Hollow!Ink (Forced God of Destruction)
The Corrupted Creator
The False Protector
God of Creation
Son of Fate
Date of Birth: April 15th
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Skellinkton
Gender: Male
Weight: 134 pounds
Height: 3'8
Eye Color: Purple
This "power" allows me to feel the emotions that everyone else could and allows me to do things I never could, why would I give that!? Do you not want me to be happy!?-Hollow!Ink
Hollow!Ink is a version of Ink from the FGoD Alphaverse. He is the son of Fate, and like the original Hollow!Ink, he gained the Soul of the Unnameable, becoming one of the most dangerous beings in all of time.
The multiverse started out with only one universe, that being UnderTale, but unbeknown to Fate, there existed a second AU that formed on its own, called Alphatale, which had been destroyed before Fate could see it. Finding it too empty, Fate created her "true child", Ink, to fill the emptiness. She whispered to him lovingly, telling him that there was limited space and he could create, but only up to that limit if he didn't want the multiverse to collapse. When he ignored, forgot, or didn't hear her warning, he went on a creating spree, filling the multiverse to a dangerous point.
When too many universes exist at once, they get crammed together in the limited space of the multiverse and continue growing until the eventually bump into each other and pop. Like bubbles in a container. Fate adores Ink, and fails to reach him or to make him stop his behavior. And so, Fate decides to come up with a solution. Looking at Aftertale, an Alternate Timeline version of Undertale, she sees Geno, who is doing a DT experiment, and seeing that he is about to back down from it, Fate controlled Geno, and made him commit a big mistake, which sends him to the Anti-Void. Learning from her mistake, she began to scream his purpose into him, which drove Geno mad. He held his head, as he tries to block and learn the screams, only to become more and more louder, and than...after so long...the Anti-Void, along with Fate's own screaming, began to change and corrupt Geno's entire existence. His bones began to turn black, his right eye socket began to heal, his eye sockets began to show blue tear-like markings coming down, with Geno, beginning to glitch from 2 corruptions invading. And on that day, Geno had erased from existence. On that day...came the God of Destruction. The god, having lost his identity, tries to make a name for himself...and seeing the signs all over his body...he decides in what his name will be...Error.
On that day forth, Error was forced to destroy. While he did his purpose, having successfully destroyed just enough universes to make it half empty, he does not like what has happened to himself. In fact, all he ever wanted, was to live his own life, and Fate took it away. While he does not remember who he once was, he does know that Fate turned him into something that he does not want to be. From that day on, he is forced to fight Ink and his allies, and than, he is forced to fight the very Multiverse that he is trying to save. His body would give in and break, but he would never die. And Ink, in his ignorance, he would fight against a monster that he indirectly had been cursed to be fight against him, just so that he can maintain the balance of the Multiverse, the balance that Ink had ignored for such a very long time, from his own mother.
However, everything then began to change, during a time when Error and Ink are fighting against each other inside of a copy of Outertale. Or at least, one of the copies of Outertale. It was a scuffle as always, with Ink always accusing Error of destroying AUs, even though that is clearly not the case, and Error doing all that he can to fight back against Ink himself. But Ink brought backup, as he got countless AUs to attack him, and Error fled from the battle as fast as he can, due to sending another unique power. And when he came back, he is being chased by Error404, which he aptly named himself, as Error404 crashed to the ground, taking down all of the AU denizens at once, and made Ink go splat like normal paint, before he than recollects himself from the bits that made him become the way the the is. And then, it is when everything started to change, because Error was taken under Error404's wing, as he began to train, with Error being patient and reasonable, not resorting to violence, and the fact that he began to learn some of Error404's moves, such as his own Novice God Ray, manipulating pixels, as well as learned some new strings, and these ended up being a very huge pain for Ink, because of the fact that Error now has the power to corrupt Ink's allies, as least those with code, and make them fight against him, forcing Ink to fight back, and knock them out, with becoming Error more and more difficult with each passing week. Even Fate has no idea why he is growing strong, as she usually senses him in the Anti-Void, yet does not sense him when he goes into the MainFrame itself.
