Ten No Kami/Cruel to Kind
MalesGrow's Daughter
The Prideful
Goddess of NodeTale
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Being (Unnameable)
Gender: Female
Height: 29'9
Weight: 150,000 Megatons
Eye Color: Black
This character takes place in a separate multiverse, is a from the story, Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind.
A world that was once without measure...unequal than all the great Multiverses, it is the greatest achievement that one can make-Ten No Kami/Cruel to Kind.
Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami is a version of Ten No Kami from another Multiverse. She is a rather heroic version of Ten, but unlike the original Ten No Kami, she became good when she has met Error404, originally known as William. She is from the story called, Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind, which has the characters and plot of FGoD present.
Conceived from MalesGrow, Ten was born from a husk of women who had passed away far before she was even a fetus and yet they were born anyway. Ten is one out of thousands of siblings, so many that numbers are all they can go by with only one having a true name. MalesGrow was a very neglectful father, and was only ever focused on getting bigger and ascending up the Being chain of power, even to the extent of devouring his own children. Ten, after seeing her father consume hundreds of their siblings, then made her escape from the TransVoid, after making a deal with demon who had lost a fight with another Being, Ten got her hands on the Book of Eyes, allowing her to travel to a distant world where, once they entered it, found a large white void just looking for something to fill it. Ten then began to use her mind and intense powers to, perhaps somehow make a better family. Ten then created a pile of pink smoke as her first creation, the pink smoke didn't do much at first, but then Ten gave it thought and it then began to question everything causing, Ten to destroy her first creation. Ten then began to think hard on what she wanted to do and then, they heard a chime in the void and found themselves staring at the original universe of this mysterious place, She found Undertale, she stared and watched it, knowing better not to mess with the only thing there, Ten found herself back in the white void before now with a new goal, making a new world.
Now, filled with pride, and a desire to become a god that can rule the world that she can make, Ten began to venture deep into existence, so that she can find out where to start. As she left, Undertale began to make alternate timeline versions of itself, and soon, it began to grow, into something more unique, something more complex, a collection of Universes, and among these collections of Universes, is the first AU, Alphatale, and it is simply beginning to grow in power already, and it is something that Ten No Kami had noticed. She observed Alphatale, and this...this is the world she is looking for, this is the world that is without equal and measure, the very first AU. But Ten No Kami, in her curiosity, she decides to observe it, and see what the AU is like. And seeing and learning of how powerful it is, she decides to take some of the code and integrate it into her powers. But by doing this, she caught the attention of William, the middle child of the Astral Mother, who is queen of the Underground.
When she met William, she originally used him to try and gain some ideas, seeing him as nothing but a pawn, nothing more, but she learned more from William about concepts that she never knew existed, or at least, were alien to her and didn't understand then, until William helped her understand them. And then, gained a true friendship with William, before gaining some knew friends, and when that happened, used her Gift on them, even the people that William had connections to, as well as the connections that William's friends have. She even took the time to practice with her powers, and lead to the first AU that she had made, UnderBeta, a prototype AU that grew and evolve on its own, but at full power, it is only stronger then Underfell, but that is it.
But then, the day that Alphatale died was the worst day of her life, as she trident to save it, only for her efforts to be naught.
For 12,000 years, she slept alone in the higher realm, as she felt cold and empty, and felt grief for the very first time in her life, feelings that she never knew existed. Her hair grew longer, as she cannot help but continue to grieve for William. But then, Ten, when she decides to visit Outertale, saw a battle between 2 skeletons, one with a paintbrush, and another with Error signs and blue strings. She knows of them, as she had seen them in her sight when she sleeps. They are called Error and Ink, the protector and destroyer of the AUs, and Ten, knowing that Error can be trusted, rescinded him, and brought him to her realm, and it is here that Ten began to know about Error, in which he reveals that a goddess named Fate had been the one to take him and put in the position that he is in, and is forced to fight against her son, Ink. Ten and Error then struck a bond, and lead to his Allie's called the Dark Sanses, lead by Nightmare, the Guardian of Negativity, and it is here thar she gained some new friends, and would even meet Abyss Sans later in this new life. And although the pain did not go away, Ten felt happy.
