Omnipotent!Sans (Forced God of Destruction)
Name: Ares
Conduit of Will
Islothorn's chosen
Date of Birth: March 23
Place of Birth:Underground(Timeline 2)
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 40lbs
Eye Color: Red/Occasional White
Chaotic Heroes, Noble Villains. Which one is truly good?– Omni
Omnipotent!Sans, formerly known as Ares, is the brother of Infected and Warlock, and is known as the Conduit of Will, as well as one of the 6 Alphatale Brothers. This version of Omnipotent is from the Forced God of Destruction multiverse.
The backstory of this Omnipotent is the same as the original. Omnipotent!sans used to reside in Alphatale and was known as Ares among them and lived in the laboratory of the Astral Mother along with his brothers William, Adam, Jacob, and Delios. Delios, however was the only one of the four Omni had hung around. Delios and Omni's relationship with Omni got closer as the years grew on and Delio's hatred for his other 3 brothers grew even larger over time. Deilos and Omni one day, was summoned to the underground laboratory of the Astral Mother. She asked for Ares to carry a book around with him, a special book, however, when asked of its content she simply replied "The Future" and she continued with her scheming after that. Deilos and Ares were the only 2 who lived in the laboratory with the Astral Mother and the 2 humans the other 2 had left a long time ago. Deilos, shortly after Ares was given the "Future", he was assigned to always be by Ares side and guard him with his life. Delios however obedient he has had a wave of anger inside him that Ares was aware of but never took the action of.
One day the Astral Mother asked for all the boys to get together to train together. William argued with the Astral Mother the whole time and Adam just spared with frisk while making idle banter and Delios was focusing on Jacob but made no contact with him. After what felt like hours, Jacob finally rose from where he was sat and then immediately charged at Ares with no warning and stabbed him right between the eyes with a sharp rock. The other brothers pinned down Jacob as Jacob screamed violently cursing and swearing at Ares and the Astral Mother. The Astral Mother took Ares to the sub lab to be healed and then threw Jacob away. She was just going to heal him, but instead, her bad intentions got the better of her, and instead, she decided to mess with the boys' powers and body while he was under surgery. Ares woke up a year later with no real recognition of what had happened.
He awoke to find Delios missing from his side and the alarm sounded and blaring all over the underground. Shortly after though the book on the desk next to him began to blare and shine a bright light and then sucked up Ares into it...
Time went by, moment by moment, second by second. Back and forth, he constantly was made to do things, without his own free will, strapped away from all forms and meanings of emotion. Eventually, he had been taken away from life itself. It was only a matter of time until he had returned to show the meaning of his name.
Ares, who would now be known as Omni, traveled over many places and even visited different realities at times, as well found himself one day face to face with an Unnameable, one in which he exchanged knowledge with the entity to better understand the realities around him. The being told him he was in a place called the "TransVoid" and that it was 1 of many other realities in which held millions of multiverses in which held Billions of universes in which held quadrillions of different piles of earth and planets alike and that Omni wasn't even an idea in the grand scheme of things. He soon learned that there were beings who wished to get out of the book and enter into his reality so to conquer or expand themselves to unimaginable lengths. Omni soon made it his job to destroy or seal the Book, he soon began to document everything he knew about the book and what things to understand and what things to stray away from.
Omnipotent would, at one point, become acquainted with Islothorn and would become an ally of Omnipotent, marking a connection to him.
He would still go through the same thing that his original self had gone through, going against Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, fighting 100, and forcing Hollow!Ink out of the timeline, but there is one difference in this version of Omnipotent compared to the others. Unlike the original Omnipotent, when he was about to go up against BioTale Gaster, who tried to drag him into the Void that would have destroyed both Islothorn and Omnipotent, Righteous!Error was able to save him by dragging him to his position with his strings. And because of this, Omnipotent still kept his Conduit of Will and his friend, Islothorn with him, which proved vital to him when it involved Brimm.
