Righteous!Error (Forced God of Destruction)


God of Destruction
Forced God of Destruction
The Balancer
He Who Watches
Anger Management Mascot
Destructive Defender

Date of Birth: 4th April, XXXX

Place of Birth: Anti-Void

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Eye Color: Blue, Yellow, White.

No longer will I be a destroyer of AUs, nor will I have Fate control me. Now, it is time to time to forge my own Destiny, by protecting the AUs.-Righteous!Error

This version of Error has the past of FGoD Error, where he is taken from his AU and controlled by a Multiversal entity named Fate. But after becoming Error404's apprentice, and being reborn as a Polothorn, Error became free from Fate's strings, and now forges his destiny, while also works to stop Ink, who had become corrupted.


The multiverse started out with only one universe, that being UnderTale, but unbeknown to Fate, there existed a second AU that formed on its own, called Alphatale, which had been destroyed before Fate could see it. Finding it too empty, Fate created her "true child", Ink, to fill the emptiness. She whispered to him lovingly, telling him that there was limited space and he could create, but only up to that limit if he didn't want the multiverse to collapse. When he ignored, forgot, or didn't hear her warning, he went on a creating spree, filling the multiverse to a dangerous point.

When too many universes exist at once, they get crammed together in the limited space of the multiverse and continue growing until the eventually bump into each other and pop. Like bubbles in a container. Fate adores Ink, and fails to reach him or to make him stop his behavior. And so, Fate decides to come up with a solution. Looking at Aftertale, an Alternate Timeline version of Undertale, she sees Geno, who is doing a DT experiment, and seeing that he is about to back down from it, Fate controlled Geno, and made him commit a big mistake, which sends him to the Anti-Void. Learning from her mistake, she began to scream his purpose into him, which drove Geno mad. He held his head, as he tries to block and learn the screams, only to become more and more louder, and than...after so long...the Anti-Void, along with Fate's own screaming, began to change and corrupt Geno's entire existence. His bones began to turn black, his right eye socket began to heal, his eye sockets began to show blue tear-like markings coming down, with Geno, beginning to glitch from 2 corruptions invading. And on that day, Geno had erased from existence. On that day...came the God of Destruction. The god, having lost his identity, tries to make a name for himself...and seeing the signs all over his body...he decides in what his name will be...Error.

On that day forth, Error was forced to destroy. While he did his purpose, having successfully destroyed just enough universes to make it half empty, he does not like what has happened to himself. In fact, all he ever wanted, was to live his own life, and Fate took it away. While he does not remember who he once was, he does know that Fate turned him into something that he does not want to be. From that day on, he is forced to fight Ink and his allies, and than, he is forced to fight the very Multiverse that he is trying to save. His body would give in and break, but he would never die. And at this point...Error couldn't take it anymore, and did not want to continue on. He just wants to be free and live his own life, and try to return home again. But Fate kept her grip on him, and thus, it became clear to Error. No matter what he does, he can never escape the Fate that he is in. And thus, he resigned to this Fate, but still dreams of finally being free from this.

Finally...after so long...who he would meet...finally came. The name of the skeleton is...Error404, the first being that he had ever seen to be stronger, than Fate herself. At first reaction, Error404 came off as an Error that done what Error wanted to do far better. However, as the two then got to know eachother more and more, he soon realised that Error404 too had been attempting to make a name of himself, and he himself has suffered from loneliness. Despite the others immense power, he was as emotionally fragile as a piece of brittle glass. Eventually, Error had taken himself to be the apprentice of Error404. From that day on, he began to learn of Alphatale, the first AU to ever be created, as well as the most powerful. He would help Error404 in rebuilding Alphatale, and in return, Error404 would help him break free from Fate's control. He learned some new strings for Error404, and he even made his own version of the God Ray, and he practiced on its power for as much as he can, practicing it against Error404's God Ray, until it became powerful enough on its own, but has not reached the level to match the God Ray. For at this time, it is at Competent Level.

