Grandson of the Cosmos, Raguel the Just
Son of Gabrielle the Voice
Son of Basil
Grandson of Falklore and Edra
Grandson of the King and Queen of the Cosmos
Basil's Successor
Future King of the Kingdom of Woa
The God Slayer
Cosmic God of Karma
Gabriella's Vengeance
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Wicked Throne
Species: Edenfolk
Gender: Male
Height: 8'2
Eye Color: Star Milky White
Mother, Father, do not worry. I will do anything that I can to make this existence a better place.-Ramiel
The Grandson of the Cosmos, Raguel the Just, is one of the most powerful members of the Edenfolk species. He is the single son of the Daughter of the Cosmos, Gabriella the Voice and Basil, as well as the Grandson of Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, and Falklore, the God Slayer.
Basil has been going up for a long time to go against his mother Edra, who had discovered he is now with Falklore and is loyal to him. The first son of Edra and the only son of Falklore, he has proven himself to be even stronger than Edra, especially since he has been trained to become more powerful than the both of them combined, too the point that almost nobody can stop him, except for some few that can stand a chance against him and his horrifying might. And Edra, in her paranoia, believes that Falklore will one day use her son, Basil, in order to overthrow her and take over the Kingdom of Woa, and thus, she wants to make sure that she has her rule over the Kingdom that she has made secured and constantly ruled. And thus, she decided to make it a personal mission to try and take care of Basil and make sure that she does get overthrown by him. Of course, trying to take him down is not going to be an easy task, due to the fact that Basil is much more powerful than Edra and Falklore together, with Edra being the one to teach Basil how to use his powers on her side, and Falklore being able to teach Basil how to do what he does. And thus, Edra knows that she will need some help to try and take him down. Thankfully, she has her pet 4-eyed owl, Pepper, who will be able to try and take good care of him for her. And thus, in this desire, she goes towards her cage, and opens the door on the cage, all in an effort to get the help of her pet owl, all so she can stand a chance against her own son. Of course, although she does want to kill her son, she does not have the heart to do it, not simply because he still cares for her, even if it is by the tiniest extent, but he will know how to keep himself from dying, and thus, she needs to do it in another way. And there is one way that she had done this, and it is the same power that she had used back in the past, when she had overthrown the royal family of the Wicked Throne. While she did kill all of them and consumed the king and queen of the cosmos, the one she left alive, the eldest child and daughter of the royal family, she is still existing, but is now trapped someplace else. And one that has no way of getting out of the realm that she is residing in. And thus, this will be a perfect place for Basil to stay in, so that no harm will be done to her.
But unbeknownst to Edra, Basil and Falklore have no desire nor any purpose in wanting to take the throne for themselves and overthrow her. And thus, they simply want to be by themselves and just make the 10 realities a safe place go be in, for everyone else to live in. In fact, they are fine with the life that they are in, and do not need to be fighting for Edra'a supposed suppressed kingdom, as it is none of their business and in fact, they just kind their own business. But Edra does not believe in such a thing, and thus, decided to go and attack Basil when he is alone and not worn Falklore.
And so, when Basil was all by himself, Edra came, and decided to come and attack Basil, just to make sure that her rule is secure. Basil put up a very harsh struggle against Edra, and she found herself overpowered, but thanks to Pepper distracting him for a brief period, she than is able to use the Cosmic Cube on her own son, just to seal him away. Unbeknownst to Edra, however, Basil has expected for Edra to use this power on him, and thus, he was ready, as he launched a piece of himself and it is able to latch onto his father before the battle, so in that way, he can come back and teleport out of the Cosmic Cube.
