(This is before I had better understanding of Alphatale.)
He Who Watches
Second Destroyer
Bug of the Multiverse
Anger Management Mascot
God of Destruction
Date of Birth: April 4th
Place of Birth: Anti-Void
Species: Glitched Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
It doesn't matter how powerful you are compared to me, Squid. I will make sure that you are stopped, no matter what, and I will bring back your original self.-Sovereign!Error
Sovereign!Error is the future version of Vessel!Error, where he had completed and succeeded in his training with Error404, and had now become one of the strongest destroyers, surpassing Error404, Infected, and is now called the God of Destruction.
Error...he's done it. He'a finally completed his training with Error404, and finally gained enough power to become as strong as he is now, to become as strong as Error404. He gained all that he has ever needed, and it is time to move on to the last task he needs. And it is something that his master has done, in order to gain the level of power he had when Error was still weaker than him. It is time for be connected to the MainFrame, like Error404. Error won't deny it, he's very scared that he is about to do this. But at the same time, he has grown confident to the point where he believes that he can survive that. He took a deep breath, and sighed, as he mentally prepared himself for the worst. He than decides to connect himself...and began to struggle with the connection.
The task was very difficult, due to the MainFrame trying to consume him and make him a part of the MainFrame, and Error has no idea what he is feeling right now. But Error regained his baring, and took a deep breath, as he than began to connect himself...and after a lot of struggle for so long...he finally did it...he finally connected to the MainFrame. He has become just like what Error404 had become, except he is now much more stronger than his superior. And now...this will be used to finally bring back Alphatale...and to finally get rid of the Astral Mother.
Error still looks the same as he always has, meaning that he still has the black bones, blue tear-like markings below his eye sockets, and has red eye sockets with yellow, blue, and white eye lights. However, his clothing is much more different. It now resembles that of Error404's clothing, with the coat being white, but with a black right sleeve, and a blue fluffy hood, and the coat reaching down to his ankles. However, Error now possesses red pants with a blue line on each side. However, he still has some parts of his old clothing, such as the red shirt, and his purple scarf, as well as still having his sandals.
Having reached the height of his maturity, Error has become a far different person than who he once was. He is now in constant control of his emotions, and does not loose his cool, now having gained a goal that he now has full understanding for, as well as having already embraced what it means to the a Destroyer of the AUs. However, unlike Error404, if he gets angry, he does not lash out, but he will act so intimidating, that only Error404 and his brothers are not scared by it.
In this current time, Error has become much more friendlier, and acts similar to who he once was, being a chill and humorous fellow, as well as a tendency to pull pranks, just like when he was still once Classic!Sans. However, he is not lazy, and is when the situation calls for it, he will try all he can to remain in control of the problem as much as he can, before it can get out of hand. And due to this friendly personality, and now no longer needing to destroy all of the Alternate Universes, only the ones that he sees as necessary, he treats the anomalies as people, and now began to care for what they think, thing he still refers to them as glitches in the multiverse.
Training with Error404 has allowed Error to become a master manipulator, and thanks to his much greater control of his emotions, he has a combination of acting skills and manipulation, and thanks to this emotional maturity, Error has surpassed Error404 of being a manipulator, something that Error404 is very proud of.
Now that Error's training has ended, he is at the absolute peak of his power, and has successfully surpassed Error404, the God of the Multiverse himself.
Strings: Error's Strings are now at their strongest and deadliest, with Error404 being able to be damaged very badly by them, as well as being trapped in it for 4 minutes, meaning that their offensive and defensive capabilities have increased.
Blue Strings: Error is able to use them as he has always been able to back than, meaning he can wrap it around a soul and control a person, or drain their data. Originally, it was on a single target. Now he can drain the data out of multiple targets at once.
Red Strings: The hottest that they have ever been, as well as the most painful, the Red Strings are now able to cause permanent scarring on the target, in both a physical and mental way. And if wrapped around the soul, not only with the pain he lingering, but their magic will be weakened and hampered with.
