

The True Creator

Date of Birth: April 15th

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Skellinkton

Gender: Male

Height 4'10

Weight: 134 pounds

Eye Color: all color and shape

I am not going to let them hurt the multiverse, and it's people!- Sincere!Ink.

Sincere!Ink is the protector and creator of the Multiverse, and the former disciple of Alpha!Sans, now having gained the power he needs to fulfill his duty as the protector of the AUs.


Ink had always worked with Alpha!Sans since the beginning and aided him wherever he was needed and even still annoyed Error from time to time, but Ink has grown very unhappy with what has happened with him. He is a soulless entity that wants nothing more than to genuinely feel emotions, but as he destroyed his soul to escape his unfinished and abandoned AU, he felt like this is the life that he had to live in. Adding to this, Alpha and Ink has a very unstable relationship with each other, where the focus of being great is even greater them one's wellbeing, and due to the fact that Alpha had came from a dark and horrible home, Alpha had a tendency to be cruel and relentless when it came to his training to the point he even suggests Ink stop using vials entirely for they made him "Incapable to do his job", but as he has only a ghost to speak to, Alpha is the only thing that Ink can speak to that is similar to that of a parent.

But one fateful day, during a mission that Alpha has tasked to Ink, he had stumbled onto a woman that looks to divine and beautiful, that there is simply only one person that can match that sort of beauty, perhaps outclass it. But the woman was injured and unconscious, and thinking that he should just simply do his duty in helping someone for once, he calls in his friend, Dream, to help heal her. After healing this mysterious woman, she identities herself as the Conduit of Creation, who hid from her kind, due to them having grown scared and paranoid of her power, even to the point where she was classified as a type of Forbidden Conduit, even though she is the least powerful of these types of Conduit. Hearing from Dream that Ink is a creator and a protector of the Alternate Universes, though he lacks genuine emotions to even do his job, the Conduit of Creation decides to tutor and help Ink, and thanks to her unlimited patience, she was the perfect person to help and teach him.

Unlike Alpha's training, the Conduit of Creation aided Ink by helping him understand what it means to be a creator. And Ink, hoping that this will be better than Alpha's relationship, decided to become the apprentice of the Conduit of Creation. Her teaching was more virtuous and thoughtful, allowing Ink to understand and know what he is doing. She taught him how to truly feel bonds with the denizens of the AUs, and to worry and feel remorse, to grow and be actually able to protect not just the AUs, but the people.

Over 2 years, behind Alpha's back, Ink trained with the Conduit of Creation, learning what and being taught what the Conduit of Creation knows, and even helped improved his power over being able to create anything. The relationship between the 2 is so stable, that Ink began to fix and repair his views on the AUs and the people within them, as the training the Alpha has put him through was proven to not have been as effective and good as he thought.

When Ink's training finally came to a close, the Conduit of Creation, believing in his ability to protect the Multiverse that he lives in, decides to give him her Conduit Soul, seeing him as worthy of the title of the protector. Ink, while a little bit nervous, was reluctant to take it, but with the encouragement of the Conduit of Creation, he takes it and puts in inside of himself. When he puts the Conduit Soul within himself, a new change happened within Ink. He can now feel emotions, he can now think for himself, and more importantly, he can now truly and genuinely care for others. While selfish he is, it is now directly on keeping the AUs alive, but not just that. He also is directing in keeping the people within the AUs alive as well, his powers have now amplified to an almost unimaginable degree, but with a greater and more perfect understanding with the purpose of what it means to the a Protector and a Creator.

Needless to say, though, Alpha was not happy that Ink has decided to forsake his training, and stormed to the Doodle Sphere in order to 'discipline' him. But Ink, finally having enough of Alpha, goes all out and beats him to a mess, but keeps him alive, as he is a protector, not a destroyer, and demands Alpha to never seen him, for he will not be corrupted by Alpha anymore. Alpha tries to retort and call out on the fact that it will make him a terrible protector, but Ink responds back, claiming that the only terrible protector that he sees is Alpha, as all he had been doing was corrupting him, seeing him no better than Error404 and Infected. He than demands Alpha, for the last time, not to see him anymore. And Alpha, understanding that he is no longer in control of Ink anymore, left, leaving Ink all on his own, but now...he has become a much more perfect protector than ever before. Now with true genuine emotions, and embracing the lighter side of creation, as well as with the ability to have a will of his own, he will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Multiverse is protected, even to the bitter end of it all, and without the corruption and taint of Alphatale infecting the new more purer and heroic Ink, he will not stop at what it will takes to protect the Multiverse that the Creators has made.


