Highest!Gradient and Nexus!Paperjam
Grad (Gradient)
Gradi (Gradient
PJ! (Paperjam)
Jammy (Paperjam)
Gods of Balance (Both)
Date of Birth: March 5th (Gradient)
October 1st (Paperjam)
Place of Birth: Omega Timeline (Gradient)
Anti-Void (Paperjam)
Species: Error Skeleton (Gradient)
Skellinkton (Paperjam)
Gender: Male (Gradient)
Genderfluid (Paperjam)
Height: 5'2 (Gradient)
5'12 (Paperjam)
These 2 take place in a fusion of Remoseful!Ink and Sovereign!Error's future and the Shipchildren Alphaverse.
I never thought, that I would see the day, where we would both become all powerful gods.-Highest!Gradient
Man, guess Ink oughta be having a jaw drop at what he is seeing now.-Nexus!Paperjam
Highest!Gradient and Nexus!Paperjam are the future versions of Broken!Gradient and Bond!Paperjam, both having completed their training with Error and Error404, and like Error, they have connected to the MainFrame, now being more powerful than Error404 and being as strong as Error on the destruction side, and yet, surpass him with the other half of their power over creation, becoming the new strongest entities.
It took a very long time, for Gradient and Paperjam, it had taken them a very long time, almost an entirety, with their training to become as powerful as they are right now. And after what must have been so many years, perhaps 4 years for the both of them, Gradient and Paperjam, they had done it...they had all become as powerful as they are right now in their current time. Their magical abilities have improved, their physical strength have improved, all of them have improved so much that in their normal forms, they are stronger than Error404 while he is in his normal form. And this is also thanks to Error, who is able to help them with being able to improve their magic and their strings. And too add more power to them...Error was able to locate 2 Conduits, and these 2 Conduits gave his 2 children 2 souls of their own in order to make them more stronger than ever before. Gradient gain the Soul of Equilibrium, while Paperjam gained the Soul of Stability, and when the took it and put it into their bodies, their souls are absorbed into the Conduit Soul that are now integrated into themselves, in order to make the leaves more stronger than before. And now...now that they had gained their new souls...it is time for one more task...and it is the one that Error and Error404 had done, after Errorror gave himself an identity, and Error having completed his training with Error404. And it is none other than to connect their essences to the MainFrame. While Error404 barely survived it, and Error had almost the exact same luck, both Paperjam and Gradient are unsure if they are ready to do this, due to how powerful and dangerous the MainFrame is. Well, Gradient could do it, because he has code, but Paperjam being able to pull off something such as this...it is a mystery. In fact, Paperjam does not know if he is capable of the same thing, due to the fact that he lacks code. However, since he is a son of Error, than it is possible for Paperjam to be able to connect to the MainFrame. So, Paperjam pushed back the doubt from within his own mind and gets ready to connect to the MainFrame, and hopefully, it all goes well for them.
When Gradient and Paperjam got ready to fuse their essence with it, Paperjam decides that...it is best for one of them to do it first, and so...he decided that Gradient should do it, since he has code inside of his body, and thus, he should be able to do it with not as much issue as Paperjam might have. Besides, he has no idea what will happen if they both do it at the same time. For all Paperjam knows, they will both end up fusing and never be able to split apart again, or it will cause them both to be consumed and lose concentration in trying to connect their beings to the MainFrame. Because of this, he thinks that it is best to do it one at a time. So Gradient will be the one to go first, as it is also due to the fact that he is stronger then Paperjam, as well as having perfectly replicated the powers of Ink and Error much more easily compared to Paperjam, who's powers are not as perfect compared to that of his older brother.
And so, Gradient decides to start, and while there is a glimmer of nervousness inside of his mind...he immediately shuts the doubt inside of him away, and goes to do what he needs to do. He goes to where the MainFrame is...and he began to connect himself into it. And needless to say...this is by far the worst experience of his life, as he feels like he is loosing bits and pieces of himself, parts and bits of his body feeling numb and unable to be felt by anything. But Gradient...thanks to his control over his emotions, the powers that he has gained over the years, and his own willpower...was able to accomplish what Error404 and his father, Error, had done. He had connected himself into the MainFrame, and he has gained tremendous power in return for what he's done, becoming slightly stronger compared to even his father, Error himself, who has already surpassed Error404. And now...it is Paperjam's turn.
