Infected (Forced God of Destruction)

(Same as Omnipotent, this version of Infected will have the power of both his canon self and his Staffverse self, although there will be some differences in his powers, as well as being in the same multiverse as Cruel to Kind!Ten mo Kami, which FGoD Omnipotent!Sans is in too)

Names: Jacob


The Infected
The Broken Heart
The Conduit of Destruction

Date of Birth: October 22nd, XXXX

Place of Birth: Underground(Timeline 2)

Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 1 Ton
Eye Color: Black, White

What makes you feel fear? Is it the worry of death, or the pain that comes before it?-Infected

Infected is a chaotic psychopath that seeks to bring pain and suffering of all that he considers wrong in the Forced God of Destruction Multiverse. He is the Conduit of Destruction, the first destroyer of the Multiverse and is the older twin brother of Omnipotent, as well as one of the 6 Alphatale Brothers.


The backstory of this Infected is the same as the original. Infected hadn't always been the way he was. Long ago, he used to go by the name of Jacob. Carrying that name, he had been born by the Void Empress, alongside his brother Ares. Through being kidnapped by a woman that went by the name of the Astral Mother, he was subject to experimentation under her hand, a simple toy for her own pleasure. Through this, Jacob experienced true suffering like no other in the underground.

From each experiment, he grew more and more resilient to the pain. The torment and mental stress stuck with him, although the physical suffering had settled at once. He soon began to come up with stories in his own mind. A guardian, of sorts. A guardian to protect him, save him from all suffering within the world he had been pushed into. This had created Infected. Infected was a sort of relief for Jacob. He always used Infected as a way of comfort. An entity to look up to in his darkest moments. It was only until the last experiment that Infected had taken over his mind completely.

Through his insanity, he barraged into the underground, rampaging at everything he saw without a hint of remorse or desire to leave anyone standing. Cold-hearted, crazed and tired of it all, he simply let out his rage, pain and suffering with the only way he knew: pain. With each bit of LOVE building up, his mind had became far more pushed by the will of Infected, who once had been a relief, now a controller.

This had left him where he was. Cold, heartless and brutal, using his pain and torment as the only viable method of comfort. Jacob's hatred for everyone transformed Jacob into a terrible killer. And with a tremendous roar, an alarm sounds all over the basement.

He killed a lot of monsters and finally started attacking Adam and William. The two and Infected fought fiercely, but finally Infected! Sans killed Adam. Seeing his brother's corpse, William tried to send Infected to hell instead teleporting him to Anti-Void, which was uninhabited at that time, and decided to defeat Infected there. But that was a mistake.

When the teleport was complete, William, guided by a whisper, immediately thrust his arm into the ground of Anti-Void. However, the spirit of 404 went crazy in an instant due to the energy of the MainFrame. While going crazy, William got the MainFrame code and made it a wire and deleted the existence of "Infected". It was only because it was able to take over the location called Anti-Void.

The outcome is that this Infected is still the same as before, in which Infected would still go against Error404, fight against 100 and the Astral Mother, consume TransVoid Beings and having both his and Error404's Souls taken by the Unnameable God, Sol himself, become Soul Harbinger (which he became in a different way since he consumed a TransVoid Being comparable in power to Gabriel, who he did not consume this time) and gain the Hellseeker personality and form, and battled against Perfect404, but still lost the battle, in spite of the fact that Hellseeker is a lot more powerful then Perfect404 himself. But when Faker took his Conduit Soul, and killed 404, Infected tried to wake 404 up, in a combination of wanting to end 404 himself, and not wanting him to be actually dead. But the realization hits Infected like an unnatural disaster, and for once, Infected felt bad, and more. He realizes what he was doing was wrong...but he cannot take it back again. At least, that is what he supposedly thinks.

