Polothorn Creator
Ever-Growing Protector
Date of Birth: April 15th
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Skellinkton
Gender: Male
Weight: 134 pounds
Height: 3'8
Eye Color: Red
I don't care what anybody says to me or thinks of me, I'll create whatever I want.-Ser
Ser is a version of Ink from an alternate Alphaverse, where Ink had taken in a piece of the God of the Unnameables, who's named Sol, and when he took a piece of its soul, he had became one of the most powerful and most dangerous versions of Sans in the many existing Multiverses.
Ser shares the same backstory as the version of Ink within the Alphaverse. Ink had always worked with Alpha!Sans since the beginning and aided him wherever he was needed and even still annoyed Error from time to time, but Ink has grown very unhappy with what has happened with him. He is a soulless entity that wants nothing more than to genuinely feel emotions, but as he destroyed his soul to escape his unfinished and abandoned AU, he felt like this is the life that he had to live in. Adding to this, Alpha and Ink has a very unstable relationship with each other, where the focus of being great is even greater them one's wellbeing, and due to the fact that Alpha had came from a dark and horrible home, Alpha had a tendency to be cruel and relentless when it came to his training to the point he even suggests Ink stop using vials entirely for they made him "Incapable to do his job", but as he has only a ghost to speak to, Alpha is the only thing that Ink can speak to that is similar to that of a parent.
But one fateful day, during an event involving the death of the Unnameable by the hands of Error and Error404, who had to fuse in order to stop it, at the cost of Error's life, Ink had been eavesdropping on Error404 at his hideout, and heard of an entity calling himself a God of the Unnameables, named Sol, who is said to have power that is able to constantly expand. When hearing thie, Ink became desperate. He is someone that always wanted to have a soul of his own. He just hopes that he is able to convince Sol to give him a piece of his soul for Ink to have in order to feel. So, he decides to find a way to get inside of where Sol resides in, and try to take a piece of his soul, so that he can gain emotions.
Thankfully, it is actually not that hard to do it, since the realm that Sol resides in, simply known as the Unisphere, can be accessed by anyone at anytime, and unlike other realms such as the Anti-Void and the Doodle Sphere, there is no restrictions in how to enter this place. And so, without any further hesitation, Ink used his Paintbrush to go and enter inside of the Unisphere.
When he went inside did the Unisphere, everything around him seemed to be a bit too....quiet. He does not know why, but for some reason, he feels like he is being watched ever where, like it is CORE Frisk, but it is much more scarier than ever before. Ink looks around to see where he is at, but he than noticed something that is wrong. As Ink looked around, he than felt something hat is opened behind him. He than turned around, and saw something that had made him jump a little bit. What is it that he saw that had made someone like Ink jump a little bit?
Simple, behind Ink, is nothing more than an eye. The largest eye that he had ever seen in his entire life. It is so large, that Ink feels like he is an ant that is sitting on top of a finger. And than, he than saw the eyes beginning to move far away, as Ink is looking at the area where there is now something coming out of the red mass. There are more eyes, and there are also mouths, as they are as sharp as a shark, and it seems to be a large wave of red blood flesh, as Ink looks very scared.
And than, before Ink knew it, something is about to come out of the red mass of flesh in the form of wha reappears to be a sea. First, large arms popped out, very far away from each other, as the hands are red with gnarly claws on them, and yet, the arms looked muscular in appearance. And than, another pair of arms erupted from the space between the 2 larger arms, as it than pushed downwards onto the mass of blood red flesh, as a head than popped out of the red flesh filled with eyes, teeth, and a mouth. The head has black horns, with no eyes on the face, but what is on the face is a nose shaped like that of a normal human male, and the teeth is razor sharp, almost similar to that of a shark, but much more sharper than that sort of creature. And than, the rest of the body came out of the red mass, as a torso erupted from the red flesh. The torso resembles that of a human, and is shown to be very muscular in appearance. And on the back of the entity, are a pair of golden wings, which. Is questionable as to why the entity has it, since he is already floating in the air, and thus does not need them, unless it is used as some tote of move that he can use which requires the assistance of needing the use the wings against the ones that are attacking him.
And at long last, who Ink had wanted to find had been revealed to him. The entity before his very eyes, this massive entity, it is none other than Sol himself, the God of the Unnameables himself, and he is in front of Ink. Of course, the God of the Unnameable ks not done. He is well aware and knows why Ink is here. He want ATK go to Sol so that he can give him a new soul of his own, so that he is able to feel emotions for the first time, and he wants it very genuinely. And, while Sol would like to do it, he has no idea what would happen. Last time he had done that, he had infused his essence, both his DNA and his Soul into Abyss, who turned into Mes, one of the most dangerous entities that have ever been created. And another time, with Sol even realizing it, an Error from a different Multiverse had tore off and consumed pieces of his flesh in order to grow more powerful than himself, and even has been able to connect himself to the TransVois, which had made him increase his power to unknown levels.