When Basil got sent to the Cosmic Cube, Basil looked around, and he saw the inside of it, and it resembles a type of maze made of stars and galaxies. But it mattered little to Basil, as he than prepare to being himself out of the Cosmic Cube, when he sensed a female presence inside of this realm. Confused, he decided to go and investigate to see what it is that he has been sensing, or rather, who it is that he has been sensing, in order to see what they look like. But when he is able to see the entity that is emitting the power that she has, he is rather a little bit surprised at who it is that he is seeing before his eyes. The entity before him is a female with three eyes and luscious white hair, her eyes were milky white and luminescent, and appears to be wearing a white dress that is meant for royalty. She even looks so beautiful that no words can describe it. The female noticed Basil, and saw him, and she notices that Basil looks similar to Edra, but she also notices that it is a male. This made her curious, as she goes to him, and demands to know his identity, and the way she spoke, or rather, the way her voice works, it sounds so beautiful and so powerful that Basil almost wants to follow her command without care and with what seems to be some form of forced loyalty, but he resisted it. He introduces himself, and be reveal himself as the son of both Falklore and Edra, which surprised the female, as she did not expect for the son of Falklore to appear, especially since he is of Edra'a bloodline.
He than asks the female for her name, and she reveals herself as the Daughter of the Cosmos, Gabriella the Voice. This made Basil confused, and Gabrielle understands that he has never heard of her. It is when Gabrielle the Voice told him of her history. Apparently, she was the daughter of the beings known as the King and Queen of the Cosmos, with the Queen of the Cosmos being the ruler of a reality called the Wicked Throne. Gabrielle was the eldest, with Abigail the Will being the middle child, and Precisella the Mind, her deformed sister, being the youngest daughter born. And this is when she revealed that she has known of Edra, due to the fact that back in the Wicked Throne, Edra was simply a royal person of high status by the court, but she than turned against her kind and her mother's kingdom, as she than consumed the 2 Deities of Eden, presumably referring to the King and Queen of the Cosmos, and this forced the 3 daughters to fight against Edra to try and stop her. And while they did put up a harsh struggle against Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos simply became very powerful for them defeat, as Edra was able to overpower Abigail and reduced Precisella to scraps of metal and flesh leaving only the eldest Gabriella to fend her off, as the strongest of her siblings. But as Edra became way to powerful, while Gabriella is the strongest, being only weaker compared to her mother and father, Edra is simply way too strong to be defeated by Gabriella, and even at full strength, the best that Gabriella would do is push her back. But Edra has a better fate for Gabriella in mind, as she does not desire to kill her, rather she wants her to suffer for all eternity. So Edra, using her power, placed Gabriella into the Cosmic Cube, trapping her for the rest of time. And now, Gabriella wants nothing more than to get out of the Cosmic Cube, in order to enact her revenge.
For Basil, he could sense her power, as it seems that she must have trained herself and her body to be able to go against her next time, as he can feel that it is somewhere near Edra'a strength. And Basil reveals that he has a way of getting out, which he developed, and Gabriella, without a moment's hesitation, tells him to take her with him. Basil nods, as he wraps around Gabriella's neck, and he used his power to teleport them outside, and Edra, gets to witness them both returning.
When Edra looked, she is shocked that Basil had broken free from the Cosmic Cube, but she is also even more stunned to see that Gabriella had joined in for the ride, and she is just about to fight Falklore. When Falklore saw both Basil and Gabriella, she recognized the Daughter of the Cosmos, but Gabriella's attention focused on Edra, as she narrowed her eyes in an expression of cold rage. Her eyes are also glowing and flaring with pure wrath, as she steps to Edra, with Basil joining in, his Shield and Stardust Sword ready to try and take down the Cosmic Queen. And when Gabriella attacked, Edra now realized that the fight is now much more different. Gabriella is now much more stronger and faster than last time, not to mention a bit more skilled in her power, and Edra, she is having a very hard time trying to take her down. But than, Basil joined on, and he also began to use his own powers onto Edra, even the ones that Edra has taught him, her own powers working against him. And whine Gabriella is now just slightly weaker than Edra, rather than much weaker, due to training worn her body and her powers, she is far more skilled, and is now far more ready to try and take on Edra. Basil, meanwhile, he both trained by Edra and Falklore, both of whom are the strongest and the most powerful of their kind. And thus, they are going to do whatever it takes to make sure that Edra pays.
