Error404!Sans (Forced God of Destruction)
Names: William
White Error
White Demon
Blue Dragon
Conduit of Balance
Date of Birth: December 20, ????
Place of Birth: Underground
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye color: Blue and White
Nothing will stop me from bringing back Alphatale. I'll resurrect it, no matter the cost.-Error404.
Error404 is a core entity in Alphatale and is the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse'. He is also the Conduit of Balance and he is one of the 6 Alphatale brothers, as well as the self-proclaimed strongest Sans of them all.
Error404 used to work together with his brother, Alpha!Sans in their AU AlphaTale. In their AU, They both wore jackets with numbers so that the others could tell who is Alpha!Tale Sans and who is Error404. Alpha wore a jacket with a number 2 and Error404 wore a jacket with a number 1. Every day they helped those who needed help within their world.
But one day, a familiar Sans walked among their world and started killing many people. He was known as Jacob, but more well known as Infected. He came to seek more LV (Level of Violence). Infected waged a terrible battle wherein Error404 and Alpha had to stop him. They fought and fought until eventually, they came to an impasse. They got their breath back and before they could react, Infected killed Alpha!Sans. Error404 cried and mourned over his brother's death while looking at his dust. Infected smiled with pride and glee. Error404, boiling with rage and sadness, tore open a rift in reality with his bare hands but was immediately killed by Infected before he could do anything. Error404 lied on the ground looking at his brother's dust and then made a mistake that would haunt him until the end of his days. He decided to teleport him and Infected into the Anti-Void, a place that was uninhabitable at the time.
They both had arrived and Error404 immediately starting hacking the Anti-Void. This occurrence drove him insane in just a fraction of a second. Then once he stopped, he attempted to tear his face apart causing him to appear like he was crying this black ooze. He then grabbed some of the Anti-Void code and used it as wires to delete Infected. This was possible only because he hacked the Anti-Void. It gave him everlasting life and incredible durability. This gave Error404 just the right amount of power he needed to kill Infected.
He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very evil monster and had gone insane. Error404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the MainFrame/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, never to be in contact with other AUs, slowly driving himself more and more insane with grief in his isolation.
However, he'd soon meet the Sans of the Anti-Void, as well as the Forced Destroyer, named Error, and at first, they spoke neutrally, before Error404 instigated conflict. Despite Error!Sans being at a disadvantage, he was able to land some good blows in, although he is defeated. However, Error404 eventually decided to find use in Error!Sans, and took him under his wing, with Error404 making a deal with Error, in that he can free him from Fate's strings if he helps him resurrect Alphatale, and it is here that Error404's involvement in the Multiverse will change the entirety of existence.
Error404 would go through countless events in his life, ranging from the battle against 100, too the death of his student when he fused with him to kill a few TransVoid Beings that escaped, to joining the Conduits in being able to master his Conduit Soul. He would even be part of the creation of making the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy for King Multiverse along with Righteous!Error, who was reborn as a Polothorn, after becoming Perfect Butterfly, although he didn't master the form.
He would later be involved in a battle against Omnipotent, he would be manipulated by Brimm, an Abomination, and with the aid of Islothorn, free him, giving him access to the Orinthorn form. He would also later fight against Infected, who gained his Hellseeker form, but would win, after he mad mastered his Perfect404 form. But the biggest event occurred in the form of Faker, he would kill Error404 and take his Conduit in order to wreak havoc everywhere. Error404 would later be revived as a Bio-Conduit of Truth, thanks to the Nexus and Cosmic Essence, and would be able to separate the Conduit Souls from Faker, along with the other Alphatale Brothers, only for Error404 to be killed when the cycle ended. However, Infected would later go to the Prime Conduit of Creation and revive him, giving Error404 back his Conduit Soul once again. And now, this time, Error404 will be ready to take on Faker, and put an end to his madness, but this time, he will do it with all of his brothers.
Error404 wears a long blue coat with a giant number four on the back. His blue also being shown on his slippers with the blue lines now taking over his white parts of his outfit. He wears dark blue socks and has tags on his arms.
Error404 would later gain a new outfit and appearance sometime in the near future. The crack in his face has not disappeared yet, but the pattern of the blue line that has been on the whole coat until now has disappeared and has changed to white. And his blue fur becomes a bright color, and it looks like the light is shining from the inside.
Error404 is depressed and insane. Like a puppet master and a true god, he has a huge god complex. He is almost in constant grief though most would not be able to tell do to his outward charm and intelligent nature. He would much rather fight through controlling others rather than confront someone directly. He is cold and calculated and somewhat removed from what he does and doesn't feel much guilt anymore.
Silent, Error404 prefers to show his true intentions at first, no longer having much of a reason to hide them. A master manipulator, he has developed so much to the point he can perfect a poker face. At first glance, Error404 comes off as a sociopathic experimenter, working in the background to deal with everything he considers a bother. The slightest grudge, he'll take the most exaggerated response. A permanent solution to a temporary problem.
However, that isn't truly Error404. Error404 retains his sadness, yet instead commonly turns it into sternness, usually being a reason for his intimidating posture. Despite his notoriety as a formal sociopath, in person he comes off as a pure brute, always dominating the situation anytime he's present, always knowing what to say and always being the one on top. Error!404 has a complete god complex, yet he truly isn't a bad person. All he wants is a happy ending, yet he will go to desperate measures for so, even to the point of giving others a bad ending. His aspirations for regaining Alphatale are stronger than ever, and he will accomplish it. It takes a lot to get under Error404's skin and break his facade, but when it does break he responds mostly in anger then any other emotion and it's even rarer to see Error404 get glitchy or break down when angered, but if pushed too far, Error404 will similar to Error if pushed far enough will get the number "404" in his eyes when enraged.