And from that day on...Error would be involved with entities far beyond his grasp. Creatures far beyond Fate's power, and are able to do what she and Ink cannot do. And one of them...ended up being Error's undoing. An entity from a group of species called the Unnameables, entered into the Multiverse to try and consume it. But Error and Error404 merged, and destroyed the entity. However, the transformation was too powerful for Error to handle, and thus...while Error404 lived...Error himself...was lost. His Immorality not able to save him from this transformation, for the power of the transformation surpassed the immorality at its limit. Fate became enraged, that Error had to die, and thus, had to find a candidate to become a new God of Destruction, in order for them to take Error's place.

But while the Unnameable was vanquished, it began to make a biome with its own body, and Ink...in the presence of the tree, communicated and spoke to it, before giving Ink a new soul. Ink, wanting to have feelings for so long...took it, and in the process, became a hollow shell of his former self. And Fate, witnessing her child being turned, shrieked and cried in grief and despair, at having to lose her favorite son. But unbeknownst to Ink...there was someone inside of the tree. Within it...laid someone who was lost. It is none other than Error, who was revived and reborn within tree, his soul still intact, with the essence of the Unnameable within his body, and the state was clearly shown, with eyes all over the destroyer's right arm, and Error had gained power that not even he himself could imagine. And Error heard Fate's cries of grief and agony within his slumber, and broke free from the tree, and unbeknownst to Error, when he was reborn into what he is now, Fate's strings have been snipped from him, meaning that he is now able to achieve his newfound freedom. And during this time, Error and Ink fought, both having grown powerful due to the Unnameable. But Ink had to leave, and the tree fell into a dimension that Error404 was connected to. Error and Error404 reunited, and they are both happy to see each other again.

Error and Ink battled in the Omega Timeline, with Error even protecting some of the denizens of the Omega Timeline without hesitation. And during this, Another!Sans appeared and both fought against Ink, with Error even mocking him for being Fate's favorite child, and for his disregard for the Multiverse, before calling him the most hypocritical and most pathetic protector of all time. This made Ink so enraged that he became the Inkmation, and fired his Orb of Utter Destruction to try and kill Error. But Error, not wanting to see the AUs destroyed made a very large, portal and sends it into the Void. And than, Omnipotent came, and forced Ink out, but after seeing the fact that Error had protected the Omega Timeline with all of his being and saved it from total destruction, as well as the AUs that the Orb could have destroyed, this made everyone see Error as a real defender, but Error shoots this down, claiming that he is no hero, and admits that Ink is likely going to consume AUs to try and kill him. And Error admits that, unfortunately, he'll need to do the same if he wants to surpass and stop Error, but claims that he will only go after the AUs that do not have any life in it, such as the Genocide Timeline, and that is all he'll target, but he will bring some survivors into the Omega Timeline for Core to have.

Although the denizens of the Omega Timeline aren't happy, they know he means well, and he even kept his word, as he only went after Genocide Timelinea to make himself stronger, and does being survivors into the Omega Timeline, which Error now has a dead to, due to Core recognizing him as good and allowing him to visit it at any time that he wants.

But Error still needs help in practicing his powers that he gained from the Unnameable, now that he has became a Polothorn, and thus, Error404 helped him train in it, becoming more stronger as he practiced and gaining some new skills along the way. And in turn, this made Error more and more of a match for Ink, he was before slightly stronger than Error when he gained his Unnameable Soul, and so, from here on, Error and Ink are forever battling each other.


Originally, Error resembles his original self, having a coat and scarf, but as he is a version of Error where he is forced to become a destroyer, he is shown to have cracks all over his body, as well as ashy bones, due to lack of self care.

But after his resurrection and rebirth as a Polothorn, Error is now far more different, and now has a very strong resemblance to Righteous!Error, so much that they are both indistinguishable from one another, looking exactly the same. His clothing had taken a bit of a change, as Error now wears a simple red shirt over a large, white overcoat that travels all the way down to his black shorts with blue stripes at the front. The white overcoat possesses a strange set of eyes, latched directly onto the overcoat. He wears a sky blue scarf over his neck, commonly curled over his neck. And due to being reborn from the tree, the cracks that Error originally had all over his body have been fixed, his body repaired, and thus, he looks as good as new, and now the Ashy Black Bones became a part of his body, now becoming his new 'skin.'