Brimm, at some point during the Blue Dragon arc, took over the body of Omnipotent in order to make Orin, a fusion of both of the components. But Error404, as Perfect404, and at the request of Islothorn to save him, came up with an idea that is also beneficial for him. He used his Mind Manipulation to free Omnipotent's kind long enough to use is Omnithorn transformation at full power. And Omnipotent, although unsure of their, agrees, and does so. And in doing so, Omnipotent regained control using Islothorn's power, while also keeping the Orin transformation, although Brimm is still here, seperate from Omnipotent, and the new power that Omnipotent possesses would prove crucial to the events that would come when it involves Faker when he steals the Balance Conduit and conquers the Eden Tree.
During this time, he would start to develop Abomination-Like Traits, such as dragon eyes and tails, and would act far more negatively to Alpha!Sans, which became worse when he brought back the Astral Mother and called him out on his lack of emotions. And then, it finally reached the peak when Hara manipulates him using his friendly demeanor, which required Alpha!Sans and King Multiverse, who would later escape Faker after he devoured Vape, to beat him down for what he did, and call him out on his hypocrisy, and later condemned him for his betrayal. The others, witnessing this, also joined in with condemning him, calling him even worse than the Astral Mother. Unable to take it and for the first time, humiliated and ashamed of what he had done in tears, ran off, finally seeing that he was wrong the whole time.
Omnipotent!Sans would later cry alone, feeling shame at what he had done, seeing that all he has become was a plaything of manipulation and trickery, and that he was a real fool here. But Core!Frisk, who is a being lesser then himself, would later come to talk to him, and would later talk about he own tragedies with him, and admits that when she does what she did, it is because it didn't make her feel alone, as well as give her a chance to redeem herself for all the horrible acts she caused back in her Timeline. Omnipotent!Sans, after thinking about this, realizing that he can repent as well, and he can start by ensuring that Alpha!Sans and King Multiverse do not get killed. As soon as that happened, his Conduit Soul began to glow, as he realized that he had now reached Competent Level, the same level that Alpha!Sans reached, as he goes off to find them, deciding to quit being a Cosmic Plaything to be manipulated. And after he redeems himself, he will make sure, that the entirety of existence is freed from Faker's own hands.
The physical appearance of Omnipotent is the w same as the original. Omnipotent is a Sans that is wearing a white jacket, and part of the pocket and the fur in the hood are yellow. A red cape is hanging from the fur on the right side. The left eye is bandaged, and the right eye is glowing blue, with the third middle eye red. Omnipotent also wears a pair of pants with the left side is long and droopin, covering the left food, and his shoes are white and red. Omnipotent would later gain a sort of a space-like mark on his left eye, due to Islothorn gaining power and size, thus increasing the power of Omnithorn as well. His appearance would later change, now having gained a black tank top with grey baggy pants with lose straps from behind, red markings on his shoulders, arms, and ribcage, grey-colored that covers his eyes, nasal hole, and touches the top part of his mouth, and would later have 2 blue dragon eyes and a pair of skeletal dragon tails, due to Brimm's Abomination-Like Traits having infected him when he had controlled Omnipotent!Sans.
This version of Omnipotent is the same as the original version. Omni is a silent and reserved individual with his personality being completely vacant from his person, though he does show signs of his dormain emotions he mostly keeps these feelings reserved and kept away. He is very thoughtful, always tends to doubt things, and keeps himself in a flat state. He doesn't show any verbal emotions, and sometimes he doesn't even feel emotions. In order to achieve the goal, it is very common to contain the true mind and be emotionless. Omnipotent! Sans, despite the Greek name, ironically lives to realize the prophecy of Ragnarok in Norse mythology. "I live to fight a war that eliminates "complete chaos" and "Day of Destruction" and "All Wars". So it's not a very bad existence. He is someone that will not stop until he achieves his goals.