He then met Warlock inside of the realm he is in, and after a bit of talking, even though Infected does not understand him, he then goes to the Nexus to hopefully revive him. And with the help of the Cosmic Essence, both sources of power made a Bio-Conduit Soul for Error404, allowing him to come back to life again, and allowing him to fight as he once did before. But the biggest change in Infected's when he finally began to move on and let go of what made him the way he is in the first place. With 404 encouraging him, Infdcred finally decided to let go, and gained a Soulseeker form, finally becoming Jacob once again in mind, and more important, both 404 and Infected are now brothers again, after so long with being enemies with one another.

They would later fight alongside the other Alphatale Brothers in order to fight against Faker, with them all being able to separate the fused Conduit Soul, allowing Error404 to regain his Conduit of Balance. But Error404 would later be killed regardless at the end of the cycle, forcing Infected to fight the Prime Conduit of Creation, who would later bring him back to life with his Conduit of Balance yet again, and now, they will work together with the others to bring down Faker, permanently. This time, they are going to fight side by side in order to take down Faker for all that he has done to everyone.


Originally, Infected wore a blue jacket with a large slash down the middle and has mismatched eyes and large patch on his head with crack. He wears red shoes and a pair of black shorts with a white stripe running down them.

Then, Infected changed his attire to a red jacket that has a face mark on the back. He is wearing black long-sleeved clothes and long trousers, and his shoes are also black.

Afterwords, in his final outfit, the entire attire has a pretty slim body shape, the pants are black, the jacket is white, and the fur on both the hood and sleeve is dark purple and moves like fire.


Infected: Infected is a cold, brutal murderer, finding pure joy within the chaos and torment of others. Being born through Jacob's torture and pain, he has become an agent of chaos, living to find the pleasure in harm. Constantly stuttering through his words, Infected loves the sight of pain. Alongside his crazed words, he tends to repeat himself far too often, often stuttering and lunging out randomly from the rage of something as small as the stutters. Seems the Astral Mother had a far bigger impact on him than you'd expect. Many assume Infected to be insane. While he may be a psychopath, he most certainly is aware of what he's doing. He doesn't care about who he hurts, which tends to make him harm himself at times. He just likes the idea of doing it.

D2: D2 is the embodiment of the good within, showing a true light inside of Infected that hadn't been there for a long time, not part of the true relationship between Jacob and Infected, but instead is more of a singular entity acting on their own when control is given or taken by them. Their entire goal is unclear, but causing harm to others is the last thing on their list.

Jacob: Jacob is far different from Infected. While Infected was born in chaos, considering it the only method of joy and peace in his life, Jacob remembers the early days of his life before the Astral Mother. Jacob is far more frightened than frightening. He tends to lash out at those that get too close, although otherwise is timid and calm. He loves to speak in soft, easy tones, singing to himself of happy songs. He doesn't suffer any depression, although he most certainly is sad.

Hellseeker: It is a new personality that temporarily hijacked Infected. Hell Seeker is much more cruel and unforgiving than Infected, and there is no hesitation or second thoughts like Infected. Although his body was dominated by this personality and he challenged Error404 to fight, he couldn't defeat Error404, and eventually 404 was killed by Faker. After that, Hell Seeker in Infected had weakened from a humanoid purple flame-shaped skeleton to the size of a small Wisp, causing Infected to hallucinate Astral Mother. Hellseeker had trying to regain that power again in taking control of Infected and Jacob. However, with Error404 snuggled up to his side, Infected finally decided to move forward, and Hell Seeker almost disappeared. However, it's not completely gone.

Powers, Abilities, and Weapons:

Wisps: Wisps are souls that Infected had transferred into mindless, boiling pieces of torment, following Infected blindly without a care in the world or without caring themselves. Wisps range in size depending on the vessel of the monster Infected had murdered. Wisps may combust if Infected desires so, the severity depending on it's size. A small Wisp will cover the range of a Small City worth of an explosion. A big Wisp will cover that of a whole Country.

