

Blue Raspberry
Geno (previous name)
Fatal Error (previous identity)
King of Obsession

Date of Birth: August 6th

Place of Birth: Aftertale SaveScreen

Species: Fatally Glitched Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4

Takes place in Sovereign!Error and Remorseful!Ink's future.

Papyrus...I will bring you back...no matter what it takes.-Fatal_Ruler

Fatal_Ruler is the Alphatale version of Fatal_Error, who was once Geno when Error tried to destroy him, only to fail, due to the fact that Geno cannot die or be erased within the Save Screen, and now, he's resurfaced as one of Error's most dangerous rivals.


Fatal_Ruler's backstory is the same as the original. Back then, he was once Geno from the SaveScreen in Aftertale, due to a failed attempt to try and change the timeline, as well as take control over it, and now is forced to live in the SaveScreen and watch what is happening to his Alternate Universe continue on. And at some point in Geno's love, he had been attacked by an entity known as Error, who is a version of Geno that had been sent into the Anti-Void, where he had been transformed into what he is now. Geno and Error fought against each other, but Error was too much, and Geno was soon defeated by him. Error than used his powers to try and erase Geno from existence, but unfortunately for Error, in the SaveScreen, doing that is impossible, as the SaveScreen exists outside of time, which prevented Geno from dying, and combined with the DETERMINATION within Geno, it prevented Geno's death. However, it came at a price, as Geno's code would then be corrupted and broken beyond repair, and is forever forced to see the code of the Alternate Universes, as well as having lost his mind completely. And ever since that day, Geno, now going by the new title of Fatal_Error, is now wandering the Alternare Universes with only one goal in mind: to bring back his younger brother, Papyrus, by himself.

And so, Fatal began journeying throughout the Multiverse to do whatever it takes to resurrect his brother, having to copy and collect their data, before he pastes it into the Anti-Void that he lives in, one that is filled with Echo-Flowers, and during all of this, he met with Error, who was talking with Ink, and Error at first, did not recognize Fatal_Error, but he does sense a form of familiarity from him. However, as they both figure against each other, and after Error was defeated and nearly killed by Fatal_Error, once he got out of the fight, he began to connect the dots, and he then began to realize why Fatal_Error felt so familiar, simply by comparing his appearance to Geno. He finally understand the situation. Fatal_Error is Geno after Error tried to kill him, and now is back for revenge against what Error had tried doing to him.

And as such, Fatal_Error began to try and resurrect Papyrus, but only made Patch, and while he is trying to make another one, that he actually thinks will be really him, he also managed to get into another encounter with Error, and tried to finish the job. But when that happened, Error404 had to come tries forcing away Fatal_Error. However, as Fatal is someone that will not give up easily, he fought against Error404 to kill Error. But Error404 was a lot more stronger than anticipated, as Error404 pummels Error, even with punches that should have killed him. However, Fatal_Error is now unable to die, due to his code being way to broken, and the fact that his fate in the Save Screen allows him to stay alive, which gave Error404 much time wasted when he tries to force Fatal_Error away, especially since Fatal_Error is refusing to stop. Eventually, Error404 simply punches him as far as he can, sending him backwards, and brought himself and Error back to his realm, with Fatal_Error denied of his revenge against the one that had made him like this. And needless to say, this made him angry, and thus, he had to move away to somewhere else, and give back the time that he has in order to bring back his brother.