True to his past as being the Forced Destroyer, Error is both physically and mentally strong. He is a being of immense willpower, as even though he is constantly filled with pain, he is able to deal with it and continue fighting. Like then original FGoD Error, he has is known to be socially awkward, but due to meeting Error404, he has began to fix that problem, as he became more and more social and more and more careful with how he speaks his words. In his time with Error!404, he had come to take some notes of the way he spoke and his behavior, and can make adjustments and changes in how he can act towards people, as well as try and deduce what a person can cherish and care for the most. Because of this, Error is an excellent manipulator, both by faking his real emotions so people do not suspect him, and by convincing others to join his side by using what or who they love and cherish to make them give a reason to join them, although he won't threaten them.

Error likes to remain serious in all occasions that are not battle. Stern, strict and always having a desire to stick into control, he always keeps silent unless he needs to speak. He prefers to talk with actions far more, after all. In battle, Error is shown to act flourishing, calling out names, insults, whatever he can think of. But this is not out of cockiness, as he simply fakes this part. In truth, he does not dare underestimate any opponents, and simply use this part of himself to make the opponent more frustrated, just to give Error an advantage. He is also a very strategic thinker, as is able to learn and adapt to a person's powers and their personality flaws that Error can utilize to his desire, so that it gives him more of an advantage against the opponent.

And ever since he became reborn and obtained his freedom from Fate's control, Error now no longer does his job, and instead, makes it his personal job to stop Ink, due to the AUs that he is destroying, many of them that Ink has consumed has lives present inside of it, and now defends the AUs and keeps them safe by bringing the pages to the Omega Timeline. Although Error does now absorb AUs as well, this is only the Genocide AUs that do not have any life present, minus the human that is committing Genocide, and if there is an innocent life, he will send that to the Omega Timeline right away, so that he can absorb it without worrying absorb lives present there, minus the Genocidal Human. He is also very selfless in his life, putting his own life before the others to keep them safe, and is very considerate with the consequences of his actions, and will think of what he must do, consider the possibilities of what will happen, before deciding to whether do it or not. But despite this, he is willing to continue to persevere and continue to keep going, and is someone that will help innocent lives and refuse to ruin them anymore. Thus, he always directs Error404 to an AU that will not ruin the lives of the innocent, unless they are very awful people, in which case will let Error404 go into their AU and ruin their ending.

Although Error is very kind and selfless, Error, when pushed, is also very ruthless and violent. He is able to keep his anger under control. He will keep a blank expression on his face, but that will not stop him from tearing a person to bits. And unlike Error404, who can lash out at times, Error is perfectly and completely in control of his emotions, not letting it blind him.


Strings: Error has many strings at his grasp, each being used for different purposes.

Blue Strings: Error's usual set of strings. These are used specifically for the purpose of draining data and code from Alternate Universes. From excessive training with Error!404, he then discovered the ability to siphon data from entities with SOUL's, as well, allowing him to restrict mana, defence, health and energy.

Red Strings: These strings are boiling hot to the touch, infused with slight determination from Error's past as Geno. This will cause surging pain through humans and monsters alike, being a viable torture method. Error, after a long time practicing, is now able to inflict both physical damage and mental damage, with the damaging resembling burn marks in the sharps of the strings.

Green Strings: These strings are used in correlation with the blue strings, using extracted statistics to also infuse them into other entities. This is essentially a method of healing. Practice has allowed Error to simply use his Green Strings to drain a person's stats into himself without the blue strings, and now only uses the previous method on those that he sees as his allies.

White Strings: These strings simply function as normal strings. Nothing else to them. Error commonly uses them to trap others up, alongside even doing the odd limb removal.

