This AU takes place in the story called Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind, featuring the more conflictingly good Ten no Kami.
During the time in which Ten no Kami had taken an interest in the Multiverse, desiring to make a world of her own, Ten's sibling, 92, grew highly interested in the idea of Aus and seeing the results of AlphaTale itself. 92 then got the idea to do the same as Ten and create a AU to rival that of their siblings: BioTale.
Unlike most AUs, BioTale was born in the TransVoid inside the book eyes and were conditioned for battle for many days and months.
Their mission is to take over and rule over all the rivaling Multiverses and bring down AlphaTale, due to the jealousy to their sibling 92 has placed a heavy price for the souls of Ten's creations and further more for all other AUs surrounding it too. BioTale has struck down many Multiverses in its time of being around.
Ten, along with Error404, Omnipotent, and Error had to fight against those creations, but they were incredibly tough to beat, as they made from inside of the TransVoid, and thus, the entities that are likely made of Cosmic Essence, which gave the denizens power unlike most have seen, except for those of the TransVoid, such as Ten herself. Ten was able to handle against them, but it took a very big toll on Ten's mind, as she knows that she cannot keep on fighting like this forever. The people of Biotale would soon take over and win against the Multiverse, and try to bring her and the others down. Because of this, Ten needs to think of a plan fast, so that they are able to go up against the denizens of Biotale itself. But the problem is that she has no idea how to deal with this, and how to counter Biotale, due to how powerful the AU is...until Error404 was able to come up with a solution for her, and he even tells Ten no Kami about what his idea is.
When Error404 went inside of the MainFrame, he had discovered that there is another part that is in the deeper parts of the MainFrame. And this type of part proved itself to be very important, especially when it comes to Error404's powers. The part is known as the NullVoid. The NullVoid is the Void that combines all Mainframe Pools from everything together sending them into a funnel of large strength and might. This is important, because according to Error404, the MainFrame and the NullVoid have a special type of power in there called the Nexus. The Nexus, as Error404 described it, is of absolute and infinite transcendence for it is above dimensional planes though the power of the Mainframes and more to make they're way to it eventually. The Nexus is a without boundaries though it lacks sentience it is a know for unimaginable things and has been noted as possibly being the source of all the power within the Verse and even rivals all on how powerful such a force. And if Error404 were to theorize, he believes that the Nexus may have been based off of the Cosmic Essence that Ten no Kami herself is made of.
Seeing the point that Error404 has, Ten finally came up with an idea. Since 92 has made Biotale inside of the TransVoid, one where it is safe from corruption, then Ten could make an AU of her own, deep in the most powerful part of the NullVoid within the MainFrame, one where. That way, the power within it would be enough to rival even Biotale itself, and that wound be at the absolute center of the Funnel. But Ten cannot do this by herself. She is going to need Error404's aid, as he is the one that is able to manipulate the Nexus to an extent. And Error404 agrees, especially since he is able to connect to the MainFrame, and thus, has some control over the Nexus itself.
And so, Ten no Kami and Error404 got to work, as then went to the very center of the NullVoid, and began to made the AU that would be strong enough to take on Biotale. The process was difficult, due to the fact that the NullVoid, especially at the center, is a large funnel of strength and might, the force at the center is at the strongest it ever is, and one wrong form of movement inside of the NullVoid is enough to send them down into the NullVoid itself, and they would rather not know what happens if they get sent inside of it, even though Error404 will just return back from death. But they persist, and they continue to make their work, after what must have been months of preparation, they are able to make the entire AU, one that is made entirely of the Nexus itself. Error404 took a minute to think of a name, and decide to give it the name, Nodetale, and Ten agrees. Then, they decide to make the entities that reside inside of the AU. The first character that they decide to make was a Gaster, similar to how 92 did it. But the Gaster inside of Nodetale has black bones, one red eye, one blue eye, and is wearing a dark blue cloak, with the hood covering the head, and hiding his face. The face can still be noticeable, due to the fact that the sockets and mouth are colored white. Node!Gaster, which is what he is then called, was then instructed to rule the underground for a little bit, until they get the other entities inside of Nodetale created. Gaster agree, and both Ten and Error404 continue to work, with Error404 manipulating the Nexus to make bodies, and Ten using the remaining code from Alphatale to make souls, as well as uploading their magic inside of said bodies, in which the souls are infused with the Nexus itself, granting them immense power.