Paperjam was a little bit nervous compared to Gradient...and unlike his older brother, he does not even bother to try and hide it. But he knows that he cannot cause anymore hesitation, and he needs to do this, so that they can deal with what comes next. And so...Paperjam goes to the MainFrame...and enters it, before making an attempt to connect himself to it. And when he did...it became the most painful hell Paperjam has ever been forced to feel. He feels like his body is going to be broken apart, he feels like he will die at any moment, and will be consumed in the end. He feels like...he'll never see his brothers and loved ones again. But...some part of him does not want to give up. And in fact...he tries to stay strong. He closed his eyes...and he can feel it, the essence of the MainFrame entering his body, and forcing him to join it. But...knowing that Gradient is powerful...and he himself has been able to do it...if he can do it...than do can Paperjam. And thus...he decides that he is not going to die like this. He is going to live, so that he can be with the brothers that he had worked along with for so long, and most importantly of all, he will do it...for someone that he had began to love, someone he had been given a new chance in life to have. And thus...he closed his fist...as tightly as he can, as he began to use all of his remaining willpower to resist the MainFrame's consumption...and break free from his fate...and it is here...that Paperjam felt stronger. Weaker than Gradient...but stronger than Error. Paperjam...has finally connected. And now...he is going to use the newfound power that he has gained, in an effort to make sure that he and his loved ones will survive another day.
Gradient and Paperjam's appearance remain very similar to their previous selves. Gradient is a tall, slim, dark boned skeleton and is made out of glitches and Error Signs all over the body. He has gradient blue square-like markings on both of his cheeks, and yellow eyes, with red irises. His left eye has a pupil in the shape of an X. Gradients fingers resembles Error's, with yellow knuckles and red fingertips. Gradient wears a light tan, tight fitted turtleneck sweater. Gradient wears dark pants with light blue X's near the ankles. His shoes are slim and black for agility, and the bottoms are light yellow, decorated with a pattern that looks like a circuit board.
Paperjam is a skeleton that is made of paint and string. The 'bones' are made of black paint, with a sliver of paint coming off the side of his skull, with blue, purple, and magenta blotches of paint on the cheeks of his skull with the yellow having completely vanished, his eye sockets are colored magenta with a purple eye light in the right socket and his left socket had an eye light that has an outer yellow iris and an inner blue iris with pupil that changes shape depending on his mood. The main shape of the eye is a star.
However, there are differences in the appearance that they have. Gradient's marking is glowing a little bit, and so does the blue blotches on Paperjam's cheek whenever it appears. Gradient's clothes have been stitched and repaired, and his jacket now looks new. It is mostly resembles his old jacket, in which usually has his hood up. His jackets hood has a gradient blue grid-like design. The sleeves of his jacket have light blue streaks down the sides, and teal X's on the upper part. The inside of his jacket is red, as well as the scarf tied around his waist. However, the left sleeve is white and does not look like it's been stitched to replace the one that is gone. And his hood is now fluffy, while still keeping the grid-like design.
Paperjam's clothing, hue beer, had completely changed. His now has a sweatshirt is now a much darker magenta than his previous one, with smaller details in darker shades that sometimes swirl with other colors like yellow and cyan, with a deep v-neck. The left sleeve hangs loosely while he normally pulled up his other sleeve to his elbow. The sweatshirt is also fairly long, so he gathers up a part on his left side to give an asymmetrical effect. His scarf looks less ripped and less damaged, bubble capris pants that are all blue, which occasionally have specks of other colors in them. His scarf is now more ripped up than before, with his left side not having much scarf to hang from his shoulder anymore. He still carries a purple pouch that sits to his left side, and doesn't bother making feet at all. He has a purple pouch at his waist, and his arms are exposed, showing the eyes on both his arms. Paperjam's eyes still change depending on the mood that he is in, but now has some extra ones.