Green Strings: Now no longer needing to use these types of string along with the Blue Strings, Error can use his strings to heal faster. He can also use those strings on his allies, but the less strings they are on the other person, and onto other people, the slower their healing will be.
White Strings: These haven't changed, except that they are now much harder to break them ever before, now taking Error404 a few minutes to get out of, instead of 1 minute.
Terror Strings: Having practiced with them after so long, Error's new Terror Strings have now become so powerful that the visions it can make towards the others are looking too real to differentiate between reality and imagination. He can also use it to enter the dreams of other people when they fall asleep, in order to manipulate their dreams and make them have night terrors.
Error Blasters: The Error Blasters are now at their strongest, being able to fire a black beam of destructive magic that glows in an outline of red, surpassing the Dark Blasters, in terms of power and length, and is now able to destroy absolutely anything it targets.
Glitch Ray: Error can fire a black laser with red glowing outlines from his fingers that will corrupt anything and anyone who has code, and will destroy and erase a target, regardless if that person had code or not.
Glitch Ray First Shot: Error fires a Glitch Ray at the target and corrupts their code, in order to control them. This will show by them gaining mismatched color, and glitching similar to Error, and will follow Error's command without question. He can deactivate this effect whenever he wishes to.
Glitch Ray Second Shot: the Glitch Ray shoots a target and erased them from existence, regardless if the target had code or not, and with the second shot, Error can detonate 4 AUs at the same time in just one single fire.
Hitch Whip: Error's upgraded version of the Defect Whip, now being much more stronger than the Glitch Whip, and reaching a length that far surpasses the Glitch Whip, now cutting through anything.
Error Bones: Having now reached the strongest that he had ever been, the Bones are now able to decompose someone in an instant, regardless of how the person is hit. Even if they have gotten a small cut from an Error Bone, they will instantly be decomposed.
Blue Mastery: Training with Error404 allows Error to be able to use his blue magic again, now being able to fling an object at the limit of 550 Meters, and can simply move an object as simple as a gesture.
Destruction Orb: Having been looking deep into how she made the first Destruction Orb prototype, compared to how she made the current one that she has, Error was able to fix the problem that involves the fluctuating radius of the orb. Now it is permanently stuck in the fullest extent of its radius, and is now able to truly surpass the Astral Mother's Destruction Orb.
Code Absorption: Error's power over absorbing Code into himself and making himself more stronger have improved more than ever before.
Pixel Manipulation: Error's Pixel Manipulation have improved to the point where he can use it on other people with code as well, not just himself. With it, he can teleport others to the location that he is at, such as the Anti-Void or Error404's realm, without even being present with them.
Great Knowledge: Error's knowledge has become just as great as Error404's, and is even able to be capable of doing stuff that even Error404 himself would have difficulty in doing.
Anti-Void Infliction: Not much has changed with this power, other than the fact that the effects are a little more dangerous and severe than before.
Eyes of the Overseer: Error's right arm have eyes all over it, having killed an Unnameable when he fused with Error404, which ultimately got Error himself killed. Since growing stronger, Error has been able to use it in a variety of ways, such as making tentacles, covering his arm on black electricity, or making bright light shine, almost similar to a flash bang grenade.
Gen: Having observed some of the Astral Mother's abilities, Error is able to replicate her ability to kill pieces of code that has been replicated more than once. However, his version is slightly weaker compared to that of the Astral Mother's.
Error Wisps: Having observed Infected's way of making the Wisps, Error has practiced with his Glitch Ray in order to corrupt the red human souls that he had gathered and kept into the Anti-Void. These Error Wisps work the same way as Infected's Wisps, but the wisps are far more destructive than Infected's. A small Error Wisp can destroy a building, while a big Error Wisp is able to destroy a continent.
Destroyer SOUL: Error's Soul has a constant aura thar's able to destroy any attacks that come on his way, and anyone weaker than him that tries grabbing his soul, their limbs will be easily destroyed. Beings as powerful as Error404, more stronger than Error404, or very close to his level of power are the only ones that are able to damage the soul through a critical hit, which are the physical ones.