Wisp Mines: Infected's wisps are able to lay on the ground, or bury themselves and become invisible, or camouflage to the point of invisibility. if anyone were to step on these so called 'mines' the wisp would instantly become visible and then explode. many do not escape from this explosion once triggered.

Wisp Infected: Infected is able to surround himself in wisps, to which if he gathers enough wisps, he can make a huge version of himself only made out of wisps, with Infected himself being in the skull of it. The max amount of wisps he can build up is up to about 2 skyscrapers which will explode almost half of a world. he is able to blow up any part of its body and depending of the size of the body part he chooses to explode, it can range from the size of 3 states, to an entire country if he decides to blow up every part.

Destruction Bomb: Infected can put a soul-like object inside of a Wisp, turning it orange. The Wisp will then explode on contact of a living person like a grenade.

Unholy Scream: This allows for Infected to let out a scream so brutal and ear-tearing to the degree that it completely stuns his enemy, restricting them of using magic until they regain their hearing, which can vary depending on the person. If they're on his level, it will only feel like it lasts for about 10 seconds.

God Breaker: This ability allows for Infected to strain his arm, striking at such a powerful pace that it can shatter the guard of gods, completely disintegrating anyone weaker than himself as well as bypassing durability factors.

Unrivaled Defense: Infected can leak his black blood all over his body, allowing to make him completely immune to all forms of physical damage, only being harmed by magic and such to anyone on his level of weaker.

Untouchable soul: Due to infected lacking power, his defense is raised by a lot, causing infected to be almost indestructible. Though doesn't mean he cannot be killed by someone with equal, or higher power. A good way to hurt him is to get a wisp of his to explode very close to him, knock him unconscious and forcefully expose the soul either with another wisp explosion or trying to rip open the ribcage. Exposing the soul will cause it to move around making killing it difficult but more prone to damage.

Play Dead: As soon as he gets attacked, he pretends to be dead and tries to let his opponent's guard down.

Mind Games: Infected can reach inside his skull, allowing to take an opponents SOUL right from them and pull it out of his head, a quick and easy chance to murder.

Extensive Coil: Infected can expand his bones structures, allowing to change height and such, to go from his usual height up to 10x bigger.

Cannibalism: Infected can consume any organic structure, allowing for him to gain certain abilities made from said structure. This most commonly works for monsters, yet can also can work for plants and other beings that typically aren't from the Multiverse.

Creator's Prowess: From meeting with the avatar of a creator, Infected had tested his Cannibalism ability. Biting the avatar, he had been given the ability to form objects up to the size of a spear. Each time he uses this, he usually doesn't use this as he already has his wisps and axe.

Feral Bones: Corroded, rotten bones that carry disease on them from their state. Best to avoid.

Selective Combat Mastery: When Infected enters Combat, he usually would gear himself with a multitude of abilities and skills when fighting in physical form. Some of the skills range to actual mastery, or even manipulation of martial arts, weapon mastery, ninjitsu, and any form of fighting style imaginable. Infected may easily decide he has absolute in all forms of fighting.

The Axe: Infected's axe is a prized possession of his, using it only for the most earned kills. Despite its extremely short length, looking more like a cleaver, it was once an axe, so it still retains that name. It has a special SOUL Bond to him, allowing for him to use his own soul to chain onto the axe, essentially being a physical soul connection.

ChainSmith Axe: Infected's axe can be detached while still being attached by a chain. This allows him to gain more range in battle.

Trident: Infected possesses a great trident once wielded by a powerful Asgore, one that could rival the strength of Infected himself when he went into another Multiverse. The trident is imbued with powerful fire magic that allows the wielder to transform into purple flames that burn hotter than the sun itself. The trident can also made a purple fire tornado to cause devastating damage to the surrounding area that he is in, can be charged up in order to throw it at the opponent like a Lance, or he can stab the ground with it and make multiple tridents appear from the ground. He is somehow able to attach this weapon to his soul, allowing him to summon it at will.

