
(This idea is based off of the animation called Undertale DDD, where Sans and Yukari Yakumo from Touhou Project crossed over. So, I figured why not make an Alphatale-like version of Yukari Yakumo to make this interesting. Plus, both Undertale and Touhou are indie games. Finally, the Alphaverse she'll go to takes place in an alternate FGoD Multiverse.)

Full name:

Yukari Yakumo


Gap Yokai
The Yokai of Yokais
Mastermind Behind the Spiriting Away
Border of Phantasm
Youkai of Boundaries
Youkai that lurks in the boundary
Border of Fantasy
Navigator of Other Planes
Conduit of Balance

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Alpha Project AU

Species: Yokai
Gender: Female
Height: 6'2
Weight: (Very Rude)
Eye Color: Purple (Blue Pupils)

My, how interesting is this all going to come soon in the realms~.-Equilibrium!Yukari

Equilibrium!Yukari is a version of Yukari Yakumo that exists in a version of the Touhou Projectverse called the Alpha Project. She is an extremely powerful Yokai and one of the strongest, with her strength growing even more then before when she has a special surprise within her very souls.


During the events of Fate Seeker, after being killed by Faker, Error404 has lost almost all its power, including the soul of the Conduit of Balance. However, Infected asked Nexus to reconstruct the soul by Cosmic Essence, and Bio Conduit, that is, the power of the Conduit, was artificially created by Nexus, and although Error404 is artificial, it is weaker than normal Conduit , Get the power of a new "truth conduit". And it's more powerful than before by giving NullVoid by Nexus, that is, a code for a place deeper than Mainflame. Also, reality can be distorted by the power of the guru, Alpha! Sans and Omnipotent! The great tsunami that occurred during the battle training of Sans is being erased by rewriting the reality. In addition, the ability has improved considerably, such as throwing a Faker with Blue Mastery. And he recaptured the soul of the master of balance from Faker and regained his power again. However, due to the second wave of the cycle reset at that time, he lost the soul of the Conduit of Balance and died again.

However, this would not be the end of the Conduit of Balance. Within another Eden Orb, there exists an existence that is different from Undertale, yet has a connection with it. It is called the Touhouverse, and this version of the Touhouverse is the first alternate version of it called the Alpha Project, with the species called the Yokai now being stronger then before. And when the Conduit Soul of Balance found a worthy vessel...it found it in an entity named Yukari Yakumo.

Within Yukari Yakumo, from the very second thar she was born, she was given great power unlike any other, and as she grows up, Yukari is shown to be able to become one of the strongest, if not the single strongest Yokai in all of existence, and during her years of growing, when she was 6,600 years old, her reincarnation, Error404, spoke inside of her mind and told her of her powers as a Conduit, and Yukari Yakumo began to practice with her powers, and trying the best that she could to master it. It took quite a long time, but as her powers are fit for her Conduit Soul, she was soon able to reach the middle of her mastery as a Conduit, being at Competent Level, but does still manipulate people to do some task for her. But overall, her life is still the same, or rather, similar to the original Yukari, in which she made Ran Yakumo, who then owns Chen. She even learns of the MainFrame, a reality above the Multiverses, and the fact that she somehow has a connection to it sense her birth, due to the Conduit Soul of Balance having a connection with it, thanks to what Error404 had done from before.

However, this all changed with Prism, the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder came, and the both of them speak to one another, before Prism revealed the truth about the Conduits, and wishes to bring her all around the planes of existence to show her, as he can sense Error404 inside of her. Although Yukari Yakumo isn't a entirely sure of doing this, she decides to take the chance and get to know what she is up against, and thus took his hand and went all over, but little did she know...that she will be in for a doozy.


Equilibrium!Yukari resembles that or her original self, but with some key differences. Balance!Yukari is a Youkai with the appearance of a young woman with long blonde hair and purple eyes who carries a parasol as well as a paper fan.

