

Empreee Bee/The Empress Bee of Gluttony
Empress Bee-lzebub

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Alpha Hotel

Species: Hellborn Demon
Gender: Female
Height: 6'10
Weight: 129
Eye Color: Red

Your Empress Bee brings the sweet stuff, so keep making me that motherfucking honey!-Empress!Bee-lzebub

Empress!Bee-lzebub is Hellborn demon of the Alpha Hotel AU. She is the first confirmed member of the 7 Deadly Sins to have survived the entire ordeal of the Alpha Hotel's destruction, and is one of the strongest demons in existence, surpassing all but Queen!Charlie herself, making her the second strongest demon in all of existence.


Empress!Bee-lzebub is a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, a group of Hellborn demons that possesses immense Demonic Power over all other demons, with the exception of Lucifer, who is above all of them. They were existing for a very long time, having been there when Satan first rose, and get to witness Asmodeus and the other sins rise to their ranks as well. At some point in the past, all of the Sins would go the take each of the 7 rings as their own personal territories for them to rule, with Lucifer taking the pride ring and Asmodeus taking the Lust ring and Satan taking the Wrath ring as an example. For Empress!Bee-lzebub, she takes the Gluttony Ring, as she lives there with her demonic powers based on food and taste. But Empress!Bee-lzebub is very different compared to the other Sins in that she is the most genuinely kind member of then all, as well as the most empty ally considerate and mature of them, caring for her subjects deeply, especially the Hellhounds, who seem to live in the Gluttony Ring.

She lived inside of the Gluttony Ring for many years, even making yearly parties for them to have, with her parties being the best. Because of this, Empress!Bee-lzebub is well-liked compared to all of the other Sins, being said to be the most favorite of the sins to far, due to the fact that she's this kind. At some point in the past, Empress!Bee-lzebub would meet a Hellhound that she sees as very handsome, going by the name of Vortex. And Empress!Bee-lzebub, she became smitten by him instantly, due to the fact that he is very kind and chill just like she is, and desires to have him.

Of course, they didn't start out immediately as girlfriend and boyfriend. The both of them started out as friends at first, and it is done slowly. But Bee-lzebub has a way to attract people like Vortex with her charms, and is able to make Vortex interested in her. And after a little bit, what must have been months, Vortex and Bee-lzebub were able that become a couple. They both hang out and the both of them go out on dates, with Vortex always making sure to attend the parties that his girlfriend hosts.

But when the Alpha Hotel AU began to be destroyed, Bee-lzebub, with the remaining time that she has left, went into her Full Demon Form, and used her powers to take as many of her Hellhound buddies as she can, and go to the Alpha Hotel, as all of them, even Vortex and Bee-lzebub went in to try and stay safe from the destruction, as the Alpha Hotel went to another AU, which is an Underlust AU. Bee-lzebub, obviously, does not like that, as she and the Hellhounds accidentally teleport into another AU called Sugartale, and it is where she feels the feelings of gluttony inside of this AU, as well as the Sugary Multiverse that is intertwining with this Multiverse that the Hellhounds and Bee-lzebub are in. So they decided to stay here for a long time. For 12,000 years, Bee-lzebub fed on the gluttony that is all over the place, growing stronger and stronger with each passing and second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, she grew more and more powerful over the years, until the Alpha Hotel found her again, and it is here that she learns of the other survivors of the Alpha Hotel AU, her former home, and it is where that she will meet the God of the Multiverse.


Empress!Bee-lzebub bares a resemblance to her original self. Bee-lzebub is a tall, fox-like demon with insect-like features, such as multiple arms, a pair of antennae attached to her ears, and a small pair of insect wings. She has yellow and pink-striped fur like a bee, and black markings that give a dripping appearance down her arms and legs. Her hair and tail seem to be made of either honey or lava lamp fluid and glow bright pink, blue, and orange, with her stomach also being a lava lamp. She has a pink stripe on her head that opens up into a third eye when she enters her full demon form.


Similar to the original Bee-lzebub, Empress Bee-lzebub presents herself as a highly extroverted and energetic party girl. With her lively attitude, she keeps a bright environment for her guests, allowing them to heavily indulge in food and alcohol, only out of pleasure and not out of escapism, which is something that she becomes concerned about. She cares a great deal about her demon brethren, we wanting for them to be happy and have a sense of self-improvement in their behavior, allowing them to become far greater then before in terms of personality.

Powers and Abilities:

Flight: Bee-lzebub possesses small, insect-like wings which allow her to fly into the air.

Object Materialization: Bee-lzebub is shown to be able to materialize items, namely confectionary like cotton candy, from seemingly nothing. This also seems to include non-tangible things, such as rainbows.