Omnipotent is something that is close to or will be a real hero. Although, in the way that sees the world as it is, to him, it is a place where there is only cruel, evil and less. He is also almost emotionless and has a spirit that is far from people and emotions. However, far from hindering his sense of justice, his sense of justice is further strengthened and always kept in a clear mental state. Also, he has high intelligence, but he doesn't understand how to use and the importance of emotions and feelings. But because of that part, it seems that there is an ego that he is better than Alpha. But despite this, he can have an outburst of sort when people challenge his ideal of Evil and Lesser Evil, and can have his own ideals wounded, such as in the case of Righteous!Error, who effortlessly beats him despite being a Polothorn and possesses no Conduit Soul, and left him shaken, due to Righteous!Error accusing him of his ideals meaning he never cared for Delios and Infected. Alpha!Sans would later do the same to him in regard to his lack of emotions, and eventually, when he was beaten down by Alpha!Sans and King Multiverse, they would brand him as a traitor, with the entirety of the Multiverse having turned against him, calling him a hypocrite and someone worse than the Astral Mother. This would be the final wound to his ideals and his pride that would break him, making him run away and feel depression, seeing that he has become more hated then even the Astral Mother. But after Core!Frisk, who believes in redemption and puts painstaking effort into believing others, empathizes with him in doing horrible things and comforts him over it, made Omnipotent turn a new leaf and decided to make efforts to change back to who he once was and not be lead astray again, which is protecting people and accepting his wrongs and faults, allowing him to achieve his Conduit Mastery of Competent.
Powers and Abilities:
Homing Blasters: Omnipotent!Sans' blasters travel at the speed of light and home in on his opponents. Omni's blasters can shoot a beam that can lock onto opponents. These blaster deal instant kill damage to anyone under Ink or Errors level and paralyzes anything above. This also doesn't just count for his beams, but his blasters as well, which ram into his opponents at the speed of light as well.
Presence: Omnipotent!Sans's presence can destroy the code of most coded beings around him, and even cause immense ruptures in the energy and cosmic essence of others nearby.
Omni Beam: Omnipotent!Sans's third eye shoots out a massive beam that can kill just about any being weaker than himself and destroy structures just the same, hitting them at a speed massively faster than light.
Omni Thunders: These thunders can erase codes and are extremely fast and can destroy planets and galaxies.
Alphatale Pull: This allows Omnipotent to put anyone with Alphatale code into a blue state, and then throw them around for 10 thousand damage per hit.
Omni Teleport: Omnipotent can teleport in a flash of lighting to go into any place that he desires to go.
Crimson lighting: Omni can fire multitudes of red lightning throughout his fingertips, being as tough as an electric shock or as tough as a Death Ray. The length of these volts have no bounds. He can also use this for lightning bombs, and other lightning-based attacks. This also allows for him to alter electrical waves.
Ultimate Strength:Omni can carry two moons with ease, having extreme strength with barely any limitations. He is also strong enough to give Error404 trouble when in base form
Hades' Presence: Omni can transform into a ghost-like form, essentially being dead in this way. He cannot fight at all or be attacked with this form and can only move around in the body. This allows him to go at Faster Than Light speeds. He cannot regain health or regain stamina in this form either. It's like pausing a game for him, in a way.
Red Mastery: Omni can have complete control over a SOUL, being able to infuse their SOUL with determination, slowly shifting them to become an amalgamation.
Flames of Hephaestus: Omni can control fire, altering its temperature to make it hotter than any possible limit, being able to incinerate an entire planet with a single torch.
Eye of Kronos: Omni's right eye isn't present unless he wishes for it to be. The eye is like his left eye, yet it is white and has 12 small lines resembling a clocks numbers. With this, he can look 20 days into the future, and also 50 years into the past, in the very place he is at currently.
Soul Drain: Omni can drain a trait, giving the monster/human a negative variant of their trait in response. (E.G, Absorbing Bravery makes them temporarily feel Fear.)
Quintessential Speed: Omni, being extremely agile, can run up to speeds of mach 10. He can also keep up with Error404's own speed too.
Eye of Zeus: Omni's left eye can turn a citrine yellow, firing a single bolt of lightning which would destroy a whole city with its sheer strength.
Gravitational Authority: Omni can manipulate the flow of gravity, allowing to invert the momentum of an object to diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. He can also initiate zero gravity, which is a state of zero force of gravity impacting the object.
Weak Time Manipulation: Omni can manipulate time to a very low extent, allowing him to alter times length, slowing it, speeding it up, making a day longer or shorter. He can also alter certain parts of reality, allowing for one person to be slower than another.