Star = (his default shape) Happy, content, thrilled[if it gets larger]
Circle = Frightened
Tear = Sad
Diamond = Anger
Hourglass = in thought
Rhombus = confused
Heart = Love, romantic or platonic - also includes family and friends
Triangle = Disappointment, Disgust, Distress
Square = Calm, Focused, Controlled
Organic = Immature, Childlike, Carefree, Humorous
Gradient: Gradient, now having reached the end of his training and having reached the purpose of connecting with the MainFrame, he now feels much more calmer than before. While he is introverted, remaining quiet and suppresses his emotions very well, and is very snarky and sarcastic. However, ever since he has gained some new brother and friends, he is now able to smile again after so long, and has regained the kindness that he has lost a long time ago. And now, he no longer feels afraid of being touched by other people.
Paperjam: Having finished his training, thanks to Error and the newly reformed and freed Ink, Paperjam now no longer is simply passive. He now possess the personality of a big kid, and has learned a lot of the other worlds. And now, ever since he had connected with the MainFrame, he now no longer feels like he needs to prove that he is a mistake, finally realizing himself that he is a person that deserves a life. However, he will meet a person suspicious, and he will maintain the cover of being mostly a jerk to anyone that he doesn't really know and keeps up that shell pretty well, as even though he has trained, he does not read emotions that much well.
Both: Due to the training that the 2 of them have gained from Error404 and Error, they are now both masters of manipulation, and masters on part with Error himself, who had surpassed Error404 in terms of being manipulative. And the worst part, is that no one will know if they were going to be manipulated, due to their acting.
Powers (Gradient):
Creativity: Due to Gradient having trained with Ink, Gradient is now able to be as creative as possible and even allow him to fight with his mind, turning his digital paint or even something of the environment into whatever he needs or wants, and fully matched Ink with his training complete.
Blue Mastery: Gradient Gradient has received training with Error404 Sans on his ability to use his blue magic, with the length of how far he can move them at a total of 600 Meters.
Gradient Blasters: These Blasters now fire a yellow beam of magic, able to reach limitless lengths and is able to obliterate anything in its path.
Ink Gradient Blaster: A non-lethal variant of the Gradient Blasters, this one is made of ink and simply fires to incapacitate the target or knock them unconscious, and he than manipulated the ink to trap the opponent in either a web of ink, or pins them with ink bones.
Gradient Bones: Gradient can fire Yellow Bones at a target and hit them, which causes their code to be corrupted and causes them to be erased from existence, regardless of how damaged a person is by this attack.
Gradient Spears: Gradient can manipulate the pixels with his stylus in order to make blue or green spears. These are used for aiming, and when they fire, they are more faster than the bones that he can fire.
Pure Hatred + Fear = Terror: Learned by Ink through observing the Astral Mother, this ability allows Gradient to shoot beams of pure terror at the opponent she is facing, causing them to die of pure fear if their will is weak enough and body as well. This version that Gradient uses is slightly weaker than the Astral Mother, but stronger than Ink's version.
Gen: Gen is an ability used to kill Pieces of code that has been replicated more than once. Gradient's is slightly weaker than the Astral Mother, but stronger than Error's.
Creation's Hand: Taught by Ink, who had ventured into an AU that taught him this technique, Gradient learned how to bring things back to life, such as people and smaller objects, and after a much more longer amount of time, he is able to resurrect AUs. He can even create souls for any type of monster.
Unfluctuating Strength: Due to now having gained a new soul and having connected himself into the MainFrame, Gradient has now gained strength unlike what he had been previously gained, now being able to give Error and Error404 a difficult challenge beating him.
Unimaginable Speed: Gradient is capable of moving extremely fast, which gives both Error and Ink difficulty trying to catch him.
Flight: Gradient is able to fly into the air and move very fast.
Devour: Gradient is able to devour AUs and add it to his existing strength and magic.
Pixel Manipulation: Gradient is able to master his ability to manipulate pixels in his own right. He can heal himself, create structures, or disassemble any object or entity made out of code.
