continent with it's sheer strength.
Gravitational Authority: Omni can manipulate the flow of gravity, allowing to invert the momentum of an object to diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. He can also initiate zero gravity, which is a state of zero force of gravity impacting the object.
Time Manipulation: Omni can manipulate time to a very low extent, allowing him to alter times length, slowing it, speeding it up, making a day longer or shorter. He can also alter certain parts of reality, allowing for one person to be slower than another. It is now been improved to be able to reverse time, although only for a week.
Light of Helios: Omni can summon light-based attacks the size of a Gas Giant, from a light sword to a light god. Every light-based thing he summons has a red hue around it.
Meiosis: Omni can duplicate his body up to four times, at the cost of removing his god-based abilities, revolving solely on gravity, his raw strength and speed.
Oceanus' Might: Omni can condense the very air around him into pools of water, allowing him to completely control it in every possible way. This gives Omni complete water manipulation. You don't wanna fight him in an antivoid.
Atlas' Endurance: He is able to endure anything that comes in his way, from the worst of painful wounds, and is unable to get tired or exhausted. He is able to have limitless endurance and stamina, allowing him to keep going with any activity, indefinitely.
Will Empowerment: Omnipotent is empowered by Will itself. He is able to gain so much willpower that he is able to stop again, and strengthen his body, and now, due to training with his powers, he is able to gain the ability to empower himself with the Willpower of others.
OMNITHORN: Omnithorn was the result of Islothorn powering up Omni, however this form took a dramatic effect on Omni, leaving him completely immobile and dead. The transformation was measured by percents and when a certain percentage had been reached then the effect from before start to take a drastic toll, However as a plus side, Omni was able to achieve groundbreaking feats while in this state including getting entirely new moves.
3%: A good percentage and is whats used by Omni when he faces enemies that prove to be too difficult for when he's reached his normal limit. The form however does drain his life and magical force drastically and can tire him out within merely a couple of minuets.
10%: At this percentage Omni not only can transcend moving faster then any living focre itself, but he can also hit opponents with enough force to shatter a mountain and can even destroy most moons aswell. Omni in this state can also begin to summon lighting and can use it more proficiently after this percent. Now though Omni can no longer melt and his bones no longer break with every move and his magic and life force is not drained extremely.
20%: At this percentage Omni moves nearly as fast as light and can attack without hesitation, he's constantly moving either it be swaying while standing still or running around at insane speeds, your more likely to catch his afterimages then him actually. Omni's use of lightning allows him to use two new abilities...
Zeus pistol: This attack allows Omni to summon lightning and put it all into one finger and shoot it out incinerating foes no matter the size.
Zeus Rocket: Omni summons a blaster and envelops it in his lighting and then sends the blaster to his opponent detonating it like a missile.
30%: This stage Omni is in consistent movement and can hardly be seen much less be seen at all, Omni moves at the speed of light and can attack within moments or even instantly. Omni can no longer use his lightning and instead uses the wind as his tool allowing for him to punch opponents from a distant while letting the wind hit them with enough force to crush a star and distribute the gravitational pull of a super star. Omni's new attacks are...
Air Punch: Where Omni punches the air and sends a invisible attack towards a enemy.
Air Kick: Where Omni kicks the air and send a invisible attack towards a enemy.
Air Pitch: Where Omni grabs the air like a ball and hurls it at a enemy.
Air HAMMER!: Omni spins around in the air and sends down a large invisible attack in the shape of a giant hammer strong enough to shatter entire worlds light years away.
God Presence: Omni can use his force to send out a shockwave that is so strong it liquefies bones and muscles leaving most completely destroyed
Omni at this point is a literal force, practically untouchable and can hit with universe shattering attacks and can summon lightning storms so destructive they can shatter multiverses and hyperverses all the same, he moves so fast that going past a planet will rip it from it's place in a solar system and Omni's new attack is...
ZEUS THUNDERBOLT!: This attack allows for Omni to annihilate all forces around him with a single massive lighting bolt that can destroy entire clumps of Hyperverses and Multiverses all the same, this attack not only destroys his enemies, but Omni himself aswell.
60%: 60% is a insanely hard state to maintain and was shown to nearly kill Omni upon even activating it for if he stops moving for a fraction of a millisecond he could end up dying instantly, however the payoff is worth for incalculable speed and immense power. Omnipotent after getting stronger afterwords is now able to use this with much less trouble.
Omnilock Destroyer: Able to wipe out and do away with the very concept and existence of others this attack is one punch, this one punch annihilates all in from it wiping them from the fabric of existence itself.