He loves to be alone, talking to Alpha of how his day is. He doesn't believe that Alpha is alive, yet he always pretends to personally vent his mood out, just to not lash out. Because you do NOT want to see him lashing out.
Quirks and small things:
Error404 has been in the entire Mainframe now, making him the first being to ever be fully connected to the Mainframe that wasn't born from it.
Error404 had taken the manipulation tactics from his late mother, being able to fake any given emotion if he felt the need to do so. He can quickly respond to anything without a hint of fear in his tone.
Error404 had a large tendency to talk to himself when alone. However, maybe it isn't himself he's talking to after all. Perhaps it's someone else?
Powers and Abilities:
Blue Mastery: The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing Error404 to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul similar to how Error would do with his strings, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation. He can also use it to manipulate, edit, and destroy objects regardless if they are alive or dead. In addition, by manipulating atoms, he can instantly burn up the opponent's body. In addition, the application of Blue Mastery can also stop the space-time of the space around the opponent, and is even able to remove DT from others, such as Chara and Frisk.
Mind Manipulation: Error404 can take complete control of others' SOULs, allowing him to alter, distort, and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.
Great Knowledge: From Error404's long lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everything of it.
Dark Blasters: Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Upon making contact it is able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. When he was little they were able to destroy Mountains without much of an issue. Now with the upgrades from the MainFrame, they are capable of destroying Universes and even the Multiverse if enough are used. Error 404 fired all the dark blasters at once with a technique called "Omnidirectional Erasure Blast" and caused an explosion that can destroyed an AU effortlessly.
God Ray: Fires a blast from his fingers that will delete anything and anyone who has regular, glitched out or unordinary code (deletion will not work for those who have artificially made code made through the Cosmic Essence, usually referred to as Godly Code, or anything such as Mainframe, Nullvoid, or Nexus Code or are simply codeless, and will simply act as a powerful death beam that can kill) from a character.
God Ray first shot: The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed or until they have been attacked.
God Ray 2nd shot: This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it's made contact. If the opponent has code not related to that of the Nexus or artificially created code through the Cosmic Essence, they will be deleted on the spot. At full power, Error404 can use it to destroy 4 AU at the same time. While it was originally slower, continuous empowerment from the MainFrame made it a bit more faster then it was ever before.
Glitch Whip: Error404 can form a whip-like beam of light directly from the Mainframe itself, which can reach lengths of the Empire State Building.
Pixelation Manipulation: Error404 can manipulate the very air, turning the particles into small pixels, allowing him to form things out of any physical material. Error404 is capable of using Pixels to create things, such as clothing, buildings, furniture, vessels etc. His creation powers are limited, however, as he can't create anything bigger than the milky way galaxy. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation.
Reincarnation: This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes so much damage that he is on the verse of dying. When he has taken too much damage or is killed, he will begin to be revived by the Mainframe with the copy of his code that it has. In addition, when damaged, it can absorb a part of the universe or AU itself to speed up the healing speed.
Void Infliction: This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error!404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn't an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void. And one time when he battled Alpha, every time Error404 walks, the multiverse shakes, the surrounding space dimension explodes, and even completely destroys the space dimension around the multiverse.
Fly: 404 can fly into the air without any sort of aid.
Unopposed Strength: 404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe enhancing his strength past limits he didn't even know he had. This allows him to carry an entire universe on one hand. He is so strong that when he fought against Alpha, the surrounding stars were destroyed by the impact of blowing Alpha to the planet, and even threw millions of universes and attacked them.
Immense Speed: Error404 has speeds so fast he can transverse the entire infinite Multiverse within a matter of seconds.
Amazing Durability: Error404 has tremendous endurance, once being able to resist Alpha's Banishment ability.
NullVoid SOUL: Originally called the MainFrame SOUL, ever since 404's first contact with the MainFrame, it has given him increased strength and durability. Although once a weak passive ability, it has grown with 404 and due to the Mainframes influence on 404's soul, it had made him immune to most magical and physical attacks from those who are weaker. Error404's SOUL is deflective against any form of attack, making his critical hits only ones that are physical. But when he grasped the NullVoid code, it upgraded to the NullVoid SOUL, allowing him to increase the immunity and physical protection that he has.
MainFrame Assistance: Due to obtaining MainFrame Code, Error404 is able to receive assistance from the MainFrame itself. In the work, he can randomly recover a fatal wound and change his status by obtaining the administrator's authority by holding the MainFrame Code.
Mama's Boy: Something he picked up from his mother subconsciously, 404 had gained this 'ability' through his mother due to her influences to him when he was William, where his soul color palette goes from white to black and from blue to orange. He is capable of instilling fear into any being that holds a soul, even if he doesn't want to.
Weapon Modification: Error404 is capable of modifying and upgrading his powers in order to respond to his desired needs. When he fought against Alpha, Error404 was able to instantly modified his Dark Blasters and other weapons to damage non-physical things on the spot.
Script Denier: 404 is capable of not following a "script" and has a free will, not being affected by the influence of the creators of AUs, or any scripts within the Multiverse. As a result, defying "plot" to a degree.
Law Defiance: 404 is capable of defying the laws of the Multiverse. This includes the laws of Divine Oneness, Vibration, Correspondence, Attraction, Inspired Action, Perpetual Transmutation of Energy, Cause and Effect, Compensation, Relativity, Polarity, Rhythm and Gender. This is not exclusive to 404, as any Error can also do this.
