

The MainFrame Monster
Glitched Plague

Date of Birth: March 26th

Place of Birth: MainFrame

Species: MainFrame Humanoid
Gender: Male
Height: 13'0
Weight: 715 pounds

This character resides in Sovereign!Error's future, and takes place before Remorseful!Ink came to be.

I never thought that I would be able to finally meet you in person. And yet...I now have. I get to see you, Error, my reflection.-Shiva

Shiva, like Osiris, is a beast that resides from within the MainFrame, created through the transformation of the PoloError brought to life within the realm, an entity different from the original Error.


When Error had connected himself to the MainFrame, he too was in the process of creating a being that's similar to Osiris. Like Osiris, there was an unnamed entity that resides in the MainFrame, and it is barley sentient. And whenever Error is in his PoloError form, he will try and force the entity back and regain control, especially if it starts to do unintentional damage. But as he does this, through Error's mental connection with the MainFrame, even when he is outside of it, the nameless entity opens a door into its own body, and the consciousness of PoloError began to be engraved into the entity itself. It carved into Error's soul so deeply, that like Osiris, became its own being. The entity, whenever Error enters the MainFrame, will be split from Error, and now, thanks to Error, goes by a new name. The name of the entity is simply...Shiva.


In the MainFrame, like Osiris having fawned clothing that is parallel to Error404 in just Just404 trnasformation, Shiva has dawned clothing parallel to Error whenever he turns into PoloError. Shiva has a coat that is mostly black and reaches down to his ankles, with the experience of the white sleeve on the right. He has a scarf that is purple, which is very long, and reaches to his pelvis, with a hood that has purple fluff. He wears black pants and is barefoot, showing 3 toes that are purple, with black at the tips. Like Osiris, he has jet-black skin, but like Error, he has tear-like marking coming down from his eyes. However, the markings look barbed and jagged, and he possesses Error signs all over his body, just like with Error himself. Uniquely, Shiva has purple eye sockets, but no irises and pupils inside, with the exception of a yellow pupil in the left eye socket, as well as purple teeth inside of his mouth, which are looking very sharp like a shark, and has 6 rows of them inside of the mouth. His clothes have runes all over his body, resembling the runes that Osiris has when he decides to make a cosmetic change, upon discovering that he had the ability to withstand the void, which almost all monsters normally are unable to survive within.


With Shiva finally gained sentince within the MainFrame, Shiva became confused and curious of the world that he now lives inside of. He is very clueless of everyday routines, even with something as simple as eating and sleeping, as he had never seen those types of stuff before. As PoloError, he lacked sentience, relying only on instinct of destroying. But now that he began to develop intelligence, he began to think for himself and began to question what it is that he is doing, and why he's born. He is a rather nice person to be with, and will not harm you, as long as you do not harm him, and in some cases, if you are a very close friend of Shiva, he will return the favor and be protective of you and defend you, and will only kill if you want him to kill.

However, beneath the nice guy facade, lies an entity filled with nothing but chaotic insanity. He is so mentally unstable, that even Osiris is slightly intimidated by it, and yet, he is very calm and rational, not to mention being sadistic and cruel, being sociopathic to those that are his enemies, or those that dare betray him. And unlike Osiris, there is no convincing him to stop, at least, when it involves those that dare betray Shiva.


Power Transfer: Shiva has the ability to alter some of his magical powers to make his attacks stronger. For example, he can increase the power of his Fix-Glitch Ray, but must decrease the power of the attack that he has chosen, such as his Determination Swipe.

Limb Transfer: Having been taught by Osiris, Shiva can transfer the power of his limbs, through one of his own limbs. For example, he can make his arms 2 times weaker, but can make his legs and feet 2 times stronger to leap and run at great distances.

Cosmic Negation: Shiva can use this power to be resistant and be unable to be damaged by any attack. However, this leaves him unable to use his other abilities, unless he deactivates this power first.

The Chomp: Shiva can use his extremely sharp teeth to consume someone, and gain the ability to shapeshift into their appearance, as well as mimic their voices and their mannerisms. Very useful in tricking someone that knows and cares about them. Unfortunately, he cannot use their powers.

