Plant Demon
Alastor's Lover
Plant Overlord
Lady Rosie
The Shop Overlord
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Alpha Hotel AU
Species: Hellborn Demon
Gender: Female
Height: 7'0
Weight: 130 Lbs
Eye Color: Black
Hello. Don't be shy, come and sit with me...so we can have a talk together~.-Terra!Rosie
Terra!Rosie is a version of Rosie from the Alpha Hotel AU, and is the girlfriend of Alastor!Crowley, the infamous Radio Demon. She is shown to be one of the strongest demons in existence and is one of the most dangerous ones to exist as well, being able to rival other powerful Overlords, and is also a very experienced businesswoman in seeing goods at her Emporium.
Not much is known about Rosie. What is known is the fact that she is a Hellborn Demon that has became an Overlord sometime in Hell itself, and is shown to be an extremely powerful Overlord, and while not one of the top strongest, she is very poetic in her very own right, enough to even give each of the members of the the 3Vs some trouble, and even owns an Emporium, along with her business partner named Franklin, who was killed in the extermination years later, but she does not seem to be affected by that this much.
At some point in the past, Rosie with meet with Alastor, who had became a very powerful Overlord in Hell, and although it was awkward for the both of them at first, they both were able to get along and developed an extremely close relationship, and over the years, the bond that they developed with one another bedmate to grow to the point that the both of them became a couple, and became a widely feared couple in hell itself, due to how powerful and dangerous the both of them are together. They always hang out together and loved each other more then either of them can imagine, and Alastor even helps with Rosie in some stuff even though there is not reason to do so.
Rosie has even also got involved with some pretty dangerous fights, which is mainly against Vox, who she hates along with Alastor, due to the same reason that Alastor has, in that Vox is a demon of advanced technology. Rosie and Alastor would often go against Vox and push him away whenever they do meet him in person, and Vox would still often get in their nerves by seeing them through the screen of the shops that they pass, much ti their anger. However, they do not let this get to them, as they often ignore him. She even has a chance to meet Charlie, and the both of them would often hang out with one another to speak for each other through tea and all of that.
But the destruction of the Alpha Hotel AU changed everything, as Rosie was barley saved by Charlie, along with some other demons, sinners and Hellborn alike, and were able to get out of here before they were destroyed. But Alastor was not brought into the Alpha Hotel himself, and Rosie was sad, due to the fact that she thinks that he is dead as well. And because of this, in Rosie's grief, her sadness and despair allowed her powers to grow over the years, and her depression stayed for 12,000 years, yet she never could drop her smile even in private. So she smiled in a depressed manner for many years...until she found out that he is still alive, now far more stronger then before. When she knows that he is alive, Rosie and Alastor wasted no time to be with one another again, as Alastor and Rosie kissed. And now, now that Alastor is back with her again, Rosie and Alastor will not separate anymore. This time, the both of them will continue to live for each other's sake, and even perhaps, with time, the both of them will be able to make a family of their own, so that they'll both be happy.
Terra!Rosie's appearance is rather similar yo the original's. Rosie is a slender demon with pale white skin, sharp white teeth and a really long neck. She sports short white hair, although it could be tied up under her hat and, similar to Alastor, she is always smiling.
She wears a red dress with gray shoulder pads, a black belt, and light grey puffy sleeves, with the skirt having a dark red color, the top of the skirt being dark grey, and the bottom having light red lines with black stripes, excerpt for the light true stripe at the very bottom. She has a red sun hat that has 3 skulls on the front of the her, as well as 3 dark red flowers in the side. Coming out from the head are 3 pairs of light red, dark red, and black plumes in the top side. She also wound carry around an umbrella, which would be a darn Greg color and has 3 red stripes on them.
Similar to the original, Rosie as very capable, articulate, and friendly, greeting anyone in a very cordial manner with no rude tone. She is also gentle and elegant, as she does not attack people and instead tries to settle problems rather peacefully. Unusually for an demon, especially an Overlord, Rosie is very kind and motherly to an extent, as she is a person that can give advice to other people and would help them in some certain emotional turmoil of sort. And even when she is in the presence of someone that she does not like, she will not drop her kind attitude and will instead keep on having the kind attitude out in the open, which can make even the person that is disliking her a little bit unsettled by what it is that she is thinking about to the person.