But Ink is soon going to be the one to also be trained, when he runs into a Multiverseal ghost going by the name of Alpha. The youngest brother of Error404, Alpha is the first protector of the AUs, before Ink himself is. Sewing Ink with potential, he decides to take Ink under his wing, but his training lessons are less pleasant compared to Error404's.
Alpha's training is shown to be cruel and relentless, due to the fact that Alpha comes from a dark and horrible home, and even goes to the point of saying that he suggests that Ink should stop using vials entirely because they made him "Unable to do his job". Fate became aware of Alpha!Sans and this sort of training, and chewed him out on this. Alpha speaks that he is well aware of how cruel his training is, but he did this because the times and the Multiverse are beginning to change, and although as bad as it looks, it is necessary, for what will happen next will change for the worst, and he needs to prepare for it, as well as prepare for Ink, in case of it all happening. Fate frowned, as she knows that Alpha has a point, but does tell him to take it slow and not rush Ink, for this is something new to him. Alpha claims he cannot promises this, but he'll still do the best that he can to lessen it.
But then, everything changed. During one point in his life, an unknown Sans, one that is shown to be extremely powerful, had appeared onto the throne one day, as he simply shown up and began making orders as if he ruled the place. Through his immense power and intimidating posture, his demanding words, he certainly left a massive mark on others within the Multiverse, too the point that everyone began to fear this. Unbeknownst to everyone, this Sans is simply known as King Multiverse. He was created when Error kidnapped a Sans called Photonegative Sans, and Error404 took him to one of the MainFrame pools, which lead to his creation, and thus, allowing King Multiverse to become as powerful as he is, as well as make the throne for him to use. Because of this, when he ruled, he made everyone loyal to him, and even commanded those with the title of God, and Ink...he became controlled by King Multiverse, his very being bound to the King of the Multiverse himself, much to his dismay. Fate, in pure rage at this, attacked King Multiverse, but King Multiverse, due to how powerful he is, fought back, eventually winning against Fate, but only after a considerable amount of effort. Despite this, he does not control Fate, but instead leaves her be, as Fate is forced to witness her son become one of the King's Servants, but not Error, due to the fact that Error is still connected to her, and thus is resistant to King Multiverse' power. Ironically, Fate saved the one person she had tortured the most, while also being the one to be unable to save the one person that she adores the most, her precious Ink. And now, due to Fate being too late, Ink is forced to be commanded and controlled by King Multiverse, including fighting against Fate if she dares attack him. Because of this, Fate is forced to leave King Multiverse be, but promises to protect Ink no matter what, for he is her favorite child.
For what's likely 3000 years, as the Multiverse continue to grow, Ink attempted to continue making more copies of the AUs in order to give new life. However, King Multiverse became aware of the balance, due to Error talking to him about it beforehand, and thus is able to force Ink to stop if he tries to make a copy that will reach past the breaking point. This made Ink distressed, as he cannot create new AUs, due to the King not allowing him to do it, and thus, he is forced to live with 3000 years of not being able to do what he does best, unaware of his actions being very detrimental and very consequential to the very Multiverse itself, should he even attempt to make more AUs. And thanks to that, Error finally gets a very long break from having to destroy AUs, for he is tired of taking away the lives of other people, tired of killing and destroying, tired of being Fate's pawn. And because of this, Error is finally able to learn more from Error404, grow stronger, while Ink also gets involved with Alpha and trains with him as hard as he can in order to distract himself from the fact that he cannot create more AUs, but Error is already ahead, due to Error being more patient then him, more considerable and open minded, which allowed Error to learn more techniques and train much more harder then before. But Error already got a head start, and thus, Error is now able to handle against Ink far better then before, as well as became trained enough in ways that Ink is not prepared to do. He even went to destroy the copies, in order to gain a bit more power then before.