However, there are key differences between her and the original Yukari. Her eyes have blue pupils instead of the usual black pupils, and she also wears a purple dress with semi-detached puffy sleeves, as well as the collar of the dress spread and exposing a bit her cleavage. The dress reaches down to her ankles, where she is shown to be barefoot, and the picture of a Blue Dragon is shown to be shown on her dress, as well as white thin gloves that reaches just above the elbows. The purple dress also has a hood that can cover her head and make a shadow on her face, which makes seeing her face to be rather difficulty. Lastly, her blond hair is shown to be much longer then her counterpart, reaching down to a length that is in between her knees and her ankles.


Befitting her original counterpart, Equilibrium!Yukari is known for being a very youkai-like youkai who sleeps all day and lives for the enjoyment of life. Though she rarely leaves her house, she's well-connected and is acquainted with most of the most powerful youkai as well as anyone having anything to do with the Great Hakurei Barrier or the outside world, although she rarely attacks humans. She has a tendency to toy with her opponents rather than use her full power from the start. If anyone is suited for the role of "mastermind", it's Yukari. She excels at mathematics and is experienced due to her long life.

She possesses superhuman intellect and especially surpasses in dealing with numbers, and as mentioned by one of her friends, even she cannot match this sort of intellect from Yukari. to the extent that for example that she is able to determine the depths of the darkness of Avici or determine in an instant how long it would take for Ursa Major to devour the North Star, as it seems. Concretely to what extent this amazing intellect goes is hard to know, but it would be no mistake to think that this intellect far surpasses that of humans.

She often has a great deal of insight and understanding about whatever happens in Gensokyo, and possesses considerable intellectual prowess, as well. Though she seems flaky and unreliable most of the time, when the safety or security of Gensokyo is at stake, she won't hesitate to get involved, even if it means using others to do the work for her. Yukari deals with problems by manipulating others to act to resolve things for her. She seems to rarely act directly except in particularly egregious situations. In all cases, she rarely lets anyone know what her true aims or goals are and sometimes these goals are extremely abstract, and at times is fickle, whimsical and lying often.

But with the Conduit Soul of Balance and possessing the knowledge of her past lives, and Error404, Yukari's knowledge and ability to manipulate people has become much more dangerous then ever before, and even gained some of his personality traits. The slightest grudge, she'll take the most exaggerated response. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. She now can always dominate the situation anytime she's present in, always knowing what to say and always being the one on top. Yukari, like Error404, has a complete god complex, yet she truly isn't a bad person.

She also inherited his sociopathy, yet despite that, she maintains a calm mind and still maintains a pleasant demeanor due to never going through what Error404 has gone through, thus she has perfected the capabilities to control her emotions, as even when she is enraged, she will not drop her affable and soft spoken nature, which will make people that talk to her very unnerved, as a cold chill being felt will mean that Yukari is extremely enraged.


Shadow Gaps: One of Yukari's main powers, they act as portals between two places, where she's able to hold, sit on or emerge from such gaps. Because of this, she's able to show up at any place and can freely travel to places like the Outside World, and even can be used to travel to different Eden Orbs, especially the one that the Alphatale Brothers reside in.

Mental Manipulation: Yukari can take complete control of others' souls, allowing for her to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving her.

Boundary Manipulation: Yukari's main ability is manipulating any kind of boundaries. This ability has been described as logically being able to affect essentially anything. this power allows her to control or remove the boundaries between any and all things, like Gensokyo and the Outside World, the worlds of the living and the dead, humans and youkai and even the day and the night. This power can even affect an AU or a Multiverse. Ultimately, manipulating boundaries is described as a terrifying god-like ability with no weak points which there is no defense or countermeasure against, capable of fundamentally undermining reality itself and as one of the most dangerous abilities that youkai are known to possess, as everything is built upon the existence of boundaries; if there were no boundaries everything would effectively exist as a single enormous object. Because of this, the ability to manipulate boundaries is logically an ability of both creation and destruction: by making a new boundary is to create a new existence, and to destroy a boundary is to negate an existence.

Incredible Knowledge: Yukari is an extremely intelligent Yokai, possesses knowledge that almost no other Yukari can match with an exceptional few. Channeling her Conduit Soul of Balance allows her to know of her past lives, and she gains even greater intelligence then before.