Lockup Whip: The upgraded form of the Defect Whip, Gradient's whip can now reach lengths that surpasses Error's Hitch Whip.
Blue Strings: These work the same way as Sovereign!Error's blue strings.
Red Strings: Again, these work the same way as Sovereign!Error's red strings.
Yellow Strings: Gradient is able to use yellow strings to inject and infect an entity with a pathogen version of his own code, which will than spread all over the host, at which point, their entire personality is overridden, and they become an extension of Gradient's will temporarily, until after 2 hours. It can only work on entities weaker than him. Training has allowed Gradient to hold this up to 4 hours, and he can incorporate some of his own attacks into the one that he controls. It has no effect on Errors such as himself, or anyone that is related to him.
Grey Strings: Can be used to trap people with a soul, but has no effect on the soulless, who can easily pass right through it. When people with souls are trapped, they Gray Strings will sedate the soul and make the person go to sleep, and they are forced into a sleep as long as they are continued to be wrapped inside of it.
Fear Strings: Strings that he had gotten from taking a piece of the Pink Soul of Fear from Glitchtale, he has made them into strings where he can make people see what they truly fear the most, allowing Gradient to incapacitate them for him to make his attack on them, or simply as a way to slip by said person undetected. Training has allowed for him to make the fears look and hear more real, and can be used to manipulate dreams.
Gremlin Ray: Can fire a powerful bright yellow ray from one of his index fingers at whatever it is that he is targeting. It's firepower and size matches the Glitch Ray.
Gremlin Ray Shot 1: Gradient fires the yellow Ray at a target, and corrupted their code in being able to use their powers. When this happens, their attacks will backfire and malfunction, attacking one the ones that had casted it.
Gremlin Ray Shot 2: Gradient can fire the yellow Ray and erase a target from existence. It is also used to fire at a universe and drag a few others. The number of universes is the same amount as the Glitch Ray, except that it is a bit more faster.
Son's Desire: Gradient is able to summon his parents, Error and Ink to his side, and is able to preform the Multiverse Submachine gun, which is a barrage of Error Blasters, Ink Blasters, and Gradient Blasters that fire at an opponent.
Eyes of the Observer: The eyes on the left arm, all the way from the shoulder to the hand, with a single eye on the palm of the left hand. It is currently unknown as to what it does, nor...how Gradient thinks of the eyes that have appeared on the left hand...as he has never commented on those things before.
Powers: Paperjam:
Brushes: Paperjam has a bunch of brushes that can be extended and can change the weight.
Paperjam Blaster: Paperjam can use their paint to create a blaster that can fire purple paint that is as hot and boiling, and is as damaging as the Error Blaster and Gradient Blaster.
Flight: Paperjam, due to being Ink's son, can fly, though flying can make them become a formless mass of paint.
Body Manipulation: Inherited from Ink, Paperjam can change their body and do just about anything with it. However, he can manipulate it more easily and quickly, due to the fact that his body is not truly physical, and is simply made of Paint and Strings
Shapeshifing: Paperjam, due to having a body that is simply made from Paint and Strings, is able to change and alter the way that his body looks and turn it and make it looks like something else. For example, Paperjam is able to shapeshift his body into resembling the body of Undyne.
However, he can not fully look like them, and the colors of the body that he has changed into will still be the same as Paperjam's. Another problem is that he cannot shapeshift and get rid of the eyes, no matter what he does change into, forcing him to cover his arms with clothing.
Creativity: Paperjam is now much more stable in being able to create than ever before, and thanks to his new soul, the stability has increased, now needing only to take 4 seconds for organic creations such as plants to stabilize when left alone.
Destruction: Having been taught by Error, Paperjam learned how to destroy by turning objects into Paint, and now does not need as much concentration as he does now.
Ungodly Strength: Inherited from Ink, Paperjam's immense strength allows him to overpower anyone, and while even the strongest of the Alphaverse will find Paperjam difficult to pin down, and is now a bit more stronger than he was before.
Unforeseen Speed: Paperjam possesses incredible speed, so much that even Ink's own speed tries to catch up to Paperjam's.
Unhallowed Presence: Paperjam can make his presence immensely terrifying.