Empathic Taste: Bee-lzebub can detect everyone's sense of taste within her vicinity and can become energized off it. But she can also pick up on bad vibes from troubled individuals.

Size manipulation: Bee-lzebub is shown enlarging various types of food, including tacos and alcoholic drinks, including their container, and also appears as different sizes herself.

Honey manipulation: Bee-lzebub can manipulate a honey-like substance freely, levitating, moving, expanding, and shrinking it. She is also able to shaping it into condiments, or in the case of actual combat, shaping it to block an attack and is perfectly defensive against any physical attacks, bouncing it back.

Prehensile hair and tail: Bee-lzebub's hair and tail, which is made of a honey or lava lamp based substance, is constantly seen moving and seems to be manipulated at her will.

Unsavory Strength: Bee-lzebub possesses near incalculable strength, giving her the ability to send others below her down, even Stolas, and far surpasses Error404's strength. The only one who is superior to her is Charlie.

Unforeseen Speed: Bee-lzebub is shown to be extremely fast, slightly outclassed by Charlie, but out speeding everyone else that are weaker then her, even Vox himself.

Unsatisfied Durability: Bee-lzebub possesses immense durability, being able to shrug of attacks that would normal cause immensely painful damage to her, being far more durable then other demons, with Charlie being able to demonstrate slightly greater durability feats then her.

Omnivorous Eating: Bee-lzebub is able to eat straight up anything, even AUs, which actually allows her to get temporarily stronger, similar to consumption.

Unbreakable Teeth: Bee-lzebub possesses a pair of jaws that are so durable that they cannot be broken by any known means. The only one that is able to pierce her teeth in any sort of way is 100, due to the Jaws of Determination.

Gluttony Empowerment: Beelzebub is able to temporarily empower herself with the gluttony of other beings, and although mainly temporarily, as she is been feeling on the gluttony of the denizens of the Sugertale Multiverse, Bee-lzebub grew in power so much that she gained a permanent star increase, stronger then all but Charlie.

Acid Rain: Bee-lzebub is able to make acid come down, with the acid being the same as stomach acid, but much stronger by many times, being able to melt even the bones of Error404 and Alastor's skin, both of whom are extremely powerful beings in their own right. It is powerful enough to hurt 100 to an extent, although he is eventually able to become durable enough to negate this power, due to his rage increasing his durability.

Digestive Breath: Bee-lzebub can breath out an acidic composition that is stronger then her Acid Rain, which can cause a person to melt and die under the acid itself. The acidic attack is also shown to be powerful enough that she can melt multiple AUs at once, far more then Stolas' petrifying state, but very slightly less compared to the range that Charlie has when it comes to her powers.

Teleport: Bee-lzebub is able to teleport to everywhere at once, almost as much as Charlie, although there are some areas that Charlie is able to access and Bee-lzebub can't access.


FULL DEMON: Bee-lzebub possesses a Full Demon form of her own, which is activated through pure rage. In her Full Demon form, she can grow to the size of a building, her clothes take on a more darker and red appearance, and her eyes will become entirely red with white spots being reflective light. She also gains a third eye on her forehead where the pink line would be present at. Her hair will even turn into a golden color, and resembles that of actual honey, not to mention that there is a dark colored fireball floating above of her own head. While in this form, her powers are increased to even greater degree then before, which is further aided by her sheer gigantic size.

Bee Projectiles: Bee-lzebub is able to summon bees to her side, with the bees themselves being so strong, they are able to sting someone as strong as Error404 and Alastor, and cause them great pain.

Absolute Bite: Bee-lzebub can now bite with such immense force the she is able chomp on almost anything, with the experience of Warlock and 100, who are somewhat stronger then her.

Famine Inducement: To those that she thinks are bad, Bee-lzebub is capable of making an aura around her that can induce a famine so immense that a person would be struggling to stand up, due to starving a lot. The only one that can resist this power are those that do not require sustenance to survive, such as Nightmare and Dream, who do not need to eat, and even the Conduits. This aura is so great that it can spread throughout an entire Multiverse.

DEVOURER!BEE-LZEBUB: This form happened when MalesGrow controlled Bee-lzebub and used his Cosmic Essence to transform her while in her true form. In this form, she possesses immense dangerous power that is so strong that Charlie in her Gabriel-Empowered Empress!Charlie was able to beat her with, but with it taking immense effort. But she does keep the Cosmic Essence from MalesGrow and can now activate her transformation in her one power.

Tri-Eye Beams: Bee-lzebub can use all 3 of her eyes to fire 3 eye beams at the same time, causing immense damage to those that she is fighting against, and can even cause severe damage to Charlie.

