

Error's Brother
Glitchy Protector
Error (Mistakenly)

Date of Birth: November 9th

Place of Birth: Aftertale:

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: 4'12

I really wished I had just slept in.-Mentee!Anti-Error

Mentee!Anti-Error is another denizen of the Anti-Void, and is also one of the apprentices of Error404. He is originally the Classic!Sans of Aftertale, who turned into Anti-Error after he tried to find him, only to he turned into a the same being like Error himself. A couple years during the events of Alphatale, he became one of the strongest beings alive.


Before Anti-Error became who he now is at this point, he is originally the Classic!Sans of Aftertale, which is also the birthplace of where Geno resides in, and where he would soon become known as Error, the destroyer of AUs. During his time as the Classic!Sans of Aftertale, he would often have nightmare about the previous genocide runs, all of which involving Chara, at that time taking over Frisk's body, and he would remember the Resets more and more clearly, which eventually caused Chara to be destroyed by a Gaster Blaster, which lead to Geno taking Classic out of his timeline, and into the Save Screen for his help.

Of course, this is not the first time that Geno had done something like this, as he has brought Classic!Sans over countless times, and each time, at the end, he would have to restart all over again, due to the pal that Geno had, which involved erasing the timeline to stop Chara, but this time, Geno is about to do this type of thing for the final time, as Sans and Geno began to work together in order to try and stop Chara's genocides.

The task proved itself to be very difficult, especially for the Classic!Sans that Geno had decided to bring out, but in the end, they succeeded, as they are able to put in an end to Chars's rampage, and Frisk regained control over the timeline again. Of course, this also results in Papyrus having to be brought in to see the truth. And this victory was a solid great one for everyone that is inside of Aftertale.

Unfortunately, Geno decided to ruin his own victory, he deciding to experiment on his own DT, to see how far he can push it. Sans had told him and warned him against doing it, but Geno did so anyway, and he is sent into the Anti-Void, where he would become who would one day be known as...Error, the destroyer of the AUs, and Geno's different, newer self. And because of what Geno had done, Sans had to try and find him to see where he had ended up. He ended up, somehow, getting inside of the Anti-Void, the same one where Geno landed in, and in a moment of laziness, slept inside of the Anti-Void, where he became an Error like Geno, but in a rather different way, as he woke up, and forgot who he once was. Despite this, his personality remains the same, as he walks out of the Anti-Void, and meets Ink, who than gave him the identity of Anti-Error.

It is from there on, that Anti-Error began to make his existence in the Multiverse known, and he even has a brotherly relationship with the Norma Error, who was once Geno, the very person that Anti-Error forgot to find, and yet, is able to find him, despite having no memory on who he once was. But despite this, he often hangs out with Error, who gets annoyed with Anti-Error's antics, but can't really do anything, due to how powerful Anti-Error is, and the fact that he has really not done anything that would severely anger him, and so leaves him be.

But than, one day, Anti-Error, during one of his visits to Error, suddenly encountered a sight of Error being pummeled by another Error, one that he has never seen before. This Error is taller than the original Error, has black lines going down from his eyes, and has blue eye lights, and demonstrated a level of power that he has never seen before. Not wanting to see Error possibly getting killed, Anti-Error attacks the unknown Error and fired an Anti-Error Blaster at the unknown Error, and it is when the unknown Error noticed him. Intrigued that there is another Error, Anti-Error decides to fight him, as Error is knocked unconscious, and reveals himself as, Error404, the first Error, before attacking Anti-Error. But Anti-Error and Error404 fought, and despite Anti-Error's best efforts, Error404 was able to win in the end. But intrigued by Anti-Error and his powers, he took him in, as well as Error, as his apprentices. And while Anti-Error was unsure about this, he does become his apprentice is Error is going to join also.

From then on, Anti-Error became one of Error404's apprentices, where he learns about Alphatale, where he is able to grow stronger and become powerful, and the events played the same as the original Alphatale, except that Anti-Error is involved, which also includes the time where Error and Anti-Error had to kill an Unnameable by fusing with Error404, in order to save the Multiverse, only to be revived as Polothorns, and Ink, the first of Anti-Error's friends, having to become one of Anti-Error's enemies, much to his broken heart, but he still pushes on and tries to survive, as where Error goes, Anti-Error will go along with his friend.