The True Multiverse: This is Error404's own Sub Reality where he can make a small orb appear in his hand, instantly expand it, and take his opponent into what he calls 'The True Multiverse'. This true multiverse is a large-scale multiverse composed of a sea of code and a large number of multiverse, and inside are a large group of orbs that can stick to a person and cause them to hang in the air, which Error404 can detonate by firing a God Ray at them. There are more than billions of numbers and code characters, and can make millions of them such as millions of Ink Sans and Alpha Sans. This ability is the ability of Error404 to incorporate the other party into its own reality, and in this area, Error404 can do whatever it thinks, for he is also free to create a more powerful multiverse. The Sub Reality in question is as big as The Main Multiverse itself.
Anti-Void Bones: Error404 can manipulate black and blue bones and use them as either projectiles or as defensive barriers that he could use.
Code Operation: Error404 possess the power of Code Operation, such as when he used it to speed up his own natural healing, and at another time, he used it on an Error!Sans in another multiverse by putting codes absorbed from hundreds of multiverses into his body all at once, causing him to explode.
Coded Hell: This technique can take all of the negative things in the opponent, including their trauma, worst insecurities, flaws, mistakes, and regrets, and reproduces them, magnifying their pain by 100 times. The opponent can't move, the opponent can't go anywhere, for they are literally suspended in their worst nightmare.
Conduit of Balance:
404 possess the Conduit of Balance, allowing for him to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. However he has yet to truly master this ability and hence isn't capable of using it to its fullest extent. Despite this, his mastery is a bit more greater then the original Error404.
Novice: Here 404's basic understanding of the balance conduit allows him to weaker stronger foes than him to a decent degree, giving him the power of nullifying supernatural and Eldrich foes and possible objects that may seem dangerous to him.
Advanced Beginner: Error404 at this stage can manipulate basic fundamentals of reality with him at his best being able to even manipulate the laws of physics itself. Error404 at this stage possesses capabilities that surpass or defy the mainstream laws of physics. The ability itself is a metaphor for things that cannot be explained, Because of it's "unusual nature" yet still somewhat existing in the corporeal plane of existence, this ability may exist somewhere between Physics Manipulation and Metaphysics Manipulation.
Basic Summary: Error404 has the ability to make everything that functions bend to his will, and it is often mistaken to be reality warping. For Physics, he is able to change gravity, make things to intangibility, increase inertia or just ignore, and more. While Metaphysics is a form of reality warping, manipulating space/dimensions, time itself, fate, logic, knowledge, etc.
Competent (Currently at this Level): 404 at this stage can control lesser Gods's power outputs and inputs and even Outerversal structures on a meta and physical level. His capabilities are reaching close to their best as at this stage entities like Sol would be no match for his control over things beyond the Omniverse itself. At this point 404 is becoming more and more Conduit like with him now being the embodiment of duality and all binary oppositions. 404 embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries. He can also utilize Dual Warping, now being capable of manipulating reality through a dualistic point of view or approaches, able to redefine the fabric of reality applying a dichotomic understanding of the world.
Basic Summary: Error404 can use his Conduit power to control the power level of a lesser deity and even create and destroy boundaries, as well as manipulate already existing boundaries. He can use this power to create limits to his opponents.
Error666/Puppet Master Form: This form is activated when Error Sans merges with Error 404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error's abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn't just strong though, This form Gives 404 incredible speed and damage as he moves at speeds faster than his separate 404 and Error self and is as strong as the two combined with an additional "teacher-mentor" bond, making the fusion even stronger than normal.
Master Cables: These new form of Cables have been fused with Error404's Powers and Error's, The Cables start red and blue, chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone, Blue Mastery is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue Mastery as a type of heavy gravity, crushing the opponent with sheer strength.
Godly Healing: This fusion has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle with the only option to killing him is erasure.
Regal: This form is the result of Error404 fusing together with King Multiverse, and originally will only need this if Error is unavailable, but now needs it because Righteous!Error has became a Polothorn, making the Error666 fusion now completely impossible. And due to King Multiverse having a piece of himself inside of him, in addition to being stronger than before, it made fusing with them possible. Regal, in appearance mostly resembles King Multiverse, taking his half black half white, oreo aesthetic. Regal dresses in almost all white, with black lines running down the sleeves with black rectangles at the top and bottom of the sleeves. Regal's fur has dashes of blue. Regal's white half has blue eye sockets, while the black half has blue pupils. Regal also dawns a white scarf and lastly a white crown with two black crystals on the side and one blue crystal in the middle. In terms of personality, the combination of KM and 404 has created quite the shit-eating bastard. All for theatrics and domination to improve his own status. He has a tendency to overestimate his own power and create ambitions far too big for himself. He can invoke and inspire a whole Multiverse with a few words. Though he is quite literally the definition of fake it till you make it. He is a tactical and political genius easily able to spin situations in his favor. He can stoop to the lowest levels to get what he wants and is known to harbor intense grudges if you look at him wrong. This form is immensely dangerous, even more so compared to Error666 due to how it can control the MainFrame itself, as well as possessing the combined powers of both Error404 and King Multiverse himself. They stopped fusing however when King Multiverse gains a Bio-Conduit after Error404 and Righteous!Error made it for him, although it is unknown why so.
