

Skeleton Spider
Muffet's Daughter
Adam's Daughter
Handy Kiddo
Mistress of the Void

Date of Birth: August 19, XXXX

Place of Birth: Outside the AUs.

Species: Skeleton/Spider
Gender: Female
Height: 6'4
Weight: 125
Eye Color: Black, Red, White

This character takes place of the Multiverse that houses the Stellar!Astral Mother and FGoD Righteous Error. In other words, a fused Multiverse.

Mother, Father, I will do anything to make you proud.-Galatea

Galatea is a monster that resides in Alphatale, and is one of the most powerful monsters to ever be born. She is the daughter of Muffet, a Spider Monster, who has immense control and knowledge of the Void, and Adam, also known as Alpha!Sans, The first protector of the Alphaverse, as well as the Conduit of Change.


Muffet was never a huge fan of the Astral Mother, but has grown far more tolerable over the many years that the Astral Mother had ruled the entire underground itself. This is mainly due to the fact that the Astral Mother had became much more kinder and a more just ruler, due to going after William Peterson, who she fell genuinely in love with after spending so long chasing him. And although Muffet never trust or liked her, seeing that the Astral Mother is making a genuine effort to try and make the Underground a safe place, even for his own sons, Muffet began to hope that the Astral Mother actually does change for the better. And years later, as she is growing up, while she still does not like the Astral Mother, she notes that she does see that the Astral Mother is making the entire underground a safer place, and thus, she actually hopes that this is true and not a part of the Astral Mother's cruel deceptions.

As with her sons, while she does know that her sons are not bad people, she does not trust any of them. There is, however, one exception to the rule. And that would be the Astral Mother's youngest son, who is named, Adam. Adam, compared to the other members of his family, he is the most kindest and most amiable of the bunch, and unlike the rest of his siblings and family, at the time when Adam was a teenager, he does take all the effort that he can to reach out to her and try to be friends with her. Of course, Muffet was skeptical and a little bit suspicious, as she does not know why Adam would want to be friends with her of all people, and thus, assumed that he was here to manipulate her. But when Adam saved her from some criminals in the Underground, and proved that he really just want to be friends with her, Muffet for once believed him, and thus, a friendship struck between the 2 Monsters of the Underground.

They would often hang out, enjoy their time together and study the Void, although Adam would always study something else that he thinks intrigue him more than the void, but does study alongside Muffet for her sake, and Muffet, in return, gains an immense amount of trust to Adam, seeing that he truly is different from the Astral Mother, and is also shown to be a person that forgives very easily, even if Muffet got upset at him, only to regret it, or if Muffet does something bad without realizing, which is just how kind he is. Because of this, unusually for Muffet, she began to develop feelings for him, and Adam, in the beginning, felt the same way towards Muffet, which is what he had wanted to have all along. And after a little while, Muffet and Adam have began to date and became Boyfriend and Girlfriend to each other, which even is surprised at herself for, due to the fact that she had never thought that she would fall in love with a son of the Astral Mother. But seeing how different he is, she realizes that just because someone is related to her, doesn't mean that they will be the same as their parent. And thus, decides to go along and fall in love with Adam, who is the kindest son that Muffet has ever met.

Of course, the Astral Mother knows of this, and she is not a very big fan of spiders. In fact, she hates spiders. But seeing that her youngest son is happy, she decides to not let her hatred cloud her judgement, and allows him to fall in love with her, since he is able to get a good life that would hopefully be better than the Astral Mother.

But than, one day changed. An attack from some mysterious entities came, and they began to lead to the destruction of Alphatale. Adam, seeing the entities, does not once hesitate to find Muffet, as he goes to rescue her as fast as she can. Muffet was found alive by Adam, but she has been hit by an attack similar to a God Ray, and it left a very bad wound in her chest. Thankfully, she is not on the risk of dying, and Adam brought Muffet to the Temmies, before Adam left to go back to his mother, so that she can be kept safe. And as Muffet recovered, she began to see that the hole in her chest is becoming white, similar to a Void, and had even began to gain strength unlike any that she has ever felt.

Seeing that she is with the Temmies, in which the village is the only place left standing, after that rest of Alphatale fell, she ventured into the Void, and into the AUs, in an effort to the and find her Boyfriend, so that she can be with him again. She traveled from AU to AU, searching high and low, and did not dare and stop her search. But while she is inside of the Void, she encounter an entity inside of the Void. It is none other than Exul, and next to Exul, is the Astral Mother's counterpart, the Void Empress. Seeing that she needs to grow stronger, so she can survive in the Multiverse, she requests to be trained by Exul. Exul agrees, and Muffet began to train under him, and thus, is able to learn most of his powers, with the exception of the Gamma Ray. But even so, she became immensely powerful in her own right, although weaker compared to the Void Empress, who is much stronger than both.