However, as Sol is well aware that Ink will stop at nothing to get a Soul, he complies, and he made a small piece of his soul appear before Ink's face, and Ink, without hesitation, took it. He took the Soul of the God of the Unnameable, or rather, a piece of his Soul, and absorbed it into himself, and for the first time, he had fine genuine emotions. But he wanted to take it to a much more greater level. Ink began to consume AUs, at first, the strongest and the most corrupted AUs. And than, as he became more and more powerful, Ink than began to consume the realizes that are beneath him. He began to do it in a similar process to Sol, except that it is by decision at what Realities he wants to consume. He grew more and more in power, and Ink began to rush at his much that he wants to consume more and more of the realities, and knowledge began to grow more and more, so much that Ink is now as knowledgeable as Sol is, being able to realize so many things, and all that sort of stuff. And it is than, that Ink began to realize about himself. He is no longer who he once was. He is now something much more greater. Something much more powerful. Deciding to discard his former identity, he now no longer calls himself Ink. Instead, he is now just known simply as...Ser.
Ink's appearance resembles that of who he usually acts, but with countless differences. For one thing, unlike Hollow!Ink, Ser's clothes are all red, with the exception of the scarf, which is black. Ser's bones are also colored red, with horns on top of his head, the same horns that Sol has. He lacks the Emotion Vials that he would usually have, and to finish off his appearance, his eyes are in the shape of red stars, just like Sol's eyes, and he has a wide smile on his face, as he also has sharp teeth inside of his mouth. The only thing that is left unchanged is the paint splatter that he has in his right cheek.
In contrast to Hollow!Ink, who is very chaotic, Ser does not act chaotic, and instead, just does his own stuff. However, like Hollow!Ink, he is cold and yet very emotional and expressive with all his more darker sides, ideas and nature all brought to the surface. However, while Hollow!Ink's ideals are simply much more darker, Ser's ideals are now straight up twisted. However, as Ser is in control of himself, he is able to act accordingly to what he wants to do. Like Sol, Ser is always aware and is never truly surprised by anything, He has a soft and very light tone, but unlike Sol, Ser is not serious and does not take anything seriously, as he acts on his own joyful amusement. While like Sol, he is well aware that he is not a truly existing person, and there is a reality above him, truth be told, he is well aware of it before having a soul, since he has spoke a lot with the creators a bunch of times in the last, already aware of this.
Brush: Ink's brush now is able to be messed with multiple ways, allowing for him to change its weight and its length if needed while still being able to use it.
Ink Blaster: he's able to summon his blaster from his ink, which shoots out blasts of Ink.
Consumption: Similar to another skeleton, Ser can absorb and devour other Aus or individuals adding to his own strength. He's even grown powerful enough to make himself stronger than Sol.
Flight: With the new soul, Ser is able to fly around.
Body Manipulation: With the new soul, Ser can change his entire body and do just about anything with it
Unnameable Creativity: Ser is very creative and is capable of using anything to his advantage, and can even turn the fabric of reality onto whatever creation that he wants.
Knowledge Assimilation: Ser's mind has a strange ability to collect information from people and objects around him just by being in his presence. For an example, little by little, he can learning about a person's history, personality, and desires, simply just by talking to them.
Omniversal Telepathy: Ser had the ability to use his telepathy in order to communicate with anyone within the many Multiverses that exist out in all of creation.
Counterpart Possession: Ser has the power to transfer his consciousness into a version of himself in order to possess them. However, to do this, he needs the the permission of his counterparts in order to take control of them. It is unknown what happens if he does take control of them forcefully, although it is said there is a consequence in doing stuff like this.
Power Transference: Ser, whenever he possesses someone, is able to transfer some of his strength and his abilities into his counterparts in order to use them when interacting with the Multiverse that he is deciding to interact. However, he cannot use all of his powers when he is inside of a vessel, due to some of the Ink's having physical bodies and are unable to change their bodies into whatever they want to change it into. The only ones that are able to allow Ser to use all of his powers, are versions of Ink that can manipulate their bodies, such as Vantablack or Holloe!Ink, or any versions of Hollow!Ink.
Duplication: Ser has the power to clone himself, and while the clone is powerful with it's attacks, it is not powerful when it comes to durability.
Multiversal Script: Uniquely to Ser, he has a bunch of papers with him that is similar to the Script Reading back in the Doodle Sphere, except that it talks about the Multiverse as a whole and what it is fated to be. This allows Ink to have an advantage to know what the threat is in order to try and stop it.
Untethered Strength: Ser possesses strength that is nearly unmatched, and can even cause Sol pain. Only Ido and Mes are able to rival Ink in his strength.