The Take Over Button: Take over allows Regal to completely take over a reality (that has a mainframe) through the link with the mainframe, so long as he presses the button. It can even take over other 404's to a certain extent
Magic Reset button: The Magic Reset button, a type of Asset Reset, if pressed Regal's Opponent's magic is quickly reverted to that of their undertale counterpart (404, alpha, infected, etc = Sans, Delios = papyrus, etc) the buttons effects last for two days with them slowly regaining their magic
The Shutdown button: The Shutdown button, if pressed, Regal is able to quickly cut the link between 404's and their respective mainframes causing them to have to go back and get more code from it to become connected again
MainFrame Cannon: Due to being a fusion of King and 404, Regal can create the Mainframe Cannon which fires a pure, blue beam that sends out a massive shockwave. This beam is so powerful that it can wipe any entity as long as it is weaker than regal. it has a VERY long windup
MainFrame Chains: Regal is able to use his own chains, The Mainframe Chains, to absorb and Inject Mainframe coding into something or someone, causing them to get more powerful.
MainFrame Ray: Regal's version of the God ray.
MainFrame Ray First Shot: The first shot of the ray would completely shut down a person's abilities and magic leaving them as a powerless being rather temporarily.
MainFrame Ray Second Shot: Upon the second shot, it causes a digital footprint over the victim which causes a mass of loading's to appear and destroy the person.
Monarch: This form is likely an Emperor Multiverse-like form for Regal, meaning that all it does is improves and enhances his currently existing powers. He does gain one new attack when in this Monarch form.
King's Court: Monarch can summon and open up a giant wormhole above the opponent, which will fire a devastating beam, capable of destroying and piercing through defenses that guards the opponent will try using.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: The B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation is the only transformation that 404 originally had no control over, but was later able to gain control over it. This transformation is only attainable to 404 only. The Transformation is activated when 404 is close to death or in moments of massive distress and the multiverse reacts to this as if it's death itself. The Multiverse than proceeds to direct all of its energy and code to its dying bit, which is what Error404 is, and then that bit becomes the Multiverse itself for along as it is in danger. this major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself. This form is strong and godlike in every form and in almost every way. This form can kill some with just a mere touch similar to that of a death's touch and can fly at such high speeds that instant teleportation is what it takes to match Butterfly. Its attack potency allows it to break apart and distort an entire Hyperverse just by moving. It power is increasing even more. The blow of his fist shattered the concept of Hyperverse and other things.
There is one downside to this transformation, for this form takes a toll on the user, making them stronger. However, as the power increase, their lifespan begins to decrease. Once it's finished defending itself, the multiverse will take back all of its code with it. This means that once Error404's fight is over, he will die instantly.
The form of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is so potent and is so concentrated with code and pure energy that it's mere prescience of the user gives off waves of energy and code wherever 404 walks.
UltraNova Blast: The wings on Butterfly work as lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through reality 6 like butter.
Dark Blasters: It is tremendously strengthened by this form. AUs, creatures, and galaxies hit by blasters will completely disappear with their existence.
Full Power B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: This is an improved version of the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation where the MainFrame offers all of its power to 404. The gap in power is overwhelming as its mere appearance was capable of trembling Reality 6 itself more violently than anyone prior to the transformation, including fierce beast himself; Samson and its lasers being able to tear apart Full Fledged Realities along with surviving such attack. Its speed gets a massive increase as it is able to travel across a Full Fledged Reality with no issue, going a step further to where distance and time is irrelevant to the speed of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. The appearance is also a bit different, making both of Error404's eyes shine with a bright blue light, with one of them being visible to communicate that he is in control.
B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666(B666): Formed by Error and 404. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 is the Strongest being in the Multiverse and beyond. The Form has its price though. When the transformation is over, the multiverse will take all of the mainframe code back and will take the life of one of the two that was used to make. ButterFly666 wasn't shown enough to determine what its full capability was but did demonstrate its finishing attack MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN. An Attack so powerful that it killed an Unnameable and 2 other Beings along with it to truly demonstrating its incredible power.
Just404: Just404 happens when Malware takes control of 404's body and uses it as if it's his own. Malware is a ruthless, Mindless, Soulless, and Codeless entity, which applies the same things to Error404 when hosting him thus making any code, soul or even mind powers completely useless. This transformation is stronger than The Puppet Master's regular base form, however it's still inferior to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. Although Malware had the power to make him stronger than it, he didn't take the risk of having Error404's vessel not be able to handle it which the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form took a massive role in. Just404 is both a form as well as a different mindset, the form happens due to Malware, as stated before, hosting him and lending him some power as well as gaining a few of Malware's abilities if Malware is generous enough to give them or if he actually needs to give them.
God Eyes: Working just like the God Ray, yet it's much more dangerous, these beams shoot out of Just404's eyes and can track and follow Just404's targets anywhere so long as he can see them, once they hit the target both soul and the code of the individual are destroyed and erased completely.
Eyes of Belial: Gazing into 404's eyes for at least 5 seconds would send the most sane of people into a deep, deep fear that they could be paralysed by the very sight itself. It would even disturb the likes of Infected.
Chaotic Decay: Just404 summons an energy ball full powered by the concept of decay. Once he shoots it forward and it makes contact with the target, it explodes, causing devastating decaying effects on the body of the target and the area around them.
Destructive Vortex: Just404 shapes his hands in the form of a V before then naming the name of the ability. After that is done, a Metaphysical cage forms around the opponent that is a guaranteed hit as it targets the entire being of the opponent. The subjective reality of Just404 then twirls into a vortex, eliminating any direction within it whilst bending the concept of space itself, that is brought into the cage, to his will. With this, within that space, within every inch of the cage, a God Ray-like attack will shot towards the enemy at immense speeds, hitting them from every angle due to the space around them twirling them around making it possible to hit them on every part of their being with the God Rays, due to Malware's Cosmic Essence, does not require code to erase you from existence. Just404 can also attack from the outside of it as well. Once Just404 decides the attacks are finished, the cage will explode with greater power than all of the God Rays within the cage itself.