And then, after a few months of creating monsters and characters, as well as the map of Nodetale, they are able to successfully make the AU, after going over and checking to see and finish the design and lives of the AU itself, they are finally ready for their next phase, and that is to test the mentality and sentience of the denizens of the AUs themselves. As they are entities made of Nexus Code, it is unknown if they can be sentient in a way. After all, Gaster followed their command without issue, so they decide to make them sentient and try to have them think for themselves. Ten, using her power, is able to make the entire AU sentient, and at first, the AUs have no idea what they are supposed to do, as well as no idea how to live. But with Ten no Kami and Error404's guidance, Nodetale was able to think and grow for themselves, and is able to make up solutions and problems that they can think of by themselves. This made Ten and Error404 happy, as they see that they are able to successfully made them think and made them feel emotions. And now, they decide to go to the final part of their plan: Combat.
When they started, the people had no idea what to do at first, they had no idea how to fight. But Error404, as he is a master combatant in his own way, due to training in Alphatale, is able to teach them how to fight and how to attack. And in time, although it took a little while, Nodetale began to learn how to fight, and thanks to Error404 teaching them how to do so, Nodetale learned how to become very efficient in attacking and combatting against any that would dare fight them. They even continue to improve and improvise, and thinks of strategies that are complex and very difficult.
But then, Biotale attacked once again, and this time, all of them are coming at full force. But luckily, this time, Ten was ready, as she then brings the blinds of Nodetale to fight back against Biotale.
When Biotale and Nodetale met, they instantly hated each other at the first sight of seeing one another. When they saw each other, they wasted no time and fought against one another as soon as they were commanded by their respective creators. The battle was fierce and difficult, but after what must have been such a very long time, the battle was brought to a draw, as Nodetale and Biotale laid down onto the ground of an AU, very injured and very hurt from each other, and while for Biotale, it is not that rare, to be hurt, it is that they have never been beaten down like this before. But for the denizens of Nodetale, this is the first time that they feel pain, and it is a very bad feeling for them. Thankfully, Ten was able to comfort them and gave them relief, in which they are able to mentally heal from their wounds. The pain did not go away, but it did settle down and ease for a little bit.
92 was very unhappy that Ten did this, stealing a page from her book and making her own AU with something that is similar to Biotale, but Ten responds back, because even though she did steal a page from her book, what she did not steal is the plot and the extra character that she had implanted inside of the AU, the one known as Bete Noire, and kept Asriel alive and inside of the AU itself. Seeing that she cannot fight back against Ten, knowing that she does not feel any shame for what she had done, 92 leaves her be, but promises that she will come back to take revenge on her. Ten, however, does not feel afraid and smirks mockingly, as she dares for 92 to try.
Gaster, the Lost Scientist: Just as Gaster from Biotale was made first, the Gaster of Nodetale was made first, and had became the former ruler of Nodetale's underground, until Asgore was made and he simply retreated into the ranking of royal scientist, alongside his sons, Sans and Papyrus, until he retreats into the shadows, waiting to be called again.
Sans, the Judge: Sans is the second character to be made by Gaster himself, making Sans his first son. He was studied and perfected by Gaster when there are some flaws, and is able to fight to pure perfection, with enough power and strength to join the Grand Guards, but decided to stay as a scientist. When he became free to the surface, he became a bit more laidback, a bit more carefree and a bit more cheerful, but still has his serious attitude. The human and Sans, who is female, wound get along, and would be very much in love with each other.