Fix-Glitch Ray: A black beam, with a red outline that Shiva can fire from his fingertips. It is very strange, as it cannot harm living beings with code. But those that lack code can be effected, and when a codeless entity is hit with this Ray, they are wiped out and erased from existence. He can also use the Fix-Glitch Ray to control an entity that does not possess code.

Imperfect Cosmic Alteration: Training with Osiris has allowed Shiva to manipulate gravity. But he can only manipulate the gravity of the MainFrame itself, such as making people weightless, increasing gravity to make them heavy, etc.

MainFrame Beckoning: Shiva can summon 2 large hands that varies from the size of a mansion to the size of the underground from the Mainframe, allowing for a single attack. They also serve has extendable limbs for an attack.

Determination Swipe: His hand glows a deep red, his purple pattern turning red, as he sends a large swipe that erases everything in his path for up to 550m. It's can't be blocked, can travel 10m a second, and the attack must be dodged as quickly as possible.

Coded Traveling: Osiris taught him this technique, acting as his own form of teleportation.

Unnameable Tentacles: Like Error, Shiva has eyes on his right arm, reflecting on Error having Unnameable DNA, which is passed onto Shiva. Shiva can force the eyes on the right arm to sprout out tentacles and do whatever he desires with them. He usually uses those tentacles for stabbing, but when wrapped around a target, he can either shock them, stab them, or poison them.

Barbed Cables: Shiva can make barber cables appear out of his fingers and use them to attack whatever target that he desires. They also have a variety of colors, each with their own effects.

Purple Cables: Shiva can use these purple cables to sap and drain a person of their strength, in order to make them more weaker then before.

Lime Cables: These lime-green strings are used to make a person see their worst enemies before them, when in reality, their friends, and will try to kill them.

Blood Cables: These strings induce a feeling of being near the edge of death. When wrapped around their souls, the person will feel like they are dying. The effect ends when the cables are not around their soul. 

Grey Strings: These types of Cables don't do much, except that when they wrap around a person's soul, it will act like a sedative that sends a person to sleep.

Cheer Strings: Shiva can use these red-orange Cables are used to wrap around a person's soul, and make them see their happiest vision before their eyes, such as seeing their loves ones before their eyes. Thus is often used to lure a person into a trap that he has made.

Counter Combat: Shiva has an ability in which, when a person of combat comes before him, he will began to analyze the combat skills of an opponent in order to take countermeasure techniques to truly counter a person's combat skill. However, he can only do this against one person and this ability is useless against 2 or more people.

Energy Alteration: Shiva can alter any form of energy. For example, he can change kinetic energy into thermal energy.

Compaction Orb: Shiva has the ability to collect pieces of code and compact then into a ball. This is used to try and attack anyone that dares to get close to him. When hitting a target, Shiva can use the data as projectiles to piece into a target, and destroy a person's code, to the point where they are simply shredded and beyond repair, unable to heal and restore, their magic crippled and their life span drained to the point where they can live much more shorter. This is the answer to the Destruction Orb that Error can use.

Terror Barrage: Shiva can fire Terror Beams from the eyes of his right arm, and when hitting a target, the victim will die of pure fear if their will is weak enough and body as well. To those that survive, they will simply be stunned in place. Error showed and gives Shiva this attack by showing him the Astral Mother's Terror Beams, and injecting the Terror Traits into the eyes on the right arm.

Terror Aura: By using the Terror Traits that Error injected into him, Shiva is capable of creating a terrifying presence that can summon so much pressure that it can leave a person to be unconscious, giving them countless nightmares until he leaves, or he can simply leave them catatonic.

Mainframe Reality: Like Osiris, this is his most powerful ability, which the MainFrame Beast trained him in. Within a 1km range, Shiva can send any living being in that distance to a mainframe variant of the world, where everything is dark, dim, the only light being a dark blue Sun. This is completely parallel to the real world, yet the events that transpire in this world do not affect the real world. It is here that Shiva is in his only transformation, called G.A.M.M.A.R.U.N.E, in where he has complete control over the MainFrame version of the world that the target is sent in. If he were to kill them in this world, they lose all their magic supply in the real world, and carry a runic glyph carved into their arm. 9 carves, and then they die for good in the Mainframe Reality.