Matter Manipulation: Bee-lzebub is now able to manipulate matter on such a level Thad she can change the states of matter on the surrounding area, changing even the air into solid or a liquid.

Ravenous Famine: Bee-lzebub's most dangerous move, in which she can make an aura of famine so great that it can cause the people affected by it to target one another and began to cannibalize on one another against their will, being conscious, but having very little will to stop it.


Vortex: The boyfriend of Bee-lzebub, as well as a Hellhound, both he and Bee-lzebub had dated for a pretty long time, and are inseparable. When the destruction of the Alpha Hotel AU began, Bee-lzebub, thinking that the Alpha Hotel is safe, takes him along with her and goes to the Alpha Hotel, in which Charlie was able to teleport the Hotel out of their former home. And ever since that day, she always stays by his side, in order to make sure that she does not lose him again.

Queen!Charlie: The Princess of Hell, as well as the daughter of Lucifer, Bee-lzebub and Charlie get along very well, even when compared to the other Deadly Sins, too the point that Charlie sees Bee-lzebub as a fun aunt figure of sorts, which Bee-lzebub actually felt the same, seeing Charlie almost like a niece that she has never had.

Grand!Stolas: Bee-lzebub and Stolas met when he had went into the Alpha Hotel with his daughter, and the relationship between then is very close and friendly, with Stolas even being invited to her parties, due to his very kind behavior, and Stolas agrees. She even invites Octavia as well, as she sees that the girl could use something to cheer her up once in a while, which Octavia does appear are. All in all, the 2 Goetia Demons find a very good friend in her.

UHV!Vox: Bee-lzebub is not that fond of Vox, due to the fact that he has a very unfriendly personality and the fact that he never stops bothering people with his desire for attention. For Bee-lzebub, Vox is nothing more then a nuisance then anything else.

Alastor!Crowley: Alastor is one of the most feared Demon Overlords in all of existence, but Bee-lzebub cousin tell that he is a genuinely friendly one at that. She and Alastor are able to get along to an extent, and the both of them express their distaste and dislike to Vox, who Bee-lzebub is merely annoyed with, but Alastor outright hates with all his vengeance. And so, at the end, despite the fact that he has a feared reputation of sort, Alastor is a very close friend to Bee-lzebub.

Voodoo!Velvette: Bee-lzebub is admittedly a little bit creeped out by the fact that Velvette is hear, having heard of the fact that she is insane, even more so then any other Overlord. But despite this, Velvette is a genuinely friendly Oberlird to be with, and despite all that she is like, with her being insane, she does treat her friendship with Bee-lzebub greatly in return and does not even think of betraying it, much to her surprise and happiness. As far as Bee-lzebub's concerned, Velvette is just a one of a kind Overlord.

Outer!Helsa: Bee-lzebub has heard of the Vin Eldritch family, but is not very fond of them due to the fact that they would try to go to the Gluttony Ring and ruin it with their arrogant and haughty attitude, which she is often annoyed with, and Helsa is no exception to the rule. However, after her Au's destruction, and coming back as a much more well-behaved person, Bee-lzebub is now much more friendlier to Helsa then the other members of the family. Although she is still somewhat annoyed by the fact that Helsa kept her arrogant and mean attitudes, she can see that she is a lot more friendlier then she appears and is even rather supportive of her when it involves to trying to become friendlier.

Terra!Rosie: Another Overlord, the Girlfriend of Alastor, and although not as strong as other Overlords, she is still very powerful in her own right, not to mention being a dangerously intelligent one at that. But despite this, she is very calm and affable person, not to mention hospitable. She and Rosie would often sit down and have tea or alcohol together, which Bee-lzebub would summon for herself to drink, and both Bee-lzebub and Rosie would often chat about each other of their boyfriends and their personal life, due to having a hit in common in each other then the both of them expect. Due to her affable and gentle behavior, Rosie and Bee-lzebub have some of the closest friendships that the both of them could make.

Venus!Verosika: Bee-lzebub has heard of her songs and does like her songs, despite being a succubus. She even has a chance to meet her in person when the both of them are inside of the Alpha Hotel, in which the both of them met for the first time. And when they both left for the first time, the both of them made a friendly connection with one another and the both of them talk about their good points in life, as well as their boyfriend, Error, who she shares with Velvette, Helsa, and Charlie. Even Bee-lzebub couldn't help but comment on just how luckily Error himself is.

Error404: The God of the Multiverse, as well as the strongest Sans of all, she and Error404 met when he decided to visit the Alpha Hotel. And admittedly, the relationship between them both is complicated at best. While Bee-lzebub does feel bad of the fact that he lost his home AU, she does not like the fact that he is ruining other people's happiness by taking away their happy endings to bring back his AU. Despite this, Error404 and Bee-lzebub both do get along very well with one another, with the both of them even chatting eating cookies and tea at a table.