Consumption: Paperjam has the ability to consume and absorb anything within himself, which will allow Paperjam to become more physically stronger than he was before, and even helps increase the stability of his creations, as well as increase the power of his destruction abilities.
Paint Gun: Learned from Tint, Paperjam can fire a high-pressure ray of magenta paint from his fingertips with sharp and perfect percussion. This is Paperjam's answer to the God Ray and the Glitch Ray, and can now effect both being that possess code or lack code.
Paint Gun Shot 1: Paperjam can fire a ray of high-pressur paint from his fingertips to either destabilize and suppress their magical powers.
Paint Gun Shot 2: Paperjam can fire a ray of high-pressur paint from his fingertips to kill a person by piercing and destroying their souls, or to simply ensnare them into webs of paint. When fired at Alternate Universes, Paperjam can ensnare and string up the AUs, connecting them.
Ink Strings: due to his body being made of all of Error's strings, Paperjam is able to utilize them to great effect, due to having practiced them with Error. However, there are 3 other strings that are unique to Paperjam that he himself has manage to create.
Orange Strings: Strings that he can use for a purpose far different than the other strings. These strings are used to transfer his strength to the person he wraps the orange strings around, giving them a boost in power, and now Paperjam will not be as weakened as before when transferring his strength to that of another person.
Purple Strings: Paperjam can now use these strings to those that carry a TransVoid being inside of them, whether physical or mental.
Magenta Strings: Paperjam can use these set of strings in order to induce the feelings of passion and being blissful, as well as feelings of having your head above the clouds, and now, is able to cause a person to daydream and be trapped inside of their heads with that happy memory. This is used for distractions when in a fight that Paperjam can't win against.
Terror Strings: Error had to inject the Terror traits into the Illusionary Strings that are inside of Paperjam, and is now capable of the same thing Error can do.
Empathy: Paperjam, unlike others, has the ability to sense the feelings of other people. However, this only applies to his parents, Error and Ink, due to both being connected to the Unnamable that Error and Error404 had killed years ago. Now his power has grown to where he can sense the feelings of other members of his kin, even if not entirely related to them, such as Hollowprint, Stain, Palette, etc.
Destruction Orb: Paperjam is able to make an get of his own that is Vivid in color. It works the same as the one that the Astral Mother used, but it is as strong as the prototype that Error has in his possession.
Paint Clones: Paperjam is able to duplicate his body in order to make clones of himself, which are able to aid Paperjam in being able to fight against a group that he wound have trouble in. This is learned in order to use this power outside of his transformation.
Whole: Ink taught Paperjam to be capable of replicating an essence of an AU more than once.
Soul Attack: Paperjam is able to use the magic of the Unnameable in order to stretch the opponent's soul out to an unbearable scale, causing the soul to almost fracture or even break.
Mind Wipe: Paperjam is taught by Ink the ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of him, making them forget that he exists, which allows Ink to be able to cover his tracks and make people not notice him. However, this only applies to those that had recently met him, and thus, Paperjam cannot affect someone that has known him for years, and more importantly, he cannot affect those that are related to him, entirely or partially.
Black Death: Paperjam learned that he is able to concentrate his body into himself by filling it with a lot of magic, before he than uses his body to explode like a bomb, although he will reform after the victims are killed, due to the fact that his soul remains intact, and that he simply explodes his body up. 4 effects will take place whenever someone's caught in its effects.
1. You will start to feel restrained and move less, as the body's cognitive functions began to cease functioning.
2. You will see frightening hallucinations, and the hallucinations will attack and strike at you in order to frighten.
3. The ink paralyzes you in place and weakens and dampens your soul and magic making it impossible to escape what happens next.
4. They then begin to devolve into the ink until they return to the darkness from whence they came.
Eyes of the Beholder: Both of Paperjam's arms are covered in eyes. It is unknown that they can do, but their powers are the same as Error's, whatever they might be able to do.
Transformation (Gradient):
P.S.Y.C.H.E: Gradient's new B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y Form after connecting to the MainFrame, Gradient is now much more stronger than before, and shares the same powers as Error in his M.O.T.H form, and like Error, is now in control of himself.
