Destructive Positivity
Dream Changer
Date of Birth: June 8th
Place of Birth: Anti-Void
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Female
Height: 4'10
Takes place in the Shipchild Alphaverse.
Hopefully you do not lose your sleep, because the last thing to see before your final rest, is me.-Lucidity.
Lucidity is the child of Dead!Dream and Righteous!Error, and Error's only daughter. She is created when Dead!Dream and Righteous!Error fought against each tiger inside of the Anti-Void.
Dead!Dream is having enough of the fact that there is still no progress in trying to gain some people that are forced to be with Vape. He tried to get to Ink with no luck, Alpha!Cross twice with no luck, and there is still no change in anyway if any sort that is helpful for Vape, and it is really starting to put one hell of a blow in Dead!Dream's own psyche. It is driving Dead!Dream to pure frustration and anger, and there is simply no way to describe how much he is feeling, for it has blown over the top. And Dead!Dream, he simply cannot take it anymore. It is becoming too much for him to cope and handle. Deciding that he needs to relive some pent-up frustration and rage over what has happened and the failures that he just had to receive, he decided that he will take it out on the one person that he hates more than Ink. He will take out his frustration one none other than Error himself, who is the destroyer of AUs, and the one person that gets on his nerves more than Ink or anybody else. So Dream opens a portal to the Anti-Void, and decided to invade it in order to attack Error.
But Error proves that he is much more powerful than last time, than even Ink himself currently, as Error and Dream fought against each other as fiercely as they could. But due to Error having gained combat experience thanks to being with Error404, his training had proved to be very vital to him, as it allows him to keep up the assault against Dream, who is powerful enough to handle against Ink, although not truly overpower him. Dream attacks with chain sand barbed wires, but Error attacks with his strings and slice them into pieces, with the Barbed wires doing the same to all of Error's strings, which are the blue and white strings. Drama tries to stab Error with his barbed wire blade, but Error dodged it and wrapped red strings around Dream's neck, and caused unbearable agony to him, only for Dream to slice the strings off and through them away, far from the strings and chains piled together. He than wraps around the black strings to try and make him think that there are multiple Errors surrounding him, and this almost worked, except that Dream sliced the strings during one of the moments when an Error hallucination appeared. The Illusionary Strings fell into the pile of strings, chains, barbed wires, feathers, red bones, and glitches from Error's right arm. And both Dream and Error resumed combat against each other once again, with Error leaping up into the air and dodging the barbed wires and chains appearing all over the place, and Error used his red strings again to torture Dream, only for Dream to slice it off, although the strings landed in the pile as well. Than, Error felt a lot of barbed wires pricing his torso and limbs, as they are than yanked out of his body. But Error returns this by using the blue strings on Dream to siphon his magic, and Error used the Green Strings on himself, to try and heal. He was able to heal most of the way, almost to full health, but Dream than sliced the blue strings off of him, and sliced the green strings, as they landed onto the pile as well. Error and Dream stood back, as Error and Dream locked eyes at each other, the pile of strings, chains, and barbed wires are onto the ground. Error than fired an Error Blaster at Dream, but Dream than launches an unknown enemy attack at Error, and the 2 attacks clashed. But the moment that happened, something unexpected came into play. When the 2 attacks clashed, the feathers, bones, strings, glitches, cables, wires, all 6 of them rose up and went into the blast, causing a powerful explosion. This made Error and Dream cover their eyes, as the shockwaves pushed them both a bit, with Dream pushed back far away. But Error held his ground, as he raised his arms to defend against the shockwave. The shockwave ended, and Error lowered his arms to see what has happened, only to see something that he did not expect, that is very stunning to him. Lying down in the middle of the Anti-Void's floor, sleeping, is a young skeleton that is of a grey coloration, and purple tear-like markings coming down from his eye sockets, but in a more wavy-like design, almost looking like a river stream, and purple wings coming out of his back, just like Dream. This stunned Error, as he did not expect for something like that to suddenly happened before his very eyes, but he soon realized what this child is on the floor. It is just like the previous children that he had taken in. But this time, it is from Error and Dream, which he did not expect. As that happened, he realized that Dream is still here, so held onto the sleeping child, teleported before Dream, and Dream than attempted to rush at him, only for Error to make a portal in front of him, which he accidentally went into. Dream tries to exit back through the other side, but than, Error closed the portal in front of Dream, sending him away into an AU. But Error knows that he'll be back. So he immediately flees to Outertale, which he sat underneath the stars, and as that happened, the child woke up, like from a deep sleep, as it saw the stars, and stared in awe, and than, looked at Error. The child was surprise, but happy to see the parent, as the child hugged Error, making him a bit uncomfortable. But Error doesn't mind, as Error lets the kid do it. He also notices that the child seems to always have an expression that it woke from a lucid dream, yet a very good and pleasant once. He than decided to make the child in his very arms, Lucidity.
