(Same as Alastor and Stolas, takes place in FGoD Multiverse)
Other Names:
Charlotte Magne Morningstar
Princess of Hell
Queen of Hell
Demon of the Multiverse
The Redeemer
Ascended Demon
Date of Birth: Unknown (200 years ago)
Place of Birth: Alpha Hotel AU
Species: Hellborn Demon/Fallen Angel hybrid
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5
Weight: 126
Eye Color: Red
I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that those that have survived will not die in the Multiverse. Everyone is depending on me.-Queen!Charlie
Queen!Charlie is a version of Charlie Magne, the Princess of Hell and the other of the Alpha Hotel. She is the most pure hearted demon to ever exist, and currently resides someplace else, so she can protect the remaining friends she has. With the 7 deadly sins and her mother Lilith gone, their fates unknown, Charlie is currently the most powerful demon yet in the Multiverse.
Charlie, her real name being Charlotte, was born from Lucifer and Lilith, who are both the king and queen of Hell itself. Being very different from her parents, Charlie grew up having a positive and kind attitude, and with Stolas being her childhood friend, the kindness and empathy stick to her. Snit she became saddened with Paimon forbids Stolas from visiting Charlie again, which made her sad at being separated from him. Growing up, Charlie tried to see the good in her home and people, despite witnessing the atrocities of the sinners and their victimization during the annual Extermination.
At some point in her early life, Charlie would become acquainted with the von Eldritch family due to her family's connections in Hell. Charlie would be put off by Helsa von Eldritch's attitude and the two would eventually become bitter rivals. Charlie would then enter a relationship with Helsa's brother Seviathan but for unknown reasons they would soon break things off.
Sometime before the pilot, she met Vaggie and the two became friends; this would eventually lead to a romantic relationship forming between them. At some point on the past, she wound try to open up a hotel called the Alpha Hotel, in hopes that Heaven wound accept them for a possible redemption that they can achieve. But the idea was laughed and mocked at by Charlie, who was saddened, but then unintentionally started a fight, due to the actions of Angel Dust, who is one of the volunteers of the Alpha Hotel. But then, the Radio Demon himself, would come at the doorstop of the hotel, and decides to aid in it, and brought in Niffty and Husk to help Charlie in being able to make the hotel work.
At some point during this, Charlie would reunite with Stolas once again, who she hadn't seen in over 200 years. They would eventually reconnect and make up for the time that they had lost in not being with each other for so long, and they rekindled their brother-sister relationship that they had. And needless to say, Charlie is very happy, as she has a bit more Sinners, such as Crynini and Mrs. Mayberry into the Hotel, with Mayberry being the most wanting to be redeemed, due to being pleasant. And so far, things were going very well for Charlie.
Unfortunately, one day, Charlie's Alpha Hotel AU was on the verge of destruction for some reason, and Alastor was not here. Not wanting to wait any further, but with a broken heart of what is happening, Charlie decides to use her power to teleport the entire Hotel and the occupants inside of it into an unknown AU, one that is far different from the one she was once in, although she does, with the remaining time that she has, saved a bit of her demonic subjects from the destruction of Hell itself, such as Rosie, who is an overlord and the love interest of Alastor, and a succubus named Verosika. This AU is an Undertale AU that took place 12,000 years ago in the past, and thus, Charlie and the others lived inside of the AU for 12,000, with Charlie, having learned from Alastor, to make deals with other people, but only in the protection of the Hotel, and that is too people that are not trying to attack it. And she even has to hide the hotel so that it is not seen, for it will make things suspicious. And with each deal that she made, Charlie became stronger and stronger, eventually becoming so powerful, her aura can be felt throughout the entire Multiverse. And when that happened...Alastor was able to sense her and the Alpha Hotel, and they happily reunited, and even brought Stolas in as well, and even a being named Error404, who is a skeleton that calls himself the God of the Multiverse, and is said to be a monster of some sort. Error404 could sense her power, and it is far greater then even Error404's own might. But despite this, she is very kind and passive, and thus would not be bad to have. Righteous!Error also came to visit the Alpha Hotel at some point...and this would lead to Charlie being smitten by him, due to the fact that he actually looked much cuter then even 404 himself. Because of this, Charlie decides to make a threesome with both Righteous!Error and Vaggie, especially since Charlie has become exceptionally powerful in her own right.
At some point in the past, Alastor would introduce Charlie to a TransVoid Demon named Gabriel, who came to visit. Sensing her motivation and power, as well as something else inside of her, he decides that she is a much more worthy vessel for his powers, and thus, blesses Charlie with his Cosmic Essence, even if he were to, in a way, die.