Papyrus, the Ambitious: The second son of Gaster, and Sans' younger brother, He was studied and perfected by Gaster when there are some flaws, and is able to fight to pure perfection, with enough power and strength to join the Grand Guards, and join he did, becoming one of the most important guards, until the human, Frisk, came. And it is here that Papyrus would mentally grow and become more perky and quirky, since the human was very kind and always tried to make him feel like he a good person, as well as a skeleton that believes that others can change for the better.
Asgore, The King: Created at some point during the middle of making the entire species and characters, Asgore took the throne and became ruler of Monsteekind in Nodetale. He then gained his own Toriel and had Asriel, his son. Unlike Biotale, however, he does not lose his son nor his adoptive child, Chara, and the souls of those that have died, are the souls of those that Asriel and Chara were close to, only to be in containers, so that tjeh can be preserved, and so Chara and Asriel can continue to see them.
Toriel, the Queen: Toriel was pregnant, at the final month of her trimester, when Gaster willingly stepped down from the throne, and Asgore took it. She gave birth to Asriel, and she lived a very happy life, along with their adopted child, Chara, who they took in when she found herself lost in the Underground.
Undyne, the Captain Guard: Undyne was created before Alphys, and was trained to be the captain of the Royal guard, taught by Asgore himself, and learned as much as she could. She is one of the more stronger members of the entire AU.
Alphys, the Royal Scientist: Alphys during the early days of BioTale's awakening was brought into the system when Ten made her, and thus, she admired Gaster to the point that she decided to be taught under his wing of all that he knows.
Mettaton: The Dramatic: Mettaton was created by Doctor Alphys, way before the Human arrived and was given orders to help and assist the underground with remaining happy and cheerful while also keeping a sharp eye on the human as well. Mettaton would grow into a fabulous actor and dancer as the times flew by, and when he saw the human as merciful and kind, he became very close friends with the human.
Muffet, the Expensive Vendor: A monster that Ten has made and created inside of Nodetale, she is a member of the spider monsters, and is known to be very protective of them. Stronger then the rest of the other spider monsters, she soon grew a fascination for bakery as she got older, and soon would start her bakery sales all over the underground, due to wanting to make people feel satisfied.
Chara, the First Human: Created before Frisk, Chara is the adopted child of Toriel and Asgore, as well as the adopted brother of Asriel. She has a fondness for monster kind, but a huge distrust towards Humankind, despite the fact that she's human herself. That changes when Frisk arrives.
Frisk, the Last Human: The last human to fall into the Underground, Frisk is a human that embodies mercy and kindness. Her soul is so incorruptible that she can never be tempted to feel hate or malevolence, although this does not stop her from killing, even if it is out of necessity.
Asriel, the Prince: The son of Asgore and Toriel, Asriel is their only biological son. During the time of the war between Biotale and Nodetale, Asriel absorbed the 6 Human Souls, as well as gain 1/7 of the Determination trait inside of him, which gave him a rainbow soul, allowing him to surpass his parents, and became one of the strongest monsters of all time.
Betty Noire, the Feared: In contrast to the original Bete Noire, who is merely controlled and dies Fred by her creator, this Bete Noire is able to possess a will of her own, and unlike the original, is fond of the monsters, only using the Fear Trait to ensure that they are safe and are given a good life. She is very close friends with Asriel, Chara, Frisk, and even Sans. Unlike Glitchtale Betty, who has a fear you, Node!Betty instead has a Terror Soul.
Aliza, the Heir: The daughter of Frisk and Sans, Aliza has the combined code of her Horrortale and Axetale selves, and thus, has the personality of the original Aliza, yet the powers and weapons of Axetale Aliza, as well as the magic of both of her parents, Sans and Frisk.
