The Corrupted Creator
The False Protector
God of Creation
Date of Birth: April 15th
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Skellinkton
Gender: Male
Weight: 134 pounds
Height: 3'8
Eye Color: Purple
This takes place inside Sovereign!Error's Future.
I know that I will never take back what I've done, but I will make sure that the Multiverse gets another chance at life.-Remorseful!Ink
Remorseful!Ink is a version of Hollow!Ink from the future of Soveriegn!Error. He is the former protector and creator of the Multiverse, and the former disciple of Alpha!Sans, and a vessel of the Unnameable, now free from its influence.
Ink had always worked with Alpha!Sans since the beginning and aided him wherever he was needed and even still annoyed Error from time to time, but during the events of the demise of the Unnameable, the TransVoid entity used its own powers and body to make a biome, and manipulated Ink into taking its soul, and therefore, the trunk of the tree opened, giving Ink its soul. After his deal with an Unnameable that Error and Error404 had killed, he soon would be given God like powers and even would gain emotions forever. However, it came at a price, he would always be haunted by the voice of the creature, and he would be as far away from the creators as possible no longer able to talk or hear they're wishes and now possibly is no longer a being of free will but is perhaps now under the control of a being he couldn't ever hope to comprehend. His body would forever be used as a vessel and the influence of the Unnameable, in order to carry out plans of its own.
Ever since that day, where he had taken the Unnameable's deal, Ink turned from being a protector of the AUs, into one of the most dangerous threats in the entirety of the Alphaverse. Having been given powers beyond the grasp of most monsters, Ink has become extremely dangerous, and through the Unnameable, he became corrupted and his personality is nearly unrecognizable to the personality of what he had once been recognized for during his very long time of protecting the Multiverse from threats such as Error, his rival, and Error404, the boss of Error. And now, thanks to the Unnameable Soul, he can can now finally feel hatred, and this hatred goes to Error, who he had to fight against so may times, who keeps on destroying the AUs that he had tried to hard in trying to protect. And in a sense of irony, Error is now protecting the AUs from Ink, who is doing way more destructive damage than even the Destroyer of AUs, as he consumes and grows more stronger, so much that even Error had began to have difficulty with him, only for Error to grow stronger with his new Conduit Soul of Destruction. And after 5 more years, Error connected to the MainFrame and became stronger than his mentor, Error404. But at that year, Ink became stronger than Error404 as well, due to consuming a lot of powerful AUs, and than, began to turn his attention to try and consume Error and Error404. However, both were ready, as Error and Error404, now having what they need, combats Ink, and during the fight, Error404 used his Mind Manipulation to mess with the Unnameable's control, and Error used his right arm to force the Unnameable to exit Ink, damage and severe the mental influence of the Unnameable when Error used the Destruction Orb, sucking the mental form of the Unnameable, and destroying it, with Ink finally free from his influence. And now, Ink is forced in a new world, where he is the one that is hated, just like how his old rival, Error, was hated by the Multiverse, that he had sworn to protect, only to have betrayed it yet again. And now, Ink, with his newfound remorse, is determined to fix what he had destroyed long ago.
Remorseful!Ink possesses the same appearance of Hollow!Ink, meaning that all of his clothes are now white, including the scarf, the shoes, the shirt and jacket and pants, with Ink now gaining purple eyes that never change shape and color, now locked in a purple color and normal circular shape, as well as the black splatter of paint on his right cheek. On Ink's hands, is a Paintbrush that has a handle that is black in color, and the brushing part of the paintbrush is now white, and Ink, now possesses an expression of great remorse and depression, looking like a man that has suffered in grief for a thousand years. Now, he regained the sash with the Emotion Vials back, though they are empty, and are simply used to show that Ink is truly himself again.
Back when he was still under the influence and control of the Unnameable, through possessing and taking its soul within his own body, Ink was once cold and yet very emotional and expressive with all his more darker sides, ideas and nature all brought to the surface. Ink is incredibly emotional and doesn't hold back, being very expressive especially with Error who he once was able to express his deep hatred for, an emotion that he was unable to feel, due to the fact that his Emotion Vials had lacked such an emotion in the first place, as well as a form of of being very chaotic, having very little to no time of being able to relax, with Ink even being wicked, due to the Unnameable Soul that he had in his possession, which tainted Ink's very mind, Ink now having a mindset of depending on the Unnameable's own voice., having lost free will of his own. However, this is due to the fact that the Unnameable, after taking his soul, kicked away Ink's consciousness into his mind, and thus, without his consciousness, while Ink can still feel and speak, his actions are entirely on the Unnameable's Voice that is spoken from where he soul is.
