

Gabriel's First Son
Gabriel's Heir
Flame Prince
Prince of the TransVoid
Void Prince

Date of Birth: Unknowm

Place of Birth: TransVoid

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: 196
Weight: 4,055

My father has done all that he can to keep the TransVoid safe, and has ruled the Void to ensure it is free. I will do whatever it takes to make my father proud and take over when he falls. Now feel my burning wrath!-Joash

Joash is a Polothorn, and is one of the strongest Polothorns in existence. He is the firstborn son of Gabriel, and is chosen to become his heir, if his father were to ever disappear.


Gabriel, born from fire, was once so powerful the he once rivaled Sol at one point early in life, but now Gabriel stands alone and sits on his throne deep in the abyss of the TransVoid. He is being of unimaginable power and is powerful that his flames are said to never burn out or even ember. His flames are only rivaled by that of Avalon himself, but even then the demon prince stands alone as one of the strongest in the TransVoid.

Both alongside his succubus sister, named Helatory, both of them the demon siblings had risen and been given form during a time when the Angels of the TransVoid sought to rule it, under the leadership of Zarla. Both Gabriel and Helatory fought back against the TransVoid Angels, in an effort to try and regain its freedom, and due to their immense power, both Gabriel and Helatory were able to succeed in such a task. Zarla attempted to fight back against the 2 Demon siblings, but Gabriel proved himself to be a bigger threat compared to the both of them, and thus, both Zarla and Gabriel fought against each other in a very harsh duel of agony, a duel that will determine whether the TransVoid will be liberated from the control of the Angels, and be free by the hands of Gabriel. But Gabriel proved himself to be a lot stronger than expected, and thus, is able to push back Zarla. However, this would not be the end of Zarla's reign, for she decided to continue to fight, not in a battle, but in a war. She gather her Angel armies, and unleashed them onto Gabriel and his sister, in order to secure her rule in the TransVoid. But unbeknownst to Zarla, Gabriel and Helatory also had assembled an army of their own, one filled with the newly made TransVoid Demons, and they are also ready to liberate the TransVoid from the control of the Angels themselves.

The battle was force, as both sides are fighting with all of their might, and are winning for the sake of their leaders and masters of their kind. But Gabriel, underneath his leadership, was able to push back the Angels, liberating the TransVoid and its sections, one by one, as the TransVoid Angels began to lose the battle. But Zarla does not give up, as she does all that she can to try and stop Gabriel, only for Gabriel to fight back, and when all is said and done, Gabriel is able to win. But Zarla was able to flee, before Gabriel can land the finishing blow in the Archangel. But it matters little to Gabriel, as to him, when Zarla fled and never was able to return, he consider this a great victory for his kin, and the TransVoid's freedom, and thus, he made sure that the TransVoid will forever remain free from the reign of the TransVoid Angels.

And so, as he became the ruler of the Void, as well as the Demon Prince of Flames, he made sure that the TransVoid will remain liberated and not enslaved by Zarla and her kin. But this would not be the last battle that Gabriel would have to go through, as he would be forced to go into countless battles without any way or being able to get a rest from them. And thus, he wound he forced into countless battles against other Beings, such as MalesGrow, Malware, and many of the hostile TransVoid Beings that dare threaten the existence of the TransVoid itself. But most importantly is MalesGrow, due to how cruel and dangerous he is. While he is not as strong as Gabriel, due to the fact that Gabriel is far stronger than him, what makes MalesGrow dangerous is his immense cruelty and his dangerous levels of intellect. Even though Gabriel is intelligent, that is only in fighting and how to be a king, and that is it. But MalesGrow, he is intelligent in manipulation and can use his intelligence in ways that Gabriel has not done so before, nor has he practiced them in a way such as this before in life. Because of this, this made Gabriel weary and careful of when he does go against MalesGrow, as he has no idea what tricks he has up his sleeve when that happens. He is very careful with him, but than, one day, MalesGrow decided to come and fight him, and he is not alone. MalesGrow had also gained the assistance of Malware at his side, and due to Malware's ability to decay, this made Gabriel be very cautious, and he began to fight against 2 of some of the most dangerous TransVoid Beings to ever exist.