100%: Omnipotent is now able to utilize 100% of his power, as he is now able to become so strong, he is at the level of Islothorn back when he is simply a TransVoid Being. Now he has become a nigh-unstoppable force. However, the drawbacks is that he cannot use this for extended periods at a time, or else the sheer power will erase him from existence, but he can lengthen the time by absorbing the Willpower of others, in order to make the transformation lash longer. He can also get out of this transformation if he desires to do so.
Omnipotent Annihilator: Omnipotent, at full power, is able to send a combination of lightning and wind and fire it at an opponent, which not only kills them, but also sends their soul to Islothorn, so that he can feed on it and grow more stronger.
TransVoid Presence: Omnipotent, at the peak of this percentage, is able to bring forth a presences that affects the Omniverse, instantly erasing them the moment that he summons this transformation, and thus, he does this only in the TransVoid, as to avoid accidentally erasing them.
Islothorn: Omnipotent's partner and a TransVoid Being that he has made a contract with, in order to gain his power, Islothorn is always helpful to Omnipotent, and even when he is turned into an Unnameable, he is loyal to him.
MalesGrow: A TransVoid Black Squid, this MalesGrow has successfully became an Unnameable and is threatening to exit the boom and consume everything. Omnipotent does all he can to try and get him out of the TransVoid without getting the world consumed.
Ten No Kami: The Polothorn Daughter of MalesGrow, Ten No Kami was sent away by Omnipotent when she controlled his brothers to try and defeat him.
Cosmic!404: A version of Error404 that gained the Conduit Soul of the Cosmos instead of the Conduit of Balance, Omnipotent is able to fight him on even terms due to his power and Islothorn becoming Unnameable.
Corrupt!Infected: A version of Infected they became the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption, Omnipotent and Infected able to to fight against each other on even terms, just as Infected can fight against Cosmic!404 on even terms as well.
Anomaly!Core: A version of Core!Frisk that has became the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, both Core and Omnipotent get along with each other very swimmingly.
Zero: A firstborn son of a version of MalesGrow, Omnipotent was initially weary of Zero, due to his relations with MalesGrow, but when he is revealed to be a very kind person as is actually against his father, even having been able to consume him, at the cost of becoming an Unnameable, Zero and Omnipotent struck a friendship, and now helps Omnipotent in trying to kill MalesGrow.
Joash and Sandhya: The Son and Daughter of a version of Gabriel, the both of them get along very well with Omnipotent, due to them protecting the TransVoid, and help him against his MalesGrow, who has become an Unnameable.
Basil and Raguel the Just: The descendants of Edra and Falklore, the 2 future heroes of the TransVoid aid Omnipotent in trying to take down MalesGrow, who has became an Unnameable.
The Void Empress: The mother of Infected and Omnipotent, The Void Empress is proud of the person that Omnipotent has become, and wishes him good luck in trying to protect the Multiverse and kill MalesGrow.
Prism: Prism has observed Omnipotent for quite some time, as well as Islothorn, and this, he has some plans for them in the future which involves the Edensphere.
Mes and Conduit!Cell: 2 Versions of Abyss, one being a Polothorn God and the other being a Conduit, they both get along very well with Omnipotent, and help him in some of his tasks.
Stellar!Astral Mother: A more heroic version of the Astral Mother, Althing Omnipotent was weary of her at first, due to the bad experiences he has with his Astral Mother, seeing her acting as a different person and not as the shameless lustful woman that he has seen made him gain a bond with her.
Ishtarati and Lilyin: The 2 Daughers of Helatory, but from 2 different parents, they both have a tendency to flirt with Omnipotent, much to his dismay and his annoyance, but does support their relationships with their Sanses.
Eros: An offspring from Vendevras and a version of Omnipotent, Eros and Trans!Omnipotenr get along very well, and even helps the son of an alternate Alphaverse to get a good grasp on how to use his powers.
Omni is short for Omnipotent
Omni is known as Ares by AlphaTale Inhabitants.
Omni enjoys red wine occassionally, yet it's rare to see him drinking it.
Omni cannot teleport, yet instead uses Tartarus' Presence to vanish and go somewhere else.
Omnipotent, at the use of his 100% power, is as strong as Islothorn when Omnipotent first found him. In other words, he is a strong as a mid-tier TransVoid Being.
Unlike Corrupt!Infected and Cosmic!404, who gained Forbidden Conduit souls and gained immense power, Trans!Omnipotent gained the level of power to match them by complete it his training with his Conduit Soul and being able to now use the maximum extent of Islothorn's power at 100%.
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