Lady of Seduction
The Scarlet Succubus
Daughter of Helatory
Lust's Desire
Succubus Goddess
Seductive Seer
Transferred infant
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: TransVoid
Species: Being/Old God
Gender: Female
Height: 7'11
Hair Color: Blond and Scarlet
Eye Color: Yellow, Red
This character resides in the same Multiverse that Heimdall and Baldur resides in, meaning that she has the same father as the previous 2 OCs, from a crossover.
I am simply here to fulfill my desire for fun, nothing more, nothing less.-Freya
Freya is a hybrid that is able to manipulate the concept of Lust from other entities. She is the daughter of Helatory, the TransVoid Succubus, and the Scarlet King, The Dark Old God that desires to end all of existence. She is also the indirect daughter of Vendevras, due to the fact that Helatory transferred Freya into Vendevras' womb.
Helatory had been around for a very long time within the TransVoid itself. Although many see her as a Succubus that does nothing more than breed and that is all she does, it is far from the truth, for Helatory is much more than that. Since the beginning of her life, she had been born to try and put an end to the reign of the TransVoid Angels, that has kept on trying to make the entire reality their own personal empire, something that does not suit the TransVoid Demons a single little bit. So when they were born, they manifested to try and take back the freedom of the whole entire TransVoid itself.
How Helatory played a role in the war against the TransVoid Angels is unknown, but the role was said to have been important enough, she able to turn the tides of the battle in thar Demon's favor, and thus, is able to bring down the TransVoid Angels and regain the freedom of the TransVoid. When all of that happened, her brother, Gabriel, had taken the throne to become the ruler of the Void, and does all he can to protect it, not to rule the TransVoid. He carries the weight of the TransVoid's safety as his biggest responsibility, and he does all that he can to help the mortals that are lost inside of the TransVoid, becoming a being of honor and mercy.
Helatory, however, was different. She took a much more different path in life, for she plays the role of a true succubus. She resides in a hellish wasteland, where she mates with other entire, and gives birth to other entities, and it is thanks to that, she gets to feed on the lust of those that she mates, those that she had procreated with her, too the point that she even began to feed on her own lust, giving her limitless energy, one that she has never felt before in her life. And thus, life was very perfect for her, and it is one that she will forever have.
Unfortunately, the fate of existence has other plans, when an entity of evil, dark power arrived inside of the TransVoid. As Helatory waits for another entity to come, she is met with an entity of immense power, standing 7 feet tall, with antler horns on the back of his head, a crown afloat on top of his head, and scarlet eyes, as well as having skin that appears to have been charred and, while he is thin, Helatory sense that he is very powerful, and thus, assumes that he is a Being that is here to mate...unaware of what the entity truly is.
The entity is none other then the Scarlet King. He came into the TransVoid when a Polothorn named Ten no Kami went to his existence, and it is there that he is able to discover the TrasnVoid. After learning about it, and learning about Helatory, he decides to mate to reincarnate a Leviathan Spawn. And seeing Helatory, he can sense great potential inside of her, and also knows of what is to come in a way, where it involves another being of Lust, Vendevras, and it is something that he will use to his advantage, for he will use Vendevras in order to make sure that the reincarnated spawn becomes very powerful from birth. Helatory, unable to sense the malicious intent from the Scarlet King, allows herself to be mated, as she and the Scarlet King commenced, and the Scarlet King, due to his experience, manage to make it too pleasant for Helatory herself.
But once he was done, Yesmerian, who saw what has happened, and knows of the Scarlet King's existence, although not his purpose, came to Helatory just 24 hours after she has recovered, and spoke out to Helatory about the entity she encountered. She is than taken to Himmsworth, with Gabriel, her brother, present with him, and Himmsworth, be than reveals who the Scarlet King is, and what he desires to do, bring an end to all of existence, and Helatory, fell into a trap of his. This made Helatory scared, as this is not what she had wanted to happen. She only wants to indulge in pleasure, not lead to an entity that can lead to the end of existence. As Gabriel comforts her, Himmsworth knows about the Scarlet King using Vendevras, in order to make a powerful spawn, something that he knows, due to the fact that he knows everything that even the Scarlet King plans to do, but he goes against revealing it, as he sees a possible future, where the child is able be free from the Scarlet King, and the fact that she can also be of aid to try and stop him. And thus, he remains silent, and only speaks about this when the time is right, and when the child is born.