Edra does all that she can to try and fight back against the both of them, but both Basil and Gabriella, fueled by rage and hate at Edra for what she had tried to do them them, or rather, what she had done to them, she is getting overpowered by the both of them at the same time, and eventually, she is about to be defeated by the lost Princess that she had trapped in her domain, and by the son that she has no care towards. And just when she is about to be slain by both Basil and Gabriella, Edra used her power to try and escape from the battle by using the Key, and she is able to go back to the Kingdom of Woa, in order to recover. This made Gabriella a bit unhappy her she got away, but she is also satisfied, because of the fact that she is able to cause Edra as much pain as she could, and is also thanks to the fact that she is able to get even more stronger than before.
And so, with her newfound freedom, she goes along with Falklore and Basil, due to having nowhere else to go back to, and she trained with them in the use of her power and in being able to act as the brains for the group, something they both really appreciate. As while they are planners, not as much as Gabriella, as she is able to come up with battle strategies, and Falklore takes the front line to the fight, while Basil is on standby, unless called in to assist. And during this time, both Basil and Gabriella began to feel something for each other, but it is mostly on Gabriella's side, as she began to feel attracted to Basil, due to his handsome face and his very kind personality, despite the fact that he's the son of the woman that had been responsible for her family's death and her imprisonment. But his personality, on the other hand, it is exact opposite of Edra. He is very kind, modest, and like Falklore, is very heroic and expressive, and has a very gentle personality to those that he is very close to, and this includes Gabriella, who he posited for her tragedy. Because of this, he always helps her and tries to make her happy and even goes to places to help her see the wonders and beauty of the existence that she lives in, despite all of the pain and nightmares that they all have to go through. And Gabriella, she really appreciates and loves this part of him, and Basil, he himself is falling for Gabriella, simply die to her looks and how divine and beautiful her voice is, even though he is able to resist it. But he does not progress the relationship, due to the fact that he believes that Gabriella does not want to, due to his relation with Edra.
But than, one single day changed everything, where Gabriella and Basil decided to go to the Wicked Throne, or at least, with what remains of what had once been Gabriella's former home. The reason that they are here is because Gabriella wants to visit the Wicked Throne to see if there are some stuff that she can take and bring with her. As they are in the Wicked Throne, Gabriella realizes that they are both alone, both Basil and Gabriella, and there is no one there. In fact, the only ones that are there, are the corpses of her sisters, which have rotted into skeletons. Gabriella felt immense sadness as she looks at the corpses of her sisters, as tears began to fall down from her eyes. She went onto her knees and began to grieve for her sisters and for her parents, as she silently cried. Basil, noticing this, goes to her, and only heard the word, sisters, which made Basil realized that she is seeing the body of her sisters.
Basil, feeling pity, puts his hand onto her shoulder, and Gabriella looks up at Basil, before she than grabs him and forces him down to the ground, before telling to hold still, as she takes off her clothing, and kisses Basil, as they both than began to intercourse, and luckily, there was no one there, so they went on interrupted. And they both finished, and it ended happily for both, as Gabriella was able to feel better, and Basil was happy, because he realizes that Gabriella does love him for what he is. They both decided to leave, and go back to Falklore, who was beginning to worry, and decided to leave the Wicked Throne behind.
As the months gone by, due to Gabriella and Basil having intercourse with each other, Gabriella was able to have a child. And the child, within her stomach, it is beginning to grow within her, as she felt the baby beginning to grow, and she looks down too see how the child will look like when it is born. Basil also looks and he sat next to her, seeing that she is 8 months in her pregnancy, and he touched her stomach and rubbed it, which made Gabriella feel comfortable, due to how soft and how lovingly he stroked the baby. And as such, Gabriella looks down, and she wanders if it is a male or a female. But when the baby is born, and it is either genders, than she has an idea of what to make her newborn child.