Light of Theia: Omni can summon light-based attacks the size of a moon, from a light sword to a light god. Every light-based thing he summons has a red hue around it.
Meiosis: Omni can duplicate his body up to four times, at the cost of removing his god-based abilities, revolving solely on gravity, his raw strength and speed.
Poseidon's Might: Omni can condense the very air around him into pools of water, allowing him to completely control it in every possible way. This gives Omni complete water manipulation. You don't wanna fight him in an antivoid.
Conduit of Will:
The Conduit of Will is the newest Conduit to arrive, therefore its capabilities are unknown, however its power coming from sheer Will alone allows for it to disrupt the balance of the world and perhaps the absolute.
Novice: Omni is capable of increasing his already overwhelming power through his own will, stacking a 10x boost to whatever is his current power.
Advanced Beginner: Omni can become massively stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by willpower of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Omni can is even able to draw sustenance from his will-power or even slow or stop aging.
Competent (Currently at this Level): With this level of skill, Omni now has Indomitable Will. He gains immunity to all forms of mental manipulation and state abnormalities, and obtains an absolute will that is calm no matter what is done.
Proficient: Unknown
Master: Unknown
Full-Fledged Conduit: At his full mastery, whenever he is willful about something, he can have or do said thing. It also allows him to gain the strength he wills and needs if he is willful about said things through willpower.
Islothorn: Islothorn is an Entity that Omni came across during his travels and befriended by doing over 100 different trials for him including getting its heart back from another smaller entity. Through these tasks, Omni gained Islothorn's trust and help and now Islothorn owes Omni 1 of many favors that he was promised. Islothorn is an incomprehensible being that easily dwarfs the sun in size. Omni can summon this entity whenever he needs assistance. Islothorn, currently, has become an Unnameable, now far stronger than before in his own powers.
Islothorn Powers:
Black Massa: This attack allows for Islothorn to destroy and rupture the connection any dark entity or being has with dark forces or abilities.
Massive Meteor: Islothorn will retreat through his dimensional hole, so that a Giant Jupiter-sized meteor can come through and destroy the competition.
Cosmos Cannon: Islothorn fires a ginormous gamma-ray out of one of his many mouths, this beam cuts threw and burns through anything, it's light will blind his enemies and the radiation will destroy all living things that aren't any stronger than a god.
Thor: Thor is a fusion of Omnipotent!Sans and Delios, a Papyrus created by the Astral Mother herself . The fusion takes more on Delios' appearance, in which he is a Papyrus that wears a light brown scarf with cyan and yellow marks on his battle body. Thor always keeps a stone cold face on him at all times, he sort of acts like Omni, showing almost no personality at all though this is quite the opposite. Thor in fact does care for the many people he comes across. This is used as a partial substitute for the Omnithorn state, so Omnipotent doesn't kill himself when using it.
Surtur: Thor has a magical hammer made out of bones called Surtur that he gained from Islothorn. Surtur allows him to conduct electricity into his hammer and fire out a powerful blast of lightning straight from the hammer.
Atmospheric thunder: Thor has full control over the atmosphere of any planet, allowing him to create dangerous storms that could possibly shake the very planet it's unleashed upon.
Enhanced combat: Thor has mastered many types of martial arts, due to the combined experiences of Delios and Ares. His hand to hand combat is almost unbeatable by anyone who dares challenge him.
Electrifying cloak: Thor can strike lightning onto his hammer, Surtur, and surround his body in lightning, enhancing his physical abilities and electrifying anyone who touches Thor.
Flight: Thor can use his hammer, Surtur, to fly by spinning it and throwing the hammer while holding onto it.
Hammer reconstruction: Thor has the ability to completely reconstruct his hammer, Surtur, into any weapon he so desires as long as he strikes his hammer with lightning.
Damage exchange: Much like Delios, If Thor survives a large attack he has the ability to dish it back 40x Stronger then what he got hit with.
Mjölnir Blaster: Thor can summon a blaster that fires pure electricity, which can scatter all over and cause immense wide destruction to those caught in it.