And with the power that she has gained over the years, she will do whatever it takes to make sure that the Alpha Hotel is safe.
Charlie looks a little bit different compared to her original self, but still does possess similarities to her original counterpart. She possesses blonde hair with white pale skin and red blush marks present on her own cheeks. But she does not tie her hair and lets it lose. She has a red business jacket that reaches down to her ankles, a white buttoned up shirt with a tie that has an eyeball, the sleeves are red and rolled up a little white, and has black pants with overalls that strap to the shoulders, with black shoes and white socks. Her eyes, unlike the original Charlie's, are a brighter red color, and has some noticeable sharp fangs. She also has rather large white bat-like wings that can come out from her back.
Charlie's personality from the Alpha Hotel is rather similar to the one from the original Hazbin Hotel AU, but with some key differences. Like the original, she is compassionate and empathetic to a fault, feeling genuine upset at the idea of harm coming to others. Although she isn't unaware that Hell is populated with souls that have committed egregious acts in their living lives, she still views their yearly extermination as a senseless waste and makes it her personal mission to help them avoid it via self-betterment and eventual redemption, something she is seemingly alone in believing is possible. However, in contrast to the original Charlie, she is not naive, as she knows very well that her plan might be halted and not every demon would agree with her. But she is determined to try and make it happen, no matter what. She also is willing to take time to properly prepare, so she can actually make it work.
Like the original, Charlie has a love for musical theatre, song and dance, and will often convey her emotions and ideas through showtunes and ballads. And would even join into a singing contest if she desires too or even join in with a musical, such as going into the Underbeats AU. Although she may take failure hard, she will do the best she can to learn from her mistakes and failures in order to improve and make her hotel as great as she can.
However, although sweet and kind, this does not make her worthless and helpless, as she will be willing to fight if the situation requires it. She'll even go into her true demon form in order to scare the people that she dislikes into submission, and that is too people that she can tell think of it as a joke. She won't do it to people that she knows will have a chance and want to do it, but think that they'll be unable to do it.
Charlie also displays some grounding in her idealism, understanding that not all demons can be redeemed, or even likely to change for the better, but even so, will still give the benefit of the doubt to her others that are willing to take the chance.
Powers and Abilities:
Reality Warping: Charlotte is an extremely powerful reality warper, allowing her to change the aspects of reality in the way she sees fit, which includes altering the environment, making pocket dimensions, or making inanimate objects living. She can even make music appear out from nowhere.
Flight: She is able to sprout wings from her back and fly at extremely fast speeds, surpassing Stolas and Alastor in terms of how fast they are.
Hellfire Manipulation: Charlie is able to summon fire at will while in any form. Her fire is so hot that they surpass Stolas and Alastor's flames, being able to incinerate multiple AU at once, possessing a far wider range then Stolas' Petrifying Glare and Alastor's Shadow Mastery.
HellLightning Manipulation: Charlie can manipulate demonic electricity, which is many times more dangerous then normal lighting. She even once used it to shock and destroy 7 AUs at once.
Hell Blast: Charlie has the ability to produce red bolts of dim bluish light from his hands. These blasts carry immense force, being able to push back even the Dark Blasters when one was thrown at her.
Conversion: Charlie's able to turn a normal human or monster souls into demon souls.
Arcane Localization: Charlie is able to sense and locate a person's magical power, regardless of how strong it is.
Astral Projection: Charlie is able to protect her spirits into different Multiverses and travel into them.
Conjuration: Charlie is able to summon anything thar she desires, even if it is from an AU.
Demonic Immortality: Charlie is immortal to a far greater degree then Stolas and Alastor, and is almost impossible to kill. She can even regenerate from normally fatal wounds.
Soul Eruption: Charlie is able to sound a magical shockwave from her own soul, which will make anyone weaker then her, anyone that is not a god or a Conduit, explode.
Portal Creation: Charlie is able to open portals into different Multiverses, as well as into different realities, such as the MainFrame.
Multiversal Quake: In sheer rage, she is able to cause an Earthquake so strong, the entire Multiverse felt it, and even the multiverses next to the one she is in can feel it, alright not to the same extent.
Telekinesis Mastery: Charlie possesses incredibly forks of telekinesis, far greater then Stolas and Error404's in terms of range and damage, being able to grab into multiple AUs at once without concentration.
Multiversal Telepathy: Charlie is able to speak with her mind in order to call onto other people, even if they are from another AU or from another Multiverse. She also uses it to feel the emotions of other beings, knock a person unconscious, or force someone to tell her the truth. She can even make a person feel calm, or enter a person's Dream.
