Sol's Son
The Red Demon God
True Evolving Skeleton
The Unnameable's Abyss
God of the Polothorns
Boundless God of the Omniverse
Date of Birth: December 5th
Place of Birth: Abysstale
Species: Skeleton/Unknown Being (formerly) Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: Unfathomable (Avatars are in between 5-15 feet)
Weight: Limitless
"My existence may be false to the ones above me, but to the people below me, it is as real as ever, and as true as any other existences." -Mes
Mes is the result of Sol, the God of the Unnameables, having infused a piece of himself with Abyss!Sans, becoming the God of Polothorns.
This alternate version of the Sans from Abysstale follows the exact same past as the original, being that he has lost his AU because of Gaia, the Mother Nature, and he possesses the Soul of Evolution. Unlike the original Abyss, however, he did not meet up with Mecha, and he is able to gather the 4 Elemental Orbs all on his own, which allowed Abyss to reach his full potential without any sort of aid, bringing him to the level of Error and Ink, if only slightly surpassing them. However, there is an entity that watch over him...and has plans for him, to make something...interesting.
This none other than Sol, the God of the Unnamables, and the single most powerful entity in the entirety of the Alphaverse. Sol observes Abyss, who is traveling through the Multiverse, as he had thoughts of Abyss. Normally, he would have no interest in such lower, sentient, fictional entities such as himself, but Abyss...he has decided to do an experiment of his own with the Ruler of the Abyss. This version of Sans, unlike most others, has a Soul that allows him to evolve, inherited from his mother, Eve, who is an entity that has the ability to evolve on her own. Because of this...this reminds Sol of his own evolution, though his is reliant on consuming Realities. He than looks down upon himself...and he wonders...what happens if he can infuse his essence with Abyss'? How would both of their Evolutions react to one another? So, Sol, deciding to stare his experiment, to see what would happening, decides to take Abyss, and use him for an experiment of his own. When Abyss created a portal to enter an AU, Sol, taking the chance, used his powers to mess with the portal, and grab Abyss, using one of his hand, and Abyss...he was horrified at the sight that is before his eyes, the gigantic God of the Unnameables having taken ahold of him. Needless to say, Abyss was horrified, but tries to remain calm, as he struggles to get out of the grip of the entity. But the Unnameable God...he than used his power...and infused his own soul and essence with Abyss' own physical body and soul. This would be difficult, as Sol, despite his powers...he cannot alter the soul, as Abyss' soul is of half monster heritage, and because of this, he would need to expand the soul, and make each part of his species 1/3, for his own essence to fit inside of his body and allow Abyss' own body to evolve and get strong enough to contain it, despite how immense it is.
The process was unspeakable for Abyss, as he can feel his body beginning to change, and for when Sol was done...Abyss was able to use his power...and sent himself into a realm between the Multiverses. And it is there...Abyss began the change. Both the Soul of Evolution and the Unnamable Soul from Sol himself...they both began to evolve...and Abyss began to get stronger at an accelerated rate. His body began to change and he began to eat the lower realties below him...and as he began to grow more powerful, just like with Sol, Abyss began to grow on not just power...but also Knowledge as well.
As time went on, for hundreds, thousands, and millions of years, in the realm between the Multiverses, Abyss' powers began to grow at a nearly uncontrollable rate, the knowledge of so many things began to fill his head, and Abyss' body had confronted and twisted to the point of nearly resembling Sol's body, Bering formless with mouth, eyes, Abyss' upper body present, with a free differences to tell the both of then apart. Abyss, in becoming the entity he is now, became the embodiment of Pure and Unstoppabke Chaotic power, having tapped into the full might of the magic that he possesses within his body, he became so powerful, that he eventually, with time, became more powerful than Sol himself. He even gained so much knowledge, that like Sol, he realized that he and the existence he lived in is not even real, but measly an existence created by authored, by humans at a higher reality, all across the globe of Earth. However, despite this newfound knowledge, and having gained some of Sol's traits, he still cares deeply for the Multiverse that he once lived in, as well as the Multiverses that he is surrounded by. But having realized that he will grow to the point where he will consume them, he than teleported himself elsewhere, and created his own realm called the InfiniSphere, which he has complete control over, and Sol...upon discovering how powerful Abyss had became...was stunned, as he had foreseen many things in his life, and yet, he had not know that this would be able to happen, and Abyss, with the desire to help the other sentient entities throughout the Multiverse, decides to give himself a new name, one that shows that he is the opposite of Sol in his personality and how he treats all of existence as. And Abyss...calls himself, Mes.