When Helatory was asleep, in the middle of the baby's full mature, in the 19th day, in the exact middle of maturity, Vendevras, under the possession of the Scarlet King, is than able to use the Scarlet King's power to implant the infant into Vendevras, where it will not only gain Helatory's power, but also Vendevras' power, amplifying the power of the spawn. And thus, Vendevras, under the control of the Scarlet King, walked away, without even knowing what had just happened, due to her consciousness being shut away by him. When Vendevras, who saw her stomach bigger, and felt something inside of it, was brought to Himmsworth, he revealed what happened, and Vendevras was horrified, not wanting to be involved in this, and Helatory was also afraid of what happened. But Himmsworth says that he knows what to do, but the child needs to be born first. Himmsworth can take the both of them to a realm that not even the Scarlet King knows of, but they need to stay here for about 7 years, and can only get out temporarily, as the Scarlet King will try to find the spawn.
Vendevras was not happy that she will need to be separated from her home, but she obliged, along with Helatory, even though Helatory was also unhappy with this sort of thing happening to her. The 2 Beings waited for the child to be born, and eventually, Vendevras was able to give birth to the child, who is named, Freya. And as promised, Yesmerian took the 2 Beings, along with Freya, were sent to a realm that the Scarlet King knows not of, and both Vendevras and Helatory raised the child, so that she does not become like the father. The child grew for a very long time, for a few years, and when he reached the maturity of 6, Helatory and a Vendevras can finally leave the realm, as the Scarlet King cannot find Freya, and than, Himmsworth reveals that Freya can manipulate the powers of the Darkness Below, and instructs him to learn how to use it in the way he desires, as well as instruct her in the other powers that she has. And so she practiced, and eventually, she is able to travel with the Darkness Below's power, after an entire decade, but the Scarlet King sensed it, and thus, Freya had to leave at the age of 16, but does say goodbye to Helatory, who she cares deeply for, as Freya goes out to try and hide from the Scarlet King, and she than conceals her presence from the Scarlet King himself. And thus, while hidden from those of godly origin, she allows herself to be seen by humans, and all the time male, which she has fun with, but even so, loves existence, and will not allow the Scarlet King to destroy it, along with herself. She'll stop at nothing to make sure that Existence continues on.
Freya resembles a cross between all 3 of her parents. She has mainly the body of Helatory, as she has the body of the Succubus. She has bright red skin present, a tail, dark red claws on her hands, having sharp nails on the feet as well, pointy ears, and she also possesses 4 eyes, a pair above the one pair that is normally positioned, with the eyeballs being red in color, as well as yellow irises. However, Vendevras' eyes appear, being cyan in the color, as a second iris layer all of the eyes, and also has blond hair, which Freya inherited. As with the traits of the Scarlet King, the bottom half of the arms become dark red at the elbow, almost like they have been burnt, and the hands themselves are strong enough to effortlessly smash and crush the throat of a mortal entity, as well as anyone lower than her. She also has horns on the forehead, curving backward like the Horns of a Ram, except that they split into antlers, similar to that of a deer, and the eyes themselves, the purple are scarlet red, much more redder than the eyeballs themselves. Although the hair is mostly blonde, there are 4 streak lines of Scarlet. The red part of the air is natural to Freya.
She wears a black dress that shows most of the upper part of the chest, which is meant to catch the attention of any male, and is said to have such an alluring and very beautiful voice. It is said to be so soft and beautiful that it is like a caress that can make a man want to hear her voice more, as well as a hint of loving seduction present inside of her voice as well. She walks around barefoot, as she does not require clothes.
Freya is a rather complicated being in her own way, and thus, is shown to be rather to communicate, due to the way that she speaks and talks to other people, as her attitude can shift at times. One thing that she has inherited from Helatory and Vendevras, is that she is lustful. She has a tendency to seduce males and make them her playthings, so that she can have fun with them, though not in a damaging sort of way, nor a painful and cruel sort of way. Just in a truly painless and very fun fashion, in the way that she wants it. She has a tendency to mess with other people that she is able to tease, and shows immense desire to have the fun become everlasting and fun. She has a carefree nature, and under normal circumstances, she does not take life that much seriously, as she wants to spend as much fun as she can throughout all time.