Cloning: Through Malware's Cosmic Essence, he is able to clone himself and have the clones be the same power level as his is himself.
Godly Devastation: Just404 can bite off one of his fingers, spit it out, before he can detonate his own version of the God Ray, even being able to shake a potion of a large dimension, erasing everything, even nothingness itself.
World Expansion: Nightmare Covenant: This power is Just404's own Sub-Reality, in which the entire realm is covered in a blackness that overtake all thoughts and imaginations within reality itself and all previous variations, timelines and even memories of it. Invoking fear and despair into all who had ever thought or known this reality to be home. All who had ever dreamt, had thoughts and imagined within this reality, with every being affected by this, regardless of what species they are, look over in fear and terror at Just404. In this Sub-Reality, Just404 can inflict true damage to people from within their minds.
Decaying Aura: Just404 has a passive ability where the world around him will start to decay until life cannot thrive. This power deactivated when Just404 deactivated or if he's unconscious.
Just666: This form is the result of Malware going in and taking over the body of Error666. This time, due to Error666's regenerative nature, Malware pours all of his power into him. His God Ray can now erase even beings whose code does not exist by the power of Cosmic Essence, his God Eyes can now make an energy bomb that can explode, and the combat ability and skills are also very high. And since he has Malware's full power inside of him, he can do what Malware himself can do, such as being able to make clones, attacks that bend reality, and energy based attacks.
Chaotic Apocalypse: An upgraded form of the Chaotic Decay power, this attack is where a red ball of energy starts rotating and makes contact with the opponent, knocking them away without stopping, before it then caused an explosion that busted with dark energy before infinitely collapsing it on itself causing it explode an infinite amount of times within an instant.
God's Judgement: Just666 shape his hand into a triangle shape, before saying the name of the attack, which can make a Pataphysical Cage where blades, rays, code and any other concepts would attack the opponent.
JustRegal: JustRegal is the result of Malware taking over the body of the Regal fusion, and like the Just666 form, Malware is pouring all of his power into the Regal fusion. In this form, Regal's powers are enhanced to very dangerous heights, far more than even Just666 itself.
Malware Button: This button allows JustRegal to insert a coded version of Malware's consciousness that can corrupt and take over the MainFrame, allowing said MainFrame and Error404 that become Just404 and Loading to be controlled by the coded consciousness of Malware.
Crash Button: This button allows JustRegal to cause the MainFrame and any entity connected or formed from the MainFrame to freeze in place for 4 seconds, before they unfreeze.
Consumption Button: When this button is pressed, any entity that is inside of the MainFrame will be consumed by it, with Error404s and Loadings taking a long time to come back for 4 hours total.
Magic Decay Button: Upon pressing this button, the opponent will have their souls be decayed whenever they use magic for either attack or anything else outside of combat, with their magic becoming weaker with every use. After too much use, the decay will consume the entire soul, and will kill the person. The decay would usually go away after 4 days and 4 hours, but that is only if the person does not use magic under any circumstance, until the decay leaves the person's soul.
MainFrame Eyes: Just like the God Eyes, the MainFrame Eyes work like the MainFrame Ray, but much more dangerous. The MainFrame Eyes will shoot out of JustRegal's eyes and will track and follow the target as long as he can see them, and when it hits then, they're then consumed by the MainFrame itself and becoming a part of it.
Chaotic Mirage: JustRegal can summon and fires a energy ball that possesses a black hole-like effect that pulls in any nearby object or person towards it, and at a certain point, the ball will implode, before exploding with immense force infinitely, and will fire multiple rays of energy that will fire at anything or anyone that hasn't been caught in it, and decay them to their very souls, killing them.
MainFrame Wrecking Ball: JustRegal can summon a ball that is made of MainFrame Chains and wrap it around his hand, the ball being the size of an Omniverse.
MainFrame Connection: MainFrame Chains are sent at an enemy and are dragged upwards into the sky, before multiple others collapse onto the opponent, before all MainFrame Chains connect with one another to form a spherical structure to trap the opponent, trapping them in a ball of chains. And by command, the ball will explode with the force of powerful decaying energy, killing those trapped inside it.
MainFrame Barrage: JustRegal summons a wall of MainFrame Cannons that are corrupted by Malware's power, and when fired, is capable of destroying an entire reality, as well as any entity that are caught in it, even the ones that are described as indestructible.
Turmoil Ray: This attack is similar to the MainFrame Ray, except that no code is needed to destroy the opponent with the Loadings.
Fallen Kingdom: This attack results in JustRegal forming a MainFrame Rune beneath the opponent, and are trapped in a Metaphysical section of the MainFrame that JustRegal can manipulate, with MainFrame Ray-like attacks and MainFrame Chains appearing in the area, with the attacks hitting them at their very being. When he decides to finish, he can implode the section of the MainFrame and collapse it on themselves, killing the opponent, or injuring them and bringing them back.
JustMonarch: This form is the result of Monarch being enhanced by Malware, increasing his power to far more dangerous levels than before. His MainFrame Eyes is now able to make a miniature black hole that pulls opponents in and can explode them, and his combat skills have now become extremely high, much more so then compared to JustRegal.