But then, Error and Ten, while they are together, sensed the Multiverse is acting up, and Error lead Ten no Kami to the MainFrame, and it is where the source of the problem is revealed, being none other then Error's new master, Error404, and he is in his form called B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. Error, along with Loading, tried to fight against back, and Omnipotent, which B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y revealed, as Ares, which made Ten shocked to see Ares again, and Area was shocked as well, before revealing that Error404 is William herself, Ten's first friend. They both fought against William, and knocked him out of his transformation, but Malware, a TransVoid Being of Decay, repossessed William and used his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form again, and Ten is forced to fight against William, before finally winning, and it is here that Ten reunited with Error404 for the first time in years.
Error404 would later catch up on lost time, and they would have fun hanging out, with Ten being happy to be with William again. But then, they had to go to the MainFrame, as Error is in trouble, which Error404 can sense, and they see what is happening, as Error is attacked by masked monsters, with colors of what seems to be yellow and white, their skin pale, and it is here that a sibling of Ten No Kami was revealed to have been responsible for this:
During the time in which Ten no Kami had taken an interest in the Multiverse, desiring to make a world of her own, Ten's sibling, 92, grew highly interested in the idea of Aus and seeing the results of AlphaTale itself. 92 then got the idea to do the same as Ten and create a AU to rival that of their siblings: BioTale.
Unlike most AUs, BioTale was born in the TransVoid inside the book eyes and were conditioned for battle for many days and months.
Their mission is to take over and rule over all the rivaling Multiverses and bring down AlphaTale, due to the jealousy to their sibling 92 has placed a heavy price for the souls of Ten's creations and further more for all other AUs surrounding it too. BioTale has struck down many Multiverses in its time of being around.
Ten, along with Error404, Omnipotent, and Error had to fight against those creations, but they were incredibly tough to beat, as they made from inside of the TransVoid, and thus, the entities that are likely made of Cosmic Essence, which gave the denizens power unlike most have seen, except for those of the TransVoid, such as Ten herself. Ten was able to handle against them, but it took a very big toll on Ten's mind, as she knows that she cannot keep on fighting like this forever. The people of Biotale would soon take over and win against the Multiverse, and try to bring her and the others down. Because of this, Ten needs to think of a plan fast, so that they are able to go up against the denizens of Biotale itself. But the problem is that she has no idea how to deal with this, and how to counter Biotale, due to how powerful the AU is...until Error404 was able to come up with a solution for her, and he even tells Ten no Kami about what his idea is.
When Error404 went inside of the MainFrame, he had discovered that there is another part that is in the deeper parts of the MainFrame. And this type of part proved itself to be very important, especially when it comes to Error404's powers. The part is known as the NullVoid. The NullVoid is the Void that combines all Mainframe Pools from everything together sending them into a funnel of large strength and might. This is important, because according to Error404, the MainFrame and the NullVoid have a special type of power in there called the Nexus. The Nexus, as Error404 described it, is of absolute and infinite transcendence for it is above dimensional planes though the power of the Mainframes and more to make they're way to it eventually. The Nexus is a without boundaries though it lacks sentience it is a know for unimaginable things and has been noted as possibly being the source of all the power within the Verse and even rivals all on how powerful such a force. And if Error404 were to theorize, he believes that the Nexus may have been based off of the Cosmic Essence that Ten no Kami herself is made of.
Seeing the point that Error404 has, Ten finally came up with an idea. Since 92 has made Biotale inside of the TransVoid, one where it is safe from corruption, then Ten could make an AU of her own, deep in the most powerful part of the NullVoid within the MainFrame, one where. That way, the power within it would be enough to rival even Biotale itself, and that wound be at the absolute center of the Funnel. But Ten cannot do this by herself. She is going to need Error404's aid, as he is the one that is able to manipulate the Nexus to an extent. And Error404 agrees, especially since he is able to connect to the MainFrame, and thus, has some control over the Nexus itself.