Lucidity is a young short skeleton at the height of 4'10. Uniquely compared to the other ship children, this child has grey bones, albeit in a longer complexity. She wears a white coat with a purple hood, and has a purple scarf that goes down to her waist. She wears pants that looks similar to pajamas, and is always barefoot. She also has purple line coming down underneath her eye socket that has a wavy ocean-like line. Right eye is simply grey in appearance, while her left eye is of a 4 pointed purple star with a lime green pupil. On her back are purple wings that she inherited from Dream, except that the wings have eyes on the back of said wings, as Lucidity has inherited the DNA of the Unnameable, due to the glitches of the right arm merging with the rest of the body.
Lucidity is mostly kind, due to the fact that Error had to raise her in Outertale most of the time, as he does not want Dream to find out about the child, and the fact that the child seems to be very happy and very in awe of the AU's beautiful sky. Growing up in Outertale, she is in awe of the beauty of what it is that is surrounding her, and even having fun flying into space. She is also known to be a very long sleeper, having slept for 14 hours at one point, sleeping at 9 P.M to 11 A.M. And because of this, she has a tendency to sleep in other places unusual, such as sleeping on top of a tree beach at one point. Because of this, Error would have to go put her in bed a bit more earlier than before, in order for him to call her for stuff such as breakfast on time.
Lucidity is also very pure-hearted, having a very forgiving personality, and giving people many chances to be a good person. Lucidity even has a fondness for singing, as she is shown to he singing a tune in private, or with her father, Error, to make him feel more relaxed and happy. She would even add some new tunes into it, just so it can feel more natural and pleasant to sound. Lucidity is also have an enjoyment to reading. She often reads stuff in order for her to mind her own business.
When it comes to her father, she would be a bit sleepy, but she loves her father and would be willing to help him as much as she can, even if she is a bit uncomfortable of doing stuff. Lucidity is even very carefree towards her other siblings, and would participate in whatever fun stuff that they are currently doing. She is also known to dislike and be again at violence, being a little bit scared and even faint at even blood whenever she sees it. But if she were to be forced into a situation that she cannot get out of, than she will be forced to fight against someone that is attacking her. She may not be a attacker, and is even a pacifist on par with the classic Papyrus, but she will not hesitate to try and attack back, no matter how bad the odds are for her.
Righteous!Error: Lucidity loves her father with all of her heart and refuses to leave his side, unless she is with her siblings. Error, in return, cares deeply for his only daughter, and refuses to allow Lucidity to get hurt, or even come along with him on missions, unless this missions are needed for her to help him in.
Dead!Dream: Lucidity does not know of her other parent, but this is mostly due to the fact that Error tries to hide this from her, as he knows that if she is found, Dream will simply take her and use her for whatever it is that Vape would want.
Dead!Nightmare: Lucidity had ran into her uncle at one point, and it nearly costed her life. She was only saved when Error blasted Dead!Nightmare and made him flee, demanding that he never gets his hands on Lucidity again.
Hollow!Ink: Ink has seen Lucidity and has tried to consume her, due to how powerful she is, only for Error to attack Ink and made him suffer for trying to consume his daughter, and tortured him badly as a result. After that, Ink decides to simply stay away from her, treating her as if she is a disease that he does not want to catch on any way possible.
Error404: Unbeknownst to Error, Error404 has actually seen Lucidity's birth, but does not with her for now, as she still needs to grow up before she can be of some use for him, but he knows she will not be of any true use, due to her non-violent nature.
Alpha: Because of the fact that Error raised her to be extremely friendly, Alpha is able to be seen by her. Aloha often acts as her friend thar she speaks to in private, and often asks advice from him whenever she is feeling like she has no idea what to do.
Broken!Gradient and Bond!Paperjam: The 2 older half-brothers of Lucidity, although she is well aware that she is not her full sibling, and is simply a half-sibling to them, she gets along with them very well.