But as Fate said, she would protect Ink, no matter what, and thus, she began to do all that she can to make sure that Ink does not get killed or hurt, and would do whatever it takes to make sure that he is safe. She made sure that Ink would be safe and unharmed by the Alphaverse coming into the Multiverse, wreaking havoc, and Ink, in return, did all that he could to make her mother happy. But it was needlessly to say a very immense stressful thing to do, as he cannot continue to create, due to King Multiverse stopping him from doing it when he reaches the limit, and the fact that he has to go into continuous fights against Error, and it is bugging him a little bit. And sometimes, it would get so bad to the point where he would need to stop feeling emotions by quit using his emotion vials for a little while, just so that he can get tied of the stress that he is feeling from what is happening, and ironically, him not using his vials allows him to stand his ground against Error a little better then before, although the result would be one side winning or a tie. But despite this, whenever he feels comfortable again, he will bring back the use of his emotion vials, and will feel emotions yet again, all in an effort to make sure that he is still a protector of the AUs.
And then, the most horrific day came, thanks to the actions of a certain Unnameable God. During the time when Alpha came back to life, as the Conduit of Change, An entity from a group of species called the Unnameables, entered into the Multiverse to try and consume it, and it is not the only one. Faringold and Avalon also escaped from the TransVoid through the Book of Eyes, and they began to wreak havoc on the Multiverse at large. But Error and Error404 are able to defeat the 3 TransVoid Beings with a new transformation of their own. The 2 of them had them merged, and destroyed the entities that attacked the Multiverse. However, the transformation was too powerful for Error to handle, and thus...while Error404 lived...Error himself...was lost. His Immorality not able to save him from this transformation, for the power of the transformation surpassed the immorality at its limit. Fate became enraged, that Error had to die, and thus, had to find a candidate to become a new God of Destruction, in order for them to take Error's place. And Error404, he revealed, in his grief, of the real reason Error had to destroy, the real as to why he did all that he did to Ink's creations, revealing the balance that Ink ignored, and what he has done had nearly led to the Multiverse being destroyed by his own hands. Countless people were enraged at what Ink had done, and Ink had to flee. But luckily for him, Dream was there to comfort him in his darkest times, and it helped Ink feel a little bit better then before, although it did did help ease the shake that he is forced to feel. But despite this, Ink still cares for the AUs and does all he can to protect them, but now he is not as liked and lionized, due to the fact that everyone now knowing the truth, and Ink is fixed to stay away, until the outrage can hopefully blow over.
But while the Unnameable was vanquished, it began to make a biome with its own body, resulting in a tree that is beside Error404's hideout, and Ink, along with the Astral Mother, Faith, and Another went to study the tree, noticing how it's veins are going deep into the Anti-Void and possibly into ten void itself. But the Unnameable, it senses that there is a use in Ink, and telepathically tells him to come to the tree. When that happened, Ink's she's closed purple, but changed back when the Unnameable stopped talking to him. After a litter bur, he decided to have a conversation with the Unnameable in the form of the tree, being left behind by the Astral Mother and the other 2 when he said he will keep watch over it, when in reality, he wants to speak to the tree. They talked back and forth, with the Unnameable talking about the first Polothorn, telling him of the TransVoid Beings and the Unnameables, which lead to Ink lamenting on the fate that he had no emotions, using only his vials, and yet, even that is temporary, wishing to be able to finally feel with a soul. And this is when the Unnameable decide to take a chance, having Ink under his manipulations that he can give him a soul, which is inside of the tree. Ink was hesitant at first, but under the persuasion of the Unnameable, Ink gave into its silver tongue, and went inside of the tree, and have the soul be infused into his body. And Fate, she saw this, and she began to panic and freak out, as she tries to pull Ink back so that he does not go through with this. But Ink, under the spell of the Unnameable, could not stop himself, and as soon as he went into the tree, the process has already begun, as Fate desperately cried out to the Unnameable to give back her precious sin, only for the Unnameable to refuse, as he has need of him. Fate tried all she can to beg for Ink to come back to her, but he cannot hear him. And finally, after an hour or 2 hours, Ink re-emerged, and his eyes glowed pink, showing that he has now become one with the Unnameable, having grown to now have emotions, and to now feel, while also throwing away the Emotion Vials. Fate begged for her son to return, to be back to her precious Angel, only for the Unnameable to interrupt this process, and this, Fate wailed in grief, despair, and horror at what had happened to her son, now having became an abomination of who he once used to be back in the past, and is unable to see the baby she has raised ever again, thanks to the actions of the Unnameable, having taken away her precious boy.