Abolnova: Gradient can fire a sphere made of yellow energy at an opponent, and used it to destroy anything in his way.
GRADTHORN: Gradthorn is the Transformation of Gradient is able to achieve. This is due to Gradient being Error and Ink's son, and thus, he is able to activate a Polothorn Transformation of his own.
Dome of Pure Extinction: Gradient is able to fire an orb that is capable of destroying and sucking in hundreds, if not thousands of AU into itself to the point of non-existence.
OnlyGradient/Maalik: Similar to Error404's transformation, Just404, Gradient has a manifestation of a TransVoid entity, this one being of Gabriel, who put a piece of his own soul into Gradient's body, which was living next to Gradient's own soul. The manifestation gained a form, and soon a consciousness. ONLYGRADIENT is capable of manipulating flames that is hotter than all overs in the 10 realities, though his flames are weaker compared to Gabriel, and has more extreme and dangerous versions of his own attacks. But despite this, Maalik is surprisingly peaceful, due to Gradient trying to prevent him from seeing what is going on outside.
Appearance: Maalik's clothing is charred black, as of the coat has been burnt, with the green color of the coat, and the turtle knew I sweater changing to a burning yellow, as Malik lacks eye lights, and is instead only empty yellow eye sockets, with the mouth also being a fiery yellow. His teeth are also resembling a Gradient's teeth normally, except that the teeth are able to be separated. He has horns having grown from the sides of his head, with a tail coming out from behind him, which he can use to act similar to an extra limb.
Error Flames: Maalik is able to attack with flames that is hotter than a blue giant, capable of incinerating anything in his way.
Gremlin Eyes: The Gremlin Ray is now able to cover itself in the flames and follows the target wherever it goes.
Eyes of the Devil: Maalik is so terrifying that when someone looks into his eyes, they feel their sins crawling on their back and are forced to look at them do the worst actions that they had done in their lives.
OnlyGradthorn P.S.Y.C.H.E: This is Gradient's most powerful transformation, and activates when Maalik is in control. By tapping into the limitless power of the MainFrame, the Unlimited Power of the Unnameable that made Gradient a Polothorn, and the nearly unlimited power of Gabriel, the Demon King, Gradient is a being of pure unstoppable might, with only the All-Mother and Paperjam's transformation being able to stop him. His apppearnace is the same as Maalik, except that he has wings coming from his back, in fire, as well as tentacles with eyes coming out as well.
Logic Control: An advanced form of being able to warp Reality, Gradient is able to remove logic, create his own form of logic, can erase anything, alter cause and effect, and is able to create absolutely anything that he wants.
Instantaneous Movement: Gradient is able to move so fast that it looks as though he has moved from one place to another in the blink of an eye, and looks as though he has moved in 6 different places at once.
Tetranova: Gradient can fire a sphere that is capable of destroying 5 out of the 10 realities in a single shot. This is Gradient's most powerful attack.
Transformations (Paperjam):
A.G.D.I.S.T.I.S: Paperjam's own M.O.T.H transformation, used whenever Paperjam thinks that it is necessary to use it. Unlike the others, he can activate this, and with this power, he is stronger than Error404's B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation, and is now capable of doing energy attacks with it. Like Error, Paperjam will simply lose consciousness or get exhausted, once the transformation ends.
Hypernova: the wings on Paperjam can fire lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through reality 6 like butter.
VIOLATJAM: This transformation has not changed a bit, other than the fact that it now lasts more longer and the attacks are a bit more stronger than before.
Beam of True Eradication: Paperjam's strongest attack, which allows Paperjam to unleash a quarter of the Unnamable's power in the form of a laser. This occurs, due to Paperjam gaining a single eye, which is of the left eye, and charging up an attack that allows him to fire a magenta beam that can create a black hole effect to any Universe caught in its radius. Any universes caught in the laser are sent to a point of non-existence, and is capable of destroying thousands of AUs. The strength of the Beam is mow stronger then the Inkmation's orb.