Anti-Error now has an appearance that is more different than he once was back in the past. Anti now appears to be wearing his own type of Outfit that is far different from Error's own outfit. He now wears a purple beanie on his head, and wrapped around his neck is a yellow scarf, with only one long part coming out from the back, as opposed to 2 long parts from Error's scarf. His clothes are also a lot more different from Error's, as his clothes have buttons, with a pocket on the upper left side of the jacket's torso, with it being shown in and noticeable by a purple outline, and the end of the sleeve of the coat have been stitched, to make the cuffs of the coat. The coat itself is also white, with eyes tense king Anti-Error's eyes on the left sleeve. The pants are also long, but have purple stripes on his pants instead of the blue stripes that Error has. Finally, he wears a pair of sandals, although their designs are far different from Error's sandals. Instead of having his feet exposed, the sandals are covering his feet, and the sandals are also purple in color, with the only way to see some parts of the feet within the sandals are by the holes that are all over the sandals themselves.


Anti-Error's personality is mostly the same as he once was, and by that, he mostly has the same personality as who he once was back in the past. He was originally unconcerned about the situations in his surroundings or about himself and just takes things as they go as seen in a comic where he just casually trots out of the anti-void shrugging the fact he's glitched and proceed to magically build a stand and sell frozen rocks in Outertale. Also due to this nonchalant personality, he then and there accepted to be as "Anti" from when Ink called him an "Anti-Error" for his contrary behavior to Error.

But during the events of Alphatale, he began to learn to take a lot of responsibility on what is happening to the Multiverse around him, as he sees that what is happening is now becoming more and more serious, and he struggles to keep his Classic!Sans attitude in the problems that he is coming across. He tried to be as energetic and a bit of a goofball as he once was, but due to the situation that he is in, being the way he is is getting very difficult.

Although he has the personality of a Classic!Sans, as this is who he once was, he is surprisingly a very dedicated person. When he became one of Error404's apprentices, he practiced and trained for as hard as he can and does as much as he can in order to be as strong as he can be, as well as follow Error404's orders without question. He trained in fighting for as hard as he can, and even trained with Error404 in sparring sessions, which only Error himself had done.

After his resurrection by the Unnameable, he became even more similar to his Classic Self. Namely, he does what his genocide Classic self has done and fakes a smile, just to hide how unhappy he is. In fact, he is smiling all the time now, just to make himself look intimidating, and will calmly and thoroughly resort to violence if necessary. He now speaks in calmer voice, but he does still have the tendency to make puns once in a while, just for the giggles, and now, he likes to remain in control of the situation he is in at all times, and he now acts stern, strict, and has a desire to remain in his command, so the situation does not get out of hand. Also, unlike Error, he does not act cocky in fights, and he fights against an opponent without speaking to them, as he silently takes them on, and never loses his cool, thus, he is the closest in being towards his original personality as Classic.


Bubble Force Field: One of his oldest known ability, this is an alternate counterpart to Error's strings. Both has the same function to hold and bind a SOUL, only Anti use them to disarm and incapacitate. It is also known to make a protective barrier around an AU portal for a specific amount of energy and time. And training with Error404 has allowed Anti-Error to make different colored Force Fields.

Blue Force Field: Anti-Error can summon a Force Field around a person, and they can strike at it as many times as they want, but all this will do and make their magic drained, similar to how Error's Blue Strings is now able to siphon and drain magic from the enemy that he is targeting, as well as make the forcefield stronger with every hit of a magic attack .

Red Force Field: Anti-Error's answer to Error's red strings, he is able to have the Red Force Field surround a person, and he will use it to torture him by making it glow red, which causes an extremely painful experience for the target, as they are described as having their entire body feeling like it is about to burn up. Despite this, the Red Force Field is slightly weaker in how painful it can dish to the victim, compared to Error's Red Strings, due to the fact that he does not have as much Determination as Error himself has during his time as Geno.