But unbeknownst to Ink...and unbeknownst to Fate as well, there was someone inside of the tree. Within it...laid someone who was lost. It is none other than Error, who was revived and reborn within tree, his soul still intact, with the essence of the Unnameable within his body, and the state was clearly shown, with eyes all over the destroyer's right arm, and Error had gained power that not even he himself could imagine. And Error, as he laid inside of the tree in a sort of deep sleep, he heard Fate's cries of grief and agony within his slumber, and he then awoken from within, and the Unnameable's consciousness, it attempted to pull him deeper into the tree, hoping to assimilate him, but Error, using his newfound strength, he was able to break free from the tree, and unbeknownst to Error, when he was reborn into what he is now, Fate's strings have been snipped from him, meaning that he is now able to achieve his newfound freedom, with the rest of his strings now his soul, or at least, molded into a soul, with most of the soul a red upside down heart, and the 1/9 Soul a part of the new soul he has as well. And during this time, Error and Ink fought, both having grown powerful due to the Unnameable. But Ink had to leave, as the Unnameable's voice told him to do so, and the tree fell into a dimension that Error404 was connected to. Error and Error404 reunited, and they are both happy to see each other again.
But Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error would later meet again inside of Mafiatale, as Error's group brought back King Multiverse, who had somehow reverted back to Photonegative Sans. Error decide from stay behind, as he wants to fight against Ink, not simply to protect the Multiverse from him, but also to make him pay for putting him in the position that he is in, getting cursed by Fate and forever to become a God of Destruction in the first place. In other words, he wants revenge for what he had done to him. Everyone agreed, as Error and Ink are left to fight against each other. Error goes at Ink, first by blinding him when Ink attempted to attack him, before he punched him with his right hand, burning him badly, as Righteous!Error then goes into combat against one another inside of Mafiatale, with Error fighting back against Hollow!Ink with everything that he has.
Error and Ink battled in the Omega Timeline, with Error even protecting some of the denizens of the Omega Timeline without hesitation. And during this, Another!Sans appeared and both fought against Ink, with Error even mocking him for being Fate's favorite child, and for his disregard for the Multiverse, before calling him the most hypocritical and most pathetic protector of all time. This made Ink so enraged that he became the Inkmation, and fired his Orb of Utter Destruction to try and kill Error. But Error, not wanting to see the AUs destroyed made a very large, portal and sends it into the Void. And than, Omnipotent came, and forced Ink out, with Error later lionized as a true hero.
But Error and Ink would fight against each other yet again, when Error decides to come back into the Doodle Sphere, only to see that the Doodle Sphere has now changed, with the paper now in stacks. Righteous even sees that Ink has now changed, wearing white clothes, seemingly forming them from his own body, as they appear to be connected from said body. Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error then decided to fight back against one another, with Ink doing the best that he can to fight back against Error, and Error doing the best that he can to fight back against his rival, now his corrupted enemy, due to the power of the Unnameable. But as the fight continued on, and with Error even stealing some of the AUs that he wants to keep safe, Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare, corrupted versions of Dream and Nightmare, due to the MainFrame rebooting, fought against them both, with Error resorting to fleeing, as Ink is distracted, and Error took the time to save some of the AUs that have not been changed by the MainFrame's resetting of reality, and keeps them inside the MainFrame itself, so that they can be safe and secured. And it is here that the war between Error and Ink begun, with one becoming a true protector of the Multiverse, and the other one becoming a corrupted creator of the Multiverse.
Hollow!Ink possesses the same appearance of the Hollow!Ink in the Alphaverse, meaning that all of his clothes are now white, such as the shoes, the shirt and jacket and pants, with Ink now gaining purple eyes that never change shape and color, now locked in a purple color and normal circular shape, as well as the black splatter of paint on his right cheek, with his scarf now becoming black, as well as wearing black gloves that reach below the elbows. On Ink's hands, is a Paintbrush that has a handle that is black in color, and the brushing part of the paintbrush is now white. He often has a psychotic and manic expression present on his face, as well as a twisted grin present. He still carries his sash of emotion vials, although the goals are now of a white color and are empty. His bones are shown to have black veins all over the place, most notably on the face and head, with even the elbows and upper arms showing the black veins present.