Omnithorn: Omnithorn is the result of Islothorn powering up Omni, however this form took a dramatic effect on Omni, leaving him completely immobile and dead. The transformation was measured by percents and when a certain percentage had been reached then the effect from before start to take a drastic toll, However as a plus side, Omni was able to achieve groundbreaking feats while in this state including getting entirely new moves.
3%: A good percentage and is whats used by Omni when he faces enemies that prove to be too difficult for when he's reached his normal limit. The form, however, does drain his life and magical force drastically and can tire him out within merely a couple of minutes.
10%: At this percentage, Omni not only can transcend moving faster then any living focre itself, but he can also hit opponents with enough force to shatter a mountain and can even destroy most moons aswell. Omni in this state can also begin to summon lighting and can use it more proficiently after this percent. Alas though Omni begins to melt and his bones break with every move and his magic and life force drain extremely to the point he has a hard time maintaining focus and can even pass out.
20%: At this percentage, Omni moves nearly as fast as light and can attack without hesitation, he's constantly moving either it be swaying while standing still or running around at insane speeds, your more likely to catch his afterimages then him actually, However Omni is nearly melting away instantly and has to remain moving otherwise he will melt to the ground around him and die. Omni's use of lightning allows him to use two new abilities
Zeus pistol-This attack allows Omni to summon lightning and put it all into one finger and shoot it out incinerating foes no matter the size.
Zeus Rocket-Omni summons a blaster and envelops it in his lighting and then sends the blaster to his opponent detonating it like a missile.
30%: This stage Omni is in consistent movement and can hardly be seen much less be seen at all, Omni moves at the speed of light and can attack within moments or even instantly. However Omni can only remain in the form for 2 minutes before dying or melting away. Omni can no longer use his lightning and instead uses the wind as his tool allowing for him to punch opponents from a distant while letting the wind hit them with enough force to crush a star and distribute the gravitational pull of a super star. Omni's new attacks are...
Air Punch-Where Omni punches the air and sends a invisible attack towards a enemy
Air Kick-Where Omni kicks the air and send a invisible attack towards a enemy
Air Pitch-Where Omni grabs the air like a ball and hurls it at a enemy
Air HAMMER!-Omni spins around in the air and sends down a large invisible attack in the shape of a giant hammer strong enough to shatter entire worlds light years away
God Presence-Omni can use his force to send out a shockwave that is so strong it liquefies bones and muscles leaving most completely destroyed.
40%+: Omni at this point isn't able to come back from this and will die once he's finished, Omni is literal force, practically untouchable and can hit with universe shattering attacks and can summon lightning storms so destructive they can shatter multiverses and hyperverses all the same, he moves so fast that going past a planet will rip it from it's place in a solar system and Omni's new attack is...
ZEUS THUNDERBOLT!-This attack allows for Omni to annihilate all forces around him with a single massive lighting bolt that can destroy entire clumps of Hyperverses and Multiverses all the same, this attack not only destroys his enemies, but Omni himself aswell.
60%: 60% is a insanely hard state to maintain and was shown to nearly kill Omni upon even activating it for if he stops moving for a fraction of a millisecond he could end up dying instantly, however the payoff is worth for incalculable speed and immense power.
OMNILOCK DESTROYER-Able to wipe out and do away with the very concept and existence of others this attack is one punch, this one punch annihilates all in from it wiping them from the fabric of existence itself.
100%: In this state, no new techniques are added. However, the abilities so far has risen dramatically and Omnipotent can use their enhanced strength. However, 100% is a state nearly impossible to maintain for a second. Omni must keep moving as if he even stops for an attosecond, he'd be completely erased. Although the power granted from this state is stronger than Islothorn himself, being able to destroy millions of Hyperverses and billions of Multiverses. Within the transvoid he could destroy clumps of Multiverses and universes.
Orin: Orin is the result of Brimm manipulating and taking over the body of Omnipotent!Sans. Orin's power is so dangerous that it is capable of destroying hundreds of hyperverses around it just by hitting 404 simply once. Yellow and purple flames are coming out of my body.