Yokai Ray: Due to channeling her Conduit Soul, and hearing the voice of 404's instructions, she is able to learn her own God Ray technique called Yokai Ray. At the first shot, it is able to paralyze a person and cause them unexplained pain, or she can use to to destroy someone, and can even cause 12 AUs to be destroyed at the same time.

Spirit Whip: Yukari Yakumo is able to develop her own version of the Glitch Whip, with the range and power being much longer then Error404's. Unlike Error404, she is able to use this power when she is outside of the MainFrame.

Unchallenged Strength: Yukari has gained immense strength from the Conduit Soul of Balance, as it still possesses a connection to then MainFrame thanks to Error404, and thus, is actually physically stronger then Error404 himself, and even overpowered him once in a fight that they both had against one another.

MFTL+ Speed - Infinite Speed: Yukari has speeds so fast she can reach the center of universe in a matter of seconds to her showing feats of Infinite speed as shown with her traveling a Infinite universe in minutes. She is so fast that she is able to surpass Error404 in terms of sheer speed, doing it faster then Error404's own.

Incredible Durability: Yukari Yakumo is shown to possess far greater durability then even that of Error404 himself, being able to rank many hits and is able to keep on going with just very little injury and pain, with not even a bruise being present there.

MainFrame Shikigami: The manipulation of Shikigami could be considered another of Yukari's special abilities. Resembling the computer programming of the outside world, the Shiki will carry out its master's order exactly as commanded. Her high intelligence, particularly with regard to manipulating numbers, makes her excel at calculations and analysis. And as the MainFrame is entirely code-based, this power has increased even more then before, now allowing her to manipulate pixels and create anything of her own design.

Flight: Yukari is able to fly.

Dark Fantasy Manji-Parasol: Yukari focuses her spiritual energy into the form of a manji and fires it forwards, which destroys anyone that gets in the middle of its fire.

Bewildering Deocy: Yukari opens up a gap that fires random projectiles at high speeds, with each projectile being random in damage, but even the lowest damage is extremely painful. They are stronger then the Anti-Void Bones.

Eyes that Demand Balance: Yukari opens up a gap, in which an eye glares at her opponent, firing danmaku at her enemy. She can open up several of these gaps at once to attack at different points in time, such as when an opponent moves or whenever an opening presents itself. This power is a lot more powerful then the Dark Blasters, and can destroy multiple AUs at once, and even a couple of multiverse at the same time if enough is brought in. It has an additional power in that it can attack ghostly enemies. She can also use a variant of this attack called Mystic Sight "Laplace's Devil", in which Yukari opens up many gaps, all with eyes glaring out at her opponents, firing projectiles whenever an opponent presents an opportunity, and cause an explosion, even destroying a Multiverse on one occasion. This is apparently how Yukari stays aware of what is happening in the Multiverse.

Yokai's Fear: Yukari inherited her previous incarnation's abilities of instilling fear into any being that holds a soul. But she only does this whenever she is enraged.

Reincarnation: Yukari is able to come back to life if she were to die, and can even use bits and pieces of AUs in order to quicken her healing.

Void Infliction: This ability is an automatic, only caused from Yukari entering a void. Upon her entering a void that isn't an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.

The Yakumo Express: Yukari will summon a train out of a gap from complete nowhere and uses it to ram into an opponent, hurting even Error404 with it by ramming him with it.

Yokai Multiverse: An extremely dangerous power that Yukari has, she can make a small orb appear in your hand, expand it instantly, and take your opponent into the "Yokai multiverse" of Yukari. This Yokai multiverse is a large-scale multiverse composed of a sea of codes and a large number of multiverses, and the large number of orbs that clung to the opponent's body and obstructed movement were all multiverse itself. More than billions of numbers and code letters are floating in the air. Yukari destroys using the God Ray by releasing them into those orbs, firing billions of orbs, and even make entities resembling Ran Yakumo and Chen to attack the opponent. Adding to the dangers, the eyes from the Gap are also present, appearing in the sky, as they shoot down attacks from above in order to kill the opponent trapped. In this area, Yukari can do whatever he wants inside of the Multiverse thar she makes.

Shikigami Operation: A power that Yukari developed, in which she can use it speed up her natural healing, or use this power to overload a person with Shikigami, destroying them.