Green Force Fields: Anti-Error can summon a Green Force Field and use it to drain and siphon the HP of the person that he is targeting, and at the same time that happens, he will absorb the HP into himself in order to heal wounds on him.

White Force Field: Anti-Error manage to learn how to summon a White Force Field, although like Error's White Strings, this specific type of Force Field does nothing special at all. In fact, all it does is simply does is hold the target in captivity, and that is it. Although he did learn to use this type of Force Field by using it to hold onto a person's limb to prevent it from any movement.

Hallucination Force Field: A type of Force Field that Anti-Error would inevitably gain through his training with Error404, he is able to make a Black Force Field surround a person's soul, and when he activated it, the Force Field will turn into a rainbow color, as it's powers are activated. It will make a person hallucinate something that Anti-Error wants them to see, usually in form of their loved ones, so that Anti-Error can drag them back to his superior without any sort of issue. The Hallucination Force Field are just as strong as the Illusionary Strings that Error manage to gain.

Duplicating Ability: He first acquired this when he inadvertently created Hue, Saturation and Brightness and imprisoned them within his body after realizing they're destructive mischief makers. Now, they could be summoned out, or they could draw themselves out but they can never cut ties and Anti could resummon them back at will.

Shapeshifting Ability: It was unknown how he acquired this ability but it was assumed it has something to do with his glitching and since he was a Sans!Classic prior, he has the base code to be every possible sans. He could change into anyone he has acquired code of by touching them. Not only he mimics the appearance but also adapts the personality and some memories that could even come to the point where a powerful enough personality overcome his and he acts like he is the actual person he's copying or have a whole new fused personality like the time he shapeshift into Nightmare and the negativity quickly took over, thus becoming Anti_Nightmare, and at one pint, during his time in Alphatale, he wants grabbed onto Error404, and he took on his appearance and height, and he could act similar to Error404 and could feel his connection to the MainFrame, despite the fact that he did not actually connect with it.

Ejecting ability: This feature was "installed" in him after the Anti_Nightmare incident in which he almost died. It's function is mainly forcing out any harmful and foreign anomaly from his system. And ever since he became a Polothorn like Error, this ability has increased.

Anti-Error Blaster: Training with Error404 Sans has allowed Anti-Error's own Blasters to become more powerful with its attacks. Now it has the power to fire out a beam of Yellow Energy at a target that is capable of disintegrating anything in its path. It as as strong as the Error Blasters that Error himself can use.

Strings: Like Error, Anti-Error does have his strings, although unlike Error, he never trained in it. But Saturation, on the other hand, does use it as his main method of defense.

Limited Telepathy and Empathy: Anti-Error, when he connects and shapeshifts into someone that he has touched, is faintly able to moderately connected to the person he's currently as and thus acting to it. He reflect what and how the other person was feeling or doing, sometime without him even realising it and assume it was his own emotion. Training with Error404 has allowed Anti-Error to hear the thoughts of those he is connected with inside of his head, although he can block out the voices if he desires to, and since he connected with Error404, he is able to speak with him telepathically, using to coordinate a silent plan for them to think of when the situation they are in is a little too much.

Glitch Ray: Anti-Error, just like Error, has his own Notice God Ray, which fires as a rapid fire narrow beam rather than a full blast like the God Ray. It has the same affect as Error's Glitch Ray, in which Anti-Error can fire at a living being, with this ray instantly corrupts their code, either possessing them to obey Anti-Error's every command, or simply decomposing their body until they essentially become a husk.

Eyes of the Sightseer: Due to being reborn in the same tree as Error, Anti-Error was able to gain a line of eyes over his left arm, which he is able to cover with his coat, but still, he has stitched the eyes onto the left sleeve. This arms possess a very unknown power within them, but whatever that power is, it is very dangerous, and unpredictable.


SCRIPT: Script is a transformation of Anti-Error. Anti-Error is able to transform into Script by becoming enraged enough to activate this form. In this form, he is able to utilize the power as a Polothorn to the full extent of its power. It is unknown what abilities that the Script transformation has, but it is said to be extremely dangerous, and thus, this form needs to be avoided at all costs.