However, when Error and Error404 was able to rescue Ink's consciousness and remove the voice of the Unnameable, as a result, Ink finally realized the damage that he had done, ever since the X-Event, which he had caused, and thus, for the very first time, Ink felt true remorse for what he had caused, during his time as the puppet of the Unnameable. Feeling so much regret, and feeling the sins of his actions crawl on his back, Ink possess a desire to try and redeem himself for what he had done to the Multiverse that he had sworn to protect. However, because of the Unnameable having revealed Ink's previous nature at his worst, that being his true selfish nature, the Multiverse turned on him for all that he had done, and for the very first time in his life, Ink finally felt what it means to be in Error's position, and thus, through this, he lets go of his hatred towards Error, now understanding that this is what it means to be hated as a destroyer, and Ink, fully realizing that the Multiverse will not forgive him for as long as he remains in the Multiverse, Ink decided to entrust Tint in becoming a protector of the AUs, while he searched for a fix in his problems.
While Ink is free from the influence of the Unnameable, Ink is still chaotic, though not as much as he once was, with Ink's ideals still being dark, though only when fighting someone. Because of this, when he fights against an enemy, he will be externally chaotic and unpredictable, much more than before he had gotten his new soul. However, now that he also has a new soul, Ink is somewhat back to his usual self in a way, being humorous to an extent and being brutally honest. While he can be inconsiderate, and being downright mocking and cruel, due to his new mindset, Ink now tries to consider how people feel and does not act cruel. And because of this, Ink will try and negotiate and try to understand how a person feels, or if it comes to an enemy, he will try to understand the motivation and intention of the enemy, and determine what he will do to them next. Ink has also regained his old habit in barfing up Ink when he gets to excited.
Ink now no longer suffers from short term memories, and no longer needs to write down stuff on his scarf, now being able to remember the names of other people clearly.
Brush: Ink's brush now is able to be messed with multiple ways, allowing for him to change its weight and its length if needed while still being able to use it.
Ink Blaster: he's able to summon his blaster from his ink, which shoots out blasts of Ink.
Impasto Gun: Having observed Tint's powers in the Ink Gun, Ink can fire a ray of ink out his fingertips with sharp and perfect percussion, being able to pierce and shatter Monster Souls in just one single shot, and is able to restrain a perosn's magic by simply shooting at the soul with it. It is so powerful that it can counter the Glitch Ray itself.
Ink Bones: Ink can summon bones made of Ink and throw them at a target. He uses it to either trap an opponent in strands of ink, explode into spikes to pierce surrounding opponent, or simply explode a target within.
Flight: With the new soul, Ink is able to fly around.
Body Manipulation: With the new soul, Ink can change his body and do just about anything with it
Unnamable Soul: Ink's new soul is the hardest it's ever been and is unbreakable to most effects or most people.
Creativity: Ink with the Unnamable soul allows him to be as creative as possible and even allow him to fight with his mind, turning his ink or even something of the environment into whatever he needs or wants to his own desire.
Ungodly strength: Ink's new soul allows him to overpower anyone, no doubt even the strongest amongst the Alphaverse crew would find him hard to pin down.
Unforeseen Speed: Ink is now extremely fast, giving even Error huge trouble attempting to catch him.
Unhallowed Presence: Ink can make his presence so terrifying that even Alpha flees from him. Only Infected and anyone stronger can resist it.
Pure Hatred + Fear = Terror: Having observed the Astral Mother, Ink was able to replicate her ability to shoot beams of pure terror at the opponent he is facing, causing them to die of pure fear if their will is weak enough and body as well, making it Ink's only energy attack. However, his version is weaker than the Astral Mother's.
Regeneration: Ink can regenerate his body, even when blown to pieces.
Consumption: Similar to another skeleton, Ink can absorb and devour other Aus or individuals adding to his own strength. He's even grown powerful enough to make himself stronger than Error404 himself, who is the God of the Multiverse.
Ink Hopping: Ink, though his paint manipulation, can appear everywhere in any AU of his liking from any kind of liquid. He uses them as Ink portals. With further training with his Ink Hopping, he is able to other Multiverses, such as the Admixverse, the Multiverse that has Template and Pale, as well as the original Multiverse, where he can meet his original self and Error, where the Alphaverse did not go into their lives, and they acted how they always have, with Ink having no soul, and Error being immature and wanting to destroy AUs.
Script reading: Within the Doodle Sphere, Ink is able to read the scripts of all of the Undertale AUs in existence, and thus knows the fate of all of its inhabitants, and what will become of them in the near/distant future. This helps Ink gain a clear advantage in a situation that he will have to deal with soon, should the need arise in trying to protect the AU.
Creation's Hand: During his travels to try and redeem himself of what he had done to the Multiverse, Ink had ended up stumbling into an AU that the Astral Mother had visited. And it is the one that had taught people the meaning of life and the true meaning of death. Ink spent as much of his time inside of the AU as he can, and learned how to bring things back to life, such as people and smaller objects, and after a much more longer amount of time, he is able to resurrect AUs. He can even create souls for any type of monster.
Timeline Temperament: Albeit not intentionally responsible for the creation of AUs, he is shown to be able to create a separate alternate timeline with the denizens of it alive and well, as opposed to a timeline where they have either killed or corrupted. And due to training with Alpha before his corruption, Ink is able to mend and bend timelines at will, giving some worlds the perfect ending they deserve while damning others.