Nigh-Omnipresent Weather: Charlie can create a Multiversal weather of some sort, and have AUs be affected by it.
Teleportation: Charlie is able to teleport to anywhere she desires, except the Edensphere.
Life Force Draining: Charlie is able to drain the life force of other beings that are in her vicinity in order to recharge her demonic magic.
Demonic Illusions: Charlie is able to make illusions and trick people, such as when she was able to trick Alastor into speaking to an illusion that she is making, or manipulating shadow puppets into whatever shape she desires.
Hell's Light: Charlie is able to manipulate light to an extent, such as making a ball of it to light up dark places.
Unstoppable Strength: Charlie possesses extreme amounts of physical strength, being able to overpower Error404, Alastor, and Stolas at the same time, and even go toe-to-toe against the Astral Mother when they are both in base form. She even once was able to fight against Hollow!Ink's Ungodly Strength.
Extreme Speed: Charlie is able to surpass even Stolas in terms of speed and match the Astral Mother.
Dealmaking: A trick she learned from Alastor, she is able to make deals in order to increase her own power. But she only does this to benefit and protect her friends.
Diabolical Scream: Charlie possesses such powerful vocal cords that in a fit of rage, she is capable of shouting so loud that the entire Multiverse can shake. When a person is in her proximity, she can kill them with mere screaming, and if a god, they'll suffer bones cracking, trouble hearing, and other disorientated senses.
Angered State: Uniquely to other Demons, Charlie, instead of transforming under rage, is instead able to increase her power without needing to do so temporarily.
Power Granting and Augmentation: Charlie's mere presence can increase the power of other Demons and even grant additional powers to other demons.
FULL DEMON: Charlie possesses a full demon form of her own. Unlike other Demons, she can activate this form by her own will rather then using extreme range to activate it, although she can use rage to empower herself even more. In this form, her powers are enhanced to an even greater degree then before. In this form, she simply has a pair of horns that point upwards, red eyes, and sharp teeth.
Demonic Claws: Charlie possesses demonic claws in the place of her fingers, far sharper then Stolas and Alastor's claws. This allows her to cut through almost anything, and allows her to cause some serious damage to Error404, even in his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form.
Royal Diabolic Aura: Charlie's mere presence can cause people to suffer under its effects, which include seizures, hallucinations, mental breakdowns, mood swings, and even excessive bleeding from the eyes and mouth. But the aura also forces them to heal, so that they can suffer under its effects.
Queen's Jaws: Charlie now possesses demonic sharp teeth in her mouth, which are far sharper then both Stolas and Alastor's jaws. They are able to rival 100's jaws for a bit, but are not able to truly surpass his sharp teeth.
Gaze of Lucifer: Anyone that looks into her eyes will experience paranoia and dread and psychotic episodes, driving them insane.
Limited Body Manipulation: Charlie is able to manipulate her body to a limited extent, being able to lengthen and twist her neck into a spiral, extend the arms, and make herself a little bit taller then before.
EMPRESS!CHARLIE: This form is made when the TransVoid Being, Gabriel, infused his power into Charlie herself, giving her power unlike any other and surpassing Stolas and Alastor's forms. In this form, Charlie posssesses unimaginable power, giving her the strength to fight evenly against Perfect404 himself when he doesn't absorb Cosmic Essence, with her Anger Empowerment further strengthening the transformation. In this form, she has a crown of fire above her head, her hair becomes made of fire, and her claws and teeth are covered in flames.
Fire Embodiment: Charlie's power is so strong, that when empowered at this state, she can do what Gabriel himself can do, just not at the same level of strength. She is able to be omnipotent over all sort of fires.
Cosmic Awareness: Charlie possesses Cosmic Awareness, allowing her to know a lot of things to a certain extent, and can know when someone calls her name.
Fiery Claws: Charlie's claws are now on fire, and thus she is able to claw and cause immense heat into the wound of any opponent, making them feel agony unlike any other.
Hellish Jaws: Charlie is able to bite someone and burn them from inside of their bodies, as well as being able to bite at anything her teeth would not be able to usually penetrate.
Apocalyptic Hell: Charlie's strongest power, in which she can concentrate her demonic energy into a certain location, and cause it to ignite and explode with a force so powerful and destructive, she can destroy 7 Realities at the same time, and is capable of severely harming Perfect404 in this state.
Vaggatha: Charlie's Love Interest, she and Vaggie get along extremely well and spend most of their days together, with Vaggie doing all she can to help Charlie. When the AU began to collapse and fall apart, Charlie was able to get her and as many of her demon subjects out of the AU as possible, which included Vaggie.