Red, the Apprentice: Red was created after Ten No Kami brought the humans to the surface. Having her original self's code copied and taken by Ten, and given a little bit of Lucy's code, as Lucy is the Alohatale version of Red herself, and that Lucy has been given, 'The Gift,' from Ten No Kami herself, so she can stand a chance against BioTale. She is able to integrate the code of Red into a Nexus Body with Error404's powers, and when she was finally created, had trained with Undyne and Papyrus in terms of weapons, magic, and physical training, but still prefers to use her sword, which is made in the same appearance and properties as Lucy's Tensho Sword, meaning that it is able to cut through almost anything that Lucy attacks her sword with. She mostly resembles her original counterpart, mainly due to the cloak, but has a mask like the other NodeTale fighters. She also possesses some of Lucy's appearance, such as the purple sweater, and high heels that are made from armor plating. But unlike the original Red, she is not a possessed doll, and is instead an living being and as such is not a ghost, in contrast to the original Red.
Player, the Moderator: When Ten met Player and realized what he is, Ten decides to copy the darkness in Player's soul in order to make a Player of her own. Of course, it was not an easy task, but she manage to find a way to do it, as she removed the DT that the Darkness surrounded, and replaced it with the Nexus, as well as using an orb that kept the memories of his powers into the body of the new Player, which is now a female entity instead of a male entity. Player, using his power over the Nexus, can travel to AUs and Multiverses, as well as possessing the power to change the plot of NodeTale. She is the second most powerful entity in NodeTale, with Gaster being the only one that is able to control Player to keep her under control.
Other Entities:
Uncannies: Based entirely on the entities of the Void that can take on the forms of things they've seen in worlds, but in a monochromatic color and twisted form, Ten No Kami, using Error404, is able to make them from the Nexus Code, and had to use her own Cosmic Essence to make them sentient. They act as Ten No Kami's main messengers to the denizens that Ten No Kami have made and fight for her.
Prophecies: Having seen them in an AT where entities related to the creators above can speak to the Undertale characters, due to technically existing inside the void due to magic making them appear, she is able to copy the code of the Prophecies and use the Nexus to make about 15 Prophecies that surround NodeTale, with the oldest Prophecy making contact with NodeTale Gaster, the first creation, and the youngest being with Aliza, the last creation of NodeTale. Taking on the form of eldritch horror-like creatures, they can manipulate reality to a degree and put thoughts into people's heads, and are incorporeal like a ghost, and is thus immune to physical attacks. They act as the regulators of NodeTale, helping Ten No Kami in making adjustments to help NodeTale improve in it its conditions, which can aid NodeTale in fighting against BioTale, as well as help some of the NodeTale casts made decisions without Ten No Kami around, but follow her will and directive to make them come true. They are unaffected by the strong force of the NullVoid's Whirlpool.
Dream Watcher: Ten No Kami, while inside of the Void, was able to notice the entity that a Gaster calls the Dream Watcher, in which it has a long flat body that can seem to stretch for miles, or sometimes not very far at all. For reasons unknown, it has an interest in Nightmares, and observes inside of a person'a dreams and act as a silent observer. Knowing the nature of this entity thanks to this Alternate Timeline a Gaster, she was able to use the Nexus to make her own Dream Watcher, one that will act as a mental entity to the NodeTale AU, with the purpose in that it sends warning dreams to NodeTale in order to prepare them for what is going to happen soon. Like the Uncannies, Ten No Kami had used her Cosmic Essence in order to make the Dream Watcher sentient and have it obey her desire.
The main colors of Nodetale is Black, Blue, White, and Red. Rarely other colors exist.
Although the denizens of Nodetale are mainly made from the Nexus, codes of other ATs have also been integrated, such as Glitchtale codes, and in the case of Node!Sans, having the code of fanon Dust be integrated into it, giving him Tridents, Spears, Webs, Fire, Pellets, and Vines. Also in the case of Papyrus, he has the attacks of Dustbelief, which allows him to have swords made of bones, sharp bones, and the ability to use soul modes, with both Sans and Papyrus having Determination and LV. Sans also has access to the Gaster Blastermination and Papyrus has access to the Giant Bones, both attacks resonating from Glitchtale.