And after a little while, she is able to find him, much more different, and also changed. At the time when Muffet has find him, Adam has renamed himself after his home AU, Alpha, and has became the Conduit of Change, and has since got a good grasp on his powers. She they both reunited, Muffet wastes no time to hug him and kiss him, showing how much she missed him. Alpha reciprocated those feelings that he has with her, and Alpha and Muffet decides to go to the Astral Mother, and surprisingly, the Astral Mother is very polite to Muffet, in spite of what she is like. But nevertheless, Muffet does maintain her distrust to the Astral Mother, not that the Astral Mother cares a lot about that. And it is also here that she meets Azrael, the lost son of Toriel and Asgore, the deceased King and Queen of the Underground. She is honestly surprised that the son survived, as the last time this she had heard, he had died when the king and Queen died as well, which lead to the Astral Mother becoming queen of the Underground. But seeing that he is alive, it made her relief feel much more warmer than ever before, for she was worried that the bloodline of royalty was forever lost and gone forever. But in her relief, a child of Asgore and Toriel is still alive.

And as soon as Muffet and Alpha are alone, they consummated their relationship when the others are gone and unaware of what they had done in bed, and than, 9 months began to pass, before the child had finally been born.  The child has both the features of the mother and father, as well as inherited all of their powers. The child's name, is Galatea, and Galatea began to live with her family, and that includes the Astral Mother, who she began to join in the life of her young Granddaughter. Galatea has trained and practiced under her parents about her powers, gained as much knowledge of the Void as her mother, and became a part of the task to regain Alphatale, no matter what. And in the meantime, she  gets to hang out with some of the people that had came, such as Error and Cyan, and made enemies like In, and before she knew it, she became one of the strongest monsters from Alphatale, or at least, from the monsters that belonged to Alphatale, surpassing her mother and father, but is unable to surpass the others, due to the fact that she is not as the same level of skill as the other monsters, despite having much more abilities. But in spite of this, she has proven to be one of the strongest monsters out there.


Galatea resembles a fusion between both her mother and father. She has inherited the 5 eyes that Muffet has, and her eyes are Red Irises with White Pupils, with the eyeballs themselves black. She also has inherited the Nose Hole that Alpha has, and has her mothers teeth. She also has dark purple hair that reaches down to her ankles, just like the Astral Mother's hair. Her arms and hands are skeletal, black and cyan liquid comes out of her eyes, and she wears a white dress on her body, to make herself look even more beautiful than before. Her body figure is not as beautiful as the Astral Mother, but it is still very beautiful nonetheless. She is also much more taller than her parents, and is even more taller than Error404, with only the Astral Mother and her uncle, 100, surpassing her in terms of sheer height alone.


Galatea is a very kind person at heart. Inherited from Alpha, she is someone who loves her family with all of her heart, and would do anything to help them. She is also someone that refuses to leave other people behind, and will always answer a person's cry for help, and will do whatever it takes to help them. Inherited from her mother, Muffet, she also has the personality that is simply fine and dandy, and is very good natured, so much that she can make anyone i the same room as her adore her, with only the Astral Mother resistant to her beautiful and cute charms, and she even used her beauty to seduce a person and steal their stuff just for fun. She also never gets angry, due to the fact that she is simply to kind to be so, and has even inherited the Astral Mother's tendency to manipulate, although for more harmless reasons, unless it is a serious reason to do it. But if there ever is a chance that she does get angry, well, than it is best to leave her be until she calms down, because what people are afraid of is how she'll act when she is angry, as she will simply look calm. What people abound be afraid of is what she will do to the person that has angered her on the first place, and will experience a very horrible fate.


Gifted Hands: Galatea was given multiple detached floating hands that surround her at all times. They have many different properties to them in which they can shoot out a pure Void blast that sucks in opponents and send them to the void and can make Void spears that infect people with the void code that then kills them shortly after.

Void Tentacles: Galatea can summon and mold tentacles fro the Void itself so that she can slam it down onto an opponent.

Black Hole Shield: Galatea can make a Black Hole in front of her so that she can suck an attack in inside of it to avoid getting hurt, and this includes a Fox Ray or Alpha Ray. But Galatea needs to stay out so she can keep the shield up.

Void Knowledge: Galatea has studied the Void from her mother, Muffet, and thus, she knows just as much as her mother.

Void Empathy: Taught by The Void Empress, Muffet is able to use her Grief and deep conflict over the loss of the entire Alphatale AU, and it became so powerful that being in her presence can cause people to have strong feelings of anxiety, depression and even turn to suicide of they were already dealing with those problems previously. Training with this power has allowed for Galatea to focus it on one person, with the feelings much more severe.