Illusory Strings: Strings that Error had discovered inevitably through hard work with Error!404. These strings allow themselves to burrow into one's SOUL, gaining the ability to alter their perception, hearing and senses, allowing Error to make hallucinations of what they are seeing, that Error wants them to see before their eyes. They are commonly black in colour, although they turn into a rainbow colour once inflicting another's SOUL.

Unnameable Blasters: Error can cast blaster that looks like a fusion between Newborn Unnameables, possessing the traits of Myriad and the Error Blaster, with the skulls dark blue, having Myriad's single eye, and having tendrils with eyes replacing the spikes at the back of the skulls. These instantly shoot through anything, and due to training with Error404, combined with his rebirth as a Polothorn, the Error Blasters now have a limitless range, now capable of destroying and erasing anything that they hit.

Glitch Ray: Essentially a Proficient God Ray that Error named "Glitch Ray" to sound special, this works as you'd expect. However, unlike God Ray, this ray is a consistent beam instead of a simple fire. Unlike the original Righteous' Glitch Ray, as he unleashed this power before becoming a Polothorn and practiced with Error404 on it, it is now far more stronger, and is also a far more larger and more power blast than even the God Ray itself.

Glitch Ray First Shot: Error fires a Glitch Ray at the target and corrupts their code, in order to control them. This will show by them gaining mismatched color, and glitching similar to Error, and will follow Error's command without question. He can deactivate this effect whenever he wishes to. However, Error is able to change this and affect even entities without code by infusing his Glitch Ray with Cosmic Essence, in order to induce the same affect.

Glitch Ray Second Shot: the Glitch Ray shoots a target and erased them from existence, regardless if the target had code or not, and with the second shot, Error can detonate 7 AUs at the same time in just one single fire, needing only to fire at one, which will than make 6 other AUs being pulled towards the AU that Error has fired.

Gen: A trick that Error has learned from the Astral Mother when he saw her use that ability, Error is able to eliminate and delete pieces of code that had been replicated more than once.

Pixel Manipulation: Due to Error's power being code-based, he is able to form pixel portals into AUs and to the Anti-Void. Practice with Error404 now allows Error to form things out of any physical material. 

Flight: Practice with Error404 has allowed Error to fly, thanks to his status as a Polothorn, and is just as fast as Ink when he flies.

Eyes of The Overseer: Error possesses a line of eyes over his right arm, which he gained when he was reborn into a Polothorn, which is covered by his sleeve that is also covered in eyes, although only to cover up the actual ones that he has.

Polothorn Tentacles: Error can make tentacles burst from the eyes of his right arm, which wraps around the target and ensnares them. And he can use this to either crush them to death, or simply to trap and strangle them, but keep them alive in order to torture them, possibly as a method of interrogation. It is also able to breach through defenses without effort. He can also use the Tentacles to move them in a certain position in order to make energy father in the middle of the number of Tentacles around the palm, and use it to make an orb that he can fire and suck in anything in its way, and sending it to a point of no existence. The orb is based on the Inkmation's Orb of Utter Destruction.

Cosmic Shock: Error is able to generate black electricity from his right arm, which can shock person so bad that lesser and weaker monsters die within just mere seconds. But godlike beings, such as Error404 and Ink, will not die, but will be forced to feel immense pain and torture from the electric shocks. The electric shocks are even powerful enough to crack and break bones, and is often used in tandem with the tentacles to create devastating pain.

Solar Flare: Error can use the eyes on his right arm to create a flash of blinding light that can blind a person, and even Ink can get disoriented by how blinding the light is. Error also uses this as a method of retreating, in order to disorientate and blind an opponent temporarily so that he can flee without further conflict.

Veritas' Eye: Error can reveal an eye on the palm of his right hand and hold it up to the person looking at it, which will force the one that looks into the eye to tell the truth, unable to break free from its power, until Error decides to stop. People affected will have their eyes resemble Error's left eye.