Righteous!Error: The student of Error404, Bee-lzebub and Righteous!Error get along well, with Bee-lzebub even giving her chocolate at times, which made Bee-lzebub to make some chocolate cake. Bee-lzebub even gets some time to tease Righteous!Error on the fact that he has multiple lovers in the form of 4 demons, which embarrassed him to no end, and it makes Bee-lzebub very humored by his embarrassed looks. But despite all of this, even though he does not try to tease back, Righteous!Error and Bee-lzebub both share a very close relationship with one another, with Bee-lzebub even allowing Error at her parties to make him feel happy.

Infected: Bee-lzebub has heard of Infected through Error404's talks and showing what he looks like. For all that Bee-lzebub cares, and despite her mixed opinion on Error404, she hates Infected more then ever, for as far as she is concerned, Infected would simply go after her boyfriend just to try and kill him for the fun of it, which she will not allow. And because of this, she will whatever it takes to make sure that Infected does not get his hands onto Vortex and kill him.

Omnipotent!Sans: Bee-lzebub does not share a very great opinion on Omnipotent, mainly because of the fact they don't interact with each other that much, and the fact that Omnipotent has a cold an distant personality. Despite this, he does consider her opinion in him better then Infected, whenever it may be.

Alpha!Sans: Bee-lzebub and Alpha get along very well with one another due to the fact that Alpha is the opposite of Omnipotent, being very kind and caring towards others people, although Bee-lzebub does disapprove of the way he treats his own student due to his training, but even so, she does have an opinion on him that is less mixed and much more better when compared to Error404 himself.

Hollow!Ink: The former student of Alpha and the corrupted protector, Bee-lzebub shows nothing but hostility to him, due to the fact that he is incredibly selfish and cold, caring more about himself and his wants then the existence of other people, even going as far as to consume people for his own power increase. Because of this, Bee-lzebub will not hesitate to throw hands in order to make sure that her boyfriend is okay and safe from the cruelty of the corrupted protector, who would most definitely try to consume his existence.

100: Error404's older brother. Out of the Alphatale Brothers that exist, even when compared to her bad opinion on Infected, Bee-lzebub considers 100 to be the worst and most revolting of the bunch. 100 once tried to kill Vortex in one of his rampages, and Bee-lzebub had to get into a fight with him in order to protect her boyfriend from being killed by him. She barley one, and Error404 was able to explain to Bee-lzebub about 100 and what he can do. Because of this, she swears to beat down 100 as much as possible before he becomes too dangerous.

Warlock: Bee-lzebub, like the other members of the Alpha Hotel crew, sees Warlock as an extremely warmly, unpredictable, and otherworldly being, as he only says his name, and nothing else. But despite this, she does have a rather positive option on him, due to the fact that he is willing to go against 100, and the fact that he is close to his brother, Omnipotent, who acts as a translated to what Warlock's saying. Because of this, she considers Warlock a good fir be fake invites him to her parties to make it entertaining, much to Warlock's immense joy.


In the FGOD Multiverse, Bee-lzebub is the Conduit of Gluttony, which is fitting, as she is meant to represent the Sin of Gluttony itself. As her powers are based off of such a sin, she is able to go to master level, but is not at Full-Fledged Conduit level. It is unknown if the other members of the 7 Deadly Sins are Conduits as well like her, but if they are, then the Conduit Souls that they have will represent what Sin they embody, such as Lucifer being Pride and Asmodeus being Lust.

Bee-lzebub is currently the second strongest demon inside of the Multiverse, due to the fact that the fate of the others being unknown, with Charlie being able to surpass Bee-lzebub.

Bee-lzebub is shown to be able to hold onto 8 AUs at once with her 4 pairs of arms and hands, which is 2 times greater then Stolas, 4 times greater then Alastor, and 8 times greater them Error404's strength.

In her normal form, her strength is extremely close to the Astral Mother. The same applies to her Full Demon form against the All-Mother. As Devourer!Bee-lzebub, she is extremely close to the level of power that Perfect404 possesses, but is still surpassed.

Although MalesGrow put his Cosmic Essence inside of her to control her, ever since the event involving Soul Harbinger, Bee-lzebub can now control her transformation at will and is able to help fight alongside the others in order to defend her friends and boyfriend.

Whenever she goes into her Devourer form, Vortex is the only one that is able to make her regain control. This eventually is no longer needed, as she can now remain in control with MalesGrow's influence no longer affecting her.

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