Due to Mes having become a state more greater than Sol, his appearance is similar to him, except much more larger, with the torso always present on the front, similar in appearance to Sol, but with Abyss!Sans' face, except that he has the teeth of Sol, only, the teeth are made of crystal. Also, unlike Sol, he still had his eye sockets and his eye lights, but they are in the shape of star irises, with Aqua Green Pupils. The rest of the body is a near exact replica of Sol's body, meaning that he has the same formless mass with teeth and eyes, with Mes' 2 pairs of hands having eyes on the palms, with teeth acting as the eyelashes. And like Sol, his body is constantly growing, except that his growth is more faster.
When using an avatar to interact with a chosen Multiverse, it can appear in a variety of ways. And yet, they all inherit the traits that Sol has given to him. The most common appearances in that he'll appear as a skeleton, standing at the height of 8 feet, and is wearing clothing similar to Abyss' when he was still his normal self, except that the coat is red, with a fluffy black hood, and yellow scarves, with 2 large arms at the lower part of the back, with hands ending in black claws, and on the palms of both the normal and large hands, are eyes, with teeth for eye lashes, and star-shaped irises. In fact, the black fluffy hood has eyes all over, but lack the teeth for the eyelashes. He has red bones, and his torso is revealed, but with a mouth that has a green tongue, sharp teeth, and a black eyeball with the star irises in the place of where the gem is supposed to be, and the slippers are red in color with an eye on the top part of the front slippers. The fingers, at least, the ones that are on the normal positions of the hands and arms, have long black claws, and his teeth are sharp and jagged, with a black tail similar to that of a devil, and has horns like a devil as well. His eyes on the face are the same as the eyes on the hood, in that they have irises. And the clothes themselves, they look as though they are a part of his body.
Due to the fact that Sol has infused Abyss with a portion of his being, Mes has gained a similar personality that Sol has, meaning that is always aware and is never truly surprised by anything, speaks in a tone that is rather soft spoken and quiet, yet Mes' voice is still the same as it always is, and he always sounds like he is one step ahead of everything else. However, as he still remembers who he is, and never forgot his own identity, he still retains his personality, in that he is a being that is willing to fight for the sake of the other AUs. While he cannot get his world back, due to the fact that he has lost his normal form, thanks to Sol, he can still help the other versions of himself. However, while he does know who he was, at the same time, he considers Abyss to be a separate entity, claiming that he is gone, with Mes being the only one that is truly existing. However, at times, he can be a little bit chaotic, and would cause a mess into the many Multiverses that exist throughout reality entirely.
However, despite the fact that he possess insane knowledge, due to what has happened to him, it really messed up his way of thinking and speaking, and because of this, his behavior made people think that he is an enemy, when in reality, he is simply a person who's social skills is messed up. But when he does remember, he will be apologetic and will explain his actions more clearly, as well as trying to show that he really is sorry. Thanks to CORE Frisk and Dream Sans, he is working to try and fix it.
However, like the Unnameables, Mes is an absolute master in manipulation, and he is so manipulative, even Sol can fall into Mes' temptations, and would be playing into his hands. However, unlike the Unnameables, he doesn't used it to spread chaos and create bad luck across the Multiverses. What he uses it is a mystery for everyone that dares to come and see him, and gets effected by the bargains that he makes.
