

Master of Space and Time
Space-Time Sans

Date of Birth: May 10th

Place of Birth: Astro!Quantamtale

Height: 4'8

Keep your eye on the time...Watch the space around you...You may never know when your moment will strike.-Space-TimeKid.

Space-TimeKid!Sans is a Sans that has the power to manipulate the Space-Time Continuum. He is a much more stronger and more magically powerful verison of TimeKid!Sans, who resides in the AU known as Quantumtale.


Astro!Quantamtale tells the story of former fallen child Frisk who, after ending the neutral run, ponders about what they could've done for the monsters and regretted leaving so soon. They wanted to make things better for the monsters so they decide to reset the timeline once again. However, they had a dream where they met Flowey, who had other plans for their reset. He tricked Frisk into resetting using the power of the SOULS, causing the reset button to glitch. However, during this one act of trickery, there was an unknown force that appeared while all of this is happening. An entity, capable of manipulating space, is an entity that came to be from the AU known as Alphatale, after its destruction. This entity, although powerful, is aimless, and has no idea where it is going. And when it entered Quantumtale during a reset, it ended up getting affected by it as well, but not in the way that is expected. As an entity that manipulates space, it merged with the Quantumtale code, and added the Space concept to the Concept of Time, that it is more well known for.

When the AU came to be, everything has now changed. Now it is no longer about time manipulation, it is now about space manipulation as well. The concept of Space-Time came to be inside of this new AU, which has been given the name, Astro!Quantumtale. And the people here...they are also much more different than they were before in comparison to the orignal Quantumtale. Now they are a little bit more older than before. The people in Astro!Quantumtale, they are more older than before, and also more mature, but are still kids. They are now at the age of between 13-16 year olds. The AU is now much more serious, and a little bit kore darker than before, although it still has some semblance of what it originally was. One of such people that now has a major difference, is with the Sans that resides in Astro!Quantumtale. The Sans of that AU is now no longer a child, and is now at the age of a 15 year old, with his brother, Papyrus, being 13. But the Sans of this AU has a much more different personality than the original TimeKid Sans. He is not lazy compared to TimeKid, and unlike him, he is a bit more hardened and a bit more willing to fight back. However, despite this change, he is still as kind as the orignal TimeKid!Sans, he is just not as peaceful.

He also has his brother, Papyrus, who is 3 years younger compared to Sans, and he is mostly the same as the original, except that he is much more timid and nervous. In fact, it is not just Sans and Papyrus that have their personalities change, it is everyone else that had their personalities change. Their personalities are now much more darker and much more mature than with their original QuantumTale selves. They are now a bit more willing to fight than ever before, and are even more willing to attack, if they see someone is doing something bad, with no hesitation in injuring someone painfully. But despite this, they are still kind in a way, and even show that they are able to help others that really needed it. Even though their personalities are much more darker and mature than before, they still have the same level of innocence that their original Quantumtale versions had back then. But when the Alphaverse came, and their twisted corruption began to spread into the entire Multiverse, Space-TimeKid Sans, as well as his brother, Papyrus, went to try and find a place to hide, so that they can protect their loved ones from the Alphaverse, who are coming along with them. They attempted to hide, but Error404 saw one of Space-TimeKid!Sans' legs, and then went to see who's leg it belongs to, only to see Space-TimeKid Sans and the denizens of his world, who are very scared to see Error404, as Space-TimeKid could sense his power, and it is colossal, the strongest magic that he has felt by any other being. When Error404 attempted to kill them, due to not wanting to be noticed, Space-TimeKid!Sans, without any hesitation, fought back against Error404, and while he is no match compared to Error404, due to the fact that he can manipulate both time and space to an extent, it allowed him to get some hits on Error404, and even is able to push him back, although not to the point of defeating him, as Error404 is simply way to strong to be defeated. But Error404 turned the tide, and is able to push Space-TimeKid back with his immense power. But before he can bring him down and get him and his friends and brother killed, Ink Sans came out of nowhere and saved them, blinded Error404 for a temporary amount of time, and brought all of the members of the Astro!Quantamtale AU into the Omega Timeline, where CORE!Frisk resides in. At first, they believed that this is the only safe place to be in when the Alphaverse struck. They were wrong, as Ink came back, now corrupted by his new soul, they witnessed his transformation into the Inkmation, and is able to destroy hundreds of AUs inside of the Omega Timeline. Because of that incident, Space-TimeKid, along with his friends and brother, believers that they are still not safe, and that the Omega Timeline is able to be breached as well. Because of this, they decided to leave and to not come back to the Omega Timeline, so that they do not get killed.