Unspeakable Strength: Error's Strength has now grown so much that he can now cause extreme amounts of pain to Error404 himself, and even defeat him in combat. And with the Unnameable DNA within him, combined with the MainFrame's connection, Error can even go toe-to-toe against the Astral Mother herself, who is said to be stronger than even Error404, though Error can still be beaten by her.
Supreme Speed: Error is now able to run so fast, that he gives off the appearance of being an extremely thin blur, or of the appearance of being in 2 places at once, as well as being much more faster than Error404 himself. Mixing it with his strength, he can punch so fast, he can make a shockwave that is strong enough to be able to damage an entire city. He can even run so fast, he can go to the center of the Multiverse in a matter of minutes, showing that he is much more faster than his master.
Monstrous Durability: Error is even more durable than even Infected's Unrivaled Defense, and he can even tank blows from the Astral Mother and keep on fighting, who is more stronger than even Error404 himself.
Apprentice's Prayer: Error can use his magic to summon Error404 to his side, increasing his mentor's power, and be able to utilize the power of the MainFrame Mini Gun, which allows for Error and Error404 to summon their blasters and fire a power barrage of energy attacks. This attack will end Apprentice's Prayer the instant that it's used.
Student's Wish: Error has the ability to summon Cyan to his side, due to Cyan having his strings being used as a whip, which Error is able to use its magic in order to connect to himself. Cyan can only be there for 40 seconds in the fight, after witch he simply goes away, back to where he once was.
Unnameable Connection: Error managed to tap into the power of the Unnameable's DNA, in order to feel how Ink feels. This is due to Ink having the soul of the same Unnameable that Error and Error404 had vanquished, which Error was reborn from.
Polothorn Immortality: Being reborn with the Unnameable's DNA, Error's outrageously hard to be given permanent damage, with extremely few things that are able to permanently negate regeneration of his body, but even than, can reincarnate upon death.
MainFrame Scythe: Error can gather and mold the MainFrame's code to make a scythe that slices through absolutely anything. It's only usable when Error's inside the MainFrame.
M.O.T.H: Error's new transformation, once he connected himself to the MainFrame. It's the same as Error404's B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, except that unlike Error404, he's able to control himself while he is in this state. This is due to the Polothorn DNA within his body, which allows Error to control his power. He can move so fast that the speed resembles teleportation, and his damage is so great that it's as strong as the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's strength. In fact, all of the powers of the M.O.T.H are the same as the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, except that Error's strings are now able to cut through the Multiverses, even when he is not present in them. And Error grows more stronger, as he continues to absorb the Multiverse's Data.
Just like the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, the downside is that once the transformation is over, the code of the Multiverse will return. But unlike Error404, Error has grown powerful to the point where he will simply be exhausted, and in a more severe case, unconscious, but he never dies after the transformation.
Omninova Blast: works the same as the Ultranova Blast that Error404 is capable of with his new wings that he sprouts out, though unlike the Ultranova, it can explode the area that it is targeting.
Flight: With the wings coming out from behind his back, Error is able to gain the ability to fly, and he can fly more faster than when running. Thanks to his newfound flight, Error is able to go and attack opponents that are able to fly, which Error would normally have some trouble against.
Master Cables: Now no longer needing the Error666 Transformation, M.O.T.H is capable of using the Master Cables.
POLOERROR: PoloError is when Error is nearly about to die. When he is about to die, or when in a state of pure, nearly unrestrained rage, the DNA within his right arm activated, and he turns into a Polothorn, a being that is similar to Sol, as they are entities of limitless power. With this Transformation, PoloError is strong enough to match the Inkmation in terms of sheer magic, but weaker than the All-Mother. The downside, is that he cannot control it, and his body will attack anything automatically within his line of sight, as this is due to Error's consciousness being pushed back into his mind, while another type of consciousness takes over Error's control, only recognizing that it must destroy everything. The transformation only ends when there are no beings in sight, or when Error finally calms down, and is able to regain control again, and will deactivate the transformation before it can cause more destruction.