The battle was force, slightly more so than when he fought against Zarla, as while MakesGrow and Malware are not at his level, MalesGrow's intelligence and Malware's violent nature are what made them such difficult enemies to fight against, and they are able to push Gabriel into fighting to his full extent, in order to try and defeat them, for the first time since he has fought against Zarla in order to try and defeat her. The battle was force and king, and Gabriel had ever suffered a lot of pain from Malware and MalesGrow combined. But he is eventually able to defeat the both of them in a fight, and was able to win. But the pain was very great, and he was knocked out, as Gabriel fell into a portal and landed down onto the ground, but with his power, was able to shrink himself down to a size that is suitable for the world that he is in, so he does not severely damage it. He was weakened from the fight, and he could barley move. But the landing caught the attention of a human woman. The woman saw Gabriel, and took him back to her home, where she nursed him back to full recovery. This is the first time Gabriel had been touched with kindness for the first time, a feeling that he had given to his subjects, and yet, he himself have never felt. And it is this aft that has touched his very soul.

Because of this, Gabriel decides to stay with her for a little bit, and has helped her in sudden activities, and due to the woman's gentle heart, Gabriel felt a kindness that he has never thought he would be able to feel after such a long time inside of the TransVoid, ruling as the Void Lord. And in time, both Gabriel and the human woman fell in love with each other, and they even mated, as proof of how much they grew to love one another. And at first, it all seems very well, and after what must have been about 9 months, their child had been born. And the child...he wound he named, as Joash, the first son of Gabriel, and his son, while he did inherit his father's body, along with the wings and horns, he has also inherit his mother's face, as well as gaining pointy ears,

But day occurred. While both Gabriel and his mate were away, the Woman's home had been attacked by a bunch of soldiers, and worse, their child was inside. This is due to the soldiers being aware of the Demon Prince' existence. And thus, when Gabriel and the Woman came back, afraid for their child's life, they are relieved to see that he is still alive, but is now about to be attacked by one of the soldiers. The Woman ran from her position, and Gabriel tried to stop her, but the woman pushed Joash out of the way, while she had been stabbed by the sword, and the soldier felt no remorse for this act, and even took pleasure in mortally wounding her, along with the rest of his teammates, who also mocked her for trying to protect her own demonic son. Enraged, Gabriel stepped forward, and the soldiers were about to attack him, but as Gabriel stepped toward, he than suddenly grew in size, and at the full height of 189 feet. This made the soldiers shocked in fear, as they than began to run away. But Gabriel raised his foot; and smashed the soldiers under his feet, crushing them to death, as if he had stomped on ants. Changing back to human-size, Gabriel ran to his beloved human woman, and did all that he can to save her, but the woman stopped, telling him that it is too late for her, but it is not too late for his son, and thus, he begs Gabriel to raise their son and to make sure that he lives a happy life. Gabriel nodded, as Joash crawled to his father, Gabriel, as Gabriel than picked him up with one of his wings, and he held onto the woman's hand, as the Woman smiled, seeing her son for the last time, along with Gabriel, as she sees that they will not allow her to die alone, and to make sure that they will be able to comfort her in her last, dying moments, and when she passed, Gabriel burns up her body and cremated the corpse of his beloved woman, as she turns to ashes, and is scattered across the winds. Honoring her beloved's dying wish, Gabriel cradles his son, and spreads his wings, as he flies upwards, and goes back to the TransVoid, his Polothorn son in his arms, Joash, who is hugging his father, afraid to let go, as Gabriel is determined to try and raise him, and thanks to being with the woman of his life, he knew some way to be a parent of some kind, as he will do whatever it takes to make Joash happy and gain a good life, just as his beloved wanted. And so, he worked hard to make sure that the wish's honored.

When he returned back to the TransVoid, and he returns back to his gigantic size, his son also growing in size worn him, he began to try and raise his son right. The task was not an easy one, due to being the only parent that Joash has, but Gabriel pulled through for the sake of his son, as he made sure that he grows up with a purity that the woman had bestowed upon him.