Mind Wipe: Teaching from Alpha allows Ink the ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of him, making them forget that he exists, which allows Ink to be able to cover his tracks and make people not notice him. However, this only applies to those that had recently met him, and thus, Ink cannot affect someone that has known him for years, such as Underswap!Sans, or Dream!Sans, who have met and worked with Ink.
Whole: Ink's capable of replicating an essence of an AU more than once. This is meant to be a counter to the Gen that the Astral Mother and Error can use.
Impasto Clones: Observing Tint allows Ink to develop an ability to make clones of himself, more superior to Tint's, all of the clones are as strong as Ink, even if he kept producing more. The drawbacks is that the clones are not that durable, and can be destroyed.
Ink Tendrils: Ink can have his ink surround himself in order to make ink tendrils appear out of the ground and begin to lash around at any target that dares come close to him.
Soul Attack: Ink can use his Unnameable Soul to use its magic in order to stretch the opponent's soul out to an unbearable scale, causing the soul to almost fracture or even break, with only his barehands.
INKMATION: The Inkmation is Ink's being like form, giving him near unlimited power for a short period of time less then 5 minutes but more than 2. The Inkmation is incredibly powerful and obliterates anything in its path, and can destroy about anything it wants, but the form is almost never in Ink's control for this is truly Ink at his worst. However, training for control has allowed Ink to be more and more in control of himself while in this state, and Ink grew more in power to maintain the transformation of the Inkmation more longer, and the Inkmation's powers became stronger.
Orb of utter Destruction: The Inkmation's only attack is its strongest, firing what can only be described as a fraction of the Unnamable's power, this attack is so strong it causes a singularity sucking in hundreds of Multiverses at a time into one point of non-existence to where they will never return.
Blacken All: A new ability of the Inkmation that was created after he had grown powerful enough, as well as having learned this trick from Tint, now using his own Inkmation to make it more severe and stronger than what Tint can do without dying. Once his transformation ends, Ink, if there are too many enemies surrounding him, will explode into black ink, with Ink himself still being fine from the power that he had done. Once the Black Ink hits the target, it will invite 3 effects to the ones that are attacked.
1. The victim will began to lose their focus and become confused, their sentience having decreased, as well as their cognitive control of their own movement. In addition, they will begin the suffer hallucinations, making the victim disorientated and frightened at what they are seeing before their eyes, even though it is not truly real.
2, Their bodies will paralyze and are unable to move in the position that they are in, being not as still as statues.
3. The Black Ink will began to absorb and consume the victims bodies, and soon, the victim will devolve into Ink, now dead, more quicker than Black Everything.
Sovereign!Error: Originally, Ink hated Error, due to the fact that he kept on destroying AUs. But after being brought back to his senses, and seeing the damage that he had done to everything, he has come to realize that what he did was worse than what Ink had done, and felt true remorse, but does not make any attempt to apologize, knowing that such words are useless to the Destroyer of AUs.
Error404: He was once given the option to Join him, but refused due to his former relationship and partnership with Alpha. While Ink has grown more stronger than Error404 through consuming many powerful AUs, realizing what he had done, he has decided to simply stay away from Error404, and in a way, aid him in bringing back his AU, as repentance for destroying so many AUs, and the fact that it will be able to prevent Error404 from having to invade the AUs of other people.
Alpha!Sans: Ink was pretty much raised by Alpha, however coming from a dark and horrible home Alpha had a tendency to be cruel and relentless when it came to his training to the point he even suggests Ink stop using vials entirely for they made him "Incapable to do his job." When they both reunited, Ink, feeling like he should return the favor to Alpha for his cruel treatment, beats him down and calls him an even worse protector then him, even saying that he should just be erased, so that he does not have to be invaded by him anymore.
The Unnameable: The only being to show him comfort in a world where everything he was taught was falling apart Ink utterly chose a partner he knew he could rely on rather than anything else, how as Transvoid beings work Ink was and is still being heavily manipulated by the being, it is unclear if it is even Ink in control or he's just being instructed from inside, free will also may no longer exist, but the being is so attached to him now that Ink wouldn't be able to tell if he was truly being controlled. When Ink was free, he regretted what he had done, but does not blame the Unnameable for what had happened, knowing that it was only himself to blame for what he had just allowed to happen.
King Multiverse: Ink, after gaining so much power, storms the King's palace, broke free from his control, and beats him down. King Multiverse's is trying to find a way to get back at him for this humiliation.
Astral Mother: After Error, the Astral Mother considers Ink to be a threat, and while Ink isn't friends with Error, he will gladly team up with him against the Astral Mother.
Tint: Feeling ashamed, Ink decides to bond with Tint and he entrusts him with protecting the AUs.
Ink has severed all ties with Alpha, due to how much of a bad influence he is to him.
Ink is far more vicious and hostile towards enemy Aus, but now only attacks them if they start to attack other AUs and that their power is a little to much for the AU to handle, in which he will consume it, along with the inhabitants.
Ink is now considered neutral good.
Ink can match Sovereign!Error's power.
Ink's own Barf can be used as a ranged weapon.
After regaining his sense of self, Ink puts the papers within the Doodle Sphere back up above and floating around.
Ink still has a rainbow tongue.
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