Chaotic Turmoil: JustMonarch can summon and fire an energy ball at the opponent, the black hole effect being stronger then the Chaotic Mirage. When it explodes, multiple rays are fired out from the detonation, hitting those that are not caught in the gravity effect, with the blasts then pushing them into the detonated area, and the blasts will make another infinite explosion again.
Tyrant's Verdict: A Wormhole opens above the opponent, firing down a blast of energy that can Pierce through defenses and kill those that are weaker then King Multiverse, as well as decay a bit of a person's soul to those that aren't killed by it.
Anarchic Riot: The opponent is transported to a Pataphysical section of the MainFrame, where MainFrame Chains, MainFrame Rays, MainFrame Cannons, King's Courts, Loadings, and any other MainFrame Objects and concepts would attack the opponent.
Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: This form is a corrupted and yet perfect version of the original B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y transformation, showing a more solo control to the form then that of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666 which requires two to function. This is the transformation Malware was waiting for, the moment B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y took its effects, Malware was more than confident 404's vessel could handle a large amount of his power without any consequence due to its massive regeneration factors.
Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is immensely powerful, grabbing at the infinite power of the MainFrame and the nearly limitless power of Malware himself, Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is a living embodiment of incontrollable chaos, being able to pull off fascinating feats and doing fantastical things that 404 wouldn't even imagine he could do.
Time n' Space control: Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y can manipulate Time n Space around him, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself. It is also able to mess with the concept of time within Reality 6, to where he can slow things down to a almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn't be none the wiser.
Instantaneous movement: Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be instantly, almost sometimes so fast it can appear to be in two places at once to some people.
Omninova: The Omninova is a large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y described "Could destroy both this Reality and the next" possibly hinting at it's destructive capabilities.
Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: This form is the result of Malware taking over the body of B.U.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666. In this form, Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is now insanely destructive, far more so compared to Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y himself, preforming even more insane feats than before.
Multiverse Bazooka: Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of summoning an attack called the Multiverse Bazooka. Although the attack was not described, it's safe to assume it's much like the Multiverse Machine gun, where zillions of either Dark blasters or Beams coming from Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's wings fire at the opponent. This attack could possibly wipe out an entire reality if he so chooses.
God Mastery: Possibly one of if not the most powerful versions of the Blue mastery attack to ever exist. Like any other Blue mastery, Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of moving any object or person regardless if they are dead or alive. The God Mastery attack has been shown to completely freeze anyone in time n space.
Hypernova Beams: the possibly upgraded form of the Ultranova Blasts. This attack, although never hit anyone, is speculated to be able to cut through almost anything as if it were butter, burning anything it touches into a crisp and it could possibly even cut through reality itself. Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y could even condense the beams into a spherical attack of sorts that can destroy 2-3 Realities simultaneously.
Transvoid Gateway: Just666 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is capable of contorting his body into a large mass of shapes as he continues to grow endlessly. If he were to ever sink someone into the mass of which is his body, they'll be transported to the Transvoid where the monstrous beings and entities would most likely give you a fate worse than death itself.
Devoted404: This form is the result of Error404 being empowered by the Cosmic Essence of One, the firstborn child of MalesGrow. In this form, Error404's powers increased, being able to trap Infected in a Tesseract, his Blue Mastery now gains a Yellow Color, and his God Ray Second Shot can now erase the concept of a person. He can create afterimages and create a barrier around himself to protect himself against any attacking coming at him.
Perfect404: Error404 becomes one with Malware and Ten's essence and fully accepts the cosmic essence within them, allowing for him to use new and undiscovered abilities and transformations. All his past abilities are Infinitely increased.
Transcendent Physiology: Error404 possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings like deities, other beings that are divine in nature, and other transcendent level beings like cosmic beast entities. Error404 has surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended their physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. He's achieved this through absorbing beings of the cosmic essence.
Cosmic Clones: Error404 can create clones of himself that are made of the cosmic essence and can make them infinitely.
Cosmic Avatar: Error404 can create avatars and can send them to just about anywhere and have them fight, explore and even talk for him.
God Ray: Reality Cannon: This technique summons a huge energy sphere and firing it at the opponent, and when it collided with the Omni Burst from Orin, Edra and Sol were able to feel the shockwave despite being an infinite distance away from them.
Perfect Mastery: A step up from the Blue Mastery. With this improvement, 404 is able to use the magic of all types, no longer being limited to just Blue magic, to the upmost proficient levels. Other magic types involve ones such as Orange Magic which is the opposite of Blue Magic. Green Magic, which allows to completely freeze the opponent down to their mind and soul, and not just the physical body. Purple Magic which limits movement by manipulating the concept of direction. Yellow Magic which increases the speed of projectiles and allows 404 to redirect ones coming at him by having them track onto their source of origin. And all other types of magic.
However, he prefers to stick to his classic Blue Mastery due to being used to it as his main type of magic.
Perfect666: Perfect666 is the result of Error666 having been infused with half of the power of Gabriel, the leader of the TransVoid Demons, with Error666 being able to handle it due to the power of the MainFrame regenerating Error666's body to prevent him from exploding into code. With his newfound power, he is capable of punching 100 with enough force to destroy the top part of his head, although he was still quickly overpowered. Perfect666 would then use his power to infuse it into one of Infected's wisp, making it gain a grey hue, which had enough destructive force to destroy reality and perhaps more then that, and if he is not careful 'the story is history for real' hinting at it's destructive power.
Soul Shatter: Error666 can fire a beam from his punch, which can target all varieties of the soul he wishes to destroy. The beam has an omni-range, meaning it will hit the target no matter what.
