Mysterious Man
Quiet Destroyer
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Anti-Void
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
This character belongs in a fusion of the Alphaverse and the Old Accidentverse
Dead!Silence is an Alphatale version of Silence from the original Accidentverse, where Dead!Dream had given Righteous!Error an apple, the same one that Dead!Dream had been given to become what he is now.
The history of this strange type of Multiverse is the same as the Alphaverse, but the outcome is that it has that of the Accidentverse. In the Accidentverse, Hollow!Ink and Dead!Nightmare are fighting against each other, due to orders from Vape to try and take Ink to Vape, in order for Ink to be forced to work with him. However, Ink had proven himself to be too strong for Dead!Nightmare to fight against, due to his powers. As Nightmare has no idea what to do, Ink has become a little too strong for Nightmare to handle, and thus, he has no idea what to do in the situation that he is in, and tries all he can to defeat Ink. But Ink proved himself to be too powerful for Nightmare, and does all he can to kill him. But Nightmare, as he is about to be killed, had an idea. It was a risky move, and he has no idea what will happen if he does this, but he decides to take the risk. He suddenly forced his body into Ink, and while Ink had already gained a soul, Nightmare was able to push his own body into Ink's body, and in the process, he merged with Ink's body. The process was so extremely and complicated, that it made a permanent fusion of Dead!Nightmare and Hollow!Ink, giving birth to an entity that will be known simply as Hollow!Vantablack.
However, when Hollow!Vantablack felt the power he has gained from the fusion of Hollow!Ink and Dead!Nightmare, he became so confident and powerful, that he is able to take on Vape and betray him. And the worst part of that Vape is not prepared for that. He did not foresee the fact that Dead!Nightmare would so something as insane as this, fusing with Hollow!Ink and gaining more powerful than before. And not even Dead!Dream was prepared for that. However, with no way to turn back, Vape fights against Hollow!Vantablack, as to make sure that he remembers who it is that puts him in his place. However, Hollow!Vantablack was on a whole new level of his own, and he has grown so powerful that Vape is having immense trouble trying to beat him. Due to Hollow!Vantablack being not entirely physical with his body, combined with the fact that Hollow!Vantablack is much more stronger than both Dead!Nightmare and Hollow!Ink, Vape began to lose the fight, and eventually, Hollow!Vantablack was able to gain the upper hand against his former boss and partner, before he than decides that, it is not worth killing him, had instead, he simply opens up a portal to the Alphatale Void, before throwing him in there, making sure that he does not ever come back.
And than, Hollow!Vantablack turns to the brother of Dead!Nightmare, Dead!Dream, who was forced to watch his former brother having taken down their boss. When Dead!Dream saw Hollow!Vantablack, he is mocked by him, saying how it feels for him to have his own dreams crushed and killed by the ones that he had to work with. This made Dead!Dream, due to the fact that all he had worked so hard for, in the name of Vape, that all he had worked on, it had been in vain. It had all been for nothing to Dream. And thus, forced to make a decision, Dead!Dream fights against what had once been his brother, to stop him.
But Hollow!Vantablack had become much more stronger than before, and Dead!Dream, due to Hollow!Vantablack's influence, is growing more and more weaker as time passes. Dead!Dream does all he can to draw in as much positive emotions from the Multiverse as he can, but Hollow!Vantablack is doing the same for the negative emotions. But there is slightly more negativity in the Multiverse than there are positivity in the Multiverse, due to the fact that Error404, Infected, and 100 had caused a lot of misery, and the fact that Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare, having worked with Vape, had spread their own misery, which gave Hollow!Vantablack the power that he needs in order to destroy Dead!Dream, as well as to get revenge on his own brother for having killed bin when he had eaten that apple from Dead!Dreamtale, even though Nightmare tried stopping him.
And during the fight, when he is being sadistically tormented, with Hollow!Vantablack on how much of a horrible brother he is for not listening to him and to have simply done as he had done, so that they would never have gotten to this point, Dead!Dream did all he can to beg for forgiveness and apologize to who he believes is still Dead!Nightmare, about the fact that he had tried to kill him, even though Dream had redeem him back in the past. But Hollow!Vantablack laughed out at him and mocked him, saying that he is never sorry, and if he did, he would have never have killed him, would never have ignored his warnings, and he would have went back in time to never have done this. But since he can't, he is not sorry, and Hollow!Vantablack says that he is no longe Dead!Nightmare, for he is now someone much more better and more powerful than him. And he will do what Dead!Nightmare had been unable to do in the past, and that is to kill his brother to avenge Dead!Nightmare. And it is that moment in which Dream finally broke, and before he can do anything to defend, Hollow!Vantablack stabs him in the stomach with one of his scarf tentacles, before throwing him away. But Dead!Dream escaped, and went into an AU, the one AU that Dream and Nightmare were once born in, now being dead for a very long time, with the corpses of the monsters laying on the ground, but did not die. And it is there, Dead!Dream felt true remorse for what he had done, leading everything to this point. Everything, the circumstances that lead to Hollow!Vantablack's ascension and creations, the states that he had his brother are in, the problem that the AU he once lived in that lead him and Nightmare to become this, it is all his fault. He cannot take it back. He had been responsible, for if he had just listened to Nightmare on the past, this would never have happened, and now, now it is too late to try and stop him, too late to fix what he had done to Nightmare in the past, for his ignorance of his words and killing him, and most importantly, too late to take back all that he had done, that had lead to Dread!Dream and Dead!Nightmare's state.
