Date of Birth: 16/0404/Unknown
Place of Birth: Vecroverse
Species: Xenos
Gender: Unknown (Male in host)
Height: 39 Feet
Weight: 650,000kg
EYE COLOR: Red and Blue
He appears somewhere in an alternate timeline version of Sovereign!Error's future.
(Haunting Cackle)-Faker!Error
Faker!Error is a species of Xenos, taking over a body of a host, residing in a Multiverse called the Vecroverse, which had been deceased a long time ago. This specific Xenos has took over the body of Error, who surpassed Error404, becoming one of the most powerful entities ever created.
Faker's origin is unknown other than he is a type of outside force not from this verse and crossed over, he now plans for the Alphaverse, although it is unknown what it is, as it is not the same as Faker!404's. However, what is known is that it is a type of separate entity from the other one named Faker404, due lto how different in personality that this one is compared to the other member of the Xenos Race.
During its travels throughout the Omniverse, it attempted to find a host for it to use in order to use it for his own ends. At first, like the other member of his kin, he was going to take over Error404, due to how strong he is. But when he did find him, Error404 was killed in a battle and had to reincarnate, due to a battle with Infected, and is now fighting against Error, who is, at this point, far more stronger than Error404. Sensing a much more powerful vessel for it to use, it took the chance it Error, who was now lying down onto his back, injured by the First Destroyer. Entering Error, it took over the Destroyer of AUs without effort, and defeated Infected without even needing to try, using only the tiniest percentage of his power in order to be able to defeat him. From then on, Faker!Error began to reek havoc onto the Multiverse that he is in, but with a far different plan than what Faker404 wants.
Faker!Error's appearance resembles that of Error's final outfit. However, the clothes are fused with his body, and the jacket is now entirely black with a blue fluffy hood, looking similar to Error's first clothes resembling Classic's clothing, having a third leg, just like Faker404, and even possesses a face similar to Faker!404, except that he has blue and red eyes with yellow teeth, and due to the fact that his body resemble Error, he has Error signs all over his body and is constantly shown that his body is glitching. He has the eyes on his right arm, just like Error's right arm, but all of the amount of eyes on his right arm are showing much more easily, and he has the blue tear-like markings coming down from below the eyes themselves.
In contrast to Faker!404, who is acts very animalistic, even though he is intelligent, Faker!Error is not animalistic and is very intelligent, much more than even Faker!404, and possesses a rational mind, due to his experience and evolving in a battle field. Having been able to copy and assimilate Error's memories, Faker has been able to possess a perfect amount of acting skills and manipulation that is the closest to a weakest Unnameable's level of acting, fooling even Error404 that he is talking to Error, when he is truly talking to someone else who has taken over the body of what was once his student. Although Faker!Error, just like in a similar manner to Faker!404, is hostile and is not someone to talk to, he knows better than to attack someone first, without gaining some valuable information, and his hostility is not to the same extent as Faker404. So, unlike Faker!404, he will ask questions first, and even intimidate them with a brief glimpse of his own mad ending deformed appearance, and once he is satisfied, he will leave them be afterwords, or, in the case of an enemy that he thinks should not live, kill them. Another difference is that despite his aggression, he can be very soft spoken, polite, and very pleased to speak to, and does seem to have some form of a passive attitude, not even attacking people for no reason, suggesting that he is far different from Faker404, who attacks other people with little to no reason.
Powers and Abilities:
Hyper-Durability: Faker!Error is extremely durable to all forms of manipulation from Reality, Code, Pixel, Life, Power and ect.
Supreme Life-Drain: Faker!Error can drain the life-force from just about anything and anyone so long as the force is no stronger than he is. Faker!Error not only can drain the life from a target, but if need be can drain the life from that target's alternate versions from alternate timelines. Being able to even drain their life from they're past and even future self and if others are around, Faker!Error can drain their life energy too and repeat the process.
Absorption: Faker!Error can absorb just about anything and make it a part of Himself.
Shadow/Darkness Manipulation: Faker!Error can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. By itself, darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but by accessing a dimension of dark energy it can be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc.
Data Manipulation: Due to having discovered Error's ability to manipulate data and code, and the fact that he is in an AU that has Code that can be manipulated in anyway that he wants, such as being able to alter reality, manipulate the code of others to create and destroy, or alter and change a code of an entry that possesses it. He can even use code to redesign and rewrite a reality of an AU into whatever appearance that he desires, and to whatever plot and synopsis that he could imagine.