The Hollow!Ink from the FGoD multiverse is the same as the version of Hollow!Ink from the original Alphaverse. Like the original Hollow!Ink, this Ink is cold and yet very emotional and expressive with all his darker sides, ideas and natures all brought to the surface. Ink is incredibly emotional and doesn't hold back, being very expressive especially with Error who he now is able to express his deep hatred for. He also seems to be jealous of Error, as he believes that the creators favored him more then they favored. Ink is also shown to be a rather big hypocrite, as he claims that he loves Fate, but ultimately betrays her in the end, although this is mainly due to the manipulative nature of the Unnameable, and it is not out of actual hypocrisy. But what are demonstrations of his hypocrisy is when he claimed that he would protect the AUs, yet he began to consume some of them, especially the hostile AUs, claiming that he would be the friend of other people, and yet in spite of that, he betrayed them for the Unnameable's Soul.
Ink is also shown to put up an image of a friendly person at first, but this is an act in order to manipulate a person, as well as tries to make the person believe in him, in hopes that they ignore his appearance, and listen and believe his words.
Brush: If needed, Ink's brush is now able to be altered in multiple ways, allowing him to change its weight and length while still being able to use it.
Unnameable Soul: Ink's new soul is the hardest it's ever been and is unbreakable by most effects or most people, with only Righteous!Error or anyone stronger then him being able to cause any noticeable harm to it, although even then, the Unnameable Soul will heal immediately.
Threatening Regeneration: Ink may be influenced by the Unnameable's powerful soul, for if his body is seriously damaged, even if his body is exploded into many bits, he can recover completely instantly, as if nothing happened to him.
Flight: With his new soul, Ink is now able to fly around, able to keep up with Righteous!Error's flight.
Body Manipulation: With his new soul, Ink can manipulate his body and do just about anything he wants with it, such as make extras limbs, turn his limbs into weapons, extend his neck, compress into a ball, etc.
Ink Morphing/Body: He is able to morph and change himself into Ink at will and can use this to dodge certain attacks.
Ink Hopping: He can hop and travel anywhere via Ink which acts sorta as portals or worm holes as even if an area doesn't have Ink he can still appear there leaving behind a puddle of Ink where he entered which he is able to travel back through or simply make another. The power increased to where he can not only move to other Multiverses, he can also go to the TransVoid at his own desires, with only Righteous!Error also being the one that can go to the TransVoid.
Cosmic Creativity: Ink with the Unnameable Soul allows him to be as creative as possible and even allow him to fight with his mind turning his ink or even something of the environment into whatever he needs or wants. He is even able to change a multiverse into a realm that is similar to the TransVoid for baby Unnameables to come in and feast into the AUs that exist in there, and can even make an ink portal to the TransVoid, which will allow him to bring the Baby Unnameables into the Multiverse and consume the AUs, due to the Cosmic Essence infused into his paint.
AU Creation: An ability that he still has, he is able to create AUs, or at least, copies of AUs. But now that has enhanced to being able to make copies of Multiverses.
Ungodly strength: Ink's new soul allows him to overpower anyone, even the strongest amongst the Alphaverse crew would find him hard to pin down. Only Righteous!Error can keep up with him.
MFTL+ Speed: Ink is now extremely fast, giving even Error huge trouble attempting to catch him, as well as being able to match his level of speed.
Unhallowed Presence: Ink can make his presence so terrifying that even Alpha flees from him. Only Infected and anyone stronger can resist it, although this power is able to increase, due to the wicked cruel nature of Ink.
Unmanageable Psyche: Due to Ink's newfound soul, his mind is no longer bound to psyche of a monster or human, now having made his own psyche, and thus, he's impossible to manipulate in any sort of way, with only the Unnameable being able to manipulate him. Despite this, he can still be affected by hallucinations and illusions, such as the Illusionary Strings that Righteous!Error can use.