However, this does not necessarily mean that Rosie can be a good person completely, as she is very apathetic and amoral to those of death, even those that have been killed, for example, Franklin, who had been killed in the Extermination, and she crossed out his name like it is not such a big deal to her at all, and seemingly without care. But in spite of this, Rosie is shown that she has a very good side to her when it comes to valuing the friendships of other people, as shown when she is able to get along with Alastor, despite the fact that she possesses a fearsome and disturbing reputation of his own. She even is able to be a sort of romantic partner to him, as Rosie and Alastor are shown to be such a stable and loving couple, with there never being a time where they fight and argue at all.
But despite this, there is one dangerous side to her that most people are not aware of. And it is that she is very deceptive, dangerous, and cunning, and in conversations and interactions with other demons, where she will stop either a physical or emotional weakness in a demon that she is facing against. She is also willing to do anything to help them, but only if they are loyal and helpful to her in return.
Like Alastor, she despises modern technology with a passion, and has more of an interest in the old times, such as with Victorian Era outfits, attending stage plays, and prefers to be driven in a classic car of some sort or a carriage. Because of this, like Alastor, she has a deep hatred and disgust to Vox, as he is a sort of technology demon that she does not want to be near, and even teams up with Alastor on occasion in order to make sure that Vox goes down. But despite this, when Vox does star to behave, she will continue to act polite, but only as long as Vox stays behaved.
Powers and Abilities:
Plant Mastery: Rosie has the ability to manipulate plant life to an extent. She is able to accelerate how much that they can grow and manipulate what characteristics that they would have, such as having thorns, or resembling Tulips, which is just to name a few. They are also used to attack, such as when she pierced a thorny vine into a person, acting almost like a counter to Alastor's Shadow Tentacles.
Object Animation: Rosie can animate an inanime object and give it a life of its own, such as when she made a cup alive with eyes and legs and arms, but does not give it the ability to speak, but does grant it sentience.
Umbrella Flight: Rosie can use her Umbrella or her Parasol in order to fly into the air, glide down to the ground gently, or float and levitate into the air for a little bit.
Animal Whisper: Rosie is able to feel and sense how animals feel, and thus will talk to them and command them for them to do their bidding.
Hellborn Immortality: Rosie is a Hellborn Demon that is also an Overlord. Because of this, she is unable to be killed easily, with the exception of Holy Weapons being able to kill her.
Flora Infectious: Rosie is able to use supernatural versions of diseases that Flora on Earth can use, such as making a hell version of the poison Ricin, which is way more deadlier, and can be injected into beings that are weaker then her, with the exception of Conduits or TransVoid Beings, or any being that is slightly weaker then her.
Hellish Environment: Rosie is able to change her environment in anyway that she desires, allowing her to warp reality to such an event that the area around her warps, almost like a new pocket dimension.
Diabolical Camouflage: Rosie is able to blend into the color of the environment that she is in and hide in there, which also covers her magical signature and her scent for those that want to find her, but that is only if she does not move a muscle. If she moves, then she'll be exposed and revealed to the outside world.
Unappealing Strength: Rosie possesses immense strength of her own, being able to cause Error404 some trouble as well as the fact that her strength, while not to the same extent as Alastor, is able to cause even Vox some trouble, due to the fact that she is immensely powerful.
Plant Travel: Rosie is able to travel through plants, almost like a form of teleportation. She can use this power to either go from another AU, or use it to go into another Multiverse.
FULL DEMON: Rosie, like other powerful demons, has a Full Demon form of her own that can be activated by anger, although due to Rosie's pleasant personality, it is impossible to know of when she is angry. In her full demon form, Rosie is much more stronger then ever before, although admittedly, not to the same extent as Alastor's full demon form, but despite this, can certainly surpass one of Error404's forms while in this state. In this state,her legs are replaced by roots, as vines erupt from the ground itself, claws come out of the fingers, her eyes widened, and her mouth is now much sharper then before.
