Erosnile and Ishtarati
Love King
TransVoid Purifier
Embodied Love
Lustful Love
Lisuful Cupid
Loving Succubus
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: TransVoid
Species: TransVoid Cupid (Erosnile)
TransVoid Cupid/TransVoid Succubus Hybrid (Ishtarati)
Gender: Male (Erosnile)
Female (Ishtarati)
Height: 168 ft (Erosnile)
178 ft (Ishtarati)
All of Existence should love each other, just as much as they should love themselves.-Erosnile
Erosnile is a TransVoid Cupid, made to be filled and empowered by love, which is the opposite of a TransVoid Succubus, like Helatory, who feeds on lust. He is the brother of Zarla, the Archangel and the leader of the TransVoid Angel race.
Ishtarati is the daughter of Erosnile and Helatory, a TransVoid Succubus. She is one of the most unique entities, being a hybrid of a TransVoid Cupid and a TransVoid Succubus.
Erosnile is the younger brother of Zarla, who is the leader of the Angels, and the main ArchAngel of the TransVoid. He is a being that takes on the form of a Cupid. He has been around for a long time, even more so compared to the other angels. While not as long as his sister, he has been around long enough to experience what he and Zarla had to go through, including many important events that happened in their lives. This includes the war between the Demons and the Angels. It all started years after Zarla and Erosnile were born from an entity known as the Last Breeding Mother. When she passed away and lost her life, beings came to be the norm as millions upon millions filled the Transvoid, but due to the lack of rule, the Angels put themselves on top of everyone and made it know they deserved respect and if not given it they would slaughter beings by the thousands. Beings became oppressed by the Angels and were forced to follow their every whim and demand many even being forced to breed with Angles of course only the best were allowed such a privilege.
However during the Angel's rule right under their nose was growing one of the many big families of the Transvoid the Squid family, a small being only know as Malesgrow began to form and breed with a human from a stray planet and form a large family and as it grew, so did their knowledge and soon found themselves ascending to a higher plane. The eldest of the squid family would go on to start their own branches while the youngest would remain close to their father, once the Angels grew wind of the Squid family, they wiped out as many as they could even killing the mother and abandoning one of the eldest children away in a different world entirely. It was all by Zarla's command, as Erosnile watched, and while he does not take joy nor pleasure in this, there was nothing that he can do. The thing is, he does not like living in a world of conquest and slavery, all he wants to live in is a world of love and coexistence. After all, he is a TransVoid Cupid. And he is a being sustained by love, and while there is some love, that is only amongst the TransVoid Angels that care a lot about each other, and that is it. But he knows that there is nothing that he can do, and besides, he would he considered a traitor amongst his kind if he does any sort of rebellion. And finally, he is well aware of how dangerous MalesGrow is, but he knows that the children were not doing anything that was bad. He felt pity towards the children, but he knows that he cannot do anything about it, and thus, he allows this to happen, and the Angels ruled for 2 years. But than, after those 2 years have pasted, a very unexpected event had happened out of nowhere.
After a horrible couple of years went by, all of a sudden, the well known Demon horde were born and had appeared inside of the TransVoid itself, they were said to have been caused and formed due to nature trying to balance itself out, but one thing is for sure is that two demons were born during that time that completely demolished the Angel's control over the Transvoid Gabriel and Helatory, the two were relentless and once they got they're army together along with other beings too they took back the Transvoid and more.
However, during this time, while the angels and demons fight, with the Angels losing, Helatory and Erosnile met for the first time in the battle. Unlike the other Angels, he was not fighting, as he is not a very violent Angel, and is very peaceful. He was simply trying to get away from the conflict. But when he met Helatory, the TransVoid Succubus took an interest in the TransVoid Cupid. And such, she began to go to him. But Erosnile, thinking that the Succubus is here to kill him, ran away as fast as he can, so that he does not get caught in her grasp. But Helatory, becoming infatuated at the sight of the TransVoid Cupid, ran as fast as she can to try and catch him, but Erosnile managed to get away and flee from Helatory before she can do anything to him. But unbeknownst to Erosnile, Helatory does not want to kill him. He just wants to have spawns with him, not that he would be interested in it anyway.
And so, Erosnile was all on his own, as he looks and sees that he is now somewhere else, but he has no idea where he is at. He is now inside of a cave, or rather, a passageway inside of the TransVoid that is taking him to a section of the TransVoid, but where is it taking him? Well, Erosnile is about to find out.
