Roaring Potentiality, Lykoi Themis
Conduit of Verve and Porosity
Daughter of Darkness
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Conduit/Abomination
Gender: Female
Height: 6'10
Weight: Unknown
Hair: Grey
Eyes: Red
You have caused way too much trouble for all of the Conduits, as well as the innocent, Lycan Geri. Seems it's fitting that I serve my role in order to bring you down-Lyoko Themis.
Lykoi Themis, also known as the Conduit of Verve and Porosity, is a Conduit that was unintentionally born with the purpose of stopping Lycan Geri, the Forbidden Conduit of Vigor and Solidity, and is made to be his main opponent in trying to keep him in line and not make him go out of control.
Born from a female Abomination having raped and violated the Conduit of Darkness, Lykoi Themis, just like Lycan Geri, was born a monster at birth, having the appearance of a Feline, resembling a Liger, a hybrid of a tiger and a lion. But unlike Lycan Geri, as the other Conduits were able to find her the moment that she was born, she lived a very happy and fulfilling life, with the Conduit of Life being there for her as her adoptive parent. Growing up with the kindest of the Conduits, she also bonded with her sibling, the Conduit of Liminality, as well as her half-sister, Purification. Lykoi Themis loved them deeply, even if she is not related to them by blood, and does all that she can to make them happy in return whenever that they are feeling down.
Lykoi Themis, however, would eventually learn of her power, when Lycan Geri attacked the Conduits. On that day, Lycan Geri got into a very bad scuffle with the other Conduits, with Purification and Liminality also involved in the fight. During this time, Lycan Geri used his howl to manipulate Casuality, which allowed him to win against the Conduits battling him, but he didn't kill them yet. Then he goes to Life and Lykoi Themis, who he tries to attack. But something unexpected happened with Lykoi Themis. Without it warning and in an instinct of fear, Lykoi Themis roared, and it caused him to suddenly become defeated himself, and the Conduits are back on their feet, although still wounded by Lycan Geri, who then fled as fast as he could. Everyone was stunned, but Knowledge figured out what had happened. Lykoi Themis, with her roar alone, was able to manipulate Potentiality, or manipulate 'what might be' that happens in the future, which makes her a perfect opponent for Lycan Geri, for the Cycle granted her this power upon her birth. Deciding to help her control this power, they decided to help train her into becoming skilled and strong enough to fight against Lycan Geri, and thankfully, the Conduits of War and Conquest are there to help her with this.
It was a bit of a difficult task for her, especially since she is still a child at the time. But with encouraging from Life and Purification, she was able to get the hang of it. And the weapon of choice that she has in order to face against Lycan Geri, she decided to use a Naginata, which was made specifically for her, that she calls Raigā. It was a bit difficult for her at first, especially with a weapon like that, but she eventually is able to get the hang of it. She became a very powerful Conduit in her own right, and her power over Potentiality gives her what she needs in order to face off against Lycan Geri, as well as what she needs in order to put him down.
Eventually, they would meet once again, this time when she is an adult and is properly trained in fighting, mainly thanks to War's familiarity with the Naginata, as well as help from the Conduits being able to aid her in practicing her power over Potentiality. The battle between them was fought both fiercely and violently, but eventually, Lykoi Themis was able to win against Lycan Geri, and is prepared to kill hon. But the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption came in to try and kill her. Luckily, like Lycan Geri, she is unable to be affected by his power to kill those in proximity to him, but she has trouble fighting against him, allowing Lycan Geri to escape. But she held the battle long enough for the Conduit of Purification to swoop in and save her in the nick of time. Purification and Corruption would later fight against one another, eventually being able to force Corruption to flee, due to being too injured by Purification, adding to Lykoi Themis having caused him some injuries that slowed him down a little bit.
Still, although she managed to survive Corruption thanks to Purification coming to her aid, it didn't change for fact that Lycan Geri fled and is still out there, causing who knows how many bad deeds. But Lykoi Themis is not afraid, nor is she going to simply wait and let this happen. In fact, she is going to do whatever it takes, anything in her power, to make sure that Lycan Geri is stopped at any sort of cost, for the sake of those that she loves, and for those that care about her.
Lykoi Themis is shown to be a tall humanoid animal resembling a Liger, a hybrid of a Tiger and a Lion, with grey fur and red eyes and is shown wearing what seems to be a sort of shrine-maiden outfit of some sort, and is often shown holding her Naginata, Raigā, which is shown to have a darn brown handle and a black blade that seems to 'glow' darkness. The hilt looks like it is made of plants or wood from a tree trunk.
As a being meant to be the opposite of Lycan Geri, Lykoi Themis is soft type of person that is very kind and goes along with other people, and as she is raised by Life, she cares deeply for her adoptive family.