VIOLATJAM!A.G.D.I.S.T.I.S: Paperjam's most powerful transformation as of late. Paperjam can activate this power by tapping into the MainFrame and by tapping into the nigh-unlimited power of the Unnameable that he has inherited from Ink, Paperjam is able to become extnreleu close to the leaves of power as Gradient in his OnlyGradthorn P.S.Y.C.H.E transformation.
Reality Control: Due to Paperjam's nature as the child of Error, a destroyer and Ink, a Creator, in addition to his connection to the MainFrame, Paperjam has control over reality, being able to create his own AUs, alter the rules of reality, and the ability to create and destroy whatever he wants, as well as giving his creations a past or future.
Instantaneous Movement: Paperjam can move nearly as fast as Gradient in his strongest form, and looks like he is able to appear in 5 places at once.
Autonova: Paperjam's strongest power, this allows Paperjam to be able to fire a beam of energy that is capable of destroying 4 realities T the same time. It is the only attack capable of cancelling the Tetranova.
Transformation (Both):
METHODICAL: Methodical is the result of a fusion between Error404, Error, Fatal_Error, Gradient, and Paperjam. In this form, Methodical is able to surpassing the Astral Mother as the All-Mother, being the only transformation capable of defeating her.
Nigh-Omnipotence: Methodical is able to control the entirety of Reality, including the MainFrame, even when he is not present there.
All-Nova: Methodical can fire a blast capable of erasing anything, even the All-Mother with very little effort.
True Presence: Methodical's presence can make anyone feel absolute despair.
Relationships (Both):
Error404: The superior of Gradient and Paperjam, as well as their self-proclaimed 'ancestor,' Error404 took Paperjam and Gradient in when they are of enough age. Now he is proud of what they have become.
Sovereign!Error: The father of Paperjam and Gradient who took them on when Ink was still evil, Error, while he does not like them that much, soon grew a fatherly bond with them, and became proud of what they have become. Gradient and Paperjam, in return, love their father, more so on Gradient, to the point of being nearly absolutely loyal.
Remorseful!Ink: Gradient and Paperjam's other parent. When Ink was still under the control of the Unnameable, Paperjam and Gradient are weary of him and do not dare even try to fight him. But when Ink nearly returned to his normal self, while they still do not trust Ink, they trust him enough to have him teach them some new abilities. Ink, in return, felt bad for the stress he put his children through, and resolves to make amends with them.
Alpha: Alpha felt very bad with what he had done to Ink, and knows that his children hates him. This, he decides to watch over them and help them as penance for what he had done.
The Astral Mother: The Astral Mother considers both Paperjam and Gradient to be even more dangerous than even Error, and thus, resolves her attention on them in order to make her plan successful. Gradient and Paperjam hates her in return.
Half-Siblings: Gradient and Paperjam care a lot for their half-siblings and even had fun with them.
Relationships (Gradient)
The Alpha Star Sanses: Gradient is a member of a group called the Alpha Star Sanses, it at least, of the version that Gradient is a part of. Unlike the first one, this one is much more heroic and is bent on protecting the AUs. Also, unlike the Alpha Star Sanses, as well as the original Star Sanses, it is a quartet.
Hollowprint: Gradient and Hollowprint have a very close relationship to one another, as they are both very friendly people. Although Hollowprint has a tendency to be very chaotic, due to his other soul.
Dead!Palette Roller: Gradient and Palette are know to have a very close relationship to one another, and are known to support each other in being able to create colorful stuff.
Hollow!Stain: The unofficial 4th member, Stain and Gradient, although not entirely close, is still a very close relationship, with Stain making stuff with black ink, and Gradient joining in on the fun.
Relationshis (Paperjam):
Omni: A Pluris that he rescued from Infected, Omni and Paperjam fell in love with each other, before Omni birthed a child, named Monochrome.
Monochrome: Paperjam's spawn, he is known to be a very good father, and thanks to that, Paperjam's child is both very kind and well-behaved.
Gradient still has 4 tongues and Paperjam still has 3.
Paperjam and Gradient are the closest to ever defeat the Astral Mother together, and can in fact do so with Error404 and Error.
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