Defense Destroying/Coded Shadow Bull: If Faker's enemy is blocking or guarding against him he can merge his strength and theirs through using the shadows of other structures and the code around him and applying what they come from to add to his strength and destroy someone's block through ramming into them as a large shadow bull, as well as causing them very immense damage.
Body Shifting: Faker!Error is able to manipulate and shape his body into whatever he wants. He can even use this power to transform himself into being an Error lookalike with no differences that can tell them apart, making him resemble an exact copy of him.
Voice Mimicry: Faker!Error is able to mimic the voices of those that he is wanting to torment or manipulate for his own ends.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Cosmic Erasure: Cosmic Erasure allows for Faker!Error to erase something that he knows exist without even having to see it or being present in.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Omni Travel: Faker!Error is able to travel to wherever he wants from different Omniverses to whole other narratives and even to the areas beyond and in between.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Absolute Guidance: Rather it be winning or losing, Faker!Error's power allows him to know what it is he needs to do succeed even if it won't be him to finish the job he can aid in its execution.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Xenos Ray: Faker!Error can fire a laser from his fingertips, which is red with an inner thin blue beam surrounded by it. It is used to either corrupt a target into another member of its kind, or to simply create a singularity that sucks in even AUs into it.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Meta Control: Faker!Error is able to resist anything that can be related to a Meta Control. For example, he can grab onto a black hole and drag it around him like a kid that is dragging a wagon behind him. He can even step into an ocean of water and then it into blood. He can even grab into clouds without issue and climb onto top of them and even land on them for a soft landing, even though grabbing onto something such as this is impossible.
Many Eyed God's Suppressed Power: Nigh-Ultipotence: Faker!Error possesses a limited degree Ultipotence, meaning to have the power of Omnipotence, but is not all-knowing and he has to learn through experience. Despite this, he has tremendous knowledge on how it works despite not possessing a full understanding or grasping to the power that he has. For example, Faker!Error is able to make impossible structures and nigh-indestructible ones through merging the cosmic energy of reality and giving it form while also allowing for him to merge his own power it to making it possible for him to create Outerversal to 12D structures. He can destroy AUs with just a single blink of his eyes, and he can create his own pocket dimension without that much effort needed. Despite this, there are some stuff that he is unable to accomplish, such as destroying a future version of an AU, or erasing an AU that has been existing for a fairly long enough time.
Eyes of the Pretender: Faker!Error, due to possessing the body of Error, has eyes on the right arm, with all of them showing instead of being covered up by the sleeve. The power of the right arm is unknown, but it is known that it is very dangerous to be used in Faker's hands.
Legion: This transformation is used when Faker!Error taps into the limitless power of Error's status as a Polothorn, as well as tapping into the unlimited power of the MainFrame, allowing him to become a being of nearly unlimited power. Due to the sheer power he possesses, he is at the same level as Sol, allowing him to be able to preform feats that are not supposed to be possible for anyone as power as Faker!Error is normally supposed to do. Not to mention that, in this form, he is able of being nearly all-power, and he is Omnipresent, due to the sheer size that Legion becomes.
Faker!404: Although both belong to the same species and same Multiverse, Faker!Error actually hates Faker!404 with every fiber of his very being. This is due to the fact that Faker!404 had went on a rampage and killed everyone in the Multiverse they both lived in, and thus, due to having gained a stronger host than Faker!404, Faker!Error vows to make sure that Faker!404 pays with pain. Despite this, he does not show his anger, and is very soft spoken and sadistic when around him.
Error: The host that he is using for his goal I'm making Faker!404 pay, he is surprisingly a very pleasant person when he is around Error, although it is also likely that this is an act to simply use Error's trust in order to use his body for his own ends.
Prism: Like Faker!404, he is well aware and has even met Prism, but decides to stay away from him and the Edenverse, due to having no desire for it. Prism, on the other hand, watches over Faker!Error, and makes sure that he does not attack.
Ink: Faker!Error has fight against Ink and always beats him down.
Faker!Error's true name is Jacozavume, also known as the Many-Eyed God.
Faker!Error, just like Faker!404, likes Butterfingers.
Due to being of the same race as Faker404, Faker!Error's native language is called Veratarl.
He is the only one that survived Faker's murderous rampage in his respective verse.
Faker!Error's form is truly incomprehensible. Those that would dare see his form will suffer from incurable insanity, and in much more extreme cases, death.
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