Polothorn Immortality: Error, back when he was cursed by Fate, is immortal, and thus cannot be killed by almost anything, such as being ripped in half, blown to bits, and being crushed to death, and is only killed due to the transformation of Error404 that Error fused with in order to kill the Unnameable. Now returning as a Polothorn, Error is unkillable by any known means, and even if his body is destroyed, he will come back, as if nothing happened. This is very similar to the immorality of TransVoid Beings, as they can return back from death as if nothing happened.

Unnameable Strength: Error, due to training with Error404 and becoming a Polothorn, gained monstrously powerful amounts of strength, enough to match Ink's Ungodly Strength.

MFTL+ Speed: Error has speeds so fast he can reach the center of the Multiverse in a matter of minutes to him showing feats of Infinte speed as shown from him standing in the absolute void a place vacant of everything.

Consumption: Error, after practicing with his powers, is able to learn to corrupt AU codes and absorb it into himself, in order to make himself permanently stronger than ever before. This is for the sole of purpose of keeping up with Ink, who uses his Consumption to make himself stronger. The drawback is that the assimilation takes longer than Ink's Consumption. He can also use his right arm to make tentacles in order to corrupt and absorb an AU that he is next to, along with the AU that he is in, which makes him more powerful by absorbing 2 AUs at the same time.

Negation: Error, due to his Polothorn Physiology, is now immune against the effects of buttons, such as RESET, OVERWRITE, and even King Multiverse's GAME OVER Button.

The Pledge: Error is somehow able to replicate the Oath of King Multiverse, except that he can bond people to others through speaking to them, instead of people speaking the Oath so that they are able to bond to King Multiverse. He needs to first put the palm of his hand on the surface of a person's
Body, and than, he speaks his Pledge. The Pledge is stated as this: "Through Torment and Healing, Through Death and Life, whether Blazing or Freezing, pleasant or grim, may you join me in the hardships that await you. May you serve, the God of Destruction, the Balancer of Existence."

Lessons in Devotion: For those that pledge loyalty to Error when he speaks his Pledge to them, they instantly connect to him through a SOUL Bond that Error has made. The Pledge is noticeable by a marking that is resembling an eye, due to Error branding the eye on the palm of his hand to the person that he is bonding himself to. This allows for him to control them and can command them to do whatever he wishes. But as Error does not enjoy enslaving people or turning them into servants of any sort, only having this power because he has to do it, he allows those he bonded with to roam free, and can even speak telepathically to them, as well as feel what the person that he's bonded to feels. Also, the Pledge also possesses the ability to make those bonded immortal, and even gift those that bond with  a small portion of his power to them, including some of his Polothorn powers. The amount of powers they gained and how strong they are is through the Pledge depends on the strength of the ones that have bonded to him. 


MYRIAD: Myriad is Error's Being-like form which he can access when Error is enraged very badly. Myriad consists of many eyes on top of a blue body, each part sprouting off like multiple limbs. Myriad has an unknown size, and is shown to be just as powerful as the Inkmation. All Myriad knows is destruction, this is perhaps because of Errors desire to be protected against all of the AUs and Fate that had dared harmed him all those years ago. Myriad, with its many eyes will look for anyone in its vicinity to destroy and kill. However, Error possesses much more control in this transformation than Ink when he uses his Inkmation form, due to Error's immensely strong will, and he continues to practice this power so that he can control it more easily.

Transvoid Gateway: An ability that Myraid doesn't fully control and is used randomly. When someone were to touch the physical body of Myriad, they would sink into his mass and they'll be transported to the Transvoid where the monstrous beings and entities would most likely give you a fate that is far worse then death. The only one that cannot be sunk and is immune to a power such as this, is Ink, due to the Unnameable Soul within him.

Conjoined Body: Myriad's entire body is that of a eternal consumption, allowing for him to absorb anyone and anything that makes contact with his body. Unlike the TransVoid Gateway, which sometimes switches from on and off, Conjoined Body is constantly activate, which is dangerous, as that means that he can consume the entire Multiverse if he is in this form while inside of it.