Spatial Temporal Control: Galatea has complete control over all of time and space within the Void, allowing her to teleport, alter time, cast stars and other outer objects, as well as create limits of the distance inside of the Void itself. She can also use this power when outside of the Void.

Matter Manipulation: Galatea has the power in being able to manipulate the atom of anything within ten kilometers to reach the size of a quark, so that he can fold, open, form objects, and do more with her power. And the objects that are formed inside of the Void, she is able to bring them to the outside world and into the reality that she is in without the objects vanishing.

Complete Cycle Control: Galatea can alter any form of cycle to his bidding, such as the cycle of time, of life and death, etcetera. However, her control over the cycle, while much more stronger, is less skilled compared to the Man of Mysteries, who is slightly weaker and more skilled when it comes to the ability to control the Cycles themselves. Training with the Cycles has allowed the Galatea to surpass him in terms of both control and skill over it.

Passive Negaion: Galatea has the ability to eliminate any form of passive behavior or powers, no matter how serious or mild it may be. Any passivity that affects him, whether positive or negative, will be invalid. If it were to be use in anything but his existence, it will work, although if the effect includes her, it will completely negate.

Omnilingualism: Galatea, due to being taught by Exul, is able to decipher, speak, and know of anything that is written or said before her, regardless of what language is used.

Vibration Stability: Galatea can change the vibration nearby, allow the stop of simple words, or just ordinary vibrations.

Omnitone: Galatea can speak at any pitch or tone, allowing perfect voices to lie or allowing imperfect voices to be truthful

Telepathy: Galatea is able to read emotions through their souls and speak telepathically in their minds.

Glass of Reality: Combining with her Matter Manipulation, Galatea is able to change the structure of certain fragments of reality to fragments of glass. The glass is always shaped as a sunflower, yet there is no centre part. Once the centre is opened, it opens a compressed quasar. This will allow Galatea to either explode the entire Universe they are in, or to either suck in everything within a 2.5 Light Year radius.

AU Jump: By using this, she has the power to jump to any AU that he deems appropriate to visit.

Mind Wipe: the ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of her, making them forget that she existed.

Double-eye: This allows Galatea make 2 hate eyes of Gaster and this power dramatically increases his power, giving him immense power of magical impulse.

Timeline Manipulation: Galatea can mend and bend timelines at will, giving some worlds the perfect ending they deserve while damning others.

Eyes of Burning Hate: Every once in awhile, Galatea will take off his mask and reveal his true power, these new eyes of Hate manifested while he was dead and thinking about all of the things he can't and never did. Now, he posses 2 eyes of hate that he only uses when he needs to.
Determination depletion: Galatea can cipher the Determination from others.

Out Code no more: Galatea can reverse the effect of what has made an Outcode what they are, so long as the individual is not stronger than him this is possible.

Rebirth: By Helping a soul that has seen damage and trauma, she can reform a soul and take away all negative and bad trait from it, such as hate, he can reform a hate soul back to a positive one.

Banishment: This gives Galatea the ability to put them in a hell-like dimension where they are being forced to carry the weight of their guilt depending on what's the worst possible action the person has made in their lifetime.

Grand Design: Galatea has evolved or acquired Freedom from what was predetermined, and the existential power to usurp and supersede the original predestined intent, the Grand Design of Existence, to what they will and determine. To create a new "code", a new path, a new intent, a new "narrative" for the Grand Design, for Creation, and supplant the original intent in fine deterministic detail. Such a power is uncanny and abnormal to the rest of cosmic law and order, allowing Galatea to impose her will, judgement, and desire on an unfathomable level. She may choose to only impact one universe/timeline, or impact Totality as a whole. As such, Galatea may cause the transmuting of properties and principles of cosmic order, producing enigmatic and perhaps, unintended results. She may need means of exceptional knowledge, insight and foresight to assure the proper manifestation of their intent, on such a broad scale


Alpha!Sans/Adam: The father of Galatea. She gets along with he father very well, due to the fact that he has a kind personality, and the fact that she looks up to him due to his power, and Alpha is very eager to help her and teach her manners and her power. As a father, he is very kind and caring, and can be a bit bumbling, but it is not out of idiocy, but rather still trying to to learn how to be a father for his daughter.

Muffet: The Mother of Galatea, Muffet is a very stern, but very kind and loving mother. She teaches her about the Void and gives her the knowledge about it, and in turn, Galatea learned for her mother's sake, as well as the power that she has gained from her.

Omnipotent!Sans/Ares: The adoptive uncle of Galatea, both Ares and Galatea do not interact much, but they both do get along very well with each other whenever they do interact with each other.

Infected: The older Brother of Omnipotent, as well as Galatea's adoptive uncle, Infected is one of the few people that he is willing to show his soft spot for, and even protects her when Alpha and Muffet are not here to protect her. Galatea, in return, loves her adoptive uncle.