Multiversal Overgrowth: Rosie can manipulate plant life to such a dangerous extent that she can control it and accelerate the growth of it across the Multiverse.
Gaea Claws: Rosie now possesses a pair of claws on her fingers, allowing her to slice and cut through anything with ease. Despite this, it is not as strong as Alastor's claws.
Hazardous Jaws:Rosie now has much sharper teeth then before, as well as the fact that there is now a much more dangerous effect in her mouth unlike before. When she bites someone, not only is she able to pierce their bodies with her teeth, but she now has an very dangerous supernatural sickness that is inside of her body. When she bites someone with it, they will go through various symptoms, before their soul breaks and dies from how dangerous the disease is.
Alastor!Crowley: Rosie is Alastor's first friend, and later his most prominent love interest. The both of them met when Alastor first came into hell, and ever since then, Alastor and Rosie are known to be a very dangerous yet loving couple, possessing a love to one another that has never been seen before by either of them. And even when they were separated, Alastor did not stop finding her until he eventually fojnd her in the Alpha Hotel, which had also survived, and now that the both of them are back together, Alastor and Rosie refuse to separate, with Alastor being rather protective of her, making sure that nothing bad ever happens to her, and always making sure that she is genuinely happy.
Voodoo!Velvette: Rosie and Velvette were able to get along with each other to an extent, but Rosie is admittedly a little disturbed by Velvette, due to the fact that has is the most insane of the 3Vs, being extremely unstable. But despite that, it does it stop Rosie from being such good friends to the Dool Overlord, with the horn of them even having tea over a table and having rather friendly conversations with one another.
UHV!Vox: The relationship between Vox and Rosie is very similar to how Alastor thinks of Vox. Rosie, like Alastor, has a strong distaste in Vox, due to the fact that he is a demon of modern technology, which Rosie despises a lot. But despite this, he will get along, but that is only if Vox is at a point in time where he is willing to behave and act kind in his attitude.
Outer!Helsa: Helsa and Rosie are very unique in how they treat each other, mainly due to the fact that Helsa is from a family of Overlords, and Rosie does not seem to have any family members of her own, being a sole Overlord of her type. Helsa and Rosie get along to an extent, with Rosie even having a rather mother or sister-like relationship to Helsa, in which she can give her advice and make her feel like she is in a comfortable place. The fact that Helsa is kind herself, despite the arrogant exterior Thad she gives odd, makes the relationship between the both of them close.
Grand!Stolas: A Goetia Prince, Rosie and Stolas met when they both went inside of the Alpha Hotel for shelter, due to what has happened to their former home. Rosie and Stolas, due to their affable personalities, got along very well, too the point that the both of them are able to make a relationship that has the both of them act as brother or sister. The friendship extends to even Octavia herself, who Rosie treats kindly and even acts like an aunt to her, which Octavia does not seem to mind, as she seems to be happy to meet another rather kind Hellborn Overlord.
Queen!Charlie: The Princess of Hell, as well as the owner of the Alpha Hotel, Charlie and Rosie get along very well with one another, although Charlie is admittedly very unnerved with Rosie, due to her amoral attitude. But nevertheless, Rosie is someone that will give some advice to Charlie and Charlie in return does help Rosie, showing that the both of them possess a very important and rather close friendship with one another.
Error404: Rosie and Error404 have met before when he decided to visit the Alpha Hotel. Born Error404 and Rosie get along for a bit, due to the fact that they chat over tea and Error404 even brings cookies in the table for Rosie to eat, which she seems to have some appreciation for, and because of this, Error404 are just as close as Alastor is to Charlie, having a relationship as that of brother and sister.
Infected: Like everyone else, Rosie despises Infected for the fact that he is a sadistic and cruel killer, as well as the fact that he is the first destroyer. Rosie, for most of the time, would do whatever it takes to avoid him, but sometimes, whenever Alastor goes to fight against him, she would join in to make sure that Alastor is not fighting against Infected all by himself.