However, when they went outside, and attempted to find a new AU to safely be tucked into, so that they are not found, they are confronted and attacked by Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare, who are both more evil and corrupted versions of their original selves. Their superior, Vape, knows of the kids, and are aware of their power, which is why they will be very useful servants for him to get. But Space-TimeKid was not going to allow them to take him and his loved ones that easily, and fought back against them with all of his might, and he did it all on his own, and yet, he is having trouble due to the fact that he is trying to fight them and preventing one of them from taking his brother and his friends, which made his focus waver a little bit. But he was beginning to lose the fight, due to the fact that, back when Hollow!Ink had came to the Omega Timeline, he had aided in the fight in a way, along with Error and Another, and because of this, he is tired from the fight. But before Space-TimeKid could lose the fight, an arrow made of positivity appeared and struck Dead!Nightmare in the face. This made everyone stunned, until they see a version of Dream with 2 pairs of golden wings, with his eyes glowing like miniature suns. And needless to say, that arrow struck to the face hurt him a lot. Dead!Dream was stunned to see a version of himself that looked like they, but he got passed the shock and attempted to attack, only to he slammed by a black tentacle, and a heroic version of Nightmare rose from the ground. When that happened, Nightmare wrapped around the members of the Astro!Quantamtale AU, including Space-TimeKid!Sans, and he, along with Dream, went into an unknown area.

When Space-TimeKid sees where he is, along with his brother and friends, they see that they are inside of what appears to be a place similar to the Omega Timeline. But the area seems much more advanced and much more vast than ever before, the cities are much more high tech, but like the Omega Timeline, it houses the denizens of different AUs. And it is there that Space-TimeKid and his group have met the owner of this realm. Her name is Anomaly!Core, a more stronger and more powerful version of the original CORE!Frisk. Anomaly!Core spoke ton to group about something in private, and she is well aware of the hardships that they had been through. Because of this, Anomaly!Core decides to make this their home, and unlike the Omega Timeline, this realm, called the Alpha Timeline, is completely safe and is even protected. Although somewhat skeptical, Space-TimeKid decides to give this another chance, as he and his group decides to settle in and tried to get comfortable inside of the Alpha Timeline. But seeing as that it is much more safer than even the Omega Timeline, he began to trust Anomaly!Core, due to the fact that he is truly safe inside of this place.

Currently, he is one of Anomaly!Core's most useful allies, due to his power to control space and time, and as he is capable of fighting against the likes of Error404, this made him a perfect candidate to fight against anyone as strong as Error404, and is even someone that brings people into the Alpha Timeline. And he hopes that one day, when all of this has passed, he will be able to return back to his home AU, alongside his group.


Space-TimeKid!Sans's appearance does possess some resemblance to his original self, although it is outclassed by the differences in his appearance. He is shown to be wearing a coat that reaches down to his ankles, with the coat being black in color, and having a white fluffy hood. He is wearing a dark blue shirt underneath the coat itself that has a yellow stripe across the torso, and has a scarf that is dark blue and covered his mouth. He wears dark blue boots with white at the front, and has a pair of goggles on his head, which looks like they are made of crystal instead of glass, and it appears to be Diamond-shaped. When his left eye is activated, it resembles an hourglass, but it is fused with the hands of a clock, with the hourglass and the hands looking like they are formed from lines that form onto the shapes of squares.


Although similar to the original TimeKid!Sans, in terms of personality, he is, in a way, energetic, but unlike the original TimeKid, he is not as reluctant to fight as TimeKid, and is even willing to use violence to get the job done, if the situation requires it. Unlike TimeKid, he lacks his laziness, along with Classic's, and is very willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that he gets his happy ending, but will not go too far in his desire.

Ever since Alphatale, Space-TimeKid is rather calm, yet suspicious, and even possesses somewhat of a distrustful attitude to those that he does not know of. Because of this, he will treat those that are new to him harshly, and is a very judgmental person. But if a person proves that they are a good person, than he will accept them as a friend, and will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are okay.