Due to Mes' newfound power, he has both his usual powers and Sol's powers. But thanks to the Evolution Soul, combined with Sol's own piece of his soul, as well as having fed on countless realities below his being, Abyss' powers have grown to the point where he has surpassed the God of the Unnameables himself.
SolidSphere: This ability traps his opponents in a black sphere that then eradicates them and turns them into a creature of unspeakable means. Unlike the HollowSphere, it keeps the victim alive, but unable to be changed back, as they are forced to grow within the new body that they are inside of right now.
Ruler Ray: Mes' Ray that surpasses Sol's Reality Ray. When fired from one of Mes' fingers, it can not only kills the target but kills all surrounding targets within a 2500 light-year radius. Not only does it kill all targets, but it also can stop rebirth and reincarnation entirely to any enemy that had been caught within the radius of the Ruler Ray.
Fantasy Ray: This Ray is the opposite to the Ruler Ray and the Reality Ray. When fired from one of Mes' fingers, it can create whatever it is that is in Mes' imagination, including AUs, within a 2500 light-year radius. Not only can he create AUs and life, but he can ensure that the creature and sentient beings that he creates are given a chance at rebirth and reincarnation entirely.
Gateway Ray: A horrid and twisted ray that sends anything in a 2500 light year radius into a highly dense and inhabited area of the Transvoid, leaving any poor soul to a fate worse than death.
Matter Conversion: Regardless of where you are, Mes can shift and morph you into however he please. And in his avatar, he can even change the plants that he is walking on top of into weapons of his choice, with just merely stepping onto them, or with his mere presence all on his own.
Self-Consumption: Mes can manipulate his own body, mostly his scarves, into whatever form and attack that he chooses to be.
Cosmic Hail: Mes can summon large fields of Universes or Multiverses and rain it down on top of a Target, causing an explosion that is the equivalent of a novemdecillion Big Bangs.
Eternal Connection: At Mes' desire, he can connect the Infinisphere with any other Multiverse or realm, such as the Omega Timeline, the Doodle Sphere, the Abyss, and the Anti-Void . He can also connect to the TransVoid.
Polothorn Presence: Mes can unleash an aura so deadly that it is capable of distorting and corrupting a creature into something else, with the corruption being random at times.
Time Squeeze: Mes is able to cause Time to collapse in an AU, and merge both the past and the future together. But not only that, he can also merge alternate timelines together and turn it into one single timeline. For example, he can merge the past, present, and future versions of Undertale, as well as merge Dusttale, Horrortale, Killertale, and Axetale with the merge original Undertale timeline, while also allowing the alternate timeline selves to see each other, with areas of the underground being fused and altered to suit the environment that the denizens are living on.
Space-Time Manipulation: Mes can manipulate Space-Time to an even greater extent than Sol. Space-time serves as the boundary of existence, separating different realities and timelines and keeping them flowing properly. Mes, with his power distorting the boundary, is capable of creating new timelines with only the slightest nudge, and can even erase timeline, as well as recreate them.
Cosmic Manipulation: Mes can manipulate Cosmic Forces without any effort whatsoever. He can use it to create black holes as entries and white holes as exits, create red giants that explode into supernovas, create dimensional portals, or create a reality below him, as well as being able to weaponize the Solar Flare of a star, and can manipulate cosmic storms to cause unspeakable damage to whatever it is that he's targeting. He even possesses cosmic awareness and possesses psionic abilities.
Polothorn Infusing: If Mes desires to, he can fuse a tiny piece of his genetics into another entity, making a person become Polothorn themselves. But through this Mea is able to take control of a person and use their abilities, despite not having used them before.
Infected Detonation: Mes is able to manipulate a special energy that he himself had created. By injecting it into a sentient being, he can turn that person into a time bomb, and depending on how large they are, a small person can explode with the force of a nuke, a building-sized person can explode to destroy half a plant, a mountain sized person can destroy a solar system, etc. If a person is caught in the blast, exposed, they too will also turn into a bomb, and infected the next person again. It has the potential to destroy entire populations from an entire continent. However, as this power needs to touch bare skin, protection such as a hazmat suit is able to defend against this attack.