When the day that the child is able to be born, and Gabriella gave birth to the child, she looks and sees the child resembles a cross between both herself and Basil, having Gabriella's third eye, but also has Basil's Void Hair, but in white color and having black dots, and the color of the eyes, they both are milky white and starry-like, as well as the face looking like a fusion between Gabriella's face and Basil's, who resemble Edra's face in a way. The child, it has shown that it is a male, and Gabriella, she knows what to name him. She calls him, the Grandson of the Cosmos, Raguel the Just, due to wanting to hold onto her family's tradition. Basil likes the name, but hopes that he does not have to say the full total all the time, which Gabriella assures to him that he won't, much to his relief.
As Raguel the Just grew up, he is trained by both his parents, as well as by Falklore, who is happy to have a grandchild of his own. Due to being Gabriella's Son, he is able to inherit her voice, and he is also stronger than both his parents and grandparents, meaning that he is even more powerful than Edra, Basil, Falklore, and Gabriella combined. For Basil and Falklore, they taught him how to use both the powers of Edra and Falklore, which he inherited, and for Gabriella, she taught him all that she knows to Raguel, especially with how to control his voice and use it to make others sway to his side. When Edra realized that she now as a grandchild more powerful than herself and her son, she is now horrified, and she realizes that Gabriella isn't just simply treating Raguel like a son. Raguel, he will soon be Gabriella's vengeance.
The Grandson of the Cosmos, Raguel the Just, resembles a cross between his parents. He has inherited Gabriella's third eye, and inherited Basil's Void Hair, though the hair is now a white color with black stars, like an inverted night sky. The eyes of Raguel are a fusion of both of Basil Starry Eyes and Gabriella's Milky White Eyes. He is also noticeably shorter than both of his parents by a few induces, but is still taller than Falklore. He also wears a old outfit from Gabriella's father, to symbolize and represent his royal bloodline, as well as having metal gauntlets and greaves, making him appear to be an even more divine-looking god than even his own Grandmother. As he has inherited the looks of both of his parents, he is described as being beautiful and divine in every way, and is even more beautiful than Gabriella herself, and she is beautiful in her own right.
Growing up with loving parents, Raguel the Just is a very kind and very happy son, who is rather loyal to both of his parents. Growing up, he lived a happy childhood, with Gabriella being a very loving mother to her son, and Basil also being a very caring father. Basil always taught him how to be brave, and Gabriella always gave him advice whenever he feels a form of doubt.
Growing up, while he has not changed a bit, he is now very responsible and takes his duty the Grandson of Falklore seriously, as well as being the Grandson of the King and Queen of the Cosmos, who have likely been consumed by Edra, his own grandmother. He trained as much as he can from both Falklore and Basil and Gabriella the Voice, due to the fact that in his belief, he needs to avenge both of his grandparents, as well as his aunts who had been killed by Edra. He also learned how to control his anger and remain calm, and thus, maintains a cold fury so intense that Edra will even flee if she were to be in the presence of Raguel. But in spite of this, Raguel is one of the kindest and most caring entities to have ever been born.
Autopotence: As he is the grandson of Falklore, he has inherited the gift that Falklore had been given by the One from Eden. Raguel the Just is all-powerful over himself, including his own existence. He can make his existence ineffable and defiant of all laws and logic, also rewriting himself on absolutely all levels, including structure, origin, conclusion, and many more. With absolute control over himself, He can essentially do anything as long as it stems from his own existence, like granting himself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection, etc.
Metapotence: Raguel, as the grandson of Edra, the Queen of the Cosmos, is a Metapotent level threat and as such possess all abilities consisting of that which Edra possesses. Metapotence is purely centered on Omnipotence as the ability to "do absolutely anything and everything," rather than "being supremely almighty in every sense." Raguel is literally able to do anything, regardless of how contradictory or paradoxical it may be, and with ease, accomplish unquestionably impossible feats just by wanting it. Raguel is able to perfectly replicate the effects of any power, as they hold power infinitely beyond logic and understanding, fundamentally allowing him to achieve whatever they want, in any way they want, both limitlessly and perfectly. His power automatically overrides all opposing forces and abilities completely, like they didn't even exist in the first place.
Cosmic Presence: Raguel's power, which he inherited from Edra, gives him a unique aura that inflicts a cosmic illness giving anyone massive headaches, epilepsy and loss of thought and eventual mental functions. He can even control when to unleash it and can even suppress the aura.