He continues to walk to the other side, and he keeps going, as he also dreads at what it is that he is about to find. But when he goes to the other side, he is stunned to see what it is. When he was inside of the cave, he was dreading of going into a realm where MalesGrow resides in, but this something else. It is something extremely beautiful. It is a realm made of ice, but the ice is does not feel cold. It is cool, yes, but not to the point of freezing, it is at a perfect temperature. And the appearance for this place, for an icy realm, it is very beautiful to see and look at. It is unlike any other place he has seen. Erosnile, realizing that he is in a realm that is hopefully safe from all of the conflict that is happening, he decides to stay and reside in there, and that way, he will be able to feed off the pure love that all other entities can feel. And the feeling, it is immense and perfect. It is what he wants to feed on, due to how love good is for him. But he feeds not just on the love of others, he feeds the love that he feels to himself, similar to how Helatory can feed Lust that she feels within herself, not just others. And so, Erosnile has been living in his realm, peacefully residing inside of this realm that he now calls his home, and is safe from everything and anything, all of the turmoil and all of the agony that he is out through back then, as he sustains himself through the love that he is feeling.
Unfortunately, this peaceful position that he is in does not always come, as there are times when he hears a noise from outside, and he wound think that there is someone trying to bust in, or the fact that he will hear screeching and roaring, as there are TransVoid Beings outside that are attempting to fight against each other. This made Erosnile a little bit fearful of going outside, and he wants to stay inside, so that he does not get hurt in anyway sort of way, as well as the fact that he does not involved into any sort of conflict, which he dislikes such a concept like that.
However, one incident inside of his life forever burned in his memory. On that day, when Erosnile was inside of his realm, keeping watch of any entity that decides to come inside of his realm, as he wants to make sure that he is safe to stay inside of it, it is than that a familiar presence appeared inside of the realm. Walking inside of the cave, it is none other than Helatory, the TransVoid Succubus herself. And needless to say, Erosnile was afraid, afraid of what the Succubus was going to do to him. So he attempted to run, but Helatory grabbed him by the arm, and used her power to put him into a trance of some sort. Finally, after so long, Helatory is able to find him. And now, she decided to do something to him. And being a succubus, it is obvious what has happened to Erosnile because of Helatory. When she is done with him, she decides to bring him back to his realm, and leave him there, without any sort of clothing on. And when he got out of that trance, Erosnile was forever affected by what Helatory had done. Even though he was inside of a Trance, he was still able to feel what Helatory had done before. He can feel everything that Helatory had done to him, and needless to say, he is scarred mentally for the rest of his life for what has happened in what Helatory had done to him.
Thankfully, there was a TransVoid Being that had appeared inside of his realm, named Eledora. A being with no body, and yet, has a sound, a song, one so beautiful that it is able to soothe the trauma trauma that he has felt back then. When he heard it, he felt all of the bad memories lessen, although it did not go away, especially with Helatory, who he cannot get rid of inside of his mind, no matter what he does. Forever, he will remember Helatory and what she had done to him. But than, something happened. During one of his times inside of the his realm, where he is absorbing the love, he sensed Helatory coming. And thus, this time, he was ready to hide. And so, hide he did, he hid behind one of the icy pillars, and due to how thick this ice pillar is, he is able to be unseen by Helatory.
But when Erosnile looked and leaned a bit from the pillar, he saw Helatory. But that is not all that he has seen. There is something on her arms. A baby, a little girl with Helatory's Horns, and Erosnile's Halo. It didn't take long for Erosnile to realize what this is. The baby in her arms is Helatory and Erosnile's child. A TransVoid Succubus/TransVoid Cupid hybrid. But when the child awoke, she sensed Erosnile, he father, and reached her arms out to the direction of where he is at. And Erosnile, he did all that he could to hide, did all that he could to make sure that he does not get spot by Helatory. But the child never stopped sending him, and Helatory was able to spot him. And at first, Erosnile was afraid of what Helatory was about to do. But then, Helatory reveals that he wants his help in teaching the child, who she names as Ishtarati, about what both of her parents can do. At first, Erosnile was reluctant. But Ishtarati grabbed his hand and giggled happily, seeing her own father for the first time, and after a little bit of thinking, he agreed, only on the condition that Helatory stays away from him for the rest of his life when the child goes off on her own. Helatory, although not happy, agrees, and both Helatory and Erosnile raised the child on their own. Of course, Helatory wants to bath the child on lust and bliss, but Erosnile protect a half of the child's innocence by bathing Ishtargal in love and happiness. They taught her all that they knew to her, and in time, Ishtarati was a balance of both lust and love, and has both the traits of her parents. As lustful as a Succubus, yet as Loving as a Cupid, she wanders off all on her own when she was of age, and true to the promise, Helatory is forced to not meet with Erosnile again, and forced to stay away from him for the rest of her life. But it does not matter, as she accomplished in making a child with him, and that is enough for her.