No Code: Mes has the ability to remove code from an AU or an individual, and allow them to survive without it. However, doing this will kill the ones that take the place of the 8th fallen human.
TransVoid Sight: Mes is able to see throughout all of existence, such as the Different Realities, the pocket dimensions, the Omniverses, and is even able to see into the past, present, and future of either the entire Omniverse, or just parts of it. He can even see what his next opponent's attack will be when he's fighting
Sol Blaster: Abyss can fire Abyss Blasters that are able to destroy anything, regardless of how tough it is and how durable the target is. He can also fire Mini-Blasters, and while those are capable of being blocked, they are extremely hard to deal with. At full power, a single Sol Blaster can detonate a Multiverse.
Sol Chains: Mes can fire chains that are capable of corrupting a target into whatever he sees fit.
Sol Crystals: These crystals are indestructible, and nobody, but Mes himself, are able to break them.
Blue Unnameable Mastery: The absolute form of Blue Magic, Mes is able to move object, such as Omniverse, with just single hand gesture. At low power, he can use this power with enough force to combust a living being, either by crushing them or by sending them splattering all over the surface.
Combust: With just a thought, Mes can combust a person and cause them to explode without warning. He can lessen this by simply burning their bodies very painfully, usually to have someone tortured.
Absolute Regeneration: Mes is able to regenerate from any wounds that would be enough to kill soul, even if his soul is split apart, and not even erasing him is able to truly get rid of him permanently.
Temporary Power Granting: Mes is able to create a ball of magic in which he can infuse a certain individual with, in order to give them a tiny portion of his power. But this power up is temporary, and deactivated when it is used up.
Atom Evolving Barrier: A barrier made of energy that is absolutely unbreakable. Trying to attack it large range or with magic with result in the projectile being reflected back at the attacker. Attacking it physically results in death, due to the volts of electricity present all over the entire barrier.
Neutron Evolving Sphere: Created a volt sphere and explode electric field on contact on the surface or the targets, whether it will be on the floor or on the wall of an object. At full power, a single Neutron Evolving Sphere is capable of exploding groups of Multiverse.
Mental Collapse: Mes, with just a small fraction of his power, can affect the mental state of a person in the worst ways possible. He can blur their vision, disrupt the visions of those that can see the future, and can either drive a person insane or catatonic, simply by showing them a fraction of Mes' real self. He can even cause the mind to break down so badly that their consciousness spreads, making any attempt at trying to repair their minds impossible.
Ultimate Concealment: Mes is able to conceal and block his InfiniSphere. And even if there is someone stronger than him, they will not be able to sense or enter the InfiniSphere on their own terms.
Ever-Expanding Knowledge: Mes' knowledge has reached to the point where he is able to realize that even he himself he is not real, and is able to learn more than Sol himself can even know. His Knowledge has grown so much that he can think of entire AUs in just short amount of time to use his Fantasy Ray, along with creating the Sentient Creatures that will live within the Multiverse that he makes.
Avatar Creation: Due to Mes' ever expanding size, Mes figured out a way to interact with the Multiverse, by creating a humanoid body that is similar to how he once was, and inserting his consciousness into the body, in order to interact with existence, so that he can avoid corrupting and destroying a Multiverse.
Permanent Arsenal Memory: Unlike Sol, Mes can permanently remember the limitless abilities that he possess and gains, and is able to use them to incredibly horrifying effects.
Crystal Jaws: Mes' Teeth are made of Sol Crystals, and he is able to bite with enough force to tear a piece of an Omniverse apart, and is limitlessly sharp, and is even able to eat concepts.
Crystal Claws: Mes' claws are made of Sol Crystals, and are unbreakable by any means, and as such, he can slice at a target, as the claws are extremely sharp, with almost no other entity being able to match it.