The Mark: Whenever anomalous entities, strange events, miracles, omnipresent beings, or any TransVoid Beings are nearby, Ink's eyes will start to leak, as if he is crying out ink from his eyes, which will alert him.
Whole: Ink's capable of replicating an essence of an AU more than once. This is meant to be a counter to the Gen that the Astral Mother and Error can use.
Knowledge Assimilation: Ink's mind has a strange ability to collect information from people and objects around him just by being in his presence. For an example, little by little, he can learning about a person's history, personality, and desires, simply just by talking to them. He can even learn the fighting style and techniques that they use, and even the darkest secrets that they buried deep inside of their minds.
Meta Sense: Ink is Semi-Omniscient, in which he possesses knowledge of anything that is created, such as power, knowledge, age, relationships, etc. Through this, he is also able to sense any sort of energy, even Cosmic Essence, even if they are from another Multiverse or reality, which allows him to go where he needs to go to.
Ink Blaster: Originally, the Ink Blaster is where Ink able to summon a Blaster from his ink. But ever since he has practiced with the Unnameable's Soul, he now is able to learn of a new Ink Blaster, which works very differently. Now when he summons his Ink Blaster, instead of being made from the ink, it is now summoned to resemble that of a normal white-colored blaster, except that the white is much more pale, has black veins all over the blaster, and possesses purple eye lights. And when fired, it summons a black blast of energy with a white outline that is extremely dangerous, capable of destroying anything in its way, and can even suck anything that goes beside the magical blast, as the Ink Blasters are powered directly from the Unnameable Soul itself.
Ink Bones: The Ink Bones are now summoned much more differently then before. Instead of swinging his small paintbrush or large paintbrush in order to summon them, now the Ink Bones are summoned similarly to that of a Sans, except that the design of the Ink Bones is that they are of a glassy ink composition, but the bones themselves are shown to be extremely durable, comparable to that of even Righteous!Error's Bones, which are durable in their own way. They are also extremely sharp at the ends, similar to Killer's sharp bones, and can fire them, with even a paper cut being so painful to a person. Despite this, he can still use the Ink Bones in creative ways, like he always has beforehand.
Framing: Ink is capable of storing objects into pieces of paper, originally with objects, but now can put people inside of the paper without killing them, and can even store Multiverses inside of them. Inside the paper, they are in suspended animation, and will not age or act in any sort of way while inside of it. He either does this to store AUs he likes, or consume Multiverses in order to gain a boost in power in the middle of fighting.
Breath of Destruction: Ink can partially transform his skull into the Inkmation to fire a sphere of Destruction that is powerful enough to counter the Glitch Ray, as well as suck in 7 AUs simultaneously.
Consumption: Similar to another skeleton, Ink can absorb and devour other Aus or individuals adding them to his own strength, increasing his physical and magical might.
Transformation: INKMATION
The Inkmation is Ink's being like form, giving him near unlimited power for a short period of time of 2-5 minutes. The Inkmation is incredibly powerful and obliterates anything in its path, and can destroy about anything it wants, but the form is almost never in Ink's control and during this transformation Ink is truly at his worst.
Swipe: Using his arms, the Inkmation to use then to swipe at enemies, which instantly kills those that are weak, and those that are strong, such as Conduits and Polothorns like Righteous!Error, they will feel extreme amounts of pain from the attack, but will survive the blow. His arms are the only things that allow him any sort of movement, as he drags himself into the ground.
Unnamable Bite: the Inkmation can bite at anything, which instantly destroys even the toughest material, and only Myriad can handle the force and the sharpness of the bite itself.
TransVoid Roar: The Inkmation can bring forth a roar so loud and powerful that it can cause nausea, seizures, hallucinations, and confusion to those that hear it. Only Myriad can resist the power of the TransVoid Roar.
Reality Warping: The Inkmation is able to warp and distort reality to an extent, making enemy attacks turn and launch back at the opposing entity before him.