But as Dead!Dream weeped and cried in his one aft of a genuine remorse, something happened. As he cried, he felt something, a call for Dead!Dream's presence. He turned around and looked up, and he saw a tree, the same tree that had lead Dead!Dream to gain his powers in the first place. Dead!Dream blinked his eyes at the sight that is before him, as he did not expect to see this tree again, the catalyst for him killing his own AU, along with his attempt at killing his brother. He than saw, a fruit, the same fruit that had given Dead!Dream to hear the souls and the minds of others. Dead!Dream looked down, and he finally realized what he needs to do. It was his fault that Hollow!Vantablack had became the way he is. And now, he needs to fix it. If there is one person that is able to hold their ground against Dead!Dream, it will be the other one that he had attempted to bring to Vape, the one that Ink was rivals with. It will be Error himself.
Dead!Dream, on his hope of gaining any sort of redemption for all the sins that he had committed, flied up too the fruit from the tree, and gently took it out with both of his hands. He than held onto the fruit, but did not eat it, for Error must be the one to take it, as he is the only one to stand a chance against someone as powerful as Hollow!Vantablack.
Dead!Dream than journeyed across the Multiverse, and he witnessed the damage that Hollow!Vantablack was causing, but he cannot feel guilty nor mournful for what he had done right now. He needs to find Error, and he went into the Anti-Void, but he he nowhere in sight. He is gone. But than, remembered, there is one place that he is likely visiting, and it is Outetale, to calm his mind. He than opened a portal to Outertale, and go to him, and at first, when Error saw him, he jumped back, and was ready to fight, assuming that he is here to bring him to Vape, when Dead!Dream reveals that Vape is gone, and explained what happened. He than tells Error that he needs him to take this fruit, in order to stand a chance against Hollow!Vantablack, due to having became way to powerful. He than hand sober the fruit to Error, but Dead!Dream could hear Error's thoughts, he believes that this is simply a trick to try and bring him to Vape. But Dead!Dream, filled with endless possibility in his mind, managed to use his own voice alone to persuade him and allow him to believe that Hollow!Vantablack had really been here. And while Error was suspicious, he took the fruit, carefully, and he stared at it for a little bit. He does not know what to think. But Dead!Dream showed him a vision of his memory, and Error, finally believing him, began to eat the fruit. And when he consumed and digested the fruit, his body began to change and morph in a way.
Like Dreams, wings burst from his back and his mind cracked under the pressure of the knowledge the apple bore, it was too much, but also...not nearly enough. The destroyer ate more of the fruit until every last bit of the apple's gone and nothing remained in his hand. His mind flew through hundreds of ideas and hundreds of possibilities, he could see and hear every single person's thoughts. And as that happened, Error's body began to glitch erratically and insanely, to the point of being formless. And than, finally, after he had regained form, Error became no more, and thus, Dead!Silence came to be.
Dead!Silence, due to being an Alphaverse version of the original Silence, looks very similar to him. Namely, he has a blue hooded cloak, and it also has shoulder pads and a tie. The eyes are still the same as it were, being yellow and blue, but with a purple pupil in the right eye, shaped similar to the eyes of Dead!Dream, being a 4 pointed star. However, the most notable differences is that he wears white clothing, the shoulder pads and tie are purple, the tear-like markings are also purple, and has purple graves that are up to his knees. On his hands, are a pair of scythes, the blades and handle made of barbed wires, connected by Purple Chains. He no longer had the error signs and his glitches are very few. He does still have the eyes on his right arm and sleeve, however, and he has a pair of purple wings coming out his back. Finally, above his head, he has a crown that is made up of strings, barbed wires, and chains.
True to his name, Dead!Silence is completely silent, being quiet and calm, and is almost very emotionless. However, unlike Silence, who speaks whenever he wants to, Dead!Silence absolutely refuses to speak, or even make a sound, even when he is hurt, although it is unknown if this is because he is mute from eating the fruit that Dead!Dream gave him, or if he simply did it out of decision. He is very mysterious and refuses to reveal himself, but he does have a friendly personality and tries to cheer people up, but if he fails, he will destroy the other person to dispel the negative feelings. He also has a bad attitude towards betrayal, and will take it upon himself to kill the ones that betrayed him.
However, while Dead!Silence refuses to speak, he can communicate by using telepathy in order to 'speak' to a person. When he does telepathically speak out, he is deceived as having a quiet and shy tone, but at the same time, stiff and firm, suggesting a small glimpse of Silence's true personality, though not entirely all to him.
In combat, Silence is ruthless and is extremely brutal, swinging his scythe to severely injure people or to decapitate them, although he decapitation is usually when it involves Hollow!Vantablack, and does not do it to anyone else. And due to the fact that he continually hides his emotions, combined with his fierce fighting style, Dead!Silence is unpredictable, as Dead!Silence is as stealthy as a ninja, but attacks with the speed of a samurai and the ferocity of a berserker, except that it is multiplied by so many amounts than ever.