Ink, originally, had no emotions at all, due to his lack of a soul, and only relied on the Emotion Vials to pretend that is able to feel, having a blunt, brutally honest, yet happy and cheerful attitude. However, he can be selfish, and even once went to far by making the X-Event for his amusement, only to be punished by the creators by trapping him in a white void for an entire year and forcing him to continuing to fell, making him afraid of angering them again.

Now that he has gained a Conduit Soul, and the fact that he has trained with the Conduit of Creation, Ink has now gained a much better understanding on the purpose of being a protector. Now with genuine emotions, but on the brighter, lighter side, thanks to the Conduit's influence, he is now far more selfless and caring, even being able to develop empathy in certain situations, when it comes to interacting with people that suffered from abandonment and loneliness. He is well behaved, and now thinks with how he should act, before he should say anything. While he is brutally honest as he once was, he still tries to say what he has in his mind in a more positive way, with only some criticism on his words, and is now no longer mocking and cruel. Despite this, he is still mischievous, and can act funny.

While he is still selfish, this has decreased where it is almost never there, though it can still pop up from time to time. He takes his duty of the protector more seriously than ever before, and tries all that he can to protect the AUs from the survivors and remnants of Alphatale.

However, despite the positive influence that the Conduit of Creation had on Ink, even Ink is not safe from falling into some sorts of his darker side, especially when it comes to Error, who he can finally feel hatred to. But he understands as to why Error is needed, and so leaves him alive, though this does kit stop him from trying to beat down Error if he goes too far. And thanks to the training that he had with the Conduit of Creation, he is much more in control of his emotions, although his anger is still present.


Ink still looks the same as he once was before, but parts of his clothes are now much more different. He now no longer had the sash that contains the emotion vials, and his clothes have been modified a little bit. His scarf is now a golden brown color, with some white lines on it, both parts of the scarf having the symbol of a soul made by those white lines. The black parts of the sleeves are now red, with his pants are now replaced with overalls with the green tops tucked into his waist. The legs are very wide at the bottoms, with creases around the legs. He also has no shoes, instead, he goes barefoot with a pair of leggings, having discarded them.

His brush is now possessing rich golden lines, moved everywhere around the brush in a rather divine and beautiful way, with the brush now always covered in multiple different colorful paint.


Error!Sans: While Ink does hate Error for his opinion and behavior at the Alternate Universes, he completely understands that he is needed in the Multiverse, but he does not like it. Despite this though, at times in when they are not fighting over the face of the Alternate Universes, they can hang out and have fun at times.

Alpha!Sans: Originally, he had teamed up with Alpha, but the relationships between both Alpha and Ink were very unstable and bad to the point that Alpha considers Ink a Piss-Poor excuse for a Protector, with Ink, originally, being unable to do anything about it. But now having gained his soul, he forcibly freed himself from Alpha, and demanded that he is never to be seen by Ink again. Even after a long time of being away from Ink, Alpha still has a not very good opinion on him, but the Protector of the Alternate Universe does not care, for to him, Alpha was the real bad protector himself.

Conduit of Creation: Having found out of Ink's purpose and powers, and discovering by herself how he had been trained as a Protector by Alpha, The Conduit decides to take Ink in, and taught him of what it really means to be a creator. She taught him everything that she can think of, everything that she knew, and because of this, the Conduit of Creation was the only comfort that Ink had, and through giving Ink her soul, Ink is always in contact with her, even when she is way. To Ink, the Conduit of Creation was a true parental figure, and he loves her like an actual mother.

Error404!Sans: While he did not like Error404 for what he had done, as well as his destructive ways, Ink felt pity and empathy towards him, due to the fact that he had suffered from loneliness as Ink had done, except it was more worse than Ink's, as he could not move on from what has happened to his AU. Although he refuses to join Error404, he does nonetheless tries all he can to help him bring it back, by trying to remake the Alphatale AU, in hopes that it would stop him from attacking the other AUs.

Tint: A Creation of Ten No Kami, as well as technically being Ink's and Ten's child, the new creator was created to kill Ink, only to lose his memories. Taking pity, Ink took him in, and tries to instill the beliefs that the Conduit had taught him, and in return, Tint, while he continuous to forget Ink, does not stop sensing his connection to him, and obeys whatever command he has.

Dream!Sans: Due to Ink's training and his new soul, Dream and Ink's relationships have gotten more better over the years, and now that Ink cares for, not just the AUs, but for the people as well, Dream and Ink are back to their old partnership relationship again.

Core!Frisk: Another old friend of Ink, and another relationship that he managed to improve, thanks to the Conduit of Creation having guided him. Now Ink can truly feel genuinely kind and caring to the Denizens of the AUs, something that Core!Frisk now appreciates.