Orb of Utter Destruction: The Inkmation's only attack is its strongest, firing what can only be described as a fraction of the Unnamable's power, this attack is so strong that it causes a singularity sucking in hundreds of Multiverses at a time into one point of non-existence to a point of no return.
Righteous!Error (Forced God of Destruction): Perhaps Error is one of the people he hates the most. When he believes in the fact that he is not loved by the creators, on the contrary, he thinks that Error is loved by the creator, and he is turning his intense jealousy and hatred, ignoring the fact that Fate loves him, and that it is truly Ink that betrayed her. Error, in return, hates Ink with every fiber of his soul for putting him into the position that he is in, making him into the God of Destruction in the first place, and thus, when Ink became the vessel of the Unnameable, he decides that he will kill him, no matter what it takes, not only as revenge against him for what he had done to him, but for the fact that he is now a threat to the Multiverse themselves.
Alpha!Sans: When Fate was absent from him, Ink was pretty much raised by Alpha, however coming from a dark and horrible home Alpha had a tendency to be cruel and relentless when it came to his training, to the point where he even suggests Ink to stop using vials entirely because they made him "Unable to do his job". However, Alpha was the only thing Ink had as family and since Error was made to be an enemy and he was told to stay away from him, he only had the Ghost to look towards.
The Unnamable: The only being to show him comfort in a world where everything he was taught by Fate was falling apart, Ink utterly chose a partner he knew he could rely on rather than anything else, how as Transvoid beings work, Ink was and is still being heavily manipulated by the being, it is unclear if Ink is even in control or if he's just being instructed from inside, free will may also no longer exist, but the being is so attached to him now that Ink wouldn't be able to tell if he was truly being controlled. And in essence, he betrayed his own mother, Fate, for this act, believing she never cared for him, when in truth, Fate loved and adored Ink more then he could ever even realize.
Error404: He was once given the option to Join him, but Ink refused due to his current relationship and partnership with Alpha. He is now the enemy of Error404, due to the fact that Hollow!Ink has become one of the most dangerous entities of all time, and being under the confirm of the Unnamable makes things even more worse then ever before.
King Multiverse: Ink hates King Multiverse for taking control of him and using him like a puppet, which is karma for putting Error in the same situation due to Ink's ignorance on what he's doing.
Fate: The mother of Ink, as well as the goddess of the Multiverse that Ink was able to expand in, Fate considers Ink to be her child, one that she adores and loves with every fiber of her soul. She would whispered to him lovingly, telling him that there was limited space and he could create, but only up to that limit if he didn't want the multiverse to collapse. Although Ink ignores Fate's warnings, he still loved her, and Fate loves him just as much. But when the Alphaverse arrives and began to wreak havoc, in the middle of such havoc, Ink took the soul of the Unnameable, and became far more stronger then ever before, yet under the control of the Unnameable. When Fate realized what Ink had done, she cried and screamed in grief, begging for her son to return, only for the Unnameable, or Ink, as no one truly knows who is in control, that the Ink she knows of is already gone, and will never return from the dead. Fate became melancholic and depressed, betrayed by the one she adored for so long, as she refuses to come out of hiding, unable to look at the being that was once her son, now having became the partner of a being that is so evil and incomprehensible, that even a look at her son could send her bursting into tears, as Ink simply does what he does the best, with only the Unnameable with him.
Destiny: The sister of Fate, and therefore making Hollow!Ink his nephew, the aunt of Ink is very disgusted and disappointed at what Hollow!Ink has become, but does not do anything about it, as she instead decides to not be seen by him, knowing very well that it would mean bad news if he is spotted by him. Hollow!Ink, in return, has no knowledge of Destiny, despite the fact that he can sense her.
Dead!Dream: When he was simply a normal Dream, Ink and Dream are allies, although they do disagree on many things, especially with how Ink treats the denizens compared to how Dream treats them. When Ink became a vessel for the Unnameable, Dream was horrified at what he had become, unable to comprehend why his own ally would do this. When the Multiverse reset and reformer, and Dead!Dream came to be, being a corrupted version of his original self, both Dead!Dream and Hollow!Ink became enemies, as Dead!Dream works for a Sans going by the name of Vape.