And so, Ten no Kami and Error404 got to work, as then went to the very center of the NullVoid, and began to made the AU that would be strong enough to take on Biotale. The process was difficult, due to the fact that the NullVoid, especially at the center, is a large funnel of strength and might, the force at the center is at the strongest it ever is, and one wrong form of movement inside of the NullVoid is enough to send them down into the NullVoid itself, and they would rather not know what happens if they get sent inside of it, even though Error404 will just return back from death. But they persist, and they continue to make their work, after what must have been months of preparation, they are able to make the entire AU, one that is made entirely of the Nexus itself. Error404 took a minute to think of a name, and decide to give it the name, Nodetale, and Ten agrees. Then, they decide to make the entities that reside inside of the AU. The first character that they decide to make was a Gaster, similar to how 92 did it. But the Gaster inside of Nodetale has black bones, one red eye, one blue eye, and is wearing a dark blue cloak, with the hood covering the head, and hiding his face. The face can still be noticeable, due to the fact that the sockets and mouth are colored white. Node!Gaster, which is what he is then called, was then instructed to rule the underground for a little bit, until they get the other entities inside of Nodetale created. Gaster agree, and both Ten and Error404 continue to work, with Error404 manipulating the Nexus to make bodies, and Ten using the remaining code from Alphatale to make souls, as well as uploading their magic inside of said bodies, in which the souls are infused with the Nexus itself, granting them immense power.
And then, after a few months of creating monsters and characters, as well as the map of Nodetale, they are able to successfully make the AU, after going over and checking to see and finish the design and lives of the AU itself, they are finally ready for their next phase, and that is to test the mentality and sentience of the denizens of the AUs themselves. As they are entities made of Nexus Code, it is unknown if they can be sentient in a way. After all, Gaster followed their command without issue, so they decide to make them sentient and try to have them think for themselves. Ten, using her power, is able to make the entire AU sentient, and at first, the AUs have no idea what they are supposed to do, as well as no idea how to live. But with Ten no Kami and Error404's guidance, Nodetale was able to think and grow for themselves, and is able to make up solutions and problems that they can think of by themselves. This made Ten and Error404 happy, as they see that they are able to successfully made them think and made them feel emotions. And now, they decide to go to the final part of their plan: Combat.
When they started, the people had no idea what to do at first, they had no idea how to fight. But Error404, as he is a master combatant in his own way, due to training in Alphatale, is able to teach them how to fight and how to attack. And in time, although it took a little while, Nodetale began to learn how to fight, and thanks to Error404 teaching them how to do so, Nodetale learned how to become very efficient in attacking and combatting against any that would dare fight them. They even continue to improve and improvise, and thinks of strategies that are complex and very difficult.
But then, Biotale attacked once again, and this time, all of them are coming at full force. But luckily, this time, Ten was ready, as she then brings the blinds of Nodetale to fight back against Biotale.
When Biotale and Nodetale met, they instantly hated each other at the first sight of seeing one another. When they saw each other, they wasted no time and fought against one another as soon as they were commanded by their respective creators. The battle was fierce and difficult, but after what must have been such a very long time, the battle was brought to a draw, as Nodetale and Biotale laid down onto the ground of an AU, very injured and very hurt from each other, and while for Biotale, it is not that rare, to be hurt, it is that they have never been beaten down like this before. But for the denizens of Nodetale, this is the first time that they feel pain, and it is a very bad feeling for them. Thankfully, Ten was able to comfort them and gave them relief, in which they are able to mentally heal from their wounds. The pain did not go away, but it did settle down and ease for a little bit.
92 was very unhappy that Ten did this, stealing a page from her book and making her own AU with something that is similar to Biotale, but Ten responds back, because even though she did steal a page from her book, what she did not steal is the plot and the extra character that she had implanted inside of the AU, the one known as Bete Noire, and kept Asriel alive and inside of the AU itself. Seeing that she cannot fight back against Ten, knowing that she does not feel any shame for what she had done, 92 leaves her be, but promises that she will come back to take revenge on her. Ten, however, does not feel afraid and smirks mockingly, as she dares for 92 to try.
Error would even take the chance to introduce Reaper to Ten No Kami, who understood Error, due to the far that he is created for a purpose that he never wanted, and it allowed them both to have a friendship with each other, almost as close as Error is to Ten.