Strings: Dead!Silence does still have his strings, but the Illusionary Strings are gone, and are replaced by a new one, which became his new, signature strings.
Purple Strings: These strings are the result of when Error are the fruit. With them, he can induce Positivity into other people forcefully, or he can wrap them around the pages of the AUs in the Doodle Sphere to give them a happy ending. When inside of a person's dream, he can use these strings to manipulate them into whatever he wishes.
Blue Strings: Silence' former signature set of strings. These are used specifically for the purpose of draining data and code from Alternate Universes, and control other entities by wrapping them around someone's soul. From excessive training with Error!404, he then discovered the ability to siphon data from entities with SOUL's, as well, allowing him to restrict mana, defence, health and energy.
Red Strings: These strings are boiling hot to the touch, infused with slight determination from Error's past as Geno. This will cause surging pain through humans and monsters alike, being a viable torture method. They do not cause actual damage, although they may end up with mental damage.
Green Strings: These strings are used in correlation with the blue strings, using extracted statistics to also infuse them into other entities. This is essentially a method of healing.
White Strings: These strings simply function as normal strings. Nothing else to them. Error commonly uses them to trap others up, alongside even doing the odd limb removal.
Silence Blaster: Silence has his own blasters as a result of eating the fruit, able to fire purple beams of energy at an opponent to destroy them. However, what sets them apart from other blasters, as well as what makes them unique, is that they do not make any sound at all, acting as a silent attack, making predicting what position it appears and when it fired impossible for those that are fighting him.
Glitch Ray: Silence still has the Glitch Ray, but is now much more wider and more serve than the original, and is now colored purple, now being able to completely control and alter their code so that they can obey Silence, or to simply destroy them by erasing them from existence. To those that have been freed, they have described that when they get hit by the Ray, they are described as being in a place or an event that they desire the most, such as reuniting with lost families to make happy memories, being rich and gaining the fame that they want, or by marrying someone, with all of this happening inside their heads, meaning when the targets are hit with the Glitch Ray, they are taken to a dream world where their most wanted desires are happening, making them believe that what they dreamed of had came true, when it actually didn't happen.
Silence Bones: Silence can fire bones at a target, in order to put them into a dream-like state, making them frozen in place, but being conscious and aware of what is really happening to an extent, making it mentally painful for the person.
Scythes: Dead!Silence now possesses scythe that are made of barbed wire and have chains at the end of the handle. Powered by light and positivity, it is capable of severely agonizing entities like Hollow!Vantablack and too others, while it is not able to cause additional damage, it is still extremely painful. The purple chains can be extended to limitless lengths, and is indestructible. The barbed wire scythe are also indestructible and are capable of cutting through anything. He can also put the scythes together to make a bow.
Glitch Portals: Silence is capable of making glitched portals to any AU that he desires to go to.
Wings: Dead!Silence has sprouted purple wings on his back, and can fly fast, being able to combat against Hollow!Vantblack more easily.
Unimaginable Strength: Silence is incredibly strong, being able to contain the strength that Hollow!Vantablack has, and can even cause Error404 trouble.
Telepathy: Silence is capable of hearing the thoughts of others within the Multiverse, although he can limit this to the Universe that he resides in. He can also use his telepathic abilities to communicate with other people, using either his voice or by showing them images in their heads.
Mind Shield: Dead!Silence had the power to use his powers to make a shield around his kind, protecting it even even Error404's mind manipulation.
Empathy: Silence is capable of feeling positive emotions around him in order to absorb them. Using Positivity, he can empower himself, his allies, make a dome of positive energy, or make a purple arrow for his book.
Positivity Wave: Silence can use his scythe to make a purple destructive wave of positivity at the opponent he's fighting.
Nigh-Omniscience: Due to eating the fruit that Dead!Dream has given him, Silence is almost knowledgeable in everything, and can hundreds of ideas and hundreds of possibilities, and is able to describe events even when he's not there.
Hollow!Vantablack: Dead!Silence is well aware of how dangerous Vantablack is, and will still at nothing to try and destroy him.
Dead!Dream: Dead!Silence's partner and teacher in his powers, Silence, although distrustful at first, due to how he tried to being him to Vape, now has a good relationship with him.
Righteous!Error: Silence's original self, they both get along very well in a way, but does not like the fact that he protects AUs and only destroys some of it.
Error404: Due to Dead!Silence's somewhat mysterious nature, as well as not speaking, Error404 has trouble knowing of his true intentions, but does require his assistance nonetheless.
Alpha: Due to Dead!Silence's nature, Alpha can be seen by him, and are able to talk to each other, although Silence always uses telepathy to him.
Dead!Silence is as strong as Vessel!Error.
Dead!Silence is stronger than Dead!Dream.
Dead!Silence has 5 purple tongues, but does eat quietly and appropriately.
Due to Dead!Silence's immense powers, he is possibly one of the few that can fight 100 in a way, but he cannot win, like his other selves. Although he can bring the fight to a tie of some kind.
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