Bow: Infected's Bow is a special bow made out of an unknown material from Infected's original multiverse. The Arrows he fires from the bow are wisp imbued arrows which once it hits something or someone it'll cause a mass explosion the size of an airplane. Infected, however, can charge this up in order to destroy more than before, possibly destroying an entire world. Like the Trident, he is able to attach it to his soul, allowing him to summon it whenever he desires. The arrows are summoned in midair, thus he doesn't need to worry about possibly wasting a supply of arrows when he fires them. 

Spine Attack: Infected grabs the spine of a skeleton and uses it as a whip as well as a grappling hook.

Jacob's Abilities:

Flame Transmission: Jacob can form his own body into a large, purple flame. This makes him physically unable to be harmed, unless someone can bypass the flames, yet magically vulnerable in many cases. This allows flight and fast movement.

Solar Boost: Whenever the Sun is present, Jacob gains a special boost of energy, allowing for limitless stamina.

Heartbreak: The second Jacob kills someone, he will get a memory spike of the things he done as Infected, forcing him into a terrified, yet brutal mood which can boost his power by a little, 1.5x to be exact.

Conduit of Destruction:

Infected is the conduit of destruction, He, unlike the others, is completely aware of his powers and what he is and is far ahead of the others in terms of his capabilities. Infected's ability to destroy things is entirely limited to what he wills he can destroy or what he believes he can destroy.

Novice: Infected at this stage can utterly destroy things. This could be anything and everything from small objects to entire galaxies or universes and possibly even abstract concepts and/or natural forces/laws bound to them. He can combine this power with other abilities turning them much stronger than before. His God breaker is now a Destructive breaker and his Wisp turn into Destructive Wisp.

Advanced Beginner: That this stage Infected can manipulate destruction, delaying/hastening when destruction happens, speeding/slowing down destruction, determine what parts of anything should be destroyed.

Competent(Current at this level): Infected has become a physical manifestation or personification of destruction, and gains the ability to bring destruction wherever he goes: everything breaks, cracks, crushed, disintegrates, explodes or implodes into nothingness and oblivion.

Proficient: Infected, as he reaches Proficient with his Conduit soul, is capable of making beings, objects, and species destroyed on a metaphysical level. By this point, Infected knows destruction as it is.

Master: Unknown

Full-Fledged Conduit: Infected embodies Destruction to its most fundamental point. With this it allows him to destroy practically anything whether it be physical, mental, metaphysical and more. Infected is capable of destroying everything without limits, from concepts, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational "concepts" like the fabric of nothingness or even totality itself.


LaughingStack: LaughingStack is a fusion of both Infected and Spaz. The fusion takes more after Spaz, where he wears a blue jacket with a usual mask like Spaz's. Laughingstack also dawns white pants with black stripes. Many knives and blades protrude from Laughingstacks left arm as a result from the fusion. In this form, although he is quiet, he is no less sane, finding the joy within killing and tormenting anyone who comes his way. he wishes to unleash true chaos among everything.

Appearance alteration: Unlike Spaz's mimic ability, which simply allows him to change only his face, LaughingStack's appearance alteration provides him much more disguise options. It alters the complete body rather than just the face. Everything, including the clothes. This, like imitation, will last for three months before he may change again. However, if the person he resembles dies, he can alter his appearance at any moment, but only if they are deceased.

Sharp shot: LaughingStack has managed to conceal a large number of knives in both of his hands, from which he can shoot them, offering both as a wonderful concealed trick. The blades in question are said to be sharper than any known blade in his Eden Orb, which further adds to the danger factor when confronting Laughing Stack in close quarter battle.

Shrapnel wisps: LaughingStack, like Infected, has wisps but uses them in a different way. Laughing Stack possesses wisps that behave similarly to shrapnel bombs, detonating millions of little knives that immediately lock on to any of Laughing Stack's targets and shoot towards the individual.

A Sharp Figure: LaughingStack can cover himself from head to toe in a large array of razor-sharp blades that are exceedingly sharp even with the slightest touch, and he can create them any length he wishes, giving him nearly endless possibilities and forms of bodily offense and defense.