For the next 3,000 years, as Ten consumed more Multiverses and Hyperverses, mainly the ones that are close to dying already, or are too dangerous to have them continue on existing, in order to make herself more stronger then before, Ten had been involved in a number of things, including the arrival of Faker, who took control of Omnipotent, or the Astral Mother and 100, who nearly put the entire Multiverse and the entire reality in immense danger, and a sink in for Ten, called Nine, sided with the Astral Mother, or when Infected bit onto her tentacles and took her tentacles for him to use, and One had to give Error404 his power to stand a chance against him. And then, Sol took Error404 and Infected's Conduit Souls, but ended up forcing the Cycle, which forcefully reset the Multiverse, in which it means that Infected has lost his power up.
But the biggest change is when the TransVoid Beings escaped from the Book of Eyes three of which are Avalon, Faringold, and an Unnameable, and both Error and Error404 had to fuse in order to destroy them, but the transformation costed Error his life, which made Ten feel grief again, at seeing another close friend of hers finally go away from her life. B Ten, she would later feel overjoyed and happy again, when Error came back as a Polothorn. Unfortunately, Ink, at the same day, took the soul of the Unnameable, who had continued to exist inside of the biome that had been made from its body. Because of this, Error and Ten now are enemies against Ink, who had became insanely dangerous and demented as a result, and even took the battle inside of the Omega Timeline, where Ten No Kami and Error witness the Inkmation for the first time, which destroyed countless Multiverses.
But Ten would also got involved in the MainFrame restarting the Alphaverse, and with barley being time, recused the Reapertale cast and Abyss and his team from all of this, but was unable to save the others, such as Nightmare wand Dream, both of whom have become affected by the MainFrame rebooting itself, and this saddened Ten, as she has a very strong bond with Nightmare, who she cares for deeply, and too see him become the way that he is. As Dead!Nightmare, along with the new Dead!Dream, it broke Ten's heart, but accepted that she now needs to become his enemy, in order to make sure that Error is safe from what Nightmare will do, as he now works with someone named Vape.
Sometime during the Blue Dragon, Ten would ascend to the ranking of an Unnameable, with Malware having done the same, being far more stronger than before, but also far more unrecognizable in appearance, and hence uses avatars in order to interact with the world and not accidentally expose herself and drive those below her insane. And it is here that she will face the biggest challenge of her life.
Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami completely looks like the original Ten No Kami, meaning that she has a top half that resembles a human, in which she has completely white hair and skin. She has some sort of black cloak with grey buttons. She wears a grey/red neck scarf around their neck. On her cloak, there is an black X linked with two red jewels, a big one on to of a smaller one, with one small white wing on the bigger red jewel. Her eye sockets are black, they are very wide circles, and there is a DNA Symbol stitched down from her left eye. Her hair has grey-Diamond snakes all over. Her lower half, in place of where her legs would be, are dark grey tentacles that are light grey at the bottom.
But after about 3 thousand years passing, Ten No Kami now gained very long hair, teaching down to her waist, her eyelids now a bit more narrow and sharp, but still large. Her chest also got bigger, and if she were at normal size, would be as large as the Astral Mother's own, with her hips and waist having grown as well. Her face has become mature, similar to that of a 17 year old, and is described as being as beautiful as the Astral Mother herself. Her tentacles also became thicker, stronger, and mix more longer then it was before.
Like the original Ten No Kami, Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami is snobby and high prided and has no problem addressing authority. Ten No Kami has no resolve, and is very cruel, often times enjoys the suffering that she inflicts on others. However, this is where the similarities end. In this case, this version of Ten No Kami is an entity that has never felt the concept of kindness before in her entire life, and thus, the meaning of empathy, happiness, and joy are unknown to her mind, due to never having experience it. That all changed when she met William, who made her feel kindness and empathy for the first time, and taught her such concepts in the first place. After meeting with William, who would one day become Error404, Ten No Kami began to change for the better, something she never thought would happen to her. Because of this, she is much more amiable and much more friendlier, although she still kept her much more nasty sides of herself, but now it can be paired with the tones of her voice. For examples, she can be ruthless and violent towards someone she wants to suffer, but she will speak in an amiable tone, soft spoken and kind, as well as using formalities. Ten, having years of experience compared to Error404 and even the Astral Mother herself, is also manipulative, and thus, is able to hide her true self with an image that gives off a false sense of security. However, although she is very good at hiding her emotions, Ten has a rather explosive temper of her pride is being threatened in any sort of way. But despite this, she will be able to reign control over her Temper and to not lose control, and being with Error404, who was there to help her in that regard, helped her gain more control over her emotions then before, and thus, she does not act as explosive as before, and thus, allows her to remain much more calm then she was ever before in the past.