As for Ishtarati, she wanders to the direct realities, and and began to use her power to feed off of both Lust and Love, as well as the feelings that are within herself. More stronger than her parents, yet not as strong as one of Helatory's spawns, Lilyin.
The 2 Half-Sisters met for the first time, with Lilyin being younger, and Ishtarati being older. When they met, they had a conversation of their parent, Helatory, before they talk about their other parents. And needless to say, it is a very interesting conversation, and in time, the 2 sisters part on good terms, but it would not be the only time they meet. They would meet again from time to time, with Lilyin even bringing Ishtarati to Underlust, where the Sans of that AU resides in, and Ishtargal had a very good time there. But Ishtargal decides to leave, since she still has some exploring to do, and went to an AU called Underlove, which is meant to be the opposite of Underlust in a way. And due to seeing it, Ishtarati became interesting in seeing an AU such as this, and now, has plans for this AU.
Erosnile: The TransVoid Cupid is shown to be a little bit short compared to the other TransVoid Beings, even more shorter when compared to someone such as Helatory, as his head can only reach her chest. He is shown to be wearing a white gown, similar to those that females wear, which covered to his knees. He head 3 pairs of eyes on his head, similar to Zarla, but unlike Zarla, instead of 2 pairs of Wings, he instead has a Halo, with the Halo itself looking like it is made of Amythest, and there are eyes rowed in a single line around the halo, as he has purple streaks of hair present.
Ishtarati: Ishtarati is shown to have the traits of both of her parents. She has inherited the body of Helatory, resembling a Succubus with horns, but also inherited the Hair and Halo of Erosnile, with the eyes present even on the Halo as well, which she inherited. She has 4 Eyes on each side of her face, with the Eyeballs being Yellow, and she has Purple irises on all of her eyes. She wears a dress that exposes a bit of her upper torso, and is hugged at the shoulders. The gown reaches down to her ankles, has back-length hair.
Erosnile: As he is the embodiment of love, he is shown to be a very kind TransVoid Entity, especially for one that is a member of the TransVojd Angels, which are known to be conquerors and entities that enslaved the TransVoid. As he is an entity empowered and sustained by love, he is incapable of feeling hatred, although he can show dislike on occasions. He spends most of his time inside of his realm, bathing himself in the love that he feels inside of the TransVoid, as well as the Love within the Realities below the TransVoid itself. Despite this, he can still feel fear, and will try to avoid whatever it is that is making him afraid, rather than try and deal with it by himself.
Ishtarati: As she is the daughter of both Helatory and Erosnile, Ishtarati has inherited both traits of her parents. Like Helatory, Ishtarati enjoys the feeling of Lust and even baths in a feeling such as this. And as such, she will seduce and flirty with males in order to get the feeling of Lust inside of her, due to how good it is. However, as she is also raised by Erosnile, Ishtarati also learned to how love other people genuinely. And thus, while flirt she can and will do, she is also capable of being considerate and refuses to use anyone as a toy. And because of this, when she is with someone that she can consider as her mate, she will be faithful and loyal to them, no matter what. Because of this, in a way, she takes over her father a tiny bit more than she takes her mother, although it does not stop her with using her mother's antics for the giggles. She is also shown to possess an immense love towards born of her parents, and because of this, she will do anything to make she that she make them proud, even if it is a very tiring thing for her.
Powers (Erosnile):
Pure Love Embodiment: Erosnile is shown to embody love. having natural affinity and physiology of love and romance. Erosnile has infinite and all abilities and powers based on love. At the pinnacle, users are all-powerful and omnipotent over and in love, possessing absolute and limitless control and immunity of lust, doing absolutely anything with love.
Love Sustenance: Erosnile has the power to sustain and feed on the concept of love itself. He can feed on the love that he feels to other entities and even to himself, and in doing so, like Helatory, this gives him limitless energy and food.
Love Gaze: Erosnile has the ability to induce feelings of love to another person by simply looking at them in the eyes.
Lust Immunity: As he is the only entity to be immune to lust, this made Helatory's power useless on him, forcing her to use another mental power that can control him, and one that does not involve emotions.