Incalculable Speed: Ser is now much faster than he once was, giving even Ido even more huge trouble attempting to catch him, and has been able to go to the center of the Multiverse in a matter of minutes.
Unhallowed Presence: Ser can make his presence so terrifying that even Error404 flees from him. Only Sol and anyone stronger can resist it.
Unmanageable Psyche: Due to Ser's newfound soul, his mind is no longer bound to psyche of the Multiverse as a whole, now having made his own psyche, and thus, he's impossible to manipulate in any sort of way.
Sol's SOUL: A piece of the soul of the Unnameable, it is the toughest Soul in all of the 10 realities, surpassing most Conduits, and is virtually nearly impossible to break. Only those with the souls and the powers of conduits are able to cause any damage to the Soul itself.
Color Manipulation: Ink's able to give things color or take the color away from things with his Paintbrush.
Ink Morphing/Body: Ink has the ability to be able to morph and change himself into Ink at will and can use this to dodge certain attacks.
Artistry Gun: Ink can fire a ray of paint that is capable of creating a bunch of Multiverses within a 125 light-year radius, and even allows them to be recreated in what we use that they want.
Mind Wipe: Teaching from Alpha allows Ser the ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of him, making them forget that he exists, which allows Ink to be able to cover his tracks and make people not notice him. And unlike Redemptive!Ink, he can erase memories, regardless of how long it has been.
Dimensional Manipulation: Ser can create, shape and manipulate dimensions, or at the very least dimensional barriers, alternate "spaces" often filled with other worlds, which collectively tend to make up multi/omniverses. this also includes manipulation and linking to alternate dimensions and dimensional energy to achieve a variety of feats, such as teleportation, portal generation, and pocket dimension creation.
Multiverse Creation: Ser is able to create an entire Multiverse with his powers, and does not have a limit on what he is capable of.
Transvoid Gateway: Ser is capable of contorting his body into a large mass of shapes as he continues to grow endlessly. If he were to ever sink someone into the mass of which is his body, they'll be transported to the Transvoid where the monstrous beings and entities would most likely give you a fate worse than death itself.
ABOMINATINK: The Abominatink is Ser's being-like form, which grands him ever-expanding power for a limited amount of time, which lasts between 4-8 Minutes. The Abominatink is incredibly powerful and obliterates anything in its path, and can destroy absolutely anything it wants, but the form is almost never in Ink's control for this is truly Ink at his worst.
Orb of Hollow Erasure: Ser is able to use a fraction of Sol's power in order to summon an orb that can be fired from his mouth, having a gravitational pull strong enough to suck in hundreds of Multiverses, bringing them to the orb and erasing them. Whine at the exact same time, Ser becomes stronger when a lot of the Multiverses are sucked in.
Sol: The entity that gave Ink a new soul, Ink owes a lot of Sol, and thus became friends with him, even it is one-sided to an extent. Sol, in return, does not care what Ink think and tolerates his existence, but is a little bit weary of how Ink became powerful enough to grow in strength enough to consume Realities and became stronger than him.
Ido: A version of Error where he became a Polothorn by consuming Sol's flesh and connecting to the TransVoid, Ser and Ido are rivals, but do have some friendly talk.
Mes: A version of Abyss where he had been infused with both the DNA and soul of Sol, Mes is the only one that is stronger than Sol. However, even though he is not happy with the fact that Mes surpasses Sol, due to the fact that he protects Existence, he and Mes are very good friends to hang around. How we, Mes is suspicious around Ser, due to how he is a version of Ink, and thus, is very suspicious os trusting him.
CORE: Ser is an ally of CORE, to an extent, However, ever since becoming the way that he is, Core cannot allow him to enter, due to how dangerous he has become, but does visit him from time to time. Despite all of this, Ink does not bare any sort of ill-will to Core, for he understands their reasons.
Dream: Ser, when he was still Ink, always liked Dream, and although he is a not very good friend to be with, due to Ink caring more about the AUs than he cared about the people, he still cared for his friend, regardless. However, Ser does not like what had become of a version of him known as Dead!Draam, and thus considers him to not be like the Dream that he knows of, as the Dream that he knows of would never be this ruthless and do something bad as forcing Ink to be with Vape, who is evil.
Ser and Mes are extremely friendly to one another, even if Mes is a little bit suspicious of him.
Ser and Ido are not very friendly to each other, due to the fact that Ido is a version of Error while Ser is a version of Ink, one of them being a destroyer of the AUs and the other being a Creator and Protector of the AUs, making them much more fiercer rivals than their normal, original selves.
Ser has the ability to create anything that he wants, using his Paintbrush. However, because he has a piece of the God of the Unnameable's Soul, his creations tend to be a little freaky and disgusting.
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