Glitch Eyes: More dangerous versions of the Glitch Ray, similar to the God Eyes of Just404, Glitch Eyes can fire and lock onto multiple targets, destroying them without effort. Once hit, the target's body and soul will be erased completely. They can even combine the countless Glitch Rays from the eyes, directing it the larger eye, in order to make a extremely large Glitch Eye, which will then fire a Blast so powerful that it can match the power of the Orb of Utter Destruction.

Eyes of Abaddon: If a group of people looks at the eyes that's all over Myriad's body, they will be frozen in pure terror, as they are reminded of the most tortuous experiences of their lives.

Cosmic Storm: An Upgraded version of Cosmic Shock, Myriad can summon Cosmic Clouds from the sly that can rain black lighting down on top of enemies. The black lighting is now strong enough to destroy groups of Universes in just a single strike.

Super Flare: Myriad, using his countless eyes, even the larger eye, is able to unleash a bright light so powerful that it is able to instantly burn anyone to death that dare get close to him. And even when a person is far away, the Super Flare is so bright that it's able to temporarily blind a person that looks at him. The Super Flare is also strong enough to burn nearby AUs to nothing but cinders.

DELETION: Deletion is a form of Error before he has gotten the Unnameable DNA. It is the result of Malware taking over the body of Error, due to Error being immortal, and thus, is able to handle the power of Malware, who is very strong. Extinction is very unhinged and violent, but is also very tactical and analytical when dealing with his opponents. When Malware controls Error, and becomes Deletion, Error's power is now far more stronger then before, as well as gaining some additional powers that make him outclass even Error404. He only used this form once.

Glitch Eyes: Deletion's Glitch Eyes work the same way as Just404's God Eyes, and is slightly weaker, but still has the same effect, and overpowers Error404's God Ray. It is outclassed by Myriad's Glitch Eyes.

No Soul, All Code: Using the strings from Error, Deletion is able to summon black tendrils worn a blue outline, in which he is able to completely take over the soul, code and mind of anyone it touches, allowing Deletion to command them like a puppet, while hes the mastermind. this mind control can last as long as Deletion wants so long as he is in control and conscious.

Deleting Aura: Amplified by Error's power to erase AUs, Deletion can use his own glitches to erase Multiverses, in order to make himself more stronger then before, starting in the AU that he is in, before spreading to the Multiverse he is in, and it goes on forever. This is able to amplify Error's power and now him stronger, allowing him to handle Malware's power more, even when Malware leaves Error.


Error404: In contrast to original Righteous!Error's relationship with Error404, where the both of them have a rather rough and unhappy relationship in the beginning, this version of Error has a far more stable relationship with Error404, due to sympathizing with his situation of loneliness and losing everything. Because of this, Error decides to become his apprentice and worked hard for Error404, and also to ensure that he is not alone. In turn, Error404 and Error had gained a father-son relationship with each other.

Fate: The Multiversal Goddess and the mother of Ink, Fate took Error when he was Geno and corrupted his very existence, and forced him to destroy and be hated against the AUs, which Fate shows no remorse for, only wanting to keep the Multiverse safe, and to have her favorite child stop, but also he happy. Because of this, Error hated Fate with every fiber of his, but did little to fight back against her, due to how strong he is. When Fate became consumed with grief and despair at Ink becoming corrupted by the Unnameable Soul, Error felt no sympathy for her whatsoever, and even mocked her while she is grieving for Ink, saying that it is her own fault for not having Ink stop in the first place.

Infected: The first destroyer, as well as the Conduit of Destruction, Error was originally scared of Infected, but due to his immorality, is unable to be turned into a Wisp, and while Error does fight him, he also tries to lure him away from the AU that Error404 is using, as well as running away at the same time. When he became a Polothorn, Error is now ready to fight against Infected, as he is now far more stronger than ever before.