Orin, The Prince of Thunder: The enhanced state of Orin, combining with the power of both Brimm and Omnipotent. The figure is no longer the figure of a beast that does not resemble the figure of Ares.
Omni Burst: Fire a huge blast of black energy, which is shown to be strong enough to counter the God Ray: Reality Cannon with just a single use, the shockwave being strong enough to be felt by both Edra and Sol despite being an infinite distance away from the both of them.
Orinthorn: This form is the result of Orin, The Prince of Thunder, being further powered up by Islothorn at 100%, after Perfect404 used his Mind Manipulation to give Omnipotent enough control to use Islothorn's power. In this state, Omnipotent is able to be back in control of his own body, no longer controlled by Brimm himself, keeping the Orin power up even though Brimm has been separated from him with the power of Orin locked inside of himself. In this form, Orin is now capable of handing Islothorn's power without the risk of melting, allowing him to fight in this form without any issues. In this form, Orinthorn is now much stronger as Perfect404 himself, even being close to HellSeeker's level of power himself.
Ouranos' Magnum: This attack allows Orinthorn to shoot out a bolt of electricity out of his hands, allowing him to incinerate any foe regardless of size and defense.
Ouranos' Missile: Orinthorn can summon multiple blasters that are infused with electricity, sending the blasters at a person and detonating them like a nuke.
Sky Strikes: Orinthorn can punch and kick at the air, sending an attack made of wind and lightning at the opponent at dealing damage.
Sky Throw: Orinthorn can condense Wind and Lightning into a ball-like attack, which he can throw and hurl it at the enemy.
Sky Scythe: Orinthorn spins around in the air and sends down a large attack in the shape of a giant scythe that is condensed with wind and lightning, enough to slice through entire Multiverses and Hyperverses without issue.
Primordial Presence: Orinthorn can use his force to send out a shockwave that is so strong it effortlessly kill those that are under King Multiverse's power. Those stronger will feel a little bit weakened, but will still be fine.
OURANOS' LIGHTNING STRIKE!!!: This attack allows for Orinthorn to erase all forces around him with a single massive lighting bolt that can destroy entire clumps of Hyperverses and Realities, destroying his enemies, and rupture the connection between the Omniverse and its stories.
OMNILOCK ANNIHILATOR: Able to wipe out and do away with the very concept and existence of others, this attack is simply one punch that erases all concepts in the fabric of existence itself, even from different realities and possibly from Edenspheres.
Living Lightning: Omnipotent is able to forward his lightning in his Orinthorn state, allowing Islothorn to inhabit the lightning for a short period. The conjured Islothorn looks exactly like his physical form. Along with this, Islothorn is capable of using his same abilities he would normally have.
Omni Crash: Orinthorn is capable of firing a burst of black energy and lighting out from his third eye that allows him to destroy anything in his path.
True Will: This form is when Omnipotent masters his Conduit Soul to full-fledged mastery, making him have runes of his Conduit all over his body that glow yellow, and his eyes also glow yellow. In this form, Omnipotent has total control over the power of Will, allowing honk to defy and empower himself with just the power of Will.
(Not much can he said about his relationships, since they are mostly the same as his normal self. Only 4 relationships are ones that are different)
Righteous!Error: The relationship between the both of them varies a bit, although he does annoy Omnipotent!Sans by calling him 'Omnopent Sause' which kind of irritated him a bit. However, Righteous!Error would wound a bit of his evil and lesser evil ideals during the time when Faker usu using Error404's Balance Soul, even mocking him for it, by saying this:
"Geez, evil and lesser evil? All you see is from one side and nothing else. Do you have any idea how stupid that is? Such a point of view is flawed, defective, and a glitch in existence. I guess that means you never cared about anything to begin with, even Delios and Infected. Does that mean you never grieved and mourned for them and simply treat them is disposable pawns for you to use?"
This would make Omnipotent incredibly mad and would try to beat down Righteous!Error to a pulp, even using his Conduit powers to make him pay for it. But Righteous!Error still was able to beat him down without issue, due to his training with Error404 and the fact that he has been able to master the use of Cosmic Essence, defeating Omnipotent without trying. As he lay on the ground, beaten and broken, Righteous!Error looks down and spoke out to him.