But when around his group, he shows that he can be a little similar his original QuantumTale self, in that he can be energetic, he gets things done, and too an extent, he can be lazy if he wants to. But despite this, he will be very protective of them, and will resort to injuring the ones that dare to lay a hand on his group and cause then harm.


Space-Time Blaster: like TimeKid!Sans, he has his own blasters called the Space-Time. blasters which he can use to shoot and attack with, except that they are powerful enough to give even Error404 a hard time, as he can blast them and strike at Error404, which does hurt him a little, although they are still weaker than the Dark Blasters.

Bone Manipulation: can use bones to attack with, these also deal 1 damage each +poison damage.

Blue attack: can use blue bones and gravity attacks, and can use these to hurt the enemies that he is fighting against, and even Infected can be a tiny bit hurt from that.

Time Portal: Space-TimeKid, like the original TimeKid, is able to make portals, which allow him to travel through time and into the past of different AUs.

Time Crawl: Space-TimeKid can manipulate time, making everything slower or faster than before.

Time Loop: Space-TimeKid is able to put an AU into a Time Loop of some kind. But he needs to do it when a certain action is made in order for the Time Loop to work properly.

Future Vision: Space-TimeKid is able to see into the future, although the extent is limited and does not get the entire sight of the future.

Spatial Warping: Space-TimeKid has the power to manipulate Space itself, which had became one of the reasons he has been able to handle against Error404.

Spatial Pressure Generation: Space-TimeKid is able to to warp the fabric of space to generate powerful spatial pressure around his surroundings, capable of crushing, pulling, and freezing with tremendous force in a manner akin to telekinesis enable him to manipulate and move objects with just a single gesture of his hands.

Intangibility: Space-TimeKid is able to phase and un-phase objects out of space, rendering them incorporeal and just as easily make them corporeal again. He can even use this power on himself, in order to avoid getting hit.

Vortex Generation: Space-TimeKid can create powerful and devastating singularities capable of compressing and sucking anything in their path, almost similar to a Black Hole. He can possibly use it to kill and erase someone, though he has never tried to use that power on an actual living being before, nor does he want to use it in that way.


Astro!QuantumTale Crew: Space-TimeKid cares very deeply of his group, seeing them as one big family to him, along with his brother. And thus, he does all that he can to make sure that they are safe.

Error404: The first alternate versions of himself he has met, as well as the God of the Multiverse, Space-TimeKid had to fight him in order to protect his friends, and did give him somewhat of a challenge, but ultimately lost against him, and inky got away because of Ink. Now, he does all he can to avoid him.

Hollow!Ink: Originally Space-TimeKid's rescuer, he is now one of the most dangerous Sanses in existence, due to the deal he made with the Unnameable, and does all that he can to avoid him.

Righteous!Error: Although both Error and Space-TimeKid do not like each other a single bit, due to being a version of the original TimeKid!Sans, who he dislikes immensely, they both worked together in order to try and defeat Ink, who had been corrupted by the Unnameable Soul.

Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare: The Corrupted Princes of Positivity and Negativity, these 2 attempted to take Space-TimeKid and his group, due to how useful their powers are to Vape.

Dream and Nightmare: A version of Dream where he ate the remaining 998 Golden Apples, becoming as powerful as Nightmare, and a version of Nightmare that had became good against due to Shattered!Dream, they rescued Space-TimeKid and his group, and are inside of the Alpha Timeline. Because of this, he considers them both his friends.

Conduit!Cell: A version of Abyss, both Space-TimeKid and Conduit!Cell get along very well with each other, just as the original TimeKid and Abyss struck a friendship with each other.

Anomaly!Core: The one that had sent Dream and Nightmare to rescue his group, although Space-TimeKid was suspicious and distrustful to Anomaly!Core, due to being taken, Anomaly!Core was able to gain his trust, becoming one of Anomaly!Core's most powerful allies.


Space-TimeKid, while he is not strong enough to defeat Error404, use his powers creatively to give him a very hard time.

The reason why his left eye is graphed into the shape of squares, despite resembling an hourglass with clock hands is due to the fact that his powers are able to manipulate Space-Time.

He is stronger than the original TimeKid, though the extent of his strength is unknown.

Space-TimeKid and the original TimeKid have met before in the past, but the original TimeKid is a little bit uneasy at seeing the Alphaverse version of himself.

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