However, deep down, Freya has a sense of loneliness deep within her, due to the fact that she is forced to hide from the Scarlet King, her father, who has nothing more than the desire of causing total annihilation of all of existence, and thus, wants to destroy everything. Because of this, she fears what the Scarlet King will do, and she does all that she can to avoid getting spotted by him, for she does not want to destroy all of existence, and even sees the good side of it, which the Scarlet King fails to understand. She is also a truly kind and compassionate individual, as she is shown that she is able to help others in need of some important tasks, and will even encourage some of the mortals to live their lives to the best of their abilities, and even uses her future vision to see and determine what their choices will be.
However, although she is very kind and friendly, Freya does have a breaking point of her own. She can be so terrifying that she can even torture those that cross the line and go too far. But to those that are simply misunderstanding and are frustrated, she can be kind and has limitless patience, and will try her best to ease the situation.
Vendevras' Favorite: Freya can summon a series of sentient chains that are nearly infinite and can decrease or increase in length. These chains are as sharp as razor blades, and they can even wrap around an entire multiverse. Once these chains are around an opponent, they restrict the usage of magic and abilities.
Seduction Aura: Freya canto make an aphrodisiac aura that is so potent around males that they lose their senses over her and want to procreate with her, or make them fall under her control. Those of strong will are able to resist it, but only to a limited extent, and they cannot hold back the feelings forever. She can deactivate this aura whenever she wishes.
Loving Gaze: Freya can look at person in such as seductive and entrancing way, that the person cannot help themselves but get closer to her and feel obliged to the truthful about themselves.
Lust Sustenance: Freya feeds on the lust of other people, as well as her own lust, giving her an endless supply of energy.
Alluring Voice: Her voice is said to be so beautiful that one cannot help but simply stay silent and not interrupt until she is done speaking. Her voice alone can also influence the emotions of those listening to her, and can create somewhat of a mesmerizing effect on the listeners, all of which are usually male.
Appearance Alteration: Freya has the ability to change her appearance into whatever she desires, but even then, she cannot hide all of her body parts that, which are the tail, antlers, and claws. She can, however, hide the extra pair of eyes and change almost all of her skin, except for the tail.
Empathy: Freya is able to see into the minds of other people that come to her and know what they are feeling, even the ones that try to hide their emotions, and have a false expression on their face. She can also manipulate feelings to an extent, but doesn't do it much, preferring to have actual emotions be in the place of those she sees.
Concealment: Freya is able to use her power to allow herself to be hidden from the other TransVoid Beings, and even the Scarlet King himself, but does make herself know to mortals, who she loves to have fun with.
Magical Perception: Freya is able to sense magic from entities that are not from the TransVoid, and can even sense when someone enters her home.
Reconstructive Plant Manipulation: Freya is able to make machinery within her vicinity become an unworked version of its original self, as plant life grow out of it, with more complex machinery being affected extremely fast, and can even manipulate plants, usually in the form of vines which she can use in order to restrain a person.
Future Divination: Freya is able to see into the future, and knows of what is about to happen next. This only applies to the outcomes that will soon be decided, and not to the possible outcomes. For example, she will see what a person will choose, such as choosing to talk to someone, but will not be able to see the other possible choices that the person would do, such as the possible outcome of ignoring said person, or attacking them. She can even use this power to know that her father is coming.
Toxic Kiss: Freya can kiss a person and inject a venomous toxin that can paralyze their body for an hour, but the victim will still be alive. She can use this power whenever she desires to.
Tying Bind: When she decides to use this, she can clench her fist, and she will strangle those that are the cause of her anger. The affect can be noticed due to red marks going around the neck, as if the neck is being seared with heat due to an unknown, insidious force around the neck of the victim.
Memory Blurring: Freya is able to affect a person's memory, which she can see when she looks at someone, in order to make their memory foggy, such as what a person is talented at. For example, if there is a person that knows how to use a sword, Freya can use her power to make them forget how to use a sword. She can lift this off a person if she desires to.
Darkness Travel: Freya can manipulate the darkness that are from the Darkness Below, taking on the form of fire, which are black in color, and are somehow able to 'glow,' illuminating a bright area in darkness, which is the opposite of usual fire. She uses the Darkness Below's power as her main method of Travel, traveling inside another Reality, and even to the Darkness Below itself.