"Well, well, well. Look where this got you to, Omnipotent. All broken, paralyzed, down to the earth. You sacrificed your own humanity, and yet, it landed you to nowhere but having you kiss dirt, while I stood above you as I kept my humanity. And that is what you gain in return, nothing. You sacrificed what was more important to you then anything else...and you gained nothing in return. That is why you are so pathetic, and why you do not deserved to be cared and mourned for when all is said and done with Faker."
Righteous!Error would then turn around and walk away from the sorry, broken, and pathetic form of Omnipotent, as he looks down at the ground he's one, unable to understand how this could have happened. But one thing is for sure, Omnipotent's Ideals involving Evil and Lesser Evil had been dented and broken a little bit from what has happened, and now, Omnipotent has no idea what to think of himself right now after what has happened.
Alpha!Sans and King Multiverse: Omnipotent!Sans did not get along with the brother and the creation of Error404, the former due to his ideals contrasting his own, and the latter due to seeing him as a false king and tyrant of the Multiverse. The feelings would later became worse after Alpha!Sans was hurt by Omnipotent, who wraps a newly grown dragon tail around him, and after Alpha!Sans calls him out on his flaws, and after King Multiverse was beaten down by Omnipotent. They would later beat him down after he had been manipulated by Hara, and being subjected to hate by the Multiverse as a whole, which would wound his pride and make him realize how hated he is, even more so than the Astral Mother, which made him leave in tears for the first time, finally feeling immense guilt and remorse for the first time. After a talk from Core!Frisk about how they themselves did bad things and deciding to redeem themself through giving the Omega Timeline habitants a home, Omnipotent!Sans decided to do the same and redeem himself for his previous actions, and hopefully one day, be forgiven by both Alpha!Sans and King Multiverse.
Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminance, Merus: Omnipotent has met Merus when he visited Yesmerian's planet, who had Himmsworth and Merus hanging out together with one another as well. Merus always wanted to see him and hoped that Omnipotent does not attack him like the other Conduits. Surprisingly, he is very calm and patient with the young child, as he doesn't mind his presence this much, and even does seem to have an odd way of caring for him.
Omni is short for Omnipotent, although Omni himself isn't. It is just to symbolize that he is a very strong and powerful figure.
Omni is known as Ares by AlphaTale Inhabitants.
Omni enjoys red wine occasionally, yet it's rare to see him drinking it.
A few of his powers from the Staffverse, as well as a piece of his Staffverse self's physical appearance and Thor's powers, are used for this Omnipotent!Sans.
Omnipotent's Orinthorn form can grow stronger if Islothorn continues to grow more in size and power, which would admittedly take a while to accomplish, but the boost up he gains would be worth it in having.
Omnipotent is able to keep the powers of when he is possessed by Brimm, but remains in control of himself, likely him due to being able to keep the Orin form when he activated the Orinthorn form for the first time. This makes him much more stronger than ever before.
Due to Righteous!Error having saved Omnipotent from the void, Omnipotent!Sans was able to keep his Conduit Soul of Will, which would be of itself vital in needing to stand a chance against Faker.
The reason for Omnipotent's increased strength and speed is due to Brimm himself. He has the power to absorb anything and can add them to his already existing strength, increasing his power even more. And Brimm absorbed a lot in order to make the Orin form and Omnipotent in his base form as strong as they're able to be, which is also partially responsible for him to be able to stand toe-to-toe against Error404's own strength and speed. It is unknown if he can still grow in power since she has the Orin power inside of him with Brimm now separated, although it is possible that it can happen like that. This is also added by the fact that Brimm infected Omnipotent with the Abomination-Like Nature, further increasing his strength even more and giving him Abomination traits.
Omnipotent, due to feeling remorse for his actions of being manipulated by Hara and having to deal with countless people who looked up to him hate him, resolved to become a better person and not stray away from the path he's on again due to listening to Core!Frisk, accepts his faults, and this time push forward to become more morally better version of himself than before. This truth allowed him to be able to reach Competent Level.
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