And growing up, Joash loved his dad and is shown to be loyal to him, as does all that his father asks him to do, and he loves him worn every fiber of his soul. He began to try and do what his father does, and he even practices with him on a bunch of stuff. He practiced with his power over fire, he began to flap his wings and learn how to fly, and he is able to be taught in how to be a ruler. And thus, this has also made Joash extremely happy, as he always shown to be affectionate to those that he cares about, always seems to be happy, and he never, ever loses a single ounce of his purity in his life. And thus, Gabriel was able to fulfill his beloved's wishes, or...that is what he believed that he had done. The truth is...that wish was intervened when an Angel decided to launch an attack on Gabriel's domain, and with the Angel so how seeing that Gabriel has a son, they decide did try and kill his son, so that Gabriel will lose the will to fight, and allow Zarla to reclaim her place as the ruler of the TransVoid, and the angel's commanders they nearly tried to kill Joash, with the Polothorn son of Gabriel in tears and afraid, as he held his hand up, not wanting to look at what is about to happen to him, but Gabriel was not happy, as he then attacked the Angel that is attacking his son, and used his massive strength to send them out of here. The angles kept on attacking, but Helatory was able to get her nephew out of the way, as Gabriel fought against the demons, and began to attack them very, very ferociously.

But Gabriel gave it his all, and used all he can to fight back against the TransVoid Angels that dare attack his son, and in the end of it all, he is able to succeed in his goal, and make the TransVojd Angels flee from his domain, and make them never come back from it for a little while. But Gabriel knew that he cannot hide such events from Joash forever. And so, when they are in Gabriel's throne room alone, Gabriel revealed the dangers of the TransVoid, and because of Joash witnessing it, he needs to be ready, but tells him that even when he is going to Jane fo defend against it, Joash still needs to learn that, no matter what happens, he can be happy. Joash, taking those words to heart, than began to train his dad, to defend the TransVoid, but too also get to know the good Beings inside of the TransVoid, and thus, Koash grew as a person, and he grew with his skills in his power over fire. And his father, Gabriel, he has also gained countless wives during his time, to the point that Joash, he has lost count on how many step mothers that he has. Needless to say, this has made Joash very annoyed immensely. But he still loves his father and cares deeply for his happiness, and he wants to make sure that his father is able to gain a happy life worn what he has. So he does not complain about it.

And in time, he grew up to be one of the TransVoid's most powerful defenders, and due to his status as a Polothorn son of Gabriel, he is so strong that he is able to surpass his own father, and became one of the most powerful defenders of the TransVoid. But during his time as one of its defenders, he got to know the realities that he is living in, and the realities that he exist in, such as the MainFrame, the Wicked Throne, and the reality that shows the Undertale Multiverses, including the ones from Alphatale, the very first AU to ever be created. But as he observes Alphatale, he than sensed a familiar form of energy from somewhere, he and he goes to it, only to see a female larger than him, and has born Gabriel's horns, feet, and wings that are a fusion of Angel and Demon. The figure identified herself as Sandhya, and is the daughter of Gabriel, much to Joash's shock, as he reveals that he is Gabriel's son, and the first one to ever be born. This made Sandhya surprised, as both talked to each other, and they grew a very close sister-like bond. This made them stick to each other like glue, and they hung out very much, as both care deeply for one another, and Joash could not help but feel fond at being with his half-sister. And in time, he than ran into his cousins, Lilyin and Ishtarati, the daughter of Helatory, with 2 different parents. And than, he and Sandhya met Zero, the firstborn son of MalesGrow, and it is there that both Joash and Zero, they struck a friendship. And Zero is the very first friend that Joash has ever made in life, as he never had a friend before in his life.

And that is not the end of Joash's journey, as he than made an encounter with Basil, who is an Edenfolk son of Falklore, the Hero of the 10 realities and Edra,  the Goddess of the Cosmos. And thus, both Basil and Joash became friends, with Basil becoming the second friend that Joash had ever gotten in his whole time as the firstborn son of Gabriel, the Demon Prince. Joash never felt anymore happier than he ever did in his whole life, and he saw that Basil, Zero, and Sandhya care deeply about the TransVoid and want to make sure that it remains alive, so that their home can remain intact. And Joash, he realizes that he is not alone in this, as he has Basil, Zero, and Sandhya by his side, and in that sort of thought, the 4 of them are together, and he will make sure that the TransVoid will be safe and secure for everyone here.