Error404!Sans/William: The Older Brother of Alpha, as well as Galatea's biological uncle, William does not show that he cares, but still makes an effort to make sure that his niece is always alive, even if it is for his brother's sake. Galatea, in return, always tries to make sure that her uncle is happy, even though William is almost never seen as happy, although Error404 does appreciate that she's trying.

100/Samson: The Eldest Son of the Astral Mother, he has been order by the Astral Mother to make sure that Galatea is safe and unharmed by anything, and acts somewhat like a bodyguard dog for her, despite the fact that he is Galatea's Uncle. Galatea and 100 do get along very well, however, even if 100 is not that talkative.

Warlock: [REDACTED]

Azrael: The lost son of Asgore and Toriel, Galatea and Azrael get along very well, and have a very close bond with each other. A bond that is strong to the point that they watch each other's backs, but even so, Azrael acts like an uncle figure toward Galatea, due to the fact that Azrael is older than the other brothers, but is younger than the Astral Mother.

Stellar!Astral Mother: The Grandmother of Galatea, as well as the Mother of Alpha, although the Astral Mother does not show it, she greatly cares deeply for her granddaughter, and thus, does all she can to help her and make sure that she is safe and happy. In turn, Galatea does all that she can to make her grandmother happy and give her a positive attitude.

Nihility!Void Empress: A version of the Astral Mother, both the Void Empress and Galatea know of each other because of Muffet introducing her daughter to the Void Empress. The both of them get along very well, with the Void Empress acting as a grandmother figure for Galatea.

Frisk, Chara, Betty: The 3 Humans that act as her surrogate uncle and aunt for her, they do all that they can to take care of her and KUMU even has a tendency to play with her whenever she and Kumu are all alone.

Osiris: The inner demon of her uncle, Error404, Galatea and Osiris get along very well with each other, due to Galatea being kind to Osiris, and Osiris in turn, is protective of her.

Loading: An enemy of Error404, Galatea has done all that she can to protect her uncle from Loading, and although Loading has no concern for her, as she is not a target, she does try to get her out of his way.

King Multiverse: The Creation of Error404, as well as his puppet king, although Galatea would get along with countless people, due to King Multiverse being remorseless, she decides to not befriend him and not reveal her existence to him.

Error: The student of Error404, who surpassed him with when he became a Polothorn, Error and Galatea get along very well, and Galatea even has a crush on him, due to the fact that he looks cute in her eyes, much to Error's embarrassment. Despite this, they both get along well.

Ink: The student of Alpha, Galatea once had a crush on the Protector of the Multiverse, but that since changed when he became a vessel for the Unnameable. Thus, she is forced to become his enemy, and instead focus her attraction on Error.

Quenya: The creation of the Astral Mother, Quenya acts like another grandmother figure for Galatea, and in return, Galatea is shown to care deeply for Quenya.

Delios: A Papyrus that the Astral Mother has made for Omnipotent, although Delios does not desire to get along with Galatea, due to the fact that he is loyal to only Omnipotent, he nevertheless gets along swimmingly along with Galatea.

CORE!Frisk: A version of Frisk that made the Omega Timeline, Core and Galatea get along fairly well, as well as the fact that Core allows Galatea to go into the Omega Timeline in order to make some new friends.

Scion!Paper Crane: An amalgamation of dead Sanses across thar fused and reformed inside of the Void, as well as the student of Exul, Galatea and Paper Cane care each other very deeply.

Rock: An annoyance that Galatea runs into from time to time, Galatea always beats him back when Rock makes attempts to hit on her, much to her annoyance. She is willing to be friendly to other people, but to Rock and another bad skeleton, not a single chance.

Ten No Kami: Through Error, she is able to become aware of the existence of the Polothorn called Ten No Kami, who has made Error404 and her uncles, except for Omnipotent, her puppets, and plans to make Galatea her puppet as well. Because of this, Error does all he can to protect Galatea and prevent Ten No Kami from getting her hands on her.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Galatea became aware of him by the Astral Mother and the Void Empress, and even ran into him at one point. Because of this, she wants to find him.


Galatea is much more stronger than her mother and her father.

How Galatea got attracted to Error is unknown, although it is likely that Error's kind nature allows for him to capture her heart.

As she is allied to visit the Omega Timeline, Galatea has made a lot of friends.

Ten No Kami, is of course, well aware of Galatea, and desires to take her. But as Error is with her, he is going to make sure that she does not her hand hands or tentacles on his friend. But that won't stop Ten No Kami from trying to get to her, as well as Error himself, as she desires to have Error for herself, and make Galatea like her family members.

Galatea is much more taller than her parents.

Like Muffet, she loves talking about spiders, and not about insects.

Galatea is very skilled in cooking, due to meeting a Sans that can cook very well.

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