As Nodetale is made in the center of the NullVoid, the Nexus is at its strongest, and the characters are made from the strongest amount of it, making them as strong as the Biotale characters.
Loading does not have knowledge in the fact that Nodetale exists inside of the NullVoid.
Asriel does not have a God of Hyperdeath form. Despite this, he can use the powers of the God of Hyperdeath.
Asriel is stronger then Sans, while Sans has much more abilities compared to Asriel. They both are able to rival each other.
The entirety of Biotale is made almost entirely of Nexus Code.
Due to the fact that the Nexus is similar to Cosmic Essence, both Biotale and Nodetale hate each other with so much fury.
Unlike Biotale, Nodetale has Asriel and Bete Noire.
Chara has the abilities of her Glitchtale self, meaning she can use the Sword of Determination and the Shield of Determination, but the powers are far more greater and destructive. The same applies for Frisk, but she also has the magic of Endertale Frisk, Nightmaretale Frisk, and Refusetale Frisk, due to being infused with their code, meaning that she has access to fire magic, can dodge almost as good as Node!Sans, can summon Red Spears, and use Magic Knives. Asriel has both his powers in Glitchtale and his powers of Endertale, meaning he can use the Chaos Sabers, Star Blazing, Chaos Buster, Shocker Breaker, Angel of Death, and Hyper Goner, which are from Glitchtale. The vines are from Endertale.
Most of the Nodetale Characters simply have Glitchtale Code, and thus, can do their attacks, such as Asgore summoning more tridents and his mastery over fire, Undyne having determination and infusing it into her spears, and Gaster having access to his hands and using Chroma Magic. Asgore even taught his Trident and Fire tricks to Sans.
The skeletons are black in color, most of the monsters are either blue or white, with fire monsters red, and the humans and goat monsters are a white color.
Betty is the only one that has a Terror Soul.
Sans and Betty are both in love with each other. The same applies to Frisk and Sans, as both have a crush on the skeleton.
Like Biotale, they have masks, but the masks they were are white and blue in color, and they appear to resemble the masquerade masks worn at the Carnival of Venice, and does not cover their entire face, only the up part part of their faces.
The Uncannies, Prophecies, and Dream Watcher are from the Alternate Timeline, Ask Frisk and Company.
The Uncannies and the Dream Watcher, due to lacking code, had to be given existence by Ten No Kami based on their design sand purpose, which she had to remember and think, as they are entities that are molded from the void, and thus, have no code that Ten can copy. Only the Prophecy is an exception to this rule, as despite being a void entity, has enough magic to gain code, and thus, Ten is able to copy the Prophecies and use their code to make more of them.
Node Red's code is from her counterpart in the Undertale Alternate Timeline called Undertale Red.
Gaster, during his creation, also possesses code manipulation powers of Fantasy Violin Last Breath in Phase 4, as well as the additional powers of Last Genocide Phase 4 Gaster, meaning he has the sphere, spears, exploding Gaster Blasters, fireballs, etc. In spite of this, he lacks the Invulnerability/No Effect power that both Gasters possess. He also possesses the phase 3 power of using Wingdings as projectiles and can summon raindrops above, as well as the reality warping of both of them. This in turn, would make NodeTale Gaster the strongest of the entire cast, rivaled only by Player, Sans, Papyrus, Frisk, Chara, and Betty, who themselves are extremely powerful.
(Non-Canon. This is only canon to KRDZ_Knight) Error404, Node!Gaster, and Ten No Kami, aided by Gabriel who stole blueprints of it from an enemy AU of theirs, are developing a weapon for Sans to use called the Node-Extractor, in which it can be used to overcome this that use Determination and Cosmic Essence as a power source, which can suck in an entire Omniverse and destroy an orb in a single blast. It can also be used in different modes, such as machine gun bullets, grenades, fire breath, lightning blasts, or a black hole vacuum from the mouth itself, just to name a few modes that it can use and are more in there, as well as gather data and code all around the surrounding area in order to try and strengthen the Node-Extractor even more then ever before.
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