Joash, due to being Gabriel's son, appears to be a completely red demon with large horns and and a pair of wings on his back. Having inherited his father's body, he has 3 taloned-toed feet and appears to be shaped like hind legs, and has sharp claws on his fingers. But unlike his father, he has a face, which he inherited from his mother, and they are black eyeballs with red irises and have pupils with the color and the movement of fire, he has pointy ears on each side of his head, and has black hair that is said to be very long that it can reach his knees. He is described as being handsome by the TransVoid Demons, and is shown to be even taller than his own father, as he wears a grey shirt and black pants, as Joash seems to possess an innocent expression on his face.


Being the son of Gabriel, Joash, like his father, is the sole protector of the TransVoid and its inhabitants. He has defended it with all he has and goes as far as even sending those who've mistakenly gotten there back to their respective reality, thanks to his father leading him to the right direction.

Growing up, he always had a carefree and adventurous personality, as Joash likes to explore the TransVoid, with Gabriel wanting to make sure that he does not wander off to anything that is dangerous. Joash, even though he can be sad, will feel immensely happy when he sees that he is not all on his own in the situation that he is in, and would even form genuine friendships, such as the ones that he has made with both Zero and Basil, who he can relate to in a way, although Zero is a bit more ruthless compared to the other oriole that Joash has bonded with. And when he speaks with others x he is shown to have a very polite and soft-spoken tone, which makes him sound like a very charming person, and others will find them levee attracted to Joash, whenever they hear his voice. He's shown to be able to help protect those who are defenseless.

However, although Joash is a very kind Polothorn and one of the most merciful ones to ever exist, that does not mean that he will be completely merciful. Joash is capable of a terrifying wrath, and is said to be so intimidating that others that see him in this state of rage will then tail and run, as then will do all that they can to avoid him, or they are so frozen with fear that they have no idea how to deal with him. Even Gabriel, his own father, can be a little bit intimidated by this display or rage, as Joash learned to control and remain calm, even when he is angry, which makes him even more terrifying even when compared to his father, who's already one of the strongest Beings. And when he is wrathful, and calm at the same time, he will make sure that the prism that has angered him will be beaten down to the ground and if the situation requires it, he will kill the offender without any hesitation. But even when he is very ruthless and scary, this does not stop him from being one of the most kindest entities in all of existence.


Pure Fire Embodiment: As he is Gabriel's son, Joash embodies fire, having natural affinity and physiology of fire and flames. Joash has infinite and all abilities and powers based on fire. At the pinnacle, Joash is all-powerful and omnipotent over and in fire, possessing absolute and limitless control and immunity of fire, doing absolutely anything with fire.

Wings: Joash had a pair of wings on his back that he can use to either fly with them or use them as durable shields if he is attacked from different angles and he does not have any time to defend against the attacks that's coming.

Polothorn Physiology: As the son of Gabriel, Joash learned to do as much as his father can do, namely, he can from changing his own gender to him even being able to rewrite his own very existence. He can do just about anything to his own person that could possibly be thought of. But as a Polothorn, he is capable of doing possibly more than what his own father is capable of, due to being more stronger than him.

Joash's Sword: Joash's main weapon of choice, this attack is capable of destroying just about any structure he would throw it at so long as the structure isn't greater than himself. He summons a powerful sword made out of pure flame that, when thrown, sucks in all existing things and non-existing things into one singular point, detonating them like a bomb with enough force to even fracture reality itself beyond repair, with the force force than that of a black hole. Basically, the weapon functions the same as the Trident that Gabriel uses. He can even use the weapon to stab the ground and cause an explosion powerful enough to wipe out a planet work just a tiny fraction of his power.

Ignite: Joash can burn people like they have a spontaneous combustion with just a single look. His eyes will glow dangerously when that happens, as he will use his power to heat up the entity he is targeting.

Detonation: Joash can look at someone in his line of sight, and he is able to detonate a person like he is a bomb. It doesn't take that much effort, as all it takes is one single look, and they are quickly gone in just 1 second.

Wrath Empowerment: Joash has learned to empower himself and weaponize his own wrath to his own advantage. When he gets enraged, Joash's physical body and his powers are able to increase, making Joash's attacks far more damaging than before.

Demonic Presence: When he becomes enraged, Joash is capable of creating a presence so terrifying that many TransVoid Beings will feel of wanting to turn tail and hide, but are unable to, due to being frozen in place, and even Gabriel is not resistant to this power. The only ones resistant to this power are Zero, Basil, Sandhya, and any entity that is stronger than Joash.