Shikigami Hell: This technique takes out and reproduces all the negative things such as the opponent's trauma, the worst anxiety, shortcomings, mistakes, regrets, etc., and times the pain by 1,200 times. You can't move, can't go anywhere, and you're literally hung in the air in the worst nightmare.


B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: Due to the Conduit Soul of Balance's connection to the MainFrame, Yukari Yakumo gains access to the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form as well, just as Error404 had done. Unlike 404, who initially had a hard time controlling it, Yukari was able to control it much more easily than him, to the point that she can activate this power on her own. This major power boost allows Yukari to destroy anything in her path and gives her full control of existence itself ranging to many of the Hyperverses within Reality 6, although not all of it.  This form can kill some with just a mere touch similar to that of a death's touch and can fly at such high speeds that instant teleportation is what it takes to match Butterfly. It's attack potency allows it to break apart and distort an entire Hyperverse just by moving.

Ultranova: A high-powered laser that can be emitted from a pattern like the eyes of its own wings. This laser has infinite superiority over large-scale cosmic energies such as supernova explosions. Anyone who hits this laser is given a huge crack in existence itself.

JUST!YUKARI: As this name suggests, this is the Malware-Controlled form of Yukari Yakumo. Mindless, Soulless, and Codeless entity which applies the same things to Yukari when hosting him thus making any code, soul or even mind powers completely useless. Just!Yukari is both a form as well as a different mindset, the form happens due to Malware, as stated before, hosting her and lending him some power as well as gaining a few of Malware's abilities if Malware is generous enough to give them or if he actually needs to give them.

Eyes that Bring Decay: Just!Yukari opens up a gap, and the eyes that are corrupted by the TransVoid Being glares at the enemy, before firing a corrupted Danmaku without warning, with the Danmaku capable or causing decay and rotting of death to those that are hit by the attack. It is so strong that one single Danmaku can cause an entire Multiverse to decay in just a few minutes.

Yokai Eyes: Just!Yukari can fire an attack similar to the God Eyes, in which can fire from the eyes and can track and follow Just!Yukari's targets anywhere so long as she can see them, once they hit the target both soul and the code of the individual are destroyed and erased completely.

Eyes of the Oni: Gazing into Yukari's eyes for at least 3 seconds would send the most sane of people into a deep, deep fear that they could be paralysed by the very sight itself. It would even disturb the likes of Infected.

JUST!YUKARI B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y is a perfected, yet corrupted version of the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form. By tapping into the infinite power of the MainFrame and into the near-limitless power of Malware, Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y became the ultimate embodiment of pure uncontainable chaos, capable of feats that Yukari herself could not do.

Time n Space control: Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y can manipulate Time n Space around her, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself. It is also able to mess with the concept of time within Reality 6, to where she can slow things down to a almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn't be none the wiser.

instantaneous movement: Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be instantly, almost sometimes so fast it can appear to be in two places at once to some people.

Omninova: Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's most powerful attack. The technique called Omninova used in this form can be created by absorbing the energy of reality with nine wings. And it takes a total of 17 wings to retain that energy. This sphere takes time to launch, but during that time, the magic and power increase exponentially. When released, it becomes shaped like a sphere the size of a large moon. It has practically omnipotent power and says, "It can destroy both reality and the next reality."

PERFECT!YUKARI: becomes one with Malware and Ten's essence and fully accepts the cosmic essence within them allowing for her to use new and undiscovered abilities and transformations. All her past abilities are Infinitely increased. In this form, her legs are replaced with tentacles of a squid, similar to Ten No Kami, and has blue tendrils coming form her eyes.

Transcendent Physiology: Yukari possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings like deities, other beings that are divine in nature, and other transcendent level beings like cosmic beast entities. Yukari has surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended their physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. She's achieved this through absorbing beings of the cosmic essence.

Cosmic Clones: 404 can create clones of himself that are made of the cosmic essence and can make them infinitely.

Cosmic Avatar: 404 can create avatars and can send them to just about anywhere and have them fight, explore and even talk for him.

Yokai Ray-Reality Cannon: This technique summons a huge sphere of energy and throws it at the opponent. Although it is unknown how strong it is, it is believed that she is able to destroy countless Outerverses with this power.