Blueberry/Underswap: A version of Sans from the Underswap AU, as well as a friend of Error to an extent, Underswap and Ink get along well, but deep down, is angry at Ink for what he had done. When Hollow!Ink came to be, Underswap Sans' anger towards Ink increased even more then it did before.
Cyan: A version of Sans who is trained by Error and Ink, becoming both of their apprentices. When Hollow!Ink began his reign of terror, Righteous!Error immediately did all that he could in order to make sure that he is safe and sound, not wanting see him get consumed by Hollow!Ink himself.
Abyss: Another fellow protected and wanderer of the AUs, Ink and Abyss used to be very great allies, but unfortunately for Ink, Abyss knows of Error's true nature, as well as Ink's, and thus, he does not have a true friendship with him. Abyss witnesses what Ink had become, even destroying countless Multiverses when in his Inkmation form, and thus, he does the best he can to not get seen by him. In contrast to the other AUs, Abyss is the only one that remains unchanged, due to the fact that he stayed inside of the Omega Timeline when the MainFrame decided to reboot everything.
Core!Frisk: Ink and Core used to be allies, despite their disagreements on how they see AUs and their denizens. But now that Ink has become a vessel for the Unnameable, they are now enemies far more fierce then ever, with only Error being far more fiercer in terms of sheer hatred to him.
Tint: Created from Ten No Kami using Ink's Essence and Ten No Kami's own Essence, Tint was made for the sole purpose of killing Ink and replacing him. But this purpose is met with complications on the daft that Ink has turned into a vessel for the Unnameable, and thus, Tint will have to each and lose his memories continuously to grow stronger in order to be able to hold his ground against Hollow!Ink.
Ink and Alpha have an unstable relationship where the focus of being great is even greater than one's wellbeing.
Ink is far more vicious and hostile towards enemy Aus.
Ink is more Chaotic Neutral or even Chaotic Evil within the rights of the story.
Ink is far more experienced and well versatile than Error explaining why he wins more fights. However, as this is FGoD Righteous!Error, who is also experienced and tactical when it comes to fighting, as well as not being cocky and arrogant like the original Righteous!Error, meaning that Righteous also wins against Ink more then his original counterpart.
Alpha finds Ink to be a piss poor excuse of a protector due to him not stopping or killing Error.
Ink doesn't like Error but is aware of his effect on the Multiverse which is why he still lives.
Ink's outfit, although not creative, is meant to symbolize his lack of feelings towards others while the colors of his eyes are meant to mean that he still has a shade of personality.
Ink's dislike for Error was subtle before but now is very explosive and out in the open.
Ink is no longer seen as a protector.
The Unnameable creature haunts Ink's mind and is hinted to be the one in complete control of every action he makes.
After the exchange with the creature, it is very likely that once Ink attained this Creature's soul that he immediately had his consciousness locked away deep somewhere that can never be reopened and now the creature acts and plays as Ink only to further its own goal.
Due to the unique state Ink has turned into, it is completely unknown who is truly in control of the body, with either Ink being the one that directs it, the Unnameable being the one that controls him, or perhaps both at the same time. Either way, no one truly knows what is going on inside of Ink, and that is if it is Ink at all.
Like Righteous!Error, he is stronger then his parent, Fate, as well as the other gods and goddesses.
Despite the fact that he's stronger them King Multiverse, he's still bound to him and can still be commanded by him.
Hollow!Ink and Righteous!Error hate each other so immensely that they barely work together and act cooperative to fight against a common enemy, and the only times that this ever happens is when against Just404 and Biotale. Even then, their teamwork is terrible, due to Hollow!Ink not always wanting to help in trying to face against the enemies that Righteous needs cooperation in.
Like FGoD Righteous!Error, FGoD Hollow!Ink is much more stronger then the original Hollow!Ink.
Unlike the original Hollow!Ink, this version of Ink is able to use Cosmic Essence a bit more, which allowed him to make the new Ink Blasters he has.
FGoD Hollow!Ink's Inkmation has a few more abilities then the original Inkmation, making it a lighter bit more dangerous.
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