Killing Shot: Error666'a own God Ray which instantly kills those that are shot by it.
PerfectRegal: PerfectRegal is the result of the Regal being fusion being empowered by the Cosmic Essence of Gabriel and Malware, increasing his powers to height that are unforeseen.
Meta Miracle Button: PerfectRegal can use this button to create even the most ultimate miracles to be able to best his opponents.
Decaying Miracle Button: PerfectRegal can use this button to create diabolical miracles that are meant to hurt, maim, or kill someone.
Gabriel Button: This button allows him to uploaded a coded version of Gabriel's Consciousness into the MainFrame, allowing for Gabriel to control it in any way that he wishes to use as.
Magic Flame Button: This button, when pressed, will work in a similar way to the Magic Decay button, but to a more dangerous and worse extent. Whenever a person uses their magic, their soul will be consumed by flames, and using too much magic will cause the person to combust and explode, as their souls are consumed by fire, with the spread of the flames being faster then the decay of the Magic Decay Button. It goes away for 4 and a half days.
TransVoid Chains: Chains empowered by Malware and Gabriel's Cosmic Essence, they are used to drain Cosmic Essence through other Beings and absorb them into himself. He can also use this to forcefully inject Cosmic Essence into his targets in order to make them suffer from Cosmic Deflection.
TransVoid Cannon: PerfectRegal can summon the TransVoid Cannon, an upgraded version of the MainFrame Cannon, which can fire an attack so powerful that it is able to kill anything and everything with limitless range. The cannon takes on the form of a black blaster with a purple jaw, Cosmic Runes surround the skull and a portal inside of the mouth is shown to fire the blast at the target.
TransVoid Ray: PerfectRegal's MainFrame Ray, which has been enhanced by the power of Cosmic Essence. The First Shot is capable of shutting down a person's powers and weakening them severely, to the point that they collapse.
The Second Shot will cause a Cosmic Handprint to appear over the victim, which will spawn a mass of baby Unnameables and Beings from the TransVoid to appear and consume the person, before being sent back to the TransVoid.
Scythe of Hell: PerfectRegal is able to summon a scythe that has a blade engulfed in flames and powered by the very concept of Decay, with the fire being so hot that when it slices a person, it will cause the fire to spread and eventually consume the victim, killing them. He is also capable of cutting reality to the point of making holes in reality that are irreparable to most.
PerfectMonarch: This form is the result of PerfectRegal further enhancing himself with the Monarch form, increasing his power even more than ever before.
King's Conviction: This attack results in a giant wormhole made of black and fiery energy appearing above the opponent that fires a beam of Cosmic Essence down at them, obliterating them from existence, as well as the self-concept of the target itself.
Perfect!Butterfly: Perfect!Butterfly is the most powerful form of Perfect!404 currently known. Its power is said to be strong enough to shake the entire Twisted Land, including the Eden Tree in Edenverse. This result is due to the fact that he grasped the codes of the NullVoid, which gave him much greater power than he ever had before.
Perfect Nova: An enhanced version of the Omni Nova, the Perfect Nova is able to possess enough destructive power to destroy 2-4 Eden Orbs at the same time with one use. However, like the Omni Nova, build up of the Perfect Nova takes time, being usable at a total of 40 wings.
Perfect Butterfly Reactor Abilities: Due to connecting himself to the NullVoid and grasping its code, Error404 has now gained access to the NullVoid Reactors, which are the NullVoid versions of the MainFrame Cores made in the Staffverse, being stronger and more dangerous than them which he can use for his Perfect Butterfly transformation. With this, he gains the abilities of 7 different types of reactors: Space-Time, Existence, Miracle, Matter, Immortality, Data, and Dimension. The NullVoid Reactors are fragments that hold the essentials of existence itself.
Edensphere Gate: Using all of the reactors, Perfect Butterfly can use them together to make a gate that allows him to travel to a different Edensphere whenever he wishes to, and always keeps the gate open in case he comes back, or in case he's knocked out of the transformation, which will make him automatically go back through the gate.
Existence Reactor: The strongest of the reactors, the Existence Reactor allows Perfect Butterfly to control and warp existence within whatever place Perfect Butterfly is in. When Perfect Butterfly uses this core to the fullest extent, he is capable of doing the impossible, such as returning entities from existence, overtake a reality into his whims, control the actuality of reality, and can draw knowledge and inspiration from the existential planes in order to properly wield this power and fittingly shape their creations. Even the Eden Tree itself can be affected by this power.
Space-Time Reactor: Perfect Butterfly, with the power of this reactor, can manipulate the space-time continuum of every reality, dimensions, universes, multiverse and hyperverses, Eden orbs, and even the Eden Tree itself, whether they are physical locations, such as higher dimensions.
Miracle Reactor: Through the use of the Miracle Reactor, Perfect Butterfly possesses the power of Meta Miracle, allowing him to create, shape and manipulate the ultimate miracles. No matter how hopeless the situation, this power will overcome and solve it, zero percent chance of success means nothing to this ability and any obstacles facing it will be crushed. Only Faker was able to eventually bypass it due to his Absolute Guidance power.
Matter Reactor: Through the use of the Matter Reactor, Perfect Butterfly gains the power of Meta Matter Manipulation, in which he can manipulate matter from alternate timelines, dimensions, universes, etc., using his immense power to pluck it from one of the aforementioned categories and materialize it to their location. Along with this, Perfect Butterfly can also create new types of matter and imbue them with properties of their choosing, creating matter not of the normal variety.