However, during one such trips to find his brother, he ran into what seems to be a tree of sorts when he went to seemingly another AU. And this tree...it holds incredible power, and the magic is very strange and unnatural. Letting the curiosity get the better of him, Fatal_Error decide to get closer and touch the tree of the bark, in order to feel it's composition. That's by far the biggest mistake of Fatal_Error's life, because than, the tree opens up, revealing a large mouth, and pulls Fatal_Error in, and Fatal_Error tries to break free from it, but to no avail. Fatal_Error is than consumed by the tree, and the tree, as well as the area that is made around it, it is none other than a biome created by a creature known as the Unnameable, and this Unnameable was killed by both Error and Error404, who had to use a transformation to kill it. And thus, the Unnameable, feeling Fatal_Error, to consuming him, by piercing Fatal_Error's body with its essence, and try to absorb him into it. But Fatal_Error cannot let that happen. He constantly resisted, and constantly struggles to break free with as much effort as he can, and even the Unnameable is surprised that it's prey is resisting it. But the Unnameable continues to try, until, one day, another entity emerged from the Unnameable, and it is none other than Error, who had been reborn inside of the Unnameable. And on that same day, Ink had taken its soul, and thus, the both of them began to duke it out. But when that happened, Fatal_Error finally gained enough strength to break himself free, and broke through the trunk, just before the tree fell into the MainFrame. But Fatal_Error took a good look at it, as he than fled back into his Anti-Void. And when he did, he felt a sort of pricing agony on his left arm. Fatal_Error, deciding to see what is wrong, rolls up his sleeve, only to see eyes on his left arm. And the eyes, it resembles Fatal_Error's eyes, with all of them being red and blue randomly, yet in equal numbers. Deciding to make himself fit with this new trait, he managed to stitch some designs that resembles his eyes on the left sleeve, with the right blue eye being a start, and ending with the left red eye at the end. And during all of this, Error404 met with Fatal_Error. And at first, Fatal_Error reacted aggressively, due to how Error404 denied him of his vengeance against Error. However, Error404 gave Fatal_Error a deal he cannot refuse. He can give him the power to bring back Papyrus, but he needs to work with him in exchange, and cannot attack Error while that happens. Fatal_Error was not happy, but desperate to bring back his brother, he agrees.

And he studied under Error404 for 2 years, and learned some new tricks along the way, and while that happens, he met an entity who calls himself the Conduit of Toxicity, a forbidden Conduit, and seeing his obesssion to find his Papyrus, the Conduit gifts Fatal_Error with his soul to give him even more power, and Fatal_Error took it, which increased his power again. And eventually, his training soon came to an end, and Fatal_Error has to pass one final test, connecting to the MainFrame, just like what Error404 did. Of course, Error became the second being to connect to the MainFrame, and now, Fatal_Error will be the third. And so...without hesitation, and with a resolve, he connects, and the MainFrame began to affect Fatal_Error, as Fatal_Error felt like his body is going to be consumed by the realm. But with his immense determination, he resisted the consumption, and in turn, he connected. He felt his power grow even more than before, ever since he had gained his left arm. And this, Fatal_Error, with this thought in mind, decides to give himself a new name, that the AUs will soon know of. A name that he will be recognized and lionized as, forever known to everyone, as one of the most dangerous versions of Sanses of all time, one that can match Error's reputation as being a destroyer. His new name will be Fatal_Ruler.


His appearance is the same as it once was when he was still Geno. Meaning he still has the white clothes, red scarf, and giant gash of Geno, but he no longer has the glitch covering his right eye, his T-shirt is black with green lines of coding into it. His scarf has white coding lines, his left eye is completely blue, and his right eye is entirely red, again, both with white coding numbers in them, although they can also change to white and ever since training with Error404, they can even change to purple. He also has cyan and red glitches surrounding him that he cannot control, much like Error, and has DETERMINATION coming out of his mouth. However, Fatal_Ruler now has a lot of eyes on his left arm, and his clothes is covered in DT runes, in order to give himself a look comparable to royalty.


Fatal_Ruler, as a version of Fatal_Error, has lost everything, including his mind. However, Fatal has a lot of brotherly love for Papyrus, although he's cold towards his created brother, Patch. However, his love has turned into an extreme, where he now goes to any measure to get Papyrus back, even if it means breaking apart universes. He is not unwilling to physically harm anyone who gets in his way and is not one for listening to explanations. He is emotionally very damaged, and Patch describes him as often having very emotional moments. His glitched speech is difficult for others to understand, causing frustration and confusion to both sides in any attempts to talk to him.

However, when he trained with Error404, Fatal was able to gain much more greater control over his emotions, can speak more clearly, and has learned to focus, although he can still lash out. But even though he is extremely mental unstable, he is able to learn in expressing it in a much more soft spoken way, which made Fatal more intimidating. His intelligence grew and he began to learn, later gaining intelligence on par with Error.