Destiny: The sister of Fate, as well as the one that guided Error throughout his journey for freedom, when they both met and Destiny revealed what she had done for him, Error felt relieved that there was someone that cared for him this whole time, and thus, sees Destiny as a mother figure.

Hollow!Ink: Error hates Ink, due to the fact that he is very ignorant of the balance and the fact that he is the reason Error became the way he is through Fate's ruthless manipulations. And Ink, having turned into a vessel for the Unnameable and consuming people, made Error's hatred against Ink more greater and more personal.

Alpha: Error does have somewhat a good opinion on Alpha, due to the way he trains Ink with cruelty and calling him a terrible excuse of a protector, which made Ink chuckle a little bit, as to him, Ink deserved it. When Alpha acted cruel to Error404, however, Error punched him for this act, although he does save him from his brother, Infected, when he is about to crush his Conduit Soul. So their relationship is neutral as of now.

King Multiverse: As Error workers with Error404 to make King Multiverse, Error does not have a good relationship with him, and is unable to bond with him, due to Fate's control over him. But despite this, he forces Ink to read his oath and be bonded to King Multiverse, as revenge against Fate. But as he is now a Polothorn, he cannot be affected by King Multiverse's oath, in in turn, makes him the only version of Error that has not read the oath from King Multiverse himself.

100: Error has met the older brother of Error404, and due to his monstrous and rage-blinding behavior, Error had to fight against him. Error has been able to stop his rampages, and even force him into his Samson form, although he always comes back battered and beaten, but not at near-death, due to his immorality. This makes 100 hate Error and desires to kill him, just a much as he wants to kill Error404.

The Astral Mother: The mother of Error404 and Alpha, Error hates The Astral Mother, due to her behavior towards her children, as her remorseless behavior reminds him of Fate, and thus, works together with Error404 to kill her. Although the Astral Mother hates Error, she is also weary of him, due to Error's Polothorn status, and has the potential to outclass her, if it were to ever happen. Because of this, she makes it a top priority to try and remove his immorality so that he can kill him, although there is currently no way available for that to be the case.

Loading: A fail-safe entity of the MainFrame, which Error404 connected to, Loading and Error have fought before, but Error, due to being now much more stronger than Error404, held his ground against Loading a bit more easily than Error494, but still waited until Error404 came back to fight against him.

Ten No Kami: The Polothorn Daughter of MalesGrow, a TransVoid being in the form of a giant single red-eyed black squid, Error hates Ten No Kami, due to using Error404 has a puppet, reminding him of the fact that Fate once did the same to him. Because of this, he makes it his person mission to try and sever Ten No Kami's strings from Error404, so that he can be free. Ten No Kami, on the other hand, has a toxic sense of attraction to Error, and desires to have him all for herself. Ten No Kami's desire to make Error her puppet, but not simply to control him, but to keep him all for herself.

Core!Frisk: The owner of the Omega Timeline, they, originally, saw Error as a threat. But when Error404 revealed what Error is truly and what he had been through after his sacrifice, Core felt ashamed of their opinion on Error, now wishing to have treated him better. After Error came back, Error forgave Core easily, due to understanding that Ink made them believe as such, and does not blame her in any sort of way. Now Error protects the Omega Timeline and beings in new survivors to ensure that Ink does not get their hands on them, due to Core now preventing Ink from entering the Omega Timeline.

Abyss!Sans: Abyss and Error have met when Abyss landed on top of Error, although this is FGoD Error, the relationship between the both of them is not as enemies, but as friends, and Abyss sympathizes with Error, due to being controlled and enslaved by a powerful Goddess. Error, thankfully, made sure that Error404 does not know of this, and is able to hide this fact very well.

Cyan: A successor of both Error and Ink, when Ink became corrupted by the Unnameable, Error took Error404 to the Omega Timeline to keep him safe, and does help him practice with his powers. Cyan and Error have a very close bond with each other. Error has also bonded Cyan through his Pledge, so that he will know if something bad will happen to him.


Error's Glitch Ray is able to rival the Alpha Ray of the Astral Mother, despite the fact that Error has not yet completely mastered this power.