G.A.M.M.A.R.U.N.E: This is the only true transformation in Shiva's possession. It resembles the D.E.L.T.A.R.U.N.E that Osiris can use, except that he has eyes all over his skull, with glyphs surrounding all of the eyes. There are even Eyes and Glyphs on the red tentacles that he has, similar to when he was PoloError. He has complete control over reality in this form, yet due to how it's only bound to the Mainframe Reality, this gives him complete control over the Mainframe Reality. However, it does not allow for him to control the entities in it. Logic, Reality and Concept are all just words he can distort while in this form. Not only that, he has control over Time, Space, Physics, and Perception in this form as well, and can create anything he wants while in this transformation. If it is with both D.E.L.T.A.R.U.N.E and G.A.M.M.A.R.U.N.E, their powers can affect the Multiverses to an extent, though it will not be that impactful, but their radius will extend to everywhere in the Multiverse, and is able to pull other people into the MainFrame, even when that person is not a target for them to have.


Error: Shiva acts as the transformation of the PoloError to him, just as Osiris is the transformation to Error404 as Just404. Originally, Error was cautious of him. However, after gaining sentience and a consciousness of his own, no longer being instinctual, Error, while he does not trust him, does teach him some new stuff, and even give him the Terror Barrage.

Error404: Error404 is a little weary of Shiva, due to the damage that he had caused while as PoloError. Even though he became more conscious and sentient, Error404 still does not trust him, and only teaches him combat, mainly because Error himself is teaching him.

Osiris: Just as Error404 had taught Error as his mentor, Osiris became the Mentor to Shiva. They both get along extremely well, even though they are both a little bit unstable for beings that reside within the MainFrame, even teaching Shiva must of his abilities he currently has.

Exul: While Shiva has not met Exul, Osiris has told Shiva about him, being an entity that resides from within the Void, but he is not entirely right about the Mystery Man, simply based on the information that Osiris believes in.

Astral Mother: Shiva has not met the Astral Mother, but Error told Shiva everything about her and shows what she is like, and warns him to be careful with her, as well as avoid her as much as she can, should he be spotted by her. Shiva, seeing what the Astral Mother is like, and how powerful that she is, agrees to follow Error's instructions, but is very curious as to what she is like in person. But Shiva doesn't let curiosity overcome his judgement.

Ink: Shiva, due to being a part of Error, instantly does not like him, due to what he had become, and the fact that he does not like how corrupted he is, and what he has become. Ink, while having not met Shiva, has overheard about his existence through a conversation between Error and Error404, vows to hunt him down, no matter what, but has no idea where he is.

Loading: Another entity that resides in the MainFrame, due to being connected to Error, Loading had tried to erase Shiva, only to fail, due to being a MainFrame Being like Loading and Osiris are. And Shiva is able to force Loading away from him. However, this does not stop Loading from trying to do whatever that he can to try and kill him.


Shiva has Monophobia, and always tries to find any company. Having Osiris and Error in his life helps ease his phobia a little bit.

Shiva is stronger than Osiris, but is not as skillful as he is.

Shiva is more mentally unstable than Osiris. However, despite the insanity that Shiva has, he is surprisingly much more rational and more calm than Osiris.

Like Osiris, Shiva is not a skeleton, despite the fact that he is created by one.

Inherited from Error, Shiva's body can glitch, which Osiris has never been doing, even though Error404's body can glitch, which is very odd.

The first human that Shiva has met is an Outertale version of Frisk, and this is when he decided to explore the Multiverse. Too this day, he decides to visit Frisk now and then, simply because they're kind to him, becoming his first human friend. Plus, he wanted to see the stars, due to Error showing Shiva how beautiful the universe is when showing him a screen showing the stars.

Shiva does what he does for fun, but also does what he does to help Osiris with what he wants.

G.A.M.M.A.R.U.N.E and D.E.L.T.A.R.U.N.E together can be powerful enough to make an AU within the MainFrame, all on their own, made by only the MainFrame's Code. How powerful it will be, it is currently unknown, but it is possible it can rival Biotale's strength.

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