Familiar Contract: Freya is able to use her power to make a contract with an entity that she can choose as her familiar, and be able to manifest them to her side if she desires to. However, the power only works on those that are weaker compared to Freya. The affect of the contract takes on the form of Scarlet Chains that wrap around a person's soul, although to the eyes of those that are not in her contract, the chains appear to wrap around the neck of those that are with her.
Scarlet King: The Old God that had forced himself onto Helatory, he has seen what she can do and decides to try and use her. But as she is raised so she can choose to live, she decides to try and avoid him as much as possible, and hides her presence from her father, so that he doesn't try to use her powers.
Helatory and Vendevras: The TransVoid Succubus, as well as one of the mothers of Freya. She, along with Vendevras, the other technical mother of Freya, taught her how to use her powers, as well as have her inherit both of their personalities, but due care deeply for her, or at least, Helatory does care deeply for her. In return, Freya is shown to care for her main mother, Helatory, and is rather affectionate to her, calling her, Mama, even though she is all grown up. Freya also has a rather close bond with Vendevras, although admittedly, it is not a strong one. But that doesn't stop them from being on amiable terms with each other.
Gabriel: The brother of Helatory, as well as Freya's Uncle, both Freya and Gabriel are shown to get along very well with each other, due to Freya being more kinder and more realistic compared to his sister, even though she's a rose flirt compared to even Helatory.
Heimdall: Her eldest half-brother, and the strongest of the Scarlet King's spawns, Heimdall and Freya met at some point in the past, and they both have shown to her along very well, with Heimdall even allowing Freya to get inside of his realm just to hide from the Scarlet King. In return, Freya is shown to have a very close relationship with her half-brother.
Baldur: Freya has never met Baldur, her other hand-brother before, but does know that he exists through Heimdall. Due to this fact that he want Sri be by himself, Freya decides to leave him alone.
Righteous!Error (FGoD): The one that rescued Heimdall and raised him, as well as the one that had taught him the responsibilities of existence, Freya and Righteous!Error get along very well, and even seems thankful that Error recused him from being killed by Ten no Kami. Because of this, Freya will often visit Error whenever he decides to be inside of Heindall's realm to talk and hang out with him.
Atanti-ql-Paneu: A Spawn of the Scarlet King from the other Multiverse going by the title of SCP-682, he is a reptile-like creature that is able to adapt to anything and has an absolute hatred to all humans, Atanti and Freya do not have a particular liking towards each other, and SCP-682 even has tried to attack her on some occasions, only for Freya to bind him and hold him down.
Quarseta-ql-Paneu: Another spawn of the Scarlet King, going by the title SCP-053, this one being a young girl that can make anyone have murderous intent in wanting to kill her. Freya, however, much like Heimdall, can resist these affects, and thus, he treats her like a little sister, and even has a mothers attitude towards her.
Epon: Epon, who is also know as SCP-166, is a teenage girl with blond hair, deer antlers and legs, and she has the power to deconstruct man made and natural material to an unworked state, similar to Freya, but uncontrollable and weaker. Despite this, Freya gets along with SCP-166, who is also her half-sister, due to being related to the Scarlet King.
SCP-999: SCP-999: The entity simply known as SCP-999, is an orange gelatinous monster made of slime that can cause euphoria and happiness into other people just by touching it, and the one that is destined to change his father into a good person. Freya, unlike the others, treats SCP-999 as an entity needing protection, due to SCP-999 being able to someday stop the Scarlet King himself.
Freya could also be consider the Alphaverse counterpart to SCP-166, due to their powers over manmade and natural materials, as well as with the original 166, the Teenage Succubus, in which she can make man be lustful towards her.
Freya is very powerful, in spite of being a TransVoid Succubus, mostly due to the Scarlet King's essence aiding in her powers.
She's also an alternate version of Lilyin.
Freya is able to bring waste to the Multiverse by using her power over plants to destroy machinery, rending electronics useless.
She is an extremely powerful spawn of the Scarlet King that is part TransVoid Being and part Old God, and although she is consider a Leviathan to an extent, that is only by status and not by heritage. As such, she is truly a Hybrid between a Being and an Old God.
She is stronger than her other self, Lilyin, due to her heritage.
She is stronger compared to Baldur, her half-brother in normal form, but is far weaker compared to Heimdall, who is able to transcend eternally, something that not even she can do, as well as being able to consume in order to grow even stronger.
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