Power Malfunction: By Mes' choice, he is able to target a person's power and make it go haywire to the point of malfunctioning. For example, he can target a Dark Blaster that Error404 is using, and cause it to explode instead of firing. In another example, when a monster tried to phase through the ground, Mes made him halfway go into the ground, and in a third example, a Monster tired to throw a magical grande, but it exploded before the monster threw it. The only drawback to this power is Mes can only use this on 6 types of powers at a time, and thus, he uses against the strongest powers that are going to be used against him, just so his opponent is in more of a disadvantage. If he's fighting against a group, he will use this power on the most powerful abilities that the most power members of a group have, starting with the strongest one.
Unbound Strength: Mes' strength is utterly unrivaled, and is by far the absolute pinnacle of physical strength that has ever existed. Mes can shatter groups of Multiverses with a single punch, and even Sol, the God of the Unnameables, struggles to defeat Mes with his own strength. He is even able to destroy the 10 realities 50 times over. His strength is truly boundless, and cannot be matched by even the strongest existing entities.
Immeasurable Speed: In spite of how immensely large Mes is, he is the fastest entity the exist. So fast that, even when he punches, it looks as though he had not moved a single centimeter.
Unsurpassed Durability: Mes is the toughest entity ever alive. He is so durable that there are extremely few attacks that can cause actual damage to him, which would regenerate instantly.
The InfiniSphere is a dimension that Mes has made. It is an evolved version of the Unisphere that Sol had made. In the InfiniSphere, Mes can change the gravity, time, space, reality, and even the appearance and texture of the InfiniSphere, just to make a few, and beings that enter the InfiniSphere, they usually find the themselves floating, and there, they will see Mes' body, where they will be horrified and driven insane, unless that they can get to the front. Within the InfiniSphere, Mes is everywhere, and connected to every single Multiverse that exists. And not just the Multiverse, as he is also connected to the Anti-Void, the Doodle Sphere, the Omega Timeline, the Abyss, just to name a few places. The InfiniSphere is even connected to the TransVoid.
Sol: Mes hates Sol for changing him into this, but leaves him alone, since he is not worth his time, but will attack Sol, should have provoke him. Sol, meanwhile, fears Mes, and tries all he can to make sure that he does not get on his bad side.
CORE!Frisk: Through his avatar, he interacts with CORE!Frisk, with both having a good relationship with each other.
Error: Even when he had became similar to Sol, Mes still has a habit of trolling and messing with Error.
Error404: Having discovered Mes' existence, Error404 stays away from him as much as he can.
Ink: Mes does not like Ink, mainly due to his selfish and manipulative nature. Having gained an Unnamable Soul and causing havoc in the Multiverse, Mes' dislike to him has increased.
Like Sol, Mes is well aware of his nature as being fictional. But unlike Sol, Mes does not care about this revelations, for he still decides to treat his life as it is, like this fictional life is his real life, and desires to no longer be alone anymore.
Unlike Sol, he does not have an ambition to become the only being in all of existence. Instead, even though he is well aware of his nature as a being that is only in a story, he still sees the lives of the other sentient creatures as important, and thus, does all he can to improve them and help better their Multiverse, though he cannot protect them. Not because he doesn't want to, but because that interfering a Multiverse will make the situation worse, and only interferes by his own will if he absolutely has to.
He is the only entity that is able to surpass Sol, something that Sol himself did not expect.
The powers that have been listed are the ones that Mes has used most compared to the other limitless powers that he knows of. He knows all of his powers, but the others, he doesn't use them, unless the situation is appropriate enough to use them.
In Spanish, Sol is the word for Sun, while Mes is the world for Moon. This reflects on their nature, with Sol desiring to become the only existing entity in reality, all on his own, while Mes desires to not be alone and be connected to so many people and the Multiverses, and does all that he can to help preserve them, despite her both being aware of their true nature as entities of fiction.
Mes is possibly the only being that is the closest to having true omnipotence.
Mes can see through the eyes of his alternate selves, and even influence them to an extent, and at one point, possessed a version of himself.
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