Omnipotent!Sans: Rosie, although she and Omnipotent don't have much of a relationship between them, still acts cordial and friendly to him, due to the fact that he at least has a very important task to do and wants to make sure that it is complete, due to how much of a consequence it will be if no one does it. Omnipotent, on the other hand, while he does not care much for anything else except for the mission that he has, does act kind to Rosie in return, mainly because she does not bug him about anything, and the fact that she is very kind, so he'll give her that.
Alpha!Sans: Due to the fact that Alpha is the first protector, Rosie and Alpha get along very well, and they even have tea together in order to talk about various stuff that happened in their lives. Alpha gets along with Rosie a bit more then even Error404, because for some reason that even he himself cannot truly quite understand, she reminds him so much of Muffet, who he loved deeply, but does not compare her to Muffet, as he knows that it is not right. Rosie, in return, does give advice to Alpha whenever he feels like he is in some sort of trouble.
100: Rosie has never met 100 before in the past, due to the fact that she is always inside of the Alpha Hotel. However, Alastor has told her of his encounter with him and how dangerous he is, and even Rosie felt a bit uneasy with him. When 100 made an appearance and Rosie met him for the first time, Rosie cannot help but feel intimidated by the appearance of the Beast of Rage, and had to fight him alongside Alastor. Although the both of them were able to send him away, Rosie hopes to never see the Beast of Rage again, out of fear that she'll never survive the next possible encounter with him.
Warlock: Rosie, just like everyone else, sees Warlock as very strange and unpredictable, not to mention so otherworldly. But Rosie's opinion on him is a bit more positive then most people, mainly because of the fact that unlike the others, she can see that Warlock does not have any malicious intent and is just simply silly. She even does the best she can to understand him, due to the fact that, while she cannot understand him verbally, due to the fact that he keeps saying his name, she does try to understand through the use of his body gestures and what he is showing to her with his own powers.
Righteous!Error: The student of Error404, Rosie and Righteous!Error do get along to a very great extent, as the both of them often speak and share stories with one another over some tea and cookies. Righteous!Error, due to continuous interactions with her, will often see Rosie as an aunt figure of a sort, while Rosie just simply see Righteous!Error as a very great friend. He even is willing lend her his strings from his mouth, which she can use to make clothes with his various-colored strings, which thankfully have no effect on people. Although having his strings continually pulled from his sockets feels weird to him.
Hollow!Ink: Rosie has never met Hollow!Ink before in the past, mainly because of the fact that Righteous!Error told her about him, in order to give him a heads up to an extent. From the little info that Righteous!Error gave to her, as well as showing him what he can do, Rosie claims that he is simply too dangerous to interact with, and because of this, she swears that she will not go near him, unless she wants to get killed or consumed for all of her troubles. Because of this, if she were to ever under any circumstance see him, she will do whatever it takes to make sure she is not spot by him.
King Multiverse: Rosie does not care much about the Puppet King that Error404 has made with his powers, mainly because of how cold and remorseless he is. Because of this, he simply just ignores him whenever he is in her presence, even if King Multiverse uses his rather kind king facade.
Rosie is likely the Conduit of Nature. This allows her great control of the entire nature of the multiverse itself, thus can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature: all living beings and plants and natural phenomena, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. At Novice Level, she can manipulate biological materials, and at Full-Fledged Conduit Level, she is capable of Ethereal Manipulation.
If Alastor and Rosie were to use kids, it would be 2 sons named Ifrit and Iblis and a daughter named Marie. All 3 of them would be stronger then both of their parents, due to possessing either their combined demonic powers or possessing demonic powers that are unique compared to their own parents.
Rosie's normal from is stronger then Error404, but not as much as Alastor, and her Full Demon form is simply just as strong as Just404 and doesn't surpass that form.
She is not a very strong Overlord, but she is very powerful in her own right.
Unlike the original Alastor and Rosie's relationships, this version of Rosie and Alastor are a couple.
She is actually currently pregnant with Alastor's child, and it is a pair of twins, meaning that at some point in the future, Rosie and Alastor will indeed have their 2 sons and single daughter in the family.
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