Immortality Reactor: Through the use of the Immortality Reactor, Perfect Butterfly gains what seems to be absolute immortality. He cannot be destroyed or erased from existence by any known means. Even when he had his Conduit removed by Faker, the best that did was put him in a coma, but it did not kill him.
Dimension Reactor: Though the use of the Dimension Reactor, Perfect Butterfly is capable of dimensional manipulation, being able to link to alternate dimensions and dimensional energy, manipulate mathematical dimensions to turn objects either 2-D or into a higher dimension, can manipulate Tetralogy, and even can create his own pocket dimensions, as well as generate dimensions other than the usual space and time, creating dimensions that exist alongside space and time that Perfect Butterfly can move in.
Data Reactor: the Data Reactor's purpose is the same as the File Core, it doesn't have a real specific purpose to existence like the other Reactors do. The Data Reactor works in tandem with each core, filing every person along with their backstory, but the information is much more accurate and casual in tone instead of professional. If one looked at the Data Reactor it would look like a tvtropes website page.
True Balance!404: This form is the result of 404 mastering his Conduit of Balance to Full-Fledged, allowing him to gain wings similar to his butterfly form and his face to have a hole in its place. In this form, 404 has total control over Balance in the Pond.
The Cure: True Balance is able to punch someone that affects a person physically, spiritually, and philosophically, as well as make them feel the same pain that the person had done to other people it subjected.
True Balance!666: This is the result of Error404 merging with Error after mastering his Conduit. Nothing changes except for the appearance, but is done due to being a symbolism of their loyalty to each other.
Righteous!Error: Error404's developed a strange bond with Error, although his intentions haven't been clouded by his role as a mentor for Error. The two have had their fair shares of arguments, yet in the very end, they ended up being there for one another, with the both of them having a father-son relationship of sorts. The relationship between FGoD Error and Error404 is more stable and cooperative, due to this Error being much more passive, kind, and not as hotheaded. Error404 would even grieve for Error when he died fusing with him to stop the Unnameable and a couple of TransVoid Beings, but would be happy and overjoyed to see him again.
Bio-Conduit of Monarchy: King Multiverse: King Multiverse was created by 404 by using a Photonegative Sans and submerging him into a MainFrame Pool, as well as Error404 using one of his fingers to give King Multiverse his code, in order to act as a cover-up and is used as a puppet king. King Multiverse has lots of resentment towards 404 and vice versa, but the two have had their share of moments as well. The two have a passive-aggressive like relationship. However, due to King Multiverse's growing maturity and responsibility, and the growing threat that is happening, Error404 and Righteous!Error made a Bio-Conduit Soul for King Multiverse to use, as a symbol of faith he has with him, so that King Multiverse can finally become more greater in his responsibility, with King Multiverse now becoming much more respectful to Error404 then before.
Alpha!Chara: 404 and Alpha!Chara in the past had a very serious relationship finding each other one day in Hotlands, they had some Ice cream and started getting closer from there.They spent over 4 years together and we're thinking of making each official until the siren went off. 404 has never forgotten Chara and refuses to date or grow romantically close with anyone for they only have the eyes for Chara.
Ink!Sans: 404 once wanted Ink instead of Error!Sans, but now only sees him as an obstacle. Although a great vessel and amazing killing and working machine, 404 can't risk ink due to his unpredictability.
Astral Mother: a pest and a terrible excuse for a parent.
Infected: He has a bleeding hatred towards Infected that I don't think words can describe. Too, too many words to put here I promise.
Omnipotent!Sans: Omnipotent!Sans and Error404 do not get along well with one another due to Error404 having killed his brother Jacob.
Loading: Seeks to stripe 404 of his Multiverse energy and the two have been at blows for a while now.
Abyss!Sans: an annoying protector of AUs that constantly likes to get in his way. 404 has tried countless times to try to venture into the Abyss but with Abyss!Sans has found little success. Abyss and 404 have come to many blows and Abyss has always managed to escape with his life thankfully, but with 404 stalking his back and messing with the Abyss, it can be difficult to keep things together.
CORE!Frisk: 404 finds Core!Frisk interesting, though they're the previous introduction didn't go well once 404 introduced himself in person he and Core got along just fine, He kept his motives and plans away from Core. Core and 404 grew close, but not too close for 404 feared to grow too attached to them.
Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami: The Polothorn Daughter of MalesGrow himself, Error404, back when he was William, was the very first friend that Ten has ever made, who had taught her the concept of empathy and remorse, as well as other positive emotions that she has never heard of before. Ten was originally crushed by Alphatale dying, thinking that Error404 died too, but later is overjoyed to see him again, and although he has become more colder and harsh, he is still the same William as he once was in the past, which he only reveals to Ten.
Error!404 likes to watch and collect Ink!Sans's drawings.
Error404 loves to eat cookies.
Error404, being the self-proclaimed 'God of The Multiverse', is the strongest Sans in the multiverse.
Error404 hates pranks because they're childish and a waste of time to him.
Error404's Realm is a giant cliff side that leads into the very core of the Multiverse and has an endless ceiling covered with scenes of AUs, visions of those he has control over, and drawings that Ink has made.
Error404 has watched anime with Error a few times and has also forced him to watch "dirty anime" to improve Error's mental resistance against disgusting things. Error crashed many times that day.
The powers of Regal, as well as Just404's Decaying Aura belong to Staffverse.
Whenever Error404 decays something when he is in his Just404 form, Malware, in his real body, would gain a slight increase in power himself, more so when Just404 uses the Decaying Aura power.
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