Life trade: LaughingStack, like Spaz, can escape death by simply exchanging someone else's life for his own, but only if Laughing Stack knows the person he is exchanging lives with. In order to exchange the other person's life for his own, he must answer ten questions about them.

Hardened Defense: LaughingStack possesses the same type of blood compound as Infected, which when leaked over his body causes him to create a strong exterior shell that is practically invisible and renders him almost impervious to both physical and magical attacks.

Monstrous Form: This form increases Infected's Attack by 100 and gives him a black Monstrous form, which makes him almost unbeatable.

Black Being: The black being is a form that Infected use whenever he's feeling overwhelmed. This is caused by Infected feeling a strong form of madness to the degree it takes a physical toll, entirely covering his body. It is around the size of an average modern house, and consists of pure, black matter. Infected is essentially subconscious in this, relying off purely instinct. While no longer having any magical properties until the form fades, it is physically powerful in many ways, able to crush anything, the Black Being is able to move around at immense speed and the wisp in this state are about the size of a large truck or bus. The Black Being produces a strong immense aura that inflicts anyone within a 4 lightyear radius the "Madness" infliction causing unescapable nightmares and hallucinations of worst fears, horrible futures and untimely deaths.

The wisp in this state are insanely destructive with just two large wisp having enough force to detonate the earth and moon together and a full Haunting being able to destroy a entire galaxy.

Soul Harbinger: Soul Harbinger is an essential evolution of the form prior. His huge body surpasses even Reality 6. Following his major strength and godlike power, he now consists of flames so powerful they can burn anything within a 100 mile radius. The forum is compltley indestructible, unkillable by normal means and with the boosted GIGA!Wisp unbeatable. With its large black flaming trident it can pierce literal gods and burn them to cinders, its power forever skyrocketing until it reaches a unattainable ceiling. The flames of the Harbinger are so hot they can melt away the atoms of others before even getting to their actual physical forms buring people from the inside out.

GIGA!Wisp are large wisp that grow to the size of small universes and can destroy entire Multiverses at a time if there is more then three at a time. The GIGA!Wisp feed on absolute matter and dark matter for their energy and detonate all that matter deep inside replicating a explosion equivalent to the big bang itself.

Hellseeker: After being brought back by the Eldest Son of Pain, Infected was then trained by the two sons of pain Alfrieda and Lucifer. After experiencing immense mental and physical torment he would then be led to a well filled with the despair of the world. He would take it and turn himself into the official Hell!Seeker.

Chaos Incarnate: Infected is able to embody chaos itself. He is thus unpredictable and uncontrollable and can cause others to become disorderly and disorganized.

Hell!Wisp: Much more destructive and much more insane than the last versions of them. They are much more powerful, so powerful they can rupture the connection between the Omniverse and its stories.

Soulseeker: It is a pure version of Hell Seeker, where the hatred and sadness in Infected have disappeared. The purple flame that was burning with hatred turned into a calm blue, and he was able to keep his mind calm. Perhaps because the force has become completely controllable, it is much stronger than Hell Seeker.

Soul!Wisps: A new Wisp that he showed in a joined fight with Faker. The detailed power is unknown, but it is much stronger compared to the Hell!Wisps, since the Hell!Wisps can rupture the connection between the Omniverse and its stories, so the Soul!Wisps can destroy a lot more than that.

Full Destruction: This form is the result of Infected mastering his Conduit to full-fledged, making him gain cracks on his bones that glow purple with his left eye also glowing purple as well. In this form, Infected possesses total control over destruction itself, being able to do what he wants to destroy with it within the Pond he's in.


Error404!Sans: When it comes to terms with Error!404 and Infected, they're like two sides of the same coin. Despite how Infected may be the cold, brutal and psychopathic one, things change when the two fight. Error!404 strictly focuses on murdering Infected, while Infected only toys with him. The two truly do love each other, with the both of them proving this when Infected felt regret when Faker killed Error404, and Error404 finally comforting Infected during a moment of weakneee, allowing Infecred to gain the Soulseeker form.