Complete Cosmic Collapse: Taught by Basil, Raguel brings ever conceptual version of the Cosmos in the Omniverse and Eden itself and drops it onto his opponent.
Anti-Void Hair: Inherited from Edra, Raguel's hair and locks are so white and so bright that touching his hair if your a enemy will suck you into the void, trapping them forever. Despite this, if he considers you a friend, he can allow you to touch it without any problems, and can be interacted just like normal hair. However, his hair will be able to suck anyone into an Anti-Void, instead of just the normal Void. However, if he desires to, he can change it black, and sent a person into the Void instead, but he prefers to leave it the way it is.
Cosmic Cube: Taught by Basil, Raguel is able to trap opponents in a pocket dimension of Edra's own making called the Cosmic cube, trapping them forever in a infinite and unbreakable dimension.
Meta Immunity Bypassing: Raguel can completely and perfectly bypass any and all immunities in existence and beyond regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited too, omni and meta-level powers.
Cosmic Claws: Raguel has long black claws like Edra, and in his life, he has used them as weapons and when he fights against his enemies, with the claws being insanely sharp, being able to cut through even the strongest metals of the Kingdom of Woa, and being unable to break. Only the Being Slayer is able to slice them, and even then, it will grow back after a little while.
The Key: Taught by Basil, Raguel can create a key out of thin air and without even having to need a door can gain access to any place, dimension, reality or even beyond that. Basil can go absolutely anywhere whenever he wants with no limits.
Edenspace Tunnel: Edra's most dangerous attack, which she taught to Basil, who in turn, taught Raguel this, in which it is how she perceives and interprets the void, Raguel can throw his victims and enemies into where they will forever be tormented beyond, they're own understanding of torment and pain where they will never be able to escape without Basil releasing them. Basil only does this to the most evil and the most remorseless of entities that have ever existed. He hopes to one day use this power so that Edra will suffer for the rest of time.
Bodily Gravitational Pull: Like his mother and father, Raguel has his own gravity field, which is so strong it can collapse an entire reality if he was standing too close or didn't shut her gravity down. Luckily, he learned to control his power and makes sure to not accidentally destroy the realities that he is in.
Cosmic Voice: Inherited from Gabriella, his Mother, Raguel has inherited the voice of the Cosmos, allowing for him to do whatever he wants for his Authority is above all that are beneath him. He can effortlessly command those below him, and they will follow his orders without question, as though they have decided to be loyal, even though that this is not the case. He is also able to use his voice to manipulate people in order to gain in advantage over other people.
Future Sight: Taught by his mother, who manage to learn this power, Raguel has learned to see into the future, allowing for him to know what it is that will happen next.
Memory Sight: Another power taught by his mother, Gabriella, Raguel is able to use his third eye to look at a person, and be able to see the memories of the person he is targeting, to know if the person he is worn is truly good or not.
Illusion Sight: Another power made by Gabriella, this allows Raguel to be able to see through a type of illusion that has affecting him so that he can see what is really happening.
Possession: The last power Gabriella made, this allows Raguel to enter the body of a lower being and possess them, allowing for Raguel to take control of them and use some of his powers while he is inside of their bodies, but unfortunately, not all of them, and this is to avoid accidentally destroying who he's possessing.
Cosmic Beauty: Inherited from his mother, Raguel is shown to be extremely majestic and beautiful, and is very handsome to the point that he been surpasses his father and mother in terms of beauty. He even is able to use this to his advantage, and this, combined with his Cosmic, gives him nigh-unrivaled acting skills and manipulation towards others.
Being Hunter: A Gift from the One, this weapon was made alongside the Being Slayer, meaning that it is also made by Nunn himself. Made to act as a counter towards the Sword in terms of combat, the Being Hunter is an Axe that is as black as the Being Slayer. It possesses the same power as the Being Slayer, with the addition that it is able to be thrown at far away distances, and can return to his hand by his own desire. The Being Hunter is the only weapon that can combat against the Being Slayer on even terms, as it gives the user Nigh-Omnipotent power just as much as the Being Slayer. The Being Hunter, on the blade's flat part, also has runes grafted onto its side.