God's Will: With this Power, She is able to kill and or eradicate all life-related or similar to AlphaTale. This includes code similar to them and offspring and relatives included. This ability can also reach out to sister Aus as well. And has complete control of everything that resonates within where they roam and resonate. This doesn't work on Error404.
Au Cinder: Cinder to Cinder, This ability is able to destroy all Aus that isn't grounded to Alphatale. This also means that all code fragments that have Alphatale code or code related to such code will be erased. However, this is merely out of choice, and she can destroy AUs regardless of code relation.
4-Banme no ishiki: I can see anything, even more then CORE!Frisk, and I even can See You.
The Gift: The Gift is a power that is given to beings that have experienced true suffering, have met an unfortunate demise or that just have a darkness in them unequal to any. When the gift is given it's usually given without true aware some even being able to live their entire lives never knowing about it. The gift is a white spot, it takes apart of the host body that is either empty or no longer has purpose and burrows there. from there the gift supplies them with intense durability, Ever-lasting life, and Void like code that enables them to never truly die unless a being of more strength than Ten kills them. The Gift tho great is a sign of control, Either it be willing or not Ten no Kami has control over being with said Gift.
Tentacles: Ten's Tentacles are large and are big enough to dwarf a sky scrapper. Ten's tentacles have the abilities to wipe out all code that they have made and any code related to it. The tentacles also make for great tools of destruction for any caught in their grip are immediately destroyed by the atom, and if not then are transformed into an Amalgamation of void and Alphatale code.
Flight: Ten No Kami is able to fly, or hover into the air, so that she does not get in the way of those grounded.
Consumption: A power she inherited from MalesGrow and practiced for a very long time, Ten is able to absorb anything and everything in order to permanently increase her strength, which includes AUs and Multiverses in order to gain more power than ever before.
Conjoined Body: Ten No Kami's entire body is that of a eternal consumption, allowing for her to absorb anyone and anything that makes contact with her body. However, unlike MalesGrow, she can shut off this power anytime she desires to.
Cosmic Essence Manipulation: Ten No Kami, due to practicing with her power, is able to practice the limitless power of energy that she has within her known as Cosmic Essence, that her father, and all TransVoid Beings are made from. With this, she can either create or destroy whatever it is that she desires. She even used this power to one time create an AU named UnderBeta, which became the first AU that she has made. Although it is not powerful, it lacked code, which made it resistant against hackers. She can even transfer her Cosmic Essence into anyone with immense power, so that they can transform and wield it themselves, such as using it on Error404 to transform him into Perfect404, or Alpha!Sans turning into Excalibur. She can also use them offensively to fire blasts of energy from her hands.
Nexus Manipulation: Although it is a power that she does not actually have in her possession, she can manipulate it indirectly through Error404 by using the Gift. As Error404 is a being that is connected to the MainFrame, that has Nexus code inside of it, Ten No Kami, by controlling Error404, is able to manipulate the Nexus to do far more then what Error404 can do, with the most impressive feat in that she is able to lead to the creation of NodeTale, which is made to counter BioTale, made by Ten No Kami's other sibling, 92. She is able to use this power in a similar way to how she uses Cosmic Essence, which isn't too surprising, as the Nexus is based off of the Cosmic Essence when it was created in the past.
Copy n' Integrate: Ten No Kami, during her time in trying to create NodeTale, is able to not only copy code, but integrate it into one another, as long ad the code is based off of the same person, and must be separated in sections. For example, she copied the powers of Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!Sans, and Insanity!Sans, as well as GlitchTale and Geno!Sans, and they gathered into a single section, separated from a section of code that is made from Papyruses, such as Dustbelief, Disbelief, Revenge TUE, and the same is said for the Frisks and Chara's.
Nexus Soul: Ten No Kami can use Error404's power to condense gathered code of certain characters into spherical cores that form into their souls upon being inserted, and the code that the characters are based off of have their powers integrated into the body, as demonstrated when Sans was given a Nexus Soul of his own, and he gained Dust's Magic that he had absorbed, his bones are as sharp as Killer, a different color like Dust, and as durable as Horror, and he can punch and utilize physical strength like Horror and Insanity, or in the case of Papyrus, where he gained Distbelief's Sharp Bones and Blasters and Blue Magic, Disbelief's Bone Staff, and the bombs and spear of Revenge the Unseen Ending Papyrus.