Hollow!Ink: Having met this version of himself, Ink is outright disgusted and horrified at what this version of him had become by taking the Soul of an Unnameable. Because of this, he makes sure that he will do whatever it takes to stop him from consuming both people and AUs. They both met with Hollow!Ink had went into the Omega Timeline that Ink himself was in.

Vessel!Error: Surprisingly, Ink's relationship with Vessel!Error is much more better than the Error of his Multiverse. While he does not like him, he is a surprisingly affable person to be with who is actually making an effort to try and stop Hollow!Ink as much as he can. Ink, in return, decides to help him fight against this corrupted, twisted version of himself.

King Multiverse: Ink, upon gaining his new soul, freed himself, and got his revenge on him.


Paintbrush: Ink's new brush, given to him by the Conduit of Creation, allows him to modify it in many ways. He can change the weight, length, size, and shape, as well as the color and texture of the Paintbrush, in order to suit his needs.

Ink Blaster: Ink can create a blaster made of Ink and fired it at an opponent.

Ink Bones: Ink can fire Ink Bones at an opponent with a variety of effects. It can be use to detonate as a bomb, wrap around opponents in paint webbing, or it can be used to seal up wounds.

Flight: With his Conduit Soul, Ink can fly.

Creativity: Due to his new soul, combine with the training that he has received from the Conduit of Creation, Ink can act as creatively as he possibly can, even being able to outclass Hollow!Ink's creativity on some occasions.

AU Creation: Now no longer needing the Creator's help, Ink can create his own AUs.

AU empowerment: As long as the AU continue to exist, Ink's power is now much more greater than ever before, increasing his physical strength, speed, durability, and magic.

Conduit Soul: Ink's Soul is of an incredibly strong conduit, and is the toughest soul in the 10 realities. Only those that are stronger than Ink, or evenly match him, are able to cause any real damage to him.

Unstinting Strength: Ink is now much more stronger than ever before, thanks to his Conduit Soul, now being able to give even Error404 a hard time bringing him down, and has even gotten close to defeating him on one occasion.

Himmsworth Omniscience: Ink, having made a deal with Himmsworth, has gained his power. This manifests in the form of a red iris in his right eye socket. With this, he has knowledge that Himmsworth is knowledgeable in, and this, combined with his Creativity, makes him all-knowing, and in combat, he is almost impossible to defeat. Unfortunately, this powers takes its toll on Ink's mind, and he only needs to use it if he absolutely has to.


ALL-CREATOR: Thanks to the Soul of the Conduit of Creation, Ink has the ability into transform into the All-Creator. To activate this, he needs to use the Himmsworth Eye to know of all of the Alternate Universes that exist, and through the omniscience, use his Conduit Soul to draw in the power of all of the Alternate Universes, and allow him to activate this transformation.

In this form, Ink gains a second brush, and his left eye slowly changes to all of the colors that exist in the multiverse, the lines on his scarf and brushes glow, and Ink has power to create anything he wants, even other Sanses. In this form, Ink gains nearly unlimited power, and his physical prowess is so immense, he can even go toe-to-toe against B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Error404 Sans. The downside, is that this form lasts for about 6-8 minutes.

Creator Railgun: Ink summons a giagantic Ink Blaster about the size of a mountain, and can fire it with enough force to knock a dozen of universes out of position.

Ink Blaster Barrage: Ink summons countless Ink Blasters and fired it at the opponent.

CREATING JUDGE: This form happens when Ink is possessed by Alpha, who than activates his Judge Form. In this stage, Ink's powers are more energy-based, but can still use his creativity.

Determination Brush: Empowered by the Red Souls in all of the Alternate Universes, Ink can use this on conjunction with his creativity in order to make his creations much more harder to break, if not indestructible.

Souls of Kindness: His very presence can heal the wounded within his proximity.

Souls of Bravery: Allows Ink to no longer feel fear, and will rush into battle without hesitation.

Souls of Justice: The Yellow Souls can fire up so many blasts at the target in order to incinerate them.

Souls of Patience: Ink perceives time a little more slowly than before when in fights, allows him to easily dodge attacks.

Souls of Integrity: This made Ink's presence feel rather intimidating.

Soul Launcher: this allows Alpha and Ink to use all of the Souls to fire of an attack so powerful, it can destroy a Multiverse. However, this attack is strictly use as a last resort, due to the damage that it can cause if not careful.


Due to his new Soul, Ink is now Chaotic Good.

Ink's outfit symbolizes Ink now completely possessing true creativity.

The appearance of Ink is slightly based on Shanghaivanis Ink, phase 3.

Ink, while no longer working for the creators, still makes AUs to grow stronger.

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