Basil and Falklore: His Father and Grandfather, Raguel has traveled with them since the day he was born from Gabriella. They taught him how to use his powers on their side, especially Edra's powers, but they raised him in a life filled with kindness and happiness, and teach him that all-powerful he may be, he is not the strongest being alive, as there are others that can overpower him, and not everyone, even the most powerful beings of all, are not perfect.
Daughter of the Cosmos, Gabriella The Voice: The Mother of Raguel, she has grown more powerful, due to the fact that she had practiced her powers and trained to become more stronger than ever, so she can combat against Edra the next time that they met. While Gabriella does treat Raguel as her tool of vengeance, she loves her son just as much as Basil and Falklore do, and thus, loves her child, and hopes that he gets a good life once Edra is defeated.
Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos: The Grandmother of Raguel, he became aware of his existence when she saw him worn Basil and Gabriella, and realized that she has a grandson, and felt his power. His power is even more stronger compared to Basil himself, who himself is stronger than Edra. Because of this, Edra now fears for her throne, as she does all he can to make sure that Raguel does not take it, and hopes that she does not get beaten by her grandson.
Zero: A Friend of Basil, he acts as an uncle figure towards Raguel, and hangs out with him whenever Basil arrives with his son. Raguel and Zwro have a good relationship with each other.
Joash and Sandhya: The Son and Daughter of Gabriel, they acts as uncle and aunt figures for him, as they see how kind he is and how heroic he is, a very great defender he can be. Raguel also has a good relationship with the both of them.
Sinware: The Son of Malware and the Polothorn of Decay, he is the youngest of the other Polothorns, and has a very good friendship like Zero and Joash, being an uncle figure for Raguel, which Raguel really appreciates.
Mes and Conduit!Cell: 2 Versions of Abyss that became powerful in different ways, they both are able to have a good relationship with Raguel, and have even sparred with him on occasion, in order to help him be better at fighting.
Anomaly!Core: The Forbidden Conduit of Reality, she allows Raguel to go into the Alpha Timeline, but only so he can give him some friends. Raguel is happy, and in return, protects the Alpha Timeline on occasion whenever he has the chance to do it.
Alachardvat: The TransVoid Being of Omnipotence, he and Raguel get along very well, and when compete to see if Alachardvat's Omnipotence and Raguel's Metapotence is stronger than the other.
Yesmerian: The TransVoid Being of Omnipresence, he is shown to have a very good friendship with her, with Yesmerian helping him go to places that he has not been to before, so he can access it by himself, making Yesmerian one of Raguel's closest allies.
Scion!Paper Crane and Exul: 2 beings molded from the Void, Raguel is very interested and fascinated in the fact that there are beings born from the realm of nothingness, and thus, has spoke to them, and they parted ways on friendly terms.
Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Raguel has spotted him one before in the past, but he disappeared before he can speak to him, but Raguel is doing all he can to try and find out where he is.
If Raguel were to defeat Edra all by himself, he would either trap her inside of the Edenspafe Tunnel in order to torment her for eternity, or trap her inside of the Cosmic Cube, and Edra will forever be trapped in for all eternity, and Edra will not be able to get out of it, both fates being considered worse then death.
Additionally, if Raguel does win against Edra, he wound become the new ruler of the Kingdom of Woa, and he would become a much more beloved ruler than Edra, due to how kind he is and he shows how much he can move others, making him a much more desired ruler than Edra herself could ever be
He is the only member of Edra'a bloodline to change his hair so he can send his enemies to either the Void or the Anti-Void.
Like his Father, Basil, he is the only one that is able to master the Eden Regiment, which only Falklore himself is able to do.
While he does not know the other members of his family from Gabriella's side, he does have a desire to avenge them from what Edra had done to them.
He has met his family on Falklore's side, and he is surprised at how many members of the family are there, due to his large it is.
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