Constellation Heaven: A Cosmic Essence equivalent of the Calculated Heaven that Ten no Kami made after she witnessed Null make it, she created her own articulate afterlife, and made it an artificial soul also, called the Astrograph Soul. This Heaven is made for the truly good people that desires to be in a safe place, and with Constellation Heaven, being sentient and being almost all-knowing, can send their souls and consciousness to itself so that it can be part of the Constellation Heaven, safe and away from the chaos. It is at the same size as the Calculated Heaven and is just as powerful as it on its own.
MalesGrow: A pathetic excuses of a father, Ten No Kami hates MalesGrow, due to the fact that she had almost been consumed by him, and the fact that MalesGrow cared not little of her. But as she knows that trying to get at MalesGrow is suicide, due to him being stronger than her, she does all she can to stay away. MalesGrow, in turn, wants to find her.
92: A sibling of Ten No Kami, and one of her younger ones, Ten and 92 have an intense hatred towards one another, and want the other to be killed. This lead to the creation of NodeTale and BioTale, in which the 2 AUs would wage war against one another in order to try and kill the other, although BioTale admittedly came first, and it is after Error404 reveals the capabilities of the Nexus did Ten No Kami decide to make a similar AU of her own, but different compared to how 92 made their AU.
Malware: Ten, at some point on the past, has met the TransVoid Being of Decay in the past, and to say that she hates him is a massive understatement, and this feeling increased when Malware decides to use Error404 as a vessel.
The Astral Mother: Ten No Kami, originally, was like the Astral Mother, due to her personality, being remorseless and uncaring. But when William changed her, and they both met, Ten is disgusted at the Astral Mother, due to the fact that she reminds her of her former self, and thus, will make sure that she is dead. The Astral Mother, on her part, is very weary of Ten No Kami, and tries her best to not meet her, until she is ready to go against her.
The Void Empress: Ten No Kami has a very close bond to the Void Empress, due to her being the exact opposite of the Astral Mother. And the Void Empress, she is very proud to see how Ten No Kami changed for the better, unlike the Astral Mother, who refuses to change.
100/Samson: The eldest son of the Astral Mother, 100 sees Ten No Kami as a threat, and does all that he can to kill her. The same is said for 100, who is also weary of 100's power, and does all the she can to make sure that she does not get killed by 100, and would even send him out of reality, if he gets too powerful.
Warlock/???: WarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlockWarlock (The eldest son of the Void Empress, Ten No Kami and Warlock have met, and she is one of the 2 people to understand him other then Omnipotent, and although she has a rather close bond with Warlock, she sees him as extremely weird, due to what he can do and what his personality is like, and the fact that he only says his name.)
William/Error404: The one that had the most profound impact in her life. Back when Error404 was William, he met Ten No Kami when he spot her observing his AU, and decide to come and talk to her. Originally, Ten would use William as a means to an end to get some ideas as to how to make a perfect AU that is limitless. But as time went on, and she began to learn of the concepts of Kindness and Innocence, existing things that she had never felt before, she began to change, and began to develop a genuine friendship with William. When William died, Ten was crushed and saddened by what has happened. But when she reunited with him again as Error404 when he is in his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, and Omnipotent revealed his identity, Ten was stunned, but was nonetheless happy to see him when Error404 came back. Since then, Ten and Error404 have been inseparable, a bond almost similar to that of brother and sister.
Infected/Jacob: It is unknown what bond Ten had with Jacob before he became Infected, but it is assumed that it was a stable one, even if Jacob is a little bit skittish and jumpy. Knowing what he had become crushed Ten No Kami, seeing her believed friend become the way that he is, but knows that it isn't Jacob anymore, but does still use him in order to gain some semblance and comfort that Jacob can be by her side when he fights with her.