After he gained connection to the MainFrame, Fatal is now almost completely in control of himself, but he is still mentally unstable and very insane. However, he is now rational, and is very manipulative on par with Error's level of manipulation. Fatal_Ruler still has a tendency to lose control over his emotions and lash out, but he will quickly calm himself and tries all he can to remain in control of himself. And Most importantly, Fatal is more obsessed with reviving Papyrus, and while he's become smarter, he'll stop at nothing to try and revived him.


Fatal_Blaster: the Fatal_Blasters are now much more powerful than before, thanks to training with Error404, his Conduit Soul, and his connection to the MainFrame, giving him the ability to fire purple blasts of energy at a target and destroy them. Its length, firepower, and strength are the same as the Error Blasters.

Strings: Fatal has multiple types of strings that do multiple things, each one he uses as a sort of torture.

Red Strings: Fatal has these red strings that he usually uses to sow pieces of code together. These strings don't do any damage and cannot take control of other people, however this doesn't mean Fatal cannot use it in battle. If fatal were to use his strings in battle, they would automatically target the opponent, and he could choose to either delete them, or the strings will burn cause immense pain like red hot metal bars on your frame and will most likely scar you mentally. Connecting the MainFrame allows Fatal_Ruler to give physical wounds and permanent scars to the soul.

Drain Strings: Fatal_Ruler can wrap this around a soul that possesses Determination in order to drain it, weakening a monster.

Glitched strings: Fatal's Glitched Strings are able to absorb code from himself, and give it to someone else, due to the unknown properties of Fatals code if injected into a very weak character their body will slowly, and painfully become an Error, gaining new abilities, but only if they survive. Most of the time these monsters melt and die to the pain. If given to a very strong monster, nothing would really happen.

Red Mastery: Due to having found and trained with Omnipotent!Sans, Fatal_Ruler can have complete control over a SOUL, being able to infuse their SOUL with determination, slowly shifting them to become an amalgamation.

DT Shout: Having observed and replicated this power from Error404's older brother, 100, Fatal_Ruler is able to shout extremely loudly, not as strongly as 100, but still very powerful.

DT Immortality: Due to Error failed attempt at killing him in the SaveScreen, Fatal_Ruler is unable to be killed by any known means.

Fatal_Bones: Fatal_Ruler is able to launch bones at a target of his own choosing. The bones are red, blue, green, or purple in color, and all of them have one effect, thanks to the power of his Conduit Soul. When he attacks at an opponent, it can inject a toxin version of Fatal_Ruler's code, which will kill the host immediately, and it does not matter how the wound looks, as the target will still be killed in the end, regardless.

Fatal_Ray: Fatal_Ruler is able to fire a purple laser from his fingertips, preferably the ones on the left hand. The firepower and strength of the Fatal_Ray is the same as the Glitch Ray that Error is able to use.

Fatal_Ray Shot 1: Fatal_Ruler can fire a Fatal_Ray at a target, corrupting their code to badly that they become similar to Fatal_Ruler himself, being forced to see code and losing their minds, and Fatal_Ruler is able to command them. Fatal_Ruler can deactivate this power to fix them and their code.

Fatal_Ray Shot 2: Fatal_Ruler can fire a Fatal_Ray at a target, and when the target is it, it instantly kills them. He can even use the second shot to destroy 4 universes at the exact same time, just like what Error can do.

Critical_Whip: Connecting to the MainFrame has allowed Fatal_Ruler the ability to swing light whips to slice anything, with the whips being as long and powerful as the Hitch Whips.

Code Vision: Fatal_Error, due to being broken beyond repair, thanks to Error, is able to see code of the Multiverse. And now that he had gained connection to the MainFrame, he is able to see the code in realties that possess it.

Environment Glitch: Fatal_Ruler has the unique ability to glitch the environment just a couple of seconds, and after these seconds past, Fatal can remove attacks and get the opponents he is fighting against injured.

Pixel Manipulation: Fatal_Ruler, like Error and Error404, is able to manipulate pixels, either by swipe his hand in order to make portals, manipulate a person's code to torment them from the inside internally, or by simply showing their code to the outside world.

Anti-Void Infliction: Works the same as Error's, although it's effects are much more life-threatening.

Copy n' Paste: Fatal_Ruler possess the ability to copy any sort of code and data from an entity or object, and can paste it. He usually uses this power on Papyruses in order to try and bring him back.