Globe of Pure Annihilation: Error's new attack, as well as the new strongest one. It is the upgraded and empowered form of the Destruction Orb prototype that he has. It works just like the Orb of Utter Destruction that the Inkmation is able to use. When combining the Orb of Utter Destruction with the Globe of Pure Annihilation, both attacks can create a black hole that can suck in even the largest universe to exist.
POLOERROR!M.O.T.H: PoloError!M.O.T.H is the strongest transformation that Error has. By tapping into the limitless power of the MainFrame, along with tapping into the unlimited power that he has gained as a Polothorn, Error has become the pure embodiment of unstoppable destruction. In this form, he is capable of performing feats of magic that he has never thought he would be capable of doing, and far beyond what he is originally able to do in the previous 2 forms, even bring able to hind his ground against the Astral Mother's All-Mother form.
Physics Control: Error in this form is able to control and alter the laws of physics, making him at his most destructive form yet. In this form, he can explode sentient creatures into Pixels with a wave of his hand, can destabilize and bend the rules of reality that he is in with his mere presence, distort and fluctuate gravity constantly, and is able to ignore any sort of defense, regardless of how high it is.
Instantaneous Movement: PoloError!M.O.T.H is capable of moving so fast, he looks like he vanished to another area instantly, almost like teleporting, as well as looking like he has appeared in 2 or 4 places at once.
Ultinova: the Ultinova is PoloError!M.O.T.H's large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has the ability to destroy 3 realities all at once. This is the most dangerous form of the Orb of Destruction, surpassing the Globe of Pure Annihilation's capabilities.
Error404: The one that trained Error into becoming the way that he is now. Error404 and Error now have a relationship similar to father and son. And while Error is now stronger than Error404, he still has Error404 be the leader of the henchman, simply due to being older and more experienced than him.
Ink: Error still misses his old rival, but is now working hard to do all that he can to try and bring him back to his normal self.
King Multiverse: King Multiverse has not forgotten the humiliation that Error had given him when he became stronger, and because of this, vows to make Error pay. Error, however, is not bothered by this, and considers King Multiverse to be a mere annoyance.
Infected: Error and Infected have been at odds, due to Error becoming more powerful than the first destroyer, and the fact that Error has copied one of Infected's abilities.
CORE!Frisk: Due to Error having become more friendlier and more stable, CORE and Error are now able to speak to each other on much more civil terms.
Astral Mother: Due to Error's connection to Error404, as well as having became more stronger than her most hated child, the Astral Mother considers Error a threat to her plans to make sure that he is stopped. However, Error is not afraid of the Astral Mother, and is able to get under her skin during some of the fights that he has with her, which almost nobody is able to do.
Error, due to having the DNA of an Unnameable, is technically a Polothorn, and it is probably thanks to this part of Error that allows him to survive his transformation as M.O.T.H, as transformations like these are able to normally kill Error404 himself, whenever he uses the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y.
He's one of the 2 being who's actually been able to give the Astral Mother a very tough fight, mostly due to the fact that he has a prototype of the Destruction Orb that he fixed, which is stronger than the one that she has, and copied her Gen ability.
With Error404 and Ink together beside him, Error can evenly match the Astral Mother to a draw, although unable to truly win against her.
Error, in his current state, is able to match and now win against Ink in more fights than ever before in his life.
Error has faced off against 100 a few times in the past, and due to the increase of power that he has, he is able to stop his rampages and end the battle in a draw.
Error still can't erase Fresh, even though he has become much more powerful than the parasite.
Error still has his 5 tongues inside of his mouth, and they still look the same, being blue. However, since learning good habits, Error now simply sticks them out to mock opponents, as thanks to Error404, he has learned his manners in eating more properly.
Due to connecting to the MainFrame, it was able to fix the problems that involves his eyesight, and now he is able to see far away.
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