Alpha/Adam: The eldest son of the Astral Mother and Error404's younger brother, Alpha met with Ten No Kami when William introduced her to him. And while Alpha almost fainted at how large Ten No Kami is, she and Alpha nevertheless have a very strong bond. She, like Ink, is able to see him, due to the immensely strong bond she has with him, and thus, behind Error404's knowledge, both Ten and Alpha can speak to each other, and even saved Alpha from being killed again by Infected.
Omnipotent/Ares: The youngest son of the Void Empress and Infected's youngest brother, Omnipotent carries the Book of Eyes with him, and is bonded to a TransVoid being named Islothorn. Omnipresent, although he knows of Ten No Kami's heritage, is very close to her, due to the fact that she is an ally to him, and Islothorn thought the same thing. Because of this, Ten No Kami and Omnipotent are partners when dealing with the TransVoid Beings, especially since Ten No Kami is the daughter of one.
Delios: The Papyrus of Alphatale, Ten No Kami used her Gift on him, and lead to him reuniting with Omnipotent Sans. Because of this, Delios holds Ten No Kami in high regard and has a very strong bond with her, with Ten even giving him the hammers that he now has in his possession.
Lucy/Red: The apprentice of Delios, Red and Ten No Kami met when Ten spot her after being banished by the Astral Mother, and Delios threw her out. Having gained a connection to Delios by the Gift, Ten used her power of the Gift onto Red, in order to give her gain a new chance to live her life.
King Multiverse (Forced God of Destruction): Originally, Ten thought very little and is rather unhappy at King Multiverse, due to his cold and remorseless nature, seeing him as nothing but a coward. But when King Multiverse became more responsible in order to stop one of Ten's siblings, she found a newfound respect towards King Multiverse, considering him truly worthy of his title.
Alpha!Chara and Alpha!Frisk: For Chara, Ten No Kami has a very close bond to Chara and supports Chara's love towards Error404. But Frisk is not very friendly to Ten, due to the fact that she is friends with Error404, who he does not like.
Alpha!Betty and Alpha!Aliza: Creations of the Defiled Witch, Ten No Kami saved them both from her and gave them the Gift, as well as their weapons with her powers. Although Betty does not like the skeletons that Ten is allies with, Betty nevertheless has a very close bond to Ten No Kami, due to being the one to save her. And Aliza simply treats her like a parental figure, almost like an aunt of sorts.
Righteous!Error (FGoD): Error met Ten No Kami when he was fighting against Ink and Ten No Kami had been the one to rescue him. Ten No Kami and Error struck a friendship and pitied his position, due to the fact that he has become a puppet to a Goddess named Fate. When Error died from fusing with Error404, Ten was crushed and saddened, but became overjoyed and happy when he returned as a Polothorn. Ten No Kami seems to have a crush on Error404, due to his Polothorn status.
Hollow!Ink (Forced God of Destruction): Ten No Kami has a very low and hateful opinion of Ink, due to the fact that he is careless and neglectful of the balance in his home Multiverae. This hatred increased when Ink gained the Unnameable's Soul, and thus, Ten and Ink became enemies to one another from that day on.
True!Reaper (Forced God of Destruction): An ally of Error, Ten No Kami and Reaper met when Error introduced Reaper to her in ReaperTale. They both struck a genuine bond, due to their bond with Error, and Ten even saved the denizens of Reapertale by bringing them to her realm, when the MainFrame began to reset and change the entire Multiverse itself.
Tint: A creation of Ten No Kami, she used the debris that made Ink who he is in the first place, and infused the piece of Ink with a piece of her Cosmic Essence, that lead to Tint being created. Althing swing him as a weapon to kill Ink, Ten No Kami also loves Tint like a son, and was saddened that he needs to have his memories continuously erased, in order to protect him from Fate, which increases his power aaa time goes on.
Rock: Ten No Kami does not have a very good opinion on Rock, due to how rude he is. But she now takes him seriously when MalesGrow has decides to have Rock find her, and now does all that she can to try and stay away from Rock.
Nightmare: An ally of Error, Ten and Nightmare are very close to one another, due to their friendship with Error. And since they have traits in having tentacles, this made them closer to each other even more. Ten, however, was saddened when he turned into Dead!Nightmare, due to the MainFrame resetting.