Perfect Gap: It is an enhanced version of the Shadow Gaps, allowing for her to travel to different Eden Orb with rather very little issue. They can also fire and destroy multiple Outverses at once.

PERFECT!B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y: This is the most powerful form that Perfect!Yukari possesses, granting her power so great that she is able to affect the Eden Tree. This can only be an activated if she is almost killed while in her Perfect!Yukari state, the NullVoid activated the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, giving her far more greater power, to the point that she's likely Eden Level.

Omnipotence: Yukari is able to now be able to do anything that she wants, even to the point of being able to make an Eden Orb.

Omniscience: Yukari is now able to know almost anything, even though she is not present at where certain events take place. She is also aware of both the past and future.

Life Creation: Yukari is able to create living beings of her own desire, even making her own Yokai.

Restoration: Yukari is able to restore anything that she desires, even if they are erased, that includes Eden Orbs she previously destroyed.

Eternal Cosmic Transcendence: Yukari is able to grow continuously in strength automatically, making her transcend and supersede anything below her, even her existence.

Cosmic Telepathy: Yukari is able to sense all of the minds of every being, as well as being able to speak to them at times in their minds.

Hyper Cosmic Awareness: Yukari possesses an understanding of the workings of the Eden Tree and the Eden Orbs that are around the tree.

Eden Gap: Yukari can use her power to summon her gap, which are now far larger then before, even being able to suck Eden Orbs inside of it effortlessly, which also allows her to see everything in existence, basically an additional form of Omni Sight.

Space, Time, n Reality Control: same abilities as Just!Yukari B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, but too a much greater extent, as well as being able to warp reality alongside the other 2, not to mention overwrite events in the past in order to prevent a possible defeat that would happen to her.

Power Granting: Yukari is able to share a fraction of her power to another person temporarily, mainly with Ran Yakumo and Chen, as they too went into a state similar to Yukari, and is able to have their powers safely removed by her.

Soul Omni Sensing: Yukari can sense the souls of every single beings in the Eden Tree, whether it is Gods, Unnameables, Conduits, and Mortal Souls within all of the Eden Orbs.

Mind Overwrite: Yukari can overwrite the mind of other beings within any Eden Orb and control them, as well as being able to speak through them, even those that normally are usually unable to speak.

PerfectNova: The strongest form of the Hypernova beams from her wings. They can fire with such an insane firepower, being able to destroy Eden Orbs Effortlessly, as well as disturbt and destroy stories.

(Note that not all of Yukari's powers as Perfect Butterfly are seen. Just the ones that she most known for and used most in this state, where she's utterly boundless, which can only be activated when certain conditions are met to make this. She cannot activate this form at will.)

Conduit of Balance:

Equilibrium!Yukari, being the reincarnation of Error404, has the Conduit Soul of Balance, allowing for her to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. Unlike her previous incarnation as 404, Equilibrium!Yukari possesses far greater mastery to her powers, and thus is at a greater level then Infected's mastery over Destruction, meaning that she is now able to affect Balance in a metaphysical way.

Novice: Here, Yukari's basic understanding of the balance conduit allows her to weaker stronger foes than her to a decent degree, giving her the power of nullifying supernatural and Eldrich foes and possible objects that may seem dangerous to her.

Advanced Beginner: Yukari at this stage can manipulate basic fundamentals of reality with her at her best being able to even manipulate the laws of physics itself. Yukari, at this stage, possesses capabilities that surpass or defy the mainstream laws of physics. The ability itself is a metaphor for things that cannot be explained, Because of it's "unusual nature" yet still somewhat existing in the corporeal plane of existence, this ability may exist somewhere between Physics Manipulation and Metaphysics Manipulation.

Competent (Currently At this Level): Yukari at this stage can control lesser Gods's power outputs and inputs and even Outerversal structures on a meta and physical level. Her capabilities are reaching close to their best, as at this stage, entities like Sol would be no match for her control over things beyond the Omniverse itself. At this point, Yukari is becoming more and more Conduit like with her now being the embodiment of duality and all binary oppositions. Yukari embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries.