Powers (Ishtarati):
Lustful Love Embodiment: Ishtarati is shown to embody both the aspects of Lust and Love. having natural affinity and physiology of love and lust. Erosnile has infinite and all abilities and powers based on lust and love. At the pinnacle, users are all-powerful and omnipotent over and in lustful love, possessing absolute and limitless control and doing absolutely anything with both lust and love.
Lustful Love Sustenance: Ishtarati has the power to feed on both Love and Lust. Because of this, she is able to feed on the Lust and Love towards others, as well as the Lust and Love within herself, giving her limitless energy and food, as well as the fact that she is stronger than both of her parents.
Lustful Love Magic: She is able to use magic that are based on the concepts of Lust and Love.
Alluring Sight: Ishtarati can make eye contact with an entity that she is facing, and when she does, she is able to lure them and control them into however she sees fit.
Illusions: Ishtarati can make illusions with her mind into whatever she desires for the person she is desiring to see, and even alter it into however she likes it to be.
Mind Invasion: Ishtarati is able to enter the minds of other people, without even needing to move whatsoever. She can even manipulate the dreams of other people in order to turn their dreams into whatever she desires, such as pleasurable dreams.
Seduction: Ishtarati is able to seduce men into submitting to her, in order for her to use them as she sees fir.
Teleportation: Ishtarati is able to teleport everywhere in the Multiverse, but cannot teleport out of the realities and must need some help when attempting to do this.
Soulmate Connection: She is able to tell who is destined to be partners with and make a connection to each other. Usually with one side lustful and the other side filled with pure love, as well as being a shy individual.
Past Life Awareness: She is aware of a romance with the past life versions of the soulmates.
Kin Sensing: Those that are members of her blood, she can sense from very far away, and even teleport to their location if she desires to.
Memory Restoration: She can restore the members of those that have shown love to one another.
Desire Form: Ishtarati has the power to change her looks into an appearance that would best suit how a person sees her, although demonic and divine qualities would still be present, regardless of what form she changes into.
Relationships (Erosnile):
Zarla: The Older Sister and leader of the Angels, Zarla and Erosnile care a lot about each other. However, Erosnile leave, due to the fact that he does not want to get involved inside of conflicts, and Zarla understood the reasoning, leaves him all alone.
Helatory: The Succubus that conceived his child, Ishtarati, he is shown to be afraid of her, and thus, when she asked for his help with Ishtarati, he made her promise to leave him alone for the rest of his life, which she unhappily agreed with.
Ishtarati: His daughter from Helatory, Erosnile did all that he can to have Ishtarati remember and know of his teachings, and while he does not approve of what she learned from her mother, he is at least happy that she takes a tiny bit of himself more than Helatory's behavior, even if is not noticeable.
Relationships (Ishtarati):
Helatory: Ishtarati's Mother, and the one ther gabe birth to her, Helatory and Ishtarati get along very well, with Helatory even teaching her why it means to be a succubus. Even though she does not like the fact that she has also been able to be taught and embraced her father's side slightly more than Helatory's side, she still approves that her daughter is using her ability over lust.
Lilyin: Her younger half-sister, who is also slightly stronger compared to her, they both are able to get all my very well, due to the fact that they are both daughters of Helatory. And thus, they hang out a bunch of times whenever they have a chance to meet with each other.
Anomaly!Core: Ishtarati and Anomaly!Core have met at some point, and they have been able to get along very well, just as much as Lilyin gets along with Anomaly!Core.
Note (Erosnile):
He has only Ishtarati as his child, and thus, he refuses to mate anymore, nor will he be with other potential partners.
He is immune to lust, forcing Helatory to use her ability to lure him in and control his mind with something else.
Gabriel does not know of Erosnile's existence as of yet, although Helatory does have out some hints.
Erosnile is just as strong as Helatory.
Note (Ishtarati):
Although Ishtarati is weaker than her younger half-sister, Lilyin, she has a bit more abilities compared to her, making them both evenly matched against one another, as well as the fact that she has magic over love, which Lilyin does have have, giving her more of advantage over her.
She is stronger than Helatory and Erosnile, and has more abilities compared to them.
Ishtarati, if she were to enter Underlove, would have a bond with Underlove Sans and flirts with him, much to his embarrassment, but will be able to move him and have Polothorn children with him.
Ishtarati's unaware of Lilyin's half brother, Eros.
She's is able to influence Bertie Multiverses in a state of Lustful Love without effort.
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