Corrupted Dream
Date of Birth: 12/21
Place of Birth: Dead!Dreamtale
Species: Skeleton
Eye Color: Lavender
Height: 4'1
Weight: Varies
What is wrong, Nightmare? Isn't this what you desired from me for so long back then? To cause as much suffering to anyone as you can, removing all traces if happiness from them all?-Dead!Shattered
Dead!Shattered is the Alphaverse version with of Shattered!Dream, who became a fusion of his original self and and Nightmare, becoming something similar to them. He is also an even more corrupted version of Dead!Dream, who resides in the Alphaverse, becoming one of the most dangerous entities to ever exist.
Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare had been at odds with each other for a very long time. Ever since the beginning of their lives, Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare are forever reminded of what had lead them to the point of life that they are in, reminded of the fact that Dream had to stop Nightmare from bathing in too much suffering, too the citizens of the AU, Dead!Dream, in actually hating Dream and only using him to be spoiled by his kindness, to Dead!Dream taking the fruit and finding out about this through his telepathy, which Nightmare had wanted him about ages ago, and too the point where Nightmare had to step in and try to stop Dream, and being permanently fed into the suffering of the denizen of the AU, forever altering him to be the sag that he is, and Dead!Nightmare losing the battle against Dead!Dream. And now, here they are, forced to work together, despite how much Nightmare hates Dream with all his heart. The person that they are working with, Vape, had been the one that had recruited Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare in the first place, and thus, wanted more people at his side. And since Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink are also there, as they have grown stronger themselves, they became targets for Vape in order to forcibly recruit them.
But the first attempt did not go as planned, as Hollow!Ink had fought against them by himself, with Righteous!Error abandoning the fight so that Hollow!Ink can do it all alone. He did briefly fight with Nightmare, but that's about it. And than, as Ink was about to land the finishing blow on Dead!Dream, with the lighter brother horrified of what will happen to him, Vape had to step in and rescue them from their death, and decided to take them back, but doesn't give up on them. And because of this, Vape decided not to punish them for this act, but he claims that they need to get more stronger than ever before, and he will make sure that the strength that he will gain will be in a very harsh way.
And so, they did, they trained and they got stronger, and during all of this, Dead!Nightmare became even stronger than Dead!Dream, and during their some of their hardcore sparring matches, Dead!Dream would be pummeled every time and Dead!Nightmare would take great pleasure at causing as much agony as possible to his lighter brother, and in response to this, Dead!Dream assumed that he had done this just to get a reaction out of him and to make him hurt for no reason, unaware of what the real reason is within the depths of Dead!Nightmare's mind.
And than, after what must have been a very long time, they finally are able to them and do their second attempt at bringing Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink to Vape, and this time, now that they are stronger, they are able to hold their ground against their opponents much more easily than ever before. Even Righteous!Error, who had been training much more harder and gotten a bit more stronger than before, even he is forced to stay into the fight against Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare in order to try and defeat them. However, while and Ink and Error do not like each other, since they are both having enough of Vape and the fact that he keeps on trying to hunt them down and force them to be by his side, they agree that they will work together in order to try and defeat them by any means necessary. And so, Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink truly worked together in order to defeat the 2 Dead!Dreamtale brothers, and even with all of the training they they had received from Vape, they are still weaker than compared both Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, both of them have permanent increase in strength. And even after all of that, even after Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare had trained, they still lost the fight against both Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, the heroic destroyer and corrupted protector of the Multiverse. Error than made an attempt to try and finish the job by himself, but before he can have a chance made for that, Vape had came out of nowhere and attacked Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, and seeing that his minions had failed, he decided that he will try and take the both of them by himself.
But Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, due to their new immense power, fought back against Vape, and the thing is, Vape has no idea how strong both Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink are at their full potential, and thus, Vape had been beaten down by the 2 of them for all his troubles. Vale tried to fight back, but with their new immense strength, Vape and his goons are defeated in combat, and both Error and Ink, they are about to use their power to Truman's destroy Vape and his group. But in the nick of time, Dead!Nightmare, with the remaining consciousness that he has, is able to carry both Dead!Dream and Vape, and then got out of the area as fast as they can, so that they can avoid being destroyed by both Error and Ink, who had became much more stronger than before. And this time, Vape and the 2 corrupted and more powerful versions of the Dreamtale siblings, they've gotten lucky this time.
And when they came back, Vape was furious that his work had been for nothing, and the worst part is that Dead!Nightmare and Dead!Dream, despite their new increase in power, they are still unable to take down both Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink, meaning that all of his efforts had been for nothing, and they are forever to remain out of their grasp, refusing to come and join him. And thus, he decides to leave Dead!Nightmare and Dead!Dream, so that he can calm himself down and try to think of a new plan, one that will be much more effective at forcing then both to him.
When Vape had vanished, Dead!Dream, unable to contain how angry he is, decides to take it all out on Dead!Nightmare, and in the fight between Dead!Nightmare, blames him for the entire plan failing, and thus, believes that he should have died back than. But Dead!Nightmare, consumed with rage and hate, as well as being reminded of what has happened to him which lead to his current state, overpowered Dead!Dream, and beats him down to an inch of his life, but when Dead!Nightmare stopped and looked at Dead!Nightmare, his dark brother than yelled and shouted at Dead!Dream, claiming him for everything that has happened to him in the past, as well as the fact that he has tried to warn him if the villagers and what they are treating him as, and because of him, he is a freak, and openly speaks out his hatred for Dead!Dream in that he had ruined this life the whole entire time, and as far as Dead!Nightmare is concerned, he should have died and be consumed by despair, otherwise this would never have happened. And Dead!Dream, hearing this and reminded of what happened, felt a sense of consuming guilt and self-hatred, as he thinks that Dead!Nightmare is right in a way, and an act to prove that he is sorry, he ate a fruit, which allows him to become similar to Dead!Nightmare, except that it made Dead!Dream stronger than Dead!Nightmare, and the fact that his consciousness is now locked away by a new one. This new entity, taking over Dead!Dream's busy, fights against Vape, who had just came back, and began to overpower him with his new immense strength, which allowed the new personality to overpower and defeat Vape, and after he did that, he turned Vape into stone, where he will never be able to recover and begin his plan ever again. And Dead!Nightmare, was shocked to see this, only for the new personality to revea that he had given him what he had wanted, being filled with Despair. Nightmare, consume with his own guilt, fled, and the personality, desiring to conquer the Multiverse, decided to give himself a new name of dead: Dead!Shattered.