Alpha Hotel crew: Although they are not the most friendly bunch, Charlie is shown to have a very positive kindness to them, even if they don't return it, and is shown to not give up on them in trying to redeem them.
Alastor: An Overlord and one of the strongest ones in existence, Charlie and Alastor have a professional relationship and a very friendly one, with the both of them happy to see each other again.
Rosie: Charlie was able to rescue Rosie from the destruction of the Alpha Hotel AU, and because of this, they become very close to each other.
Stolas and Octavia: Her childhood friend, and someone who she sees as a brother figure of sorts, Charlie and Alastor get along very well and do whatever it takes to make one another happy, with Octavia even seeing Charlie as a mother figure of some sort.
Error404: The God of the Multiverse, as well as the Self-Proclaimed Strongest Sans of all, Charlie and Error404 have a rather neutral relationship. On one hand, Charlie does pity Error404 for what he had do go through, but on the other hand, she feels that Error404 is going too far in trying to bring back his AU, it that he would care about her opinion. Despite this, Charlie and Error404 do get along to an extent.
Righteous!Error: Charlie has an extremely positive relationship with Error, due to the fact that he is far more kinder to 404 and is hesitant in destroying AUs. Charlie also seems to have a crush on Error, and wouldn't mind having a threesome with both Error and Vaggie.
Infected: The First Destroyer, Charlie is very afraid and revolted at him. And because of this, she makes sure to hide her hotel from him so he does not decide to attack the Hotel and try to kill and eat the denizens.
Omnipotent!Sans: Charlie, like Alastor and Stolas, does it have much of a relationship with him. But she does act very friendly to him and welcomed him into her hotel so he could stay.
Alpha!Sans: The First Protector, Alpha's relationship is actually extremely close to Charlie, due to the fact that he is able to redeem souls with his power. Alpha even volunteers to watch over the Alpha Hotel whenever she leaves.
Hollow!Ink: Charlie has nothing but fear to Ink, due to taking the Soul of an Unnameable, and consuming AUs and ATs indiscriminately. She uses her power to try and hide the Hotel from Ink in order to make sure he does not detect them.
100: The Beast of Rage and 404's Older Brother, Charlie, while normally incapable of hate, feels nothing but contempt to 100, due to the fact that he destroys everything without care.
Warlock: Charlie sees Warlock as extremely weird and insane, and is unsure what to think of him at first. But as he had helped Charlie in protecting the Hotel, she begins to see him as funny and even likes him as a friend. Warlock even feels the same way.
Anomaly!Core: Charlie and Anomaly!Core both have an extremely friendly relationship with one another, due to the fact that Charlie wants to change people, which Core herself also wants to do.
Charlie is believed to be the Conduit of Repentance, due to her desire to restore and redeem souls and bring them to a beignet and happier afterlife. At Novice level, she can purify only certain souls. At Full-Fledged Conduit, she is able to preform Onni Purification, allowing her to redeem everything and anything. She is currently at Competent Level, allowing her to give corrupted souls Salvation.
Charlie and Righteous!Error have went to dates with one another from different AUs, such as Sugartale and Outertale. Error is also the only male that Vaggie is willing to get along very well.
Charlie has went to the Alpha Timeline and brought her Hotel in it as residence.
She is now currently the most powerful demon in her AU.
In normal form, Charlie is as strong as the Astral Mother. In Full Demon form, she is as strong as the All Mother. As Queen!Charlie, she possess power enough to rival Perfect404.
She used to be in a relationship with Saveiathen Von Eldritch, but broke up for unknown reason, but it is assumed that the reason why is not good at all.
Alpha and Charlie work together at times to try and redeem Souls that can be redeemable.
Charlie's powers in her base form are based off of Jack Kline's powers and some of Lucifer's powers from Supernatural.
To the Chagrin of the Charlie, the Von Eldritch Family also survived the destruction of the Alpha Hotel somehow. However, Helsa seemed to hehe changed her behavior, now becoming more kind and noble, but still keeping her arrogant streak. And she and Velvette, who also survived the destruction of the Alpha Hotel AU, are also taking an interest and crush on Error, and even want to be in a relationship with him, with Charlie rather uneasy at this thought.
If Charlie were to meet Dream, they both would get along extremely well, due to their similar personalities, and the fact that Dream is the Guardian of Positivity, which is something that she thinks that anyone needs in this time of change.
Gabriel considers Charlie to be the most worthy to use his Cosmic Essence, due to her kind nature and the fact that she wants to believe the hood in people, not to mention the fact she possesses a merciful nature.
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