Code Absorption: Fatal, like Error, had the ability to absorb code and data in order to make himself stronger.

Fatal_Stab: Fatal_Ruler has the ability to summon code bones which are broken at the end, which he can use just like a knife, even creating slashes like with the true knife. Even Error does not even try to get hit by it.

Pure Angst + Fear = Dread: Fatal_Ruler is able to fire Beams of Dread at an opponent in order to make them feel so much Dread that they die from it. A weaker version of the Astral Mother's Terror Beams.

Toxic Love: Having taken the soul of the Conduit of Toxicity, Fatal_Ruker has gained access to his ability to corrupt anybody to commit Unthinkable acts of sin, or to simply have victims do his bidding.

Untreatable Strength: Fatal_Ruler, due to training with Error404, gaining a new Soul from a Forbidden Conduit, as well as having connected to the MainFrame, allows Fatal_Ruler to attack with extreme might, giving Fatal_Ruler the ability to punch someone enough to kill them with a tiny percentage of strength. Fatal_Ruler is as strong as Error.

Superior Speed: Fatal_Ruler incredibly fast, being as fast as Error when they both run, and are able to punch with enough force to cause a shockwave that damages a city.

Eyes of the Monitor: Fatal_Ruler had eyes on his left arm, just like Error has eyes on the right arm. Like Error's arm, it's powers are a mystery.


FATAL M.O.T.H: Due to Fatal_Ruler's connection to the MainFrame. In this form, he is as strong as Error's M.O.T.H form, with his powers increasing as time passes, with the Multiverse's code confining to feed Fatal, but there are 2 downsides to this transformation. The first downside is the same as Error's M.O.T.H form, in that when the transformation ends, it will take back the Multiverse's code from Fatal, making him go unconscious. The second downside that Error lacks is that Fatal is not totally in control of his actions. He is aware of what he is doing, and at the same time, he is being controlled.

Fatalnova: Fatal is able to fire a beam of purple energy from his hands. It's capabilities are the same as Error's Omninova.

Flight: Due to the wings that are on his back, Fatal is able to fly.

Monarch Cables: The Monarch Cables are pure blood red cables that can chase a target. When ensnaring a target's soul, it can inject them with dangerous amounts of DT, causing them to melt and die, while also denying them an afterlife.

CRITICAL_POLOERROR: Critical_PoloError is a transformation that Fatal_Ruler can activate by becoming at his most enraged state ever, due to Fatal_Ruler having became a Polothorn. In this form, Fatal_Ruler's consciousness is pushed back, and a new consciousness is formed, with the desire reflecting on Fatal_Ruler's wish to bring back Papyrus, but destroys anything in his way to do so.

Ball of Genuine Decimation: Critical_PoloError can launch a red ball and uses it to destroy many universes. The strength of the Ball is the same as Error's Globe.

CRITICAL POLOERROR!M.O.T.H: This is Fatal_Ruler's most powerful transformation. By tapping into the power of the MainFrame and into the in unlimited power of his Polothorn state, Fatal is able to become a force of unmatched catastrophe, being capable of feats that only Error in his strongest form can do.

Virtual Control: Fatal is able control reality in a digital-like way. He can confirm and manipulate data and interface into whatever he wants, and can turn data into Mods for reality.

Instantaneous Movement: Fatal can life as fast as Error's strongest form.

Cybernova: Fatal can create a ball of red and blue energy. It's as powerful as Error's Ultinova.


Sovereign!Error: Fatal still  hates Error for making Fatal like this, but will work with him to achieve his goals.

Error404: Although Fatal dislikes Error404 for protecting Error, he works for him to gain power in creating Papyrus.

Astral Mother: The Astral Mother considers Fatal to be just as dangerous as Error, and thus, focusing on his as much as she focuses on Errir.

Patch: He is much kinder to him, but still dislike him, and still does not consider him to be his Papyrus.

Remorseful!Ink: Fatal and Ink get along very well, since Ink tries to help Fatal's situation, which he really appreciates.


Fatal possesses a few tongues that are red and blue.

Fatal still likes blue raspberry-flavored shaved ice syrup.

Fatal_Ruler is able to fight against 100 and win, due to the fact that he's unkillable.

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