Hollowprint: A child of Ink and Underswap, Blueprint, while he is not related to her in anyway, she gets along with him and even helps him sleep by singing a song for him to listen to. Blueprint, in return, makes her some inventions for her to try out.
Dead!Palette Roller and Dead!Radier: She gets along with Palette, her cousin, and Radier, her half-brother and half-cousin. They would even have a conversation with each other inside of dreams, along with her other cousin.
Hollow!Stain: Surprisingly, Stain had the closest relationship towards Lucidity than anybody else that Lucidity had bonded with. They often go into dreams more than Paletre Roller and Radier, as well as having to speak to each other personally in their own personal dream world.
Eledora: A TransVoid Being that can only be heard with its voice continuing to sing, Lucidity encounters this entity during an accident where she went into a TrasnVoid where it was located in. When she hears its song, she began to sing along with it, and even added some new words for the song to sound beautiful. The happiness that Lucidity feels whenever she sings, whenever she learns a new song for her to listen to is enough to satisfy the TransVoid Being's appetite. Ever since that day, Eledora would being bliss and miracles to Lucidity whenever she needs it, and Lucidity, in return, would always be happy to satisfy his appetite, making Lucidity the only person that the TransVoid Being has a genuine bond with.
Purple Wires: A fusion of the Red and Blue Strings, as well as the barbed wires, Lucidity uses these wires in order for enter the dreams of someone else. It works by inserting the wires into the soul of the person that she wants to enter, like a plug in an outlet.
Grey Chains: The combination of the Illusionary Strings and White Strings, as well as the chains, thee can be pulled out from her eye sockets. She can use these chains to surround the entirety of the Dream World in order to try and manipulate it. In the real world, it can be used to act as a sedative in order for Lucidity to put someone to sleep.
Green Strings: The only pair of Strings that has only been changed in function of what it is used on, these are used to heal a person's dreams in order to make them see the good stuff inside dog the dreams that they want to see.
Telepathy: Like Dead!Dream, Lucidity is able to sense and hear the thoughts of other people. And after training with her Telepathy, she learned to use it to communicate to other people, even when they are from a different universe.
Flight: Using the wings on her back, Lucidity is able to fly into the air at very high speeds. Her speed is comparable to Error's when he runs.
Feather Projectiles: Using the wings on Lucidity's back, she can fire at a target of he desire. The wings are able to piece even Error's bones.
Positivity Empowerment: Due to being the child of Dead!Dream, she has inherited his ability to absorb the Positive Emotions of other switcher entities, with the increase of her powers, as long as she continues to absorb them.
Healing: Using the Positive Emotions that she can absorb, Lucidity is able to heal any sort of wound, as well as being able to heal the emotions state of a person.
False Awakening: Lucidity has a unique ability to induce layers of dreams upon people. However, she can only add 4 layers of it at a time, and each of these layers resembles the outside world, although there are changes in it that makes the world seem a little bit off.
Lucidity Blaster: Lucidity can fire a gray blaster that fires purple blasts of energy out of its mouth. It is very power, but it works effectively on beings maxes of negativity, such as Nightmare, or anyone related to him.
Scythes: Lucidity has a par of Scythes made of barbed wire and have chains at the end of them. These chains can extent and the weapon works extremely well on corrupted entities like Nightmare.
Dreamt Ray: Lucidity is able to fire a laser of purple magic from her fingertips. She can either make a person feel much more better and heal their wounds, or she can make them hallucinate what they had seen in their dream.
Eyes of the Dreamer: Lucidity has eyes on the back of her wings that looks like the eyes that she had on her face. It is unknown what it is capable of, although it is assumed to be the same as Error's Eyes of the Overseer.
Singing Miracle: Due to Lucidity's unintentional contract with Eledora, she can singing a song, and it allows Lucidity to make miracles happen. For example, she can sing, and she will be given someone that she wants.
Musical Bliss: Thanks to her contract with Eledora, Lucidity can sing a song beautiful enough for a person to relive the happiest moments of their life in pure total bliss.
Lucidity, like Error, loves chocolate.
Lucidity has 3 purple tongues in her mouth.
She gets along with Stain the most out of everyone else that she is with.
Lucidity has a crush on a certain skeleton, but she will not reveal who that one is.
Lucidity is by far the most pure-hearted and kind skeleton in the Multiverse, matched only by Underswap Sans and Papyrus.
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