Abyss: An ally of Error, due to having encounter him and having taught him the Multiverse, Abyss and Ten have a very good friendship with one another, and Ten empathizes with his hybrid heritage, as she has a heritage like that herself. Abyss was saved by Ten when the MainFrame rebooted, and thus, is abed from being altered by it.
Fate: The mother of Ink, Ten has not care towards the Goddess, due to the fact that she had enslaved Error in the first, and thus, hates her immensely. She feels no sense of pity when Fate lost her son to the Unnameable.
Destiny: The Sister of Fate, she cares deeply for Error, and manipulated the events of the Alphaverse to the and give Error the freedom he deserves, staring by leading him to Error404. Ten has a very strong bond with Destiny, due to her care for Error, and treat each other with Ten acting as a daughter figure to Destiny, although it is unknown who is more older then the other.
Core!Frisk: Ten and Core met one another in Outertale while Ten was with Error404. Due to the fact that the physically look similar, at least worn Ten's top humanoid appearance, this weirded then both out. But despite this, Ten No Kami and Core!Frisk have a genuine bond with one another, and Tem even goes to visit the Onega Timeline sometimes whenever she has the chance.
NodeTale: Ten No Kami's most important creation in all of existence. NodeTale is created when Error404 gave her the idea to use the Nexus to create an AU with it, as the Nexus has properties that are comparable to Cosmic Essence, and as Error404 can manipulate the Nexus, due to connecting himself to the MainFrame, Ten No Kami controlled him and used the Nexus to create NodeTale, made to combat BioTale, and possesses the code of many Alternate Timeline versions of the characters, with Sans, Papyrus, Chara, and Frisk having the most integrated code out of everybody else, as well as having characters such as Red and Betty thrown in the mix, which BioTale does not have. NodeTale considers Ten No Kami to be their goddess, and Ten No Kami, in return, cares for them deeply, for they are her children in her eyes, even when she uses them as her servants to try and go against the forces of BioTale.
Ten has no true Name or hasn't been told or spoken, but she does consider that as her name, and prefers to go by such an identity.
Ten is all aware of the worlds they are in and aren't in.
Ten resonates within a heighten line of sight that can only be achieved by attaining the "Ultimate power"
Ten is an Anthropomorphic squid mixed with a human,
Ten 's true nature is to simply be with Error404 and Righteous!Error for the rest of their lives, and nothing more.
"I was forced to erase Tint's memories, so that Fate does not find him."
Ten is extremely powerful, as she has practiced the use of Cosmic Essence for a very long time.
Although Ten No Kami does lead to the creation of Apollo with the Astral Mother, this is only because the Astral Mother somehow gained Ten's essence and injected it into herself in order to give birth to Apollo. Ten met Apollo when he was still young, and took them in, to teach them all that she knows.
She is stronger then the original Ten No Kami in nearly every way, and matured physically, unlike the original Ten, which symbolizes her growth as a person.
Unlike the original Ten No Kami, she is able to make 2 AUs, which is UnderBeta and NodeTale, Although NodeTale is her crowning achievement, due to how strong NodeTale is, being comparable to BioTale, in terms of sheer power, and the fact that it has the code of the AT versions of the Undertale characters integrated into the Nexus shells that Ten made, which amplified their power immensely.
Ten No Kami's favorite AUs to visit are Outertale, due to the fact that it has beautiful stars present, and TrainerTale, because of the cute entities, called Pokémon, that resides inside of this AU. And of course, Ten No Kami is aware of the existence of the Pokémon Multiverse.
The code that she gathered in leading to the creation of NodeTale are from alternate timelines versions of Undertale, which are Glitchtale, Dusttale, Dustbelief, Killertale, Horrortale, Aftertale,Last Breath, Dustbelief, Revenge: TUE, Endertale, Refusetale, and Ask Frisk and Company, but most of them are for Sanses, Papyruses, Frisks, and Charas. Glitchtale is the most common code in nearly all of NodeTale, with Sans having the most integrated code out of everybody.
Ten No Kami, using her Cosmic Essence, is able to make another body that she can control, one that reflects on her appearance and is human-sized, but with legs replacing the feet, and has 4 tentacles on her back. Originally, the body would be at the same size and height as Core!Frisk, but she then would later mature the body to be a at least 6'7, being half of the Astral Mother's height. Despite this, she can still make a body that would resemble her previous childlike appearance.
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