Basic Summary: Yukari can use her power to control the power level of a lesser deity and even create and destroy boundaries, as well as manipulate already existing boundaries. For example, she was able to make Gabriel stronger by adjusting his power level, but later weakened him back to his original state. And at one point, she is able to destroy a boundary around the Alphaverse, giving it the power to make AUs limitless without a fear of popping and destroying the Multiverse itself. The same is said to an Omniverse, which she was able to expand the boundary of an Omniverse as much as she could. She is also capable of creating a new Multiverse all by herself, or destroy a multiverse by herself.

Proficient (Almost there to this Level): Yukari, as she reaches the stage of Proficient, now has her powers extend much more then ever before, being able to understand Balance as she is. Yukari, while at this state, stands out as a force of nature, being able to shape and mold the very fabric of existence itself. Her influence extends across the cosmic expanse, harmonizing opposing forces to maintain equilibrium throughout realities. Though this, Yukari then gains an incredible perspective that surpasses conventional reasoning. Furthermore, she can now influence a myriad of cosmic, mystical, and physical concepts, achieving equilibrium and equilibrium with each, be it the concept of infinite and finite, reality and illusion, and more, which in turn, this unparalleled ability grants her infinite power and unrivaled adaptability.

Basic Summary: Yukari, at this state, is able to alter reality and balance it in the way that she sees fit using her power over Boundaries. At this mastery, her powers make her be rather similar to a force of nature and allow her to shape existence in anyway that she desires, as well as gain an unparalleled understanding of the laws of reality itself, even going as far as to make a subjective reality of her making, as well as granting her insight into the nature of boundaries and her manipulation.


Ran Yakumo and Chen: Ran Yakumo is a Shikigami that Yukari created, who would then own her own Shikigami named Chen. The both of them work alongside Yukari in order to aid her in her goals, and thus, they are both very useful in her cause.

Error404: The previous incarnation of Yukari Yakumo, Error404 is known as the God of the Multiverse and is one of the strongest beings in existence, with Equilibrium!Yukari able to surpass Error404 in everything. Error404 also taught her how to use some of his abilities, and is the one that told her about her Conduit Soul years ago. The both of them have a rather close relationship, first starting off as Mentor and Student, then progressing to allies. She even meets an alternate version of Error404, who came from an Eden Orb, and his personality is the same as the original Error404's, except more happy and stable.

Righteous!Error: The Student of Error404, Righteous!Error actually knows of Yukari Yakumo's existence, due to seeing the Undertale DDD timeline, but he has never met a version of Yukari from an alternate Touhou AU where she becomes a Conduit. So the meeting between the both of them is awkward at best, but they eventually grew to becoming rather close allies, with Yukari even working alongside Righteous!Error on occasion.

Infected: Yukari knows of Infected as the first destroyer, but he has changed his ways and became a far more better person then before. Although she does not trust him, she does commend in the fact that Infected willing change for the better. Infected, in return, although unhappy that Error404 died, is at least happy that he still exists somewhere.

Omnipotent!Sans: Yukari and Omnipotent met each other, with Omnipotent realizing that an alternate Yukari has become the Conduit of Balance, the reincarnation of Error404. Yukari is a little bit disapproved at the fact that Omnipotent rejects his moral conscience, finding it utterly distasteful to do something such as this. But despite this, this does not mean Yukari hates him, as she does take the time to aid him whenever he could involving situations where the Alphaverse is in danger.

Alpha!Sans: The brother of Error404, he deeply missed his brother after his death, due to the actions of Faker. So to see his brother, reincarnated, made him very happy. Of course, it was sort of weird that his own brother got reincarnated into a female. But he doesn't mind. As far as he is concerned, it does not change the fact that his own brother, even though he is in another form, is back. Yukari, although a bit weirded out, does develop a brother bond with Alpha, and thinks of him as a good skeleton, seeing that he keeps his moral conscience, which she considers important.

Hollow!Ink: Yukari is aware of his existence thanks to Error404's memories. And she sees him as nothing more then a monstrosity to be put down. She sees him as nothing more then a selfish and cruel entity that cares only about himself and what he wants, not caring of what the consequences of his actions are, and as far as she cares, there is nothing that can justify Ink's behavior for all of the actions he's done. Hollow!Ink, however, sensing the Conduit of Balance within her, is determined to try and kill her so she won't be a threat to him and the Unnameable.