Gabriel: The father of Joash, both Gabriel and Joash have a stable father-son relationship, as it is Gabriel that has taught him all that he knows, and desires to fulfill his beloved's wish. Although Joash can be annoyed at Gabriel's desire to gain countless wives, he does not bother him on this, and simply leaves that part be.

Sandhya: Joash's younger half-sister, Joash and Sandhya are able to have a close sibling bond with each other, and are shown to care a lot for one another. Although he knows of Sandhya's relation with Zarla and the angels, who he has an extreme hatred for, he still loves his sister all the same.

Lilyin and Ishtarati: The 2 Half-Sister daughters of Helatory, Joash clearly does not like what they are like in their behavior, but he still cares deeply for his cousins and wish them a happy life. Although both Lilyin and Ishtarati are show to tease and flirt with Joash, much to his annoyance and dismay, they are show to have a strong family bond with him.

Zero: The lost, firstborn son of MalesGrow, and the first friend that Joash has ever made, they are born shown to have a strong sibling-like bond, similar to that of brothers, and was also the one that introduces him to Basil.

Basil: The Son of Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, and Falklore, the Being Slayer, he is the second friend that Joash has made, and they are both shown to hang out with both Zero and Sandhya, whenever they have the chance, and they did it without care of what their parents think.

MalesGrow: A giant TransVoid Squid and Devourer, Joash hates MakesGrow immensely due to his cruelty, but he cannot fight him now, due to the angels being his problem. But when he does go against MalesGrow, it is when Zero is involved, so that he can help him fight against his father.

Malware: The TransVoid Being of Decay, Joash hates him just as much as MalesGrow, but cannot fight him, due to not wanting to become affected by Malware's power of decay, and thus, he is forced to leave him as he should be.

Omnipotent!Sans/Ares: The adoptive son of the Astral Mother, and a Conduit of Will who has connected himself to Islothorn, a TransVoid Being, Omnipotent and Joash are shown to have a very good friendship and are able to help each other in times of need, making Joash one of Omnipotent's
most powerful allies to aid him.

Anomaly!Core: Though Zero, Joash is able to meet Anomaly!Core for the first time. And the relationship between the both of them is similar to Zero, being very friendly and kind to one another, and Joash is even allowed to enter the Alpha Timeline and make some new friends, as well as being able to use his full size inside of the Alpha Timeline without any sort of problem with space.

Falklore: The father of Basil, Falklore and Joash met with Basil introduced his father to him. Seeing that he is a truly heroic TransVoid Being, and admiring his use with the blade, Falklore decides to train him in how to fight with the sword, which made Joash happy that the legendary hero is able to train him and help improve his skills in hoe to fight with his powerful sword.

Scion!Paper Crane and Exul: 2 entities molded fro the Void, one of them being a parasitic Void Monster and another being molded from the pure void, Joash had been able to have a friendly conversation with the both of them, and they even parted away on good terms, and Exul even has taught Joash some important topic that his father never even knew of before he was born.

Prism: A Forbidden Conduit of Disorder: Joash has heard of him through Zero, when he mentioned him and described about him. And at one point, Joash was able to meet him, but he vanished before Joash could talk to him. Now, he teams up with Zero in order to try and find out where he is.


Joash's stronger than his father, Gabriel, and thus, he can do more than what his father's capable of.

Joash is the strongest child that Gabriel has sired, with no others surpassing him.

Sandhya is comparable to Joash, but surprisingly, she is slightly weaker than him. So to make up for it, she as more abilities than Joash, in order to stand a chance against him.

As he is stronger than Gabriel, and very slightly stronger than Sandhya, he is also able to outclass MalesGrow and his son, Zero. But Zero will be able to outclass Joash if he continues to consume.

Like his father, Gabriel, he has lost count on how many step mothers that he has. All that he knows is that there is a lot of them, and it makes him filled with dismay at the fact that Gabriel has this much.

Joash has a strong hatred against the angels, to the point that he hopes to see them extinct, in order for them to not be a threat to the TransVoid anymore. Despite this, he still cares for his half-sister, Sandhya, who is a hybrid of Demon and Angel.

Like Gabriel, Joash has fought against the Conduit of Wrath, and he is able to beat him far more easily than Gabriel had done before.

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