Error404: Error's superior, and soon Anti-Error's superior as well, they both have a similar relationship to Error and Error404's relationship, in that their bond is a rather rocky one. However, as Anti-Error is much more amiable and friendly compared to Error's bond with Error404, the bond between Anti-Error and Error404 is a little less rough and a bit more friendlier. Although his erratic outbursts do annoy Anti-Error just as much as Error, he does nothing about it, as Anti-Error even respects his privacy of his outbursts, and actually tries to give Error404 the willpower to try and bring back Alphatale.

Righteous!Error: Due to Error's previous immaturity, he treats Error as a little brother and constantly bothers him, although compared to Error's relationship with Error404, the relationship between Error and Anti-Error is bit more friendlier, since Anti-Error does respect Error's privacy to some extent. Anti-Error and Error's bond grew closer when the evens of Alphatale happened, and they are both taken in as Error404's apprentices, and Error, although he won't say it out loud, does see Anti-Error as a brother of sorts, although Error sees himself as the older brother, as he came first before Anti-Error did.

Fatal_Ruler: A version of Fatal_Error from another Alphaverse that became as strong as Righteous!Error by having the Unnameable's essence infused with himself, and gaining the same eyes on his left arm, although this Fatal_Ruler did not get a conduit Soul, nor did he connect to the MainFrame. But regardless, Anti-Error and Fatal_Ruler do have a bit more of a friendly attitude towards each other, due to Anti-Error being rather friendly.

Hollow!Ink: Ink was the one that had given Anti-Error his identity, and thus, Anti-Error and Ink were once on friendly terms, with Ink even feeling sad that Anti-Error had died from killing the Unnameable. When Anti-Error came back to life as a Polothorn along with Error, Ink, at that time, gained the Unnameable's Soul, and thus, he became a bit more corrupted and evil compared to his original self. Because of this, Anti-Error and Ink's relationship have mow been estranged and horrible, due to Ink now being an ally of the Unnameable, something that enraged Anti-Error very badly with what Ink has done.

Infected: The First Destroyer and the adoptive brother of Error404, Anti-Error and Infected met each other, and Infected nearly tried to kill him. Now Anti-Error does all he can to avoid him and fights only when necessary.

King Multiverse: When King Multiverse came and brought the Multiverse under his rule, Anti-Error does not dare go near him and in fact, he hides, and watches as Error bonded to King Multiverse and he is controlled by him, though still keeping his freewill. Because of this, he does all he can to make sure that King Multiverse does not see or know his existence.

The Astral Mother: Anti-Error is disgusted with the Astral Mother, due to her cruel and remorseless attitude towards her children, as well as the fact that she experimented on them, even though she is their parent. Because of this, Anti-Error hopes to find her so that he can make her pay for all that she has done.

Ten No Kami: The 10th Child of MalesGrow, as well as his daughter, she is the one that desires to control Error404 to do her bidding. Because of this, Anti-Error, knowing that he does not have any hope of beating her, simply tries to flee whenever she appears.

Zero: The firstborn son of MalesGrow that was hidden, unlike the relationship he has with Ten No Kami, Zero is a much more friendlier person, and is actually pretty decent to talk to. Because of this, Anti-Error and Zero have a rather close bond with each other.

Conduit!Cell: A version of Abyss!Sans from another Alphaverse, Anti-Error and Cell get along very well with each other, as Anti-Error has even been aided by Cell on another of things. Because of this, he is one of Anti-Error's closest allies.

Anomaly!Core: A Version of Core Frisk from an unknown Alphaverse that became the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, Anomaly!Core and Anti-Error have a very close bond with each other and do all that they can to help each other, and Anti-Error has even decided to help with the Alpha Timeline by protecting it, becoming one of Anomaly!Core's most powerful allies.


Anti-Error is capable of fusing with Error404, although the only time when he had done this is when he needed to help power up Error404 more to kill an Unnameable.

He blushes purples.

He possesses some awareness of the Outside World and the fact that he is being red as a story, not that he cares that much.

Unlike Error, Anti has a single purple tongue, but when he became reborn an Polothorn, Anti-Error gained the same number of tongues that Error has, although the color still remains purple.

Anti-Error's vision isn't compromised, and thus, unlike Error, he can see far away.

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