Roaring Potentiality: Meant to counter the power of Lycan Geri's Howling Causality, Lykoi Themis has the power to control potential fates with a roar.
Raigā: A Naginata made specifically for her, this weapon is made to counter the power and might of Lycan Geri's Greatsword, Ōkami.
Conduit of Darkness: The true father of Lykoi Themis, she has never met him when she was a young child, due to the fact that Life and Purification makes sure that she does not meet him until she is an adult. But they do talk about him and his involvement with Life, mainly leading to the birth of the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption. When she became an adult, she was able to learn that the Conduit of Darkness is her blood father, which makes her the half-brother of Corruption, Lykoi Themis was not very pleased and makes it very clear that Life is her only parent.
Conduit of Life: The adoptive mother of Lykoi Themis, she raised her to the best of her ability and does all that she can for her in order to give her a good life. Lykoi Themis, in turn, loves her deeply and thinks of her as a mother she always wanted, and is distressed when O'Brien killed her.
4 Conduit Horsemen: The Conduits of Death, War, Conquest, and Famine, they initially didn't like her much due to her relations with Darkness, mainly being a bloodline of his. But even so, they still were willing to teach her to be a Conduit, since they follow the old Conduit traditions, and the fact that she is not a Forbidden Conduit. She only began to gain her trust when she goes against her half-brother, Corruption, and they began to truly accept her as one of their own.
Howling Casuality, Lycan Geri: The main opponent for Lykoi Themis, both her and Lycan Geri met when she was still a child and Lycan Geri was still an adult, where Lykoi Themis was able to use her roar to defeat him, since it manipulates potential fates that might happen, which forced him to flee. They meet again, and this time, Lycan Geri and Lykoi Themis are ready for one another, as they fought against each other. Despite this, Lykoi Themis was able to win due to being properly trained by the Conduits, but Lycan Geri fled, because of Corruption deciding to instigate a fight against her. Lykoi Themis vows to kill hon when she gets her hands on him.
Forbidden Conduit of Corruption: The half-brother of Lykoi Themis, as well as the son of Life and Darkness, their father, she has only heard of him when she was a child, but was unaware of him being her half-brother until she became an adult, which made her aware as to why the Conduits don't trust her. This feeling became worse at full force when Corruption caught her by surprise and attacked her after she fought against Lycan Geri and won. She was able to hold her ground against Corruption, but she was tired from the fight and would have died from her had Purification not have saved her. Nowadays, she does all that she can to avoid him.
Conduit of Purification: The daughter of Radiance and Death, Purification and Lykoi Themis got along very well with each other growing up, with Lykoi Themis thinking of her as sister she never had, the feeling being mutual on Purification's end, as she sees Lykoi Themis as a sister of her own.
Conduit of Liminality: The child of Life and Death, the Conduit of Liminality and Lykoi Themis got along well, as she was present when Lykoi Themis was growing up, although they've never met when Lykoi Themis was young due to being busy as a Conduit. They would eventually meet after the battle with Lycan Geri and Corruption, and they were able to get along on the right hook.
Conduit of Passion, O'Brien: The killer of Life, she was incensed with what O'Brien had done with Life, but Nolan was able to get to him first to beat him too a pulp. Now that he had come back as Sol, Lykoi Themis vows to kill him.
Conduit of Ambition, Nolan: O'Brien's former best friend, Nolan and Lykoi Themis got along well, although Nolan was very saddened and distressed at his failure to save life, but Lykoi Themis did not blame him for what has happened.
Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, Merus: Lykoi Themis met when he was almost about to be kidnapped by Lycan Geri again. As she is raised by Life, Lykoi Themis doesn't discriminate against both the Forbidden and the Bio-Conduits. Thanks to that, she got along very well with Merus.
Her Abomination parent is a little bit stronger than the one that Lycan Geri has, which explains how she can hold her ground against him in the first place, and why she is as strong in the first place.
Like Lycan Geri, Lykoi Themis' verve is immensely great, allowing her to be in the presence of Corruption and not die. Her Porosity allows her to manipulate her state of physicality, allowing her to change into a state similar to air or water, that would make her normally untouchable and hurt by normal means. The only objects that can injure and kill one another are their weapons: Lycan Geri's Greatsword, Ōkami, and Lykoi Themis' Naginata, Raigā.
Lykoi Themis does not consider Darkness to be her father, due to the fact that he had lead to the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption existing. She instead considers Life to be her parent, since she is a very good person to her, as well as the fact that she taught her to have morals. So the relationship between Darkness and Lykoi Themis is not good.
Lykoi Themis does not discriminate against the Bio-Conduits and the Forbidden Conduits, and is instead very accepting of them and treats them like equals, which is thanks to the Conduit of Life, due to how she was able to raise her at least to those that are not evil. The ones that she is able to get along with is Prism, the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, and Muse, the Forbidden Conduit of Music.
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