100: The Beast of Rage, Yukari knows of 100 through the memories of Error404, having seen his incredibly dangerous and destructive power. Because of this, she is very weary of approaching him, as she does not dare try and face against him, despite the fact that her powers surpass Error404's mastery over The Conduit Soul of Balance.

Warlock: The older brother of Infected and Omnipotent!Sans, Warlock is a very otherworldly and unpredictable being. Yukari's opinion of Warlock is that she merely sees him as a very strange and unnatural entity of sort, due to his behavior and of what he is capable of. Despite this, she also knows that he is friendly, and does not mind his presence.

The Astral Mother: Mother of 100, Error404, and Alpha, Yukari Yakumo finds her to be a very repulsive and disgusting person, due to the fact that she manipulates and experiments with other people without a hint of remorse inside of her very soul. As far as Yukari Yakumo is concerned, that woman deserves to suffer for all the pain and agony that she has caused.

The Void Empress: Yukari knows of the Void Empress due to 404's memories, and thus, in contrast to her opinion on the Astral Mother, who she sees as repulsive and undeserving to live, she sees the Void Empress in a much more positive light, seeing her as a much kinder monster then the Astral Mother herself.

Malware: The TransVoid Being of Decay, he is able to sense the Soul of Balance inside of Yukari Yakumo, and thus knows that it is none other than his favorite vessel again, having been reborn into the form of a Female Yokai. However, Female Yokai or Male Monster, he did not care, as he cares more about using his favorite vessel again, especially since it is much stronger than the previous Conduit of Balance.

Faker404: Yukari knows that Faker404 is the one that lead to her having the Conduit Soul of Balance in the first place, due to the fact that he took it and separated it from Error404. Because of this, she express nothing but revolt to Faker, as he is insane and dangerous. But now that's she has gained far greater mastery to her powers then before, she will make sure that Faker regrets ever being born.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Prism is the one that met Yukari and told her the truth in the first place. Because of this, Yukari and Prism are shown to be together, but only so that Yukari can know what she needs to know from Prism himself.

Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, as well as the son of Edra, Yukari and Merus get along rather well, too the point that she is almost like an aunt figure to Merus himself, and doesn't mind when Yukari is called as such by him. She also helps him how to practice with his powers and taught him how to teleport.


The reason that Yukari is able to surpass Error404 in terms of Conduit Mastery, it is due to the fact that her specialty is with Boundaries. Because of this, she is now able to do far more then when Error404 can with his Conduit Powers.

It is unknown if Alpha!Chara would consider Yukari Yakumo as a lover, due to her being the reincarnation of Error404. "It's probably best that nobody, not even me, thinks about it."

This version of Yukari Yakumo is much older then her original self, being about 13,200 years old, which makes her even more older then Error404 himself, who is 12,000 years old, which also gave her plenty of time to practice with her Conduit Soul to the current level. It also helps by the fact that the time of the Eden Orb is faster compared to the Alphatale Eden Orb, as she only appeared for a month, when she has had her Conduit Soul since the beginning she's born.

She is the one that would the most likely reincarnation be able to become a Full-Fledged Conduit compared to Error404 himself, due to her powers fitting with the Conduit Soul that she has.

Due to Yukari Yakumo's connection to the MainFrame, she is able to manipulate the Nexus to an extent.

There is also a slight possibility in that Yukari Yakumo can become a Conduit of Balance without being able to reincarnate as Error404, as well as a chance that Yukari could meet with Error404 if Prism were to bring him out of the Multiverse before the cycle end, into the same realm as Edra to prevent his death, and thus, if they met, Error404 would consider her to be a more worthy wielder of the Conduit of Balance then what he can do. And if that were to happen, and she wasn't the reincarnation of Error404, then the relationship with Righteous!Error would be of a more romantic sense, in which Yukari Yakumo would be Righteous!Error's girlfriend and would be rather possessive of him. Her personality also won't change, as she will still inherit some of Error404's traits and will still keep the powers that she would gain.

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