Although King Multiverse knows his his existence, Error avoids him at all costs, even when he is stronger then him. Because of this, only Ink, even when he has been corrupted, is bonded to him, along with the others.

Even if Error did read the oath of King Multiverse, as Fate was still in control of Error at that time, it would not work. Ten No Kami, however, is able to bypass that, due to her being stronger than Fate.

As Error has suffered through Fate's manipulations and the entire Multiverse against him, this makes Error susceptible to Ten No Kami's Gift. However, due to Error's strong will, he will reject the gift, although he will susceptible to it if he starts to lose his will to keep moving, even if it is a little bit.

Error is now far stronger than Fate, although it is unknown how strong he is compared to the Astral Mother. But it is safe to say that he has become dangerous enough for the Astral Mother to consider him more dangerous than Error404.

Although Error wants to fight Ten No Kami, he can only truly stand a chance against her while as Myriad, and thus, he does all he can to stay away from her, but he still does all he can to find a way to free Error404 workout Ten No Kami noticing.

Ten No Kami is so obsessive that she will try to hunt him down, no matter what. Because of this, Error does all he can to avoid her, as to not become a puppet again.

Error learned to move his strings in such a way, he can make them act similar to a Glitch Whip, but with a far more longer range.

If Error and Ink were to fight in their Myriad and Inkmation forms, the entire Multiverse they are in, as well as 6 nearby Multiverses will be destroyed.

Due to Error's newfound knowledge of the other Multiverses, he is able to travel to them with his Glitch Portals.

Error has much more greater mastery over his Polothorn powers than the original Righteous!Error, although he still has a long way to go in being able to master this power.

Error still loves chocolate, but now he eats chocolate-chip cookies.

He has a rather professional attitude towards Omnipotent, but is rather friendly to him, due to the fact that he is trying to protect the Multiverse.

Destiny hates Ten No Kami just as much as Error does, due to her, in Destiny's opinion, being much more worse than Fate, her sister. Because of this, Destiny and Error work together to try and take down Ten No Kami and try to free Error404.

Error is now powerful enough to take on the entire Multiverse in his normal form.

Due to Ink consuming AUs in order to continue gettin more powerful that he was before, Error goes into the Doodle Sphere to rescue the AUs that Ink has within the Doodle Sphere, and hopefully not go to them, before bringing them into the Omega Timeline, as he hangs them in the air with his strings. The AUs that he has rescued from the Doodle Sphere is Underfell, Flowerfell, Underswap, Outertale, Dusttale, Glitchtale, Axetale, Storyshift, Storyswap, Reapertale, Anothertale, and Buddhatale.

Tint and Error, due to their shared goal on trying to stop Ink and kill him, work together to fight against him.

Rock, being a nuisance, tries to act high and mighty to Error, claiming that he will take him and Error404 down. Error would usually respond by wrapping Rock in strings, and send him flying away to somewhere else, as all he does his act annoying to Error, and even if they do fight, Error will win against him, even with Rock having help from the MalesGrow Eye Bug.

Anti-Flowey has somewhat of a fear to Error and Ink, due to their status as being Polothorns, thanks to the Unnameable they are reborn from. Although he'll take a chance against Error404 and the others, but Error and Ink, not a chance.

Error does possess a degree of control in how to use Cosmic Essence, but is unable to master it yet.

Error is able to get inside of the MainFrame without being consumed by the reality. He can also use the MainFrame to hide from Ten No Kami, so that she doesn't try and get him.

Even though Error has Green Strings, he does have the ability to regenerate on his own. It is that he heals slower compared to Ink.

Error's Haphephobia, due to Error's much greater control over his emotions and interactions with Error404, has decreased, although it is not entirely gone. He is still afraid of being touched, but he is able to remain calm and subdued, and since the denizens of the Omega Timeline are apologetic and affectionate to him, and thus, are gentle in touching him, this has decreased enough to make the Haphephobia almost unnoticeable.

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