Astral Mother: She never deserved what she got, yet she still got it through horrible means. Infected despises the woman more than anything. He would do anything just to cause her eternal suffering. Death isn't enough.

Omnipotent!Sans: Infected's younger twin brother, even after all that has happened, Omnipotent still loves his brother and does all that he can to redeem him, due to Jacob having been a form of emotional support for him, which finally happens during the events of Faker stealing the Conduit Soul of Balance.

Alpha!Sans: The former victim of Infected, he had killed his before back when he was Adam, and then tried killing him again after being knocked out of his Corrupt Judge form, but this time Righteous!Error prevents it, unlike in canon.

100: The older brother of Error404 and Alpha, 100 hates Infected with a devastating vengeance, wanting nothing more than to kill him, mainly because he wants to be the one to kill Error404.

Warlock: The older brother of Infected and Omnipotent himself, the first meeting between them was of him and Error404 fighting against him, resulting in a rather devastating battle between all 3 of them. But they both meet again when Error404 had his Conduit Soul stolen by Faker and he died because of it. And although the official interaction between them started out awkward, they both then began to reach an understand of a sort, and Infected appreciates it in a way, and on some level, seems to truly recognize Warlock as his brother.

Void Empress: The true mother of Warlock, Infected, and Omnipotent, at first, Infected could only see her as an enemy that he wants to kill, but after regaining his sanity, he and the Void Empress were finally able to get along like actual mother and son, with the Void Empress' only regret being that she was never there for him when he needed him, and the fact that she was unable to save him when the Astral Mother took her 2 children away from her and made Jacob like this.

Conduit of Extinction, Urien: The child of Cearo and Ava, Urien was once a sort of son-like figure to Walter, Infected's previous incarnation and the first Conduit of Destruction. They would finally meet during the events of Fate Seeker, with Urien, although well aware of Infected being simply Walter's reincarnation, treats him like a father, and Infected, although a little bit uneasy, does treat him very well in a way, and began treating him like he's his own child, just as past life had. 


Infected's blood consists of a strange, black ooze material that may harden whenever Infected is under heavy stress.

The moment Infected dies, he turns into stone. He can be recovered by his SOUL soon repairing within the stone form.

Infected's patch has something inside it...something.
A horde of wisp is called a "Haunting."

Infected loves strawberry milk and most strawberry flavored things.

Infected's body can store up to 30K wisp in it
It takes, on average, at least a thousand wisp to destroy a whole AU. However, this storage would later increase to 60K.

Infected tends to bite off his own fingers.

His soul is a giant combination of 4 others.

The wisp don't like Infected, they just fear him.

Infected is a natural boxer and even knows a bit of karate

Infected once ate a Cow and after such began to milk himself for 3 days straight.

Infected is a very old AU. He was around during Alphatale's prime.

Error404 and Infected are enemies.

Infected has been seen by only a few AUs.

Infected is a natural boxer and even knows a bit of karate

Infected is a very old AU. He was around during Alphatale's prime.

Error404 and Infected are enemies.

Infected has been seen by only a few AUs.

Infected is the first murderer and the first Genocide runner in the Multiverse.

Infected is the origin of all evil and bad in the Multiverse.

Infected can only be found, where there is pure and chaotic evil.

Infected's soul is shaped like four souls combined into one.

Infected can eat other souls and combine them with his.

Infected's body and blood are made of some different type of substance that allows him to harden his bone marrow to the point to where even bullets shatter upon impact.

Infected can only give birth to female offspring. This is because of the way his code was built. If Infected and another person have a child, then the offspring would be a female. No matter the gender of the other.

LaughingStack's powers, the Trident, Bow, Wisp Mine, and Wisp Infected all belong to the Staffverse.

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