Their physical shape of Dead!Shattered resembles that of Dead!Dream, but taller. As his shape resembles Dead!Dream, he has a long coat with a fluffy hood, has slippers that have black dots in shapes that are similar to that of 4 pointed black stars, and has wings on his back, along with a crown that is made of barbed wire and is floating in the air. But Shattered's body is now made of white slime, and has tentacles on his back, with the wings and the tentacles now surrounded by a ring that is colored lavender, with Shattered's only Right Eye present, and is colored lavender.
Dead!Shattered is even more insane than ever before in the past. Dead!Shattered is a psychopathic and violent person after being heavily impacted by the negativity, since he's unable to feel negative emotions feelings. He is easy to anger and snap at people, sharing many of Dead!Nightmare's characteristics. He is a merciless creature among the evil Sanses. He can make the atmosphere dreadful in any AU he encounters, even if it's an optimistic AU, seeing as all his positive feelings became negative.
However, Despite Dead!Shattered's psychopath, he is even tempered and in control of himself, so that he can be able to plan things out carefully. He maintains a calm appearance, an while violent he maybe, he is very intelligent and speaks in a soft spoken tone, and yet, has an air of sadism inside of his voice.
Sometimes, Dead!Shattered prefers to be left alone at his own devices and does not always want to talk to other people. In fact, the only people that he will talk to are the ones that he thinks are useful to his cause in the goals that he desires.
Shape-shifting: Dead!Shattered can shape-shift like his brother but he wants to stay himself. He even can shapeshift his limbs into weapons, such as blades or a whip.
Flight: Shattered is able to fly using his large wings.
Telepathy: Dead!Shattered is able to read and hear the minds of other sentient creatures that he is in the presence of.
Mind-Manipulating: He can manipulate a person's mind and use their weaknesses against them, and due to the fact that he had countless ideas in his head, he is able to use this power with very deadly efficiently.
Mental Attack: He can attack a person or a group of living beings without touching their physical forms, which can break them if he wants to. He is also easily able to spot or detect his enemies' weaknesses. He can even use Mental Attacks to give an opponent massive headaches, relive all of their bad memories, or manipulate the visions that they are able to perceive.
Chains and Barbed Wires: Dead!Shattered can summon chains and barbed wires out of nowhere, which he can use to ensnared and torture people that he is fighting against.
Appendages: He has 4 to 6 tendrils that he sometimes can't control. But when he does control them, he either uses the tentacles for stabbing and using blunt force to knock an opponent down.
Negativity & Goop: He has same ability as his Brother. He can also turn positivity into negativity, feeding off of it.
Emotion Absorption: Dead!Shattered, due to now becoming like Dead!Nightmare, is able to feed of both positive and negative emotions. He can even turn negativity into positivity, or can turn positivity into negativity.
Void Parasites: this is one of the types of void monsters that can be summoned by Dead!Shattered. These are small pieces of negativity similar to slugs or worms. Their main task is to crawl to the creature, and as soon as they touch the creature's body, they instantly stick to the soul and begin to manipulate the creature, the infected creature will be always feel bad, but at the same time all his abilities increase. And most importantly, Dead!Shattered is able to take control of a person by making their consciousness be locked away, allowing Dead!Shattered to control their actions without any effort.
Dead!Nightmare: Dead!Shattered's Brother, who had been the one that had blamed Dead!Dream for all that has happened, in his guilt and remorse, became just like Dead!Nightmare, so he can change that, only for Dead!Shattered to appear and be the one to taunt Dead!Nightmare about leading to his creation.
Vape: Dead!Shattered's former leader and master, he had betrayed him when he became the way that he is, and trapped him in stone, forever unable to move or be free.
Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink: 2 of the people that Dead!Shattered had tried to recruit for Vape, now having became his enemies, although Dead!Nightmare is an ally to Righteous!Error, which makes Error his primary target, due to Righteous!Error's affiliation with Dead!Nightmare. As for Hollow!Ink, he now sees Dead!Shattered as more of a threat than ever before, but this is mainly because he wants the AUa for himself and not because he truly cares for them. He just wants to use them to make himself stronger than ever before.
Dead!Shattered is now strong enough to take on both Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink on much more even grounds than before.
He is able to imprison Vape into stone, though only with considerable effort.
Dead!Shattered is so strong that Dead!Nightmare cannot fight against him by himself.
Dead!Shattered and Dead!Dream are 2 separate personalities, with Dead!Shattered being much more psychotic, yet rational, with Dead!Dream, ever since the fight with Dead!Nightmare, became consumed with guilt and hurt, as in a way, Dead!Nightmare is right in the fact that he had warned him of what will happen, but he did not listen, and so, in a way, Dead!Dream is truly at fault for all of this stuff happening.
Dead!Shatteref is the embodiment of the Guilt and Self-Hatred within Dead!Dream.
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